S. .~. .. - Historical Papers, Wits University vat i. dit? Die nag toe ek by sy ooon .e huh was, hy...


Transcript of S. .~. .. - Historical Papers, Wits University vat i. dit? Die nag toe ek by sy ooon .e huh was, hy...


" -,., , < ~ • .. .' . C:.I'· r:p • ~E i'£~lO\~1. ~ .• S:O'.

:~ -~t ~~LY~rO\ ·~!\S. .~. ..£., . .. JiE S'~E;:' "" . ;~ '1£ S-PH~A;O£Ll\G d' SU::: .



::lIE STAAt lte" •

O~ 8E IIllf or lHE STATE:


o~ SEM~lr or THE o(r~~CE:

"~!"E',S Ol( ~rI!O[O:GI'~,


jBladsy 1 - 1001

"£COPDI'~S _U~l!t ::J~~~"£S










,.~~~ ~K!f!~~L\~h





KloOl - 1 -

AANKLAER,Edelagbare, ~ lal roerk dat aan die klagltaat is daar

reedl ' n klagltaat geheg, .. ar sedert daardie klagltast opge­

It.l 11, het dial' 'n versnd.rlng plaa,g.vlnd en toe het daar

ook 'n WYllglng gekom van daardie klag'taat deurdat Bylae 3

gevyl1g is. Ek vra verlot Om .Ue gewydgde klag'taat en die

gevyl1gde bylae 3 san 1.1 Of te handig,

HOP, Het 1.1 be .... aar indlsn die klag.taat .0 qevy.lg ... ord JoInr

SO<]got en />tnr BalSlian? Voor pIe it ksn die Aanklaer "eker IY

klagltaat WYlig 100 .... at hy goedvind.

K"~R BASSLIAN, Geen be,w.ar. (10)

MNR SOGGOT: I don't thir,k I' ve got lcx:~, .tandi.

AANKLAER: Edelagbare, 8)'lae ) ... ord dan vervang d.ur die gewy.19-

de bylae.

HOF, Or!! vervarring te voorkom, ... ord die 01.1 bylas eerder van

die It~kke verwyder, dit ... ord vernietig deur Mnr Jordaan. Net

die een 800 .... at hy nou opqe.tel 11, word aan die klag'taat


AANKLAER: U ,al nou lIen dsar 1. nou t ... ee blad'ye 3 ongelukklg.

Maar dlt tl .... ar 'n ongelukkige lUll_loop van Ofllltsndlghede,

on, kan as dit nOO19 is verwyl na Bladay Hal en bladlY 3(b) (20)

HOF, Coed om vervarrlng t. voorkom m.rk .k dle e.n op dle Itadlum

bladlY 3 (a) en die ander e.n bladsy 3 (b) . Oaar 11 dan net een

bylas 3.

AANKLAER:Ja, vlr elke t...kuldigde 1, dsar 'n byla., en belkul­

digde 3 se bylae ... ord no~ vervang met dl(i een ... at ek nOu aan

1.1 opgehsndig hst. Dan vra ek ook verlof OlD op ts handig eer­

lten, dle Prokureur-Generaal Ie lertlfikaat, in9svol~ die

bepsling~ van Art. 64 van Wet 74 van 1982 ten aan.isn van die

belkuldigdea, en ook wat dle alternatiewe aanklaq aanbetref,

Art 2 (I) (a) die aents .1ternet1 ...... a.nklag teen die vler (30)

belkuldiqde. I ..

1<1.02 - , belkuldigdel. Ede1agblre. 101,1. ge_rk het. dlt. in Byille 3.die

qevyaigde byille, word dnr In pllnqrllllt (0 deur die StUt be­

weer dlt Belkuldlqde No . 3 mtIitlre opIeldlng onderqaan het

in Libi';' Nou EeleIagbare, elit Itel ook daar 'n oortredlng van

die 01,1. Art 2 (1) (b) van wet 83 van 1967 en daaro .. wil ek een

verlof vrll ellt 'n varelere lIn bYgevoeq word op bl.dly 1 v.n

die kl.qlt.l.t, op die ~lik leel dit 1001 volg "die belkuldig­

del is Ikuldig ""n die ",ild"ad v.n terroril'" deur die oortre­

ding van Art 54 alteuaUewel1k 2(1) (a) van Wet 83 v.n 1967,"

en dan by t40 vo.q "en Art 2 (1) (d) Vln Wet 83 van 1967 Ileql(lO)

beskuldiqde NO.3, deurdn hy di. hendelinqe gen<>ell in plra­

qraaf (f) v.n Byte. 3 ge"leeq het." £k _en ek het op durdle

klegltaat reedl 10 'n a.~tekenln9 ge .... k Wit ek lin U Ed.l.

opgehlndlg het.

1I0f': Oit leel tanl 10. £k bet"Yfel dit of die Jlof op hi.rdie

Itadium voor pl.it, "Ylt;inql aan die klaqsta.t k.n to.lt •• n.

&k weet nie.

AAh"KLAER: Dit l.es op die oornblik 10. "" .. r hoe clit ookal Iy 0111

dllirdie Arttkel tI dek. IS dalr ook 'n lerti!ikalt inqevolge

8 van die wet 83 van 1967 wat ek Jll8t 1,1. verlof 1111 ophlndlq. (20)

Dit is dan dtie lertifikate, een dek dan die hoofklaqte en die

Inder twe. lertif1klte dek dte tw •• 11t1rnat1ew-e klaqle. Die

tweede alt.lrnlt.l_e klaqte II 11eql ten Iinlien van aelkuldigde

110. 3.

1l0F: Die lertifikate lal by die notu1. Ilnqeheq word.

AANI<LAER: Olln het my Geleerda vrienda .. kere Nadera Belonder­

hede aanqlvra

!!£L;. MOlt 1,1. ni. een dat die belku1dlqdel pleit nie?

Uh"KLAER: 5001 <lit 1,1. behaa .. , die Nadere Besonderhede IOu tog

deal VOtll v"n die klaql""at:, ... ar 1001 dit u behaaq, Onl kin (lO)

dal I

111.04 - , -dat tllllle eera dlm pleH.

HOI' : Ek dink dit is wenslik.

J\ANIlLAER: So dit nOOig ... eea Edelagbare, dat ek die hele klag­

staat voorlees a .. n die beskuldio;Jdes of is dit nie nOOig nie.

MNR SOGGOT: Sover my klJente betref, hulle verst .... n die inhoud

d .... rvan, hulle k .. n plei~ daarop.

MNR BASSLIAN: Dieselfde vir my klHlnte Edelagban .

HOI' : Beskuldio;Jde No.!, het Mnr Soggot die aanklao;Jte met jou


aESKULDIGDE 1: Dit il so. Ek verstaan die aanklagte.Ek pleit(IO)

onskuldio;J op die hoof sowel aa die alternatiewe aanklao;Jtes.

HOI': Beskuldigde NO.2, is die klao;Jstaat met jou deurgegall.n?

aESKULDIGDE 2 : Ek verstaan die aanklagte. Ek plett onskuldig op

die hoof- Bowel lIB die alternatiewe klagtea .

BESKULDIGDE 3:Ek ventaan die aanklagte. Ek plett onskuldt9

op die hoof- sowel as d1 .. alternat! ....... klao;Jte.

AANKLAER:wat die Nadere Besonderhede betre!,vra ek dan verlo!

om die aanvraao;J daarvoor en die antwoorde daarop 0;> te handig.

Aanklaer handig in Sertif1kaat ingevolge Art.30 (1) wet 74 van

1982. (20)

COURT:Mr Soggot, does Accused No.1 or Accused No.2 wish to

disclose the basis of ttelr defence?

/oIR SOGGOT ADDRESSES THE COURT . (/oIr SoggOt's michrophone defec­


COURT Is that all they "ish to say at thh stage.

Accused No. 1 do you confirm that?

INTI::RPRB'lER : This is confirmed by Accused No.1.

COURT : Mr aas.lian ?


COURT : Accused No.3, do you confirm thst? ,>0, ACCUSED I

Kl . ll - . -1I.CCUSED NO.3: 1 confirm that.

",CCUSED No •• : I confirm that.

-'ANKLAER: Edelagbare, ek dink u het per abuls nagelaat o~

vir No . 2 te vra of hy dlt bevesUg.

HOI': Ja . No.2, beveSUg hy dit oak?

BESKULDIGOE 2 : Ek Oevestlg dit Edelagbare.


NOWILUNGEU GXOWA v.o.e. (Deur Tolk)

ONDERVRA.GING DEUR AANKLAER: U is afkolllJlUg vlln Uitenhaag 18

dit korrek? -- Ja, dit is s o.

Het u op 'n stadlwr. na Johannesburg gekom? -- Ja. dlt i e

korrek .


Min of meer wanneer was dit gewees ? -- November v ll n 1979.

En ",at was die doel van u korns nil Johannesburg? -- Ek

het kom werk soek.

Nou ken u enlge een van die beskuldlgdes nou vocr die

Hof , dit is nOu No.1 tct 4. -- Ja

Wie ken U? -- Die ene aan die l1nkerkant. dit is beskul­

digde 1.

Wanneer het u vir teskuldigde No.1 ontmoet? -- Ek het (20)

hom ontmoet in die jaar 1979 .

Kan u meer pres ies wees. -- Oit was in die m.!Iand van Oe­

sember, 1979 .

Oesember . 19797 -- Oit is korrek.

En waar het u hom ortmOet? -- Ek het hom naby ' n winkel

ontJnoet .

JII , het daar vrien<!skap tussen julIe onts taan? -- Oaar

het ' n vriendskap toe or.tstll .. n.

Kan u vir ons s~ wat was die aard van die vrlendskap7

Oit was 'n liefdesverhouding.

Ja / .•


1U.1~ - , -Ja. Ken II ' n .ellere penoon _t die naam van TillOthy?

Ell ken vir TllDOthy .

Hoe het II dlli peneen leer lien? -- Ell het hom 1Nr ken

deur Stenley.

Stenley, h dit nOli Be.lIl1ldlgde NO. I? -- Je, Stanley 1.

beallllldiqde Ho, l.

waar het II die peraocn on~t? -- Ell het h~ gevoon1111

. aam met Beilluldigde I, Stanley, ge.ien.

Je. Het u .om. II .4 daarwa. ' n verhoudlng tU.len u

en NO.1, h. t II .aq na.y huh g.gaan? -- Ell wa. by ay ollerl(IO)

.e huh op . en geleenthdd.

U Will by Iy ouen se huh op een geleentheid. -- Ja .

Het OJ daar oorna<j of n1e? -- £11 het daar oorna",

Nou lIan u die Ho! .... edeel IIlin of meer tyden, u verhou­

ding lOOt Be.IIOJ1di<jde NO. I, het u en!",e iets egtergellolll in

verbend met Iy .. ell wl1 nOu nie woorde in II IIIOnd 16 nie ..

_t sy optrede wat vir II opvellend wa,?

HOr ietl If wet _II van "010 onteSell het .

Ja, ek kan vir die

Ja, vat i. dit? Die nag toe ek by sy ooon .e huh

was, hy het daar met sy vriend_ In dl. eetkamer ge.it. (20)

£k het nle die vriende geden nl' Edelagbare , !Mar ek "et die

Item van TilllOthy herken, wat ek geken het. Die rad10 d16

het geapeel.

Ie •• nle.

Dit will oop<Jemaak .odat ek nie kon hoor vet hul-

Ja? -- En daarna het Stanley, Belkuldlgde NO.1, vir my

ge •• hI' wll vir '1' vriende ver<je.,l.

Ja? HI' h,t toe 'n brievetill ingebring in die ,leap-

kamer In .

HI' het 'n briewetol8 ingebring in die 51aapk illlner In? -­

"a, dit waa evart ven kleur govee •. (30)

Het I ..

- , -Het 110. 1 toe vertrek met sy vrtende of nle?---Ja , hyhet

net die briewetas neer8e61t, en toe dsarns vertrek .

DEUR DIE HOF : ls !lIt nOU 1n die sla.apkamer W8sr jy was?---in die

slaapkamer wsar ell. was . £< het toe na di e hrlewetaa toe eagsar.,

dl~ oopge~aak, en binna kant het e~ ' n harde leer omsl"c cavind.

Op hierd!e omslag was geskrywe "The youth revolution Cour.eil 1n

Africa for all" . Ole getuia het verder 8es~ desr was ook san

die blnneka.nt gedlgte gewees •• po8ms •• wat in de Zoelostaal was ,

Ja en toe?---En toe e:< hoo .. dat Seskuldi gde 1 best8 was

om terug te kom, het sk die nota boek teruggeslt •• gou terusse- Ie

sIt, 1n die hriewetas , en toe gaen alsap . Voor die ~eskuldi8-

de , !llt is 1:0 . I, 1n dIe kombel'se gekom het, het die pOlisie

gekom .

DEUR DIE HOF : Ekskuus, jy 56 voordat hy in die ko~b~rse gekon

het , --voor hy in die ko~berse gekom het

Bedoel jy voordat by in die bed geklim het?---voorhy in

die bed gekHm het,voor hy slaap •• het die poHaie daar ingekom ,

hulle .. as op soek n$ ' n be .... eerde gesteelde motor ge .. ees .

En hulle het hom toe saamgeneem .

VE.'lHOOR DEUR DIE S,A. (HER'/AT) .... ie 18 'hom' nou?---Beskuldigde ;>Q

No . 1 .

Goed , nou goed, is u toe op 'n stadium ,,·eer terug na

die Oos- Kasp toe?---ek het toe teruggegaan na die Kaaptoe.

En .... aar het u toe gaa!) bly?---lls my ouers se huis toe in


!1outerwyl jy nou in cra~ock se .. oon het, sekuier het, .. at

dit posiate ook mall" "ees , het u enigsins iets van No . 1 .. eel'

cehoor?--- Hy het vir my 'n brief seskrywe .

Ja?--- O: het geant .... oord op die brief , en later het hyvir

my gebel, die versoek .... Ilttr' aan my gerie het Edelagbtlre , was 30

00 seuna daBr in Cradock vir hom te orcenlseer .

\1as •••

- , Was dit nou tydens die t.l.roonopro~p of 1n die brier? --­

OJ·_ .... 001' die tel.roon .

Het Jy die brief 8eho~ or he" jy hDC ",.eg8£001,---d1e briet

bet ek .an die brand Eeateek. Hy het net nor-eaal geakryt det hy

na my verlang sulka goed .

~ed , jy s~ 001' die ttle!oon het hy vir u ges, U ~oet .. at

maak?- - - Ily het gese elr. !:IOtt vir hom dear 1n Crac:lock seuna 01'­

ganiseer •

... ·s.rvoor? ___ Hy het gut (let l'illlothy ""at 1s van Johannesburg

en d.t hy 1n basit 1s van ' n ~otork.r .. at )y gesteel het. en 10

datt¥ d.~ 1n Cradoek met die voertu18 sal. ko::. •• ec vir d1e

aauna te koa baal •• en sean met hull. ga.n .

Goed ,u sO det hy vir u ge •• het det Timothy wag ii , nou

.. s.tu ", •• rheen Timothy ls?--Hy het vir Illy gest det Timothy

Bot.wane toe 1e.

Het hy aftn u gest "'at Timothy 1n Botl;wana gaan IIIllal: hpt?

----Hy het my nle ges~ nle

\te.t u wasrvoor dle seuns 1n Cr.dock •• u dle seuns 1n

Cr.d?Ck QOeS organise'r?---Hy h,t ,.ae vlr sy organlsasie .

En hy het ges' hy wl1 SSIllll •• t hull. n.a Botawana toe gean .

Ie d1t el wat hy gese h't?----Olt ls el wat hy g.II' h.t

Yat was dl. houdlng •• u houdlns sew •• s met hlerdl.v.r­

aO.k?----Ek hot geBe ek kan dlt nl. doen nle , en elt saan w ....

• k saan na ..,y BlIster to, Wit ln Ult.nhas.woon .


KIIUISVt:l.HOOl. DEU'l. I,:!{ . SOGGC'1 : 00 you knO'ol the surnala. ot

this ,.ntlPlllan called ?i':othy?---Elt vergeet sy van •• l tort:.t

his aurna:ne .

Your Worship what I SlI £Olng tOlllY 1npU.s no crltlcillll

but the ach 'oIhich thiS witne&8 hIlS tl's;;lfied to, are not

tore shadowed in any ot the partlculars

lB . .. ••



- , -BY THE CO\.IRT : Are you objecting to the admissibility ot the ••

__ No, 1 am not but I ahoul~ 11ke to take instructions.

00 you want the Court to adjourn for a whlle?---Yea .



NOMALUNGELA GlOWA at!l und~r oath

MR . SOGCOT: I am indebted to Your Worship tor the adjournment

I do ~pe Sir that there ... ill not be any mOre surprises ,

CROSS-EXAMINATIOrl BY MR. SOGGOT:Mr Interpreter, please ask her

has she • • she has dellcrlbed the one night when she ..... hich she 10

apent at No. I'll house , my question 1s baa ahe told us every-

thing ahe knows about that evenlng7---Yes

And 1s there anything she wanta to change now , or does ahe

stand by her eVidence?--- I stand by my evidence

And has she told us everythlng?-- -- ••

About the evenlng?- ---No , I have told the Court everything

You an~ 110 , 1 to put it bluntly, were lovers?---Yes

When did~hat relationship start? ---In December

"''hen did you say you arrived?--- ••

In Johannesburg.---In November ot 1979

And when did you leave Johannesburg in order to go back?

As I understand it to Cradock . ---In Msy ot 1980

And at that s t sge were you still lovers?---Yes

The relationship was good?- - - the relationship was good

Now I suppose you wert quite aad to leave this gentleman

who was your lover?---No, not reslly

"''hen you tirst came to JohanneSQUrg. where did you st.y?-­

I was staying at 110. 665 Sinoane Village

Is that near to where No. L lives with his parents?----Yes

... ·asn ' t there trouble at the house whaa you were living

andyou had to go and 8tay 50me wherO) elae?--- •••

/ilasn' t • • •



- , -W"n't ther e a 1I1.underltandlnc betw •• n or with your .ietar?


Old you not l •• ve that bouse ? To atay anywhe r e elae?--- No .

VeIl ,! pu t it to you that you not only lett the house wher e

you were a t eyi ng , but you went to live with No . 2 1n hil parents

hOu •• • --Accuaed No . 21

For eeverBl-.,ntha •• I lUI sorry , I lIeant Accl,lsed No . 1. --No I

never atayed at hi. paranta ' place .

You nevar apent the night there?---I .pent a night , the nl~ht

that I described here when I n w the book.

So what you are tall1q: lie l a ,. IUs War.hlp . 111 that tor a

~rlod ot DO .... than 5 .ODtlla that you Wlr. lover. , you only

'pant one night at hi. house and it w •• on this particular night

that you described. that you spoke .bout . --- T ~p.nt nn_ n i ght

II h. waa usually not at home at oiSht

But why do you •• y that , what • • w •• n ' t he often on nlsht

.hift?---He w •• n ' t .. p10yed .t the time .

I want to put it to you he wa • • He WI' working for. firm

••••• chini.t •• ••• knitter. --- He had left that employ .


Did you know what emp10~ent he we. working .t, t he emp10y- 20

ment which he 1ef t?---He e.id that he w •• employed by somt

cloth f .ctor y .

Did you .sk hIm what work he did?--- Yea , I did .

And did he tell you?---F~ told .e

00 you know the name of the firm? Where he worked?--- I don ' t

remember t he n8.llle of the f1M1

Was he not communicatIve , not • • in other wor da , did he not

take you into hI. confidence or dId he tell you ever ything? --­

He d1d not tell me everything

So you knew very little about his ectlvitie.?---thet 1a .0 }O

And he didn ' t even tell you where he worked . ---Other than /thia ••

- 10 - • gxOIA

thia til', thlot I haYa a.nt1on.d, b. did nClt ttll .a anythlne

abollt hia work.

Old he tall yOIl the na.. of l:I1a fil'?---I dCln't r .... b.r

bac.u.. b .... in tha proca •• of la •• ine thl "plo,.ant .t that

.1.0. U tha .ccllaad and l:I1a .Clthlr and trianda Wlra to .. y that

yO\1 in :tact nad :trOll tbll bCla.a wbare YOll .. ra l.1.1ne an<l cu.

and li.14 "'lth 110. I, for alVan..], aClnthl, would that ba untrue?

---It wClllldn't bl tbe trutl:l becauaa I did not atay tl:lara.

Who vera YOll atayine witl:l?---Yith ay alater Kary

And dlc1n't !Cary hava trClllbla and .aan't l:Iar boytriand abot?

-Thera waa trOllbla yaa

And tha po11ce .era callad?---Yaa

Dldn't 10\1 than bacauaa of a a1aunderatand1na than l aava

•• ."han I .. ya1aunderata.IKI11li, I un<laratand it fro. tha accuaed

aoae friction or ar,uaant. Sir .ay I clarity the point with

the accuaad? •• __ 1 dld nClt laava Tour Yoral:l1p becauae tl:la .ia­

und'rltandinc w.a bltvaln ~r1 and tha boyfriend.

Well thia 1a collataral but .y Wlllaratandic.a: 11 that !Cary'a

boyfrland had frlanda who wara in fact propo.ine lo.ato yOIl

and that il why YOll wara e-barra •• ad .--- MCl, .y .1atar ...

indeed very atr1ct, nClbody cI.1d •• at her placa

Wa viII aee abollt that. TOII'.e already si.an one axplana­

tion. but I v111 rapaat the quflltion. why il it that in a pe­

riCld of .Clre thawn 5 aontbl, ot • lova ralationahlp. 1011 only

apent Clnl night •• and it wae thia critical night at Mo. I',

bollal.---It 1e bacauaa Accu..d No.1 wa, uallally not at hi.

parent., hoae at night.

I .. 'orry, 1 can't helr.--thi. i. bacluaa Accuaad Mo. 1

v .. \llIlIally not It hi. parenti' hoa!! It night.

But that 1. whera ha alapt. __ lt hi. hole?

ITe •••



- 11 -

f.,. -- .. It n. didD't ,1 •• p .t hi' bo •• , ¥ber. did b, ,1 •• p1---I do

not know Sir, I did not 10 about witb ha

Do you v:p,ct 81, Vor'hip to und.r,taDd t~t Ila .... r tt..t you

• 10v.r •• I .. ,orry to .cc.pt that Ila .... r that you. lov.r. at

.or. tt..D t1v •• ontbt dur.tion, had no id •• wb.re b, ,t.ytd

wbtr. n. 'p,nt tb, n1aht,.---wtll he va'n't t.111n, •• tb, truth


D1d you .,k ha1-- 'a .. diY' b, would tor l_tanc, COIl. to

... aDd .. y tbtt b. would coat to t.tch •• but be wouldn't turn 10

up •• aDd tben I would .l •• p .t bo.e

~blt i. not an Ilavtr to .y qu,.t10n. --- ••

I ... k1na you, dld you .v.r .sll: ~ wb,r. he ",nt to .1 •• p1

--f ... I utd to •• k hi ••

What va, hi. IMwtr1-be '11d he ,l'pt .t hi. tr1.nd

pllc ••

D1d h ••• nUon wh1ch triend?---I know I friend that b. uual­

ly .entioned by the nea. at Mike.

lUke wbo?_I don't know the .urnaae

D1d you .ver .e.t Mike?---I .e" ha once

Old he ..... r ~e you to thie Mlke?---No.

Dld you .ver vls1t or aeet hia ~lenda?

The only triend that I know at, 1. Tiaothy.

Ian ' t tbll retber iaprobable .tory that you are te1l1ng

Hil Worlhlp? A .tranc. one that you 'v. a lov.r, that you .p.nd

ODe I11Cht w1tb ha 1n tiv ... ontba.---V.ll 1f bl d1d not take

.e to bis friend., .e he d1d not take .e to hie tr1ende

D1d his fr1end. co.e to ha?---I uaually beard the tr1ende

talk1na outdde and tbi, 1& b.eIWle hie parent" bou.e WII on

the back ot .y Illter', hOUle.

fou vere I very clo.e ne1ghbour.--- Yea.

l'rhen •••


- 12 -

th.D anawer the que.tloD,~l~ you DOt ••• t hia trl'D~a wh.D

they c ... to vi.it ~?---Jo I ~i~ Dot

In tlv. ItOntb.li?---1I.11 b. ~1~ not c.ua ••• to ••• t hi.


Di~ you a •• tb .. 1---No, I ~i~ not ••• hi. triend., the

probl.. il that Stanl.y juet Dev.r It.y.~ .t ~.

Y •• , but you 'v. b •• D •• yinc that they ueed to co." you've

'~.itt'~hat, 1lD~ what you hal" .aid i. iD til" .0Dtha you Dever

•• w llDy tri'D~a, ___ Y ••

11 .. it becaue. it .... I1wy. at n1~t1 .. '1'hat you .aw hia 10

tri'D~a? ___ Y •• it i. po •• ible, th.y c .. e .t Di&ht 1lD~ ~ur1Dg

the ~IY he voul~ alw.y. be alOD.

Alway. b. aloDe, ill. hi. houe.,---.t hi. par.Dt. houe.,that

ia ~ IlDd hi. pareute

So vhile be .p.nd. hie Diaht. out he ia • herait It hom.,

-Y", I alway ••• w ~ .u,ODe there buey tbing •• otor v.hicl.

Without l'iaitor.?---vithout l'iaitor., I ~id Dot .. e llDy

WOuld you •• y "I juat VllDt to ,et clarity tro. you b.tor.

I .ak that .. ar. you • .,11141 that thia occ .. lou .meu you .... nt

to 1'1.it tor the ni&ht, that ... the only oCC •• iOD you epeDt 20

.t hi. houe.1----i t .... the 18llt tue tbat I weDt th.r. IlDd

the rel.OD that I had ,Oil., there v •• be had luvited .e to

ICCO.pIlDY ~ to • biacope,

My queltioD 18 .. wal that the tir.t IlDd tbe l'lt .. that 18

... hat I UDder.tood your .videuc., but I want to cbeck lt, __ _

It ..... the tir.t and the l.at

But oan you .xpl.in that, here le your lover, h. ependa

every d.y .t bo-e, there i' uo one t.king up hi' tlae, and you

dOD't ,0 and viait ~1---I did not have tbe chance to go to , becau.a I wa. bu8y .o.t olfbe tiae

11.11 can you ple •• e tell ue what ,.de you to be .0 very

/bu.y ••••


- 13 - II·CloD ~J that JOu couldn't Iparl I balt alnutl tor Jour lO.lr

ot 5.onth8?-lfdl I couldD't ,0 .,ltbou,t b.a 1rrf'lt111.1 •• to do


ADd 1. It not .tr~. to JOu that durln, 5 .ontba b. n'Y,r

Inv1t,d JOU ov.r onc. thi. lo •• r ot Jour.?---W,ll po •• lbly be

dld AOt 10., •• that .ucb

Let a, COlI' becll: to tbi. qu .. t1on, dld Jou Iu"a tbl apra'­

.10D or 10011:111.1 becll: on tb ... bol. hi.tory tod'J. do you • • would

JOu •• y tlut b, ...... arJ "cratlv . .. ltb Jou and told JOU Dothill.l

.bout bil tr1lndl .nd DOth1nc .bout hi. work .nd anytbinc ilia? 10

---T •• , b, d1d not hida thlt t.ct Sir. b, told •• that be 1.

Dot in the hab1t ot ta1l1ac hi. ,1rltriend anytD.1q that he

do •••

I .... aDd .0 tha onlJ 1'r1lOO ot hil that JOu can nua, 1.

a par.on callad Mlk'?--- T ... b. onlJ 1.1d It 11 • tr* ad ot

hi ... ith ",no. be .t, al .otor c.r' and nothil1j: .or,

WhIt about Accu.aed 110. 2, bav, JOu IVIl' Illen b.a bator, to­

d'J?-I Ju.at .... b.a vIllt1I1C .. ltb TlaotbJ but I do not kno" ... Mo. 2 JOu I.", walklnc witb Taotby?---T,., be va. to,.tb.r 20

.. 1 th Tl.othJ .

Old you ,v.r I •• No. 2 and No. 1 to"thllr?---Hot to"th,r

I want to put 1t to you that they otten .... on. anotb.r.

th'ir t~lla. are cl0" r,llted •• 1 •• an tbllJ ar. cl0"

ADd tb.rl 1. I rll.t1onahip, --- TbeJ rl,ard onl

anotblr •• --tbey rl,ard onll anotblr?

Tllere 11 In t.ct a clo .. rll.t1on.hlp .. b.t .... n tb, tul11 ..

and bet .. ,en Acculed 1 and 2.---1 can only "J I do not kno"

about It.

ADd .0 .. hit Jou ar, t,Uin&' Hi. ¥orlhip vary concr,tlly }O

1. that JOu n ••• r In thil perlod ot 5 'Onthl, .iniaua .1 I un­

/d,rltl1ld •••

• 14 -

der,taDd it, you neTer ••• 10 . 1 &Dd 2 to,etber? __ .1 only a ••

Stanley .ith tt.otby

they .ere fr1end.?-one and two yea, tbay aleo at.yed once

.t.yed in tbe boWIe next to tba other

Mo. '!'iaothy .... tr1end at youra,you kne. one anotber?

otten e •• one another?-I only kne. 'liaotby .. tbe boy etay1q;

in the vicinity of tba bou ••

Tou n.v.r apok. to b..1a?---J'Wlt ,.nerally

Jut ,.nerally, boy auy bou ....... be .v.y fro. your.?---

tb.ir boua. ia .itu&t.d in the .tr •• t on tbe b.ck aDd the bouae 10

i. jWlt next to wh.re AcC\l.led 11'0. 1 .t.y.

And vb.n Mo. 1 and tt-othy vere to,eth.r, d1d tbey Dot t&llr.

to you aa _11 ?-You •• an wbo?

Wh.n 11'0. 1 and 'liaothy w.r. to,.ther, ... ahe n.ver p.ra1t-

ted •• 1 WI. that e¥pr ••• ion •• to join in the1r conv.rellt10D? ---••

Juet all ••• tter of ordinary,ne1ihbourly d1ecu.ion.

Wbat Wlu.lly bapp.ned Your Vor.hip 1e Stanley OD hi. _y to

.cbool would 10 tbrouih •• 1 .. 'OrTY tt.otby ,0il1l to .chool,

would 10 throua;h IICCWlItd Mo. I'. yard •• end whenever be •• w

.e. he would pi" a joke, 1rI p ... 1q;.

Do you like Tiaothy'?---Te., h. w •• a fr1endyou can •• y

T .. , .0 you would be 1Ir.tere.ted to know vhetber thi. ne1Cb­

bour ot youre had fled tbe country or not? ---Stanley told

ae, he told •• that he left.

!IT Ttre: CQURT:b Stanley, .ccu.ed Mo. 11--Y" , Mo. 1.

DoD ' t reter to h1a •• Stanley, refer to b..1a •• AcCWled Mo

1.-1 Wlderatand.

CR0ss-IXNUWIOM BY MR. SOCC9T: (COtn'IHUliD)He told yO\l that

on the ' poon.?-·Yell


And bec,Wle 1 t 1. the .ort of in!oraet1on )'ou would be in- JO

tere.ted 1n bec,Wle he ..... nelihbour end aOileone you kn.w.


- IS - !! gxon --T ..

Can you tdl rul Wouhip on ..,hat dlY you lett Johalmubur,

to CO to Cradoek?---It 11 not very elear but It wa. durlDi the

.eek on a rueedlY

And .hlt .onth do you IIY it .., .. ?---It wal In "-y

Be,lnn1n, ot May, the .tddle or the end?---let, In Kay

Lete In Kay. And the other qu .. tlon tbat I want to .. k you

la thia, bow lon, do you lay betor, you lett Johalm,abur" dld

tbia Ineldent take plaea when the pollea e .. , tor No, l?---about

two .. ek',

Are you tlirly Iltl'tiad wlth that __ wer, that it .. , lbout

two .. eka . I don't want to ruth you on thi, point. ---yel before

I left lbout two .. ekl

ADd wherlllOU lett dld ha take you to tha rlilway Itltlon?

Whan you lett did ha taka you?---Te, h' dld

In wbat ear?--bJ.' eouall1" .otor ear

Old ha not ha~e I ear at thet ,tl,a?---No, ha did not have

it ••

I .. lorry, .. I il1terruptin, you Mr Interpretarf--NO Sir


lthen you 'IY hil eou'ill, what i' the l1 .. a of that eoualn? 20

---One Jabu



If9PW)Jp!GEkA G!OB 'tlll under olth

CB05S-EXAKlIfATION BY !QI., S9OO9T: (COIft'INUED) I .. looklD1 It the

1..Ddlet.ent, tha TUiothy you rater to 11 tbat Tlaothy Me.lbiana?


I then want to put It to you that when No, 1 dld 'phone you

I' he ..,111 tell Ki. Worlhip, he u,ad to 'phone you, Ind on ona

oeea.lon that he dld 'pbon. you. he told you lbout Tl.othy }Q

b,eluse h' Im,w you and Tuothy ware trlend •• --- friend, 1..D

/whIot, • ••

- 16 -

what .. Md

H. w111 tdl Hi. 'for.hlp tMt wbat happ.n.d .... that .ft.r

faotby fiN, th. ~pb 111 tb. Dei,bbourbood lOt • r.port that

.. fro. lD f.et pol1e. off1cu. who e ... tbtor., who .aid b.'.

, OD' to Bot.wana to j 01D thl A.N.C. an orianl~.tloD which tb •

• ccu •• d hal Dothina to do w1th.---1 und.r.tand

Bu t wbat I don't und.r,tand, wl11 you ju.t tell Hi. Wor­

.hip, dld tb. Iccu •• d t.ll you faothy had ,on. to joln tb.

!.N,C? ---No b. dld not

Ha". you ever b.ard of tb. !,If.C.?-Y .. , ... ueually ~ar 10

of it .

00 you know anythinl .bout It?---No, 'llC.pt w~t I r •• d 1n

the pap.r.

T •• , you I Wld'rlltand art not pol1t1e.l?-By whicb I •• an

you Q.v. no p.rt1cl1lllr 1nttr .. t 1.0 pol1tlc.?-- No I .. not

• p.r.on who i. Involv.d with pol1t1e.

And you'''' o.v.r b •• n conc.rn.d •••• tud.nt or otherwi"

In any pol1tical Ictl1'lty?---NO, I don't r .... b.r .vu dolD&


And you'1'. nev.r carrhd on any for- of pol1tical .et11'lty? 20


Now vb.1lt we art .tlll on thi. td.pbon. call, d1d you •• k

tu.. any qu .. tion •• bout infor-.t1oo b. ,''1' you? --110 I dld

not •• It hi. IDy qu .. tlon.l

Vm" you .urpr1.N It any of th. Infor-.t10n b. 1''1' you?

••• 1 &II nov ta.l.ltl.11' .p.clf1ca.l.ly .bout the one telephon. ca.l.l

you told Hi. Vor.hip lbout, -- what 1. It that do Dot .urprl ••

•• ?

"y ,. DO It 111 ay qu •• tioll. pl •••• , viII you pIe ••• ana .. r.

VII there l.Dytblll.& 111. wba.t the ,cculI.d told you 011. the 'phon. 30

vhich VI •• urprldn& to you? --tbe only thinl VI. the •• ntion

/of ...

- " ot t~othy aklpp1nc the country

T •• , the Iccu •• d by the way will tIll Hi. Wor.hip that h'

•• attoned the A.H.C. to you, in teet that the report va. that

h' had lone to the A.N,C.-that 11 flaothy? •• no h, did not t,ll

.1 that he had lone to joio the A,N,C.

Mow Vllry .ell, and you are clear that you •• ked bi, DO

que.tiona about what h' told you 00 the 'phooe,I rep.at that

question, to pya ILD opportunity to reflect,to you.--I did not

I.k hill anythillj:.

How I want you pl.... to addr... your ,1nd to the ,vlning 10

whln the pollcl came, that 1e the unique •• the oo1y IVl olD&

that you evlr went to the I c cua,d" bou ••• - __ T ••.

Just tIll Hie Worlhip bow did th11 c o.. about tbat you .... 1'. Inv1 tId to the bou., or that you cot into the bolla. tor the

!ir.t t~.? --In .tt.et 10 , lontha beelu,. you told UI it

••• toward. t~Od ot May, __ He ',ld .1 are going to a bioscope

Yee and tben?---we did not attend the bioscope

Well, did you go to .. ~ •• bioscope?---"

I .ean I don't want to pick this out of you like eplace

of dent1etry, just teU Hie Worehip in your own 1angua,e bow 20

you ca.e to the hou,e?--- He ,.id to .e to go to .y si,ter and

a,k per.ission that I go witb hi. to a bioscope, I indeed did

ADd?--my ,ister sranted the per.i,aion.

Yea?-__ Ac cused Mo. 1 c .. e to fetch me though he didn't

Yee?---Va then proceeded to hia parents home,

Did you e,k h1a any qu!'tiona?---I did not a,k b1a any

Then you came to the parenti' hollle?--Yu

And why d1d he 10 to the parent" home?----Ha took .e into

lhi ....

b.1, b,drooa and 'sid h' would coae back.

Did you .. k b.111, ' this i' rather ,tranle, ... re loiq to

• cin ... why lIust you put .e in the bedrooll ' ?--- l knew that

the bioscope would only ,tart .t lIidniibt.

v.s it the tirst tiae you entered his bedrooa?--- Tee it wa­

Now when you eotered the house , did you aeet b.1s aother?---

Ve .eot 1n throu&b the front door, and the Bother wee 1n the


Tes, .nd were you introduced to her?---Tes, he did .

Tou re.lize what the .ard 'introduce' lIe.na, that it i, the 10

fir,t tiae that you aet and that you were presented? ---I .. sn't

seeins bel" tor the tirst tiae

But you vere beinl presented to her tor the tir,t tiae,in-

troduced?---Te" 1t v.s.

V.s No . 1 uhaaed at you1hat he kept you .way troll hi'

house? Or v.s there ,ollethins _barre .. iq?---l dO not know

at anythins.

Riibt, now he put you 1n the badrooa and he clo,es the

dOOr, does he do that?---Ye, he did

Where wa. hi • .other .t that st.le?---she was in the kitchan 20

V., tbere any understanding that you v.re loins to epend

the niibt thara?---Atter he had talked to hi, triend" yes

You would then ,pend tbe niibt with b1a?---Yas

How would the cines. fit into that? - it w.s attar 12

o'clock then.

That you would 10 to the cin .... ? Or that you had CD ••

b.ck tro. the cinBIII.?-lkl. tb. position is ve wer~to 10 to

• bio,cope wblcb ,tarted st lIidn1Sht. 12 o'clock. The di'cu.­

sian with his triends l.,ted to well atter twelva, and it was

only .tter 12 that he told ae I would apeod the olSht .

And what tiae would ycu ,.y it wae _beo be put you in the

/bedroOlll • •


- n - If GX9'!A b.c1roo.?--lt ........ t nlCbt, I don't rell_ber ... hat tiM it .....

Vell ,1v. ua •• Juat try and Ilelp ua?--1 'IIOuld ... y before

or after 9.

So you .... ited about} bour. ln the h.drooa?-__ Y ..

Never once op.n1nc the door?--th. door .a.n't lock.d, h.

bad only pulled lt ahut.

That 1. what I ... aylna. lt 1 •• y queatlon,.ltbout openln«

the door.-Ho I dld not open the door, bec . u" h. had aald

to .e he 'IIOuld coaa b .. ek, 10 I was under the 1.pre •• lon that

he ... not ln tha houae.

Yel, but than he c .. e b.ek? --He c ... b.ck y •• and th.n h.

atarted dl.euaalng ••

AbOl.lt .hat tt. •• owd 101.1 a.y h. e ... h .. ck .1th hle frlend.?

--.t .bout 10.

And lt .... 1000eta. aft.r 12 tbe.t be l.ft .ith thea?--Yell

[)WOlnC that p.rlod. the door ..... clo •• d all th" ta.?­

He c... b.ck to tell .e that •• 'IIOuld not be colnc to a mOTl.


At what atag ..... that?--- ••


Were the frl.ndl there. war. th~rl.ndll colne? Or had gone? 20

-aft.r he had co •• b .. ek dth hia frl.nd., and durlng their

pr ••• ne. ln the houa., h. came to the bedroOR to t.ll ."

So then whet w.r. you walt1ng for? ___ ••

If b.re wall no cln'III" ln line, what w.re you .... ltlng for?

-He told me that I 'IIOuld have to .pend the nlCbt .1th h1A,

I couldn't go to any other place becaua ... y .1at.r ,a ••• e

permle.lon to iO to •• 0.1. that 'IIOwd .tart .t 12 o'clock

unt11 the lIornlng,

It ",owd atart .t 12 o'clock untll .. --the mornlng.

Well, If you forilve my 19norance. 1t .ounda 11ke a re- 30

mark.ble c1n ••••• here 1a th1. clna.a?---at the Ayethu clna.a

11t ..

• "

1 t 1. known. the Ay.tbu Cin ...

And run- fra. 12 o'clock until daybr.ak?---Y,e, tbe .1d-

Diiht yee

So you "ere COl~o spend the nl&bt 1n hi. badrooa?---I be.

yo= pardon?

Tou .ere coin, to _pend the night in hie badrooa1---Ye.

Alright, DOW. I think you've .,1d they turned the radio on.


00 •• No, 1 wben h'" rot triend. otten play the radio?---

I don't know becau.e this .... the first tillS I tad lone to hi. 10

parent'. hou." and there .ere friends,

Raveyau •• ld •• d1d you ,et the iapr ••• ioD that he turned

the rediD on eo that you couldn't bear •• that 1. witb the lnteo-

t10D that you shouldn't he. r.

__ that 1e what I thought,

Did I ,et your evidence clear?

Why sbould you think that?---becaua. firstly h' lett and

.ben he cu. beck, h. CUlII .itb frienda ot bie, and tile radiO

wal turned on quite loud,

Ie it unusual to have the rad10 on, I am talk1nS about 1n

your aoc1ety, to turn the rad10 on when there are tr1ends?--- 20

It 1e 'omethine usual.

Then why .bould yo~ think he ia tryine to cover up? --­

Well what I know 1a when o~e 1~rienda, the redia .hould not

be opened up, ahould not be turn,d up loud.

But you 'v, juet told Hia WorShip that in your soc1'ty "

in which you live, he and you, ite not unuaual to have the

radiO on, are you s,yinS 1t 1a unusual to have the radio on

loud? That ie when triend, are preeent?---that is w~ I ..

Why do you hav, such an ide,? ---",

$olle people turn the radiO on loud, and ,01lle people don't. 1 ___ _


- 21 -

--Well I have not bator. that data.heardth. radion in hla , bousa.hia ho ••• b.ing play.d ao loud. lt 11 the tlrlt tl.e

Hav. you heard ltbalng pllyed at all? a.cau •• you 'v. o.v.r

baen th.r.. how could you .. y wh.th.r the r.dl0 .... playad or

not?--lt 11 tb. house Ju.t behind oura. ona belr. ev.rythiog

happening ovar ther.. evan it people are dlacus.lng one you

bear wluot they are dl1cusaiog

Yea. but we are talklng about May when wlodo .. are cloaed

lt la cool at nigbt. I .. J~t suggeatlog that you have no bl-

ss tor lu".atlog that tb. radio In hia boUle va. turn.d 00 .pe- 10

citic &lly •• particularly loudly baarina in .1nd you'Ye nevar baen

In hia bouae. ---what aurpr1aad •• 1a that be wea wlth !rlends

at the tt •• that the radio vaa being play.d loud. but b.tore

the tri.nda had co.eJn. 1~ .. sn·t beina plsy.d lOUd. , But waa h. there?--h ••• nt to the pll c, to t.tcb the tri. nds

And c .. e blCk wltb th ••• ---Yes

So what i. the r.levanci ot tba rsdl0 not being pllyed b.­

tor. tbey c ... blck? They 't'nned the radiO on, --No, the radiO

was on, whilst h ... a gone, but lt vaa b.ing play.d aottly.

And it w .. swltch.d loud attar he had arrlved wlth triands.

V.ll, I want to put lt to you now that the accus.d, that

your v.ralon rather ot what happen.d thia night, la ln tlCt

I total tabricltlon, and t hat the tlr. t point I put to you

and that youcan answer ia t~t ln tact .y underatanding la

that tb. radiO •• an't .v.n working at that period. --No what

he told ., la that the radio he vaa ualng belonged to hia ~­

renta, It. an old r.dio, and b. WI' uslng a .otorcar battary

to op.rate It •• b,caua, his K1 tl .,t had baan r.poaa,ased by

the turn1tur. p.ople, turnitur. ahop.

W.ll, 1 .. not golng to argue wlth thia, the accu,.d'a 30

veraion wlll b. that ln tact trylng to U" an external battery

lb • •••


- 22 - N 9XO'f6

be bl .. the b.thry or r.ther the r.d10, that 1t .. sn't work-

1.D, .t the U ..... that you talk ot, tor aontha and .. ontha betore.

--1 t .... pl.y1rl4r th.n Sir, pO .. 1bly ther.att.r

No .. when you beard the accuaed and hi. tr1ends coae in, you

•• d1d you ,0 to ths door ani lst.n? -- pardon?

D1d you ,0 to ~ door and 11atsn?---Jo I dld not,

You wouldn't .py on your lov.r? -- I would not do It, No

I would .ot spy on • p.r.on I love

I just want to •• tab11.h your own •• ntallty, you would con-

.1der .pyirl4r on • lover . sbaa.tul thina.--to ae It 1s not. 10

100d thin&:.

s.o.eth1rl4r you would n.nr do.-- No I would not do 1t

You weren't prepared to 11.t.n throuab • door, but you were

pr.pared to look into .br1etc ••••• and ha.t11y put the ltuft

' .. y when you heard tbe .. coa. bliek. __ I .. nt.d to ••• what

it '1'" that he w •• h1d1.n, troa _.

Why " ,ou M, b. _.

hid1~--h1. br1etc.ae

Vb, " ,ou u, b. w .. hidina? YOll",", b.en 1n hi. bouae tor

t ... tirst ta. ~d he'. aot • briefc.ae, 1n t.ct h. d1dn't,

but let ua ao alona w1th you tor the aoaent, and ,ou '.y he

1& h1din& it troa you?_" put 1t in • wardrobe ~d tbo<

lbowed .a he Will hid1n& 1 t.

But 1f one puta tb1naa il I wardrobe that you want to tor

.at. cu.atody, --1t he had not warned a' not to to\ICh the

brietellle, .y eurloaity would not have been arousad

that 1a, he warned you ~ot to toueh the br1ete.a •• ___ Y ••

he a.1d '0.

that IWit have upllIt yOIl beeaWie lov.ra don't talk 11k.

that do they?-Y ..

Soalthina: yOll will nl.,,:- tor,et th1a .an a.yina cion' t

toueh ay briate.aa. -- I hava not forgottan 1t th.n

lAM ...



- 23 - H QljOlA

And you bav.n't. torcot.t.ln about It. at all becaut. It. hurt

you._ T ••

Vby dldn't you t.ll Hi. Vorlhlp about It In your .~ldlnce-

In_cbiet? __ •••

I'll roll thla que.tlon UP. why dldn't you t.ll H1. Vor­

.hlp about It In .~ld.nce-ln-ebiet and th.n wh.n I Invited you

on at lea.t on. occ •• lon to r.tleet aD wh.ther you had ,iv.n

the cO'plete v.r.ion at the evenlne" .vente, and whath.r

there waa anythltlyou ... tatt.d to add, you dldn't .dd it, you

.ad. no ret.r.nc. to It.---1 .pok. about the bri.tc ••• , re- 10

•• Iber I .pok. at • bard eov.r.

But you n.ver .ald h. told you not to touch It. Th. tbin,

which hurt you.-••

I. th.r. an anlw.r?---Tou .ay I dld not aat ••• ntlmot

what?.that I .hould not touch the br1.t c ... ?

That 11 corr.ct. --I dld not thlnk ot I.ylne It, b.clue.

I Ind.ed took the brl.tca •• and look.d .t It.

But you wer. Invlted to ,lv. I coapl.t. ICCOunt at that

ev,Dlq. Tou .... r. lDvlted to add anrthlnkbat you _ted.

--... But you tor,ot the tone thine wb.1ch hurt you, and that is

he 1.1d don't touch. ---... ell it dld not hurt .e ao .uch that

I could not .p.ak .bout 1 t,

Beelue. h. 'Ild dOD't touch, you then declded tbat you

w.r. pr.pared .. It .... re to apy on ~.--Tea beeluea ot what

he alld na-aly that I ahould not touch 1t and then l •• vln,

and coaiac b.ck wlth frlenda.

V.ll to coat blck to your .entality, don't you In your

ova aind think tba.t 1 t la ahalletul to look 111. I bri.tc •••


wh.n you .... r •• pee1tically .. ked Dot to?---that i. the ICtual }O

r •• aons why I looked lDa1de, beelu.e h. told .18 not to do .0.

ITou ...

- 24 - l!' VXOWA

You nlver tboulbt it .~etu1. ___ ln what I dld,no.

Vb.n you •• v th ••• docualnt., verI you .urprl.ed, didtbey

havI I.DY .18.Il.1na: to you?_I ..... ell I va •• hocked wen I aaw

tbl wblt w •• wrltten on It.

And what va. wrlttln on It?---"Thl Youtb R.volution COUD-

"Tb. Youtb Re.olutlon Councll". __ Yea

I juat want to repe.t lt a .. in, it 1. writt.n "Th. Youtb

Revolution Councll"?---" The Youth Revolution Councl1 .nd

Afrlc. tor all" and ao •• ZUlu po.'s, I did not reed tbroulb lt 10

I just looked at It.

Have you ev.r b .. rd ot tn. orlanlr.atlon or tblnl callld

tbl Youtb Rnolutlon Council ?---No

You bad beard ot •• l tbink abe .aid Afric. tor tbl African.

or Africa tor all?-Afrlc, tor ell.

You had beard ot that?---l vaa .e.i~ tbi. tor the tirst


I ee., and what Ilsl ~ld you r •• d, thol' two things, tb.

nea. "Afrlca tor all" and wbat else?--- ·The Youtb Revolution

CoUDcil aDd Africa tor all" and I jut pac.d tbrough tbe book 20

and .0 .aw so •• ZUlu po ••••

Yea, now lt tbat .vldence w.s true, vhlt could hive

lbocked you?-You never beard ot tbt Youtb Revolution Council

or il lt that tbe wordl "Afric. tor ell" sbocked you?-Th,

Youth Revolution Councl1 and Afrlc. tor all, le wbat ,hock.d

••• But you had no ide. ot what the Youtb R.volution Council

was, tor all you knev it .i&bt have b.en • bowlinl club, --­

well I tbougbt it ..... it bad to do witb A..N.C., I am sorry,

sOIl.thine to do witb polities. 30

Soe.thine to do witb politic.. And .bln you , •• Acculed

I .. or ..

- 25 - If crop

1t had aoaethin& to do ... itb pol1tica, --T ..

But you d1dn't kno ... '<Ibet?--Jilot exactl,.

&.it pol1 tica 1a a01lathilli whicb all aorta ot p.ople ha.e

1ntereat 1n. Thera are .... 11 known politic1ans 1n So .... to wbo

n ••• r ,.t arr .. t.d. Why .bould thia ,bock ,ou1--you •• an

p.opl. who don't ,.t arr.ated?

T .. , thaI" ara po11tlc1ana 1n sa .... to, .... 11 known paople

whetb.r tb.y are counc1110r. or anytb.11l1 .1,., don't ,.t ~.,­

ted.---Ko what I know S1r &Del what I ha •• heard 1a that a per- 10

aOD ... ho 1. 1nvolv.d 1n po11t1ca I.t arr.at.d.

Ia thet what you thouibt? So ... hat you are tal111l1 Hi, Wor­

.hip 1a that you .... 1' •• bockt<l bac:.ua. ,OU tboupt Mo. 1 could

I.t arr •• t.d?--T ••

Tou lov.d ~, you d1dn't want ~ to ,.t 1nto troubl ••

--y.a. I d1d.

So ,OU .uat ha •• aa1d to bill 'wMt ar. you up to'?- .... ,

I ... ked b.1at ..... about th •• 0Ulr ear.

Wh.n d1d you aak b.1.lbout that?--I waa •• when I .ak.d hi.

about the aotorcar, I ..... at111 .t .y a1at.r '. pl.c. b.tore 20

101n, to hie boUle . I told h.1a that I had ... n a aotor car 1n

the :raNI.

!hat 11 a J'eoUl.ot. --Tn

V .. thllt .. you .. e aM1n( 1t tor the f1rat t1.a.?---tbe

aotor ear? I thlnk it w ... bout tbe thlrd ceca'ion that I bad

.. en 1t. I did not Iulo ... that be .. d .tolen thia .,hlel., but

I heard hia t.thar w .... yinl that he baa crown t1red ot .0-

tor eara that ara parked th.re which Stanley ateala, ba will

aoon call tbe pol i e ••

Vh1eb No. 1 at.ala and he'll aooner call the po11c •• -Y.. ,0

So ... hat you underatand _a that tbe tather .... a a,yiD, j}bat ••

- 26 - II m::OWA

that •• the tether tbo~t tl:lat the Peu.eot wa •• tol.n.--He dld

not tblnk '0, be kA.w It Wl' .tolen, b.c.u.e h ••• 1d .0.

ADd it AccUl.d 110. 1 _1'" to produce pe.p.ra whicb .bow

tbat h. bouiht th. eer 11"01 ••• 11.1" In the prop.r cour'e,could

YOll bav. an .xplan.tlon a. to why th. 1.ther .bould bIITe thouaht

tbat?-bl. t.tber ....... y1~ that b. bIId arovn tir.d ot car.

that hi •• 011. .t.Ill ••

I Ju.t .... tlt to •• alrl&ht, then you .. 1I:.d Ste.nley .bout

that? About the Dotor car?--I dld

VeIl Ju.t tell .... what dld yOIl •• 11: ~?---I •• id to hi. 10

I h.ard your t.th.r .p.aking about .otor cer. that you .telll,

do you .teal aotor cer.. He .aid h. lOt thl •• otor car 1"1"011

K111: ••

Did h. d.ny h •• tOI. it?

lI.ot • .a.lt

When dld you h.ar the t.th.r •• y .... II:. the .p.ech .bout

.11..111.& tired - b.tor. 10111.& b.ck, that 1. b.tor. Mey

A.1hr th1 •• 1&ht?-Atter the A1&ht 1a qu .. tion

110 th.1I. I .. err.ld that you are Introducin, thlnp

wblch er. quite irr.l.¥ant. Pl •••• will you pe.y attentlol1. to 20

qu .. t1one. --I und'r,tand

I J .... t want to 'xplain on. thl~, IUd a&ll:e one th1n& cleer

.cc ..... d 110. 1 wl11 not d.ny that he had cert.ln 1nTolv .. entl

with Saco ... ber. but he d.nle. C.t'lOriclllly that h, bIId any

docu-entation at the tile tbat you "ntion.d.---••

I. that your T.r,lon,that you •• w theee docUII.nt. The

Youth Revolution Council, 1, • l1ct10n.--v.ll I •• w tbi.


then I a.k IY qu .. t1on wblch you didn't ane_r, rel..,&II.t-

ly. d1d you •• y to Stenley wbat ere you up to? -

IAr ... . '0

- 27 -

Ar. you Up to po11tl~ ••• are you JOln, to ,.t lnto trouble

---I ask.d ~ about that .att.r. I a,k.d ~ what doeua.nt

tb.111 va ••

Oh Y'II, you a,k.d b.1 •• ---h. 'ald to e. that be do •• not

want a ,lr1 who 1. his 10Ter to know .v'rythin, that h. le dolnl

Dld you tell the po1ie. tbat?---I.s. I dld

W.11, the prosaeutor hasn't asked you that qu.stlon. It

sounds as lf lt 111 not ln your stst.eent and that you •• d. lt

up now.---Ho, I Dot think of thls now.

B.eause the proseeutor would bave been very anzlous to 10

,.t that lntoraatlon fra- you, bad you ln fact told the po11e.

that.--- •••

And that 1a why I .. puttln, to you speelfleally that

that ls sometb.1nl you had lnvented nov, because lf lt 1, ln

your stat_ent the prol.eutor can eh.ek.- ... 11, lt ls pos­

,lb1e that lt vasn't .ention.d In that •• I don't Ip.ak Atrl_

kaans 10 ve11, 'Y 'tatement va. ,1ven and wrltten ln Afrlkaans

But you told that to the pollee •• you told us.---I •• n-

tloned thie posslbly not .0 well beeeuse of .y not knovlnc

Afrlkaans well.

wal your stat_ent not lnterpreted to you? ___ there was

an lnterpreter

ADd he lnt.rpret.d?--ye., lt vas ln ZUl.u

Then why are you talklns about Afrlkaans when you lpoke

ZUlu1_Ho, I alii lay1nl: tl:!.e lnt.rpr.t.r val ZUlu

I.I, but he .. then the fact that your Afrlkaanl valn·t I

lood, 11 totally lrrelevv.t. --- He ealle". ZUlu po11ellllllll

to eo •• and lnterpr.t for •• , whllat I .pok. Xhola,

Yes, 10 you told the pollee through an interpr. t'r?


The lnterpret'r val t.11lng the p011ee.an •• r .. lOrry. the 30

lnterpreter vas te111ng .~ what the p011eeman val s aylns, but

/te111ns ••

" - If qJO!A

telllll1 •• 1t1 ZuJ.u.

Did you au".r ha 111 ZUlu?-T ..

hd .... the pollc~ wrlt~ .. atat'.ene?-Mo, .ttlr

be had co.pleted wr1t1nc.

Yel, tbln did hI writ. out • It.t_ent?-a atat ... nt .. I'

writtlD ,

Containing the In!o~.tl0n. III the In!ol''llltlon that you

told hat-that 11 corract

And ~t va. inter-prated back to )'ou1--- ••

1.D tbe ZUlu lana-ca.-T •• , tblot 11 aorrlct

So c ... you tdl .... by you. bloC! li.,a .. cOIIpllhly irTe­

l •• ant to •• y the l ••• t, explanat10n tbatyoUl' Afrikaan. ian't

tlonld thls blea ... & you •• ked .... by I dtd not tIll th, policl

What I bad jult ,.1d to you

I d on ' t under,tand, but you d1d tdl the p011cI, __

But you didn't tdl in 4trikuna I tbat 11 why I ..... kine

you to explain. Your a XCu.1 tbat you , ••• and that 11 that your

AtrUtaan.s .. an't pod. --Tou "y I .... n't ap1ak11l1 1. Atrl-

That 11 your 1 .. 1dlncl,-1 _poke in Atr1kaant , VIII than I don't know whether you are tlDt t"ll~.ll.

b.eIWlI you· .... j\at told IU tbIot you 'pok. in Zulu, -No, I

.aid .y .tat .. lnt 'III' ,iv.n and 1ITlttlll ill Atrik.&III, but the

~r.on who intlrpr.t.d tor .e Wll. Zulu .peuilll.

'!'hIlt i. ¥lot what you •• id, wht,t you •• id wa. tbat your

~ik'IlD' va.n't lood aad you don't know wh.tb.r you Ilxprl.­

." it proplrly.--Y •• , I .pokl in A1'rikallD.l, '0 bal! .u"

witb ~&1i.b , but tbe per.on 1ITitlnc Utlder.tood wbat wa ••• ld.

But you ju.t told u. that it Will inhrprlted . How you

arl talklng Ilbout hal! .1:1:" with !nCli.b.-No, the int.rpre­

Itlr •••




- 29 - N GXO!A

teer w .. called ao .a to c_e and interpret to ae clearly

whet 1. cont.1ned 1n ay at.te~ent.

I .. DOt g01ng to.,I •• Ir. you one que,t1on, and 1 .. going

to leave thi., you' .. e given WI three .. er'ions .a to What lan­

cua,e you uaed, _a .. did you speak Atrilr.aana, or. ai.xt\lre ot

A1rik,ana and EnCl1th or did you .pealr. Zulu?--..... y atat .. ent

_a be1D, taken down, 1 apoke in Atrikaans.

Then why did you taU Hia Worahip that you apoke in ZUlu?

-I did not a.y that 1 apoke ZUlu

Vall, then •• --I a.id the per.on who va. interpreting the 10

.t.t .. ent btlck to .e. w .. ZUlu .peak1D,

1 am alraid that your evidence very clearly •• w .. it ZUlu

or Xho .... w •• tnat you apoke Zulu. It i. very clearly and .y

learned triend the pro.ecutor would not let .et put tnat ques­

tion to you 1t it vaan't rilht. ---Your Vorship the poa1t10n

ia ay Itc.te.ent w •• taken down •• wben _y at. te.ent va. taken ••

be111& taken down. I .poke in Atrilr.aane and the 1Ih1 to peraon

who vaa writing then calltd an 1nterpreter .0 at to aakt

eure that what he nad taken down is "nat I nad I.id.

1 .. now 101ng to deal with the teltphone converl.tion. 20

And I w11l repe.t a1 invit.t1on to you. i' there anything

that you want to .dd to what you ha.,e described •• that

convtra"tion. --1 have nothinl turtber to lay, to tell you

What you have indic.ted i, •• to ~a Vor,hip 1. that

the .ccu.ed told you very little .bout bi .. elt •• and when I

."y .ccu.ed, I want you to re.d Accu.ed No.1, do you So

.lons with that?-tMt 11 correct

You had no ide. whether he "'. involved in politic' or

not? you .ean .t the tial hi 'phoned .e?

No, no, no, while yo\.! were with h.1a 1n Johanne.burg.--- 30

/Jo t •••

- 30 - N GIO ....

-it i' only the M-hfca .. that 'hocked .e

Ye., but he .i&ht have been holdiq •• ke.piq 1ttlr lI_e_

body elae? lor all yOU lUlew1--I would never know 1 t

Ye', now he 'phoned you up and he aak. you •• perbap' I

,hould a.k you, tall UII what ... hill raqu .. t to you when he

'pboned you1-He a&1d I ,hould or,anize Io.e boy, 1..11 Cradock

II that a11 be .&1d1-..

A. far !III the request cou?--he further .aid he vould

co.e doWQ to Cr.dock to fetcb the. .0 .. to aceo-pany h1a

Now wbat did you und.rltand by ·organize-? __ ••

What doe, or,an1z1!1 .ean to you?--to br1q people to,atbar

For wbat purpoae1--.,

How would you M-111S tho tosatber? What did you umer-

atand thet he wantad you to do? -Br1na the. to,ethar~ what

do you lIay to the.?-__ hll told .e that he would taka the. to


But it i. 11ke or,aniz1n, tor a pirate tazi. ,et people

togather and lIay we w111 take you to Bohwane.-...

I Juat wE you to exple1n to Hill Worllhip what you


thoUCht the aecWled wantecl 1'1'0. you. ___ l wouldn't know S1r, 20

why ba wanted tbeae people to ba organized, tor a party or


Yet, and you don't 1n tact •• you neYer or,an1zed 1n your

11te.--Mo, I've never

An4 it you were to orsanize, you wouldn't have had the

tainta.t 1dae vhat to ,ay to tha,a paopla other than they

.Ullt 10 to Boh_na, __ I bad lIeen writtan on the document

tbet DaIle" tbll naJIIe of an organi;zlltion and. I thought he wanted

peopla tor that organi;zatlon. I hava haard that peoPle;who go

to Bohvana.,undergo train1nl.

So you thought that 'iouth Revolut10nary Council Val an /organ1zat10n ••


n -

organl:t.t1on?--T •• , I thouibt '0.

Involved in aUitary tr.lnlng?---lolleth1I1S to do with


ADd to you do •• politics include al11tary trainlng?-­

I don't know about it, I ...... 1~ it tor tbe firat t1.'

You •• nttoned al11tary training. --Yea

Do you think that waa the Id •• ot •• that this Council

wanted to taka people tor al11tary tr.ln1ni1--that 1. what I


l'v. ~t • ta .. prabl •• , with that, you told Hill Vorahlp 10

tbat you had no ld •• what Youth Revolution Counell a,ant,

__ 1 did not moy it prier to ".1ng this docUilent

poetry. now who enlightened you II to •• or bow w.ra you en­

lightened .1 to what thi. Wall about? --wan I thought what

they atood tor , beclual vben I ,'~.d h1a .bout this thins"

ha did not want to tall ••

BY THE COURT:The que.tion 11 who enlightened you?-__ Nobody did

CROS3-IXNUNA,TIOl!' BY I!R. S9GG0T: (CONTlNU'W) Yell tben can you 20

explain your evidenc., you had no idea what it waa abouthen,

no one haa enli&htentd you,how do you ca.e}o the knowledce

which you DOW claim,that you thought it we. an orcanlzatlon

which wa. invol~td l n polltlc. wblch ... inttre.ted in .ili­

tary tralning? - - -becau .. at hie be1na Itcretlve arout that

Your Yorahlp, it he •• 1t lt waan ' t thl8 kind ot organlzetion

then he would not have b.en .teretive about it.

I waDt to put it to you that you are not belng .ery can­

dld with the Court, __ I .. Sir

A. tar aa t~ accuaed ie concerned, you didn't know what 30

orgtn1:r.ation be belonged to or' dld you?-No I dld not.

I It •••

- 32 - N axOVA

It could have been the Red Cro •• , it could bave been the

A.N.C. --- Yee, beeeu.e be va •• ecretive ebout it, it he va. in

tbe Red Cro •• , whicb ie ellrigbt. be would have told .e .0.

Mo but be didn't tell you thine. ebout hi. lite, tn.t il

the ettect ot your evidence, told you nothine. --Stanley wal

very lecreUve

He dldn't tell you about hi. ordlnary llte, -alto,etber


'Hlke' 1. tbe word you u.ed •• that 1. rilht. So be could have

belonged to tbe Red Cro •• tor ell youcare, tor III you knew. 10

----that be Juat dld not tell .e about

Yee, ot courle.---••

'han be .ald to you on tbe telepbone, ---but would be have

had reeaon to be eecratlve about Red Cro •• ?

When be .ald to you on the 'pbone, tbet you .bould or,e-

n1~e tor tbe or,en1zatlon, to or,anlze •• to'organlleer' I

think h tbe word you used, you had 110 ide. whet be ls telkin,

ebout?_I a.ked ~ whet orlanizetlon this wea, and be .eld

I .hould organlze boy. tor tn..

Over the telipbone you .. ked hi. what organ.1zatlon lt wea. 20

---I dld

The loat natural quesUoD, and his IDIwer we.?---Ht •• id

be wanted to take the .. to Botewen. but be dld not .ey what

ora:anizetion it wes.

But you a.ked him, di~D't you .ey to h1a 'tell .e whet it

is ebout'? I can't organize boy.

Botswana, tbey w111 think that I PI

in Botswen.. --- I .aid 10 to hia

in the air, and 'ey cOllIe to

takine the. to~e boliday

end what did be eay? What orgenizetion?---be did not .en-

tion a name •• ot tbe organi~ation.

Do you .ean be retuaed to answer the queetlon.---You maan

/Accu$ed •••


- 33 - If QtQ'I'A

AccuUd 110. l? Ie', be did

And when 70U told the police yOUI' .eraion, you told th ..

that .a .. 11, that you .aked hill what organiz.tion, and he

wouldn't ten you.-1 d1d not tall the pol1c. thia, though

I lI.ld to -th-. I dld not av" wlth Yhat he ,u,g'lIted

Why didn't you t.ll the police thia? --- I thought it .. a

not aportant tMt I .bould tell t~.

But the polic •• dd to 70U tell u.a everything what waa

.. id on the tal.pbone.--1 tbou&ht lt waa not u.por~t that I

.ballld t.ll the ...

But the polic. a.ld to 70U t.ll u.a ev.rytbil1l that w .. 0 11

the tel.pho ••• ---Ie. they •• 1d .0

So why dldn't you tell t'*'?--..

And U I .. y pat 1 t to you with Tlllpect wby not tell th ..

• bout the IIO.t ll1portant qu •• tlon in the cOllver •• tlon. -- be­

CIIIII. I thouCht thll qull.tlon w •• not lIIportant that I put to

hill, I ollly tOl~the police that I dld not .cr" with M •• ug­


But you Teallze tod.y bow lllpoTtant the qu.eation 1.1-

no reply

I. there no an4wer?--- I do r.alize that

Then wby dldnt YO~'ll Ki. WoTahlp .bout It? Wh.D the

prollecutor •• ked for tb ••• r.ion and wben I .eld to you twic.

lf not .or., la there anythiq lIore to add, --I 3ust dld not

tb.1l1k of lIentlon.1q that I uked hill what oTlanlutlon it w ..

and that h. dld not reply to .y que.tlon

Now whit you al,o told u. la that he ,.id to you that

he haa ,ot •• tolen car, and he i. ,oing to coae down in •

atolen car. to the C.pe ye.

Did it not atrike you that thi ... a an ab,urd tbJ..D& to

a'7 bKalll. h. ooulcl _v. be.n overheard? And he didn't ha.e

Ito ...

- 34 -

to tell you it ia a atolan ear . ---W.ll tbia did not aurpri.e

lie beeausa 1 knew he ataala lIotor eara

But d idn't it atrike you aa abaurd that he ahould tell you

over t he 'phone wh.n ev.rybody ineludln, th. aeeurity poliee

and the ear thett detael:aent vould h.ar, eould baar what h.

aa1d?---eould they overhear over th. phon.?

You have n.v.r bear4 or 'phOnea •• peopl. bear1nc what you

are aaying on the telephone?---1 hal" n.v.r h.ard that anybody

waa overheard over the 'phone

And you never ever been on a telephone When a tbird volee 10

wa. eOlllng .eroa.?---Ho, I'v. nn'er notlced I t

The attect ot your evid2nce ie that h. wanted you to or­

ganil,. boy. and ". thell to Botawana, you , .did you uk tu. why

he wanted thell to cOile to Bot.wana, what would they do there?

-1 did not uk hi_ that , 1 only told bi_ that 1 &II unable to

do that

\'by were you WI,ble to do that?--that I eould not "\at

take oth.r people" children over and.nd thes to Johanne.bur,.

that wa. the anaver you gave tu.7---T.s

It ia an anawer which you didn't give Hi. Worship betore, 20

ita n.w in your eVldenc •• Can you reae_ber the ana .... r you gave

Hie Worahip betore7 ___ th. quaation .... a Sir7

Can you r .. ellbar what anawer you "1" Hi. Worship b.tore?

About what your reply .... a7---1 do reaeaber

What vas tbat?--- that he 'phoned _e looking tor boya in

the Cap.,that 1 told hi. 1 &II not ,oing to do It. That I was

going to ay .iat.r in Uit.nhage.

Now youare adding that you can ' t take boya to Jobanneeburg

___ It 1. the aame, I aaid to hill, 1 ..... not pr.par.d to

Do you considar that the a&lle? Rl&ht, 1 want to come back 30

to the .venin& when the police arriv&d, the accused had hie Itriends ..

- 35 - If GlOWA

frienda on the other aid. of the door. --- y ••• that i. obYiou.

Did you hear them l.av.?--- he cu. to tell.. that h. wa.

takin& hia triend haltway

HdtYay to w'-r.?--he d1d not .ay up to wher ••

ADd h. didn't invite you to co •• w1th th •• ? ___ No. h. d1d not

And did •• th.n h. cu. baek?--H. did

It .u.t have b •• n •• nt. d.partur • .u,t have b •• n v.ry bri.t

you juet had time to op.n the bri.te.... a. t und.r.tand your

eT1d.nc •• t.ll •• it I .. wronl, to op.n the bri.tc.... look

tbroup the docu..nta and put 1 t back a,ain •

.... n. tell ua what happ.n.d .tt'T'II'ard.?

thill docUilent?

It 1a corr.ct 10

aft.r reading

ilter he Call. b.ck.- he c ... into hi. rooll, the b.drooll,

juat b.fore h. c ... to bed th.re .. ~ knock at the door. and

tnta ... the police.

Did you have no convlrllation with bJ.II?_ ••

Froll the t1m. that he c ... beck?---Until the tim. that the

po11c. cam.?---No th.r. ... no chenc. b.caua. a1nut.. att.r he

had COlI. in, that the pollc. knocked

I have one problem with that. I "y tnt, .ubject to correc- 20 ,

tion, tNt hav.n't you toldH1' Wor'bJ.p that you allked h.1..oI ebout

the pap.r, that you ,.w? ___ ••

S1r. that ill .y r.collection,.lIylearn.d triend •• ye that

it ill corr.ct, I am not very .ure .bout 1t. ---the polic. took

bJ.II away . and h. c .. e b.ck and than I u,k.d hi.,

How long did you w.it tor hi. to co •• back?--- I lett •• I

tb1nk h. calle back att.r two d.y ••

W.ll I und.retoed your .videne. dift.rently, but do you

know why the polie. e ... . what did they e,y, what wa. the r.a­

eon tor co.lng1---th. polle. that took him?

.... are only talking .bout on. lot ot po11c •• ---they .,ked

Itor ••


- 36 - H 0xoYA for Stanley Radebe •• where Stanley Radebe ia

Yea, but let \a not (0 through •• I am aakina: a aaple

queltion, what waa the rea.on that they were catchina: hill? __ _

they eaid they ara arreltin, ~ for a lIotor Tehicle that he

atolen and aold

Well, I juat wen t to tell you that your eVidence il a total

fabrication, becauae Acculed in fact waa arreated on a char,e

ot atte.pted 1I0tor car theft, on the lat of Novaaber, 1960,

whenrcu were well out of the ~ansvaal. The lat of Hove.ber,

1960, aDd the pollce only came to hia houae well atter that 10

when they rearre.ted him lor the Ia.e char,e. In other worda

I .. puttina: it to you that your eVidence il a total fabrica-

tion bac.uae you were well out of the ~anlvaal by the tilla

the accuaed had trouble with an atteaptad 1I0tor car charie ••

Motor car theft cbar,e.---It could hava been another occaaion

It could ha.a been ~other occalion, ---ao it ia polalbla

1D 1960

Well, let ua juat ull: you, what aotor car was tba pollca

lnteraltad in at that Ita,e?---I do not know

1I'he.t car dld ba hava? In Kay 1960.---He dld not hava a car 20


ADd did tha pollce not lay what car? Aa Opel,Mercedel

Ben~, Pe~eot7 ___ 1 vel .hocked there and I val in the b~roo.

Yea, it .. y be. but two dayl latar he cale back.---Yea

Old you uk hill what car val it about?---He only told at

that it WII a motor car be had lold to hil uncle ln Fiat Ratief

but did not tell lie what aake of 1I0tor car.

Did you not •• dld he not lay that hi. troubla vaa in con­

nection with a Marcadaa Ben:r.?---Ho.

Becauae it wa. on a charie relatins: to an attempted theft ,0

of a Mercedel Ben:r. •• that he val arreated but lIUch later.

INo ••


--No. this vas betore

When vere.,you ,ave, atateaent to tbe police, ---Yea

I did.

Did they COllI to YOIU' houae?-tha Itatalllnt vas DOt taken

down at .y parente ~ • •

No but just an. .. ar ., que.tion, did they eo •• to your house?


What ta. ot day or nlSbt?--Tbay c .... at nl&ht

Yhattt •• ? ___ at about •• 1t va. past ten •• or batore teD.

How ll8..Dy .. era thera? _ _ tbr •• Wh.1t •• aDd on. Xhosa

Do you know their nu •• ?--I do not know

W .. it in Cradock?-It va. in Ul tenha,.

When? (nol •• on tapa) -- the 25th ot "*1 1982 •• ot Mareh

sorry 1982

And Which houao YOre you 1n7-1 val at the houae ot ay


What 1e hie naaa?-- pu.u1n.a ", .. haella

ADd where do •• he l1ve?--w. atay in the .~. 10cat10n

Qu.a Hob\u, ToWl1.8h.1p.


What did tbey • .,.?--They asked a. what ,y nus _a, and 20

.,ked •• where I attended sCOool, tbe police started •• arching

the house there at .y boyfriend " , They then told ae t~t

to get dre,,"', they were tllll:in, ae along, fro. there we pro­

ceeded to ay hoae.

You auat bav. got. t.rrible friiht?---Yea, very auch

You've never b.en arreate~efore •• let alone at night.---

it it to .

by well _rained aen?-__ Yea

Who were not in un1fora?- --y.t

How they took you fro. your boyfriend's houseto your

.other'e houae.---to ay aiater. /Your ••


- 38 - If ClOVA

Your aiatar. In Uitenhage.---Yes

What did they do theEl.? ___ they asked .e who .y boytriend was

1n JohaIlneaburg, I told th ...

StaDley Radebe , ---Ye., I did so.

Yere you upset when you real1zed that they wanted eo.e 1n­

toraation about Stanley Radebe?---It shocked .e,

Would you have been concerned about his satety? ___ Yea

So they a aked you tben who 1a your boy triend , youtold

them, then what happened?--- Yes

Where did they ask you this?

where?--- at .y aiater's place.

In the police ottice or

Right , then carry on, ___ my s1ster'a place .aa alao aearcbed

Vas she preaent at tbe tile ot the discussion?---Not then

Ve .ere o~ our "7 out .hen they eaked . e , and then we .ent

baclr. into the houae and I atood outaide, they only went in aay­

ing they . ere going to tetch .y reference book

And tben .here did you go?--1 waa taken into the .otorcar

and they lett with . e .

Where to?---Yent to Humanadorp


'to tbe police ottice?-- ita a jail .. I don't know Whether 20

ita a geol, but there wer a police.an

Did they put you in a cell?--- Yaa , I elept in a cell

Did they arres t you?---Arreated in .hat charge?

I am aaking you, were you arrested • • or did you consider

yourselt arralted?-..

They did aD under what or in connection with what?-­

It waa et night whan they .,whan I waa apprehended by tha po­

lice Your Vorship , thay .ara quite nice to .e, I did not think

I waa arrelted because they were asking De about Stanley.

But nonethela.a they put you in a cell. ___ T"

Did you talk to tha. aga1n1-__ they cama back the tollow1ng

/day • •


- J9 - If G39JA

day •• aDd took . e .

to an oftlce . --Ye.

Where you were lE1tefTopt~?_I .... que.tioned ye'

How .any people pre.ent?- - - by two White people, oEle tlr.t

aDd then aAother one

AEId wbat dld th.y ... k you?-aek1nc .e about Stanl.y

T.n us epecifically what ..... aektd?--th.y ... ked .e when

I l.tt JohanEl.ebur" how I lett and I told thea .

Tee. _ tbey aek.d .e it we were .till corre,poEldlng, .e

and Stanley.

1960 and that WI were Dot writlD1 to OEI. another.

Te', ~t dld you und.r.taDd fro. th ••• • what intereet~

the. about Stanl.y?-- - ••

Kotor car thett, or vhat?-th.y told ae that be va. 1n­

... ol ... ed In politic.

Ol d they 'ay what or,anlzatlon?--no they dld Qot •• y,th.y

dld not t.ll a. but 1Det •• d th.y .aid I know.

ney .eid you know?--T.e

But you then told t~JOu dOQ ' t knoW?- I told th .. that

I .... not iElvol .... d ln thi. thin,. !bat you didn ' t know Stanley wee in ... olved in politlc •• --

I told thea about boob the.t I had .ean

WhYdid you do that? Did you want to ,.t Stanley into , trouble?-- -Ho I did not want to let h1a into trouble, but I , wa. ana.erlDi que.tiona .bout Wba~h'Y were ... kiDi.

TNt ie your duty perhap. but I .. lDi.reete<l you .ee

lEI your .tat. ot .ind , you a •• law abiding citi~en to '1 ....

proper In.toraatloEl r.quired by the pol1c •• -_they told ••

what Stanley wa. In,,ol''ad in doing



Y •• , that i •• o •• - -and I had known about tbt. thing, '0

/1Ihat •• •

- ( 0 - N CIOn

What dld they tell you that Stanby haa been dolfli:?­

they add to •• that 3tlltlley told the. that 1M had 'phoned .e

in the Cape, to orlanlze boya tor hia.

What dld you aay about that?-I eald to thea that he had

'phoned lie 1I000e tille afO.

ADd what elee did the polle. tell you?-the police then

told .e that they eaid they ht.d IIITelited h1a

Yell, tor wbat?---aoaething to do with politlea

Did they .ention the nue ot an organization? ___ No, they

did not tell .e an orcanlZ1tlon.

01d •• are you telling Hill WOrllhip that the polle e never

once allked about an organization called Saeo?_No they d1d

DOt tell .e about Saeo, I told thell what I had eeen ln the


But wby dld you tell thea that, tbey ht.ven't even allked

you?---No, wht.t the pollee dld .. II to put lt to lie that I

know Wbat Stanley 1e 1nvolved in doLDI and then I told the.

what I ht.d lIeen ••

But didn't you tirat try and protect stanley '.0 __


I wall IIcared, I all not ueed to the pollee, I told ' thell right 20

didn't you tlrllt lIay to the.lOu know nothing about hill

lnvolvellent In po11t1ell? J.a~u,.,e told Hill Worllhip today that

you knew nothina:, why didn't you tell the poUee the 118111e

th1ng?---Oid I lIay to Hill Worllhip that I know nothing?

No, that he wall lIecretive and that you ht.d noldea what

organization he belonged to? Or what he wall doifli:?---No, I

8111 apeaking thi ll t1.ae ebout what I bad lIeen perllonally and

not what he had told .e.

No but an honest anaver to the police would have been

/ you ••

" you don't know Wba~. 11 lip to, 1n politie. , - •••

II there an an ••• r?-l .poke . bout what I bad ... n

Y •• , but I .... ,you •••• I jUlt _t to pu.t it to you, I

dOI1't want to .~nd 10 auth talon th1', d1dn' t you try aDd

protect YO\U" lover? --I YIII too acared

And you kn'" that the polici W&tlted lntO""UOD, ,boI.it

Stanley" ••• cc~.d No.1', political IctlT1t11.?---Yben the

pollel told •• that they had UTI.teo:! ha, I bee ... I'llare that

they wanted In!O,.. .. UOD "out ha,

Wlr' the polici cro'l with you?

And did DO on •••• ck yout_Ho.

Tben I co.. baelt to a,. que,tioD, you ...ted to protect

thins', ... that they told you about Stanley and you~.ltt.d

the. beelu" you vere rr1gbtenld. --T ••

Tbey told you be etole lator caret-they did not .peak

_bout aator care

So why did you, they .Ilt about politici and you tell


them about cu thett. -- ... 11 the .tory about thl lotor car 20

_tarted lroe "hlrl I bad I.,n thebrl,t e""

Dld the polic, .. nt to know .bO\lt puphlet.?_I Go not

Didn't they .'lltiOIl that Stalll.,y, No. 1 had p .. phl.,t.?-_

No Sir.

Ju,t now yO\l •• id you eouldll't reaeaber, and now you .ey

no.---Io, th, tir.t qu •• tion .... hether the polie. round any

pupblets and your second question .... hether h' had any

PQPblet ••

Yes, it h' had any puphl.,ta, aruS vbo he uled to fO

/ uound •••

- 42 •

ANWIod vitb1_ ••

Dld tb.y a.k you thlt?---No tb.y did not a.k .e that

ADd vbetber b ••• nt peopla Qut of tb. eountry?-HQ, tb,y

dld tlQt aak •• that, I told tb .. that I ha ... , had thl. trOll

.y brQtb,r tbat Statlley .. nd. p'Qpl, to Botawana

Tou beard tbat frOil your brQtber?-Y ..

ADd what dld your brother tell you •• to why h. dld It?-­

Why Stanl.y va. doln, It? ~ broth.r va •• aylA1 that Stanl.y

Aeeuaed Mo, 1, crQaaa. thl border talI1A1 people aerQ .. and

that ba,Aeeu.ed No.1, vu.t,d to eOll' down to Ult,nba." to 10

... l.lt ••• I .ald to ay brother I ... n't 1nt,re.ted in 'e,lnc

hU beea\l.le I .. jUat ebollt to ,.t aarrled.

Vait a .o.ent, did yOUt' brotbar al.o t.ll you why Stanley

took people aero .. tha border?---I ", .. n't lntereated dleeua.il1l

thl ••

You Call't ba .. rio\l.l about tbat all''''r, he 1 •• tll1 your

10 ... ar.--- No, be va.n't .J lovar, I vaa hi. 10'1"1' then,

lut I P\lt a mmb.r of q\laationa to you that be W&I your

10 ... ,1' and you w.Dted to p!'oteet ~, nov ..

BY THE COURr:At vba.t .t.,.,--At tbe eta,. of tba poliea 1_ 20

..... tlp.t10n S1r,

00 you .'all March thl. yur vban .he va. II,pprahended?­

tbat 1. corraot, II,t tbat .ta" I put lt to her why dld you

a,y tbat, and ,ha .,id ",,11 .b. ",a. fri,ht,ned,

Yl1'Ni8S: Ho, only tbat I pltled hi. 511', faIt plty tor hU,

not that I.".. hi. 10'1"1',


BY t1f£ COUR1':Vlll you .till be '_a t1ai,?--OEFEM:S: Vall,Slr

I .. aorry, I knov tbat I bav, ,one b,yoDd. the ti." I ....

bopiAl fro- point to point to tlnl.b lt ott, I think I can

tinl.b it off

Isy ...

- 43 -

BY THE COURT: Oh very well, if you want tn cootinue , cootinue

- -Nn I think I cao tinish it off r.pidly.


hereot in my cross-examinatinn but let ae be very clear with

you , Stanley '01111 .dmit he ll5ed to ' phone ynu , l1li boyfriend

and 8irlfriend. - --Yes

He will categorically deny your descriptinn of the

telephnne call othln' thaD the tact that he told you that he

had heard that T1lIothy ha~ gnoe .cross the bnrder and that it

was alleged that he had gooe tn join the A.N.C . an organieation 10

which the .ccu.&ed never had anythil'l8 to do with. _ _ He did not

aey it was the A,N.C ,

Thia mornins. did anyone apeak to you .bout ynur evidence

befnre you went into the witness box?---spoke to .e, no,

Not .t all?- --Nn,

Vasn't Mr van Logseoberg talking to you with ynur state-

ment in hia haDd?---"

I am sorry nnt Mr. van Loggeobers, wasn ' t a datective

talking to you with the atatement. , abnut your atatement,.with

your atat~ent in his hands?---Not today

Vent in an ntfice this Rnroing, here, ---I was in an ntfice

thls morning.

Whet were you Olng tbere?---just sitting

Just sitting, - -Just .ittinS.

Vaa anybody talkil'l8?---I was talking there talkil'l8 tn Set­

la .y brother.

And the policeman wasn't talking tn yOu?----No be wasn't

talking to me

Vho el.e 'II" there in the room apart froID. you two? __ _

Snme Black man there, I don't know who he is

!Ynu., ,




You don't knO~hO he is •• or his name .---No, I've seen

him tor the first time today,



RE-EXAMINATION BY THE S,P, : no queation8


I , the undersigned hereby certify that the atoregoing 1s

• true and eorrect transcript ot the evidence ot Nomalungala

Gxowa mechanically recorded 1n the matter ot the Stat. versus

Stanley Radebe and three others Ca •• Kempton Park S H


lad' ' j TRkscRIsm : ~ NEETHLING

K6.02 - " SAAK KEMPTON PARK SH635/82


TIlO!>IAS JACK DUBE v.o.e. (Deur Tolk)

ONDERVRAGING DEUR AANKLAER : U ill woonagUg in SO\<Ieto, 111 dlt

korrek? -- Ja, in Dlepkloof .

lloeveel klnden het u1 13 kinden.

NOU een van u klnderS • . iS dit korrek dat een van u kinder.

se n ... am Is Victor Ngwane Dube? -- J ... .

/Ian ek net noem Edelagbare die persoon wle ek na verwys

word genoem in p ... r ... graaf (g) van Bylae I van die kls9"Uat .

Wanneer 1aa" het u u " eun ge" len? -- dit I s nou twee jaar (10)

gelede .

Min of meer ... anneer was hy 1aBste by u huis gewees? -- fly

het nie by die huis geb1y nle, hy het buitekant gewoon, ek het

nie geweet presles waar nle.

Maar us~ u !let hO/ll 2 jBar 1aa" gesien? -- Ja, ele. sl! dlt

is nou 2 j ... ar dat ek hOIf nie Bien nie.

Goed . Weet u waar u "eun nou Is, Victor nou is? --Ek

weet nie waar hy Is nie . Ek weet nik5 nie.

Weet u of u seun Victor, ook by enige ander naaam bekend

gestaan het of weet u dit nle? -- Ek 15 nie bewus van 'n (20)

ander naam nie.




SETHLA COLIN MBAYESE v . o.e. (Deur Tolk)

ONDERVRAGING DEUR AANKL.I<ER : 15 dit korrek dat die getuie wat

eente in die saal< vir eie Staat getuig het, sy !let getuig

gister , jou suster is? .- Dlt 111 so.

Is dit ook korrek, dra u kenn!s daarvan , dat sy op ' n

stadium na Johannesburg toe gekom het? -- Ja.

'" I


~6.0S - 46 -

En waae was U op da.rdt. Itadiu. woona9ti91 -- Toe Iy

in JOhannelbur9 vas?

Di e is korrei<.

in [)ell!mbermaand .

E~ val ook daar gevees waar Iy wal,

Ja, nee , maar ek p rnt nou van voor die . -- Ek Val n09

by di. huh gewees in cudoek .

NOu 9oed .

Oor na bladsy 41 .

T. I • ..

- 47 - S C MBAnSE

Te Cradoclt. Goed, e:l !l01.L \.I .t dan 110\.1 dat •• U het 11 0U ge­

praat van Deaembarmaand, vetter jaar pra.t U no\.l van? ---Oeaem-

ber van 1979

Yaar 1a U toe heen1---ak QS 1n Meadovlanda gev .. s

DEUR DIE HOF:Ekakuus , vannear het jy Johannesburg toe gako_1 __

V1r dia aerate kaer, d1t vea 1n 1979, 1n Deae",bBrJlaand toe elt

opgekom het , na Johannesburg.

Hat jy voor ot na hear Johannesburg toe geltom1---ay het

eera Johannesburg toe geltom.

VERHOOR DEUR DIE StA. (HERVAT)Is jy du1de111t oor jou dat~at 10

d1t Oesember 1979 Q a1--- Ek 1s seker daarvan.

Eb het jy toe j01.L BUlter kom beaoalt bier 1n Johannesburg?

dit 1a ao.

Eb vaar het sy op daard1e stadlum gewoon? ___ ay hat by 'n

andar auater van lIy gawoon by S1noane .

En dle auatar ae naaa la vat?-- -Mavla la dia aen wat 1n

Sinoana woont

Goed, ken jy anlge aen van die beakuldigdes !lOU voor die

Hot? __ -Js, deer is van h\.Llle vat elt ken

Nou et vlr die Hot wie van hulle ken jy7---d1e ear ste en 20

d1e tweede beakuldigdea

Kom ons begin no\.l by No . 1, waar het \.I vir No. 1 ont_oet?

---elt het bom leer ken 1n 1979 ter-rl ek besoalt atgelt het by

my auster 1n Sinoana.

Ja , hoe het \.I hom ontmoet?---ek het na my auater toe ge­

gean, d1ejena wat gister getuIen1a atgeU het, h1erso, ek het

na hear toe gegean.

O!UR DIE HOF: net jy oak by Mavl. tu1s gegean1---Nee, ek waa

by .y tante gewees Edelegbere, di' woon 1n Meadowland s

Ell het jy net daar gean beaoelt afl.?---By Slnoane jat '0

VERHOOR OEUR DIE S,A . (HERVAT) En het jy •• wear het jy hom /ontmoot ..

- 48 - 5 C MBAYESE

ontmoet •• by jou suster se jy? ____ by my suster se plak.

Nou het

MNR. SOOGET: I didn't hear that .

S.A.: My het sy eueter •• hy het vlr No.1 ontmoet by sy suster

(llt I s (lle getule wat glster getulg het, korrek. ___ GETUIE:Dlt

1& korrek by my eueter year (lle vorlge getUie tulsgegaan het.

MNn. SOGGET, Be.1e de.nk1e .

VERHOOR DEUR DIE S.A. (HERVAT) Hou le dit by Mavls ea hu1e?--­

(llt le eo.

Hou hat dear ooit enige geeprekke plaasgevlnd tuaaen jou 10

an No.1 beekuldigde?---dear waa 'n gasprek geweea

Ja, nou ek wil hejy Doet In jou ele woorde nou vlr dle

Hot vertel ... at 18 bespreek tus8IIn julle?- --baekuldlgde 1 het

twae papiare voort gebrlng , di~ wes papiere wet betrekking

gehad het op Saeo

DEUR DIE MOF: Vat bedoel 1,1 set die woord Saeo? ---Saeo Is 'n


Gaen lIIaar voort",

S.A.:D1t sal uitkoll Edalq:bare hopel1k.

VERHOOR DEijR pIE S.A. (HERVAT) Goed, ek wil nou Qet eeratena 20

he •• jy ae No. 1 het aan jou twee dokumente getoon, nat vir

jou gegae?---Ja. hy het dit tavoorakyn gebring

En jy ae dlt 18 Saco (Selko ?) - dit 180 .0

J., ken jy vir die hot beakryt hoe het h.1ardie dokumenta

galyk?---dle ene ie groene en op daardle .teen geakrywe

"Saeo. DIet .... art lettera "aeook die lendkaart van Atrika,

Atrika •• d!e hele Atrlka ataan daarop geskets.

D£!.IR DIE HOF: Vu dlt net 'n ,mke! val pap1er?- - -hierdia 1a

eintlik ' 0 pamtlat

Meer as een vel?--- d!t Is 'n paar .. ao ' n paar bladeya }O

aanmekaar gebind . /VERHOOR ....

- 49 - S C MBAYES£

VEBHOOR OEUR pIe S. A. : Ja,.--6it 1a a1ntllk 'n bo,ki' . 01,

t weldl 11 'n b1,tJ11 srot.r II di. In ... t ek net b'akryt bet.

OOk 'n boekll •• d1t la .00rt,llyk aan 611 eerate ene.

Soort,elyk bedoel Jy hy h,t ook op ,e.kryt de t d1t Saeo

1.1- - - d1t 1a ao

En w.t 1s sy kl.ur di' ander Iln1---61e klaur 11 d11.,ltd.

Groen .--1. ook groan.

Nou het , . kan Jy .an dil Hot at .. tse dokumente WI. dit

liveea?--- dit het batrlkklng op die organi ••• le

J. , kan Jy ontbou .. t • • ln .. ttlr op.lg dlt betr,kkio, hit 10

op dl. or,anlaaeie1- - - Hy b.t . ni. v'el geat 01., blhalwi d.t

by vlr .y dl1 boaklaa gawya h.t, In vir .y OOE gel. h.t dat

by ' n lid 1a van d.ardl. organl,.ei.

Ja , ,oed •• ar kan Jy vlr die hot vandag at watae dokuman-

t. dit la1 ___ ek het dit nl. ,elee. nl.

Ja , go.d , en Jy at No.1 het vlr jou geat dat hy 'n lid

van dl. organisasle la?-- -J.

Ooed, ek , •• n nou a.n Jou tooo tve. dokuaente , nou Edel-

.,bar •• k ao.t •• rat.na v.rdu~llk dlt i. bloot totoatat.

van a.kere boekiea, d1. r.d. bolko. di. Staat nie 611 oor- 20

epronkl1ke. bier het nl •• la o.d.t dit in ' n .Dder ••• k bt­

tr.kking • • ingehandi, ie, In det dit op dmoo.blik by di.

Grittier van die Hooggeresebot 11 •• hangende .ppll In 'n In-

dar ••• k. Nou indlen dit nodi, 1. dan kan ons deardl' Ituk-

k' , oorlpronkllke stukke kan toon dan ken ons dlt nagaan an

ken .y gal.erderrlandedlt n.,e.n ot dlt identiae .an bl.r-

dia toto.teta i. , and.reinl .a hulla dit a6 aanva.r •• we.t

.k nia , ek weat nle . . .. t hull a houding lal weaa nle , .k hat

vanda, blar elega ' n toto.teat van di. b.trokke • • totoeteta

van d1. b.trokke bewysstukke.

OEUR OlE HOf:Adv. Soggot, het u be .... r teen blerdie wyse

Iv.n ••••


- so - S C )(SAmE

ven ,etui.ni.eanbl.dinc?---Dit 1. ,1ntlik •• • k •• 1 •• n dl. hand

elo,n onw.n.alilt •••• r .It w •• t ,1ntllk In dl. pnkU ..... pr.cUcal

.1tu.tion •• w.t e1ntl1k .y ¥T1enel •• ,el"rel, ¥Tl,nel k.n elo.n ni •

• ond.r oa hi.reli •• an,al •• nth,le1 op 'n anel.r eI.t .... t, rail

Ia u taVT.eI, d.era .. eI.t elit St •• t nou Yoort"an •• t toto­

.t.te an d,t dia oor'pronkllke ••• tt.rtyd .an u b,.klkb •• r ,.­

st.l word 1--Ek ellnk EcI.l. op eli •• t.eli~ .k m.sk , •• n ba,w.ar


e •• n b .... er ni •• Aelv. aeaall.n1---Edel.,b.r, ••• , .k nat

ieta vir Be.lruldigel .. , .n 4 VTII,

S,karllk.---Op hi.relit .. t.dl ..... k h.t ,e.n b •• _.r ni ...

S.A . :K.n .11 dit nat eluiel.l1k stel, .k c •• n nie n. eli. inhouel

van elie dokuaant. v.rwy. nia . op dl, .tediUIII. die ,nui, hat

r.eel. ,.tul, eI.t by dit ir.d.rda.d .,1t nl' g,l.,. bet ni ••

Die idouel g.an .k ni • •• ••• r dit •• 1 1.t'r uit eli' •• rd van dl,

••• k ••• 1 dl, inhoud m •• r tar .pr.k, kos. Ek . i1 dit net

b100t aan hoe oorhendic o. t. vr, ot by dit ken le1,ntitis.ar.

VERH99R DEijR OlE S,A, (KERVAT) •• --- Ed,l.gber • • ek .i.n di.

tw •• b,wy,.tukk • • di' bo.ki ...... t ak , •• 1.n hat ..... eoort,e­

lyk •• a.n ell. b,wy .. tukka,

OEUR DIE HOF: K.n ,k dit •• t slen •••• b1i.t.

~ !d.1.,b.r •• " elo.n .en dia nand u .al aerk dit 1. to­

toat.t. van t ••• boaki". elia e.n is 'n konstituaie, •• 1

be.t t. w ••• •• blyk t. w ••• di. kon.tituai. v.n S.co • • k

do.n .an dl. hand d.t elit BEVYSSTUK "A" •• 1 w.e •••• t u v.r1ot,

an dl, .nd.r dokuaent •• BEVYSSTUK "S" ,,,.rk .e1 word.

OEUR DIE HOF : Oi ••• r.te bled van SEVJSSTUK "A" bestean uit 'n

.lrk.1 .at dubb.llyn., d.erin .taan die woord. ·South Atrlcan

Youth RevolutIonary Council" .n dan ond.r dit .an dIe onder-



kant v.n di. eirke1 In groter lett.r. dl • ...oord 5-A-Y-R-C-O ,0 in boon,tt.rs , In die .Hdd van di •• 1rkel i. d.,r 'n

Ik.art ..

- S> S C !":B,W:S!!:

k •• rt VaD Atrika , 411. 11 1n ....... t llisekleur •• dle groottte

deel d.,rvan , die onderate ,ad .. lt ....... d1e ReJNbl1tk van

S1.11d-Atrlka gel .. h. h w1t . Boltalit hler4ie 'irltel at.an

d1, woord ·Conatltutlon" onderkent 41e alrk,1 .t •• n "adopted

by the Firat NatIonal COllgr •••• • 8iVYSSTVK "S" op dl1 ..... 1..

bled het 'II e.bl ... '00I't,.1yk •• n d14 lip dIe .... ate bled

van B£Y'tSST'1JK "A" , bo-aan dif .. bl ...... tlr. dlt eo •• , no .. ,

etaen 031, woorde "sayreo speeial edition ot the U"at National

COligre" held In April 1979" ,

OEUR DIE OOF: (.,n ,etule) U at die 11 loortgdyk .. n 414 •• 1. 10

.an u 'ttoon 1, b.~lve 4at d1, kl~ d.,rvan v .... k111 ___ 41t

1e korr.1t

Ole vat JJ •• ,1eo het, ... erOtO tar..,.1 h1.r~ va nou

iDS,hand1, la, lip 'n w1t a.rtergrond 1I.-- d1t 11 .0

VERHOOR pEUR pIt S,A. (HERVAT)Hou u a' 1n u ,etuienla 4at Ho .

1 bet hierdi. twe. ,tukke .. n u g.tOOD d1t 1 •• 0

V.ar w •• d1t g.w ••• ,--- d1t wt. 1n .y .u.t.r •• bul.

DilJR DIE !IOF: No_ baar .. ar by Mar Ill ...... bltt! wtnn •• r

jy pr •• t, 1. d1t 1n d1e bu1.?---lD d1. bUi. j.

VEBHOOR oEVR DIE S, A, (HERVAT) En toe, by tOOD DOU .anu d1. 20 go.d, wat geb.ur to.?--- hy b.t .y , ••• d.t hy 'n lid 1. v.n

dl. organl ••• l. en d.t hulle dle .enae 1. w.t vir kind.r.

paatlette g •• lD Soweto.

V.tae Idndlr.'I'--.koolk1ndlr •••• koltere

J., ___ My het .y ook ..... d •• l d.t •• 'n per.oon oor

d11 grene. ven d1. land v11 , •• n, dan kao bulle 'n pa.poort

bl.klkb.ar meak vir dil dOll.

Ka. b\llll •• w1t .. 'hulle' nou'l'---My bIt ver",,' n. 'n per-

eooD -, blll.l\&.tel ,. die orgenl ••• ll •• vat ....11 .an.1ul t.

J. , "M .aar aan. ___ My hat " •• d1e .eD" vat dear

~, d1e grena ,a'D, di' m,ak bun. .01date /J ••••


- ~2 - 5 C HBAT£SE

Ja, ---Hy hat vlr .y ,ea' dat ak na drle dae van daardle

datu. aoat tarug ko. S1noana toe, aodat by 'Y kan laa. wat In

daardle dokuae.llte ataan, aodat hy aen ay Iten leu wat In daaT­

dle dokuaente atean.

Varwy. U .1101.1 n. SEVYSStuIKE "A" an "S"?---Ja, aaook andar

dolru:llenta wat hy .lila V1T ay ,ewy. hat nie

Ja, loed. wat ,ebeur toe veTOeT1 ___ ek le toe teTU, KeeOow-

land. toe. Ma' daa bet elt terussa,.en De beakuldlSde 1 toe

.. ar ak toe V1T bGaI aet ene Mtutu:tel1 ,evlnd hat.

DEUR DIE HOF :Waar vlnd jy No. l?---ak hat V1T hom by ay ouar. 10

aa hul. ,avlnO.

SaulIIlit wla WI' hy?---Saaa .et e.lle Mtutuul1.

YERHOOR OEVR DIE S,A. (HEP.VAT) Slen jy Yanda, V1T "tutu~el1 1.11

dla &1?---.1a.

Wle 1, dlt?---dlt 11 a.ekuld1sde Mo. 2 In dla .aak.

En wat ,abeur toe da'r by d"rdle gelaentheld?---beakuld1,­

da No.2 hat ook V1T ay ,el' dat hy ook '.II 11d 1a v.n d1a

or,enla.ala, Hulla het a1 toe ,eaa ak aoat weer terul koa,

Hulla bet no, nle ,elaantba1d ,ahad om '.II ver,aderlna ta bou

lila. &1l1e het nle dle kalla oa vlr ay 1.11 te 11, ven dle doku- 20

aente n1e.

Goed, jy het ,a.a nou 1.11 jou ,etuin1e dat No. 2 ,a vlr

jou by la 0011. '.II l1d v.n dle or,an1.a.le, .. ttar orsenla.ale

praat u van? ___ My het ,epr .. t van dla organl ... 1a Sa)'TCO

En wet ,ebeur toe verdeT?---ek het beakuldl,de 1 en 2

.lila lIeer ,aan .1an .lila , ell ek 1. toa later teTU, Cradock toa.

Goed , an da.rln Cr.d~k wat ,abeur toe?--- Ek wa. toe op

Ikool ,eweee daarao, e.ll by dle elnde van dle ja.r 1961 bet

ek weer teM.lueko. Johannuburctoa .

Ja, ,oad, kOIl d.t Onl net weeT taruggaan , bet jy ooit ,0

ult jou eta ult •• het jy ooit 11d •• word van Sa)'Tco? Jyaalf?


- 53 - S C MBAYESE


Het iemand jou ooit ,evra om lid te word van die organl-


Vie ... aa dlt?-__ Stanl.y

Ja, ---No.1 beakuldide

En by .... tter geleenthe1d .... a dlt ge ... eea1---na my tweede ••

toe ek ... eer teruggekom het Jonanneaburgtoe.

Goed, 18 dit nol,l in 19611---1n 1981

COed, vertel vlr die bot hoe dit gebel,lr het1---ek het vir

gevind, hy .... a alleen gewee •• Hy het gea' ana .oet b.akuldig-

de No.2 gaan .oek by .y O1,1era ae hl,l1a. One het na beakuldig­

de 2 ee bul. toe gegaan, Daar hy a s nia tuie nie. Beakuldig­

de 1 het vir ay gea' op d •• rdle d.tua, die d.g ... a.rop ek vir

hom ontmoet het, het hy net van Le.otho gekom. Beakuldlgde 1

het ay gea. om terug t. g •• n M.ado ... land. to., want by gaan

loop, by g.an K •• p.t.dtoe .,ook na Ultenhage oa d •• r aenae te

g.an •• om by die organt ••• le Sayrco aan te .luit.

Goed, .k wl1 twee punte DO\l opkl.ar, in dl' verband ,

.eratena .... nne.r ln 1961 va. dlt ge ... e.s1---dlt .... a ln die a.and 20

D •• _ber van 1981.

Dan dl. g8tuienla ... a~ jy 001,1 1e .... r in v'rband a.t die

tel t dat No. 1 .an .101,1 aou gea' het d.t hy na menae g.an in

Ka.pat.d en Uitenhage toe, --dit ia ao

w.t aou lIy da.r gaan ma.k hat at jy1---ge •• hy gaan man­

se daar a' 011. by Sayrco organ18asie aan te alult en dat bulle

lIoet die A.N.C. loa.

Nou IIlerdle IIt1lkkie .. etul.Dla ... at •• van dia aeDae wat hy

in dt. Kaap .01,1 gaan al.n het, Uitenhage,h.t Jy nle in .101,1 Ter-

klering .an die poU.le gemeld nie ..... r nle?---dit l a ao Ja. }O

Maar .1y h.t dlt 'ltd vanoggend ,emeld toe ona met .101,1 /gekonaulteer ••

- $4 -

sekonsu.lteer het. - - -ek het je .


Kan jy aan di. Hot ver~uidelik w.ar~ dit nie in jo~er-

klaring opgene~ la nie?---ek hat hierv.n vergeet .

Nau goed jy at jy het aelt noolt enlge organ158$ie •• ooit

'n lid geword van ' n organi"aie nie?---ek het nool t eensewor'


Het jy selt oolt probeer oa cen.e te wert vlr die orS8nia.­

.ie?---beskul~igde 1 het ~y geYra o~ dit te doen ,

Vertel vir die Hot daarvan . ---hy het ges! ek ~oet ~ense

soek o~ by die orgenise,ie aan te slult Seyrco.

Het jy ooit dlt gedoen?---Ja, ek het twee genader, twee

jons Swartmans, ~aar hu11e het geweler om aan te elult,

Ret jy seen suksesbehaal nie?---ek het geen suksee behaal

nie . En waar w .. dit gewees?--- Dlt was daar in Cradock

Coed , dankie Edelagbare , geenverdera Yrae

KRUISV£RHOCR pE1JR ADV . SOOOOT: Your Worahip I just want to

point aut that a num~er ot aaterial alles,tlons which relates

to thia witness , do n~t appear .t all In the Partieular.

or the Indictaent . I .hould like to erosa- exam!ne aa tar a. I 20

ean now, and then ask Your Worshlp tor an opportunity to take

further instructiona .

BY 1M! COURT: As I hava aaid that I will adjourn at any ti~e

when you went to conault with your Client •• --Yea, no I appre­

eiate that Your Worship. I ~ anxious to avoid unnes.ery

postpOne~ents • • that is notwithstanding thi. rather un.atiarac­

tory state or attairs Slr , I do want to go on .

BY THE COURT: Move the ~icrophone so th3t it is ~ore in tront

or you please.

C!lOS5-EXAMI!IATlOl! 1\1 I':!I.. SO:zGOT:Hol< ol~ are you"- - - 18 . IAn~ .. .


And whert did you go to school ?---In Cradock, th .. MID" ot

tht achool i& Senthali ., ~e~on~ary Icbool

How your sister who ,oVt evidfnc .. h"re, 1 don't thInk h .. r

na~ .. has been us#rl yet , J ~ould lIke to establish that,.is that

her na~e?---that is her na~e

.... hl!lre did she go to a~hool?---1t is a ~eh:)olmOIlr ae

Wh1ttlnea I don ' t know w~ether it h lecondary o~ hIgh achool

In .... .,at to..m?---Its 1n the Ciskel

Hal ahe ever been int;rest"d in polittcal act1vi'ty?---tlo

An" you?---!;ot.

So you've lett politi:.l activitiea to th~ oth .. r studenta.

you ' ve never taken part in It"---this 15 correct .

And 1n tact you h!lve had noth1ng . • no intereat in It. -­

this 11 ao .

What were your 1nterasta? __ 1 _a interested 1n school

affairs . • what I waa there to do.

~hat ere you dotng at the ~o~ent?---l .. not doIng eny­

th.lng, I UI not at school

Are you 100k1ng tor, Job or ere you going back to achool?


I Just wsnt to know the sltuetlon. ---! will go back to school 20

And where are you living now?---You mean presently?

Yel.---1n Cradock

Yea, do you know that your Itater this year WII put 1n

e call et liumall3dorp? ---No.

And then Interrogated.---l am not eware ot that

Haven't you seen your Slater thll year?---you mean betorr

our arreat?

My questIon 1a very clear , have you seen her thIs year7--

1 have aeen her this year

Frequently?---Not frequently .

"'hen did you lalt let her?---I laat allw her 1n Ui tenhage

/betore • • ,


- S6 -

before our arreata

When wer~ you Irreatell?---ln Kerch

Where?---ln Cradock


Tell Hi_ Worship briefly the circumat.nces ot your arreat?

---It w.a on • S.turll.y Your ~orahip quite early in the morning

I woulll e.tilD.te it about 5.

wno came'I---they callie .• "lIlte pollcemen and alao Blaclla

it I am not mist.llen there were tour Bllcks . and two White.

Ye., ju.t tell us the .tory, wh.t happenell? --_there w._

a knock on the lloor, the lloor w •• openell, they came 11', they 10

_poke to my .other , aaylng that they were lntere_ted in S,thl.

Mb.y.... My mother told them I waa in the bedroom . They came

into the bedro~, I was to:d by thelll that the Ultenhage pollee

were intereated in lIIe,

Did they a.y why?-__ No, I wa_ not told

Did yOU ask?---1 dl11 not eak

You have no ides why ~hey wanted you?

----altogether not.

On your evidence.

It muat have been terribly ahoelled.---Yea I waa

And very.trightened . ---l wa •• hock,d but I waan ' t acarell . 20

And did they arreat you?---Ye. I waa taken into • ear

and they drove .way with lie. I waa taken to the S,nlam build­


In Cradoek?---Yea. At about 10 o'clock the White police_

lIan came there and eallell D' it I know Stanley Radebe, I a.ill

yea I know hilll ,

Now at that point, dij you realize, at that point or hf­

tore, did you reelize that you werl being dee.inell by the 'e­

curtty police?---You IDeaI' thl pollce who had IDe? I wa. ,wly

at thia tilile

~ere you trightlned? ___ No Sir

IYou . ,


• S7 • S C I".BAYESE

You have nothin, to t alr . --- there waa no reason tor me to

Because you heve done nothing . __ _ Yea, that i s cor rect

You ar e innocent . ___ ••

InJOur 0_ mind .---Yes . thh i •• 0

Is that an hone.t answ!r?-- -it 1a Sir

VeI l 1t your other avi denca 1. true. that answer can't be

true . ---No

You ' ve tor gotten your eVidence already have you? YOU at~emp­

tad to r ecrui t t wo people . - - -two people?

That 1. your avidence , don ' t a.k ae. ---l only tried to but

w1thout succeaa.

The ect that you knew waa cTiminal . ---thia gatting paople?

I 801 aaking you about that only .---l did not lnow tMt it

w •• -rong • • t o do .0 .

I . ee , wh.t were you •• when you w.nt to that t wo people.

and t r ied to r ecruit theq , what did you tell t hem thay ahould

be recTU1 t ed t or?-_

BY THE COURT: I notice that the witneas i. talking rather .ott

can t he accuaed haar hi.? ___ Not exactly I under.t.nd .

Speak up ple .. e . __ 1 have done that • • asked him to do ao

WlTNtSS : 1 under.tand . I aaked the. , .pproached the., aakad

the. whether they ara not inter~ed in J01n1ng Sayrco , and

they .aid no.


what Sayrco waa?- - - No 1 di~ not

lrIhat did you th1nk Sayrco wa.?--- It was an org.nh.t1on .

Well what did it dO?--- •.

Did it or,anize aport Or what?---that it wa. e political

organization .

h there anything wrol18 in baing a poli tical orgsnJ ution / .....



- 58 - S C MBAYESE

as far as you are concerned?---No

So you considered it all legal? --No

So what was illegal then?---because it is not supposed to

exist, this organization.

And you were trying to then recruit people for an illegal

Or gani za t1 on ?---Y es

And you have the audacity to suggest to His Worship thst

you didn't think you were doing anything wrong?---l did not


Did No.one tell you that it wss sn illegal organlzation?--- 10

He did not say so Sir

So he just told you you must join Ssyrco without telling

you what it was about?--- Yes

And that 10 011 you ev~r leornt from him obout Sayroo?--

what I have told the Court up to this far that he is a member

of Sayrco, Sayrco is the or&anization that diatributes pam­

phlets 1n Sowrto to school children •• that if one 18 intereeted

in going abroad, a passport could be made available by them

Is that all now? ___ Yes, and furthermore that they would

also go to the Cape to tell people to .):tin the organization. 20

And come out and leave the A. N. C.

And be what, go out and be whst?---No I am sorry if I

did not put it clearly, that they would go dOwn to the Cape

to tell people in the Cape to join the organization Sayrco snd

leave the A. N. C. as an or£anization .

And is that all then that he told you about the organi1a_


Why did you tell us just now that you only thought it wss

Jr\volved in polities only?--- becsuse what he was telUng me was

1n fact politics .

Yes. Can I just get this quite clearly from you and that

/is ...


- 59 - S C MBAY&SE

is that vhat the or,anization ~s .bout v.s pOlitics .nd they

~nted people to leliove the A N C .nd Jot'; them? ___ Yea

And that 1s dU--- ancl thereafter one vould be aent to

pIsces like Lesotho where he would beeome a eoldier .

Yes , nowyou yourself . • c.n I just ssk you •• to become a sol­

dier vith whf,t, to eOllle baek and tight South African GoverMent?

--- ... Or to join the United Nad.Ols? Wh.t!.t vas it about?---

BY THE COURT: I notice that the vitness is still talkin, very

softly. can the accused hear him? PI"se Mr . Interpreter please 10

enquire f rom the accused ~hether they can hear the witnes • • - ­

alto,ether not , sll the accused say '0. I v1l1 ask the .,itneu again pleue speak uP. the .ccuaed

haa an i nterest in his eVidence and they •• they ahould hear

what he has to aey . - - I ur,derstand .

Is the witn," .peaking the s.me l.nguage aa the accu.ed?

__ It is Your . or.hip

I .a .orry Hr . Soggot , it i. in the intereat of the ac­

eused .--Your .... or.hip vith re.pect that i. abaolutely so.

CRQSS-P:AMINAl'lOrl ax HR , SQGGOT , (COJ.'TlNUED)Alld hes he cot .y 20

lsat QUeation?- -not very dear ly

The question is be .ol dlers to fisht wher e?--- to eome

and fisht the Boers In South Africa .

Who told you that?---St .nley

tlow you ~'ouraelf vou:dn ' t be prepared to do enythina

dangerous? Any thin, illegal 1. that right?---No I vun ' t pra­

pered to .

And y« you try to recruit people for an or ganlzatJon

vhich 1. or,snlzing a fight as you put it "again.t the Boera"


.'by i. it that about four minute. ago .,hen IlIIked you

Ito . ••


- 60 - S C I'IBAYESE

to tell us sll that you kn~w about Sayrco , you aaid all you

kn~w waa that it ",as about pol1tics . --- • •

And I asked you i6 politics illegal and you said no, but

then you added "the organizstion is illegal"---. ,

Had you forgotten your evidence about the aoldiera? ---;oou

~ean Stanley?

'oIhenyou gave tluit eVidence , that's all you knew about Sayrco

waa it waa pol1 tical .. and that pol1 tica ",aan' t illegal , had you

forgotten;,our evidence? That it recruited soldiera? ---No, I

have not forgotten

Then why dId you say ~t that the only thing that you kne'"

that ",as ill-gal "'aa that it was banned?---i! you ",111 repeat

the question ,

'oIhy did you t e ll His Yorship that ",hat you understood about

tit! organizstion was that-.that the only thing 111egal ",as that

it was bsnned, but that politics per se was not illegal. --­

Yes, I said so.

You couldn't have said so in your eVidence that it re­

cruited for soldiers,is true. You've got to. ,it is one or

the other which 1s honest ev1dence . ---why?

Well if you dcn't understand why , I can't explain it to

you , I can ' t explain to you your contradictions. When you

gave your stutement to the police , did they ask you to tell

the~ everything?- --Yes

Now what is clear even to your mind was when you tried

to recruit these people fo~ Sayrco, they were going to go and

become soldier6 . ---Ye6 , I knew

And whenyou did that you think you were doing wrong? ___ _

You mean when 1 was doing it?



That ... as my question. Plesse don't evade by repeating the 30

questions. ---when I tried to recruIt theae boys , to jOi"

/Sayrco •••


Sayrco, in order to rece.n sold1ers I knew it was wrong.

A very, very "'r10us ;r1.11e . ---l d1d not know Sir

You did not knov tholt to recruit aoldiers to nght the

govern:::-ent vss • ser10us crime?---No, I V8sn ' t recruit1ng them

You were , you vere inviting them , ---Yas, wholt 1 was merely

aak1ng them vas vhether they are interested 1n jointng.

And your purpose vas to recru1t the~ .---How now S1r?

So you didn ' t ~ to invite them to jotn Sayrco?---well it

depended on them whether they were intereated

No , 1 am aak1ng you, d1d you want them •• d1d you want them 10

to join Sayrco? ___ No, I did not want thea to join Seyrco.

Well, ao vhy d1d ~u uic thell it they_nt to join it you

didn't wsnt the~ to?---becsuse tha person who hold sent me to

do so, hold said I ahould get people on hia behaU' .

So you vere doing it agslnat your v111?--- ••

You didn 't ..,t to do it but he asked you to do it.-__ Yes

He torced youto do it.-__ lIo he did not Sir

Well why did you do it?---1 va' trying to pleaa. him .

You are prepared to incite p.ople and invite people to be-

come aoldiers tholt ia to ~lesae a peraon who •• to whom you owe 20

nothing . --_ Yea

Eventhough it meant that in he end they could DeCOale sol-

diers and soldiers k1111 ___ Yes 1 know it

You knev that soldlers klll?---Yes 1 know

Yet you .. ere preparec to invi te them?---Yes

But why did you do it if you didn ' t want to do It?---Aa

I em aaylng I vae trying to please the pereon who hsd eent me

Vby vere you trying to plense him? ___ because h~ had eeked

.lie to .

It anybody aelr. you to oOlllll.i t a crille 11ke neal a lotor- 30

ear , v111 you do that to pleue hll11?---No .

IBut •••

- 62 - 5 C MBAYESE

But you are prepared to Invite people to com:it treason

or terrorlsm?--- ••

Not motorcar theft but treaaon or terrori8lll l~--Yes

Thank you .

BY THE COURT: If you can jullt expla1n this answer , why were you

,.why ",ould you commit treeson but not stesl a motor car? --- ,.

And please spesk up so that the eccused can hear you. --­

I "'as pleaalng the per son who had sent lie ,

Io'hy did you ",ant to please him?---because he had ask8'd ••

"'hy do you do ",hat he_ked you?--- I did "'hat he had uked 10

lie to do because he had asked .e to do it.

But ",hy, what was your motlvation, why do you do it?--­

No r.eeon ,


that there is another truth. snd that is that the whole story

of Y01,l' being uked to recruit and of your recruiting, ls s

!ictlon.---No this 1s not aIle

I want to sugsest that ls the reason why you are giving

the •• ebaurd enswers .---w~~t .ra the reaaons?

I won't answer your C;uestlons, when •• you dJdn ' t wsnt to 20

recruit these people , because you raaliud that terroria. WIIa

Involved and that ls aerlou&l . --- Yea

Yas , and dld you kno", what happena to people ",ho are found

guilty ot terrorlsm?~--Yel

'io'ha t ?---they •• what I know ls tbtlt they are lentenced

th"l.Igh 1 don't know the sentence .

For long terms of Il1pr1aonaent . ---Yes

When t;,. poUce caoa and intarro&at ed you , you reallx.d

that you r1ak a long tar- or i.prisonaent?---what now?

tlon ' t you understand the intarpreter ? ___ I! only tt.a ques- }O

could ba repeated . /You •• •

- 63 - S C MBAYt5E

You keep on askihg the interpreter to repeat queations

which are very elear .---Juat plead Sir that the question be re­


You knew that people conviet~d of terrorism get long gaol

sentences . ---l did not know

But you 've just told ~a the opposite s minute ago.---whieh

thing no" .. ?

You told us thst you do know they go to gaol for long terms

of Imprisonment . ___ No what you •• l know that Sir . but what 1 am

trying to ssy is that I wsa not senttlnced though 1 spent this 10

time In the cena.

That ia not the questIon, you knaw that you risk because

of your aetlons the possibility of a long term of Imprisonment .

tor terroris~ . ---As a result of the questiona that you are aak­

ing me?

No you must please listen to the interp~eter and try and

answer in a proper manner . ___ No , I did not realize that I could

be sentenced

But you told uS that 101,1 knew tarrorism was serious •• but

yet you made the attempt to racruit because No . 1 asked you to . 20


You remember that evidence?---Yes I do Sir

YOU realized what ris~ you .... ere taking?---YOu CleBn a!ter my


No , I am talking sbout your sttempt to recruit these people.

---Not at that time Sir

but I said you knew that terroria~ wss serious , you kn~w

the risk involved tor you .---1I0 I did not know

Are you then telling '~s that you thought that your attempt

to recruit theewas an inn~eent actlon?--- as far as I thought 30

yes . /Involving •••

- 6~ - S C MBAYU;E

Involving no crl~e .---Ye6

You 've forgotten your evidence that you thought that the

organization .... as illegal.--Yes I said so .

And you've also forgotten your evidence that you knew you

.... ere dOing wrong when you atte~pted to recruit. ---did I say

that today?

Yes, you said that ,---Ilow today?

You said tha.t .--_l:f " what did I ssy , , c a n the question be

repeated plesse.

My learned friend would not let me put the question nor 10

would Mia Worahip if it was wrong.--- ••

Have you tor;;:otten lQur evidence that you &aid tod <l Y that

you knew that you were doing wrong .... hen you invited ...... hen you

attemptad to recruit people . ---No I had not torgotten that

Was that evidence true?- - - Yes

Then .... hy did you say halt a minute ago, that you thought

you ... ere innocent . You can't aay contradictory thinga and

get a ... ay with it . - - - No , I did not kno .... at the time that he

asked me to recruit people , that it waa wrong. I only came to

kno .... 01' this 8t ter my apprehension 20

Well that is another verSion, --No it is still the same

•• the first ••

I eJ:I afrai d that the evidence is clear , and i t 18 before

His Worship . I .... ant you .. 1 want to come to another pOint ,

the accused No . I you 88y • ,let me say immadiately Accused No .

1 denies sny attempt to recruit people, or use you as a r ecruit­

i ng agent, the question was that to turn to your eVidence the

Question whiCh I .... ant to put to you is .... ho attempted to recruit

you? ___ Stanley , Accused No . 1

~~en ... as the attempt made , when you came back from Cradock? '0 ---Yes .

IBY •• •

- 65 - S C MBAYESE

BY THE COURT: W88 t.hat. no" t.he !trat. time or t.he second 'tillle? __ _

On both these oC~Jsions .


t.he aecond 'time t.hat. you CMe back from Crlldock?---Oece",ber of


And " hat day in December do you relllember?---

BY THE COURT: Is that no" the day on "hich he arrived here?

What day are you referring to?- --DEFENCE:That is correct S1r ,

I'll clesr that up .


bel" the date

First. of all, "hen d1d he come back here? Can you remember

1:[ it'llllS t.he !trat 01" second "eek in Oecember?--- ••

Or "hatever.---the first week of December .

That you are clear on . ---I am clear about it

And how long acter that did Accused No . 1 invite you to be

a recruit?---the !trst "eek went past, 1 went to him the week


BY THE COURT : I beg your pardon , I don ' t understand that .--_the

!trat "eek went by , and it "as durIng the second week of my 20

being here Your WorShip, n.at I "ent to him.

Will that. DO" be the thIrd "eek of December?--- t.hh is cor-

rect Your Worship.


sister t het 'time?--- ••

BY THE COURT : Is t.hat now tte sister Msvis or the siater Noma­

lungels?--- Yes, Nomalungels thank you SIr .

WITNESS : She W88 there ther. at Uit.enhage .


attempt.ed to recruit you , tell His Worship where and th( clr_ 30

cUQstances?--- at his home

Yes?---I came there and he said ' now then thet you have larrived • •


arrived, let 1,18 go and look tor Ntutuzene, thl& is Accused No.


Yea,and then?---he then aald there would alao be others

those who would te organlzir.g a meeting,

Did you go to Mtutuzer.e1 No . 2 . ?---Yea , we both vent


But was he not at home?---that 115 correct , he was not at


'olea it only on one occasion that Mtutuzene • • that you went

to Mtutuzene under thoae circUGstances or t'ol01---,.

"''hen you went there sr.d you •• he 'W8sn't at home?--- juat

the one occ&sion Sir

Because in your evlder.ce you situated that during your

previous stay in Johanne8b~g. --No . I did not put 1t at that


Well, I jllst want to pu.t II problem to you, you are very

clear that No . 1 invited you to become 8 member 1n December

19811---1 am very clear al~o on the first occssicn that I had

coce t o Johannesburg


The problec with that is , that Accused No . 1 ....... s in gaol. 20

the Court records sre there . He ... as arrested tor motorcsr

theft • • attempted motor car theft 1n ~ovecber , l96l , and he was

lnprisoned for months thereafter . The story 1s very Simple

froc November, 1981 , until today, thc accuaed has been a

prisoner •• or detainee . --- J found him there , I found him at

his home .

So you stick to your story that 1n Dececber , Del, he at-

tempted to recruit youC ___ Yes

You are as clear about that eVidence as you are about your

other eVidence . ---Yes .

Right , I think 1 should like to take you to a different

/subject ••

- 67 - S C MBAYESE

.ubject, you cue up •• you've told us to Johannesburt: 1n DeceCl­

ber 1979 , ---Yet

Yhere?--- ••

BY THE COURT, Pleate I ,gain Ilk the .. itneG15 plet" .p.ak up.

Where I em aitting I can buely h.ar you . ---she .. n stay ins

at my aiater Mavia ' s place

CROSS- EXAMINATIOll BY AtN. SOGGOIl (CONTltNEtI)Waan ' t there trouble

at Mavia' .II place et once ltese?---l1ke .. hat?

J. boytriend been ahot.---l don ' t kno ...

And yet you'v.:- never beard of anyone be1ng ahot? At ~ .. vla'a

hou.e?---a1toge~er r.ot

How you were there trom December , 1979 until .. hen? In Jo­

hanneaburg?-- -Untll January of the tollowlng year , just before

the reopenlng of schools

Yes , did you go and viait your two aiaters trequent1y?---

1 went there on occaslona.

My question 15 trequent1)'?--- ••

On .,ny o<:casiona?---:Iot on .In), occealons, on three OCCI-

dona I think that I _nt .

And did you ever go to accuted No . l's hou"a'?---Yea

To visit your sister?---My aiater no she .. aan ' t tt his

plici .

Did ),our aiater at no stage stlY ..,lth No . 11---

BY THE COURT : la that now the aiat.r •• --DEFENCE:I am talking

about Nomall.ln£ela but I better mIke it clear to him .

CRQSS-Ey.MIN:'T]ON BY AtN. SOG(iOT' (COmlNUEtl)Oid you never hear

or a.e that ahe went Ind atayed 1n No . l'a house? The house ot

hit per.nta1-No, she ..... there



At No. l's house?---but .. hat I .. ant to explsin 1. that 30

when I lOet Sttlnley tor the f1rtt time , .. e were st 10)' aiater

/Mavis't ••

- 68 - S C MBAYESE

!'.avis ' a plac ••

I understand trom No~lungele who told us that Stanley

had never been to Mavia ' e~lace.--- I don't know about it

You asw him in the houae?---Yes

Now I ~ talking ot ~hen you went to vieit Stanley , did you

go there in order to villit Ilomalungele? ___ ••

To Stanley'a houlle?--- No , I went to lIee my aiater N~lun­

gelu at my aiater Havill's place. and I tound Stanley thera

And you ' ve never heard thllt Nomalungelu had becauae ot

trouble in Mavle's house, gone to etay in Stanley ' a houlle.___ 10

No Sir .

Your Sister hall told the Court that aomeone got ahot at

Mevia's house . How 1a it that you don't know anything about

it? ___ I don ' t know about It .

Do you and your slater not talk to one another about

things like thst?---She did not tell ilia about it

Did you tall her about your political activitie'?

Or your discussion, with Uo . l? Or did you keep that a a.-

cret?--- I kept thoa. a secret

So until thia day you never told her anything? About

what Ho . 1 spoke to you about?--- Up to thia date . excepting

the time when I was at U1 ':enhage

\#hat did you tell her when you ware there at that ti",.

1n Uttenhage?-__ l lIaid to her that SUnley sald •• had asid to

ae that he would go to Cape Town and troe Cape Town he .... ould

go via Ultenhage .

111 that all yOU told her?---I 11'0 told her that the rea­

,on why Stanley wae SOlng to Cape Town W'II to go and tell

people ltIe>ut s.yrco

III that all you told her?---Yall,

Old you not diaculls it further?---No, .... e then IIpoke labout , ••



- " a~out our ho~e affairs.


Did she know what Sayreo meant?---Yes, it was obviOus

that she ,mew

It was obvious that she knew. ---Yes

Did you find out the~ for the first tine or at JOhannes_

burg that ahe knew all about Sayrco?- - - • •

I am sorry that she knew about Sayreo. , not all about Sayreo .

---1 realized for the tirst time when she was in Johannesburg

that she knew about Sayreo

How dtd you tind that out?--- 10

BY THE COURT:That 1s now ~ce~ber 1979?---that is correct

CROSS-EXAMINATIONit' AnY . SOCCO'I':(CON'rIlIUEO)How dtd you rind it

out?---because she was in love with Accused No . 1 Stanley

So she knew all about his scttv! ties?---the iact that

he showed me the fact that No. 1 showed me the documents in

my stster '8 presence, YOIIT Worship, showed me that he, Ac­

oUlled No . 1 had already !I:~o"'" ",y 515ter thelle doc=ent5 .

Yes , • •

BY THE COURT:ls that now your 5i5ter Nomalungala.---Yes.

CROS5-E1WHNATIQll BY ADV . SOGGOT: (COIl1'WlJED)Where did he show 20

you this? In her presenee?---at my sister Hav1s's place

Yes , so everyone saw 1t . ---No, just the three o! us

I see , and d1d she show an curios1ty or was it clear to

you she had seen 1t all be!ore?---At the time that this docu­

ments were shown to me,she did not show any interest

But she saw?- - - yes s~e d1d

And it was clear to you that she knew about it.---Yes,

the fact that she also told me that is nOw No~alungela told

me that Stanley 1s 1n possession of soce written freedom


IYes •••



Yes and did she tell you that. , --not written I a~ sorry

:'our 'liorahip , records.

Records.--records ot freedom 80ngs,

The problem ~lth that story 115 that Nomalungele has told

IUs ,",orship something quite ditterant. She has told H.iB 'oIoI'shlp

that on one particular occBslon she managed to osteal II look

into his briercase and there aaw 80me p8J;;phlets . , whieh he told

her not to look at. - - -then she 1s lying

Yes, or you are . ---No, I am not lyin8 , when I was there,

"omalungels was also present.

But then in Ultenhage when you were both back,you told

her that Stanley 1s golng to eome • • let us hear that again

please.---I told her that Stanley would !1rst start 1n Cape

Town, and then he would ecce back via Ultenhage.

Is that all you told her? ---1 alao told her that Stanley's

mission •• l ac sorry Stanley ~d gone there to tell people about

Seyrco . And then 1 told her thet Stanley would come and see

her •• and then she told me she did not want to see Stanley .

Did ahe tell you that Stanley had rung her up?---No , she

did not.

Didn't she mow that t.e intended coming dO'Wll?--l do not

know whether she knew abol.'t it ,

She never mentioned thet to you?---No to me ahe did not

Didn't ahe say to yo", that he has got a atolencar , he

told me on the 'phone he's got a stolen car,--- , .

He is coming to eollect boys with the stolen car . --No,

she did not .

There was s good relationship between you and your sister

a relationship of trust? - __ there waS B good relationship be-

tween us but there are certain things that I mention to her

and obviously she would keep that for herself.





- 71 - S C HBAYESE

The time when yeu . ,e 1n Jehannaaburg in Decemba, '79 ,

did No. . 1 have a m ·ter car?--- I de not knew Your Werahip

theugh t here wara two. cars parked in hia parenta ' yard •• l did

net knew who. ewnad those c..ra .

\"as ene ef tham a Pel:geot?---ene was a Peugeet

Which ha waa drlving?--- I de net knew whethe~ ha waa dri­

ving it.

We::-e yeu pr.aent vher. he toek your aiate::- to. tha atat!. en

whan she went homa7- - _No , I vaa net .

You didn ' t avar aee hie taka yeur aister in tha Peugeet? 10

--- No. .

Ol d yeu t'Yer SO to Accusad No. . l'a houaa?---Yaa

About hov lIany tll1e5? ___ the fi )'at oecaaien that I ""a in

Jehannasburg I want thare ence ,

By yeur.alf ?--- Ya'

Fer what purpoae?---gone to aae him , Accused No . 1 . he

had i nvi tad ma to. ceme there ae that they ceuld ta:l lIa

about Sayrce .

Where had you lIat hio.?--_l had met hilll prier to. that

at Illy .1.ter Mavlll'al1ace

Was t hat tha firat t:'ce that yeu had me t hiCl?- --Yaa

Di d •• wera lIomal unge:e and Accused No. . 1 l ever.? __ _

Yea .

And he uaed to viait !'!avis ' a housa and ahe usad to. viait

hia heuae? __ well I do not know that Sir . I WIIS ataying in

Meadew1anda .

Yes , but when you were there yeu saw them t egether .

When you came to Sinowana you aaw them tegether •• did yeu net?

---Yes .

And I am a.yi ng he used to. coo. and viait her and ahe 30

used t o. go. 8"ld viai t hle"l .-__ thla ia ,0.. land ..

- 72 - S C MBAYES£

And MavU •• e.t lee.st Nomalungele was I1e.ppy ",ith hie , she

didn't Bay that ahe sa'" very litt:e ot him? --- I don't understand

the question .

I ",111 put it in a different ",ay, when you want to Stanley's

house were the other~ople there on occasion?---No, there "'ere no

other people .

'o'hat was he doing?--- Accusfd 110. 1 "'es in 'the dining-room

Doing ",hat? ___ he was aitting

And NOClalungele where was she at the t tice?--- she was at

her sister Mavis ' s ple.ce.

Did she coce over that day at all?

---later yes , she came .

To Stanley's place?

Later she came.---",hile I ",as at No. 1

Was that in the corning or the atternoon?---et ebout ••

during the day Your Worshi~

and when she came over , wl1e.t did you , . did the three ot

you just carryon talking or what? ___ Yes , we spoke about this

thing. , about Sayrco .

What did he say?---its the day that he mentioned that he

wanted Cle to join ,

And your sister heard that?--- lIomalungele, yes she did

The problem with the.t story is Nocalungele says that she

Imew noth.1ng ,. he ~"ld l",r uoLluIJI' • • ebout iU", S"YI'CO activl­

ties. --- that I do not know about , I know what I know and

that 1& that she wes pr"sent.

I want to change the theme to come back to your interro­

gation in the handa ot the police, you were taken to Sanlao

building, Cradock. ---Yes

Tell us what happened?---You mean at the SanlRC huildill8?



That is correct,---I was told to sit there , I sat en a JO

chair , waiting for the people of Uitenhe.ge who we:"e interested

liD ..

- 73 - S C MBAYESt

1n Cle .


u1d they come?---Yes, at about 10 they came

Who were they?---one ~tdte Clan not known to Cle

What 16 hh name?---I wall not told whet his name ill

A Cle~ber of the security branch?---Yes

And what did he say?---He asked me if I knew Stanley Re-

Now I just wort to eXB.:Iine)Our feelings at that stage , had

you heard about the security branch? Or read about them? __ _

Y01,l mean everything about the lIecurity pOlice?

Yes . --Yes

And had yo1,l heard that right • • that it is right or wrong

or had you read whether it is right or wrong, beca1,lse I am

not interested in a1legati~ns now? That allegations •• :aany

allegationa have been made that they assault and sooet1..mes

kill people . I am talking about allegations which are made

by other people including 'etainees . ---l heard •• 1 had read

about it .

You read about people jumping out of windows . --_No, not


abo1,lt it . 20

Y01,l heard about allegations or torture?---Yes

Electric shocks . " - - Yes

People being killed by being assaulted , ---Yes

And you tho1,lght did you not , thet it could happen to you .

---No Sir

Vhy not, you atteopted to recruit people who would be sol­

diers why not?--- , ••

Unless you disbelieved the allegations , . that's another

Clatter , - --Well I believed the allegations,

Right yo1,l believed it, would it be correct to aey that 30

Imost , •


most students of your age ~elieve that aDeg.tlons? ____ • •

RigH[y or wrongly the1 believe it.---I don't know if others

do belleve it

You live wlth students, they are lOur friends , don't you

know what they believe abo\lt thi. very seriOUS alleg.Uon? --­

we don't diseu ••• bout this

Very well, then you don't diacu&a it , now bearing in mind

that you had tried to recruit people who could become aoldiers

did you not think that the security branch ~ight be rough on

you? It. happened, I thought about it .

And therefore you were terrlfied . - - at what stege?

lihen you fOW1d yourself ln the hands of the security po-

l1ce . --/10 , I wes not .

Can you explain why? You thought it could happen with you

andyou knew that people cculd dle, why weren't you terrified?

--- because I did not know what I was being arreeted for

But you knew that YOI: had done aOlllethlng?- --No, what puz%.led

=e i8 that I wa. told I ~s wanted by the Ulterjwge police,

a~~ .t that tla. I had co~e beck troc Uitenhage .

'llhat did .. thls policec.n .sked you if you knew St.nl.y 20


And then what did he ask?---He •• ked me nothing !Urther

So you •• id ye • •• • nd what was the next question? - __

I .ald I knew him,

And then?--- he then vent out there with other boys ,

they went to another building

And then?

BY THE COURT:Oid he leave you and go out?---Yes, he lett

~. with a Blaek police~an.

C'l.OSS-EXA:~I!lt.clr:; BY ADY. SOGGOT:(CO:;rmUEO)And when were you 30

• • 1 don ' t ~t to go throuth the Whole history, but were you /quUUoned • •

- 7S - S C M:lJ,YESE

questioned aga1n about Stsnley'8 .:;.ctiv1t1es or your activities?

---I •• the next time he clCe Your Worehip, I .... a8 told to stand

up and go to the motor car and • • because I would be tsken to

U1tenhage .

·ss that the s~e day?---Yes on the sace dsy

Were you tsken?--_I ""ss tsken to Ultenhage

By the gentleman from Uitenhage?- --I was taken by Black

policelll n an::! one White fToe Cradock to Ui tenhage

And in the car did t1:ey ask you questlons?--- lIo. nothing

And when jCu got to U1tenhage .... here .... ere you taken?---l .... all I(

taken •• we went into a certaln room,

Yes? ___ I was llIade to slt ln this room and a,sain .... as ques_

tloned about Stanley.

Were these police oUlcers?---the • • l was questioned by

the same person .... ho had questioned me earlier in Cradock

That is not an ans .... e~to my question, were these pollce • •

or perhaps there is a misunderstanding, wlth the .... ord ' offices'

I am sorry, .... ere these 'kantore' I am talking about Mr . I nter-

preter, not 'offlsiere' - - -where 1 was being questioned, Your

Worship, yes these •• this vas in polica offices .

Right now tell us what .... ere you questioned about? --­

I was asked what Stanley had sho'flll me, I told thee he had

shown me books,

bid you say that straighta .... ay?---yes , and they askad

me further .... hat he had shown ee again , and I ~old them that

he had said they are the people who distribute pamphlets in

•• to scholars in So .... eto .

But you kne .... that Sayrco was an lllegsl organlzation . ---


You also knew that you had got mixed up .... 1 th Stanley

and you worked or try to work for him?----Yes . /When • • •



" - 5 C MBJ.YESE

'IilIen the pollce etarted Baking you questions , we,..en ' t you

very !rlghtened?-

And didn ' t you lit !lrat Btart •• ying 'look I know nothing

about It ' ?---No I did not

You didn't .

BY THE COORT: Hr . Soggct will you tell De .... hen it ... 111 be con­

venient to interrupt your erollll-ex.~lnatlon . --Slr I had decided

to 80 thrcuSh to the t_1I interval •• end then with your perl:>la.ion

to eonault during and atter

VeIl tell ~e when it '01111 be convenient tor you to inter- 10

rupt your croll.-ex~lnatlon 110 that the Court can adjourn. __ _

Wen I ahauld l1keto • •• WllUII Your Worahip prei'er to .djour!'! now

because I am quite happy to b:eak ot! now.

Ie this II convenient atage •• -It 111 ~onvenlent Sir , I thought

Sir that we would no~.lly adjourn at 11.

It 111 11 now according to my wateh .---I have 10 . 53 .

V. won ' t argue about that __ I don't know what ~y watch'.

credib1lity ill .

At thh .tage the Court adjourns tor the tea interval


StHLA COLIN MBAYESE atill un6er oath


met Accusa6 No. 1 first et MaviS " house? On your evidence . -­

Yea it is so .

Whatwere the circumatances , tell us why you were there .,

how did it cOllIe about?--_l had gone to aee I:y aiater tlOCIalWlfel.

And ordinary visit?---Ordinary viait yes

She didn't know you wer.comlng?

know I waa coming.

Or did liha?---she didn't


About what tice did you arrive?---1 would estimate betore 30

/ And •••

- 77 - S C MBAYE$t:

And ... hat time did you go?---before 12 in the day

~t time did you leave that house?--- at about 3 in the


Did you go back to the house ... here you ... ere staying?---

Yes . And ... hen you got ther!, ... ho was in th! nous!? ___ ••

When 1 aay th!:,! I mean Mavis ' s house .---Accused NO. land

my sister Nomelungela.

Yes, so you clme in and let' 8 h8ar ... hat ... as .. ... h8 t ... as dis­

cussed . --- ••

Tell us the con\·e!'satlon. ___ ... hst was dis cussed Your Wors hip

is that Accu8ed No. I prod'lced the two docume!15 that 1 heve

referred to , showed me , and then sls o 8aid that they Ire the

people who di~tribute pamphlets t o school Children ,

Yes, I kno ... that i8 y~ur eVidence-in-chief but I ao ask­

ing you to be a little broader to get beyond your statement

to the police , "''hen you ClUe in there. what ... as the cliscus-

slon about? ___ .,

Were you introduced?---I don't know what was being dis-


cussed, but I ... as introduced by my sister to Accused No . 1. 20

Good, no ... tell us ... hat ... as the nex~ thing that ... as

said . After that introdu~tion? I want to kno ... how you

came to talking about ~ay!'~o, ---I~ediately after the in­

troduction Accused No. 1 produced these docUCIents , the docu-

ments that 1 mentioned .

"''here did he have theJl?--- .•

... ·all it in a "---,,

In his pockets, in s suitceae1---he took them froe out

of hi8 pockets, hi8 trou8ers pocket

And ... hat did he sey to you?--- the !1rst thing he tcld ce .30

was that he ... s s a member, that they are the people ... ho issue

/psI:lphlets ••••

- 78 - S C KBAIE$E

1 •• ue p~phlet. to Soweto Icbool children, b •• 1'0 •• 1d thet

it on. joina tbl organlzation, t bey take bie out to pl.c.a 11kl

Laaotbo wb.r. be ,Ita trained .a •• oldler .

And tb.n hevlng •• 1d thet, whet vaa tb. next thine •• id or

done1--- H. tb.n .ald I .hould allo join. H. furth'r •• 1d that

th.y dld not have a chane. th.n and th.n told '1 to com. Itter

tl>r •• day ••

So he invltld you to join the or,.nizltlon , bl atteaptad

to rlcruit you to the org.nization in the firlt t •• elnut.a

of yoW' eeet1ni. --Yaa.

And what YOU'vl told u. I invitl you to ".!lact, what

you'v. told ua 1. that all b •• ald1- -y.a

Oid you a.y anything on that occalion1---anythlng elaa1

011 that acc •• ion.-H ... ld If I coe. back in thl' •• dlY'

al bl told .e, tb.rl would b .... tin, hald at hi. par.nt.

pl.c ••

I. there anythine .1 •• h ••• id?---Ho, nothine '01'1, I

th.n lett.

I rlpl.t .y qUI.tion, what lt anything, did you a.y1-­

I •• id I would co •• h.ck ln thl'.e day ••

I. that all you vtter.d to hi. on that occ •• ion1---Y •• •

No I .1.0 aaked hi. what 1. the meanin, ot Sayrco.

Oh y.a , you haven't told u. that . What dld he aay? --­

BY THE COURT:I bl, yoW' pardon what did yov .ak1--I •• ked hi.

what thl neae of S.yrco 11. He .aid it w" the Soutb Atrlcan

Youtb Rlvolutlon'ry Council.


explan.tion bl lav.'---thet i. all.

VIII you •••• I hay. I.k.d you aa to what you •• id,and



lOV g.ve v •• verlion. now you are comina out wlth .oa.thinl }O

new. You •• ked hi. what tt.l council w •• •• SOuth African Youth

/Revolvtion.ry ••

- 79 - S C PffiAY&SE

Revolutionary CO\,lllcll was and be anawered y01,l. ---Now my q\lu­

tlon Is sgaln ls that tbe total sum of conversetlon wbich y01,l

had?---y01,l mean except what I have already saId?

Yea. ___ the total sum of the cODversatlon.

You are sure ot tbat, y01,l won't cbaDge and tell His Wor-

Ship e dltterent story • • ln two alnutes. ___ No, I wl11 not

Why la It that when the p~aec1,ltor aaked y01,l In chiet

-were y01,l Invlted to joln by No. I, you aaid yea y01,l .,ere in­

vited "and that was when you on your lIecond visit to Johannea-

burg. ---No, I aald on both occasioDa the tirllt and the sacond 10

occ Bsion

That is not what y01,l told His Worahip in your evidence-ln­

chiet •• I am atrald. Have y01,l got an answer7---I sald ao.

I 811 atraid y01,l dld not. Your evidence Is clear, you

told His Worahip when you came back to Johanneaburg agaln,

be asked you and let me add, let ae add, while you gave a

recital ot eVldence .,hicb i a very aiailar to what y01,l are

glvlng now, y01,l made no mentlon ot the tact that when he met

you, he aaked you to beca-e a member,--- ••

Ho., .,hich evidence ia correct? ---well, it Idid not men- 20

tlon it, in chief that he inVited me to join. then I had for­


Yell you ' ve forgotten .. --what I am aaying now 111 the truth

B1,It you told Hle Worahip he invlted Y01,l, the proaec1,ltor

esked you II clellr queetion ·.,ere y01,l invited to join' and you

s aid yell, that was on the occaslon when I came back II second

tilDe. Back to Johannesburg.--- ••

Johanna.burg in 1981 it is pointed out to me. Was that

a mls take?---Yes it meane then that I've .ade a mistake.

You see, you've told Kia Worahip then ot this diacussion 30

I.,ben • •

~ 80 ~ S C !mAnSE

when were you going to aee the .ccuaed .gain? 00 you a.y .fter

the firat occaaion?--- Atter three daya.

Did be tell you that after •• illllled_ely .fter ahowing you

the document. and telling you • ••• king you to ~eco~e a .ember

and theconveraation .a you deacribed it?---Ye. , .fter be had

told ~e what they are involved in doing.

Yea , then what happened .fter that? Attar he told yo~

'well I ' ll .. a you in three daya' .--- Ithen left.

Did you have to go or •• did you bave ao~etbing praa.ing

•• urgent ?---No, I was ju.t getting back home

So you weren't in • burry? - __ No I waa not in • hurry

And be w= not in • hurry?--Yea

And tbere waa no !ur~her converaation?---No there waa no

further converaation.

So what did you do f or three boura , look at the oeiling?

---which three hours?

You were there, you ' ve told us I think froa about 12 to

about 3.---sat there and liatening to the radio.

AndlOu had no furthar conversation?-- -Nothiq; rurther


And what did he do , did he Ju.t carryon talking to No- 20

,&1=gela?-- Yea

And you left the two of themtalking?---I told thea

I waa le,ving ju.t befor e

I know and when you left, thay were .till talking to

one another?-Well I left them here atill talking

Whatwere they talking about?--- I do Dot know Sir, I

wa. concentr ating on the radio

What . a .0 intereating on the radio?--- • •

You ' ve co~e t~i'it your aiater , you come fro. Maadow-

landa , ita, fair voyage and then you take no notice of ber. 30

You concentrate on a radio which youcan have every where .

IThe •• •


The S " B C tel'Tieion isn't l1alted. ___ Well they vera talkin,

about tn-ir O~ art,ira, 80 I d.eid,d to listen to the redio .

Why did tb. accus.d .ey be vanc,d to apeak co you in three

dayt t~ •• Yhy didn't be ju.e .peak to you then? ___ H. ',ld 1n

three day., he would be having , •• ,ting with other people, and

then h' would be ,ble to explain to •• tully about this thing

But ... 88 that the atly re.,on he ,ave tor not expllllnlna:

turther to you tb.~ and th'n1--1,.

You are tor setting your .vidence. 01dn't be tell you t~t

h, bed no tla. then? To tell YOII all about 1t1---No, be did DOt 10

•• y '0. Well I want ••• y recollection and that ot .y l •• rned triend

1, chlot yol.l told Hi, Worship tbet Accu •• d •• 1d he didn't have

tia, end that 1s why be wanted you to come back in thr.e

d.y. , ---Ho, tllat va •• y concluslon Slr that he dld not have

the chance then.

Well that 1a Dot Yhat you alllll, -1 add ao

And th. raaaon you. uy .aa he v.nt.d yw to coae to a

."tin, .h'r' there would b, en ,xplen,t10n,---Dld I siva that

aa a rla.on?

I .. aaking you nov, Ia tNt vNt be told you?--_

that i. the reason he (lve ."

So that he and other. could Ixpl,ln to you ln a .eetlDg

wtwlt the orgenlz.t1on 1, .bout? __ that la ao,

You dldn't aay that in ywr ,vld,nce-ln-chief, you

•• U .oaething dlffer,nt"you .. ld he .,nt,d you to COllI' ao

that ba could read the doeu.enta to you, No .ent10n of a

aeating In your ,vidence-in-chief, ---I dld .entlon , ."tlng

Well, I .. afrald yo'.l did not. Andyou auat ,cc'pt that

unless .y learned friend or Hi. Worahip Indlcate that .y

queatlon 1. wrong. you .u.t accept that'. right. Otherwlae

Ive •••



- 8 2 - S C KB,m;SE

wa wa.te tl.a.---l ~annot Iccapt that thinl' 1 dld Dot .ay be

be I~ch al havinl beln a.id by .e Sir

I j~at want to I~"ea! to yo~ that yo~ are beinl i.parti-

nent to the Co~rt. ___ Not that I .. baln, i.pertinent.

~t you are tellin, !lia Wor.hlp 11 that the aceu.ud did

not even •• k you what your .ttltude va. in joinin, Serreo.---

1'10 he did not

And he told you nothing .bout the or,ani~.tion.---tha

only thin, he told .e Sir 11 what I have already .ald, he had

people who i.'~ed thele p .. phletl to • • in Sowlto.

lei. but tor what purpo .. ? What ... lt .bout. dld you

have .ny lde.? ___ be did not explaln to .e

lou never heard at the or,anl~.tion Serreo betore did


So you had no id .. wl:et the aetivity was about?_O'thlr

than that thlY dl1trlbuted p .. phlet •• ---YII, exeepUn, th& 1

Imaw it val politleel or,m1ution.

lll, but then d1dn't you a.y to hi. what dld they do,

wha t 11 the1r lde.?

I did not •• k ~.

What lort at an or,aniz.tion i. it?---

1 ju.t want to •• y to you that •• put lt to you that .n

tIIne.t reeonltruetloD ot III .tte.pt to reerult .a.ebody, In

atta.pt to parauade loaebody, would have tha. Bort ot eonver .. -

tion. ___ 1 did not think ot a.klng hi. any que. tiona

When you aaw your 11ster I,ain, did you aplI.k to her about

tha req~IIt? Ot No. l'I.---1to I did not

Why not? Shll 111 oldar than you, --yll l aha la

And ian't ahe 11kll a parent to you when the two ot you

... ra away troe hOlla? ---lea



\'hy didn 't you lay to hllr what dOli thll ... n, ·what dOIa }O

thla or,aniZltlon 'Ian, abould 1 jain, ahould I not join·?

/--- 1 ..


-1 wanted the pereon who _II telling •• about it to explain.

But why didn't you a.k hi_ then? ___ ••

He _u there, chatting to ;,toW" shter, why not uk hlCl?-­

But be 'ald 1 .hould coma .tter three day., 1 would get el •• rage

on this atter three day.

But why DOt .ak your slater you thought that ahe kn ••

every tiling , wby not aek her?-- But ehe would not know .ore than


Hive you got any co~.nt on your aiater ' . evidence that

Mo. 1 never ellA. to Havle'. hou •• • ---l do not know about that I e

Has JU,via got any other nue?---l only know Kavl.

You 've never heard the word Kary?--No , I alii I.llledto the

n ... Mavle

'there 1. only one ttater $0 that we drew that concluelon.

Thera 1e only one aiater who liv •• near to Mo. 1'. bou •••


And can you .~pl.ln to ~ why your alater should rater

to her •• Mary? Hava you any 1de.s, 1 .S*D you don't havs

to .ccount for her behavi~ur . ---She refers to my sist.r .s

Mary , but I grew up referring to her •• Kavi ••

But I .sked you .bout Mary Just now *Dd you B.ld you

dldn't know .bout it.--- ••

On • minor little point Iike~h.t you C*D't give proper

evldence .--what I ~ s.yl~g ls that I d1d not know that Nom._

lungel. referred to her •• Mary.

But I told you that. That 1. Dot the question, --what d1d

you tell me?

In April .nd M.y of 1980 you were no longer 1n Johannesburg

---what waa your quest10n before you .aked .e that?


You l.en to thh question , in April or Kay 1980, were 30

you ln Johanne.burg or not?---I wa. not here.

ID:l.d ••

- 84 - 5 C MBAY£.SE

Did yo,", h.ar .t any at.ge in that period, yoW" d.ter .... nt

to .t.y . ith flo . l. ___ flo Sir

I .. ju.t putting thi. to give you • • to g.t c1.rity, lIy

inatructionll .re that you in bct otten viaited No . 1 bec.uae

your .iater floll.dungeh wall otten there, not thet ahe ..... atey-

ing there , actually .leeping there, at the tiae ot yoW" tirat

viait. ---Wa11 I egree to ~t

Yea, and)Ou sot to kno ... tbe aother and the tather • • No. 1 ' .

aother and tether quite ... ell, and el.o hia couain.---I kno ... thaa

by aight .

You aey that yo,", viaited yoW" ai.ter otten , et flo. 1'.

hou.e , can you thro. any l1Sbt on tbia auggeation to the Kagia-

trate to His Worship, that 1t .aa on one occaaion only and

.t night that aha .. ent to hilt ho" ••• ---•• 11 tbe o.uy t1.ooe that

I ae .. her at 5tanley ' a place, ie the occaaion that I have

aentioned .

Then I don ' t underatand the evidence yo,", have juat given.

5 ••• ; Edela,bare , .k ia j ... er oa te ond.rbr •• k, .k 1a jammer

ek .11 ni. lIy g.l.erde vriend onderbre.x nie , .... e die getuh-


nia ve.n die auater nle dat ay net een ke.r daar gealeap h.t 20

nle, ek weet ni •• •

DElli. DIE HOF:,u lIy geheue lIy •• - - 5.A . : Ek het nie ' n note nie

ex pra.t ook ,",it geheu. ult •

.loa ek reg onthou w.a ay apeaitiex ,evra waeroll ay d1e

beakuldigde aeer dan een aaal besoek h. t nie , en .y het ,eant­

woord de t ay waa nie genool nle.

AOY . 50000T:5y waa ook voorgeatel op d. ardie aand

5 • .1. . : Nee, dlt 1a goed, dank1e &delagbare.

BY THE COURT:Wsa your 1aat ana ... er that you a •• yOW" aiater on_

ly once et No . l ' a house?--- Yu

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY ADV! 50GG0T : (CONTINUEO)Waa that the time I.tter •••


- 8 5 - 5 C HBqtsE

t1ae after your tiTet vlslt , 1 .. sorry your tirst aeetln,

with No . l? ___ Ho, the first occeslon wes et my e i ster Mevis's


Thst we know, try an~ concentrate pleese , the next tilile

when you went to h1l house , was that st the tille ot your next

vis lt atter your tlrst visit when you f1r.t met No. 11- - -

BY THE COURT:l don ' t undar.tand the que.tion Mr . Souot 1 ..

lorry. - 1 .. tlllr.1n, about a visit to hi •• isUr " ho .......

That is now durin, 1979.--Y.' , and I und.rstlnd •• thank you

Sir , I understand the pOllible contusion . I alii .skinS h1111

lt he rellle.b.rs h • •• t AccuI.d .t Mevla'. house. My n.xt

question 11 W.I it at the t1m. ot hi. next viait to his aister

1n the ••• e .onth , that he tound h.r at No. l'a plae • •

VITKESS: This i. correct Sir.

CROS5-BAMIH,!.TlOIl ex AQV , SOGQOT:(COHTlHUEO)And she •• l think

you .sid w •• alone there with him?--- Yes they were alone there

And _s that your fint vis1t to his house? ---It _s the

tlrst vlsit

How how .any days l.ter tro. the ti.e you tir.t •• t him?


---It wun ' t .xactly aftlr thr •• days he had .aid but atter 5 20

day • •

Alter tiv. day.. I lee. And whit happ.ned on that oeca'ion?

~t dileus'ion _I thera1--_the day on which h. said we ,hould

80 Mtutu~ell ' a hous.

I don ' t und.r'tand that. You 80 and •• et •• you ,0 end s.e

your slIter at hi' hoUle, and thia ls 5 days l'ter attar the

t1rst lIIeetins, 1, tl\at rlght?---X"

And I repeat tl\at WlS the tirst vi.it to hi. hous •• - - -


Now my que.t10n 1. vhat happened on that occasion when ,0

you found hi. and the .i.ter alone?- --H •• aid we .bould 80

/1 • ••

• 86 • S C KBAY&SE

I ,hou1d .cco.p.ny hi. to Ktutuz,li ', bo.e

Nov . hat ••• the pOint of co.ins •• ia that by the .. y why

you went to hi' hou'e bec.use he had e'ked you to come after

three d.ya , ___ Yea

Becau'e you thousbt there would be • lIeetins there. ---

1Ibet ti •• w,a the .Htin, &OinS to be held?_~ did Dot

.ention the till'.

But didn't you .. k hill, ---1 did not aak hill .

Well. the thins 111 I atll1 don't W1de .... t.nd yoW' eVidence 10

becauae you told Ki. Worship that the rea.on . hy you .ent on

that occ"ion •• a to a •• your aiat.r.--You .ean the ,.cond ti.e

thet I vitited SnoYalle?

You know pert.ctly "ell whe t I • • t .. ll<1na .bout, the ti ...

ot your tirat vi'it to hi, hou ••• ---I ,tart .. d .t .y .1,10.1'" pl.c ... and then proceeded to ~ccuaed No . 1'. h~ ...

Toattend •••• tln,?--~tendins ••• eting

Why do you tell Ki. Wor.hip thet JOu went tb.r. in order

to ate your e18t.r7-- yt,ere? 1 t1ret .ent to .ee at .y ei,-

tel' Kav18'. place , it .y other .1.ter NOIIalWigela .. a there. 2(

She • •• n ' t hOlle, I tben ..... nt over to Accu.ed No. I ' . pl.ce,

and thera I tOWid bel'.

WIll 1I:Iat tllr_ d.y. later atter tbe tille tlltot JOu .et

No . 17-1 did not go in exactly three d'ya.

Tou told Hil Wor.hip you went back ln three day' in

t.rll& ot your •• in terll' ot No . l ' a requeat . ___ I went there

becaule of hi. I'equ .. t

No but it 11 ,etUna: .01" and .or. d1tficult, ... thia

etter three deya or tive dayathat youwent b.ck? ___ After tive

d.ya and not on the d.y that .e had arranged

Then .hy did JOu tell Hia Worahip 1t ... UteI' thr .. d.ya

/that • •

- 87 - S C MBAmJ;

tn.t youvtnt back. ---I .ad. a .iatak.

And you want furth.r , you aaid you didn't aay that your

aiat.r wa. th.re. Tou .aid that No.2 wa. there •• in No.1',

bou.e .-_No,

~idenc.-in-chi.f •• in Ividlnc.-in-chie!, i. that ri&ht ••

BY THE COURT:That i •• o.--~nk you Sir.

C!tO~EXN1INc\TION BY @Y. $9GC9I(COI'ITINUEtl) Why did you t .. ll loUa

Worah1p that you returnad ,fter thra. day.?-I .ay I .ade a

.i.tUe Tour Wor.hip

And can you tell u. vby you laid that No. 2 wa. tharl

when in tact you say now that only No.1" .tater va. there ••

I .. aorry your sister WI' with No.1 there?---I .aid Accused

No. 1 and .y .iater Hoealungela wa. there

That 1a not trul I'. atrltd. Tou 'Itd No . 2 .. a th~e.

_No, Accu.ld No . 2 _, pre,ent at Accu •• d No. I'. plac. d\l­

ring .y a.cond vie it to Johanneaburg fr08 Credock.

I.e. and w,a it th.n that he told you that hi wla .... -

ber ot Sayrco?-- Tea

I juat want tQ put it to yO\!. th8t Accueed No. 2 w111 deny


it. ,and I w.nt to put it to you that your Ivid.ncI .u.t be I 20

flbrication, becau.e HO. 1 wla in glol .t the tt.e and that

will be prov.d beyond a ree,onable doubt . ---I .ight be .uing

I .iltake Ibout th.date, Your Worship, but .y evidence 1a true

WIll, I'.,e got instruction. on 'bat, the Iccua.d .. ya th8t

•• Ho . 1 a'YI that he VI' .ware ot ody one vi. it ot youra to

Johann.sburg. --He il not telling the truth.

Y.a , and you youra.lf were abaolutely clear whan you came

to Johann.,burg on the ,econd occ.aion •• that ia •• that it .. a

in OIc •• b.r, I think you told Hla Worahip that it waa the

tirat week 1n Oea .. ber, ar.d that you laW the Accua.d the third )0

w.ek 1n Dec •• ber •••• econd . I think yOur Wor.hip work.d it out

Ito ••

~ aa ~ 5 C KBAIESE

to tbt' third week.

SY THE COURt: lthinlr. he •• ld two w.ek. after hill ... rlvd •• -DEf'£NCE:

tMt I. rleht •

•• th. third we.k ot o.c •• b.r.--tbl I. correct


the .vldenc.?--- I .ald .0 Your Wor.hip, wha t I .. nt to •• y now

la that I _liht b. _liking II lIIiatak. about the date. but the

avidenca that I .. glvln, 1. the truth.

W.ll, were you .t .chool .t the tl.e that you c .. a up in

Dec •• ber 19811-••

I .. not dlaputlng yOll c .. e up In Dece.ber 1981 that you

lIIieht hav. done, - 1 wa. at .chool Y"

Y .. , and .0 it w&1I durlng the Dec •• b.r hoUdaya.--Y"

Your hoUday •• tart In Oec .. bar.-betore Dec._b.r

Wh.n? ___ l've torgotten whan

W.ll, bOW _any day. batora Dace-bel' doell It .tart? ___ I've


You've tor gotten. But tben it la quite cl .... that you only

aaw the .ccuaed .a.ething Uke two or thr.e weekll fit tel' you

arrived . -- Te ••

theretore that .u.t bav. be.n In Dectlilber .--Yell, I think

••• You undentand that? How I .. puttlng to you that ne

... In Jail then. And that you _uat ba wrong. --No I do not

know .bout that he wa. in Jail •• 1 .aw ~.

How It w.a on the .eeoruS oec .. lon In Decelilber 1981, that

•• no 1 .. aorry I w~raw that, wh.n did he aak you to recruit

peopl.? __ On ., .econd vi.it to Johanne.burg.

Vb.r. did he uk you thll.t?

At hi. parent.' be •••

Who w •• pr •• ent?- -_He and AecUlled Ho. 2.

/Whlt •••




- 89 -

What did you "Y to tbat?--- I 'aid I would try

~d did he a,k you to join on that oeca,ioo?---T.,

And what did you .. y to that?-I ,l1d I will think about it

I hava oat concluded yat.

In other word" you .. d. it cl.ar to hia that you WOWd

,.you w.r. uoc.rtain wheth.r you want. d to join Sayreo,---Y ••

D.spit. that, he .sk.d you to recruit wben you 'till h.,i-

tatin, about joinin" he a.k.d you to r.cruit peopl., ___ T •• ,

that I . howd look tor ~opl.

And yO\l asned to dO that?-l.a,

But wby do you agr •• to reeruit p.opl. tor an or,aniu.t1on

wb.n you art 'till be,itatiOC to becnae • m .. ber.---I wa. doina

thi •• ol.ly tor hi_. But be asked you to join, why didn't you then join .ol.ly

tor hia? --1 had not eoae to tl'at concludon

rhat i. correct, and that i' why you didn't acc.pt it. You

didn't asr.e to join bec.uI. you w.re 'till thinking .bout it,

__ l.a

lou had hesitations about the or,aniution.-T ..


At tb.1a ,tage, do you bow anything more about it? __ • • 20

C_pared with ttl, tiae that h. tirat met you , did ,ou

now lI.oow aoythina more about it? ___ No, it wa, 'till what I

know, on the ~lrat 000 •• 10D.

Well, didn ' t you ,ay to him-look h.re, two year. a,o

you proaiaed me to tell a. all about it, How can I j01n

.n organization unl.8, I kDow what it i •• bout?- ---Vben I

a.k.d him, be •• id to ae the p.ople witb who. he could hold

a ••• tin" are ,till not tb.r., the otticial ... ember •• H.

,aid 1n ord.r that the conltltutlon ot thi. organizat10n

.bawd b. re.d to .e . ,tbe otb.r p.opl. hav. to b. there ,

Vb.n did he .11 you tbat?---thl. wa' the second occ •• ion

lIt ... .


- 90 - S C KBAlESE

Ita yoW' e,,1denee no".a I Wlderltalld It , thlt you •• 1

.. aorry, I w1thdra" thlt, vaa tblt at bil bouea that be told

you tbie 011 tbe aecond occlelon? ___ T. 1

And I think you I.ld you .... nt to bil hau'e otten1- - -Ho.

Vaa i t only once that you .... nt to hia bouee?--_I " ent once

yea during ey aecond v1alt to Johann~url

So vaa that tbe(n!y tie. you " ent to hia houae?_Yea, untl1

I went beck ~e.

Well, I UI etreld .. lte lequlte clear 1n yOW' evidence

1I0W that you aa" hla •• went to hie hou'e once only and thia "a' 10

durla& your .econd vl.1t 1~ 1961?-__ Yea 1t 1 •• 0

BT THE COURT: Dld you v1alt hLm only onee.t hil bou.e, only

onee 1n your 11te?--- Only onee

Only once 111 your vhole 11te, t~t'-I durln« your leeond

vlI1t . ---there VIe en occa.lon Your Wor.hip when I " ent there

It WII In tbewenlnl at about dUlk,

I vant to let clarlty about thil. bov aany ocelalon. In

your whole 11te, dtd you v111t hie at hil houle? _It lIon

tour occlsiona Your Worlhip.

Vhen " ere the tour occulon.?- - - the t1r.t oceulon WI. 20

when I t ound h1a wlth ay ••

Let UI put 1t th1+ay, bo" .any occ.done dW'ln& your

flrst vldt to JohaJmeeburg and bo" uny occI.lone durlng

yOW' I.colid vlelt? --Once Your Worah1p

Once dur1ng your f1rlt v1alt . ---Y,I , that 11 at hil pa-

rents ' place •

•• 1 went there on two occ.llon • •

VeIl that i. thre. , --- Tee , .~cept the day whell •• on

Which I eet hi. In .y a1at,r'e place

The queltlon wa. how .. ny tlael dld you villt hie at Ihis ••

- 91 - S C JllBAYESE

hia house •• l am aorry Sir that 1 am interrupting your eroaa­

examination, this m.y be lmportant. - __ ADV . SOGGOT: Not at ell

air .

WITNESS: On three oeeaeiona .

BY THE CDUUT: That lI .,w once during your fir st ."lIit, to Jo­

hanneaburg, - - once during my firat viait to Johanneeburg , and

t wice during my second visit •• to Johannaaburg.


you told His Worahip that it waa once only ~d then you edded

no there waa another occuion at duak . ___ well aa things • • aa 10

it is Your Yorship , I remember vividly aome of theae occasions

You alao told Hia Worship that you uaed to viait hia

house fr equently • • in order to sae your aiater.--- ••

00 you want to change that evidence7--No I did not say

tt\e.t .

You did not aay it. very well , - -No , I did not say it .

Right, I wsnt to fin ah thia off, on the firat oeceeion

you .et hi., wbat happened and who waa thera7---

BY THE COURT: At ~vll's houee. - -MR . SOGGOT: I am aorry, I

am talking about No . l ' a bouse. 20


casion you went to No.1 ' , house . Just tell ua what happened


BY THE C!XJRl': 1$ this now •• you are referring to the 1979 vi­

s1t7 __ that 1s eorreet, whltever date he puta on it • • whatever

aequence he gives .


want to identify the occasion, I don ' t want too many detaila,

who Wl a there and what happened7--- at h1e parenta' hom.?

Yes .---He , aeeused NO, I and my Ueter NOmal ungela were 30


IYes •• •

- 92 - S C MlIAmE

Tell. and then what hIIppened?-tbe day on whlch he llaid

we IIhould Co, accoapllny hla ao t~t ha ,etll Acculled No. 2

troa hie hOllla. ao that a "nUn, couldba arrangad

And dld you do that?--_No wa d1d not

Tou. dId not. ---No, we dld not go to HtutuunI'1I houu

RiCht, the next Uae was whan1 That you went to hls houlle?

---My lIecond villit to Johanaesbur,.

And what happened on t~t occaaion?---that -.a the occllaion

I .et hi. tocether with AccWled No.2.

Yea. and what happened thera?---that -.s the day accused 1e

lei . 2 also told . a he _s •• e.bar ot SaYT'co . and than tha ac-

cUlled No.1 St anlay, aald to.e up to now they atl11 baye not

bad a cbaaca. I ahoW.d go back to Meadowlands.

R1ght and the third occas10n1-Oo the third occ .. lon, I

was y1a1tlng .y aiater N0CIl1.lOCels, at about dusk on that day ,

I .at hi., he waa coalng troa his parenta' ho.e.

Yea1 ___ Ve then proceeded togather to Accusad No. 2 's place

BY THE COUR1' :Wbere dId you .eet hi.? ___ Tour Worship I -.s coing

to his parents' p1aca and be wes co-lag out so we .et In tha


In the atreat outside his p1aca?-In the street outaide


No. 2' s house, and what happened ther.?---Yes, we t01.lOd that

Accused No. 2 waa DOt at bollia.

And -.a •• on thoae t~-ee occ.siona, I .. sorry, thoae

three occasiona plua the occuion that you saw hi., in your

aister 's houlle, ware those the only occeslons you had dealings

witb hi.? ___ Yea

And have you told us everyth1nc that had hap~ned on

those tour occaa1ons?-Yn. aa tar .a I rellll!lllber

Where -.s he when he told you that you should recruit

/ --



- 93 - S C HAlIAmE

r.erult?---at hi' parent"~ ~e

On what oeea,lon waa that? At hia parenta' ho~e. you 've

11van ua thr •• ? The firlt, I,eond or th, third?---dur1nl thl

flrlt ceellion.

Vh'n your atlt.r waa there?--_'l ..

I lee . She beard thIot?---'l.a, ahe did

ADd you av .. d to It?--I dld not av •• to it, I bad not

.. de ay.,aade up .y alnd I've not oondud.d that

ADd dld you tell hia that?---No, I jUlt kept qullt, I dld

DOt tell ha .

You've 11vID Hil Vorahip a dlff~ent veralon. Lat'a •• llt

.e juat deal with th' rlerultlng, blelule I want to flntah oft

now , you tri.d to recruit two people what are their __ .. ? __ _

lukele who?---ZUkele Nakl and sandele Galo

WhIr. do th.y l1ve? __ -Cradoek.

In what tOVlUlb.1p?-L1nge L1 tehl

And you·v. told ua ttat they reru..d?---tbey rltuaed

When ... that •• that you a.de that Itteapt to reoruit?--

Att.r.,. return trom ay aecond vlait to J'ohannllburl

I think Sir that I've donI, lt Your Worahip will bear

with .1 , I would like to glanee throulh a, not."


CR05S-EXN'IlNATION lIT AOV, B6$SLlAN,No quutlona

HERVDHOCfI pEllR pIE S.A.' EX w11 nIt bt dat .11 jouallt .oet

orilnt.er ten opalcte van die tye .. t jy lenoe~ het ln jou getutenta . Hoy jy het 11'1 jou letuienia ges' ~ JOY eerate

b •• o.k .an Johannl,burl w., g,durende •• wanneer Ie .... ? ---


En die .aand?---Oe ... b.ra.and .

En die tW'lde beaoek!---1981 lEn ••




- " S C KB.I.:rest

En d1, ••• nd?---Aa et rag ontbou d1t we. ook in nea.abar

Nou load, tan Jy ontbou wann •• r Jy d.ur di e poliaie ,t_ arr etes t.er 1I?---Ek ontbau nag

Watter 4,tWl ..... dlt?- ••

191- -1982 .

Maal"t , ...... JOU arTU .at ander woorda , .. , .. , •• and. Da-

6at Jy Jau twlt"e b"oek un Johann" burg ,r,elt het,1I d1t

Jau getuienia?---dlt 18 '; ,etulenl. " • •

Hat Jy verlede "ear in 1961 ekool ,.,aan?---ek ..... op

.11;001 , ........

VIotter aUnderd het .1y daar gadoen 't-Std. 8

01t 1, nou v'rl ad. J. ar 1981 ,ewe •• . ---J'a.

Goad, het Jy Ilega Std . 8 op ekool ".l.a,?---N ... . 11:

bet n18 Stal,., nit .

Maar jy het .t, ... n gadaen. -N •• , til: het oak nie ,11:,,-

En was 41t ,.W •••• an d1. ,lnd, van 1981?---dlt 1e eo.

Toe breek d1e vakanale aan.---Ja.

En 1s JOu ,.tu1tnl, d,t dit toe Wall dat Jy d1e t".,de

b.,oak .an Johann,.burg gebrina het?---dlt 1. b •• lt ... l r eg

REUB PI~ HOF jNadat die akole geal~it het?--- voor die akole

,eal~it het .

ffERVERHOOR DEUR pIe S, A. ( HERVAT)Wannear het die akola ,ealuit?

--- ek kan n1e ontbo~ wannear nie,

NOU a. Jy vir d1e Hot a e •• • k vra di t ne aenleiding van

'n antvoord vat Jy v.ratrek het 1n kruiaverhoor op 'n atedium

det Jy ia nie aeker OOr die •• jy ken tOYteer oor die tye . Aa



jy 1I0,.ir die Hot in JOY getuian11 al dat J,. in o.sellber 1961 X

JOY tve.d. beaoak ,ebr1ng het , --ek bet ao ge.e Iweer ••

- 95 - S C MBAY'ESE

"ar waa jy ,edurend. 1960 v.xana1e ,ewe.a? ___ ek waa

1n Cradock ,.w ••••


pEUR DIE HOF: Waaro. het jy verlede jur nie alr.auen gnltryt

D1e?-ek het a1ek ge>lOrd.

VaarOll het jy aanvanll1k Dea .. ber, 1961 ,ek1ea aa d1 •

• aand waarop jy •• a. die •• and ,edur.nde wanneer jy Johanneaburg

toe gelr.o. h.t?---Ede1agbare elr. het deardl. tyd van dle jaar

gaklea o.dat ak van .y tenta geld .oe. ko. vra het o. hierd1e

jaar 1962 tarug te ,aan alr.ooltoe.


Ek,d1e ODder~kende aerttrlaeer hler.ee dat voorergeande

'n ware .n jul.te oorkonde is Tan die getu1.n1a van S C

Hbayeae 1n die .aak van d1. Staat teen Sydney Redebe .n 3 ander S.ek Kempton Park S H 635/82.



KI1.20 - 96 - MASHIANE


ONO£RVRAGING OEUR AANKLA~R: U 1. woona9ti, te Kliptown? S .. noane

in Soweto ek i. jammer . -- Ja .

U was 9.bor. in Kliptown .11. vr. verlkonin9. --dit i. 10.

Haev .. "l kinden het u? -- Oit il nt. eintlik "')' "t. kind .. n

ni .. , Die kinden 11 Illy :'roer .'n , en hulle woon by Illy. Oaar

is 1 van hulle.

I. dit korrek dat die 3de en ... e naam i" TilllOthy Ha"hian .. ?

Oit h 10.

HOF: II hy di. jon9lle? -- d1e jon91te v .. n die dde. (10)

wanneer 1 ••• het u vir TillOOthy ge.i .. n? -- Oit W.I in 1980

9ew .... S, alhoewel ell. ni ..... ker il nte •. v.n dt" datum en d •• rdi ..

jaar nt ...

MNllLAER: I. u getuienis dat hy net ""'9<Jeraak het? -- Ja, ell.

will tuts gewee. die dag t oe hy die huh penc.anent verbat het.

U "al tuil toe hy dit verbll het? -- Toe hy dt. hu1l

perlDll.nent verlaat h .. t ja.

DEFENCE, If I ... y int .. rrupt. I don't "ant to cut III)' Learned

Friend ' s tillie, but I take it he il not prop<)sin9 to lead hear­

.ay eVidence •. what TillOOthy .aid {20)

AANllLAER , Die Tolk .,,1 dit 0011. 16 ventaan. -- Oit "al olllfltreeks

11 uur ,eweel in die 0991!nd. Toe hy _99aan, h .. t ell. hom gevra

"aa .. heen hy 9 •• n.

wat hy 9 ••• h .. t. w11 ell. ni .. "eet nie. -- Eintl1k h .. t hy

ary nie gelll waarh""n hy 9alln nie.

Ja. het u ledertdien enige iet. van hom gehoor? -- Oaarna

ni .. meer nie.

lien u enige een van die be.kuld19del nou VOOr die Hof. -­

Ja, ary seun van lIlY Duurun dH! ken ek.

Wie h hy? Stanley die belkuldi9de 1. "'>J Het / ••

Ul. 22 - 97 - MASHIAN£

Met hy en Ti.athy ... k .... r geken? --J .. , hulle _t _k .... r

ken, hulle het ... am groat gewor4.

Met hulle .aam gekuler .ome of weet u nie? -- Ja, nie

veel in die hui. in nie, maar hulle wa. gewoonlik ... am gewees.




ALLEN KARK VUXlLE BOOt v.o.e. (Deur 1'o1k)

ONOERVRAGING DEUR AANKLAER: Mnr Booi, wa .. r is U tan, werksaarn?

Ek 11 tans werk.aam I:y Volklk ... Inlurance Broklrl. (10)

In watter hoedanigheid i. u a. lulk. daar werkaa •• ?

Ek werk da .. r al 'n insurance conaultant.

Nou ken u enlge va~ die beakuldlgdea voor die Hot? -- Ja.

Wie ken u? Ek ken vir Stanley.

Stanley, dit ia No.1. --J". W .. nneer het u hom ont.JDoet.? I!in of fl>8er. -- So by die ein-

de van die j"ar 1979.

waar .. of lut ek <Oit s6 .tel, watae werk het u toe 'J1!­

doen aan d1e einde van 1979? -- Ek was 'n eienaar v .. n 'n winkel

gewees. (20)

Waar? -- In Phiri ~oonbuurt..

la dit OOk in Soweto? -- Oit 1a korrek.

Goed, u .& u het. vir NO. I on~t, waar het u he. ontmoet.?

As ek terllqdlnk Edelagbare, ek was bellq geweea 0lIl 11)1 ~OlIIbi

req te .. aak .n dit waa voor di. wink.l qeparkeer qewe ••• (oor

na kaa.et 12) En toe het 'n perloon daar geko"', die perloon het.

met ' n Kombl voertulq gekom,di6 het hy geparkeer om in dte

winkel in te kom. Ona bet toe gepraat. oor waa .... e ek bedq "as

naamli.k die enjin van die \{01Qb1.

En die peraoon wie II op hi.rdl. wyae <;Ienader het, wle (30)

was / ..

1112.01 - 98 -

va. dlt.? -- Oit ..... toe beakuld!",d" 1 9" ..... "S.

NO\'! 9oed. "It ..... nOli die .erat. ont_tlng tus •• n \l ."

No. I? - - dit .... ,;Ii. "erste cnt_ting ja .

Na hlerdle "erate o~tJDoetlnq wa. daaT snder on~tlnq.

gew",,_ t.u •• "n jull.? - - En d •• rna :la, aD at en toe hat hy na

dh winkel toe ... ,,1<_. Het :lulls bloat kenni .. " gably ot hat julle vriende ",sword?

Ons het toe vrlend. geword.

NOli .... nneer het II opgehou Om ' n wlnkeller te ..... ".? -- In


NOll 9oed, "Ie. wl1 h& II JDOet • . II sa II .. a. vTtende gew ••• met

beakllldi",d" NO . 1. I{an II vir die Hof In II ele woord. vertel

in verbaI'd met enl<]e in8idente .. at pl ••• gevlnd het? Tyllena II

9 •• prekke en d16 tlpe ding . - - Ed.tagh.re , d.>ar I, bU. qoed

wat Ona 9"8ela het . Ona 1& vrlende , en bale hu l p .. at hy my aan­

gebled het 8008 byvoor beeld 0lQ U help raet die Mn •• wat pla by

die winkel ilil ek nie by a nia. Alhoe_l ek nie ileker iii Viln

die dilt."'- nia, .. a. daar geleent.hilid 9'!W"'iI t.oe ek vir hc:. ge­

vril het o. ilaam met. my til gaan na 'n ilOkker wediltryd.

Ja? -- On. het .. Onil wail toe mila til , on. was toe vri.nde(20)

geweea op die .tadiwtl. Ona het vryl1k met roe k ilil r g •• ela en toe

het hy my gevrao! ek nie vir hom aekere hulp van Illy vriende

kiln hy nie. Mailr hy het vir my gevril 011 vir hom .ekere. .. tuff"

te kry . 011 ay eie woorde t.e gebr uik .ekere "stuff in bulk" en

hy dui ililn met. ilY hande

!!2!:l ·stuff in bulk " ? - - Dit is net. 'n iliInduidlng Wilt nik. be­

taken wat ek "euilk het . Edelagba ra, die t.sotai ' . hilt ,,"ph

deur 0.. ao a! en toe in te break in my winkel , en a. gevolg

dilarvan hilt ek getrek van waar ek g8WOOn het, en by dte Winkel

.el! gililn woon. DO)


1112.04 - 99 -

AANIlLAER: U en u gesin? -- En my gesin. En wat ook vercorsaak

het dat ek '1etrek het, is ek het toe 'n televisie stel gekoop

en my huis het nie elektrisiteit gehad nie .

Maar die winkel weI? -- Oit is so .

En u huis , het die huis toe lee'1 gestaan? -- Die huis het

toe 1eeg gestaan.

Goed vertel vir ons? -- Stanley het toe na ' n sekere tyd

my genader ..

HOF: 'n Sekere tyd nadat u getrek het? -- Na ek vertrek het ja.

HI' het my toe gevra of ons nie die huis, my huis, beskikbsar{lOl

kan stel vir gebI"u1k deuI" 51' karnen.de nie , "comrades".

AANKLAER: Het hI' ges~ watse "comrades" hI' van praat? -- Nee.

oUI ... as eintlik net 'n manier van praat .

Goed , wat het u verstaan onder die begrip van "comrades?"

Edelagbare, hy het op die stadium 'n vriend van my geword

en ek het verstaan dat dit sy manier is V<ln praat.


Van sy vriende te praat? -- "loose talk".

Ja . -- As hy na sy masts ven;ys het.

Het U ooit van sy vrtende laat bly in die huis of nie?

!!9.E.;.. Met u dus die versoek van hom van die hand gewys? -- Ek

het dit van die hand gewys.


Met u hom 56 gea~? -- Wat ek eintlik 'les~ het, my ... oorde

san hanL "'''S "kyk daaI"die huh behoort nie aan my nie , dit be­

hoort aan my eggenote."

AANKLAER: NOll goed, ek wil dan terll'l kom na u getuienis wat

II netnou 'lese het dat No. 1 vir u 'levI"a het of hy nie sekere

items by II kan kry nie, het gepraat van items in bulk "stllff

in bulk". -- Ben van die woorde wat ek ontlloll is hy het ge-

praat van "nitI"ate". (30)

"Nitrate" /

Kl2.07 - 100 -

"Nitrate" kan u nog .,ntql! .ndec woorde cnthou? -- Ek

dink ook alkollol.

Wa. <lit 'J""eel voce of "a die !leaprek oor die blyfplek

vir veien.:!e? AI \I nie kan ant.holl nle, moet \I net 80 af. -­

Ek kan nl. 80 'loed cnthcu nle.

Nee goad. -- En ek ",11 nie deurlllo.a.r pun. "1 •.

"a. 11011 kOll Dna kCIII nou na ~H. 16de "un!". 1981. Dit

il 'n aekere be.ondere tag In veral Soweto, nie waar nle1 -­

DH Is ao .

En d •• rdl. da", ...... \I 1n die winkel qewee.? -- Ja, .k •• 1(10)

al! Dna .... 1n di_ winkel gewe,u. all108w"l die .. inkel vir 'n lyd

toe ..... q.dut.nde die dag op die I6d ••

Ja. Ter....yl II in die winkel "' ••• het claar ie .... nd 4ange­

kom? -- "", ,lit va. die hat namldds<j ':Iew-ee. en daar hel bale

men"" g"ko",

En op 'n "u.HWII wat qebeuT toe? -- Beakuldiqde 1 het ge-

,=. HOI': So u ..... _t die bale mena'" -- S ..... Del die bde mena ...

AANKLAER : Waa hy an •• n of waa i ..... nd 1n ay geaebkap? -- Ek

kan nie !!let al18 aekerhdd se of hy met iemand ander. gekOl:l(20)

het nie . want d ... r ".a haie mena •.

Nee goed. Ja en Wit gebellr toe verder, u a6 No.1 kont in

die winkel in? Hy khden Edehqbare ..... n van 1IIy kinder. het

' n aekere p.IIIUet .an "'1 oorh.nd1q. Ek b.t vir ' n pur _inute

_t beskllldi9de 1 9.pra.t.

Ona neelll dit d.n stap vir at.p, wat bet u met be.kuldi9de

No. gelela? -- Hy bet roy qed dat hy v.n die Regin. Mllndi

9.ko. b.t.

ilegina /'Illnd! 1a 'n kerkq.bou in Soweto. -- Ja. dit 1a aO.

J.? -- Hy het ock ~ldinq 9 .... k dat hy amper 9 •• rr.a-()O)

te.r I ..

Collection Number: AD2021 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS, Security trials 1958-1982 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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