Ruralmarketing SEM 04

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  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    Unit I

    Introduction to rural market : Ruralmarket- profle- characteristics o a

    rural consumer – Opportunities andchallenges rom rural markets- ake

    encounters in rural areas..

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    Rural marketing

    • It is oten said that markets aremade, not ound. This is especiallytrue or the rural market o India

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    Uran and rural market

    • !hat di"erentiates the t#o markets isnot mere income, ut a host o otherinrastructural and socio- cultural actors.

    •  Thus, the rural market cannot e tappedsuccessully #ith an uran marketingmindset and #ould defnitely re$uire the

    thorough understanding• In India rural marketing has emerged asan important in marketing discipline

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    %eaning o Rural

    • &ollin's couild dictionary descriesthe #ord rural as (places or a#ayrom to#ns or cities)

    • *ociology point o +ie# rural isdefned as a group o people #ho aretraditionalists inout look, rooted in

    the land and #ho resist change.

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    •  The census o India defnes rural as

    that #hat is not uran and uran is – locations #ith in a municipalitycorporation

     – other location that satisy the ollo#ing

    criteria• .minimum population o ,///

    • 0. at least 12 o male #orkorce engagedin non- agricultural acti+ities

    • 3. a population density o o+er 4// personper s$.km.

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    • 5ach e6perts comes #ith di"erent defnition

    • Rural to 7industan le+er may not necessarilye rural to 8hilips or 5lectrolu6 or someodyelse in terms o marketing and marketingcommunications

    • 9 electronics defnes all cities other thanthe se+en metros or rural semi-uran areas.

    •  Thereore, it +arious rom company to

    company and is also ased on thecalculation o market potential +al+e ;%8

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    Rural marketing

    • In simple #ords, is planning andimplementation o marketing unctionor the rural areas.

    • It is a t#o-#ay marketing process#hich encompasses the discharge ousiness acti+ities that direct the >o#

    o goods rom uran to rural areas;ormanuactured goods= and +ice-+ersa;or agriculture produce=

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    • R.%arketing has also een defned asthe process o de+eloping, pricing,promoting, distriuting rural specifc

    goods and ser+ices leading toe6change et#een uran and ruralmarkets, #hich satisfes consumer

    demand and also achie+esorganisational o?ecti+es ;Iyer=

    t t t

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    actors erent at ng ruramarketing rom uran

    marketing• Inrastructure a+ailaility :electricitysupply, fnance acility, educationle+el, roads connecti+ity

    • Income streams : in rural areas in isseasonal and highly unreliale,consumption pattern is $uite di"erent

    • 9ie style: daily routine o consumersis di"erent

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    • &onte6t : ecause o +ariation in

    inrastructure and income , an indi+iduale6ists in rural areas is di"erent

    • *ocio – cultural ack ground :+aluesystem, goodsser+ices and

    consumption in general is $uite di"erent

    • Accessiility : the cost and logistics ishigh

    • %edia reach and haits: di"erent typeso promotional strategy in these t#omarkets.

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    • Bature o competition : the natureand intensity o competition amongstthe rands is +ery di"erent in the

    t#o markets

    • &onsumer eha+iour : theconsumer's response to marketing

    stimulate di"ers #idely in t#omarkets

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    Rural India : A Crie profle

    • Adi odre?, chairman, odre? group . (the rural consumer is discerning and therural market is +irant. At the current

    rate o gro#th, it #ill soon outstrip theuran market. The rural market is nolonger sleeping ut #e are)

    » &ont..

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    • Cut the rural market is not

    homogeneous across the country•  The consumer #illingness to accept

    inno+ation also +aries among the

    rural market• A rie description o rural India

     – Rural income distriution

     – %agnitude o po+erty in rural India – 8o+erty alle+iation programmes and

    rural de+elopment

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     – Rural consumption

     – Relationship et#een agriculture, ruralincome and consumption

     – 9iteracy in rural india

     – 5lectricity a+ailaility in rural india – 5lectricity a+ailaility in rural india

     – Ge+elopment indicators in rural india

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    •  A) Rural income distribution

    • In generating more than hal o thenational income

    • .D2 contriution to the national

    income y 14.D crore rural population• Cut per capita income is lo#

    •  The annual household income or

    rural areas in 0//0 #as Rs D,D3/ ascompared to Rs ,/0,FD3 in uranarea

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    8er capita income in ruraland uran areas

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    • Gi"erent economic profle ordi"erent regions, districts and +illage

    •  There cannot e a single

    generalisation on the asis o incomeor the entire rural India

    •  The marketer has to segment this

    huge market according to his productprofle and then select his targetmarket.

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    • B) Magnitude of poverty in rural india

    • Analyses the phenomenon o po+ertyand its spread in rural india

    • 8o+erty is measured in terms oproportion o population li+ing elo# thepo+erty line

    • 8o+erty line is de+eloped y putting aprice on the minimum re$uired

    consumption le+el o ood, clothing,shelter, uel and health care

    • I&%R FE

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    • 0,// calories or uran areas

    • 8er capita monthly e6penditure#orked out to Rs 4F./F rural and RsD.D4 or uran ;F13-14=

    • As o decemer 0//, monthly amilye6penditure is Rs ,E4/ or a amily of+e in rural areas and Rs 0,1F inuran areas

    • 30. crore Indians li+ed elo# po+ertyline -3 o the country population

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    •  The percentage o C89 population+aries signifcantly rom one state toother ;e6= orissa 4E2, 8un?a D2

    •  Thereore ormulating strategies orthe rural market cannot ede+eloped on the asis o all India


    • Regional +ariations must e taken

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    • C) Poverty alleviation programmes

    •  These include (gram sadak Ho?na'-pro+iding uran amenities in ruralareas

    • Bational rural employment guaranteeact

    •  a#ahar roJgar yoJra schemes

    preerence to *& and *T ,and 3/2employment opportunities arereser+ed or #omen

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    • D)Rural consumption

    • @%& Rs D,/// crore

    • 8er capita e6penditure on education yuran households #as 4, times y rural

    households• Uran spend t#ice on health compare to


    • Uran rental house f+e times more that

    rual area

    • 40 million, rural, - 01 million, uran – a+ailanking ser+ices

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    • E) relationship between agriculture

    rural income and consumption•  The agriculture sector's a+erage

    annual gro#th ell to .F42, ut the

    @%& gro#th #as around 02• etting less depended on agriculture


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    • !iteracy in rural india"

    •  The rural literacy le+el has impro+ed inthe recent past rom 3D2 to F2

    • 2reported at least secondary education

    • Electricity availability#---• Almost D2 had an electricity connection

    in 0//

    • F/2 o rural households in pun?a andgoa are electrifed

    • 02 ?harkhand, /.32 in Cihar

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    • $) development indicators in ruralindia

    • Cringing do#n the po+erty le+el rom2 to 3D2

    • Ranked 3Eth as per the humande+elopment report

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    • Number of Towns and Villages inIndia

    • %tem &ear 'umber 

    • Bo. o to#ns 0// ,D

    • Bo. o +illages 0// KD4/,///

    • (ource Census of %ndia *++,-• 'ote . Appro/imate

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    'ature and characteristics of therural mar0et 

    = large and scattered mar0et 

    • 1 crore rural consumers #ho li+e inappro6imately – D,3E,3D +illages

    • 032 ha+e population less than 0//

    • 02 ha+e population et#een 0// and//

    • *o #idely scattered- raisetransportation costs, a"ects the +iailityo the distriution system

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    • 0 ) 1eterogeneous mar0et 

    • Bot a homogeneous• 04 languages and D40 dialects- +aries

    e+ery // km

    • GiLcult to de+elop uniorm message –caste, community, tradition +alues ;romstate to state, region to region di"er=

    • 8un?a Cihar;per capita income=• 0,/4E4DD

    • D0 330;FD=

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    • uence

    • 9iteracy rate in rural south India is

    higher than rural north• Rural consumers in the south are

    more rand conscious

    • *o, +ariations in eha+iour due to theconsumer en+ironment –geographical, occupational

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    2) %ncome from agriculture

    •  2 o rural income comes romthe agriculture sector

    • 7ence rural prosperity is tied #ithagricultural prosperity

    » &ontM

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    • Recently- gradual reduction in the soledependence on agriculture; other sectorsplays signifcant role in the rural economy=

    3) (tandard of living

    • 9o#er standard o li+ing

    • 1/2 rural population is employed in small –

    scale agricultural and related occupation• *easonality'

    • As it is unreliability in income# rural

    consumers are e6tremely conscious in theirpurchase eha+iour

    • 9o# literacy, social ack#ardness, lo#sa+ings

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    4) infrastructural facilities

    • Road, #arehouse, communication systemand fnancial acilities are inade$uate inrural area

    • Roads donot connect nearly /2 +illages inthe country

    • Inade$uate inrastructure is single mostimportant actor distinguishes uran and


    • 8romotion and physical distriution thusecomes +ery diLcult

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    !ife style of rural consumer 

    • 7aryana that had tele+ision;32=sets #as more than the numer ohouseholds that had toilets;44.=

    = rural consumer is very religious

    •  The promotional material uiltaround religious themes is not onlygoing to last longer, ut #ill e kept#ith care y the +illager

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    • Gaur de+eloped religious calender

    • Rapid success o the (ganga) randtoilet soap ;contained milk and it #asmade rom the #ater o ganga=- the

    rand register a good response• o+inda, a cine star – amous or

    rural audience

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    *) rural consumers prefer to wor0 hardthemselves

    • !ould not like to e replaced y amachine

    •  They are less likely to spend onproducts making lie a it easier

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    • 2) strong family ties and respect forfamily values

    • %ore conser+ati+e in their approachto#ard the di"erent socio, economic


    •  The loose, ree >o#ing hair o a girlin a shampoo or hair oil

    ad+ertisement may actually act asarrier in the rural market.

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    • 4= likes to play cards and hangs out atchoupal

    • !hate+er promotional message isdeli+ered to the opinion leaders in a+illage, gets transmitted

    • 9o+e chatting #ith riends

    • !ord o mouth stories de+elop aroundeasily and ast

    • IT& #hich has created an e-choupal-using the internet to ring do#n anyarrier #ith regard to technology

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    8rofle o rural consumer

    • ,) traditional outloo0

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    •  The lo#er literacy le+els in the ruralmarkets increase the importance o+isual in>uence

    • 2) less e/posure to mar0eting stimuli

    • 9o# e6posure to randed product• Ad+ertisement

    • *ource o inormation and learning

    • 9o# con+enient uying• 4=conscious o +alue or money

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    • 4) realistic aspiration : he can reach

    out and stretch the udget ut that isdone #ith in limits only

    • Gual uasge 2 o sur and 02 o

    ariel using amilies also use nirmadetergent

    • E2 o pantene using households also

    used clinc plus shampoo• 6)concept of 7uality -+alues or long

    lasting (solid=, lo# – cost maintenance

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    • 8)attitude towards prestige products

    •  Het they are interested in productsadding to his prestige ut the price oa product ?ustifes the +alue e$uation

    &h ll i l

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    &hallenges in ruralmarketing

    • Rural markets remain untappedecause o three G's

    • .distance

    • 0.di+ersity

    • 3.dispersion

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     The challenges are..

    • ,-distribution: the prolems o physicaldistriution o channel mgt ad+erselya"ect the ser+ice as #ell as the cost

    aspect- it is not commensurate #iththe returns that the marketers e6pect.;poor inrastructure=

    • reatest challenges is reaching out tothe remotest destinations and ha+ing anumer o +endors at the retailing end.

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    • 0.understanding the psyche o the rural


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    • 3- communication: comm..arrier due to

    language or icons used or ad+ertising

    • Gi"erent interpretation in rural market

    • Guing – not a right solution or rural

    audience•  The conte6t, story line, narration, idiom,

    symols, appeal need to e6amined

    #hile de+eloping an ad+ertisement• 56plain directly and clearly

    • Uran –symolism,emotional appeal


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    • 4- cost per contact 

    • &ompare the rural promotional cost #iththe uran - is the iggest challenge

    • Renting a +an per day cost Rs 3// and

    there are D lakhs +illages spending //dialects to co+er

    • One e6posure may not e suLcient

    • Cy simple calculation – #e can kno#nthat the total cost #ill e much more toreach the entire rural market.

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    • 6- sale of fa0es and spurious product 

    •  The retailer pushes imitation products – asthey get etter margins ;retailer=

    • A research undertake y A.&. Beilsenreported that the sales +alue o the ake o8N's +icks rand #ere almost e$ual tothe sale o the rand

    • *eiJed products #orth Rs 3 lakh

    • *econdly , selling ace goods in not acriminal o"ense in India and it is underci+il la#

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    •  The only practical #ay to deal #ith ake

    is to impro+e the distriution and makethe products a+ailale in as many places

    • 9riginal products imitation

    • .pond polons• 0.rin run

    • 3./ ar /F ar

    • 4. rooke ond paisa enson randpaisa

    • . lieuoy lie?oy, liteoy

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    • 8-budgetary allocation

    • (&orporate sector lo+es the ruralmarkets, ut #hen it comes to

    allocations, the amount o in+estmentin rural marketing is +ery limited),oser+es R. opalakrishna e6ecuti+e

    director, Tata sons 9td.• Allocate at least respectale amount o

    the udget or research and promtion

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    • :-urban orientation and bias

    • Rural people are ?ust like uran ones•  They too ha+e the same needs,

    desires and aspirations

    • %ost o the marketer apply minormodifcations ;o the indian uranmarket=

    • Cut, these paradigms ;patterns= ail

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    • ;-lac0 of right competence andcommitment at frontline level

    • %ost o the rontline sta" is rom theuran areas

    •  They are not +ery comortale totra+el and interact #ith the +illager

    • *olution is recruiting rontline sta"rom the rural parts o india

    Opportunities in rural

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    Opportunities in ruralmarkets

    • As per I. Batara?an, chie economist –( The rural marketer has tremendousopportunity and he stated clearly

    that, it #as not the uying po#er utthe distriution , #hich #as theiggest hindrance in realising the

    potential o the rural market• lakh ruraliter ha+e gone aroad-

    sending remittances

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    • 799 gets /2 o its sales turno+er o

    R* ,1// crores roms r.india• 9I& sells /2 o its policies in rural


    • @%&'s market #orth Rs D4E// croreare selling in R.india

    • &aronated sot drinks #orth Rs E//

    crore are selling in R.india• &learly states that rural market is not

    as poor as it is percei+ed

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    • .rising rural prosperity

    • %onsoons #ere normal or out o 3 years

    • %a?or drought year #as FE1-EE

    •  The ratio o rural per capita income to uran

    per capita income is increasing•  The rural consuming class is increasing y

    aout 3-42 per annum

    •  The go+ernment also spends hundreds o

    thousands o crores o rupees in rural area

    • &ontM.

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    • Rural 7aryana had more super rich

    than not ?ust the uran 7aryana• Rural 7aryana- 4E0

    • Uran - 34/

    • Cangalore - 31

    • 7yderaad - 00D ;0//-0//0=

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    • *- lesser dependence on agriculture

    and monsoon•  There is a time #hen market

    predictions #ere made on the asis

    o the state o the monsoon• &hanged o+er the year, large non-

    arming sector-#hich generate

    almost 42 o the rural #ealth• Rakesh kalra, &5O 5icher moto

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    • Rakesh kalra, &5O 5icher motor agreed (as long as the rain defciency duringmonsoon is not more than 0/2 the long– term a+erage there is n't a signifcant

    negati+e impact on the commercial+ehicle sales.)

    • 2- increasing rural consumption

    •%ore than uran• *ales o @%&'s is 32

    • Gurale goods F2

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    • @%&'s R* D//// crore out o a total

    market Rs ,03,/// crore

    •  ust a 2 rise in rural incoem translatesinto Rs /,/// crore o uying po#er

    • Among the se+en high consumptionstate – pun?a is the lead position

    • 9o# e6penditure- ihar, madhy pradesh,

    assam• A+erage-karnataka, uttar pradesh, T.B,


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    •  Ta6- e6emption on rural income too has

    een enhanced rural purchasing po#er• 3- rural mar0eting e

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    • D. large popualtion

    •  The population is +ery large and itsgro#th rate is also high

    • &.. 8rahlad,) the uture lies #ith

    companies #ho see the poor as theircustomer

    •  There is an opportunity to make a lot o

    money in rural india. Cut, there areostacle too – i.e rural consumers isstill e+ol+ing.

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    Rural products

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  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    Unit III

    • Rural Cuyer Ceha+iour: Rural uyereha+iour – @actors determining ruralconsumption – Rural uying process –

    &urrent trends in rural uyingeha+iour.

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    &onsumer eha+iour

    • Gynamic – eha+iour and theen+ironment y #hich human eingsconduct

    • It can e understood, y thestatistical report

    • &ontinuous study should e there

    • no#ledge o uyer eha+iour is +italor marketing strategic

    Gefnition consumer

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    Gefnition – consumereha+iour

    • *chi"man and kanuck – ( the eha+iourthat consumers display in searching or,purchasing, using, e+aluating and

    disposing o products and ser+ices thatthey e6pect #ill satisy their needs. It isthus a study o ho# indi+iduals makedecisions to spend their a+ailale

    resources – like time, money, e"ort- onconsumption related items.

    @undamentals o consumer

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    @undamentals o consumereha+iour

    • @our types o uying eha+iour,ased on the ollo#ing t#oparameter

    • = degree o uyer in+ol+ement; high and lo#=

    • o di"erences among

    rands ;signifcance and nonsignifcance=

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    &omple6 uyingeha+iour;e6pensi+e, maydi"erence inrands likecomputer,automoile=

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    time spent, purchase

    eha+iour can e classifes• 8lanned purchase eha+iour• 5mergency purchase eha+iour;to

    a+oid stock-out=

    • Impulse purchaseeha+iour;purchase spontaneously,taking decision on the spot=

    e consumer passes

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    pthrough a series o steps

    #hile purchase• *tep . need identifcation prolema#areness

    • *tep 0. inormation gathering

    • *tep 3. e+aluation o alternati+esolution

    • *tep 4. selection o appropriate solution

    • *tep . post purchase e+aluation odecision

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    Postpurchase Behavior 

    Postpurchase Behavior 


    Evaluationof Alternatives

    Evaluationof Alternatives

    Information SearchInformation Search

    Need RecognitionNeed Recognition

    Cultural SocialCultural SocialIndividual andIndividual andPs!chologicalPs!chological


    all stepsall steps

    Cultural SocialCultural SocialIndividual andIndividual andPs!chologicalPs!chological


    all stepsall steps

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    8ost purchase eha+iour

    #Cognitive $issonanceCognitive $issonance

    #$id I ma%e a good decision#$id I ma%e a good decision#$id I &u! the right product#$id I &u! the right product#$id I get a good value#$id I get a good value#


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    • *our rapes–

    • a story o

    • cogniti+e dissonance Mater eing

    unale to reach the grapes the o6 said,(these grapes are proaly sour, and iI had them I #ould not eat them.)

    •  --Aesop

    actors # c n uence

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    rural consumers during

    purchase o a product• Acceptance o #ashing machines andre?ection o dish #ashers

    • Acceptance o maggi noodle and

    re?ection o kellogg's corn>ake

    • &an only understood in terms oconsumer eha+iour #ith regard to

    the positioning and marketing mi6 othe organisation

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    • ,-social = cultural factors

    • In>uenced y social customs,traditions and elies

    • &aste in>uences are direct and strong

    • &onser+ati+e in their outlook, take alonger time to e in>uenced

    • Giscuss the issue o purchase-

    important and kno#ledgeale• Rural youth are more open

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    • *-group

    • &onsumers are part o a group to #hichthey elong

    • Opinion leader- a teacher, ank manager,+GO, etc

    •  The acceptaility o an idea y the groupand y the leader is critical in rural areas.

    • 2-family 

    • @amily siJe and the role played y amilymemers ;?oint amily=

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    •3- Role and status• Role reers to the eha+ioure6pected o an indi+idual

    • *tatus reers to the respect gi+en tothe indi+idual y the society

    • 7ead master – demonstration-

    opinion leaders can e useul intransorming the opinion o others

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    • 4- sociability 

    • In rural areas, indi+idual are kno# andidentifed etter

    • Accepted y the group makes them

    agreeale• 6-economic factors

    • %ore than 1/2 o the people are in

    small-scale agricultural occupation•  These actors a"ect the purchase


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    • 8- political factors

    • 8rogrammes or sel-employment likethe prime minister's Ro?gar Ho?ana;R%RH=o the cental go+t.

    • &%5H- chie minister employment

    yo?ana program in Andhra pradesh –increase the potential o the ruralmarket

    •  The IT, telecom and inrastructurepolicy, #hich is ringing connecti+ity to+illage is empo#ering the consumer

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    • :- factors which in5uence the >nal

    choice• Attitude o other

    • Ad+ice o the retailer

    • 56perience at the retail outlet• Gemonstration o product

    • Unanticipated situational actors

    • %ood s#ing

    • 8ercei+ed risk


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    • Creating Rural-speci c essages• Bot all commercials are accepted y rural olk. *ocial #orkers

    • recount stories o ad+ertisements that conuse or scandalise rural

    • +ie#ers. @or instance, memers o some rural communities in

    • Ra?asthan #ere o"ended y the 7alo shampoo spot, eaturing emale

    • models #ith eautiul, ouncy hair. The reason #as that here it is• considered indecent or #omen to let do#n their hair in pulic.

    •  The same +illagers #ere emused y the *trepsils ?Bahut Ma@aa aya 

    • ad+ertisement. In their dialect, the #ord ma@aa has a strong se/ual

    • connotation and they could not understand ho# anyone could get

    • corporeal pleasure rom a cough loJenge ;hosh, FF4=.

    Rural consumer's increasing

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    Rural consumer s increasingtrend to#ards consumption

    • Until FE/-E, per capita o india #as ?ust under R* 0/// ut e+en thenhousehold sa+ing rate #as E-0/2

    • A dramatic change is in progress-charcoal- cleaned teeth are a rare sight-use o t#igs o neem and aool tree

    • 7ousehold are upgrading romindigenous teeth cleaning ingredients totoothpo#der and tooth paste

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    • *hiting rom lo# priced rands to premiumrands

    •  Today, the right shine o colgate or someother international rand o tooth pasteholds more appeal than the traditionalmethods o cleaning teeth

    • At a seminar on rural marketing, organisedin Be# Gelhi , y the internationalde+elopment enterprise, ( the Indian ruraltastes are changing fast! thereb"re#ecting a mar$ed improvement in thepurchasing power of village household)

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    • In FF/-FF0 lo#est end o ruralmarket earned around Rs 4/// peryear, today – segment's annual

    earning Rs 04,///• Rural uyer's disenchantment #ith

    second – hand item , thank to

    competition –increasingly purchasingne# product.

    & l i

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    •  The siJe o the rural market is$uantitati+e and $ualitati+e

     %r. kartik raina o dalmia consumer

    care- toacco ree eedi called(+ardaan)

    % the rural mar$et in not for all! but

    for those with the guts! the s$inof an elephant and the mind of anevangelist .)

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    • ost successful brand HeroHonda is no more

    • y khalid on E00// in

    CaJaar Talk,Intresting Be#s

    • 7ero 7onda is the most successulrand name in India. It is the largest

    player in the market in t#o #heelersegment

    &aluting the spirit of women empowerment

    @ i N 9 l @ d ti " h d

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    @air N 9o+ely @oundation o"ers honoured.

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    • &aluting the spirit of womenempowerment

    • @air N 9o+ely @oundation o"ers

    scholarships to 00 meritorious girls.@i+e #omen achie+ers honoured.

    Unile+er *ustainale 9i+ing 8lan Un+eiled' t d d f t iti

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    'e meet ever"da" needs for nutrition!h"giene and personal care with brands that

    help people feel good! loo$ good and getmore out of life(

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    • H)L brands top India*s ost Trusted +rand &urve" 

    • 3/-/E-0//: Once again this year 7U9rands ha+e topped the PIndia,sost Trusted +rands &urve",

    ran$ings( &i. H)L brands ;9u6,9ieuoy, &linic 8lus, 8onds, @air N9o+ely and 8epsodent= eature in thetop / and eight in the top 0/.

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    • ar$et /evelopment &trateg" of HLL• In FFF, the soaps, detergents, and personal product segments

    • o 799 o#ed their gro#th strategy to a strong rural thrust. 799

    • launched its POperation Charat', a 0/ million household national

    • sampling e6ercise or its personal products portolio. As part o the

    • campaign, lo# priced sample packets o toothpastes, airnesscreams,

    • shampoos ;&linic 8lus= and talcum po#der ;8onds= #ere handed

    • out to 0/ million households.

    • According to Galip *ehgal, 7ead o %arketing ;8ersonal 8roducts=

    • in 799, PThe siJe o the pie #ill increase rom the rural segment, not• the uran segment. *o the ocus should e more on market


    • rather than market share at the moment' ;Saheer, FFF=.

      3 n4conomical and best

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    4conomical and best

    edia in Rural ar$eting

      3 n46ective wa" of

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    46ective wa" of



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    +ehaviour Variations of 'atch +u"ers•  The demand or #atches is high in rural areas and it increases

    • during the marriage season. This is true throughout the country. The

    • +ariation is, ho#e+er, in the type o #atch and rand that is preerred

    • y the consumers. In the +illages o the north, P#inding' #atches are

    • preerred #hich are ought rom large eeder +illages neary. They

    • f nd it con+enient to get it ser+iced at a neary place. The a#areness

    • o $uartJ rand o #atch is limited. The a#areness o a rand is usually

    • rom ne#spapers in addition to #ord o mouth.

    • In the south, the preerence is or a $uartJ #atch and is purchased

    • rom a sho#room in the to#n. In some o the +illages, tele+ision has

    • created a high degree o product a#areness. As the purchase o $uartJ

    • #atches is e6pensi+e, the +illager preers to uy it rom the to#n and

    • is #illing to take it ack to the sho#room in to#n in the e+ent there

    • is a prolem #ith the #atch.

    • 5ccupation


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    • &trateg" to Re# ect the &ocial-Cultural In# uences on +ehaviour• In rural areas the houses are painted during esti+al season. The

    • demand or distemper paints is thereore +ery large. This demand is

    • met y local rands, #hich are o lo# $uality. Asian 8aints de+eloped a

    • product #ith right colour shades ;preerred y the rural consumers=

    • or rural markets and #hich had greater duraility than the local

    • rands. It launched the product in a pouch orm and #ith the rand

    • name Utsa+ ;meaning esti+al=. Utsa+ #as promoted as a good $uality

    • economy rand. It used #all paintings and point-o-purchase displays

    • to create a#areness. It identif ed dealers and su-dealers #ho had the

    • potential to stock and sell Utsa+. To demonstrate the $uality o Utsa+

    • the company painted the headman's house or post oL ce. The rand• #as #ell accepted y the rural consumer.

    •  The social-cultural in> uences on eha+iour need understanding

    • or de+eloping an e"ecti+e marketing strategy

    Unit I

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    Unit I<

    • 8roduct and pricing or ruralmarket:marketing mi6 or ruralmarkets- de+eloping a ne# product

    or rural market- product lie cycle-inno+ations in product design ruralmarket- randing products or rural

    markets price determination or ruralmarket- pricing methods or ruralmarket.

    Rural marketing mi6

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    Rural marketing mi6

    • Introduction

    • Indepth understanding- rural lie style,identiy needs o rural consumers

    •  The success o a product like shampooin the rural market – acting upon theconsumer insight- made ca+inkare's

    chik sampoo;market leader in a market#hich #as not using shampoo at all)=

    %arketing mi6

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    %arketing mi6

    • A series o interconnected andinterdependent marketing issues that needto e considered together

    • @irst de+eloped y (Beil Corden) in F/

    • FD/s ?erome %ccarthy ;7ar+ard=elaorated the concept o the our 8's

    • %arketing mi6 reers to the set o actions,

    tactics tools or +ariales that a companyuses to promote and sell its rand orproduct in a market

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    • 48's o marketing

    • Gecisions aout the controlledmarketing +ariales

    • 48's : product! price! promotion!

    and place 7distribution8• *e+eral other 8s: 1ac$aging!

    positioning! people! pace!

    passion! publics and evenpolitics as well

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    • Gecisions e taken ater assigning a+alue to each +ariale some +ariales

    could e

    • 9(price- price le+el, credit terms, pricechanges and discounts

    • :( product – eatures, packaging,$uality and range

    • ;( promotion: ad+ertising, pulicity,

    sales promotion and personal selling•

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    • Cy choosing the appropriate le+el ,the right marketing mi6 can ede+eloped

    •  The marketing tools and the possile+ariations are top end lu6ury model,medium range product and +alue or

    money lo# end product.

    • =product – anything that is capale o or

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    =product anything that is capale o orcan e o"ered to satisy a need or #ant-

    include tangile and intangile ser+ice• 7o#e+er, a product must deli+er a

    minimum le+el o perormance, other#isee+en the est #ork on the other elements

    o marketing mi6 #on't do any good in thelong run

    • 0=8rice – (reers to the amount the

    customer has to pay inorder to ac$uire aproduct or ser+ice)

    • &ontM

    G d d t

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    • Gepended actors are:

     – &ost o production

     – *egment targeted

     – Aility o the market to pay

     – Gemand and supply o competing

    products and sustitutes

     – 8ricing o?ecti+e o the frm

     – Other direct and indirect actors

    4 &'s o pricing

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    4 & s o pricing

    • ;a=costumer +alue- +alue the customerpercei+es that the product deli+ers

    •  ;= competitor's prices

    • ;c= cost to the company- comination of6ed and +ariale cost

    • ;d= strategic and pricing o?ecti+es o the

    company- the fnancial, marketing andstrategic o?ecti+es that the organiJationhas decided to achie+e rom a product.

    8ricing o?ecti+es

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    8ricing o?ecti+es

    •  To ma6imise long run proft

    •  To ma6imise short run proft

    •  To increase market share

    •  To match competitors prices

    •  To sur+i+e in the short run


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    • T"pical &trateg" in Rural ar$ets= Crane Supari • &rane etel nut po#der is a leading rand o etel nut po#der


    • *outh India. It is kno#n or its $uality and has a +ery strongconsumer

    • loyalty. The packs are sold in con+enient price slots o / paise,Re ,

    • Rs 0 and Rs . The pack siJes include, apart rom +ery smallpacks,

    • packs o 0 gms, / gms, // gms, 0/ gms and hal kg. There

    are si6• +arieties o arecanut and rand uilding is through maintaining


    • taste. The product range includes oth spicy and s#eet supari-

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    •  The channel includes distriutors, su-distriutors, #holesalers• and retailers. The distriutors are reached through company +ehicles

    • #ithin three days o the receipt o re$uisition along #ith a drat or

    • ad+ance payment. In the case o rural markets, the distriution is

    • once a month through trucks that ollo# an itinerary. In the case o 

    • smaller and interior areas, transporters are used. In addition to this,

    • the company pro+ides +an support to distriutors or deli+ering to

    • rural markets. The company makes a+ailale to the rural distriutors

    • small +ans #ith the condition that they carry only the &rane rand.

    •  The day's e6penditure or the +an is orne y the distriutor #ho

    • uses it.

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    •  The media used in rural markets include cale tele+ision, stickers• and danglers, painting the sides o uses, #all paintings and shop

    • paintings. %imicry and dance drama #ere used in the early Bineties,

    • ut no longer.

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    •  The rand has a good image in the rural market ut thepresence

    • o a large numer o local and small rands competing onprice

    • restrict the market share. The rural market is large ut

    ecause o • price competition its ma?or share is rom the uran market.

    It is

    • the leader in *outh India ut its leadership is ecause o theuran

    • market.

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    8ricing process

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    8ricing process

    • *tep - de+eloping the marketingstrategy: perorming the segmentation,targeting and positioning unctions

    • *tep 0- making the marketing mi6decision-determining the other 38s:product, place and promotion

    • *tep 3 – estimating the demand cur+e –analysing ho# the demand is likely to+ary #ith the price

    • *tep 4- calculating the cost – determining

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    *tep 4 calculating the cost determiningthe f6ed and the +ariale cost likely to e

    associated• *tep de+eloping an understanding o the

    en+ironmental actors- the competiti+e as#ell as the legal en+ironment scenario

    • *tep D – fnalising the pricing o?ecti+es –ma6imise long run proft, short run proft

    • *tep 1 – determining the price – selecting

    the price method, determine the marginsand discounts

    8ricing methods

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    8ricing methods

    • A= cost plus pricing- organisations add certainproft margin o+er the cost o the product

    • C= target – return pricing – targeted return on itsin+estment

    • &= +alue – ased pricing – ased on customer'sperception o +alue

    • G= psychological pricing- already e6istingreerence or psychological prices in the mind o


    • 8ricing through the product or ser+ice lie cycle


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    •Reers to the point o sale•  The main aim o distriution or placestrategy- (catching the eye o theconsumer and making it easy or to uy a

    product)• ( ideal alance et#een the cost to the

    organisation and conse$uent con+enience

    to the customer)• In act, the mantra o a successul retail

    usiness is Plocation'


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    • %eans ensuring the spread o the

    product throughout the market place ina manner ,so that a large numer opeople can uy it.

    Gistriution channels• @lo# o products rom the site o

    manuacture to the point o sale

    • &on+entional channel : actory- cN-distriutors- retailers;most commonchannel or the most goods=

    • Uncon+entional channels like- Internet

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    Uncon+entional channels like Internetportals or a net#ork o salespersons

    8romotion•  to make the product or ser+ice kno#n to

    and preerred amongst the user and trade.

    • Ad+ertising, #ord o mouth, press,incenti+es , commission, a#ards to thetraders, consumer schemes, directmarketing, contest and priJe mass media

    • I%& –integrated marketing communication –promoting the company's goal to its targetaudiences

    • Clearing and Forwarding Agent (C&F)

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    g g g ( )

    •  The clearing and or#arding agent is the

    representati+e o the manuacturer. The &N@manages the companys #arehouse andhandles distriution on ehal o the company.

     The goods that the &N@ deals in is the propertyo the company he is representing. The &N@gets a small commission or his ser+ices. The&N@ deals #ith the #holesalers - including thesuper-stockist, stockists and distriutors.


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    • Comple. Communication as +arriers to Reception• It is rele+ant to share our recent e6perience on a market sur+ey on

    • pesticides. 7ere #e ha+e a serious communication prolem. Though

    • there are local names o pests, ut all the material released y all the

    • pesticides companies mostly identiy the pests y their 5nglish and

    • academic nomenclature. There are generic names used or pesticides• #hich again are in 5nglish. *ome o these names are diL cult

    • to pronounce. @or e6ample, %onocrotophos, the rand name such

    • as Bu+acron. The choice or the consumers increases in comple6ity

    • ecause o additional dimensions. Additional dimensions are the

    • manuacturers, ormulation strength, product orm and +aryingpercentages

    • o technical material content. &ontM

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    •  The entire e6ercise is so complicated that the marketingorganisations

    • are not ale to e"ecti+ely communicate #ith the armer on

    • the rand name o the pesticide or a gi+en pest. The result is not

    • only an improper and #rong selection o pesticide ut also that

    the• recommended dosages are not eing used, and the armer lames

    • the pesticide and the manuacturer or the ine"ecti+e treatment. The

    • ertiliser manuacturers ha+e introduced simple symols andrands

    • like *tar rand, &rescent rand, etc. *uch sign language needs toe

    • de+eloped in case o pesticides also ; ain, FE3=.

    &i d & b l i R l $ t

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • &igns and &"mbols in Rural ar$ets

    • A numer o successul rands in rural markets ha+e rand names or

    • symols #ith numers or animals. These include soap, %onkey• rand toothpo#der, emini Tea ;#ith an elephant=, &heetah f ght

    • matches or P*heru' ;tiger= beedi and iger cigarettes- he association

    • o symols #ith these rands helps recollection. The 3-Roses rand

    • o tea makes the rural consumer Pthink and eel resh'. The symol

    • helps associate the product eatures #ith the rand o tea. The

    • symols that make the consumer eel and think aout eatures that

    • are rele+ant or the product are critical or rand uilding in the

    • rural market ;rishnamurthy, FFF=.


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    • )sha International Ltd(

    • Usha International 9imited ;UI9= o the *iddharth *hriram group

    • proposes to increase its ocus on the rural market, #hich contriutes

    • / per cent o its total income. It plans to increase the penetration

    • le+el o its ans in rural areas rom the current per cent yintroducing

    • ans ;oth ceiling and tale= designed to unction under

    • se+ere conditions o +oltage > uctuations. They #ill e priced 3/ per

    • cent less than normal. It also plans to increase the penetration le+el

    • o its se#ing machines in rural areas rom the current per cent

    • y introducing lo# cost models. UI9 intends to route its products

    • or the rural market through its diesel engine dealers, completing

    • its strtategy to make use o product design and pricing decision to

    • deli+er +alue to the rural consumer

    Rural marketing mi6

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    Rural marketing mi6

    • %arketing mi6 conceptually remains+alid or the rural market

    • 5+ery product and promotion, #hich is

    a hit in cities, might not #ork in ruralareas

    • It doesn't mean, Indian +illages elongsto restricted Jone

    •  They are di"erent as consumers andhence, market di"erently


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    • %odifed to suit the liestyle and needs

    o the rural consumers• Rural consumers like to uy products or

    need ased consumption

    • Recycling and putting a product to allpossile practical uses eore discarding

    • !hile designing a product- consider

    reuse and recycle•  The product to e useul and easy to


    • Appear tough and rugged outlook

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    • Appear tough and rugged- outlook

    • As less educated – ne# technologyacceptance is also less

    • &ellular phone-#ashing machines –

    not accepting• Acceptance- sol+e their prolems,suits their culture and their pocketand #orth the price


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    • %aking them change their product orrand is +ery diLcult

    • 7igher rand loyalty among the +illager

    • Once a rand is accept;+ill, state, region=

    +ery diLcult to replace• According to 7arish %ana#ani ,the +ice

    president 799, ( international rands need

    to e rele+ant interms o percei+ed image,perormance +alue i they are t succeed inthe Indian market)


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    •  The decision o packaging isin>uenced y the characteristics oconsumers – i.e a"ordaility, culturalpreerences, usage conditions andaility to read

    • %inimum $uantity o the product or#eaker section;fnancially poor=

    •  The prolem o dust, heat or umpyroads – special stress on packaging

    • 8ackaging siJe – store- another prolem

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    8ackaging siJe store another prolemor customer or retailer

    • &olgate put a cap on the sachet orcon+enience o storage

    • Attracti+e, decorati+e and

    synchronisation #ith local culture-should not e costly

    • !riting products name in the locallanguage- consumer a#areness

    • &olour and con+enience o package are+ery important

    • Illiterate – not ale to ask or a rand-

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    ad+ertised – recognise the product y its

    packaging•  This is #hy ;imitating the packaging = is

    a+ailale in +illage shops

    *U• *tock keeping unit

    • Organisations should maintain a smallernumer o *U or the rural market

    • As the rural retailer has a limited #orkingcapital

    8roduct strategies

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    • In rural marketing• = ne#modifed product designs

     – A= research and marketing department think –ne# design according to their ;rural= lie style

     – C=rural en+ironment- product tough- roughhandling, rough roads and re$uent po#er>uctuation

     – &= nokia's//- customised model or rural – G=dust resistant, small torch, economically


    • 0=sturdy product- sturdy enough to stand

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    0=sturdy product sturdy enough to standrough handling, transport and storage

    • 3= utility oriented product- more concerned#ith the unctional utility o the productthan its appearance and sophistication

    • 4=a+oiding sophistication packaging• = refll packs reusale packaging

    • D= application o +alue engineering-sustituting the costly ra# material #iththe cheaper one- cheaper ut etter$uality

    • 1=rand name- rand a#areness in the

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    rural areas is airly high. The only issue is

    that the rands are kno#n di"erently thanthey are kno#n in the uran market ;akeproduct=

    • E= small unit packaging

    • 9o# per capita income – single ser+epackets or sachets are enormously popular

    •  The use o / p or 1 ml sachets is declining

    in the rural areas y /2• Cigger packs or ?am and milk po#der are

    doing #ell e+en smaller is a+ailale


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    • 8rice is the most importantphenomena a"ecting rural market

    • 9ittle e6tra or etter $ualilty-

    cheaper +ersion• *ome retailers in the interior +illages

    charge more than the ma6imum

    retail price;mrp=-to etch – spendtime and money – rom distriutors

    8rices o sustitutes also must e

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    • 8rices o sustitutes also must e

    studied along #ith the pricing o thecompetitors

    • As coca cola ound out that it #as not

     ?ust pepsi that they #ere competing#ith in the rural market, ut alsonimu paani, ?al ?eera and others

    8ricing strategies

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    8ricing strategies

    • As per capita income o india #aslo#

    • 56tremely price sensiti+e

    • ;a=large +olume- lo# margin : rapidor slo# penetration strategy

    •  To ocus on generating large +olumes

    • Bot ig proft margins

    • ;=o+er all eLciency and passing on

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    ; = y p genefts to consumer

    •  The strategy should e to cut do#nthe production distriution andad+ertising cost

    • 8assing the enefts to the customersto urther increase the turno+er

    • Oser+ed that ad+ertising has less to

    do#ith product sales in the ruralareas

    • lo# cost+alue or money products

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    lo# cost+alue or money products

    •  The price can e kept lo# y smallerunit packaging

    • ;d= lo# +olume – lo# price strategy

    • Reducing the package siJe- morea"ordale especially in fnance

    • ;e= ensuring price compliance

    • Rural retailers most o the time, chargemore than the %R8

    • %anuactures has to ensure price


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    •  Third P8'

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    *ignifcance o distriution

    •  The est product, price, promotion andpeople come to nothing i the productis not a+ailale or sale at the point

    • ood distriution system- companyhas greater chance o sellling it sproduct more than its competitors

    • In the @%& industry in india –

    companies ha+e to distriute to o+er/ lakh retail outlets or point o sale

    • Bo# a days – direct marketing – through

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    internet- easile or the smaller +illages

    8lace strategy

    • ;a= segmentation

    • 56amine the market potential odi"erent +illages and target the +illagesthat can e ser+ed ina fnancially +iale

    • Bot +iale to contact and ser+e all the+illage

    • ;=co+erage o +illages #ith 0,/// and

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    ;=co+erage o +illages #ith 0,/// andao+e population

    • Gistriution net#ork in aout ///+illages – ha+e population o 0/// personand ao+e

    •  can co+er aout 0 crore rural consumers• ood to egin #ith lesser populations

    • distriution up to eeder marketsmandito#ns

    •  The eeder markets and mandi to#n o"ere6cellent scope or distriution

    •  The rural consumers +isit these to#ns at

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    regular inter+als, not only or selling

    their agricultural product ut also orpurchase

    • ;d=?oint distriution y non-competing

    companies• As distriution +ans can e un+iale or

    a single company

    • Gi"erent non- competing companies cancome together to ?ointly operatedistriution +ans

    • ;e=direct contact #ith rural retail

    Al ith th " t h l l

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Along #ith the e"orts o #holesalers

    and dealers, companies need to ha+edirect points o contact, #ith retailersand su- retailers

    • ;= shandieshaats• 7eld on a particular day o e+ery


    • Gistriutors in the area can utilisemoile tractors to sell the products

    • ;g= agricultural input dealers

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    • As per the essential commodities

    act,ertiliJers should e made a+ailale tothe armers #ith ina range o 4 to %rom their residence

    • Aout 0 lakh ertiliJer dealers in the country

    • Coth in coopertati+e and pri+ate sectors

    •  These outlets can e used to market

    • ;h= use o co operati+e societies

    • At least one cooperati+e society o one ormor the other, or e+ery or 0 +illages

    • ;i=utilisation o pulic distriutionsystem

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    •;?= multi-purpose distriution centers ypetroleum companies

    •  The petroleum retail outlets no# #ill eseen stocking some non-petroleum

    retail outlets no# #ill e seen stocking

    • ;k= post and telegraph department

    • ;l= alternate retail distriution channels

    • %ilk man, +egetale +endor, entry ande6it point o +illage

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • ;m= personel selling net#ork• Residents o the +illage or


    • ;n= e- marketing• 5-choupals, direct contact #ith the

    rural consumer


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • As it is thin population- promotion

    aspect is challenge

    • P%edia dark'- inaccessile to tele+isionsignals- not only denied to access to

    product ut also kno#ledge aout it.• 8rolem in mass media

    communication- time gap et#een the

    point o e6posure and the time opurchase

    • The memoraility o the message –

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     The memoraility o the message –

    #hile it last till the time o purchase• *ur+ey – D2o rural and 02 o

    uran consumer elt that ad+ertising

    in>uenced them to re$uently oral#ays to uy products they donotreally need

    • F2 rural and 3/2 uran –ad+ertisements are re$uentlymisleading


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Responses to Consumer +ehaviour• 7industan 9e+er ound that retailers in

    +illages #ere cutting its large

    • // gm 9ieuoy soap into smallerpieces and selling these. *o it

    • introduced a smaller 1 gm pack. It

    also introduced !heel detergent• in a // gm pack ;oshi, FF=.

    %edia +ehicles and ruralmarket

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    • 9(mass media• In rural market, 0 out o indians are not

    reached y any media : t+, press, radio

    and cinema together• ;a= tele+ision

    •  T+ penetration in rural homes #as aout0D2 in 0//0 , DD2 o uran area

    • In FF3 it #as 32 and 4F2 in uranarea

    • Although the numer o television

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    channels have increased from >

    channels in 9??9 to ;@@ b" theend of :@@<

    • As o no# doordarshan telecast

    net#ork nearly co+ers the entirecountry

    • 2 reach in FF1 GG's

    • *ince, one third o india is notco+ered y GG

    • ;= radio: primary source o entertainment inrural market

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    rural market

    • listenership stands in the 0/2 range or othuran and rural

    • 0/2 listenership is a good numer in terms opopualation

    • print media• 9iteracy le+el is lo# in rural areas

    •  Through dailies, periodicals, pamphlets,ooklets


    • Cut reading hait in the rural areas

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    does not appear to e +ery good

    • Reaches the rich amilies o the+illages- so #ork o mouth

    • *hould not ignored – ecause it reachthe opinion leaders

    • ;d= cinema

    • o rural adult population +ie#cinema in the southern region – soe"ecti+e media

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    • ;e=hoarding #all paints• !alls o shops and other place are

    easily a+ailale

    • Relati+ely longer span than othermass medis

    Uncon+entional media

    • As media does not co+er as much as

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • As media does not co+er as much as

    432 o rural india• 5+ents like air, esti+als, cinema +an,

    shop ront

    • &tic$ers on hand pumps, #all o #ells,putting on tin plates on all the trees,pond- inno+ati+e media used y 799or lu6, lie oy and #heel

    • @olk media – $uite popular in di"erentregions and state

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    High freAuenc" Low freAuenc"

    7igh reach eep, #all painting,us stand , haat,


    ets,posters andanners , danglers

    8romotion strategies

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    • .Think gloal act local• Rural population is di+erse

    • Cut the commonalities o their ethos

    and simple li+ing haits need to eunderstood or ad+ertising tosucceed; conte6t, story line, languageand idioms=

    • 0. think in local idiom

    • Pthanda matla coca cola'

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 3.simplicity and clarity• 4.Barrati+e story style

    • .&hoice o rand amassadors

    •   go+inda in the mirinda ad oostedthe sales o the drink in rural market.

    Additional 8's o ruralmarketing

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    • . passion – it represents an attitudeo three dimension

    •   a= passion to earn good#ill or

    the company•   = passion to ser+e and

    educate the consumer

    •   c= passion to gi+e //2 to therural marketing e"ort.

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 0= pace ;step y step=• Rural market need to e launched into

    the heart o the customer

    • !orking capital and storing space donotallo# rural retailer to store numerousrand

    • 7e can sell #hate+er he is stocking

    •  Thus companies ha+e to reach theretailer early

    4 A's o rural marketing mi6

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    • . a"ordaility : not cheaper product,designing products #hich match theneeds o rural consumers, at a pricethat they eel

    • 0. a+ailaility: lesser numer o randsa+ailale at rural retail outlet

    • 5nsuring the reach o the products atthe retailer's shel is one o the mostcritical unction

    • 3.a#areness : they use uncon+entional

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    ymedia along #ith commercial medialike T< , Radio

    • 5lements like colour, logo, slogan –designed according to the rural


    • 4. Acceptaility

    •  They must eel that the product ser+es

    its purpose, then they are ready toe+en spend e6tra or the product


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    5scar Television,s 56ering to the Rural ar$ets

    the leading tele+ision rands. Arpita hurana, the director o the

    Oscar tele+ision competed e"ecti+ely in the rural markets against

    company e6pects a oom in the rural market #ith gro#th o nearly

    E/ per cent.

    Oscar tele+ision competes in the rural market y pro+iding a no rill

    +alue or money product. @or instance, Oscar, #hich deri+es 4/ per

    cent o its sales rom the semi-uran and rural sectors, has launched

    a attery-operated tele+ision model in the 4V segment to cater to

    parts o 5astern U8 and Cihar. This has oosted the company's sales

    y per cent to 1 per cent. It is planning to come out #ith a similar

    0V model in the near uture. *ays hurana, P*ince electricity is a

    prolem in these areas, #e elt the model #ould e a success'.

    (ource hosh and erma *++2)-

    cases8roduct Gesign that Responds to Consumer 1erceptions

    Union &aride ound that its slick plastic torches, #hich #ere all

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    the rage in the metros, had no takers in the +illages. @armers preerred

    hea+y rass torches. *ays Union &aride %anaging director,

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Bot in+ention- minor modifcation – e6isting product• 5bBectives

    • .*atisy customer demand

    • 0.&ompetitors launch ne# product

    • 3.56pand strategy• 4.&hanges in technology

    • .Increase in sales and proft

    • D.*ingle product usiness +ulnerale to multi

    product usiness• 1.%aturing stages and decline stage

    Be# product de+elopmentprocess

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    • A= e6ploration stage:• Ideas or ne# products is #ithin a company itsel 

    • D/2 o industrial and 4D2 o consumer ne#product ideas came rom the research sta"

    engineers , sales people• 3/2 o consumer product ideas came rom the


    • %arket eed ack and research- key role to play

    •  Team - assimilate all ne# product ideas on asingle ormat

    • e+aluation

    • C= screening stage

    5li i ti hi h

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 5limination process- #hich carry

    unacceptale le+el o risk•

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    e sc ee g o y e a e e oconsideration

    •  Time or detail product specifcation – needsatisying, simple and easy, con+enient store,tough and solid appearance, a"ordale, ruralproduct usage, en+ironment

    • 5lectrolu6's i?lee rerigerator can store po#eror 0 hours as ack up

    • Uran imagery ;eel and comort=- %ahindras

    %a66- styles and fnish• &hassis is designed to keep the mother oard

    cool at tem 4deg c

    • G= usiness alnalysis

    9ik l tW 8 t ti l d dW

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 9ikely costW 8otential demandW

    Reco+eredW. ROIW

    • 5= product de+elopment

    • Appro+es particular product

    • 56ecuted in research la – stage –concept on the paper is transormedin to a product in hand

    • @= de+elopment o marketing mi6

    • 8roduct : packaging, colour, logo and

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    8roduct : packaging, colour, logo and

    rand name taken at this stage• Psampoorna' chosen as a rand name

    or tele+isions y 9, is a #ord rom

    the our leading languages spoken inrural 7indi, Tamil, %arathi, Cengali.

    • 8romotion : selecting media, punch

    line – TATA A&5

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    • 8rice : retail price, dealer and retailermargins are taken at this stage

    •  TATA A&5 slightly higher price that three#heeler – it enaled the customer to clim

    the ladder y paying a slightly higher price

    • 8lace: TATA %OTOR* concei+ed a conceptcalled st outlets or the distriution o

    A&5. st

     retail out lets that handle onlysales o A&5

    • = product Testing :

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


     – = product testing : eore it is ormally

    launched in the market Intel took thepersonal computer designed or ruralmarket

     – Test in pilot pro?ect – changes madeaccordance to it

     – 0= concept testing : entire product conceptsis presented to the customer –to ha+e their

    reaction – it might e successul or not – 3= test marketing – done y selling theproduct in limited

    • 7= commercialisation or launch :

    • Be# product is actually launched in its target market

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    p y gplace : do some e"ort

     – 8romotion strategy – TATA Ace road sho#,demonstrated test- dri+e, using themetaphor o an elephant – ay elephant TATA TRU& – mother elephant

     – 8ricing strategy : tied up #ith auto fnancerin uran areas #ho o"er f+e year fnancingor the +ehicle ;three – #heelers get only

    t#othree year fnancing – @inance companies comort le+el #ithsalary slip than the agricultural income

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     – 8lace strategy : nine state, 3//e6clusi+e sales outlets across India, #ithin a range o / to // km rom their+illage, tied up #ith local garages apart

    rom its e6isting dealers, – Training to the sta" o these local


    Rural market and productlie cycle

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    •  The our stages o 89& – Introduction,gro#th, maturity and decline

    •  This act remains true or the rural

    market as #ell• Introduction to decline +aries rom

    one product to another

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 89& determined y the ollo#ingactors

    market condition

    gro#thtrends in uyer's spending


    company policy

    aracter st cs o erentstages o 89& and marketing

    mi6 strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    mi6 strategiesIntroduction stages:• ro#th , sales +olume is lo#,

    • 8roduct a#areness is limited

    • 8roft is unlikely

    • @ocus on to uild a#areness

    • 5stalish distriution net#ork

    • %arketing strategies or introductorystage

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    • A=product strategies : small trial pack• C=place strategies: encourage to stock the

    product, o"er scheme

    •&=promotion strategies : generate greatera#areness, y educating and reaching theopinion leader, targeting the inno+ators

    • As competition is less, highlight the

    eneft o the product concept

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • G= pricing strategy : go orintroductory price o"er,

    • Rapid or slo# penetration can e

    taken on the asis o the resources.

    ro#th stage

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Cecomes a#are o the product o itsenefts

    &haracteristics :

    • rapid gro#th in sales and proft ,•  economies o scales,

    • lo#er prices are possile,

    •  the competitors mo+e in the market

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    • *o ocus :•  To uild rand preerence,

    •  To increase market share

    %arketing strategies or gro#th stages

    • A=product strategies :

    • i= rand reinorcement – educatingthe customer aout enefts

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • ii=modifcation or +alue addition inthe product

    •  iii= making the product more

    rele+ant or the customer•  i+= launching medium packaging –

    799 created ule pack's shampoo-

    neither sachets nor ottle

    • C= pricing strategies – option to eithermaintain or lo#er the price e+en

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    maintain or lo#er the price e+en

    urther – economies o scale due to thesignifcant increase in sale

    • &=place strategies-strengthening

    relationship #ith distriutor, deepeningthe penetration – tapping some o therural segment

    • G=promotion strategies- increase inpromotional udget, highlighting the$uality or perormance o the product

    %aturity stage

    • &ompetition ecomes e+en more

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • &ompetition ecomes e+en more


    • %ost o the product remains in thisstage gloally or a consideraly long

    time&haracteristics o maturity stage

    • %a6imum sales and proft

    • Intense competition• @ace tough competition - #ithdra#

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • @ocus : deending the market share,ma6imising the proft, tractors andchemical ertiliser- entered maturitystage like in pun?a

    • A= elongate the maturity stage :

    • Imperati+e to sustain the customer'sinterest

    • *o sa+es the product rom entering intodecline stage

    • C= product strategies : y addinginteresting eatures

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    interesting eatures,

    • Update the product

    • Ceing decided to market its ketchupin di"erent colour

    • Organisation need to strengthen theperception that their product isetter and di"erent rom others, so Rand G to enhance eatures

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • &= promotion strategies• Appear no+el in product promotion

    • Crand repositioning – add ne# market

    segments, promote ho# their o"eringsare di"erent and etter romcompetitors

    • 8romotion needs to e made roadased – potential consumers – due totheir conser+ati+e attitude.

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    • G=place strategies : deepen thedistriution net#ork

    • Incenti+es to channel partners

    • 5=price strategies• 9o#ering prices

    • Gecline stage

    • It is not possile to e6tend the maturity

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    s o poss e o e e d e a u y

    stage•  Tooth paste- maturity stage- ut still they

    cannot e considered immune romdeclining stage

    • !ashing soaps taken o+en y detergent

    • &haracteristics

    • *ales drop, demand diminishes, marketor product shrinks, in+entories startpiling up, proft decline

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    • %arketing strategies• A=re?u+enate the product

    •  i= re+i+e the product y additional

    eatures•  ii= har+est the product

    • *ell their manuactured product at

    reduced prices

    Cranding product or ruralmarket

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Gespite create an a#areness o theirgoods and ser+ices – still un tapped

    • 9ieuoy- one o the frst soaps #ith

    rural areas as the key target market-create rand loyalty

    • &olgate, Ca?a?, Tata – adopts right set

    o rand uilding tools- or long term


    O i i B i d d

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Origin- Bor#egian #ord- randr-means Pto urn'

    • A rand is defned as a name , term,sign, symol or special design orsome comination o these elementsthat is intended to identiy ordi"erentiate the goods or ser+ice o

    one seller or a group o sellers;American %arketing Association=

    • I %ercedes CenJ is a rand name- the staris a rand mark.

    • All trade marks are rands and include oth

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • All trade marks are rands and include oth

    the rand name and 8ictorial designs- #hichare legally protected

    • 56clusi+e rights to use rand – granted y

    trademark la#, unlike patents and copyrights – #hich ha+e e6piry date

    • Crand- attriutes, +alue, personality, culture

    • Crand is a comple6 symol- not ?ust a name-

    identity and uilds a personality arounditsel.

    Cranding process

    • Cranding is a process, a tool, astrategy and an orientation

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    strategy and an orientation

    •  The process o creating a rand stemrom research that starts #ith theconcept o #hat the product is and

    #hat its unctions and o?ecti+es are

    • Crand uilding is usually a long,tedious and methodical #ork

    • It is not static- continuous change inproduct appearance and perormance

    • Crands is some thing #hich isdesigned y the marketer, ut #hich

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    designed y the marketer, ut #hich

    is uilt o+er time y the consumer

    Crand loyalty

    • (the degree o consistency in uyingparticular rands as a unction o cognition

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    particular rands as a unction o cognition,emotion , satisaction, commitment, haitand positi+e attitude to#ards rand)

    • &onsumer loyalty reers to the

    un#illingness on part o consumer tos#itch o+er to the other products, rands,or stores

    • &onsumer loyalty is a oard term

    encompassing rand loyalty and storeloyalty.

    @actors determining rand loyalty

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    .5motion- emotional ond et#eenthe customer and the rand

    0.O?ecti+ity- people #ho constantlyreassess their uying decisions ono?ecti+e purchase parameters

    3.Inertia – rarely reassess their

    purchase decisions- out oin+ol+ement or high s#itching costs

    • *atisaction, customer relationshipmanagement- not only this

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    management not only this

    • Recency, re$uency, and monetary+alue- regard as good measure ocustomer loyalty.

    • Indian consumers tried on a+erageD.0 rands o the same packagedgood product in one year, compared

    #ith 0./ rands or Americanconsumers.

    Cenefts o rand loyalty or theorganisation

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    .9oyal customer are typically lessprice sensiti+e than other

    0.8ro+ides frms #ith a +aluale time

    to respond to competiti+e action3.&ost- attracting – ne# customer – si6

    times higher – than the cost o

    retaining current customer.

    *ignifcance o rands

    • %arket place teeming #ith thousands o

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    product and ser+icing• A rand di"erentiates a product rom

    similar other products

    • !orld's top three rand – representenormous capital +alue

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    p g

    • 7o#e+er, should not e conused #ith anational rand

    • %ass consumption product like tea, soap,detergent and dish #ashing po#der ha+e

    se+eral regional rands #ith loyal customers.

    • and chhokra soap – strong regionalrands in pun?a

    • Arun ice cream o 7atsun oods- third omarket share

    Reasons or the success o regionalrands

    *pread o cale and satellite tele+ision

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    .*pread o cale and satellite tele+ision

    0.Understanding o the need o regionalconsumers

    3.9o# o+erheads- regional rands can

    o"er the promise o +alue ecause otheir lo# o+erheads.


    .9arge regional markets- airlyhomogeneous

    D. One to one relationship #ith channelpartners

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     The personal touch that theentrepreneurs are ale to pro+ide issomething that the national le+el

    companies fnd it diLcult to replicate.1. 5ntrepreneurial spirit

    Cecause o small- take $uick decision – in

    any change in the consumer demand

    Regional rand: success stories

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Anchor toothpaste- +egetariantoothpaste

    • 8arakh oods- gemini oil- sun>o#er or

    • hari – anpur ased detergentpo#der , no 3 ?ust ehind nirma andle+ers

    Regional rands : competiti+e response onational rands

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • The national rands are not serious- tomo+es o the regional player

    • Cut once reach – threatening to the gro#thand market share o the national rand

    • 8rice cut, promotional e"orts and randuilding initiati+es

    • 7al o 0//3 national rand sur, colgate,

    tide- attle #ith regional rands likehadi, Anchor, A?anta etc,

    • %ost o the cases national rands managedto snatch market share rom the regionalrand

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    • One +ie# is that the regional rand shouldnot try to emulate national leaders

    • *$ueeJed y large Indian companies on

    one side and cheap imports on the other,only a e# regional rands make it ig.

    • Regional rands can not fght the attle#ith price alone- inno+ation, +alue system,

    aster response, entrepreneurial spirit, leanorganisational, Rand G etc.

    Crand uilding in rural market


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • @ind out the needs, #ants and aspirations orural consumers y directing contacting them

    • Reengineering the product- according to needo rural consumers

    •  Then the entire rand uilding e"orts has toe uilt on the asis o their needs andaspiration

    •Bokia's // promoted #ith caption o (%adeor India)


    The rand name or the punch line is in

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     The rand name or the punch line is in+ernacular language

     The same logic applies to the colour,logo and slogan

    &elerity – not only the randa#areness spread ut it also has agood impact on o+er all sales

    +olume gro#th.


    •  The media selected to promote the randis +ery important

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    • As the con+entional mass media may notpro+e to e +ery e"ecti+e #hen usedalone – select other elo# the line media-li+e demonstration, contests

    • Gemonstration +ans #ith audio +isuale$uipments – ha+e deep rooted impact,than the short commercial on T<

    • 7aats can e an e"ecti+e medium orrural marketing


    • %essage should meet the rural

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04



    sensiilities• !ith emotion touch and story line

    are most e"ecti+e

    • &ommercials #ith gimmicky hi-techstory- not #ork #ell

    • Rural consumers ha+e strong +isual


  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    Recongnition• 5ither does not understand english or

    e+en illiterate

    • &a+inkare strategy – emptysachets o chic shampoo – contest –y the consumer conscious that he is

    uying only the chic shampoo

    !ord o mouth pulicity

    • Target the right set o opinion leaders-

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    •  Target the right set o opinion leaders-de+elop the rand recall than the f+eor ten seconds commercial on the T+

    •  The stories they hear rom others aremore elie+ale or rural

    • &rores o rupees in+ested in randuilding – e"orts can go #aste- i not

    a+ailale at the retailer shel.

    Cranding and rural uyereha+iour

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • !hat is the response o ruralconsumer to#ards the randsW

    • In eighteen product categories

    consumption o randed itemsaccounted or aout E/2 o the salesin 0// – not only national rands –also include regional and locallymanauactured

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • (randed goods comprise D2 o sale in+illages today and the share o non-randed goods is shrinking dramatically)

    • *ign that a market or premium goods is

    emerging /.F2 denum talc, /.12shampoo using pantene

    • Rural consumers recognises 8arle's pack

    o iscuits y its yello# stripes and theay

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    •  Houth in the amily uy nationalrands

    • *enior memers use regional or local

    or lo# +alue national rand•  T#o di"erent detergents, shampoo,

    tooth paste and talcum po#der

    might e ound in a single home

    8roduct inno+ation anddesign

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • 8roduct are classifed in to 0 categoriesased on nature o inno+ation- original,no+el product and imitation.

    • Original, no+el product

    • An inno+ati+e frm #ill surely succeed

    • 7o#e+er, it should e careul inmaking technical inno+ation . 56 –tractors, pesticides, ertiliJers

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • Imitation• Imitations may result in t#o types

    • A poor imitator #ill end up in producing

    decepti+e, spurious , ake, copycatproducts.

    • On the other hand, a competentimitator may e+en produce an

    impro+ed +ersion o the originalproduct

    8roduct design decision

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    • A product or a ser+ice is an o"ermade y a marketer, #hich has theaility to satisy the needs and #antso customers

    • It can e physical and tangile

    • *er+ice are intangile- soil testing,

    retailer ad+ice, training.

     The key consideration in indi+idualproductser+ice o"ers is the

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    de+elopment o the product at threele+els

    • . core product de+elopment

    • 0. Tangile product de+elopment• 3. Augmented product de+elopment

    &ore product

    • A core product pro+ides enefts that

  • 8/18/2019 Ruralmarketing SEM 04


    correspond to the need specifed yconsumers

    • !hat are the needs o consumersW

    • !hat kind o orm and unctional utilities are

    consumer demandingW

    • A core product is one that pro+ides importantorm utility and ensure perormance o theasic unction

    • &an the tooth po#der e used to keep theteeth cleanW

     Tangile product

    •  The product concept ecomes +isile andoperational #hen psy