Ruthven (1921)-Prionodactylus marianus description.pdf

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Transcript of Ruthven (1921)-Prionodactylus marianus description.pdf

  • 7/30/2019 Ruthven (1921)-Prionodactylus marianus description.pdf





    A collectioil of reptiles and ampl~ibians eceived froin Senorllermailo NicCforo Maria, Medellin, Colombia, coiltaiils sev-eral representatives of an apparently unde~cribed eiid lizard.The family 'l'eiidae is evidently ill need of revision, but as atpresent understood the species is to be referred to the genusPrionodactylus.

    Prionodactylus marianus, new speciesDinglzosis: I-Iead scalcs ilormal ; froiltoilasal undivided ;

    nostril piercxd in an undivided, often deeply grooved, nasal;supraoculars 2 or 3 ; 31-39 scales around the middle of thebody; 30-31 dorsal scales between the occiput and the groin;ventral scales in eight loilgitudinal rows, all smooth, 19-20

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    scales betweell the collar an d groin. Color (111 al co l~ ol ) boveolive o r olive brow11 wit11 tw o dnrli brow11 o r black s t r ~ p e sfroil l th e .snout to t he b ase of the ta i l ; a na r r ow n ite lintf roil l the end of t l ie s iiout to the a rm inselt io n, som etimesfaintly conti i lued to t l ie groin; below bluish or lead color withor without black spots .

    Hnbi ta l : Coloil11)ia.Type S ~ C L ~ ~ I Z C J Z :a t . No. 56037, h/I~ i seum f Zoology , Un i-vers i ty of r \ l ic l i igan ; Sa i l Pedro , Colombia ; h la rch 35, 921 ;1I . N . hlar ia , collector .

    Dcsci iptioiz of Type Sperz~?zc~r.Jpl1ei- he ad sliicltls s ligh tlyrugose ; f rontonasal single ; prefrontals broadly in contact ;pari- ials and i i - r te lp a l~c ta l i ubcclual ill 5 1 ~ c ; sca lvs, 4 a n t e -r io r and 2 l)oste rior, foi-111 all oc cip it;~ l~ I O L I ~ I3 s~i1)1-:1oc~:lar1011 one s ide and 2 011 the o t he r : lo rea l present ; 6 o w e r I ~ b i a l s ,6 u1111er Iabials; chin shields large, r anterior zund 4 pair s , thef i r s t t w o p a i r s f o r m i ~ l g s u t l ~ i - e .he third pair separater l 1)y 3scales ant1 the four th by 7 cales. T\\io longitudiiial rows ofenlai-ged gular scales ; 5 col lar shields. ' l 'hirty-four scalesai-ouild t lze nl iddle of the body; dorsal scales la~~cco!ate ,stroi1gly keeled and often tr icarillatc on the bocly, oil the neckbecoilling shorter , broader aild lcss strongly lieeletl toward thchead, behind the occipitals roulldetl a-td str iatetl; 31 scalesfroill 1121-ietals o groin; latcral scales sillall and l, lu~~tlvtre!ed ;veiltral scutes large, all srnootli, in 20 rows f roin i l lc collar tot h e g r o i n ; 2 enlarged preanal scales .

    Color above brow nish o l ive w i th tw o do r~ a! , onq-i tudina l,black s tr ipes extei ldi i lg f roi l l th e sn out on to the posterior p s r tof t h e t ail , w h e re th ey a r e b r o l ~ n p into spot: ; n few hlaci;

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    Occaszonal Paper s of tlze Must .um of Zoology 3spots on the sides; a white l ine fro111 the end of t i le sl?ouies te l it ls bc i i ea t l~ he eye and ea r nea rly t o t h e a rm inse r t i on ;I ~ c l o wdark s la te color , the sca les on the abdomei l i~~nrgineclposter ior ly with black.

    Tota l l ength , 115 111111.; leng th of l ~ c a d i d hod!-, 45 111111.;l e i ~ g t ll f h e a d ( t o e a r ) , 10.5 m m .

    Notes o n Parat?lfies: The 111ost variable charactrr is thenui i lbcr of row s of scales arott tld th e body, this i l~!mhe r vary -ing fro111 31 to 39. 'This variation seems to be associated withdiffercilces in th e n~ u n b e r f sma!! late ral scales. ? 'he e!?largedscales on th e occiptl t ar e differei lt ly arrai lgecl an d \ m y insize, but a coillinoll g ro t~ p in g s x large scale on each s ide o ia sil lall one fol lowzd by tw o large ones. T h e head shiclds ar erugose 01- s t r ia ted ill a ll spccimcns . T h e prea11d m1 -c two,escept tha t in two specimens there i s 3 long, narrow scale oi lth e oute r s ide of each large one . T.Jsually th e s iup rao cu l~r sa r e two , of w hich the f i rs t i s the larg er ai id in con tact witht h e l x e f r o n t a l s . 111 two spec imens t he re a re t h ree supraocu-lass on each side, the first the largest and in contact wit11 thepref ronta l s ; in another , the type , a sil lall one is, on one side,i nt -r po s ed b e tw e e n' t h e l a rg e o n e a n d t h e p r e f r o ~ ~ i a l .T h etwo dark brow11 or blacl l s t r ipes inay begin at the t ip or oi lthe b ase of the s t lout an d a re general ly sep arated fro111 eachother by the width of two o r t\vo and a ha lf sca les. T h estr ipe between the black ones is general ly wit l - r 011 the headand neck an d i s o f ten pa l er t han the g roun d co lo r of the body.r \I he black stripes are irregularly defined belo\\ . , a11d there areusual ly present some bl jcl i spots on the f la i~ks l i i c l l may rep-resen t a band be tween the ax il la and g ro in . T he ~ v l ~ i t ein r

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    4 University of hlichigarzon the side of the head and neck is always present, and in onespecimen it is continued on the body as a faint line to the hindlimb.

    Re7gza1-1~s:This species recalls P. vev tebra l i s (OIShaugll-nessy) and P. orlzende?zi 13oulenger, and it should be pointedout that, whil- it call be readily distinguished from these formsby other characters, the character of the nasal shields ca :~ nmany sl)ecimens be determined oiily by esnmiiiiilg this scalewith a microscope, since the groove is often deep and appearslike a suture.