Russian Revolution & Communist Russia Soviet Union = USSR = Russia Thanks GSILL.

download Russian Revolution & Communist Russia Soviet Union = USSR = Russia Thanks GSILL.

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Stages of Russian Revolution : Demonstrations and protests were held against the government (soldiers, rural and urban workers, and intelligentsia involved) : Demonstrations and protests were held against the government (soldiers, rural and urban workers, and intelligentsia involved). Bloodless Revolution in March 1917: Czar abdicates the throne and a provisional government (democratic / socialist) was set up. Bloodless Revolution in March 1917: Czar abdicates the throne and a provisional government (democratic / socialist) was set up.

Transcript of Russian Revolution & Communist Russia Soviet Union = USSR = Russia Thanks GSILL.

Russian Revolution & Communist Russia Soviet Union = USSR = Russia Thanks GSILL THE FALL PROBLEMS in Russia: lack of freedom, poor leadership, major economic problems, & food shortages. PROBLEMS in Russia: lack of freedom, poor leadership, major economic problems, & food shortages. EVENTS that challenged the Czars authority: unionization, westernization, defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday, 1905 Revolution, & losses during World War I. EVENTS that challenged the Czars authority: unionization, westernization, defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday, 1905 Revolution, & losses during World War I. Stages of Russian Revolution : Demonstrations and protests were held against the government (soldiers, rural and urban workers, and intelligentsia involved) : Demonstrations and protests were held against the government (soldiers, rural and urban workers, and intelligentsia involved). Bloodless Revolution in March 1917: Czar abdicates the throne and a provisional government (democratic / socialist) was set up. Bloodless Revolution in March 1917: Czar abdicates the throne and a provisional government (democratic / socialist) was set up. Provisional Government Failed Radical movements gained support and momentum. Radical movements gained support and momentum. The BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION Nov 1917: The Bolsheviks (one of the radical communist groups) and their leader, Vladmir LENIN, gained enough support and power to seize control of the government (Nov. 1917) on behalf of the people. Nov 1917: The Bolsheviks (one of the radical communist groups) and their leader, Vladmir LENIN, gained enough support and power to seize control of the government (Nov. 1917) on behalf of the people. -Socialism The means of production (businesses and services) are owned by the public and operated for the good of all. The government controls key industries and thus parts of the economy. -Marxism / Communism - A radical type of socialism based upon the belief that: A radical type of socialism based upon the belief that: the working class majority would unite and forcibly take the political and economic power from the wealthy minoritywho took advantage of them. the working class majority would unite and forcibly take the political and economic power from the wealthy minoritywho took advantage of them. The working class would then control government, industry and agriculture. The working class would then control government, industry and agriculture. Worker councils would govern democratically. Goods and services, profits and benefits would be shared equally. Eventually, a classless society would develop. Worker councils would govern democratically. Goods and services, profits and benefits would be shared equally. Eventually, a classless society would develop. The BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION CIVIL WAR: Civil War began as forces militarized in Russia. Civil War began as forces militarized in Russia. RED Bolsheviks, other communists, some socialists WHITE - Nationalists, Monarchists, Moderates (with outside support) CIVIL WAR: The Czar and his family were executed before the Red Army finally took control of most of Russia. The Czar and his family were executed before the Red Army finally took control of most of Russia. Josef Stalin slowly gained power in the communist party, the government, and then became a totalitarian leader. His rivals were all removed violently or politically. And then came... STALIN! Changing History Four...Three... Two...One... Changing History Psycho! To choose ones victims, to prepare ones plan, to quench a strong desire for vengeance, and then to go to bed...there is nothing sweeter in the world. Josef Stalin The Great Terror Arrests - about 7 million Executions - about 1 million ( Stalins signature appears on death warrants of over 600,000) In prison or camps in late about 9 million Died in camps - about 2 million Soviet Mentality Brutality of the state was for Soviets own protection (similar to Tsars control) Politicals those who were guilty of spying, disloyalty, etc. received worse punishments then criminals Gulags Soviet Mentality Main propaganda included promises of prosperity and future success Socialism in One Country According to Stalin, the duty of the USSR was to first create a strong state - must be able to defend against enemies! We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we shall be crushed Stalin Socialism in One Country Industrialization Series of 5 year plans Impressive results - by 1930s USSR was the worlds 3rd leading industrial power! Socialism in One Country Agricultural Revolution 1928 seized 25 million privately owned farms Established govt owned farms called collectives Socialism in One Country Costs Brutal techniques were used against workers and farmers Secret police coerced the population to meet economic goals Massive famine killed million Socialism in One Country What stayed the same? Largely rural population and strong agricultural base. Consumer-based economy never developed. Russian economy mostly isolated from the West. USSR- Changes in the Social Class and Families Similar changes as in the industrialized nations of the west. Similar changes as in the industrialized nations of the west. Family ties loosened, emphasis on nuclear families.Family ties loosened, emphasis on nuclear families. Birth rates declinedBirth rates declined Greater emphasis on children succeedingGreater emphasis on children succeeding Christianitys role in the family weakened. Christianitys role in the family weakened. USSR- Womens Status Legal equality with men. Legal equality with men. Women joined the work force in industrialization and had some political roles. Women joined the work force in industrialization and had some political roles. Women gained ground in certain professions such as medicine. Women gained ground in certain professions such as medicine. What stayed the same? Male-dominated society politically and economically No middle-class Elite class still in control of the politics, economics, and society (Leader and communist party replaced Tsar and boyars) Full Circle... Stalin died in 1953 All of us around Stalin were temporary Destalinization of the USSR under Kruschev Full Circle...