Runquest - Third Edition Errata

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  • 8/10/2019 Runquest - Third Edition Errata



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    The Avalon Hill

    Game Company

    4517 Harford Road

    Baltimore, MD 21214

    Phone: (410) 254-9200

    Fax: (410) 254-0991

    Questions, comments, and

    additional errata for



    eluxe Rune Quest



    Rune uest


    may be addressed to: Ken



    Rune uest

    Editor, c/o

    The Avalon Hill Game Company.


    Third Edition. Errata

  • 8/10/2019 Runquest - Third Edition Errata



    Rune Quest Errata

    6VVIttliix X01.11:4

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    Official Errata fo r

    Runequest Deluxe Editio n

    March 3, 1988)

    Players Book

    Page 33

    SIMPLE SUCCESS ROLLS, fourth paragraph. Add this sentence:

    The adventurer's category modifiers do not apply to a skill with a

    00% base chance until he


    gained a positive ability in that AUL'

    Page 37


    player who foregoes the die roll may add 1 percentile to his skill, not

    2 percentiles as written.

    Page 38

    REQUIRED TRAINING TIME, add this paragraph:

    To initially learn a skill with a 00% base

    chance, the character must spend 50 base hours

    training. At the end of the training period, he

    gains 1D6-2 percentiles in the skill, plus his

    category modifier. If this does not bring him to a

    skill of 1% or higher, he must train another 50

    hours, and so forth, until he either gives up or has

    attained a positive skill percentile. The character

    only adds his category modifier the first time he

    trains in the skill.

    Page 43

    R E S U L T S O F F A T I G U E

    LOSS: delete the third paragraph. Fatigue

    loss only causes unconsciousness at the gam emaster's discretion.

    Page 44

    NON-HUMAN ENC. change the first paragraph:

    When determining weights carried by

    creatures with a SIZ of 21-30, refer to the SIZ

    equivalency table. Find the SIZ of the weight

    carried by the animal, then halve the kilograms

    beside the number. The result represents the

    actual ENC subtracted from the animal's fatigue

    points. If the creature has a SIZ of 31-30, divide

    the kilograms carried by three. If its SIZ is 41-50,

    divide by four, and so forth.

    Page 48

    H O W T O P A R R Y

    Delete the last two sentences o f the first

    paragraph, and replace w ith:

    In either case, no character may attack and

    parry with the same weapon on a single strike


    S U C C E S S F U L P A R R Y V E R S U S U N S U C C E S S F U L A T T A C K


    A successful parry by poleaxe or halberd only

    damages an unsuccessful attacking weapon if the

    parry is a critical success.

    Page 52


    Mounted characters fighting footmen also get

    the advantages of high ground (page 54).

    Page 54

    HIGH GRO UND. Delete the third sentence and replace the second



    This means that his player may subtract one

    strike rank from his adventurer's hand-to-hand

    weapon attacks against a downhill foe and rolls

    1D10+10 for all hit location rolls for his attacks

    with one-handed weapons.

    Page 59

    . TW O-WEAPON USE. Add to the f i rst paragraph:

    He may both attack and parry with the same

    weapon, so long as he does not do both in the

    same strike rank.

    Page 60

    MELEE W EAPONS T ABLE. Special h its with al l daggers are


    Page 61

    MELEE WEAPONS TABLE. Impaling damage with the thin-bladed

    Rapier is 3D6+3, not 2D6+ 2. Also, unlike other two-handed spears,

    the Naginata does not impale.

    Page 64

    MISSILE WEAPON S TABLE. Sl ing Rate of Fire is 1/SR. Javel in

    damage is 1d10, not 1d8.

    Page 68



    When a flail, mace, or maul is used against soft

    armor, the value of the armor protection is halved

    (round fractions up). Soft armor overlapped with

    hard armor counts as hard armor.


    As described above, it is possible to wear soft

    armor under another armor to provide added

    protection. Hard armor may not be worn under

    any other type of armor. In any case, the outer

    layer of armor must be heavier than the inner (i.e.,

    have more armor points).

    The interior soft armor adds its normal AP to

    the total armor at TWICE normal ENC cost.

    Page 7

    A G I L I T Y

    SKILLS. Add a se cond paragraph, 'reading:

    'The skills of Dodge, Jump, and Swim are

    affected by ENC as described below for human-

    sized creatures. For creatures with a SIZ of 21-30,

    it takes 2 ENC to reduce the skill chance by 1

    percentile (by 5 percentiles in the case of Swim).

    With a size of 31-40, 3 ENC reduces the skill by 1

    percentile (or 5, for Swim). A SIZ of 41-50 takes 4

    ENC to reduce skill by 1 perceritire, and so forth.

  • 8/10/2019 Runquest - Third Edition Errata


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    Magic Book

    Page 9

    Covert Possession. Alter the second sentence of the third paragraph

    to read:

    Normally, when the target's magic points are

    reduced either to 0 or 10 points less than those of

    the spirit, it covertly possesses its target.

    Page 10

    Active Spelt add The target of an active spell m ust remain w ithin

    the caster's view or the spell ends.'

    Page 16

    Spell Casting Abil ity. Replace first sentence w ith:

    A spirit magician has a percentile chance of

    successfully casting non-ritual spells equal to his

    POWx5, plus his Magic skill category bonus.

    Page 19

    Coordination: each point increases the target's DEX by 2.

    Page 21

    Protection: delete the last sentence.

    Page 22

    Silence: each point adds 15 percenti les to Sneak.

    Speedart: duration is Temporal.

    Page 27

    Learning and Using Spells. Replace the fourth paragraph with:

    A user of divine Magic skill category modifier,

    but this chance is reduced by 1 percentile for each

    ENC carried. (With no ENC there is still a chance

    of failure with a d100 roll of 96-00%.)

    Page 28

    SPELL LIMITS, add to first paragraph:

    Initiates cannot learn spells that are one-use for


    Page 29

    TEMP LE SIZES. Wo rship Diety is also ava ilable at shrines. Minor

    temples also provide Worship Diety and Spefiteaching.

    Page 30

    Add the fol lowing spells to the nam ed dieties: Earth Goddess

    Comm and Gnome; Night Goddess - -Com mand Shade; Sea God

    Com mand Und ine; S torm God Comm and Sy lph; and Sun

    God Comm and Salamander.

    Page 31

    Absorption: delete the last sentence.

    Page 33

    Comm and (Species) is a 1 point spell, and is capable of affecting

    intelligent creatures.

    Excomm unication: this can only be cast on an init iate sworn to the


    casting the spell.

    Extension: replace the last two words of the first paragraph of the

    spell description with strike rank .

    Page 34

    ILLUSIONS: replace the last two words of the general description


    strike rank .



    Shield: delete the first sentence of the last paragraph of the spell


    Soul Sight is a 1 point spell.

    Page 37

    Spirit Block:


    the last sentence.

    Page 42

    . .

    MULTISPELL. delete the entire description and replace it w ith:

    With this skill the sorcerer can cast multiple

    spells at a reduced cost in magic points, each spell

    may be directed at a different target provided that

    all targets are within range and sight of the caster..

    Each point of Multispell permits one

    additional spell to be cast. First the sorcerer

    determines the amount of Intensity, Range, and

    Duration he will use, limited by his Free INT, and

    all spells are affected identically. However, Touch

    spells gain no range this way, and Instant spells

    gain no duration, even when combined with

    ranged or temporal spells.

    The cost of the spells in magic points is equal

    to the total points of manipulation, counting the

    Multispell. Ritual magic cannot be Multispelled.

    The time need to cast the spells is equal to the

    total Free Int used, multiplied by the number of

    spells being cast. This is the major exception to the

    usual rule for time taken in spellcasting.

    Delete Cormac's Saga on this page.

    Page 43

    SPELL DESCRIPTION S: Instant spells can be neither Passive or

    Active. Ignore such references.

    Page 44

    Create Familiar Characteristic. Replace the third paragraph with;


    Create Familiar Characteristic spell

    permanently transfers the specified characteristic

    points from the sorcerer to the familiar. If the spell

    is intensified, more characteristic points are

    transferred at once. Since these spells have no

    effect on a complete creature, they cannot be used

    on a familiar, but only on a creature which is -

    about to become a familiar.

    Page 46

    Diminish characteristic is a ranged spell. Every third characteristic

    point drained by the Diminish SIZ spell is STR, not SIZ. Thus, an

    intensity 5 Diminish SIZ would drain 4 points of SIZ and 1 point of


    Form/Set Substance: delete the second sentence of the second


  • 8/10/2019 Runquest - Third Edition Errata



    Rune Quest Errata


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    Replace the last paragraph w ith:

    While the sorcerer is actively manipulating the

    appropriate substance with the Form/Set

    Substance spell, he can cause the substance to arc

    toward the target for a magic point cost of one per

    kilogram (or per cubic meter, as appropriate) of

    substance thrown. The magical lance of material

    has a chance of hitting equal to the caster's DD(x3

    as a percentage. If successful, the target sustains

    appropriate damage from the type and amount of

    substance thrown. Hard substances such as rock,

    wood, or metal do 1D3 points per kilogram --

    thrown. Liquids do no damage unless extremely

    hot or acidic. Fire does damage depending on its

    intensity. Darkness does nothing unless it is part

    of a shade. If the lance misses, the sorcerer still

    loses the magic points. Armor and spell which

    protect against physical damage work normally.

    The substance under the effect of the Form/Set can

    be used again and again as a Lance, for the

    Form/Set spell's duration.

    Page 49

    Phantom Sense: alter the Sample Sight Intensities table:

    Sample Sight Intensities

    1 sm ooth, clear glass

    2 rippling water

    3 lightly stained glass

    6 murky water

    10 opaque

    Regenerate: duration is Temporal, not One Hour. Replace the first

    sentence in the third paragraph w ith:

    Levels of intensity equal to the target's normal

    hit points in his limb must be provided. The tissue

    will regenerate one hit point per week if the spell

    is applied within 10 melee rounds after the limb

    has been mangled or lost.

    Page 51

    Summon Creature is a Summoning Ritual.

    Tap is a Passive spell.

    Treat Wounds. Duration is Tem poral, not one hour. Replace the

    fourth sentence of the first paragraph w ith:

    The treated creature recovers 1 point of total

    hit point damage and 1 point of damage in the

    affected location per hour (until the location is

    healed) for each point of intensity in the spell.

    Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph

    with: This spell requires enough Duration to last

    at least one hour.

    Page 57

    Armoring enchantment: Each point of POW adds 103 armor points,

    not 106.

    Magic Point Matrix Enchantment: Each point of POW stores 1010

    mag ic points, not 1.

    Spell Matrix Enchantment clarification a spirit magic enchantment

    is needed to create a spirit spell matrix. The divine enchantment is

    needed to create a divine spell matrix. Sorcery is needed to create a

    sorcery matrix.

    Gamemaster Book



    Change the first paragraph of the page to read:

    ...tegrity of the ship protected the cargo and

    crew despite the captain's incompetence and the

    ship suffers no loss. If the seaworthiness

    resistance roll falls reduce seaworthiness by one



    Creatures Book

    Page 10

    Brontosaur the tai l lash should do 4D6 damage, not 706 damage.

    Page 19


    Elephant: the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) actually has a

    SIR of 606+30 and SIZ of 6D6+3 8. The extinct African forest

    elephant has a SIR of 606+22 and a SIZ of 606+30. Normal

    African elephant STR and SIZ should be 606+34 and 606+42

    respectively. Other characteristics are unchanged, except that

    Move is 4.

    Page 21

    Ghost: ghosts have no SIR but do hav e INT of 206+ 6.

    Page 35

    Skeleton: The last three words of the creature description should

    read; and 3 current POW e xpended on DU. '

    Page 43

    Wyverns: the wy vem 's sting injects poison with a POT equal to the

    creature's CON.

    Glorantha Book

    Chaotic Features Table: add the following possible results:

    89 One hit location (choose randomly) is

    invulnerable to damage from any source.

    90 Endearing: match INT versus the creature's

    APP (of 5d6) when encountered. If overcome, the

    character tries to make friends with it,

    accompanies it in the future, and acts as its

    bodyguard. It already has 1d6 bodyguards. The

    character fights with it against his friends if they


    Possible Chaotic Creatures Table: add Hell ions to the l ist. They

    normally have no chaotic features.


    2018 4