Ruby & Rails Error Handling

Error Handling in Ruby & Rails Simon Maynard - Bugsnag CTO @snmaynard


Some tips on handling errors in both Ruby and Rails

Transcript of Ruby & Rails Error Handling

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Error Handling in Ruby & RailsSimon Maynard - Bugsnag CTO


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What is Bugsnag?

• We help developers log and track their errors

• Ruby was the first language we supported

• Now support Python, PHP, Javascript, Node.js, iOS, Android & more!

• Processing millions of errors every day

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What is AN ERROR?

An error occurs when code is unable to complete the task asked of it.

• Asked to do the impossible

• A mistake in the code


account = #!?

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What is AN ERROR?

• An unexpected case

• Failure of an external element

case account.typewhen "free" then #when "paid" then #else # Unexpected!end

# Database down!

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How to report an error?

• Raise an exception

• Only when the error is truly exceptional

• If the error is unexpected, or a sign of bad code

• Raising should be unexpected, it’s slow

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How to report an error?

• Return an error value

• If its to be expected or part of "normal" operation

def find(id) raise InvalidIdError, "#{id} id an invalid id" unless validate_id(id) return data[id]end

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Raise Or Fail

• You can use raise to raise an exception.

• You can also use fail to raise an exception.

def func fail "Not implemented"rescue => e raise unless e.message == "Not implemented"end

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Raise Syntax

is the same as

raise"Something Broke")

raise MyError, "Something Broke"

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Raise Syntax

is the same as

raise "Something Broke"

raise RuntimeError, "Something Broke"

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Raise Syntax

is the same as


raise RuntimeError

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Raise Syntax

You can also pass a backtrace when raising an exception

def assert(value) raise(RuntimeError, "Something broke", caller) unless valueend

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What does raise actually do?

• Raise does four things,

• Builds an exception object

• Sets the backtrace

• Sets the global error object ($!)

• Starts unwinding the stack

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How does raise build the exception?

You might think that raise does this

But actually it does this...

def raise(klass, msg, trace) exception = # ...end

def raise(klass, msg, trace) exception = klass.exception(message) # ...end

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How does raise build the exception?

• Exception.exception

• The same as

• Exception#exception

• With no arguments, it returns self

• With a message, it returns a new exception with the message set

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How does raise build the exception?

This means we can implement our own exception methods

then we can throw an instance of own object

class Account def exception(message="Bad Account!")"#{message}: #{self.errors.inspect}") endend

raise account unless

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Global Error Object$! contains a reference to the exception currently being raised

You can also require “english” to use the slightly more readable $ERROR_INFO

begin raiserescue puts $!.inspectend

require "english"begin raiserescue puts $ERROR_INFO.inspectend

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rescue Syntax

will rescue all MyError exceptions

beginrescue MyError => errorend

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rescue Syntax

is the same as

beginrescue => errorend

beginrescue StandardError => errorend

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Rescue Syntax

is the same as


beginrescue StandardErrorend

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Rescue Syntax

You can also supply a list of classes to rescuebeginrescue MyError, IOError => errorend

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One Line Rescue Syntax

is the same asvalue = begin raiserescue "fallback_value"end

value = raise rescue "fallback_value"

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Dynamic rescues

def match_message(regex) mod = (class << mod; self; end).instance_eval do define_method(:===) do |e| regex === e.message end end modend

begin raise "sample message"rescue match_message(/sample/) # Ignoreend

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Re-raising exception

is the same as

begin raiserescue raiseend

begin raiserescue raise $!end

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Raising in rescue

You can also change the exception message before re-raising

begin raiserescue => err # Re raise with different message raise err, “Different message”end

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Raising in rescue

You can raise in a rescue

You lose the context of the real error!

Don’t do this!

def func raiserescue raise "totally new exception"end

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Raising in rescueInstead you can keep a reference to the original exception

class MyError < StandardError attr_accessor :original_exception def initialize(msg, original_exception=$!) super(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception endend

def func raiserescue raise"Something broke")end

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Ensure Syntax

Ensure allows you to ensure that code is run, regardless of whether an exception is raised or not.

begin raise unless rand < 0.5ensure # Always runend

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You can also use these commands without a begin section

def func(arg) raiserescue # Deal with exceptionensure # Always runend

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Ensure Syntax

Be careful with return inside an ensure!

def func(arg) raiseensure # This return swallows the exception return 5end

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You can also easily retry using the retry keyword

def func(arg) attempts = 0 begin attempts += 1 raise rescue retry if attempts < 3 endend

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exception hierarchyException




rSystemExit fatal



Interrupt ArgumentError



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Exception hierarchy

For example,

This program is almost unkillable! Don’t catch Exception!

while true do begin line = STDIN.gets # heavy processing rescue Exception => e puts "caught exception #{e}! ohnoes!" endend

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Exception Hierarchy

You can even prevent an exit call,

You can’t catch an exit!(1) however...

begin exit(1) # Or abort()rescue Exception puts "Guess again!"end# Continue...

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Raise is a method

• Raise is just a method on Kernel

• So we can override it!

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Raise is a method

We can add debugging information to each raise

module RaiseDebug def raise(*args) super *args rescue Exception puts "Raising exception: #{$!.inspect}" super *args endendclass Object include RaiseDebugend

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Uncaught Errors

We can use a combination of $! and the ruby exit handler to log uncaught errors

at_exit do if $! open('error.log', 'a') do |log_file| error = { timestamp:, message: $!.message, trace: $!.backtrace, } log_file.write(error.to_json) end endend

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Ruby can also throw, but its not for errors.

Use throw to unwrap the stack in a non-exceptional case, saves you from using multiple break commands

INFINITY = 1.0 / 0.0catch (:done) do 1.upto(INFINITY) do |i| 1.upto(INFINITY) do |j| if some_condition throw :done end end endend

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How does rails deal with exceptions?

When there is an error in your rails app, ideally we want these things to happen

• 500 page rendered to show the user something went wrong

• Error logged with enough information so we can fix it

• Rails to continue serving requests

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How does rails deal with exceptions?

• Rails uses a Rack app to process every request.

• Rack apps have a middleware stack

• You can easily add your own middleware so you can execute code on every requestconfig.middleware.use(new_middleware, args)config.middleware.insert_before(existing_middleware, new_middleware, args)config.middleware.insert_after(existing_middleware, new_middleware, args)config.middleware.delete(middleware)

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RACK Middleware

Middleware 1

Middleware 2

Middleware 3

Middleware 4

Rails App

Request Response

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Example RACK Middleware

Here is an example of a no-op middleware

module OurMiddleware class Rack def initialize(app) @app = app end

def call(env) end endend

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Example RACK Middleware

• Initialize called when rails app starts

• Takes a single parameter, which is the next middleware in the stack

• Perform any other initialization for your middleware

def initialize(app) @app = append

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Example RACK Middleware

• Call is called for every request

• calls the next middleware in the stack (or your app itself)

def call(env) response =

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Rendering a 500 page

• Rails uses this to handle errors, for example in ShowExceptions middleware

• Rails rescues the exception here, and renders a nice 500 error page

def call(env) Exception => exception raise exception if env['action_dispatch.show_exceptions'] == false render_exception(env, exception)end

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Bugsnag Logging middleware

• Here is a simplified version of the Bugsnag error logging middleware

• But you need to make sure this goes in you middleware stack JUST before you render the 500 page!

def call(env) Exception => exception Bugsnag.notify(exception) raiseend

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SHOW The middleware stack

• Rails has given you an awesome tool to show your middleware stack $ rake middleware

...use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptionsuse ActionDispatch::DebugExceptionsuse Bugsnag::Rack...use ActionDispatch::Cookiesuse ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStoreuse ActionDispatch::Flashuse YourApp::Application.routes

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Better Errors


• Better version of DebugExceptions, used in development on Rails

• Allows you to debug crashes when they happen

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• Allows you to debug exception raises in real time in Ruby apps

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• Allows you to debug uncaught exceptions in real time in Ruby apps

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• Tracks and groups your errors from development and production

• Get notified when someone on production sees a crash!

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Find out more

• Avdi Grimm has a great book on Ruby failure handling - I highly recommend it(

• When looking into rails error handling, delving into Rails source is recommended.

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