S e n t i r e International Essence Magazine Transforming ... · Transforming Consciousness: using...

Transforming Consciousness: using essences to assist our transition from third to fifth dimension An interview with Catherine Keattch of CRYSTAL HERBS by Jackie Stewart S e n t i r e International Essence Magazine

Transcript of S e n t i r e International Essence Magazine Transforming ... · Transforming Consciousness: using...

Transforming Consciousness:using essences to assist our transition from third to fifth dimension

An interview with Catherine Keattch of CRYSTAL HERBS by Jackie Stewart

S e n t i r e International Essence Magazine

What role do you see essences as having in the evolution of human consciousness? Vibrational essences are crucial to the process of transformation and the evolutionary shift that we’re going through. They are unique in their ability to transform consciousness in a way that helps us expand our perspective gently and easily. Simultaneously, they dissolve difficult thought-forms and the magnetism of old emotional patterns that can keep us glued into the old energy construct. The shift that we are experiencing is taking us from a third/fourth- dimensional reality into a more expanded fifth-dimensional version. For the sake of simplicity let’s think of dimensions as a series of boxes containing energies that vibrate in a range of varying frequencies. The possibilities open to us within each dimension are determined by the structure of the box - the energetic matrix within which the energies are contained. Life force energy

responds to the programming of the box, providing us with a range of possible experiences, so ‘reality’ can appear to vary from dimension to dimension. Access to these dimensional boxes is restricted only by our ability to align vibrationally with the appropriate energetic patterning. Third-dimensional reality is a very compressed, inflexible experience that does not allow us access to our multidimensional self or give us the opportunity to understand much about how things work in other dimensions. Within this reality, we have right and wrong. There’s very little opportunity to be in the present moment: we are either in the past or future. It is all reaction, e.g.‘This has happened, so I have to do this’ or ‘There’s a tiger outside so I’d better run.’ It is that kind of construct.

In this article, Jackie Stewart interviews Catherine Keattch, of Crystal Herbs. Drawing from many years of experience, Catherineshares her profound understanding of the 'fifth dimension': whatit means to live from this place, the implications it has for us and

the path through.

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Fourth-dimensional experience allows for more freedom of choice but essentially remains comparatively restrictive. Both these templates hold us in polarity-based consciousness, allowing us only to fully explore what it feels like to believe that we are separate from the rest of creation. After long immersion in a third/ fourth-dimensional reality, we develop a very comprehensive set of filters that consciously, and unconsciously, regulate our expectation and experience of ‘reality’. These filters must be dissolved to enable us to come fully into vibrational alignment with the new, fifth-dimensional, template. Essences are wonderful tools to assist us with this process. One of the things that is now so important, both personally and collectively, is the recognition that we are each responsible for the vibrational choices that we make and the effect that these have on our wellbeing. In the old third-dimensional construct, the belief that we must seek outside of ourselves for solutions to anything and everything, including our wellbeing, was very strong. In a fifth-dimensional reality, we must take a much greater degree of personal responsibility, and this means that many more people are now seeking out holistic ways of expanding their physical and

spiritual wellbeing. Alignment with fifth-dimensional consciousness requires that we recognise we arethe creators of our personal and collective reality. Essences can be very helpful in this process because they can help us to identify where we are unconsciously still working from the old energy template and then help us dissolve the energetic threads that are keeping us attached. We are being asked to rememberand consciously accept that we are each a reflection of our Source, a being made in the image of our Creator. We all contain the flame of Christ Consciousness deep within our sacred heart. The Christ Consciousness template has now been reactivated within the Earth and is fully available to each of us, as we align with our multidimensional self. The memory of ourselves as a Christed being, a reflection of our Creator, is being reawakened, but we must each make the individual choice to activate it, illuminate it and become the living expression of it. Essences can help us see this Truth about ourselves and activate our full fifth- dimensional potential.

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Essences are essentiallyhelping dissolve that withinus which stops us experiencing our divinity, our Christ Consciousness?

Yes, essences of all kinds have a consciousness-raising aspect to them, so it’s not just about clearing. What we’re trying to do in this transformational shift is to realign with a much more expanded perspective of ourselves.

It requires an expansion of consciousness to be able to see beyond our fear, resentment or judgement. In a third-dimensional mindset, those vibrations are all-consuming, all that you can see.

As you take essences, it startsto dissolve the layers and shift those emotions so that they’re not so heavily concreted into your system: you then have choice. You might be in the habit of saying, ‘Life hasn’t been fair to me’; however, as the essences you are taking help to dissolve that vibration, youmight begin to think, ‘Maybethis was a choice and I’ve learnt something from that experience’. Now you may start to experience something more in alignment with fifth-dimensional consciousness, as your capacity for forgiveness, understanding - or simply allowing and accepting - is enhanced.

Would you say that essences create a wider perspective, so the story or belief can start to shift and change?

There are two ways to look at that:1. Essences dissolve the vibration that has been held, stuck and locked into being.2. The consciousness of the individual then has a choice and it’s quite critical that we make that choice. That’s something that’s often missing: there can be the idea that if I just take this aspirin or essence or whatever it might be, this will go away without any effort from me. No, not really. Essences are great to help, but some input from self is required, some determination and willingness to make a shift.

That’s the ‘conscious’ part of consciousness-raising, then? Rather than just expecting things to magically change, we are consciously seeing the patterns, being with the discomfort, and considering whether to keep playing that out or choosing differently?

That particular aspect of using essences has always been important but even more so now and it’s the place where many people get stuck.

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There are people who really getthis, use essences and move forward. Then there are others who keep coming back over and over, saying the same thing. Yes, the essences are helping them, but they’re not engaged in the process enough: they’re waiting for something to happen to them, rather than doing something new.

It seems that we’re experiencing our third-dimensional self when we’re caught up in the polarities ofright and wrong, good and bad, and when we’re identified with our unbalanced beliefs, patterns and emotions. What are the tell-tale signs that we’re connected to fifth-dimensional consciousness?

I feel that this is where you experience rather than think. It’s the experience of being OK with yourself, feelingappreciation for yourself, feeling appreciation of the beauty around you and the profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. In each present moment, no matter what is going on around you, even if there arechallenges, you know that everything is OK. That’s your fifth dimensional self saying everything is fine; just create something different.

It’s being able to stay in your own vibration of loving compassion, regardless of what’s going on around you. If the whole world is kicking off

or something’s not working in your environment or there’s been some horrible thing on the news, it’s the ability to still choose love and compassion and stay in that place of non-judgement, and non-engagement. That’s when you know that you’re starting tohold that fifth-dimensional perspective and that connectionto yourself. The other part that’s very telling is when you can stay in that place of connection with appreciation and love for yourself and make an intention that you’re going to manifest this or need that in your life. and it shows up. In fifth-dimensional unity consciousness, everything is available - it is just a questionof aligning with it. In third-dimensional consciousness, 99.9% of the time when something awful happens you’re right there in it, or you’re projecting into thefuture, thinking: ‘That happened last week; it will happen again’. The ability to over-ride the everyday mind and its perspective is one of the things that is crucially important. Whether it takes you an hour, a day or a week to achieve this, it will enable you to move out of a vibration that is causing you confusion, unhappiness or pain.

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When I was first interested in consciousness, I didn’t want tofeel the uncomfortable human stuff that comes up: I wantedto get beyond it, withoutlooking at my patterning or programming. Essences give usa way to honour what comesup without getting stuck, sothat we can move into more expanded awareness at times. It’s different from ignoringthe human part by trying to be ‘spiritual’ without getting in touch with what we’re actually feeling, isn’t it? One of the big patterns that hasto shift is the idea that our physically incarnate human self is of less value than the aspects of ourselves we consider to be ‘spiritual’. This is a misperception that has been fostered by the restrictive filters of third dimensional living. It has led to a belief that while we are in a physical body we are separate from Source and from the multidimensional aspects of ourselves, as well as the persistent idea that we require redemption from a source outside ourselves. This has contributed to the idea that humanness must be transcended, whereas really it needs to be integrated. This is essential, because without an integrated

personality/ego you cannot function fully in the world or achieve what you came here to do.

The belief that we are not good enough as we are is one of the deeply entrenched ideas that we must transform in order to stay in fifth-dimensional consciousness. You can’t live in unity consciousness and hate yourself, or not forgive yourself, or feel there’s something wrong with you. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole: it just does not fit - no matter how hard you try. How do essences support the process of transformationfrom third-dimensional awareness into fifth-dimensional awareness? When I’m working with someone I try to see the picture that they’re seeing of their lives. Where are the threads in that picture? Some of the threads will light up, they are in alignment with expanded consciousness, but then there are other threads which are not lit up. It’s like they’re muddying the image, or that the colour of the threads doesn’t fit the picture that the person is trying to create.

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It is those threads that I explore with them to find out where the story has got stuck. Then we can choose appropriate essences to help dissolve the underpinning emotions and belief patterns, and help the person to see a different perspective and hold that new awareness while they work with the essences. I use Bach Flower Remedies in acute situations, where someone is very emotionally disturbed, or perhaps appears to have temporarily lost the plot. I would also then use deeper-acting combinations of essences to help loosen up the tightly-woven threads in their story. There has been so much high-frequency energy coming into the planet recently that our old stories are now very much on the surface: if you don’t understand what’s happening, that can be difficult and overwhelming. For some people, it feels like the world is falling apart and they don’t know why. It is so important to help people connect with themselves so that they can align with what’s going on within, instead of pushing against it. Most people can then use appropriate essences to dissolve what’s comingto the surface without experiencing such discomfort.

In fifth-dimensional consciousness, more of our multidimensional wiring has to be connected than when we were living in third-dimensional consciousness. Now we are all being

rewired so that we can reconnect consciously to our multi-dimensional self, which, in turn, activates ourlight body. This is a process that happens naturally, but more quickly when we focus on it. Some of what people are now experiencing relates to this rewiring process. Sometimes, just connecting with someone as you hold a particular frequency will activate the wiring. Essences can also help to trigger the rewiring process in our energetic system. The more wiring that’s connected, the easier it is to hold that level of consciousness. Is it like a generator wherethe lights are flickering andnot staying on untileventually the lights can stayon all the time? Yes: finally the wires thatallow the power to pass roundthe parts that have been dormantget fused together enough tostay connected. Those parts then become fully awakened and embodied andpart of our new consciousness? Yes, and you completely forgetthat you couldn’t previouslyhold that level of consciousness.Eventually, we get to a tipping point where there’s enough people in that

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awake state that it is like a row of dominoes – push one and the whole lot goes. Essences can provide a vital link between the not knowing and knowing states: between struggling with our issues and the recognition that it’s just stuff, and that some of it isn’t even ours, just old imprints from the past that are collective rather than personal. We are all working to transform those

third-dimensional imprints. As the physical body is the densest aspect of us, it takes time for it to respond. Everything has to change. If you feel tired or you feel as if you’re constantly under pressure in your body, it is because you are! This transformational process takes its toll on the physical body, and the body needs extra support. Essences can help the body adapt. Gem essences are particularly good for that.

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How can we use Bach Flower Remedies, along with deeper acting essences, to support usmost effectively at this time?

Bach Flower Remedies work on the everyday personality patterns thatwe struggle with. They’re best when you’re having a bit of a meltdown or you’ve got something coming up that is very acute, bringing a lot of uncomfortable issues to the surface, and you can’t see the way forward. I wouldalways start with Bach Flower Remedies in that situation: they’re excellent at clearing away the dead wood and helping you to see from a more expanded perspective quickly. They don’t dig deeply into a crystallised pattern, but they’ll clear the top level so that you can see it. If you use Bach Flower Remedies a lot, you will probably have experienced that you feel better for taking them - but you’re not getting to the nub of the issue, so it’s still there inside. That’s when you would need something more to help dissolve this on a deeper levelof consciousness: that’s when I use combinations of flower and gem essences. Why is it helpful to combine gem and flower essences?

In my experience, combining flower and gem essences gives you the widest reach into the issue that you’re trying to

transform. They work slightly differently. Gem essences reach into the physicalbody and can impact on stuck areas linked to the emotional and mental issues that you’re dealing with. Flower essences tend to work from a consciousness level. Putting the two together allows you a broader energetic scope. However, deep-acting combinations bring what is stuck to the surface and into your awareness, so it can be helpful to take a Bach Flower Remedy combination alongside. If you’re dealing with an issue that is very uncomfortable, resistancekicks in. It’s not actually the process itself that’s uncomfortable, it’s the resistance we have to it. It is inevitable: we’ve been saving ourselves from proverbial tigers for a very long time! Bach Flower Remedies help us to cope with resistance and detach from asituation where you’re fighting against things or somebody’s pulled the rug out from under you. All of those things are happening constantly at the moment because that’s what the energy is doing: it’s coming along saying, ‘I don’t know how to get you to see this, so I’mjust going to remove this rug outfrom under here or I’m going topush here and see whether you bendto it’. It’s very unsettling to the everyday personality.

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Are there particular Crystal Herbs ranges that help people with what’s coming up personally and collectively at this time?

I would direct people towards the Chakra Combinations because the chakras are constantly needing to expand and release a lot of ourthird-dimensional patterning and they are definitely in need of support. Then I would direct people to the Divine Harmony essences. These were developed with the intention that it would help people clear key things. They are divided into four different groups - clearing core emotions, transforming belief patterns, developing positivity, and finally integrating spirit: the set is very much orientated around the journey that we’re making from third to fourth to fifth-dimensional consciousness. If you had Bach Flower Remedies and Chakra or Divine Harmony combinations, you’d easily find something to help.

IMAGES: Courtesy of Crystal Herbs

WEBSITE: www.crystalherbs.com

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