s& Terry Hits At Over-Empfcaiaed Football At BeUeville ... · ait e*peeled to twttp to vicf.vy m...

VAiAEÏ «WOK At*. LMDÉaST. S 3 T h e C o m m e r c i a l L e a d e r AITWNSWltaMrtMyToU Y O U XVI, N*. 21 Entered n «ggjg Clsat Usa*» A n g l 12. in i • i tbv* Pom LYNOHUKST, Lyndhurst To Play BeUeville Saturday A t Lyndhurst Fiera s& layarHaBy Told »«bertoni, New Jemy. tmón O* All 04 QsteS a. |«T» OCTOBER Hi, 1*57 IC IM I Terry Hits At Over-Empfcaiaed Football At High School fy CritirinBf Hmurd ft—r ; A sharp Aotc oi Ha «kill de emphMs M ; sounded Tueadiy night at t meeting i* the I j Board oi EducatK*i by Vice Fte-adent WJItasi j J. Terry, who scored proposed plan« tor a I ¡dinner (or the fnxHall team The plan was ottered by Sylve»tcr (¡old j berg, a Lyndhurst lawyer, and chairman ni the ! : | sports committ.e oi the Elks He aiti the Ok* ' j want to hold a public dinner for the team. ; "Why pick on furty or fifty high school > children, merely because they play l>«<hall, and > exploit them to the skio*’" demanded Mr Terry. I I “I see no reason whv a ilmner tlu< kind ' <hrmld he given the rlax-r So, Sf'S.iX.* 2 ? 7 * 1 S* ***".**■ M j ¿rj& L it »■arc ■«? L the Irvmgtim High School state champions, last Monday night ||M J 1 aa o* I at Irvington. 11108790 IflOtlOlft Belleville wa» going great thia sea »«»* -»» ..... »•*>« ■■■ »■«■ j ___ - _ ~ _ 'tt!I O P F N VO!IT WedsLocal Maa held »hr powerful Bloomfield B*n*j»l j V/o Cat* U vV v 1 Mo * «.«r.1»»« li» II d.» aapacl«<l I J 0 g£ After RestOfOneWeek, BlueandGold Team IsScheduledToPlayAt TopOf Its Form <kM other (indents m the v hmj To pnk ‘lit a few and five than a dinner pt unhealthy I aw against it Schm l Superintendent Horn« P Shepherd O n v<«ctd to the plan The P»rtnt Teacher oiganiutwna oi tfcc i.iwnnhip have riven this dinner in ><her y*.ra, he said "The Elk» «eem to want tn give the team a dinner mtrrly^bccamv it is haxing «<i>e ihmg of a succenaful araaon I do rv< think ihc Parent Teacher group« dvatid he gamauR ated against at this time V C>her members a id Mr <. Jdherg . plans are tun meagre m far, and that niutj tnltKma tmn about them should be forwarded to the Board. It was derided to ask for mn mlor ■nation Ul* would uf their showing against lb* j aggi«*icai on that they Irvington without a They played Irvington at th* lai ; ler*» fteW beneath light* before on*- j of tha largest crowds that ever aa sanMid to *♦ a high school gam.' I • atdiurn and ft-Id were jam me i with clo«e to 16,000 taaoaaa. Many cash , mtomer* were turned ava> at th«* pate*. Th*- ^launch Belleville luyaliata, in- *i«r however, that the diaastenu K«mr waa the first they hjd pla* -a under light« and because of the new CELEBRATED Rocco DcAndrea Bride- groom In Sunday Ceremony Burnett Condemns 11m« Adda Praise Tha l . »erd mf l»wiaiMaoeti are botiing &tw mi AWholk M.E. Folk Hold Annual Banquet l MiuMu*iM»r iwaeti'a Leagw A moMth ag*> OnnMiaakoner Rut j ■ O U W f Claude Bate« Will Be Speaker At Opening Of Week I of playing under auch condition», I ■u#i Belleville warn waa only about °t>*n I.yndhuiat Girl S-out Cauncil met Monday night at the Im e of Mm. [ fcdgar Ear|i <> f 4M Stuyvenant Avr Plana w«*re mad ♦CIS Klin Street, Krarny. a«d It.ir.x, i>eAnslr*-a. »on of Mr and Mr«. An- gelo IteAnJrea t.f ?43 S^ctn*d Ave nue, l.yndhurst, were married Satui day at 4:."0 at th«* S t. Stefihen* i Chufrh of Kearny. The w r>muay waa performed by Rev. G^orgr N. _ 0^,crTr Murphy, rector of the church. Th* ,utw ~ k Sunday. October ! bri^ w»* e*'ren ta n**rrt*rr by hei Sft percentefficieni. Whan thoycome I Hat, at the l.yndhuntHigh Sehm»l ! M l. , _ , . . . to LyndhuiJt theywill be hitting on frem 2 till 4 .Vhick. Mildred Searfart Arlmp all 1U0 per cent and will therefo*» | Brigadier ('laude Ba»ea of Mount ' Ml* w* h "* *“ * bun.ir and Ktl* ar>l nett w»* »i.arply «-riucat af the board after it m -nded th» Ikwtiae o| ai uvem .wner coMtwneJ af «vUin« ■- I |«| m after !«gal heur» far only two i Miao Mildred Monda, daughter af Mr. and Mra. Ni«'b«klaa Mettala af | m **“ 1 Ihirweit lor fi mpt action the raae of « dalieatr om> h atore owner wbo wan tharfed wiU» aeiiinf bear with aaudwichaa la tua afcop alti hi lu-atiae ia «peaMcally eue for 1‘eople‘N (1au Hold Dinr.«r In Cbarch Hall Toang IVeple a fSaae uf the Meth rdbt Mitwday School 9f I yndhur«i held their aaauai banquet at th# Uoa af offteera waa held. Alfred I ’.irslv tHher officerà metalled were Leaders Predict M oore, O’Connell In Election Victory LyndhurstWill Go ForAceVoteGetters Of Democratic Party In General Election Next Tuesday T h .» Democratic T<»*hd»wn T«im , A Hairy U .ire and Mort L t^Camnefl. ait e*peeled to twttp to vicf.vy m iK«t Tuesday, elect un Always a jtrung cn^wvatxv the nm »hi« candidates al the IVnvcratK txket m Brrfm C m ») an particularly «trong this year, acovding to rrp n v l>i the h*an of the LynAurst m uhs alone, the l V m v f 4tk • vv.vp w«tt u. ..«ipiet.- M'<r«'daa I.too aajnni «om m .-»pecttd tut Snutoi M.«>re o\n Sénat.» CVe. and I,dun v%<rs ate lotKtpated fur U'CanneO .«set Senat.* Wmant Van Wuikte GOLDEN DAY OBSERVED BY C H. FIRTH’S **1* dowa the Golden Bears with a more 1 Vrmon will «peak. ItaAndrea. brother of the bridr feature id the demons! rat ion C*"®***»». » a * be*t man. The bride wore « white be ead-.l velvet dreee with a long tulle veil sprinkled with orange btaxaoan f>lr carried a aheef of call» lillie* Her maid af honor wk* gem feed la r -yal blue moire, with hat, Awe- and gh n « to match. of red rasea. -i habt after «h^ f;irj^PriRm lÌy al the H a WeW, Kea«vy Je> Page Av< That's practically the team that *jeat Rut bei fon! It ie the moet ejr- ••rienced attd the etrmgeat man h .wer that la|ndhuist can pat out on the »»Id. When that autfit i« cHrkmg they're a dungeroue threat to any »ppoait lon. They don’t come any arrapplrr. In Louise Picone Is Guest At SplendidParty Elks Will Join Safety Campaign large .-twugh to prove that thBelle | 4 Vi* tail.,PS*« m* aM lh»y« ... | v|n u n Mil. .-».»nu«, .11 I uor.it I. b. U(or. th. I.«inntoii * i r ; ; ym .v ho« . . . . *, »u.. “> _ * * ,v “ *r“ *•- i-.oM.HI i M r M in i » k o h .V . >1 Willi Wi,h » 1»» » * » '•*“ W- ia, their power te be d«svaatatUigi> v!e* Stripe avage when they aant to br Aud u C miaauder JohnDavkdaon will i* ih c Observer's opinion tha« after»**peu the t-eremoay w lA a*peo*-h me lorrowlul Clift.mi ..etba<k, they of i.a»e anil will make pr**;eu w H want U ba jw tt that* Mtarton. He lev.Ue dl.l not do muchball |„ce operation with , - t-. - handliag in tha I rv tagton fraeae bul ^.ou( c*nun.’tl for the week, vaHovs A flf r * ■*ot* "r tk. Intl. U*y did do «ho««l l.^mu. |.Tn4hur<l tesv .<m~!.l«l D.*«dt». »Ill to 11» Mtml th»t thry r.n play rt th#|r .tnrfo». t„ O trm l, K t n y “ft* 'f* 'loop* ' • dl.pl.» »«* do» by tlM> They have a good line which haa Tj” . 7 a kntfh of opening hole« in the op- durln^ th# **" ***r I'Hiition*a ranks. In the bmkfleld they ave *onte stellar players who show jiartitlity to trick plays and eeem make them work at timee. They employ a triple lateral pass when the . asion warrants an.I .--eem te have i: peii**cted. Thj <;«*Iden Beurs are primed for action. After a weeks layolf, moat the injured men are ready fur i he iMrlleville byy-. 3%e Baa I it Vfill •<e at full itran A lrin tbia Satuulayk game. <oach Murberg, a» usual *a n-twnt .»U»ut naming hia first atriiig piayer». Ht.eever, it ia a gctoil bet that the IH-Hcaaia brolhera, Ktaye and llenuy, W ri Painter, and Margiotu viiil start ¡11 the backfleld lineup, with Albert Hua:o, Greeo, and Walt Ru**ika •eady at a moment's notice to fill aoanclas that». CuugWin and Kirkpatruk will take ure of the and pOKta. Perot to and (jatS are a certainty tu All the ti.kie »•»^llcna. (Completing the lineup will be Oa- ttfirne at left guard Tanella al right Kuard and Shahunia at the center rather than c«r«umptioa aale Mreeideat, Howard Shreak. *e*ietary. the Im- tae of tike «M » «aa sua He4«a Hiaaon; treasurer. Misa Ruth Kater Ntmaaa Chute ««ipeviutemdMit af the Sunday s«-hoo| fefllalled Ut» «dfi eera. Mis* Jean Shepbeed. retiring ftrealdent, »aa toastmaster Invited gwe*u «rete. Mi and M m . Norman T Chate, Re» and Mm Donald K WINiaai*. Mr and Mm »»ende-I far three days. | SAYS WVER ROADCORNER NEEDS LIGHT She earned a and Mr*, of 4M ■**— The committee« ta charge iaclud d RntertalMwrnt. Jeasi th rphrrd. It » '.1 Milril II.- W A tiaRic Ughifa» Kipgaiand Ave- i bam and Helen Hiaaoni TWhate. U l nae and Rteor Roa«i <*aa dmanded liaa <)aa and Helen Heh-mf , Ibrnr met 1 -lursday al^d >.y township mo f atioav Rwtlly Mahaa l«ater Meleae. H IM kilwrO«. talk «..'to. H..m K.W«. tk r.aky m 144.» Ik» Buai,l .„.„„k ., « .... K u k IS».. I lo- ateatfdy bet-eming worse » He pointed «, HilWTMt«, VI.M. Dxk Uka. H i Al •» ,l*» "• °"r “ • f»d t»h» ... Jr Mn »*.!,,k MalWr M part m floral chaplain al MynW l hap««e of «he Rasiera Star at RaasvRhi la a n ' Nearer* Thu roda y night Other 1.*** Hi wtge. which c Ri«er al that pt heavy that U*m% Uage af ! delayed Ul "I'M “ Aaded to tbia fan “ .M r httteradg* I hi a narrow vead al hmg linea of cara are U.'re every morning and tilady« Pratormte V'aateen Mar. Mrs ■Hkaj Ivan of Anaa Tnsam. Celebration M ark ed Iót»."S*uï"k5î rC. W ith Party At Ï». ™r Home T Md an. (W k . a. rwo « jDm V* ¿LîT os-pîST* a»i Trran rWra. Ij kdtuni. «t. j TW n »lit «. im . m * (Hko inud ikwr nrunk ».Oli» .Ml- «u^sa»«M< «I« «SI k» m- i • '"•*'> »ttt . N M M ftt at d u t I t .M l artltiMl «m H »a»m Wmm HManl.v M««l. TW pw n ml O» Saiatitn.i .mm tm*1 kok... •»!. Ih. nr«lm rnl mmmt itlT1?'? *• * “ ?**; u.«.t.i „n.. ^ iw . ***: >-«sf. i*. ÎT u JT s Îïo tiiL ^ tiil aad m m ,. Mt ami Mrs » time» ba. Im * a é*ee< hm at ihc àftpBBk U - l- i «t aggmara. Ri ta n IM Mr. asnl Mas Prook hvtft af Ree* i IbsaurtaN* ee ■üaato aaW. I* I« Mn> |a »ns Ih astse •t ’ hddea i« th s far\ I tyagRraA.'f. 1 th- f^tth*» 4 % i ^ aad Ot «aaaM k sa aluuvo aad widow af My. rtrSh’s beothet ***** ►•imlar fc ldw la a n^ae Mrs Mire Plrth ef Kaa« Oean#e boa the» |r% the I ywA-rsa Mra Kit. rm a « ml KlMaWlk «lidi S r T t.****** mf ,1* " 1 . * * rt * a. kkd Mr. Nunnti Si» ml Tat 1 "7, * * awelwd mM »Sis», * t, .~l tk. («MU al <um : ît \ tm **— w A. mt. m .. r M um «»» win.» r Jr Pir h of lam ia, and Idewteaani ami ^ t^ahtaeaa» UM dtflseea o«*h Uc 4! Mrs Ib It fish af I. M the px — »y aad »m.. |. Iao.oa .1 mi** "*"> »aras. A truck raa delay ! Mrs Ida Hummers Mas A an s «‘.Ah. in new jersey * , Mb m iMMR7«iniM » mg to nsake up for delay, aarb aa ’ --- ------ River Mim Loui* • llcone. daughter of Philip Pinne of 414 Valley Brook Avenue, l.yndhuriU, was gueat of a a. . , O it. -SII »peed. Aad spooling aa I l.yndhur.l Uxlf. W t. will p»» R»a X huiatow. llT . i I im with Other lodges in the New Jtraey Boa«d af Catnmti Stale Rika* Association Automoh;!. Q (llN, ^ ,« 1 Safety Campaign. RaprssontotWes o f 1 (M ag about i l ‘ the sixty two lodges met at Rlisa Miyvi Horace R. hiinfir .i . sjrpn-i «la^ll.MkM **0 F t.' U d f f flltH O il P‘*«' • >•.«• k »— » o l I l k . Z X r SainSTT-tt Tk. I arty 0.0«*-* »»«— »I. O M « T*-. TUT* ... tiy h.r üitorm. Mr. Ar- '*«► ««“ «•* -o.mpt.j fcy mrnf mt J" » I nold DeMaiitd anit Niss Ann Piruae ganlaa»*on (jm m vi. see t „ ...... ________ a au. ru— «ili I» m.rrW.1 No Th. „ „ 'U rn , mm. Udr^^l ik. Ik„ , WUr k. «U I. Ik. „I pMldm ml tk. .-O. ..U- 1, w d *i k r w w . It Vki B. SheUl*m who la .-Ukltod inler a l ^yeod to 4m thin H I—hath Elba. He dweH at eoate Roe. tèourge H Mailer, longtk on the plan of arto« to be Kl Matthew*. K v a a g U N l ather a«. rtett Savane Jame* Cameron, SSttW Recent Graduate, DiesAt Hit Home s Mm gen (a : r-- - BING! BANG! GUEST,HOST BOTH STRUCK vombei 14th ta Sylvie Psbdto. ann of Mr. and Mra. Unta fatali» of Nonh Bergen, ai Sacred llean Cbmrh of t.yadhurst. 1 riecorations weie la orunce and Uatk. Giri* were utrenged ia a basket lienestb a largo ombrella oiih atreamera. One tta at thè party indaded M n Lnui» Fa'elio and Mr*. J. J Ulor di;n i af North Bergen, Mi., krtty l) ‘lui i.*, Miss <ien*vieve Petite af Newik'ih. Mi** lucilie Nigro of Rloom ie'd Mrs Warrea Rinns ef Rutherf«rd. Miss KsIelle Novak *1 llarrisim. Miaa Tettala Gentile of Waed Ridfe, Mr». Vera Plarki. Mrs followed by the group and auggo*ted I f%arfh, waa r*apptiatd « baplaln of »-^-^^“Turht * "*** that a* the liiat step every moving •ha flse dppartmet t Roe Mutter hetd* .. toidnlRnt The a*aa*s pietà.. ikMlr. Ik tk, riuwla -I „ . 0 . .... . I.^M It «M • ba .nli.tMl m lk.l .lid.. J^»«i, «S. I Ih» slo,.» J tk. rommHt». nMld • rn* rv"" I iu »tw* •» MtOMtdW —dd^» M. v i . c k._^ '»*V A ___ É_ previous games even while being Pred Bayer. Mra. Anna l^urlta, •eatrti. they nev- r c e a e d lighting Mra. Paul l»eMasa*i. Miaae* <at her until the cluelng ahot. ne Lnirrate, Jo«ephlee PetHfh The team will be at ita beet this Tatherine Kpi-cotria, Virginia Pie-me '.nurday It will be the fifth game ' g n Murray Williams. Mis« Mar lhay have playe.1 together The vah» 1ftiitrir. Hra. Row Sabino. Mr». Jo able . xpetience gained thus far will I ,, !^ |u Mn R««w Grero. Ml»* : * k* '• r • ••'"'fir k~» «»1» : t»OI. Fr«»!«.».. Sr. Kr.rt Pi Wndhn'r«-. f.. ik.ll „ „„i „ !.. ttr* C.nOS timuim. M « Ba. i ynanurst a foottmii reeora so far y u arv r*tair«iM «0,1 u r . il.is u «.«. .a .... Tk» i IT»^ne, Mr* Msry n-t-ne an.1 Mr» Philip —_i. Th», ""."“Z . ha»a »»a two Raa»4!r .nd K.lSi.r Skip. ChrUto aad •■rd mad U,.t l»ollid(»A.ld P»,k l.ykdka.« .ad S.. M.y AndtU. .nd ( «ton. of Kan Oran«» haa 4.olden Reara hope to aaak*- --*— •■ ■' —- ; Si-52 TnwnHaDTavern î ¿.Mu Open For B uhbhi with th^ r (•olden I __m "u'urdayV game their of the season To heat be I ni little matter It ___ and If th y do. it odi be an '*vww*e over biH F.dey •ho played a acureleas t i e ____ r i e h*Ht .|jp*r« It isn't ea<> t.- forget th» 17-1 shellacking HI mm Add handed the Ooldea Bear» a few : >e High School Athletic A t‘oa baa ordered I too If you wag imUtde jnd you want ■re amid ■ilarfu' wtnle doing ao. nag Ûave town for that the slogan uf the committee ba lashed <m the screen ber ■ach pn tuie Tha second stop ariti be the of “ safety aborts ' to be provnAeJ by tha Derailment of Mator Vehicles to the audience» m every Elks' lodge In th- Mate Another feature will be the diatribwtkm of **No Accident Mon tr Cards" by th* s fre ri of the State Asonrialum ta every l*lh who aa prove a m> accident pet lag far at least «is months This card arili have a allem backgrooad and tha member compie*»» a yea* uf aa i rrident driving he *HU ha p*o*ewt«i with a half gold and half silewr . ard t wo paar« of safe driving wilt entrile the æ m ler to ,* «ard with gold background It wat dec idt-«d that wnald he “ In crippled . hddrrr e» «a atap mah lag saffi \ - ft. baard da*play* th« Mate enasplrloasly ahowmg tha* | ______... *°fr . wÜPh The as etiag was pr*at<o< aeer bp •an J da* O Sane» wo n . Pool Tbs The Valley Rroek Ragia« Company 1’^bai noticed the eon miooiaaara Rdoar.i ,, Bay r brother uf ( béef Otto Jr. and Sergeant Fred Mayor «allied for life m uilafW B 1 •MdnRBMUÉmkMmanÉ the I y ndharat Track Com ot. iratiaaa la aa eRgH to betagt ah^wa hi* m a w » Rtoee bis reSaro from the h sapital. he had been rmrweottag eatil lam Wedaaaday whaa I» toak a tor* far the waraa, oh tea evaa toady ralaiiaatsd la hla haaab W JMNV «M mmpmà bp Mm; High h h sri f*ew i| and hi* tonne« Ha mem les aad peasen I high aehm * felt baetUy far béa ear had* papfte. «a oeU aa aaahtaaaira of laaal Id. he sagne« whan ba fmnm aad eat of toea mai im i who eamse i ir tM r rseys.it aad ady «1 iheif 1 . .*o-. » be nag agahsl bg gf* Sifcame. whe Isa aaectal paBmataa. aghad •jFhmt pdars m «ha aalg* gap a f H i ft: ntT *“* b •*' U w M la a kadi, da<aa«M * 1 * _*«**. » »*■ «— » *?■*»■.** J * » *«a»WM ft s>. t.nl S I lit . S | M»,* * a.u-1 taaaa.a T^*. *2 '* ¡ ¡ ¿ ¡ Ü 25^ •*••*»* ml S. ••SSW ■ **»* " '"«»■»SS, ’“»'S -k, M wt■ Hk( «a paB Want, a •*«*» «a ml fr tu.« M, «. a W l : Siwts« k.. alia* „ Map« ** ~»«a«S J* » ,.m4mmum m . *~ B, .TT?” ». . *» Js«l. Mid V S.. I Il r-llar.d a »«Ik ak. mm, ^m TSTlZm m , H. * — I— , aad M. "‘M “ »' .*» " “ O s “ *«• Op-a , î-/. «s. «• O .> 1» * —» y*»r aaeuahMlani «BflRMMvMlB w«* aedi llhed m aaa show» I* Ito geeai aamher af iand fiseea waaiied la had toea < ef ah* M tf apen^gradaaH»■ ha paaad ihe **aae Surprise Party For Twelfth Year A ta ir M r Id A l lla o ir O f Vietar I crai«lia «In I “oat Avenue M l •«" .Z T ? sT'Zt fa . Maa. Sa Ma mm K sal ted Ruler af Fltaeheth I <*dg» 4r»ha R M tdmayer af I yndhar»« was alerted to aa ^tctai pas«'«a aa | aeata f o r , W. Kabo, oter» yea th* tope in 1 yndharat |UM They wIN be} tavern terhnaque down al >y fur Satorday'a game f*« «wittlitgh bn Bow th iJ»VM fana are ^ ___ hroaigh the golden galea iiP.MOf R A T I h aU l MRRT1MC « til b* *V*rn tennisti» " • —« ■— W V -aasSii—-- W..lka. . .~ « ir Vai h. ha. )»•! >'p»~a ap atf :r.l •'1:„v£ : ¿TLzr:*' .k.^. M «. Utsha Speaker I rmmKpa tw si. SKLS- ■l»WSI|« .« ^ . -*»»«-1 m*+ »» aaay aad eedeeod haid lee a th a d Mand Mu] «ha iHUnt M lM Obum. " tiBsèa» mgtma Mgam aa*k l«*l aeea whe aa* •f Ihlagnth 1 . r il» m m wm m ü|Jrffrrn»n r.-I. A* Hold. MeelniK his huge aad At a mooting of Blhi* Oa-aa far Woa Mra. iaim R. I I etaha af Lyadbaarae He laaiorae a n -val arrangea ni ln ai It is mmp' Se. bean set .4f aith hnrhi shiny «hroaaii « I tmgs mak.n« the aet np Uah II an » a laalaa N*w ITerb Ot> bar, ^ _ W„h la . 1 . » * " •appll’S^ tk. a aM b«. U l.'. «■ Ml f \ ad,. - ^ I■ a .a . . . I .. . . » *9 af leaaeas on the Book of K i daa ^ hy a« oho patrm.Se the æw bar , ^ , |a lk. raa. ar. »aap a n laUa. fs ^ n a t *i»— l .( 11^-».. . 1 « M~ ’ '«parnaal M ilan an ta h. j .k^a, » II ..pp., tmmm a . m la pal k*r* . -anaa ml la»m lb a ~a 11*0 aad lOu la^uaa « aaad a*. (aa. a« lm )»a *, w„ Te H*id Koaat Reef Casa .1 Aa . i*0 *»»a» r«nas alM a^< na.a«a, aatl “ *• k ' 'I ml O. ' ta n s rnaS taSant lia tad. aa. larf .. nd a Ik. aasao fw aaw « t.<i a mm Sa » m rm imm d ka Ik pa»aa>a a . aa. an . aimai, aad knataa* 1 mm. na»» lö s . Rafner Sponsors New Christmas Club Payments rva M m w o M O k Cm uz JliBtfSsrr tea..» «wa. a , » . . «M«. Jmm. * S - . a WaMMM m l. — mm Sta» paa.i y,. Cardof Thanks meetiag ef The regalar moat hi y O ' I yadhorst I lemocra tic Club bo bold toalgbt ronrad Rlegar at aaka all to r>aed *»f the many ruetomer». pk , ant ejfaieat sorvt. rm be eine, i by all who palrmiae the new bar Meo t ght al th* r huera -TW riae af Mar Ti m ia ehmm to P a n a Tsmlrn* iep Renile*. Ur» P I M»r r A Rato V ge« Mm rimai». IhUs-Au* âaMgaa Haa. Rap’ Mra citarle* M euaeeoama a* AItaaaw GUg ba* 1 « aad 4 RggUMi amaaUp ^^^w RlUaR ana » . io » s s . ■s.r* •ata »4 :O' !T.* ■“ r «S^V aad i

Transcript of s& Terry Hits At Over-Empfcaiaed Football At BeUeville ... · ait e*peeled to twttp to vicf.vy m...

VA iA EÏ «WOK A t* .L M D É a S T . S 3

T h e C o m m e r c i a l L e a d e r


Entered n « g g jg Clsat Usa*» A n g l 12. i n i • i tbv* Pom


L y n d h u rs t T o P la y B e U e v ille S a tu rd a y A t L y n d h u rs t F ie ra

s &layarHaBy Told»«bertoni, N ew Jem y. tm ón O* All 04 QsteS a. |«T»OCTOBER Hi, 1*57 I C I M I

Terry Hits At Over-Empfcaiaed Football AtHigh School fy CritirinBf Hmurd ft—r

; A sharp Aotc oi Ha «kill de emphMs M ; sounded Tueadiy night at t meeting i* the I j Board oi EducatK*i by Vice Fte-adent W JItasi j J. Terry, who scored proposed plan« tor a I

¡dinner (or the fnxHall teamThe plan was ottered by Sylve»tcr (¡old

j berg, a Lyndhurst lawyer, and chairman ni the !: | sports committ.e oi the Elks He a iti the Ok* ' j want to hold a public dinner for the team.; "W hy pick on furty or fifty high school > children, merely because they play l>«<hall, and > exploit them to the skio*’" demanded Mr Terry. I

I “ I see no reason whv a ilmner tlu< kind '<hrmld he given the rlax-r

So, Sf'S.iX.*2 ? 7 *1“S* ***" .** ■ M j¿ r j& L it »■arc ■«? Lthe Irvm gtim H igh School state champions, last M onday n ig h t | | M J 1 a a o* I at Irv ington. 1 1 1 0 8 7 9 0 I f lO t lO l f t

Belleville wa» going great thia sea »«»* -»» ..... ■ »•*>« ■ ■■■ »■«■ j _ _ _ - _ ~ _'tt! IO P F N VO! IT Weds Local Maaheld »hr powerful Bloomfield B*n*j»l j V /o C at* U v V v 1

Mo * «.«r.1»»« li» II d.» aapacl«<l I J 0 g £

After Rest Of One Week, Blue and Gold Team Is Scheduled To Play At

Top Of Its Form

<kM other (indents m the v hmj To pnk ‘lit a few and five than a dinner pt unhealthy I aw against it

S c h m l Su p e rin te n d en t H o r n « P Sh e p h e rd O n v<«ctd to the p lan

The P»rtnt Teacher o iganiutw na oi tfcci.iwnnhip have riven this dinner in ><her y*.ra, he said "The Elk» «eem to want tn give the team a dinner mtrrly^bccamv it is haxing «<i>e ihmg of a succenaful araaon I do rv< think ihc Parent Teacher group« dvatid he gam au R ated against at this timeV C>her members a id Mr <. Jdherg . plansare tun meagre m far, and that niutj tnltKma tmn about them should be forwarded to the Board. It was derided to ask for m n mlor ■nation


uf their showing against lb* j aggi«*icai on that they

Irvington without a

They played Irvington at th* la i ; ler*» fteW beneath light* before on*- j of tha largest crowds that ever aa sanM id to *♦ a high school gam.'I • atdiurn and ft-Id were jam me i with clo«e to 16,000 taaoaaa. Many cash , mtomer* were turned ava> at th«* pate*.

Th*- ^launch Belleville luyaliata, in- *i«r however, that the diaastenu K«mr waa the first they hjd pla* -a under light« and because of the new

CELEBRATEDRocco DcAndrea Bride­

groom In Sunday Ceremony

Burnett Condemns11m« Adda Praise

Tha l . »erd mf l» w ia iM a o e t i are botiing &tw mi A W h o lk

M.E. Folk Hold Annual Banquet

l M iuMu*iM»r iw a e t i 'a Leag w [ »A moMth ag*> OnnMiaakoner Rut j ■ O U W f

Claude Bate« Will Be Speaker At Opening

Of Week

I of playing under auch condition», I ■u#i Belleville warn waa only about °t>*n

I.yndhuiat Girl S-out Cauncil met Monday night at the Im e of Mm. [ fcdgar Ear|i <>f 4M Stuyvenant A v r

Plana w«*re mad

♦CIS Klin Street, Krarny. a«d It.ir.x, i>eAnslr*-a. »on of Mr and Mr«. An­gelo IteAnJrea t.f ?43 S^ctn*d Ave nue, l.yndhurst, were married Satuiday at 4:."0 at th«* St. Stefihen* i Chufrh of Kearny. The w r>muay waa performed by Rev. G^orgr N.

_ 0^,crTr Murphy, rector of the church. Th*,ut w ~k Sunday. October ! bri^ w»* e*'ren ta n**rrt* r r by hei

Sft per cent efficieni. Whan thoy come I H a t, at the l.yndhunt High Sehm»l ! M l . , _ , . . .to LyndhuiJt they will be hitting on frem 2 till 4 .Vhick. Mildred Searfart Arlmpall 1U0 per cent and will therefo*» | Brigadier ('laude Ba»ea of Mount ' Ml* w* h "**“ * bun.ir and Ktl* ar>l

nett w»* »i.arply «-riucat af the board after it .» m -nded th» Ikwtiae o| a i u ve m .wner coMtwneJ af «vUin«

■- I | « | m after !«gal heur» fa r only two iMiao Mildred M onda, daughter af

Mr. and Mra. Ni«'b«klaa Mettala a f | m **“ 1Ih irw e it

lo r f i m p t ac tio nthe raae of « dalieatr om>h atore owner wbo wan tharfed wiU» aeiiinf bear with aaudwichaa la tua afcop alti hi lu-atiae ia «peaMcally eue for

1‘eople‘N (1au Hold Dinr.«r In

Cbarch HallToang IVeple a fSaae uf the Meth

rd b t Mitwday School 9f I yndhur«i held their aaauai banquet at th#

Uoa af offteera waa held. AlfredI ’.irslvtHher officerà metalled were

L e a d e r s P r e d ic t M o o re , O ’C o n n e ll In E le c tio n V ic to ry

Lyndhurst Will Go For Ace Vote Getters Of Democratic Party In General

Election Next TuesdayT h .» Democratic T<»*hd»wn T «im , A Hairy U .i re

and Mort L t^Camnefl. a it e*peeled to tw ttp to vicf.vy m iK«t Tuesday, elect u n Always a jtrung cn^w v a tx v the nm »hi« candidates al the IVnvcratK txket m Brrfm C m » ) an particularly «trong this year, acovding to r r p n v

l> i the h*an of the L ynA urst m u h s alone, the lV m v f4tk• vv.vp w«tt u. ..«ipiet.- M'<r«'daa I .too aajnni «om m.-»pecttd tut S n u to i M.«>re o \n Sénat.» CVe. and I,dun v%<rs ate lotK tpated fur U'CanneO .«set Senat.* W m ant V an W uikte


C H. FIRTH’S **1 *

dowa the Golden Bears with a more 1 Vrmon will «peak. ItaAndrea. brother of the bridrfeature id the demons! rat ion C*"®***»». »a * be*t man.

The bride wore « white be ead-.l velvet dreee with a long tulle veil sprinkled with orange btaxaoan f>lr carried a aheef of call» lillie*

Her maid af honor wk* gem feed la r -yal blue moire, with hat, Awe- and gh n « to match.

of red rasea.-i habt after «h^

f ; ir j ^ P r iR m lÌy al the H a WeW, Kea«vy Je> Page Av<

That's practically the team that *jeat Rut bei fon! It ie the moet ejr- ••rienced attd the etrmgeat man

h .wer that la|ndhuist can pat out onthe »»Id.

When that autfit i« cHrkmg they're a dungeroue threat to any »ppoait lon. They don’t come any arrapplrr. In

Louise Picone Is Guest At Splendid Party

Elks Will Join Safety Campaign

large .-twugh to prove that th Belle | 4V i * ta i l. ,P S * « m * aM lh»y « . . . | v |n u n M i l . . - » . » n u « , .1 1

■ I uor.it I . b. U (o r . th . I .« inntoii

* i r ; ; ym .v ho« . . . . * , » u . . “ > _ * * ,v “ * r “ *• -i-.oM.HI i M r M in i »k o h .V . >1 Willi Wi,h » 1»» » * » '•*“ W -ia, their power te be d«svaatatUigi> v!e* Stripeavage when they aant to br Aud u C miaauder John Davkdaon will

i* ih c Observer's opinion tha« a f te r» **peu the t-eremoay w lA a *peo*-hme lorrowlul Clift.mi ..etba<k, they of i.a»e anil will make pr**;eu w H want U ba jw tt that * Mtarton.

He lev.Ue dl.l not do much ball | „ ce operation with , - t-. -handliag in tha I rv tag ton fraeae bul ^ .ou( c*nun.’tl for the week, vaHovs A f lf r * ■*ot* " rtk . In t l . U * y did do «ho««l l .^ m u . „ |.Tn4hur<l tesv .<m ~!.l«l D .* « d t» . » I l lto 11» M tm l th»t th ry r .n play „ rt th#|r .tn rfo » . t „ O trm l, K t n y“ f t * ' f * 'loop* ' • d l.p l.» » « * d o » by tlM>They have a good line which haa T j” . 7

a kntfh of opening hole« in the op- durln^ th# * * " ***rI'Hiition*a ranks. In the bmkfleld theyave *onte stellar players who show

jiartitlity to trick plays and eeemmake them work at timee. They

employ a triple lateral pass when the. asion warrants an.I .--eem te have

i: peii**cted.T h j <;«*Iden Beurs are primed for

action. A fter a weeks layolf, moatthe injured men are ready fur

i he iMrlleville byy-. 3%e Baa I it Vfill•<e at full i t r a n A lr in tbia Satuulaykgame.

< oach Murberg, a» usual *a n-twnt .»U»ut naming hia first atriiig piayer».Ht.eever, it ia a gctoil bet that the IH-Hcaaia brolhera, Ktaye and llenuy,W ri Painter, and M arg iotu viiil start ¡11 the backfleld lineup, with Albert Hua:o, Greeo, and W alt Ru**ika •eady at a moment's notice to fill• aoanclas that».

CuugWin and K irkpatruk will take• ure of the and pOKta. Perot to and (ja tS are a certainty tu All the ti.k ie »•»^llcna.

(Completing the lineup will be Oa- ttfirne at left guard Tanella al right Kuard and Shahunia at the center

rather than c«r«umptioa aale Mreeideat, Howard Shreak. *e*ietar y.th e Im- tae of tike « M » «aa sua He4«a Hiaaon; treasurer. Misa Ruth

KaterNtmaaa Chute ««ipeviutemdMit af

the Sunday s«-hoo| fefllalled Ut» «dfi eera. Mis* Je an Shepbeed. retiring ftrealdent, »a a toastmaster

Invited gwe*u «rete. Mi and M m . Norman T Chate, Re» and M m Donald K W INiaai*. Mr and Mm

»»ende-I far three days. |


NEEDS LIGHTShe earned a

and Mr*, of4M ■**—

The committee« ta charge iaclud • d RntertalMwrnt. Jeasi th rphrrd. It » '.1 Milril II.- W

A tiaR ic Ughi fa» Kipgaiand Ave- i bam and Helen Hiaaoni TWhate. U lnae and Rteor Roa«i <*aa dmanded liaa <)aa and Helen Heh-mf , Ib rn rmet 1 -lursday a l^ d >.y township mo f atioav Rwtlly Mahaa l«a ter Meleae.

H I M k i lw r O « . t a lk « .. 'to . H..m K.W«. tk r.akym 14 4 .» Ik» Buai,l . „ . „ „ k . , « . . . . K u k IS » . . I lo-

ateatfdy bet-eming worse » He pointed

« , HilWTMt«, V I.M . D x k U k a . H i A l•» ,l*» " • ° " r “ • f » d t» h » . . . J r

Mn »*.!,,k MalWr M part m floral chaplain al M ynW l hap««e of «he Rasiera S ta r at RaasvRhi la

a n ' Nearer* Thu roda y night Other 1.***Hi wtge. which c Ri«er a l that pt heavy that U*m% Uage af

! delayed Ul" I 'M

“ Aaded to tbia f a n “ .M r httteradg* I hi a narrow vead

a l hmg linea of cara are U.'re every morning and

tilady«Pratormte V'aateen M ar. Mrs

■HkajIvan of

Anaa Tnsam .

C e l e b r a t i o n M a r k e d I ó t » . " S * u ï " k 5 î r C .

W i t h P a r t y A t Ï » .

™ r Home Ta» M d an . ( W k . a. rw o « jD m V* ¿ L îT o s -pîST*

a»i T r r a n rW ra . I j k d tu n i. « t . j T W n » lit « . i m . m * (H koi n u d ikwr n ru n k » . O l i» .M l- « u ^ s a » « M < « I « « S I k» m - i •' " • * '> » t t t . N M M f t t a t d u t I t .M l ar t lt iM l « m H »a»mWmm HM anl.v M ««l. T W p w n ml O » S a i a t i t n . i .mm tm* 1kok... • » !. Ih . n r « l m rnl mmmt i t l T 1? ' ? * • * “ ?** ;u . « . t . i „ n . . ^ i w .

* * * : a» >-«sf. i* . ÎT u JT s Îïo t iiL ^ t iilaad m m ,. M t ami M rs » time» ba. Im * a é*ee< h m at ihc àftpBBk U - l- i «t aggmara. R i t a n IM

Mr. asnl Mas Prook hv tft a f Ree* i IbsaurtaN* ee ■ üaatoaaW. I* I« Mn> |a »ns Ih as tse • t ’ hddea i« th s fa r\ I ty a g R ra A . 'f . 1 th - f^tth*» 4 % i aad O t «aaaM k s a aluuvo aad widow af My. rtrSh’s beothet * * * * * ►•imlar fc ldw l a a n^ae Mrs Mire P lrth ef Kaa« Oean#e boa the» | r % the I ywA-rsa M ra K it . r m a « ml K lM aW lk « lid i S r T t . * * * * * * m f ,1* " 1. * * r t * a . kkd M r. N u n n ti S i » ml Tat 1 " 7 , * * aw e lw d mM» S i s » , * t , . ~ l tk . ( « M U a l <um : î t \ tm **— w A .m t. m . . r M u m « » » w i n . » r J rP ir h of l a m ia, and Idewteaani ami ^ t^ahtaeaa» U M dtflseea o«*h

Uc 4!

Mrs Ib It f i s h a f I. M the px — »y aad »m..

| . I a o . o a . 1 mi** " * "> »aras. A truck raa delay ! Mrs Ida Hummers Mas A an s «‘.Ah.in new jersey * • , Mb m iMMR7«iniM» mg to nsake up for delay, aarb aa ’ --- ------River

M im Loui* • llcone. daughter of Ph ilip P in n e of 414 Valley Brook Avenue, l.yndhuriU, was gueat of

a a. . , O it . -SII »peed. Aad spooling aa Il.yndhur.l U x l f . W t . will p»» R » a X h u ia to w . l l T . i I im

with Other lodges in the New Jtra ey Boa«d af Catnmti Sta le Rika* Association Automoh;!. Q (llN, ^ , « 1 Safety Campaign. RaprssontotWes o f 1 (M ag about i l ‘ the sixty two lodges met at R lisa M iyv i Horace R.

hiinfir . i . s jrpn- i « la ^ l l .M k M * * 0 F t . ' U d f f f l l t H O i l P ‘* « ' • >•.«• k»— » o lI lk .Z X r S a i n S T T - t t Tk . I a rty 0 . 0 « * - * » » « — » I . O M « T * - . T U T *. . . tiy h.r üitorm. M r. Ar- '* « ► « « “ « • * - o .m p t .j fcy mrnf mt J " » Inold DeMaiitd anit Niss Ann Piruae ganlaa»*on ( jm m v i. see t „ ......________aa u . r u — « ili I» m.rrW.1 No T h . „ „ 'U rn , mm. U d r ^ ^ l ik . Ik „ , W U r k . « U I . Ik . „ I

p M ld m ml tk . .- O . . .U - 1, w d * i k r w w . I t V k iB. SheUl*m who la .-Ukltod inler a l ^yeod to 4m thin H I—hath Elba. He dweH at eoate Roe. tèourge H Mailer, longtk on the plan of a r to « to be Kl Matthew*. K v a a g U N l ather a«.

rtett Savane

Jame* Cameron, SSttWRecent Graduate,Dies At Hit Home


vombei 14th ta Sylvie Psbdto. ann of Mr. and Mra. U n ta fa ta li» of Nonh Bergen, ai Sacred lle an Cbm rh of t.yadhurst. 1

riecorations weie la orunce and Uatk. G iri* w ere utrenged ia a basket lienestb a largo ombrella o iih atreamera.

One tta at thè party indaded M n Lnui» Fa'elio and Mr*. J . J U lor di;n i af North Bergen, M i., krtty l) ‘lui i.*, Miss <ien*vieve Petite af Newik'ih. Mi** lucilie Nigro of Rloom ie'd Mrs Warrea Rinns ef Rutherf«rd. Miss KsIelle Novak *1 llarrisim . Miaa Tettala Gentile of Waed Ridfe, Mr». Vera Plarki. M rs

followed by the group and auggo*ted I f% arfh , waa r*ap p tia td « baplaln of » - ^ - ^ ^ “ Turht * "***that a* the liiat step every moving •ha flse dppartmet t Roe Mutter hetd* .. toidnlRnt The a*aa*sp ie tà .. ik M lr . Ik tk , riuwla - I „ . 0 . . . . . . I . ^ M It « M •ba .n li.tM l m lk . l . l id . . J ^ » « i , « S . IIh» s lo ,.» J tk . rommHt». nMld • r n * r v " " I iu » tw * •» M tO M td W —d d ^ »

M . v i . c k ._^ '» * V A • ___ É _

previous games even while being Pred Bayer. Mra. Anna l^u rlta , • •eatrti. they nev- r ceaed lighting Mra. Paul l»eMasa*i. Miaae* < at her until the cluelng ahot. ne Lnirrate, Jo«ephlee PetHfh

The team will be at ita beet this Tatherine Kpi-cotria, Virginia Pie-me '.nurday I t w ill be the fifth game ' g n Murray Williams. Mis« M a r lhay have playe.1 together The vah» 1 f t i i t r i r . Hra. Row Sabino. Mr». Jo able . xpetience gained thus far will I ,, ! ^ |u M n R««w Grero. Ml»* : * k* '• r • • • '" 'f i r k~» «»1» : t » O I . F r « » ! « . » . . S r . K r . r t Pi

Wndhn'r«-. f .. ik . l l „ „ „ i „ ! . . ttr* C . n O S timuim. M « B a .i y nanurst a foottmii reeora so fa r y u arv r*tair«iM «0,1 u r .il.is u « . « . . a . . . . T k » i IT»^ne, Mr* M sry • n-t-ne an.1 Mr»Philip—_ i. Th», ""."“Z.

ha»a »»a two Raa»4!r .nd K .lS i.r S k ip . ChrUto aad•■rd mad U,.t l» o llid (»A .ld P» ,k l.ykd k a .« .ad S . . M .y A n d tU ..nd ( «ton. of K a n Oran«»

haa 4.olden Reara hope to aaak*- --*—•■ ■' —-

; Si-52 TnwnHaD Tavern î ¿.Mu Open For Buhbhi• w ith th^ r

(•olden I __m "u 'urdayV game their of the season To heatbe Ini little matter It ___and I f th y do. it odi be an '*vww*e over biH F.dey•ho played a acureleas t i e ____

r i e h*Ht .|jp*r« It isn't ea<> t.- forget th» 17-1 shellacking HI mm Add handed the Ooldea Bear» a few

: >e High School Athletic A t‘oa baa ordered I too

I f you


imUtde jnd you want■re amid ■ ilarfu ' wtnle doing ao.

nag Ûave town for that

the slogan uf the committee ba lashed <m the screen ber ■ach pn tuie

Tha second stop ariti be the of “ safety aborts ' to be provnAeJ by tha Derailment of Mator Vehicles to the audience» m every E lks ' lodge In th- Mate Another feature will be the diatribwtkm of **No Accident Mon tr Cards" by th* s f r e r i of the State Asonrialum ta every l*lh who aa prove a m> accident pet lag far

at least «is months This card arili have a allem backgrooad and tha member compie*»» a yea* uf a a i r r ident driving he *HU ha p*o*ewt«i with a half gold and half silewr . ard t wo paar« of safe driving wilt entrile the æ m le r to ,* «ard with gold background

It wat dec idt-«d that wnald he “ In crippled . hddrrr e» «a atap mah

lag saffi \ - ft. baard da*play*th« Mate enasplrloa sl y ahowmg tha* | ______...* ° fr . wÜPh

The as etiag was pr*at<o< aeer bp•an J da* O Sane» wo n . Pool Tbs

The Valley Rroek Ragia« Company 1’ bai noticed the eon miooiaaara Rdoar.i ,,Bay r brother uf ( béef Otto Jr . and Sergeant Fred Mayor « a l l ie d for life m u i l a f W B 1•M dnRBM UÉmkM manÉ

the I y ndharat Track Com

ot. irat iaaa la aa eRgH to betagt ah^wa hi* m a w » Rtoee bis reSaro from the h sapital. he had been rmrweottag eatil lam Wedaaaday whaa I » toak a tor* far the waraa, oh tea evaa toady ralaiiaatsd la hla haaab

W J M N V « M m m pm à bp Mm; High h h s r i f*ew i| and hi* tonne« Ha mem les aad pea sen I high aehm *

felt baetUy far béa ear had* papfte. «a oeU aa aaahtaaaira of laaal Id. he sagne« whan ba fmnm aad eat of toea mai im i who eamse i

ir t M r rseys . i t aad ady «1 iheif 1. .*o-.» be nag agahsl bg gf*

Sifcame. whe Is a aaectal paB mataa. aghad•jFhmt pdars m «ha aalg* gap a f H i

ft:n t T * “ * b •*' U w M l a a kadi, da<aa«M * 1 * _*«**. » »*■ «— » * ? ■ * » ■ .** J * » *«a» WM f t

s>. t . n l S I l i t . S | M »,* * a.u-1 ta aaa .a T ^ * . * 2 '* ¡ ¡ ¿ ¡ Ü 2 5 ^ • * • • * » * ml S . a»••SSW ■ “ * * » * " ' " « » ■ » S S , ’“ » 'S - k , M w t ■ H k ( «a paB W a n t , a •*«*» « a ml f r tu .« M , « .a W l : S i w t s « k .. a l i a * „ M ap « * * ~ » « a « S J * » ,.m4mmum m . * ~ B , . T T ? ” ». . *»

J s « l . Mid V S . . I I l r-llar.d a » « I k a k . mm, ^ m T S T lZ m m , H . * — I— , aad M ."‘M “ »' .*» " “ O s “ *«• Op-a , î - / . « s . « • O . > 1 » * —» y*»r

aaeuahM lani «BflRMMvMlB M» w«*aedi llhed m aaa show» I * Ito geeai aamher af ia n d fiseea waaiied la

had toea <ef ah* M t f

apen^gradaaH »■ ha paaad ihe **aae

Surprise Party For Twelfth Year

A t a i r M r Id A l l la o ir O fV ie ta r I c r a i« lia « In

I “o a t A v e n u e

M l • « " . Z T ? s T ' Z t a « f a . M a a . S a M a mm

K sal ted Ruler af Fltaeheth I <*dg» 4 r» h a R M tdmayer af I yndhar»«

was alerted to aa ^ tc ta i pas« '«a aa |aeata fo r , W . Kabo, oter» yea th* tope in

1 yndharat |UM They wIN be} tavern terhnaque down al >y fur Satorday'a game

f*« « wittlitgh bn Bow th

iJ»VM fana are ___hroaigh the golden galea

iiP.MOf R A T Ih a U l MRRT1MC

« til b* *V*rn tennisti» " • —« ■— W V -aasSii—- -W .. lk a . . . ~ « i r Vai h. ha. )»•! >'p»~a ap a t f

: r .l •'1 • : „ v£ : ¿ T L z r : * ' . k . ^ . M « . U t s h a S p e a k e rI rmmK p a ■ t w s i .

S K L S - ■l»WSI|« .« ^ . -*»»«-1 m*+ »»aaay aad eedeeod haid lee a t h a d

M a n d M u ] «ha iH U n t M l M Obum. " tiB sèa» mgtma Mgam aa*k

l«*l aeea whe aa*•f I h l a g n t h 1 . r il»m m w m m ü | J r f f r r n » n r . - I . A *

H o ld . M e e ln iK

his hugeaad A t a mooting of

Blhi* Oa-aa far Woa Mra. iaim R. I Ietaha a f Lyadbaarae

He laaiorae a n -val arrangea ni ln a i It is mmp' Se. bean set .4f aith hnrhi shiny «hroaaii« I tmgs mak.n« the aet np Uah IIan » a laalaa N*w ITerb Ot> bar, ^ _

W „h la . 1 . » * " •appll’S ^ tk . a a M b « . U l . ' . «■ M l f \ a d , .- ^ ■ I ■ a .a . . . —I . . . . »*9af leaaeas on the Book of K i daa ^

hy a« oho patrm.Se the æ w bar , ^, |a lk . raa. ar. »aap a n la U a . f s ^ n a t * i » — l . ( 11^-».. . 1« M ~

’ '«parnaal M i l a n a n ta h. j .k^ a , » I I ..p p ., tmmm a . m l a pal k * r * . -anaa ml la » m • l b a~ a 11 * 0 aad lO u la^ u a a « aaad a*. ( a a . a« l m ) » a * , w„

Te H*id Koaat ReefCasa .1 A a

. i*0 *»»a» r«nasa lM a^< n a .a « a , a a t l“ *• k '

'I ml O . '

t a n s rnaS taSantl i a tad . a a . larf . . n d a Ik .

a a s a o f w a a w « t.<i a mm Sa » m rm immd ka I k pa»aa>a a . a a . a n . a ima i, aad kn ataa*1 mm. n a » » m é l ö s .

Rafner Sponsors New Christmas

Club Paymentsrva M m w o M O k Cm

uz JliB tfS s rr

tea..» «wa. a , » . . «M«. Jmm. * S - . a W aM M M m l . — mm — S t a » p a a . i y , .

Card of Thanks

meetiag efThe regalar moat hi y O ' I yadhorst I lem ocra tic Clubbo bold toalgbt ronrad R legar

at aaka all

to r>aed *»f the many r uetomer». pk , ant ejfaieat sorvt. r m be eine,

i by all who p alrm iae the new bar


ght al th* r huera -TW r i a e a f Mar Ti m ia ehm m to P a n a Tsmlrn* iep Renile*. Ur» P

I M»r r A Rato V ge« Mm rimai».

IhUs-Au* âaMgaa Haa. Rap’Mra citarle* M euaeeoama a* AItaaaw GUg

ba* 1 « aad 4

RggUMi amaaUp ^^^w RlUaR ana» . i o » s s . ■ s . r *• a t a »4: O' ! T.* ■“ r «S V aad i

the Old E lk* Build ing.un the to rw i of ‘j f j r ' r f n * and Tontine Avenue*.

The proceed« qL these game» go to the ElVs Crippled Kiddles and Christ­mas Funds, which are becoming a ivipular charity.

The priaee which are offered at the UR0 D games see outstanding and next Tueeday n ifh t a jack pot of $4* wiR he green.

Last weeks prises and winner« were as follows:

Crystal salad set. Miss Sutton; casfvTole, Mrs. House; ironing board, Miaa ■■ Connery; sheet« and pillow cases, Mrs. Pierre; dish towels, 1 doz. Mrs. M srfigtta $5.00 cash, Mr. F . Neikwn; table cloth Mrs. J . Gil bert: 7-piece refreshment set, Mrs. J . Bader; blanket, Mrs. RkklasM bride* tabla sad luncheon set, Mrs. J . Neill; smoking stand. Mrs. E. Abrams; Round Robin, $2.50 to Mrs. J . MeCoy, $5.00 to M r W . Albright. $tt.M to Mr. W . Schweixer; tomato juice set, Mrs. L . Smith; nest of 3 enameled ware pans, Mrs. F. Neilsen; towel set( Caanon) 6 pieces Msm D. Ray ; chicken fryer, Mrs. H-. Hanson; rheeae and jeHy server. Mrs. H. B h ac ; 5 piece boudoir lamp. Miss K in h i. i magaaine rack, Mrs. E . Spuls; 4>?rro lator, Mrs. Grann; 26-piece silver set, Mrs. J . Black; bench hamper, Mrsr House; 1 pair lamps, Mr. D. Crossett ; tea set 17-piece, Mrs. Germer; salad set, Mrs» Glassmsnn; 82-piece dinner M t, Mrs. Crsmford; sirplane case, Mrs. Loung; enameled roaster Mr. H. Starman; silk bed spread, Mrs. N icely; 11-piece pyrex set, Mrs. H. Bivac.

Spacial prie en of two $2.50 in cash and $5.00 went to Mrs. E . Smith, Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Post. Lamp. Miss L. Ruaeel; set on tray, Mrs. A. SeUaa; velgora bed spread, Mr M. Syanovits; pair matched pillows, Mrs. Stermaeh; drum table, Mr. A. Nelson; radio sloel, Mrs. H. Birot-; xpinit desk. Mss. E . Smith, and the door prise of $8.00 went to Mrs. J . Black

Other special prises were $7.50 won by Mr C. Lenanowitz, and $5.00 to Mrs. C. Wahl.

Amateur Night at Reed Memorial

R I S S O T A V E R N K O U .

M U O T I and M E A T B A L L S W i K

n rr lw M r. .nrfSummit Social <’l»h will hütó l(,,1r

ne»t meetipg November 26th at the




I Except Wed.

ary f BresKC Judge n


Checks at JOHN RAFNERSPassaic's Largest Furniture House


S A L EPay When You Get Your


We Give You Cash Prices LIVING ROOM SUITESBEAUTIFY YOUR HOME NOWGenuine Friexe ■»»•*«• Living Room ^0 ^


We have 3 umole h iKm . r;g- Aularly «»id lor *275. The very lineal made — «I HaH Prierto the lir»t three cuetnmets.D O N T D E L A Y !


Atlantic City

Newark on foot f

The Commercial LeaderPublished Every Thursday by

THE COMMERCIAL LEADER CO., I n c . *J?6 Valley Brook Avenue

Telephone Rutherford 2-4200—4201Fred S. B erner..................................... EditurErnest J. D ab inett Stcty. atui Trcas.William E K.iempi ................... Adv. My.r.

LYND HURST, N. J., O CTO BER 29, 1937 _

No Republican LeadershipNext Tuesday, there w 3 be a General Election, in which

Lyndhnnst is expected to take an active and vital part, particular­ly insofar as the County offices are concerned. . A great effort was made in the IVimary held last September to liberalise the Republic.« party in Bergen County; to obtain new and younger Readership with some of the newer and necessary ideas consistent with the changed economic conditions of the Country.

Harry Tuwe, a Republican nominee for Senator excmplif» the liberal progressive branch of the party aiid was defeated by i very snuiU majority throughout the County.‘ The victors, headed .by Winaht Van Winkle, the Republi­can candidate for State Senator, together with his followers have shown nothing more progressive or liberal than machine politics arid revenge for those who disagreed in the Frimary.

The Democratic party has gained the confidence of the maturity of the pet pie in the United States through their liberal­ism and many Republicans realize, that to keep the party alive, some more liberal platforms and ideas must be inculcated into the party. They want to go along with the Democrats on some ot their liberal ideas but do not wish to go as far on others. In our opinion, this' is the faction that will eventually lead the Re­publicans out of its present doldrums.

Nothing can be gained by the tactics ol the Van Winkle faction in sticking to the “Horse and Buggy ultra conservatism, and closing their eyes to the ever forward advances made in econ­omics, labor, farm and taxation.

Not only does the party in the County seem dumb and bhnd m all progressive ideas, to modernize and re vitalize the party, but have descended in many instances to petty and per

„ sonal spite work on members of their own party.In view of the “dog in the manger" attitude of the Bergen

Repui'lk .in machine, the results of the election next Tuesday will J be looked upon with a great deal of interest.

' Jury Will Hear Breshn vs. Breslin

4 4 judge may soon hear: Breslin

Efts Bingo Still U. S. W. V. HaU Drawing Crowds Joint Installation

B. P. O. Elka 1506 art- attracting ■>< int tnatallatktn of officer» wan ! I . r * . crowd, to their » je k ly Bin*., held Tiaraday night by John J . Per

aSlI,* («« .p . U tftad Spamah Amer­ica,, W .r A „ .■Ii»iy .< th . Colombo. Club 1.« night.

A rthur G. Orm. of Roselle, Past Department Commander, i as tailedthe men. and Mrs. Henrietta G.Shaded of Maywood. P«*| Depart­ment P r e iA-nt, installed the women.

Charlea Druhl was installed as( ommander of the men’s organiza*- t»on, and Mrs. Catherine Higgins as President of the l^diea’ Auxiliary.

There were gueate present fromevery unit in the- state. Mrs. Ger­trude Job neon, Paat Department President, was a gueet.

Other officer» installed by the camp were: Senior Vice Command er. W illiam Kelly ; Jun io r Vice Com­mander. Frederick Westphal; trustee for three year>. W illiam Kehoe; Chaplain, Frank Koehler; Officer of the day, John Fine; O fficers ofGuard. Paul Freim uth; Senior Color Sergeant. Richard Rieger; Junior Color Sergeant. Frank H o ff; Ad­jutant. Jam as Thuwit^n Quarter- maatee. Kredwk-k Shade»’.

Other offioera installed in the I-adle«’ A urfltarv were! Senior Vice President. Mr*. M a Koehler; Jun io r Vice President. M i». Roth Shade«; Secretary, Mrs. May Sm ith; Treia- urer, a n . T . 1 Kirttchner; Chap. lain, M r . K. J . K V r ; Patriotic nl* itnictor, Mr*. E A I.ow<m*taini Con­ductor, Mra. Anti. I ln A l ; A .ai.tant

| v.onduft<»r. Mr*. M. E . Lappe; Guard A social » . a held after the cere-

mony. Oaneinr and refreshmentswere enjoyed.

H A U m F K N D A N C B

The l.yndhurat Democratic Club ¡a to hold their annuit! Halloween Dance

D i c a l e »

M IO M E R U TH . 2-— 41

2— O U T ST A N D IN G H IT S —2 S U N , MON., T U E S .

O C T O BER Slat. NOV. 1, 2

~ t This loomed Tuesday night whenJ the hoard of Education waa informed f A l W illiaa i V. BrenMn that la the

name of D r MiHon Ia bson of Hack .^ rn e aH i he is omng the board for I5|60i» in Third District C ivil Court.

The Hoard promptly engaged Jam ea A. Hrealin. brother of W illiam V., aa th*- .iffenn« lawyer,

a The l^ehaon suit came ahout thruaa alleged abrogation of a contract

f Dr |>*haon claims he waa givenprrmMsion to ronduef visual teats

$ | smong l.yndhurst school children. Ho • s»*d he purrhaaed equipment to atart - oot on tlie tmts, hut waa suuddenly , * halted w M i th* fcaafll withdrew pre-

irwmaly gfven penalftaion.Now. Dr. Lebaon charges, he has

suffered dam af?« amounting to $500. % \ W U a a Hrealm, who now lives

in Englewood, will rapreeent Dr. in the atilt.


Walter A. Kowa, Township sacrea> « tina supervisor, denied this week

K- had withdrawn his accusation, « f th a t School Truatae Arthur Mund)Z 7 failed to h imburse him for : mone)

♦ ^.a-kethalld leg i ate A.Folli.» mR

Call uniforma.

Tuesday night OctI « her f li, it was aanoanced that Rowe• had withdrawn aa application for uae9 of the gym.• “ I ^-mphatirally deny that I with

draw my aa usatian against School• Trarte- Arthui Mundy, hut I did

withdraw my application for use of ^ Ksa a aaid this morning.

Bergen-Passaic Library Club Met

In LyndhurstOn Tuesday, HO librarians and II-<

brary asalstant», niembera of the Bcrgen-Paasaic Library Clah met at the -Lyndhurst Library as gueats of the Truateea and staff. Mr. Shepherd, representing the trustees, welcomed the guests.

Miss Janet Z.immermajj, librarian of the Glen Rock Library, and mam- Iv r of the Council of the National Junior Librarian's Round Table, gave a report of the activities of the New Jersey Junior» and displayed a map locating special collsetioas of fcaafcV in New Jersey which may be bor­rowed through local libraries. Textile designs, for example, may be borrow­ed from the Pateraon Library, and'1 Little Theatre material from Ruther­ford.

Miss Stull, Passaic Librarian and member' of tt»e Pension Committee sent a report of the progreas of a Pension Hill now in committee at the State Houae.

Bergen County librarians ware ask­ed to cimiperate with the Adult Ed ­ucation (Council of Bergen County to cooperate in organiaiag an adult education forum. r A fte r the business meeting Mlae H'"<amun<1 Her he of MacMillan CO- told of the plans for ..a «bigger and better New York Timea Book F a ir at Radio City. November tMH, with tw« flaara instead of one, aad a m M h dltoriuin space so that we can not only hear but see our favorite au­thors and |i«rhape also find a ( hair. She talked of authors.Margaret M it­chell. M ary Ellen Chae*> G. B. SW-ra and of illustrators of childvan'e boohs Some of the original dr»*wings were on exhibit. •

The Men's Club of the Reed Memorial U. P. church are sponsor ing "Am ateur N ight" on Friday even

and Stuyveaant Ave­nue.

Arthur A a r f in . chairman of the entertainment committee In premia«- ing all who attend an evening of fun said "our dance« are an annual a f ­fair and as all who attend know an enjoyabU avaaing results from the combination a^ good music, which the muaic commit toe guarantees, and the refreshment* which always have been a featun

Mr. anda . ,----., Mrm- Oeorge Goode of12th at 7 :ih p. m. Thi« J 41 Avaaue entertained at their

is open to all con- I U W n,Kht a t dinner tor"Am ateur Might'tit tanta with 5 caah prises being Sv i n M . There will aleo be a special ’ I**F a/™ dooi prise. This program is being presented for the benefit of the

Mr. and Mra. Frank Lachnicht and M r. and Mrs. Timothy Curran of*

Building Fund.

W* C. T. U . TO M E E T

The Alice Carey McKinney W o ­man1* Christian Temperance Union of Lyndhurst will hold its regular meeting a t the home of Mrs T. Johnson, 67# Ten Eyck Avenue, on Monday afternoon, November 1 at 2:10.

Reports of the rerent State Con­vention bald in Vineland will be brought to this meeting.

A cordial Invitation ia extended to interested.



Fever■ u S^ W M a 'Ì.àù n Headache. Ill am

Tnr ' W H i T M -World a IWst I .in I to. nt


Private Homos Our Specialty


' _______ouUidc I Be — Both Sides 15c A W indow

Shamrock Bor and GrlH744 Ridge Road Lyndhurst


Shuffle Board Match Saturdsy Night



I Almo it place mmakc pip« «nd «ratm ol »H kind» al reaaofiabl* priceL Aak Jiir i sllmatc«.


The E M e nce ol Compounding Prvacrtfrtioaa la

RELIA I I LIT YWe makr up preacriptlona al the loweat pt«aibie

Lhrea and healMi depend upon irmedk» adm laiarad and reilaMHty atiouM be your rmy tlrmt conaidcralhm.

LEVY'S PHARMACYStayve«ant and Valley Brook Are*.

Phone RUtbarlord 2-IU2«


693 - 695 Main Ave., Passaic

T h i t ' s th e a v e ra g e d iw a n e e* Ne» Jervy « « m i louiid diey •••» indiviJatU^m a f tm ,. vmr I, by dK trlepfcooe in the« rejt W dsv nvdef ecnetnes Veer may lave even mnrc mileage - it all depends ufon how much you use your tdenhorte

Thisr wtama— m 16 cornsmim. » - wnmird* i t daft nl seaway '■«Aew the tHcphoor, àgama «an <L s wkh a, da Mlcplumrr thay-

• w ad up to * 0 0 0 Mrps every day. («he aaaaagß was t * asps, sneegh «a • yesr so ge In * Adsnut Gay » NewaiL )

• gsmrd sa average at am bear rm y day . . . lot hrauM ot addsd ■caeayluhwwfu - sear g«acd ) hwn-ot nam

» swtagthia» J sad wsawwl bwndAips hath m sad

Ih e sseer y%m m a j a m nàafhoma to ¡p pfcm, eHh. sad get riuags done cUy. «he mete you bHp youmlf ro enfq? : : ^ p e t. esssw. saoer M u a ^ g Ufe




Mark Fifteenth Anniversary

Ixical Couple Have Cele­bration With Their

FrierdsMr ami Mm, Myr! le w « of ¿5: his nk>t. i Aw etfortaioed at

th. r h. •«* M»nd.*> Hi*»»: at a din­ner party 1« eeiehm tioa o f thru A ftow th ««M in K an n iv n n ry .

i.urat» »ere H r and Mr» Joavph Whit»* and children Jeaaie. R,.moM aad Robert, U r. and Mr*. Jahti Ca MU. l-ouie Gfchiil and K a lh W r lhM br of Ridfetie <t. Mr. and Mr* Theodore Ja«sh*en and daughter NarR»rj>, l la iH Humemann of Jam a fc*. U t . snd f l u y and Roberta

FALL BILLSLyndhund Woman'» Club heldtheir October meeting Thursday af ternoon at the club house. Two mo tion pu-tur*», “ A New Adventure *nd “ A I>ay with Edgar Guest' were pieaented.

Plans were niwde for meeting* o. the Community Service Depart n»«*nt to meet Xo\>mber 4th at the clul house. Mr». W illiam Pattison is in charge.

Plans were made to hold a car«' tournament. House parties will I*, held k y each men.her before I>e«-»-m b«ir 1st. The final prise for bridg* will 1« a down filled »ilk comfort«- ¡end for pinochle four bridge chain and table. The committee in chargv ncluded: Mr*. Joseph WenglandMr*. W illiam Schweigert, Mr» I k- ^chwars, Mrs. Ernest Font an. Mr» M. A. Pattison, Mr». Bendix Fred- eriefcson. Mr». Amuld Saft and M ia Joseph Aldridge

A \mial was held after the nieet ng. Mrs. Bendix Fredencfcson sms

' i efeirvi. " ** r_r_ -

“ Thankagivia*" was tha theme af the informal talk grven by Jaane* Harp« t I - ! l • i !. !' ! • lie»» of the W om an* Miasionary So­ciety of the Keed Memorial Umtait Presbyterian Church. at thair regular monthly buaiura» and »tudy meeting. '•«•Id at tha church, last Thuisdu.Y aitensKHi.

h r. L it tall, pastor of the dlarch. said, in part. “ Thanksgiving carnea out of th« »oui as tt grows towards

Hills have a way of piling up in the Fall The family treasury may be depleted by a vacation, just when money k needed for school bills. Fall riothinir. and fuel. One finds himself ocessionally faced with an unlooked for accumulation of needs, or bills.In such a situation consult our Personal I .oar l>epartment in any of *mr offices, where you can discuss your needs confi­dentially and pleasantly.

cenfc»»ton of the beneAts and ■serties that God bestows on us. Thanks*iv ■ng is a courtesy that coasee from a aence of ohU«****«» ami is the high H'int of Christian lava.”

Mrs. Henry C. Martin, president, pi « sided at the busin«*ss meeting, Wis. Joseph Aldruice lad the dava

PuntolilloAre Honored

Surprise Party Given For Orient Wsy

Couple HereI S T A I U t H I O I t « I

RUTHIRFORD • {AST RUTHiRFORD • CARltTADT • IYNDHUR1T•» O n « t W ay n n tka p » i l i af kanor »1 * W f n * party ia fata I kratiun t t tk .t r thirty-fiftk » » M in i • • m m rw y s « u r , i . v n itht, T h . ; ►arty « » «Ivan hy tk .tr dau«kt»r and annin-law, Mr. ».wl M n , Sal * a a « * Mardriiallr, Of « n Sakdtard A w n w . l >n.lkur-l

Cunt» at tk» party inrludad. Mr aail Mr». S. f . Ricadala, Mr. aad Mra. L, 1. Durant*. Mr and Mn J A . Juliana, Mr aad Mia. C. A Sardor». Mr. anil Mra. V. A. Mar rkMaill. Mr. aad Mr» P A Trait». Mr. a rat » ft . John Ru**l*ro. Mra Aana Situ. Mr. aad Mia. Lauta I *utt tattili., Mr, and Mrs. A. J . Ita May.., Haian. Yolanda and Uturla PanlalUlo. Jaana and Aaaa MarrM- talli. Mary and J»an»tt. IVMaya. Urtila* aad Ran» tVI-uc», Malfarai Cantanti, «aaa (‘»tty«, Mary rim i­la, Fiori Man-Kit. Samuel aad SU ri». Pint oblia, »atrirk IlaKatd. Jamaa Rara and C. A. raWat

Mia« Jarm T.rt» ..f :«5 r«urtti *»raat »nt«rtain»d at ii., kam, Tu« day nickt, far a».™!«.,, . f tka TWta Kappa Itka S p ir it , MaaSni » , • * »»la MI«». Audray Madlaan. Oimrtk) ha remati. Jan. tlainkoaaki, Jan. Paini» r. Marna «.mdward. iMtan. Nalaon. IWr ihy RaaaWk.

Anna Rosa Is Wed to Lawrence

Stabile Sunday

Eye, Bottom or Top RoundPOT


Think a f him faring on. as dear In the love a f There, aa the love 0

HeraThink of him still as the same. I sa)

Ha is not dead he i t just away.Jam *a WhiUtimh Kila>

JV N K *37 C I.A SSM ATF.i

Fresh Cranberries pound 1 9 «

Snow White CendHlower head 1 <K

Mr. and M r. J . J . Eckart, and ‘lau rk tàfa Virginia and Kunira of **& Rucwarrll A.rnu» war» dlknr

1 >t| H u n k ) niakt at tk» kana at »r. and M r» jo k a L. Bark »' 3 B R IL L IA N T N E W C A R S

Built t« Excel ia Stylt, Ptrftrmaact, Long Liftl'liiHIH'Kl'.i'liliÜUÜ

I’lumbinir * Heating: Tinning

A. Mitchel it Son^42 LAKE AVE.

L Y M l H l i R S T , N. L m m . 2 4 3 M

fo r I'nanpl A KIHOnS S arvk r H. ERNSTI I n l m k i i i4srlrt^eiat«<


S. Marrhit-'Ui F Marrhitelli R. DelFIno . ., Vlemo ........Hug^it-rO . . . Dorando ....

Bowling League'* a ttiv iti«« for thia week at the Roosevelt Bowling Academy when the newly organised Trolley ( ’ara upset the dope bucket by taking three gum ei from the heavily favored C h ri. Prenò?rga«t As«n. Another one for the •‘dopatera” to figure out la how the Community Club took two gamea from the Town

W e ask ourselves, “How's Lyndhurst's chances of beating Belleville this week?" We can't answer right off so we take in* ternary Let's see now—Lyndhurst beat Rutherford.»Mmmm, not bad, especially ‘since the Bulldogs took Ridgewood into camp26 to 0. Later on Clifton beat us 6 to 0. Clifton's been beating a lot of teams—good teams—and by much bigger scores.

Total« ..........TO W N

Al L i e r .G. Leier ____C. Suratayk .A l Reid . . . . . .i . Demarest ..

Mr. and M n P^ter O’L o ^ h U n of339 Livingston Avenue entert«ine<l at their home Saturday night at a surprise dinner party in honor of their »on Edward who celebrated his nineteenth birthday anniversary.

Decorations were in orange and black.

Edward is a graduate of St. M ary’sHigh Schtol in Rutherford and ia a student at Seton Hall Prep Schoolon a scholarship.

Guest* were: A lfred Moor*John Davia of Plainfield. W illiam .Smith and W illiam Donald of Orange. Donald Boyd. Douglas Boyd and John W wherry, coach of the St. Mary*« football team of Ruther­ford. Robert Swenson. John Minci a and ErniIt* Staystol, all studenu at Seton Hall Prep School, Peler O*- L »ugh I in. Jr . , and IV ter J . OXoagh- lin of Ljmdhurst.

Prendergast vs Keanes 1-2 Weat Ends vs. Farrell« 3-4 St. Michael's vs. Odd Fellow« 5-6

InnadayFo^reaters vs. Community Gu|i 1-2 Winsall vrf. Town Tavern 3-4 Trolley Cara vs. Ten Eyck 6-6


N. Longarzo A. Cantore . J. Ferrara . . V. Longarmo Regotti . . . . Recreation Dept’s.

Indoor Activities Are Under WayF. W . |>ehn

E . KochBlind ........P. Petsch P. (¿ebhart Roosevelt And Jefferson Schools W ill

Be Play Centers

The Lyndhurst Recreation Dept, of which Commissioner Louis M. Favier ia director have already started its indoor activities for the winter month«.

W ith the co-operatio« of the W PA , two trained recreation supervisors w»H be h i charge and with th# co­operation of the Board of .Education the Roosevelt and Jefferson Schools w ill be used to carry on the aup?r- vised recreation of the Department.

Every weekday afternoon from 3 p. aw t o 4 4 6 p . m. members of the seefeaftion staff w ill arran*? activities for «he younger children. At Jefferson School whgre Mias Elisabeth Lindsey will be in charge there will be clause« in handicr.ft, art works and «m e* .

A t Koos.-vplt School fymnaaium, Mr. W alter “ H aw k" Row , will be in c h a r« where physical activities such as basketball, wrestling, tumbling gamea and such will be put on.

Effort? are being made by Mr. Rowe to obtain a hall to run Social I Dancing where the W P A ‘swing! hand" would suply music for tlanc-

" i l v r e will be no g irls ' evening i ceutor but for the l,ojre the Roosevelt Gym will be available every Mon i d» J. Tuesday an,I Wednesday even 1 ings. where a township basketball -‘ague w ill be organised.

M r.. Oeorge Good» of 441 Post Avenue entertained at her home ym- terdsv afternoon at luncheon and bridge. Guests were: Mrs. W ilm er Decker, Mrs. WHIImn Schulte. Mrs. Peter Laurie, Mrs. John Hut hansel. Mrs. Frederick B ntsein and Mrs. J . J . Miglin.

. Mrs. Marie Albreebt ®f 292 Park Avenue Is spending several weeks in New York State.

ST . MH H A E U S (1 ) ■ K EA N E 'S T t V E K N ( I )

seoi* sheet left for pres*

B ir.M SC O R E R H W E E K S C a r r i. ......... J . . . . »

h o w t h e y s t a n d

pwns took two games from Jackie Farrell's Inn team to complete the games for the week.

Th«* W ires: Basketball League To Organize

town Tavern Trolley Cam ..Foresters ........Farrell*« Inn . . Keane's Tavern Odd Fellow« . Ten Eyke F ive

with H a w k * r o w e

The Town Bowling League, which completed their third week of com petition must b. M.nimended for the «My 111* ¡ e a g i a baug tun and taking a l<iefc at the standings ole, sea* a tough geason for the boys who udM t* the iu.pl.-« for the wiatai

.■I:" -, * * *

J The Trolley Chta suapped hack this W k . Hf^ r droW»*ng three last wa«k to the W indsor F ive to take Uw rtareh out of the new shirt, of the Chris Prendergast Assn. when they took three gamea from them on Mon day night. Before the season got underway the “ wise lmy«M at the Roo«evelt Bowling Academy looked forward to the Prendargaat pinners aa the new championa.

e »The league gives a two dollar

award every week to-the high indi vidua I score and thus far F a u lt Sparta an.i Iggy- M iller topk the awards and thia week we aae the Danncratic County CommtMaeman ^ns* the l.lth disti ict Martin J. Currig tske ,-nough time o# fro® the election meetings to roll a 2&S * «n e for the Keane s Tavern.

Joseph Conway. Rohen Bussing . . NORMAN M MURBUHG John MacLean, Edwin Lustbadtr

m û '& î ©®sf®asira®st wwraXrey Picture of

I. L S. Lenox China Lamp


Trolley Cars Win Three FromPrendergast ‘5’ In Tewn League

Upsets and surprises were the cen-

Wl w a i l l j tvussu uaiu ISIUVSS RSo we approach the Belleville game. How’« ixikxuc : tow, i —

;they held a vicious championship Bloomfield team to a scoreless Pith's*«roup oT*"ki ¡tie a 1 couple of weeks ago. Not bad for Belleville. Later, Dickin Kil|y “Lufky" Ijmdeiu who hsd•on, Jersey City's mighty high school team fell to an ignoMe. ¡T»;°Ben **Zdefeat before the Foley Bengal*. That is a bit of not bad for Iroquois lineup ia«t season; Bill the Belleville Hilltt ppers. Then we saunter further into the Kif7iL iwh‘i IT1*** ,or lh* c?’m;r- fielleville statistics They played Irvington in a night game before one to«d *ie* * a m « £ ^ ? f T 77 “ Jj 19,000 spectators last Monday night. W hat's this’ Belleville aIul ’**■ Th' n in 'he line-up is the 6n die 4xrt end of a Ji-0 score- Something is wrong, they "iiie the mX'™^**

1~-—■ n il- . -formerly bowled with the AmericanLegion team who are not -hi the leagues competition this season.

The West Ends continue to lead th? circuit with nine stra ight wins by taking a. -dean «weep from the i ' " U,e •«•»«I Place

w if°k * re<’ *am"» from the Odd Fellows; third place St. Michaels won two from the Kuanes Tavern gang and the 1936 37 cham

90 spectatin tJk' Wirt cnu ui <i r u x o n mux have been playing Mmnc«ta.

Tila« dtiesn t Took so good For # e BeBevJIc “Boy*. How­ever. we saw the Irvington aggregation plntigh the Hilltoppers under All we have to say is some college scout should bring

\ eleven schobrship offti»' ®r the Im ngvn camp And two tor a ;uy named Giacoma. Whatta team! They'll take Bloomfield lands down.Euyand .....

In the short space of time that Belleville handled the ball, they did so in a very, very good manner! They're rough and- tough They refuse to give up, and what's more, they have a few gridiron tricks which they will no doubt bring out of the hag against the Bears. Like, tor instance, a triple lateral paw which is a honey. The Bears shouldn't let the Irvington score influence them. BeHeviMe is plenty good and it will take a scrappy Lyndhurst team to down then;.

Tlie high school aggregation has announced that fifteen hundred new seats have been purchased for the game this week. By the looks of things, at least five thousand seats will be needed Hkis ifetnrday' at the Lyndhurst field. The game coining up is a natural Everybody will want to see it.

While walking out of the Irvington Stadium last Monday tught after the Belleville boys had been waylaid, we picked a nife white placard from the ground. It proved to De a m

MleviHc pre-game ballyhoo spirit. On the card, printed in or- dttty sequence were the words, “Belleville says foo to Irvington ".

You talk about your Baron Munchausen when you Want the apex in tall story yarns. Hut we will tell you about ‘Bibhy Joe' PiKuti of Sjjttb Avmile, Lyndhurst. Hi» conscientjougly told fabrication- will make thie Munchauseft guy look like a juvenile amateur tall tale contestant._ *W*y !'*■ Fwwiti buy« » turkey each year. He gets the Tom from somewhere in Texas, Catucchi, to be explicit. Where ever that is. His bird this year weighed 14 pounds at delivery.It now weighs forty six pounds and he's only been feeding it since October first. When he dresses it tor the Thanksgiving Day dinner, he expects it to weigh close to 200 pounds. Yeah, he means it, too.

Peed for this turkey is quite unorthodox and may be frowned upon by these dyed-in-the-wool, western turkey raisers. But what do they know? Probably plenty. Here's the prize- winning, turkey-fattening menu: Two pounds of hot peppers each day, mixed well in about one quart of slightly scoured milk. Throw in all the bread crumb» you can rustle up. Keep the bird on this rigid diet for seventeen day«. He should, according, to «iron Pistuti, gain six pounds each day.

Then unnl Thanksgiving mom, start to -feed the gobbler two pounds c>f shelled walnuts each day. Mix this ration with any gram which may be handy. A sympathetic wife, he says, is absolutely necessary for the success ui the venture. Many wives may not like the idea of feeding two pounds ui ■walnuts K> a turkey.

List year's tuekey was a honey, Bibby Joe told us. He . poonds when clipped for the feast. It took four

■an to lull the bird. He went on: "W e couldn't hold him so we had to close the garage doors <r his neck. Then, while one man wa* hitting the neck with a huge axe, another wa* on the opposite sicte rrf the dnors slamming a tremendous bat down on the bewildered turkey'* conk Bv this time the wise gtihWer with eye- bulgm*. knew he was in for a somewhat hot session.'

Finally vanquished, the huge ostrich, 4 mean turkey, was I skinned Out of the feathers I made a mattress. I make <*e each yeat. Each stick supplies me and a friend with a stout walk.ng cane Then I dw nh ite the meat around the neighbor ! hood Each dmmstick we^hs about twenty five pounds “ Is' the Storv tmished? we askctl him “Yep, and it's the truth, aoj dp me, lie answered And listen, 1 hoar y*ai write for ai

ra*>er. Well, don't print what you ve just heard You know how petiple are. There* plenty of them who wouldn’t believe ! my atory. By the way, when does your paper come out7"

• a a a

. M « * * , “ •* >*«« '»fcich will interest all those dyed-»- Lthe w tsj th « » players who reside in town.

IV if Ohserver:V old you kindly insert the (c ro w in g r~ !

in y«tn very valuable a jtim n’There are no doubt a ntiniK i tii chess players in

IUndells . . . . . . .

T «200

« <3)196 224-cDivine .............. 109 1 2 aMtchelsori ....... .. . -. 177Bielo .............. 144 179 153Mai lot ............—*— -■ ■* T 1*2 169 218

MM»pf .. ~* tTT 213 162----t — . -,

Total« 882 KH0 934PKKNDKHGA8T (0)

Miglin ............. 157 177 167Misaina ....... ... 177 155 213McIntyre 163 153Prendergast ___ . 181 15ftCoranoto . . . . . . . 143 162Nasco ............... m 193 170

—' ' —_ _ --Totals . . . . . . . m 859 867

WEST ENDS <*>ning«te............ Ì96 158 361Gorman............ 148 156 193Neu ................ M2 164 148Debold TV. 202-c r r t IHflHubert ............. l*S-c 1H2 189-c-

ToUl« ........... V2U 835 877TEN EYKES ( t )Un m-'. i M 146 183

Hoppe .............. 140 140Wylde .............. 142Ellenberg ......... 168 122Lindley ............. 163 16H|Greiner . . . . . . . . 149 176Dolce ................ .17» 178 143

- ■ ...Total« ........... H00 761 810

FfNtESTEKS (2)Terry................ 167 166 137Checki ............. IM 210 143Liehold ...........f 21f> 19K 206Lippim-ott ....... «94 166 173Stagmeier......... iia-c 174 177

Totals ........... •46 914 836FAKRELL'S INN (1)

Buckel .•........... 212 175 202Moaan .............. tai 131 157Alberti . . . s . . . . 1PO-C 210 147

m m ................. 131 147N o l l ........ ......... 150 140 187 *

I,.«a H20 787 840

150 161151 159 201159 148 148156 190 232

725 816 877VVKKN (1 )

164 152 158162 144 196136 138 134178 214 204-e176 139 146

utfttted hi« pin boys with uniformed shirts. < < ^

Clean games for th? week total eight with W ally Hubert of the West Bnds rolling two; Bd ly Landella of th« Tro lley Cars, Diebold of the West Bad*. Hen Stairmier of the Por- mstors, A l lieid of the Town Tavern, “ V ic” Longarzo of the W inzall Five, and Regotti of the WlnsaU Five.• • * *

The league rolls every Monday and Tuesday evening« at the Roosevlt alleys and large turn-outs have w it­nessed the matches to date. The alleys •re in perfect condition.

N F X T W E E K ’S G A M E S



Wuiek? . B Calderaio . . . . . .SuhftUtataa: Starlings

Deioe. Tancredi, Pvrello.Touchdowns— Lynch. Omelcxak. 2 -

field goal— Lynch. tScore by period«:

Starlings .................. 0 0 0White Eagles ........ 7 0 f

O, It Is Just Awful, ------- ------ -Awful To Think BI) O’LOUGHLIN


Interest in the league is high this ym r with uniform shirt« for th«following teams, Winzall Five. St J^chaels » .mdergast Aa«n. and the tkld Fwllow« with the other dubs expecting to follow Mr. Andrew

-■ I Kraft, proprietor of the alleys ha«

is the same Fete Ventob who enpys the rt putahen of beta* the ace traveling salesman tor the huge ('base Brass « d G .p ^ t CorporatKni. W e imagine there will be plenty e i is^es at bhst

i' Chess fest. And does he know them Well hes a travelbnn . aalesman—null said. Chest you he there to rind out for ynurseff

and incidently to participate in a game or two.

the èown wK<» will he pktasod to know they may in re of that highly inii'Ugctual >pt»rtdulgk IB the p leasure „ ____

a guest. ,,i the Nutlrv Chess Q ub"The CM , meets every Thursday evening at the

VeMMnsoi Foreign Wars He-adquaitcis. W ashingh« Avetnie, Nutlijy

JV lifalU .aw fnà a » *» m m d a rrunsWnc. .WigatKin to |om The club » entered in the

T f u ttnimament, whet, they willpi"b*bly meet a real test o( their playing sttength.

Fcr iurther tnicinmjrtion ,« the dub's activities.v*0 l i a 'VMh wcrfUry- C. O Dunthorn. UK Vreeland Avent< Nmley l>h.»ie Nutley 2-2610 W I

Thank ym, Observer.A ^ •'ETE VENTOLAA riK« Uacteage we ve « v , r « a ,. We note th a t the writer ,


S^urdny Night. October 39Mi


411 VALLEY BROOK AVENUE Visit Our CocktaM Bar

W. Kabus, Prep.

L«t Him D«v«lop Hi* Talents . . .

But Provide GOOD LIGHT IBuilding model olrplorws is now o fovonte indoor postime wirt» boys. It entoUt the um of toothpick sue sticks of wood Ck»«, prolonged vn.cn is required. G r^ l fun-» good tromng— tait good light must be piovided

We suggest you LIGHT CONDITION — with modem floor and table tomps. These lamps provide soft llluml- notion of proper intensity at the table, the easy choir, the sofa, the bedside — wherever they ore placed.

Step m and SM the new light conditionmg lamps on display at Public Service stares and your local electrical dealer s Prices are low, I E. S table lamps as l.ttle as $«■*5 if you trod« in an old lomp. Small corry.ng chorge on terms.

» 9 J 8 «» YOU 1 BAM MB «B

W t BLOCK K N IT T m SUITS TO YOU« MCA St IRC All Silk Curtain* ClfitiMMl tu td

Fini.ihed by Hand■’ * H<! i J* » « « V K ' I I — « r I A IX A N D llt'.I.IS KK


___________ 1‘Honk « i iH tanun) ! u is

Replace Blackened and Burned Out Buibt— with New M A Z D A LAMPS

Buy M azda Lamp« a* These Law Prices:I M «10 . . 2 S 75 — H

M M -


P U B L l C ^ S f e H V l t e

Irish-American Club HoMs Social

n , i w

LEADERETTES 1You become satisfied now and then that newspapers have

„ mnded the lowest dregs that can he reached. You are «arnfied this and say to yourself, "WeH, that k that They can go no

lower Journalism now is at its vilest, stupidest, falsest.. It can p, no lower and at least we have a standard tin which to base cpmp®

But then you are rudely jarred.The moment the gloved hand of Myra Reeves rapped smart­

ly m i the door of the Drennan family in lsehn and begged jdimttanee aa a newspaper reporter who wanted to interview lK- |!irl who had shot her husband -then journalism reached a pew low. I can't conceive how it can go lower, but, then, I ¡m not a taWoid editor.

Ever! taking into consideration the stupidity of the persons irrvolved in the murder, persons so crat>s and so crude that.it is difficult lo conceive their existence, one cyuld not be prepared tor that little after-the-murder-trial incident.

• * * •

The widow is the same woman who stood on the witness st .mJ as the thal of her husband's murdere« came to an end andbawled, “Flease, please tell the truth, etc., etc."

Every reporter knew the appeal was to come. So did the prosecution. So did the defense. The scene had been c o te d up hv the reporters.

Newspapers can go pretty low, as has been shown, but they are responsible, too, (or tremendous good. No one can help but admire the Newark News for the )<h it is trying to Jn for Newark, despite the overwhelming odds it must combatThe paper is lighting desperately, when it could just as easily coast with the tide, as do such^great numbers of the city's people

And incidents such as the murder case in Iselm fade into ¿mlicance in the face r f such wa it m a » ' be .dun hv news

papers. The Passaic Herald Ne'ws right now is engaged m one «1 the finest undertakings of its career. I refer to its offer erf reproduction* of famous paintings «o its readers The reproduc­tions are a« line as extremely expensive ones. They have been selected with high taste. They are presented in a manner which IS -imple, but knowing. Not for all of the paper's readers arc • the reproductions. But for a percentage of the readers, the painting reproductions will be cherished and valued. Out of them . ’n-iJerabfe happiness and satisfaction will come

# • * «Work such as the Newark News and Herald News dr is

coalman in journalism I t more than makes up ¡for the despicable hunch ot journalism. Say what you will, we are the hotter for their existence.

and tel Line effect upon the fat*» of a multitud- of innocent by staAders, and thf wivfnturou.' «us- paaaa and eaertement work* up t«> a high climax when a British ree*v a I stopped at sea by a Spanish gun! it.

with -Lovp I'n f Ftoe" is “ Charlie Chan on Br<>: way", featuring Warner Otand s i Kaye Luke.

Mia*iinjt with torch singers an dancing maids ChaHie Chan m v ^ the night club* of the Great White

to And his itr«n |f« t rase in the ceatef of New York's gayest lit.'.


prayeth best, who loveth best A ll thlnjrs both gi*-at and small;For the dear (iod who lowth us He made and loveth a ll”

Coleridge.W e have spoken te the older people

through these columns. W e hope that we hav* Helped them to uadeiatan.i sad rarV foe their animal frtends. Today we are writing to the rhildrin. for a kind child always become« a kind man or woman.

T h e» poems were written by Ethel

Pa n a — t who lawra children and often kills the birds, animals. Sh- lives Uk Connecticut with two lanc« »at» and a w ry awe do*

T H E h l X Di* Y R C L B My teacher says that annuals desertt

Tin- a*ercy pledge for as «!! ia- "1 promu to he k'ml to all animals and to protect them from «ruel

the boot of faro.Clean heda, fresh w ate i. healthful

foodAnd very loving («re.

And when their eyas look up to me, Sarh deep and tt'art-ng eye*, wonder bon one coaid forget.And treat them otherwise'

The Thoughtless Naighbot-*T people in the house nagt door

em rather nice to meet ;

This promise means that wo mast t»e kind, not only to oar own pet* hut to horoea, cows, sheep. The ban njos and squirrels in the woo.4* and all the unhappy anima!* at the Eoo, «ho walk hack and forth »aj ng to tM n u fh w and to the people wh*» Understand them, " I want to get out I want to g«t home to the woods. I'm not happy hero,“ Some people will aay that they aie happy he '«use the\ am safe and have enough to v*at Well would you be feappv

owner will road this and re««-ue him foi he wants them aedi) and h*t<H\

> «all dofo—Tfccrwhrvd fc«*tw« fs male i median m w not a t-»yl part terrier, This dag was kept sis month * by some people then returned as he « aa to piavful for thetr other d"g VNh) keep him that long than return him? He is wnodseÄiHy idfeeHvnatr and . annot oivdrrstand why hi* f<4k* have gone bmk on him Tart « h » haired, Irish Tender, part Irish nm l*er, beagle.

Sigmn Ch» lub «d the Wee« m e ster rreahftenan Cherrh m -» Mm' day night at the h.*m> «f Mr« Chartso Kir«eh>*er of T44 S ffth St

Kast^.nd V. 9 . ( Iu b Is

Ho, thev leave their cat all summer huX »" n w place a ll day and eve*yWithout a bite to aat

TNey g«. away and leave her Poor hungry lonooom- rat

No peraaa who waa really kind Would treat a eat lik. that!

day evm though you had plenty to eat. what do >»u think*

We have the following d«>g* at the Bergen Shelter. Tryt»n Avenue. Kngu »ood Phon. Engloouod .1-7930.

ta rg a males Part boti terrier. So many people <h> not understand part pointer, part hound, painter,

th a t I I » rat nrrdx rant and Ihm part pa lm , pa il SI. ftamanl «■> I if il ia left without icw4 it ». l l ' huil T k l, I l a Vi , V lta tH l l i » U M i. W , «rad 111« M . ft iwar Hr v u tw.Mi*lit la m I l 'rti ta kill 10» ¡Aaerta. I f the b in b n , Iha Ro th .rf» rt FVawt. 1’. Haaa to ba all klltvd the iw^ft» w»a Sa« toat him H r may h a . ,aal Ih» an.l * n wailM ( a liu n * n « Ira i M fro * t.\r„lhur»t or M M loamfoi -p ray in * d .w . U m . «uod ll M «r ltu thoif.,4 . » , Him kia

AMATCUR NIGHT0»**i To M CunteiUint , — F lv t CaO> W in

CLUBU. I*. Cm »»*. K- K

Friday fva., November 12, W5 f• HAdulta SS C M i — — IW IS w »



Some may ajk what the standards of a good ncwspuper are. so that they may evaluate for themselves.

1 can only paraphrase the philosopher who said in effect, A man is an artist who tries to improve the world beh>rc he

leaves it."I Using that standard, I would say, “A good itewtpupci i> one that tries to improve, the world."

Post OfficeTo Be Closed

The I.vndhurat Post OfSoe will be rlo.-ed at noon on Election Day, Tues- <ls>. November i , 1987.

The lobby of the office will be open from 7:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon for ihr ti anoactioa of buaineas and for the convenience of boa-holders.

The morning deliveriea will be mad* by letter-carriers.

All mail w ill be dispatched during the day CoMeetioii from the street

lx>xes will be made beginning s. .1M p. m. •

l ’< rjiiiablo« and spacial delivery mail will be delivered as usual.

More than 1A0 Friday night at-» teamed a social held by the Irish American Association in Roosevelt Hall. Jsme* K*am s, president of the ' «smsatton, announced the affa ir is th# first o i a seneo to he held this f*H and winter. An orchestra pro- VMhd musk for dancing Games ware also played.

Tm eoamiittoe in charge included Itortha Geary. Miss Cocile Up-

P*H. Mra. W illiam Ellio tt and Mis* Jeanette Burke

Mr. aad Mm. Lauia M o of Laur « Avenue entertained at their hwne «onday night m . party i I * ” UJ- >*ri Syrlvester Pintr M iw , Barile. Sarah Prangipsne. aad Rose Bufano o f Lynd h‘->rn. John Nide* of Passaic, Dorn intrk Smith of Kearny and Ju le ' ^ Newark

‘Love Under hire’ At Ritz TWatre

News M-oop! War-time Spain is still the reckless land of ardent love! Bombers roar and big guns thunder, but who's afraid of romance? Not cntiancing Loretta Young or tam< peetuous IXm Ameche, who hurdle the Spanish barhod wire barricadés and trip headlong into romantic eacite ment and adventure in “ Love UmV-r Pire ," the comady-drama which opens at the R its Theatre Sunday, Oct. :il.

Loretta Young, gaÿer and looptit-r than ever, and Don Ameche, smash. I hit star of radio'll Sunday night bright-spot, ration out kiaiw* by the light of bursting star-shells, ta th* tuna o f whining shrapnel, and the msfld music of Bor rah Mineviteh and his gang, whoee catchy rhythm« mhko machine-guns rat-tat-tat ia swing j time.

Directed in swift-paced fashion by <*eorge Marshall, the cast also fea tures Prances Drak>*. W alter Catlett, the goggle-eyed, blustering comedian. John Carradine, new subtle screen , menace; S ig Rumann and Haitdd Huber. Fun and furore reign aa the Spanish «-onRict brings tngrther g | Scotland Yard detective, g fugitive 1 beauty who believes, erronaausly. that she is « thief, sn entertainment troupe and their smart-alecky man­ager. aad th* men engag'd ia bloody . war.


We are always open for consultatici It hr "minj the c u e o i to an i s j t servinf natters in

advance We assure abmjulr privacy, and aO matten aie held in (tncteat confidate«.

J . L . B U R KKl N tRAL D SnCTO S

ptMM v n » k r 5 -*sn


^ ■ - e » » a n n i . < k J j

F 0IK5»T r»>r problnn. U r unk n r«.,' "rm m ,r ~ ~ .r,,h tn 4 marl» your M l , g t t h r r year IhmUy Ibrar m r * m i out

tofethrr, and |o to « thr Aom m , amt « r n e t l

U at rw r gUddranl yaw t y m ~ th f in a tnp to Somui. ihn. ■ Sa»n e w a iv rr Strraka. b u i l t a n d p t i o r f lln > ,p irWI.J m am r a n f r s u far

W t h a , n . . l u . They .... » :( tlu>, ,/ „■ Irft your H « 1 I . IJ» . citane*- at , Ih .„t an „ h ~ .l, Vu t'.Iv a .

• far her« a n hxr prir*4 ca n i h . m a l l . . . , . .d iSm nt in b c i j way h a any that r o I ( t , 4C u o r o , o l v l i l o .

w nothing ^ »— Ow m kand * r o N T I A C , M I C m o A N f l j

out. h * * ' , l«M « r W la mam rmn oaa.r „ M momaam ‘ «m io th. worldl Thar, la * . pmaBal T r r^ .T T .T . r r * ..~farthwhaiklhncraar- PoMiac MMn> _ , •*- “ * “ * *ducaa tike Salcty S i l l , aa aatm iy . f «am * m , , i t . , I , r .

l | C » l » i , , i m h j , , , M M aaP * *■**•unì.«la t int i sun

DE MASSI MOTOR CAR CO.29S PARK AVE. Phene Ruth. 2-0876 LY N 0H U R ST ..g(2



Classif ied Advertisements

W « caanot guarantee the insertion of any t ivertisemeni in these column* unleas same ia paid for in advance. Ralea for clsssifted advertisingare aa folio«»: on* insertion $.60, two consecu­tive inaertiona $.76, thme consecutiva Inserti una

f.90; lour consecutive insertions $1.00.— five lines, average six words to s lias.


p a p e r h a n g in g P isara scrsped and retniahed. Era •SI Header »»fi. 112 Korea! A venne. Liadhuret. Phone Ruth. 2-482«.

• 9-2-tf

P A IN T E R AND D EC O R A T O R — alao REFINISHING O P F U R N I­T U R E . Old Furniture brought back to its original color. J . P. Groenendykc. Kuth. 2-1996 R. ^

CALL OLSEN for any alteration* budding or repairs. Beat reputation. Old established bui.der in Lynd hurst. Specialty on flashing leak mg windows. A. Olsen, 1M L»v ingston Aw. Lyndhurat. Phont Ruth. g-OlIS-J- 40-27-tf.




I 'H O N E R U TH . 2 .1021REALTORS

* ~ C. BAVINO for

Rest Ratal# and Insurance RENTALS

House, 6 rooms, decursted, gar. $46House, 6 rooms ......... $42Apartment, 6 rooma, heat $60Apt. 3 rooms, tile bath, heal $4*»

FOR BALE Hours, 6 rooms, $260 rash, easy

terms . ........................... $2800House, 6 rooms $6*>0 caah

terms ......*...................... $4:wmi


and C raft Breed Pupp.es $2. up Tropical and Gold Fish. Full line of cages, bird, fish and dog sup plies. Special 6 gal. f.sh aqusr. $1. Let ua take care of your peU while you enjoy your vacation. Free de livery. G E A R Y ’S P E T SH O P. 433 Broad St , Newark. Near D. L. A W. Station.

FO R S A L E¡•'OR SALE— 1930 Ford coupe No

reaaonable caah ofler refuted. ilZ i WtMrt Ave., Lyndhurst (2¡»d ft.)

.'OR SALE—Mbffry tabla, K*SSp Kook, 2 turner gaaoline stove apUi wandahiell eisctric Block tin truit press. Call 2-3ü«9. 10-27-4t-p.


FO R S A L E —« piece walnut bedroom suit '; al.-vu convertible davenport, cheap. Will sell separately. PuoneRutherford 2-6619-R.

yOR SALE—Plymouth tin:»«; he Luxe coupe, rumble seat, excellent condition, low mileage,' will 'u r ‘fl .. $476. tfetl « to ft P. M., P. Albino, H44 Furman Ave., Lynd ­hurst.

.'OR S A L E Bed,- full site, complete with spring and mattress; likenew. Transaction confidential. Ad dress Box 10 Commercial Leader.

American Legion To Hold Annual Hallowe’en Party

.The annual Monster Haitoween party will U? held by the American I>egion Saturday night, October 30th at the Legion Hall. Vice-commander Leonard Dawson is chairman of the committee in charge of the event O-her members of the committee are Al Ralph Dan Cummings, Matt A r nold, George Bull a £ i Charley Cerniglia.

This annual affair hss become one of the most colorful ones on the legionnaires liats. Prize» will be awav«!»‘d for the moat original cos­tume, and the best looking ones. The public is invited and tickets will be sold s t the door for 36 cents per person.

• member of the association, took the board to tM k for its attitude.

"A ll you people can think about ! •* »Pending,” she ssid. “ Don't worry ! 1 everybody knows why.” '

Clarence Sherwood, another mem l>er of the board, said Lyndhurst hss the ability to borrow approximately $900,000 for s< hool purposes and that such money can be devoted to a new j school.



Boxing before the la rg e* crowd of the indoor season at Laurel Gar-

Í B « !was in tha driver's asst

Other members added complaints to ! des, Newark. Tippy Larlun, decis the manner in which the achoola are n e iy outpointed Maxie Fisher his of. ratsd. False fconoray ia losing Jocsl rival. This makes the Garfield mci2<*jr ./or •* said. youngster two up on Maxie and it

Mr. Terry declared that there was looks an though he haa the Indian not Nuffir.rnt money in repair and ! sign on him. Lark in started o ff very supply budget» for this year and that , slowly, losing the first two rounds this would have to be made up in due to his lack of aggressiveness. Atnext year's budget.

Mrs. Ralph Berg, started a week's stay in-Atlantic C ity where she trta- ited Mrs. M artha Johnson.

FO B SALE 6 rooms and bath, garage

(your tsrms) .......6 rooms snd bath (terms)« rooms and bath, 2 rsr g-irSge

terms ...........................HOMES

6 rooms, hath. 2 garagesgas l»>at .....................

6 rooms, bath .............$ room*, bath, gurage 6 rooms, hath, 2 earagen f* ROOMS$ loom*. bath, gaivk- 5 rows, best ..................

-Upright Piano in good $12.00 Phone Ruth. 2

FO R S A L Econdition.7.190 J.

FO R S A L E —i Sunlamp, genuine Quartz Lamp. Coat $130. Sell foi

$¿4MMI J$:m:ini I


$ 6 0 Rutherford t-3M i.10 21 4tl p

219 ■TU Y VESA NT AVENUE Phane Bl therfsrd l-MM

Somebody is looking for the home or spart n-nt you want to rent. For immediate result» list your vacancies with as.

POR RENT -Furnished room, with »rivals family Near Higb School.I minutes from Railroad Station S32 Waart Avenue, Lyndhurst.

9-16 tff- LH V T s n rU ROOM N . .r U th

shower. Privilsgea or lioard option- $1- M M N V Brook Avenue.

10-14-41. p. |

► OB HRMT—Ploor, 2 rooms an*, bath all improvements, garagefduiU only. Mil Page Avenue

ynuhursi.FOB RENT Large furnished room;

hot sarf cold Water; ateam heat for basinets person. 321 Forest Ave.. l.yndharst.

B t34Ei-pFOB RENT--Neatly furniahed room

private houae, American home. No other bosrdsr*. Convenient to all buses aud train.. Near Ridge Road Lyndhurst. Ruth. 2 3699 R.' 10-7 3 ti. p.

FOR - BENT—3 room apartment» IUm $12. and $1$. Gas and alecS # ’ * m r . G ,W |*07 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst. N. J

FOR REN1 Or.- room and bath I Phone Rutherford 2 7949-M.

_ l«27-4t-cTO I IT - Flo. t. 3 rwirn* and bsth,

all i in prove menta, gsrage. adults •¡My A l Paga Ave., Lyndhurat. J

FOR BENT- House, seven looms, bath sad endosadN**r gas range, ialaid I U p *M on the beat section uf Stuyeeeant Avenue, rent $60 900.

*,’ï" *PP«*»t"»ent calM

A. Harry Moore Will Speak Here Monday Evening

The lion. A. Harry Moore candi­date for Governor, will positively ap-

j K SALE -» puppies, 102 Kivereuie pear at the Lyndhurat High Srhool Avenue Lyndhurst. 10 27-2t. p on Moridsy evening, Nov. I, at 9 o’ i

«lock. Mori L. in onneii, randidatt for State Senator and the other Can­dida*. ;s of the Democratic ticket will also be pteaent.

Preceding ' the meeting there will be s monster torchlight foot parade. All marchers should assemble no later than eight o’clock, on Deleft *ld Avenue. The 4me of mareh will be east on Valley Brook Avenue to Ridge Road, south on Ridge Road to Fern Avenue, west on Fern Avenue to the High School Auditorium. Banda, ban­ners’ and torrhea will be part of this gaki parade.

From present indications the rally at the High School will lie largely attended snd there will be a loud •|*?aker syatem to take care of the crowda on the outaide.


CONDITIONSB o a r d A g r e e s With P a r ­

e n t s T h a t I t e l i e f Ih N e e d e d

A group of parehLt headed by- Mrs. Angelo Cnecki, wife of the shsirman of the Boaid of Aaesso.ra, Tuesday night complained t:i the Board of Education alxtut conditions, in . Lincoln School. The Board promptly took their prutesta as fuel ]

for their own beliof a new school Iin needed

Mrs. Chorki said the lighting In I the school ia “«leplorable" and thatUa* toilets for girls sre open to con jAMHMM ion

Othei parents |m*sent addod to Mrs. Checki'a complaint. They said ;

. . I _ ____, l^»i|f^ iiren came home with cem-t«»ted free. Ten Eyck Avenue, plaints about the lights and toil eta.'Lyndhurat. Phune Ruth. 2-0117-W "1 l*heve you sre V f w t iy Just j

M T N « r 1N , w r C T . « s i z 1 w i ..B t^ p o p u U r miMic »ml r lM * lf» l| Khoald rom »'h»rr mor.‘ uft^n with Il.u irht * t yuur h'.rni. »t ,1 prr y .u i uiHn|ii>int> Y iw ’vr r " t 1» m»k.•on. ( i l l Ruth. J-MAB-J. Victor li «Inr Ikat LMiOi Sriwal 1» Ml fit

_ ip*nt- , - lg-att-p tmi cUlilrrn .nd that it .huuld U !REX KMIIO SKRVICE R«piir S q... .

m ik«. V..rk vuaraiitwU. Tub«. " r 1 “ »»rnwr pr».. nt oflr.t«l un.l radio <l.a«KOMd, fr '. i ,h? Ulat a BH.

; at »tor». 20« Stuyv..aaiit Avanua. W » 'ICall Ku. Z-7MI. f* w j ths taxpsyera association has

Mrs. Peter Boagiovsnni of «19New York Avenue and Miaa Jo ­sephine Giaitr.o of 440 Ridge Road, accompanied by Mr. imd Mrs. Ru

| d >lph .Schmi.lt of 2 • First Street, I East Rutherford, spent «the week- ; end at Read rig. Pa.

FOR S A L E —8-Pléce Living Room Suite. 311 Livingston Avenue, nue, "Ihm t l-14-4ti-p


P IA N O T U N IN G J . Edwsrd U y , •'The. Piano Doctor” endorsed by The Enaaat Bfevpaag PBbm. l l i B n af Moiitelair, alee Tuner far Belle- ville Schools. Kstabliahed 20 years. Belleville 2-3063.

K I F.i l R H U SElectrical Wiring and Repair.ng

Ratimates Given CHARLES O 'S U L L IV A N

290 Willow Ave., Lyndhurat Phorv. Ruth. 2-0219

10 21-40-pLO ST Hoe««« Bull. male. Black

and white. Beward if returned to 11 *♦ I hke \ %e.. Lyndhumt.

S I R K W A Y R A D IO S E B V K F. Expert repau ing on all radios. Tube;


Given In your own home for only $100. Anthony Frangipane, 339 Valley Brook Avenae, Lyndhurst.Phone BUtk. 2-446«.

9 30-Hli p

CURTAINS' aind La ie Table iîloths streu bed. 26c and up. C«Hed for and deliver'd. Phone Ruth 2-2969

I0 14 4ti-p

K K Ï RA IM O W kV k ÜA FEW Reconditioned Radios at $6.

each. 1939 Helton Radios $9.96 to $.t9 6n Foreign reception guaran | teed on *^la at $19.96 and up 29# Stuyvessnt Avenue.

“ noisoaed the minds of people jbout ¡ the achoals and their n>>eda.'’ .

Mra. Jacob L. Groenendyke, a

le duMierfunl. N 4Il «HICnnKCOMT è I.INCOl.N AVKS

•/ ttuik.. c*er. s„ K*rN « W jf c a» i*h.t-i a. i>« S S «a Boston. U hm Hunuay Mervice« al I I and N p.m

Hue.l«n ai n ,H ».lee-aUr Kvenlna '*••«. *s *t • Hre.liea M.*-... m ihe Hiv.o, Vh»(ti* HmiI.Iiiik • ‘is-ii «tallir ftimi, it u '.lek le * i ftart e«ee|.| Munitar «nal ►»»•wlays: «n.t . « Thur«la>- rvenlna

'ISMk S ee •. earS


k New aet of tuUM for any radio 0 I ierren t dt «count. • mont ha guar

intee Just «all Ru 2 7««3 and mention this ad. «


10 27 tf.

able. 669 Park Hace. I.yndhuist10 27 4t. p.


will lie the subject of the l^aaun k’-«raion in all t'hurchee of Christ Scientist, on Sunday. October 31.

The Golden Text i»t “ Rleseed ia the man whom thou eha«tenest, O

SERVICE i *n<* teachest him out of thy1 l a w " ( P s a l m s 9 4 : 1 2 ) .

Among the citations which com prise the Leaaon-Seroum is the fol lowing from the BibVv “The aoul that alnneth. it ahall die. The aon shall not beai the infinity uf the father, neither ahall the father bear the iai«ultv of the -on: the righte

J oaaness af the «tghtnma ahall br Male or fanale tailor. up«m him. and the wickedness »f the

experienced fee remodel wi, ked shall be upon him But ,1 the

REX REFRIGERATION Service an I repair all malto*. G

men-tal and doiwstic. Reconditioned refrigerators for aale $.16 00 Ut »14600. Terms arranged 209 Stuy- ve ¡an! Avenue. I?u 2-7««:«

W A N T E D — Furnitur» for boys' club- hour.j. Call Rath. * 4299 ar anrlte Box I t , Commercial Leader

► OR RENT—Apart meat. 4 large W A N T E D raome. t*le b*rh, heat. gas. *l7- .„¡¡¡J ¿Iy - M » '" - - y * * * «U . „d « . i » |4MU~ M r tT t » n T — i7 i ' " "NfM . A -e u m lj I QWMSf- f a'*. CW«"-"« t v . « . i | 2 T Z . Ä I

phuae Ruth 2 2«N2

FO R R E N T One family house, four rooms ¿Inette en c lô t porch and gatage. le o ^ .r i 9-th «h. t-

• *mall erhal l, (am il y only. Boa No. 6, Copi mereiai Leader, »6« Val

ley Brook Avenue. Lyndhurat

F O R R E N T Furnished Room, salta Me for two pr>raoae. aa Rotherford Avenue,Fhoa* Roth ¿ 296*.

that he hath committed, and keep all my sUtae«. and do that which Is

_ . . tearful and tight, he shall aere'« IYO U M a k tN & l U ' l a w l l H ta .lte M fc W .U II~ . '« Mar t ial la - » -

uld f u n . i tu t . and Hoar lamp.IV aaa n o t lf , 8. O tajim an. IT) l 'u .iA « ~ . -----

$325 for $35MOV m o - H a r t aaarifW a f , „ q u , ,k

a»w , i j r n i i-u llaca n a i r a a I« l a » , n . I a r « a U i.w a lim p Ira

with 76 «opple-aleu i* r» r< t W W » ‘th 71* meats aad 1*9 addiUu« Z 5 Î 2 Î : $ > r 1« $ uIU 1 4 -4 14 -p n it) Lead**,

T frn l a M M ^ i s y ^ a l i r IwrhMhat « I» O Bawfaif w a r I r a s S mtkn a lian H e »» .. t r . t W k "H n n a . a»d Hr«Hi» with Kay to tk . V r i , ! tu.»»' kr M ar, Uakrr K jd j " V i *oul .In i.sl, It » « (Id to m inai, fa, i

'* .a ^ (. kanaM . II k jj, - i-Saa* Savi la laiawrtal. M lil

B.< U 7 **0 » aTa, fa r ate la KM Uw a t.rk a lI 1* 11» ai kau« '' t * M * ,.

this stage Tippy’s followers to grow uneasy as it appesre«! it would be a complete sort foi the Newark veteran. But in the thisd round Larkin started to show flashes of his true form snd from then on improved steadily as the i.gh< B*aer*9*ed. Tippy scored re­peatedly w i^i * left ja7> right cross to the h?ad, and had Fisher wobbly • .II v,-r;i! o n .IS,o n - from th e - ., r ig h thand smashes. *

As the fight wme on. after the

thirding burst of round he was with all th* light* gram . Lark in didn't lose a round until the ninth when he slowed down aad appeared to be eoastiag. Tippy opsaed tfco M th snd final round with a left jah and

I right that almost pat F l*h*r o* the floor. This wa* all La rk ia ’p round and with the bell. Referee Jo e Mau>, gold of Jarsey C ity r*i*ed the G *r- ' field warrior's hand without any hesitancy. The decision waa a pop­ular one with the vaat throng that jammed the arena to see one of the g rn taa t and hardest fought light­weight matches staged in a N '.w Je r ­sey ring.

The second encounter between thyse two Je rsey boxers were even more thrilling than the flrat. The

Irish Jim m y Brady. Luckily bo'h Larkin and Fisher emerged from their ten round slug but without hu\ ing suffered any seriuua damage, in three weeks they will renew the rfeud at Laurel Garden and I thinkthat Larken will completely prove superiority ov.^r the pride of Nev ark’s Ghetto by a knockout in ab. i seven rounds.

Boxing on the card with Lark and Fisher, that Lyndhurst yeungsi, r Lou Marat: -vho haa been winm * consistently scored another el, ,n cut victory over Ben Be rr; of N»- ark , protege of AJ Bryant Lou p, chod very hard with both hand, u-„| on several occasions had the N*.» ark boxer on the verge of a km» i out, but due to his over anxiousm-

_ , — — — ---. missed his chance to end the fi»i,fight was such that ths boy’s were, via the K. O. route. Marsh who h signed for s rematch immediately scored a victory in e«wry one a f In' after t jo decision was rendered ini fights to dafo will box Y. unr la rk favor of La rk ia . This is * feud that Sharkey at Plainfield on Thursda’ ranks with some great on»a o f the, night Another o f Lyndhurat’a enpast such ss the matches between bryo champions Frankie Conn »Sollts Csstallons and B illy Amastar. try to stretch his atring of v ic to rs Benny Levine and A l Delmoat, an I to ten strsight when he boxes (ieori? the mor.- recent but not Issm exciting is Timpsnaro on the same card wit!Ik>u ts between Johnny Toomey and Maish and Sharlu.-y

FOR THAT H ALLO W E EN PARTYWe have ifiven mi many tem pting suggestions. Stop in today, you’ll enjoy seeing our appetiz­ing display uf necessities oind luxuries a t ap |>ealing prices.

Specials Thursday, Oct. 28th to Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, InclusiveIg pkg 18* N U T M A K O A R IN E

NucoaDelicious On Bread

1 9pound






N E S T L E S or S H E F F IE L D

Evop. Milk 3 ; 20*

Pu rr CMer or White

Vinegar* N 1 2 «


Cookies 2 lbs 25*

Fine For Hallowe’en


Mac* Meat pkg 10c

Knox Jell 3 for 13*

A ll F la «era


i Salt pkg 3*

Roraxo can 13*

IN rty Hands

Dill Pickles qt for 15*

Fur* Cider gal jug 39*

Including JugIT A L IA N H TTLK

Spaghettior M A C A RO N I



Cat, Dog Food 4 cans 23* j

Ig pkg 21«

sm pkg 8*ORANGEE, C ITRO N or

Lemon Feel pkg f*

H. P.

Peaches Ig can 17*

Halte* or Sliced

Spinach Ig can 15*



Crackerettes pkg 11*

All Around Crackers

Coffees and TeasPhc*e Co ffees are ground to your order. Y o u gre not oav lo a for f^rfcy tins. ^Royal Guest .................................................... lb 27*Master Blend............... »21*Rich F lavor................. » 19*Salada T ea ................................Vj lb pkg 17*« KY I.O N OR

Oranq? Pekoe Tea . . Vi » pkg 25* Tea Balls ..................................................................ea 1*

BETTER FOODS BROWN'S FMSH FROSTED FOODS1 Lb. Ch*pp*d St*ak A t 1 Fhg. Peas V 4 1 1 Lb. Raspberries | | J J

A Thrift* Dinner Far A Famdy of Four ■ ■ W


LIMA BEANS..........................................pkg 25*SLtCID PEACHES ........................ »29*

• T R Y O CR FK tlM I Kl> l-O l'LT R T U 'a W U C H M IK


B lur Piah, Codftsh. ButteHlsh, Flounder*, salmon. Halihol, Mack­erel. Por glee, toeaklah. Se a I la*«. Shrimp. PUel, Oyster*, (tama.



Cub* Steak »25*

Owe Minate Tu Fry


Chopped Beef2 bs 37*

f. round Aa Ordered

r H l R hU A Y . F R ID A Y AN D S A T U R D A Y W e Kei-ommend Thene Par Ja ire


. . lb 3* . . . »2* 3 R» 10* . . bun 7*3 to—to . 1 0 *

APPLESim t Ito rtakl Oar fa. Ito . h iM m

5 lbs 14*

T H I 'K s U W . M t ll iA V A N D S A T I K l l t l






.4*| lb »»er.

lb 29* lb 27*lb 35*lb 35*

. »25*»25*


I B I D C r R O A D SMILE t HUSTLE FRI £ D£ U¥ Í fi y p M Q S í B U ' M i B i o a o ? U S O ¿ ¿ S I

We are member» of KeUil Grocers Aaa1* of N. J. Ab» National (¿rocera Asa n.