rteI 1 e a Ittn on tntt - Library of CongressPartly Cloudy and Warner Tonight ri NUMBER 6572...

Partly Cloudy and Warner Tonight ri NUMBER 6572 BECEMBEK 31 1909 I h It e a tn on tntt lAsr EDmO 1 I L W1ISIIIIZIQGTON FRIDAY EVENING PRIOE l rte d ONE TO SAY FAREWELL TO THE OLD Evening of Festivities Will Precede Day of Social Observances SERVICES ARRANGED IN MANY CHURCHES Special Musical Programs and Brief Addresses Included In Watch Night Meetings Now Year TJte last holiday of 1609 will bo by some with feasting and ob- served by others with vigils of prayer put all will soy goodby to tho old year and welcomo to tho now It Is a farewell arid a greeting In which every man woman and child take part which for some is a time of carnival for others an occasion of solemnity and for all of us a moment of purpose and resolve Tho social clubs and the cafes of the city will bo In fun holiday dross The holly mistletoe and crimson lights which are the tokens of the holiday reason will add their color and warmth CITY PREPARING YEAR i t vet cere- brated an- nually ¬ to the tables spread for New Year Eve and around those will gather happy hearted men and women In the homes of Washington the same happy gatherings more personal and Intimate will be hold By these the New Yom wIn be observed tomorrow with all the amenities of social Ute each house being open to New Yoar callers In tho same way but on a much larger scale the President receive tho members of official and diplomatic circlea from 11 to 1 oolook when the citizens reception will be- held w lit Season of Prayer- To many of the devout Now Year Eve has become a season or fasting prayer and In a laze of church eaand J rations the new year wlU bo ushered in with hymns of praise Among the churches which will ob serve the evening are The JPlfth southwest where from SX until 12 the annual watch service will be held A special musical program will be given interspersed with brief talks In the Now York Avenue t ter Church a New Year vigil will be- held from 11 until 12 the musical Including Dudley Bucks cantata The Song of the Night At Mt Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church South beginning at 4S oclock there will be a service of song and prayer with a brief talk by the pastor Rev James Howard Wells At Cavalry Methodist Episcopal Church there will bo elaborate watch services over which the pastor Dr J B Dawson will preside Tha service at HamJine Methodist Church will begin at 10 oclock and at tho Zion Evangelical Iiithsm Church the services will begin at 9 oclock Mens Club Hosts JLt the Vermont Avenue Christian Church Rev X Murray will at 8 oclock conduct a Bible study at 9 oclock a devotional Bervka with npo dal music will be held and from 10 to 11 tho lions Club of tho church will- b hosts during a social hour At 11 o clocJe the watch night service will be conducted by F M Bradley an feature botn several songs to be given by tho Abed singer Mrs Seeley At the Metropolitan Methodist B pi copal Church Rev Dr John Reid will begin the service at 980- t clock On New Year Day an elaborate pro- gram beginning at 1 oclock will be presented at the Y M A At the Gospel Mission 1230 Pennsylvania northwest gospel servioM will be red from 12 noon to 10 oclock In the evening and a reception from 2 to t oclock The First Presbyterian Church Dr Donald pastor New Year by keeping open house Continued on Ninth Page j and number lJIMr Pro L 0 ave- nue I Bap- tist serv- ice enjoy- able Shan- non ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ WEATHER REPORTT- here has boon a general and decided fall in pressure accompanied by much except the Atlantic coast Over western half of the country temperatures are now high but ever the tent half they are Quito low and frees tog temperatures were agate Florida as far as Jupiter Tho weather will be more or less cloudy tonight and Saturday over the and South but precipita- tion of Temperatures will rise generally the roast will be moderate and Varl able on the middle Atlantic coast light 10 moderate southwest t south on youth Atlantic const to moderate southerly except variable on the Florida rtiBt on the Gulf coast light to moderate southerly Y ORECAST Fort THIS DISTRICT and warmer and Faturday to moderate vartaMs winds beoomfng southerly JSIPJC TABLE Low tides Ml a at and ol n n High a m and u B SUN TABUB gun rK 7 Sun sets 4 CONDITION OF WATER HARPERS FERRY W Va Dec H tech rivers clear this morning and frozen over JD Ut Hilt rtl m I r et Il 1 t eie t1 it t 1 71 f ¬ ¬ Associations President I I JOHN BARRETT- r Director of Bureau of Ameri can Republics to Head Language Association ESPERANTO LEAGUE CHOOSES BRRREiT ¬ John Barrett director of the Bureau of American Republics hem been eiaoted president of the Esperanto of North Amorica MJC Barrst s The election of Mr Brratt and his ao jUu ce were announced at the head- quarters of tho District branch of the asaoolitton in the Chamber of Comnorca this inoming It is understood that ha reoanUy has taken up study of BJaporanto and expects to be speaking it by the time the sixth interaatior convention of JE- Baparanttets convenes in Washington the third week of next August His election was made by mall ballot the twelve members of the general coun cil of the association representing the country at large unanimously him to preside over the coming in- ternational convention which will be at tended by delegates from every country in the world PRESIDENT BACK FROM NEW YORK Returns This Morning From Trip to Attend Nieces Wedding ooItion the select- Ing G- rd1111IC tif ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ President Taft thin rooming returned from New York where be weat yaatar day to attend the wedding of his niece Mien to G H Snowden The Presidential train was to have reached Washington at 7 oclock but the aftermath of the recent storm a delay of more than an hour The President reached the Whtta Houfc shortly before MM oclock and after a breakfast reached the execu tive on time for second time during his Administration party were Robert and Miss Helen and Capt Archie Butt Louise TAt THOMAS AND BLAIR ARE NOW FAVORED caus- ed ¬ ¬ Corporation Counsel and Lawyer Being Considered- As CommissionesPr- wrtdent Tuft HM under coacMcra for the last vacancy on the Board of District CoRuniaaioner B H the Corporation Counsel for the District and Woodbury Blair a prolmnent Washington lawyer Persons who have discussed the situation with the President today say that it is extremely probable that one of those two men will be selected to serve with Cuno H Rudolph and Major Judson Major Judaou was at the White Uouao today and had a conference with the President but he refused to that decision in the matter had been reached Either of the two men under consideration will fulflll the Presidents desire to have am Able lawyer on the board James Reynolds the man who mode the report to dent Roosevelt on the oneman form of government for the District also at the White Pious but he did not see the President He favors the idea of obtaining for Washington as governor some outside man who a record im successful mayor in another city President aft however in ilescrlbed as was explained in The Times yesterday as favoring the rnio th oneman form of iotfiim rit adopted ties Thomas made a hemp i say was has idea race ¬ COLD SNAP BEATS RETRO CITY Rising Temperature Prom ised for Washington for At Least a Week FROM ¬ 1 IT Sn m m 1 n m G a nu 0 m 7n m 8 n m- 1A O n in 15 10 n xn 15 11 a in- J5 12 UV B 10 1 p m J8 2 n sn cite bed and climbed all this morning just like the little peppers grew Furthermore says the weather- man it is going to keep climbing not or riotously but gently and surely unt pasaaa the by a good margin No mere ohlll or cold clammy winds for at least a week tomorrow it will be juat like the gen tle springtime but the weather man la not juat sure about that But he Is very certain that for three dis at the vef least there la to be a T0 yit from any freezing temperature It was some this morning though It did not seem so of yesterday Just before dawn the stream that tells the Ute of the temperature hied Itself to a corner under the 14 mark and stayed there until the sun rose began the upward climb CONSTANT CLIMB AtCRCGRY lJBE m14 I I The mercury littl igy fin 18 a 5 mar > ¬ + Cold Wave Broken In tho North and the West the cW wave has broken It was warmer in the Weat than in Washington today In the North the mercury jumped any where from 10 to 30 legrreea higher than it ranged yesterday morning The Weather Man rolled nil the cold he gathered in the North ana West and the little package that hung around Washington in a large bundle and let it loose on the Southland which to al- leged to be sunny Tourists hunting respite from chills who went to Florida for the midwinter encountered there yesterday and today freezing weather The weather is not hard on the tourists it threatens to injure the orange crop seriously Leas severe cold than that today officiate at the Weather Bureau aay hits the crop and then has vival more It all de pends upon the state of the trees and just what amount of damage lice been done will not be our weather ¬ Trains On Time Bvery train came into the Union Sta tion this morning on scheduled time save the Federal Express from Boa ton which was about one hour and fortyflva minutes late Tine alkht con geetlon of freight that followed the Christmas storm ha been entirely cleared The delivery division of the city poet office reported to the that all Clirlatmas mallft and packagea were on and the day after helped rather than hindered avoided a in the Washington office The delays were in the delivery of nude Some of arrived on were not sent out until Wednesday The damage of either company caused by the cold was to Union on the eastern store of Maryland and Vir ginia to southern Delaware thered the cold spell without any de lays Extreme cold generally amps Ute trolleys but that not this morning SEVERE WEATHER KILLS QUAIL CLARKSBURG W Vl Dec Re porta from the country districts era to the effect that quell are dying by on account of the severe weather Continued on Ninth aWLY delivered The delay In malls were subject to The suburban street car lines wea Pag- er t wires thou- sands ¬ ¬ TO SEEK ALLIANCE il UNITED STATES Minister Coming to to Oppose Mexi can Influence KNOX WILL LISTEN TO HIS PROPOSALS Mission May Mean Displaeament of Diaz as Primtv Power In Central America Affairs By JAMES H JT In order to an n44 W xfcxJa in fluence over the Ira t Central and South Amerkia de Bte Branca the minister of foreign xffafctt ar Brazil is coming to Washington t an agreement between his country and the United States which wM make Brazil this countrys ally in da lMg with the international problems WJiiah may arise in South or Central Amarlaa This information comes today from a man oloso to the Brazilian mk ssy In this city and with It te tha additional statement that Brazil ra Jlzlng the strained relations which new exit be- tween Mexico and the United States sees the present aa the tjfeni making a coalition which will rosAgt in great advantage to her ar ais In the de delve aniilng of lexlooa plaun to being thia eountrys chief mXfy in Central America WhIle no opinion at the State Department today to the prob- able outoamo of Minister Ai ancrs viait to Washington it was ad- mitted that the relations betwean tha- Govornment and thut of BffuAl are ax U m ly cordial and United States will be glad to hear any propo- sitions Braneo may care to make BRAZILIAN ENVOY put I I i p- rop that the Washi- ngton arrange i wag given ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It remembered that gMjtfp in dlplo mrUe circles described Boweo e4 mca who saved the t hofttMs Government sent its ultiir wa to demanding an immadia the Alsop claim Upon Chiles refueal of the curt demand and tho ensuing em baraPMnent to the United States Bran co ciade the suggestion that the two should agree on the King of Bnglund as the arbitrator of the claim Chile agreed to this and the was made The feeling between Brazil and Mex- ico has been for some years of the bit- terest kind and Brazil has been look for an opportunity to Mexicos influence United States Mr Knox and the President aro high ly incensed against the Mexican gov- ernment because of the part Enrique Creel played hero as the of the secret between Mexico and Nica ragua No denial is made in wellIn formed circles that tbe relations be tween this country and the Diaz mont are and that would be the last the United States would regard as ita agent or ally In dealing problem South or Pleasure to Brarfl Brazil has learned all this with the keenest pleasure The Brazilian prow has already Saved the Situation Sat sit rt oour trIes begun to point out that the arrange- ment Mexico now ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ is the tints for that country to come into Its ovm as the ally of the United States in affairs on the American continent A Brazilian mat made the statement In Washington aa far bank aa a year ago that Brazil disliked Mexico and was only waiting for the chance to oust her aa the friend of this country Brazil has for some years tho loudest South American advocate of the Monroe Doctrine and It has been Brazil which always notified this coun try if there appeared to be of a violation of documents pro- visions In the Diplomatic Corps In Washing ton the news that de expects to come to is as the most important development in the Central American since Mr Knox sent Ms famous note to Rodri goes It Broncos mission is success- ful it will mean hat Brasil will Im- mediately spring into tha prominence Mexico has enjoyed as the great friend and chief of Government in the affairs of the Western hemisphere If this country decides to undertake the task of consolidating the countries of Central America Brazil ari not Mex- ico will be the assistant In the work Well Known Here thf ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Braneo Is well known ia Washington- and ha ia regarded as one o the ablest diplomats in South America He has done a lions share In the upbuilding of Brazil and Is said to be keenly alive to the great advantages that Will come to his country if he can make the agree- ment he desires with the United States That the prospects of his success are good is evident This government die with Mexico naturally desires pleased ¬ a and reliable ally in South America BrasU presents herself as the power which the wishes of the United States Moreover she has to her credit a record of many years cf stanch friendship for this country Mr Knox has been emphatic in his declarations that lie means to handle the NIcaraguan situation as he desires and he wants no help from Mexico Mexico saved relays but it will be a long time before it will be able to save anybody else In spite of Mr Knoxs coldness toward Mexico hovever it is known that such an alliance ns Brazil Is about to would ppea very strongly to the State Department arrangement MOld not be made the crisis Is settled but It would affect all future similar conditions and would in reality be one of the greats blows Mexico has ever suffered rIle hope for peace in Nicaragua was dimmed somewhat reports stating that ICetrada had rejected the overtures r Madriz nmd by dispatch from Manarua to the effect that mili- tary preparations continue there and that no material changes in the per- sonnel of the army arranged by ex President had teen mart It is now considered probable that the flghting between the two factions will continue meets pr- oP Nica- raguan > ¬ ¬ Aids Switchmens Cause I u H B PERIf AM Of the F of L Who Conferred Today With Federal Officials on Behalf of Striking Railroad in Northwest A Empla yes FEDERAL OFFICIALS CONSIDER STRIKE B men In Northwest- For the purpose of bringing about if possible an adjustment of the Impute between the switchmen and the aerth western railroads H B Perham head of the railway department of the American Federation of Labor had a conference today with Chairman Knapp of the Interstate Commerce Commission and Commissioner of Labor Neill The conference adjourned at 1 oclock when it waa planned to resume sessions later No agreement had ben reached Perbam who arrived last night from the West had arranged for the confer- ence by telegraph We are hopeful of trouble he said before going into the conference but along lines I era not now able to indicate The sent by Mayor Haynes- of Minneapolis urging Taft to influence toward a settlement of strike was referred by the President today to Chairman Knapp and Neill a Ti1 1ttl a peaceful ot the Pro E hnm According to Law Perhams conference with the two Government officials is in accordance with tho terms of the mediation and ar- bitration law of which former C J Erdtnan of Allentown Pa was Ute author The socalled Brdman act was signed President McKinley on June 1 USi by Con- gressman In general it provides a comprehensive scheme which may be adopted for the amicable settlement of strikes and lock- outs wherein are Involved common carrier doing an interstate business and its and limits its jurisdiction to disputes arising over wages hours ol labor or conditions of employment ani where both voluntarily its provisions Two methods o arbitration are lied in the measure the second to be adopted only after the first snail have failed The law grants either strikers and employers ti i privilege of submit ting their difTerr noes in the first place to the ComnUaf of Labor and the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission for mediation The con- sent of both parties to a strike are not necessary in this course If the at tempts oC these two Government ota cials to arrive at an amicable ment of the controversy are unavailing a second provided ever requiring action by both parties The law states that here be three arbitrators In the second plan by the labor organisation of which the striking men are members or if are not members of such a union a a majority of them and a third chosen two already sa a adjt 00 one the a named lected spec ner named by man ¬ < ¬ + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Power of Examination To this board of arbitration the law provides that both sides may submit their grievances in writing The three arbitrators have the power of and swearing and witnesses They must meet within ten days from of selection of the and muat reach a final decision within thirty days the law de clares that the status of the controversy shall not be changed Whatever derision the arbitrators reach is Iliad In the United States Court for the district wherein the dispute occurs rnd is final unless legal error is iiiseovere1 and may be hy court decree Ten days era given either side dissati fled with the In which to Silo vlth the court ions and the matter may then be car- ried through the regular Judicial pro cedure After a ward by the arbitrators the em- ployers are forbidden to discharge or the employee justifiable cause for three months without days notice in and the award shall be considered in force for one year without appeal un load legal procedure three arbitrators are granted 10 per day salary and necessary traveling expenses Cir- cuit The ex em- ploys with- out ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ n VCD Id ARE MLLtUI- n In- To Rescue KANSAS CITY Doc 8LTne Reck Island GcMan State limited is reported to the dHon near Trenton Mo Three are reported killed Del nay ia Jured The engteo and all the cars ttiraad over Five bodies have been recovered and it is said that fifteen more e burled under the wreckage of the train TIt cars are wreck is said to be due to spreading n Jls Scores of were and it is im possible to tell the number of dead The train was wrecked two and half miles north of The whota train toppled over and flames soon broke out forward coachf which were smashed to kindling wood The flra worked back rapidly and at last was consuming the sleepers Hundreds man from Were rushed to the scone on a wrecking train and are desperately to bodies out of wreckage and to fish back the flames The te supposed to have ben instantly His crushed body under the engine Tbe cars were badly smashed passengers escaped had to ugh out of them crawled through the windows and over heaps of wreckage to places of the physicians at Trenton have ben scene and our from Kansas City have been sent DITCH EO THREE 7 e a re- ports lIet- AU ru 7 Cit roman train et e > ¬ < > REPORT VERIFIED- IN CHICAGO OFFICE CHICAGO Dee IL Accordlng to re- ports received here three persons were killed outright and at least twentyfive others were Injured five seriously ia the wreck 1wo women in the sleeper were killed The fireman was also in- stantly killed while the engineer was probably fatally hurt The engine was derailed his report says throwing several coaches off the track The combination car and one sleeper turned over and caught fire of the road however that owing to wire trouble they had regarding the wreck They said the train was the California Special and not the Golden Gate the engine was derailed sad that three cars left the tracks and turned over Their reports indicated that the fireman name unknown was killed and the engineer probably Several pas- sengers were injured officials said but many they did not konw RATES OF TAXICABS STAND AMENDED Double Tariff Charge Is Abolished With Approval of Companies Commlaaicaors today aiaeadad the regulations governing taxicab rates by out tariff votes and providing following charges one to persons Riot half tulle or fraction thereof W cents each quarter mite thereafter 10 cents each tour of welting 10 cents Tbe principal effect of the amend- ment to increase from 38 to 5 cents the harp for tile use of the taxicab for a short distance Under the present regulations a taxicab may be sent two and then carry a passenger a quarter of a mile tile tariff for which is only 30 cents The proposition is to make a flat rate of 60 cents for the service other change adds EO eearts an hour for wetting time The xfafr what is known as the double tariff i and will carry Any number of from on to live at the same been to get much information Jltrtkl the or mil conapanlei on their pert to abol ash hereafter j The The persons rate ¬ ¬ ¬ Spencer Trask Toni Millionaire Meets Death In Collision BIG ENGINE PLOWS SLEEPER lock Signals Overlooked Is Be Kaf of OfficJals Investi- gation Slartsd ice YORK Spenca millionaire New head of the great private baiipng house of Spencer Trask Co wsi killed at 8 oclock this morning when the Montreal ex press of the New York Central sfcinding on the main line at Cn ton thirtyfour miles from New York was run down by a soutfc bound freight train Two negro porters James E Bell and Scipio Jackson were in- jured and taken to a hospital it Ossinjng Their injuries are not serious No cause for the wreck Bas been assigned bat t ie q ol the road intimate that it was caused by the negligence of the crew of the freight train all of whom escaped injury CAUSE OF WRECK Th second section of the Mont- real express had been stopped at Croton Btziypii by the A similar signal half boon set to warn tho engineer of the follow- ing freight that the express had stopped The was evidont ly ignored for the massive freight crashed into the rear end of the ex- press The Trask family has had many to the PMt few years HIs tour children died within a single week and airs Trask has been an Invalid ever since last August In an taitoroo bile accident la Boston the glass wind shield was smashed and Trasks eye so seriously Injured that the surgeons had to remove it to save the sight of the other eye Trask lived most of his time at his Saratoga estate coming once or twica- a week to his business in New York At Saratoga b had 2W acros including a and many beautiful drives It was one of the show places of Saratoga and visitors were Mooted In the grounds A second summer home of the dead mvitimltlionalre his Twin Island Retreat at laKe George Trask occupied the drawing room on ANKL IS KILLED WHEN FREIGHT HITS MONTREAL EXPHES New INTO REAR y bulk er I let signaling whIch f e ing lake woe I Dec T ask iinstantl fiats an afro ds3vica Rain war mis- fortunes ¬ ¬ the rear sleeper of the Montreal ax press into which tfc heavy freight en- gine plowed was instantly kled The Montreal express ooasisted af saw baggage car coaches and Are sleepers It over the Delaware and Hudeon taft to Trey and from that city to New York runs over the tracks of the New York Central The southbound freight in charge Xngineer Flanlgan and Coeduetec 9so following the express Signals Overleoksd For some unknown reason the frsKSat failed to see the Week asjaate sad struck the last car ia the with its way over and through the last of the Track who was returning l New York from his ceuntr pleas at 9IU- te a was ia the a g at the very end of ta The heavy engine prate i Aloar wod the drawing rera and Mr Task hecrtaty mangled was Instantly killed A o the sieaalaj oar na a- sa yet unknown was and otAeiate of the Now York Central d eatre ese other Brsa woe though it has keen taaaosBibfe yet to learn wli it was Only two cars ia the express train were Wiscktw Out Wracking trains worn seat out Jagm New York sad Osstaia and trees th latter place sevexal doctors helacr a at to tube care of injured Aa of Acial of the New York Central declares that tbe road has Installed tn block signals obtalaabls and ad ded that while the cause of the wreck tAd not been mxtd officials could not see how the freight crew had on- tared the block with the express mating that th signals lac be n ig- nored Traffic was not long delayed the wrecking crew getting two damaged He p fat was expense The MY Pullmans meat tea of porter tile dm Seat the that part of the line the the in the i c rules of terrifq Sortie engine pirare killed kited ltd onset auto- matic i ¬

Transcript of rteI 1 e a Ittn on tntt - Library of CongressPartly Cloudy and Warner Tonight ri NUMBER 6572...

Page 1: rteI 1 e a Ittn on tntt - Library of CongressPartly Cloudy and Warner Tonight ri NUMBER 6572 BECEMBEK 31 1909 I 1 he a Ittn on tntt lAsr EDmO I L W1ISIIIIZIQGTON FRIDAY EVENING PRIOE

Partly Cloudy and WarnerTonight ri

NUMBER 6572 BECEMBEK 31 1909

Ih Ite a tn on tntt lAsr EDmO1 I







Evening of Festivities WillPrecede Day of Social



Special Musical Programs andBrief Addresses Included In

Watch Night Meetings

Now YearTJte last holiday of 1609 will bo

by some with feasting and ob-

served by others with vigils of prayerput all will soy goodby to tho oldyear and welcomo to tho now It Is afarewell arid a greeting In which everyman woman and child take part

which for some is a time ofcarnival for others an occasion ofsolemnity and for all of us a momentof purpose and resolve

Tho social clubs and the cafes of thecity will bo In fun holiday dross Theholly mistletoe and crimson lightswhich are the tokens of the holidayreason will add their color and warmth









to the tables spread for New Year Eveand around those will gather happyhearted men and women

In the homes of Washington the samehappy gatherings more personal andIntimate will be hold By these theNew Yom wIn be observed tomorrowwith all the amenities of social Uteeach house being open to New Yoarcallers In tho same way but on amuch larger scale the Presidentreceive tho members of official anddiplomatic circlea from 11 to 1 oolookwhen the citizens reception will be-held


Season of Prayer-To many of the devout Now Year

Eve has become a season or fastingprayer and In a laze ofchurch eaand J

rations the new year wlU bo usheredin with hymns of praise

Among the churches which will observe the evening are The JPlfth

southwest where from SX until12 the annual watch service will beheld A special musical program willbe given interspersed with brief talks

In the Now York Avenuet ter Church a New Year vigil will be-

held from 11 until 12 the musicalIncluding Dudley Bucks cantata

The Song of the NightAt Mt Vernon Methodist Episcopal

Church South beginning at 4S

oclock there will be a service of songand prayer with a brief talk by thepastor Rev James Howard Wells

At Cavalry Methodist EpiscopalChurch there will bo elaborate watchservices over which the pastor Dr JB Dawson will preside

Tha service at HamJine MethodistChurch will begin at 10 oclock and attho Zion Evangelical Iiithsm Churchthe services will begin at 9 oclock

Mens Club HostsJLt the Vermont Avenue Christian

Church Rev X Murray will at 8oclock conduct a Bible study at 9oclock a devotional Bervka with npodal music will be held and from 10to 11 tho lions Club of tho church will-b hosts during a social hour At 11o clocJe the watch night service will beconducted by F M Bradley an

feature botn several songs to begiven by tho Abed singer Mrs Seeley

At the Metropolitan Methodist B picopal Church Rev Dr John Reid

will begin the service at 980-t clock

On New Year Day an elaborate pro-gram beginning at 1 oclock will bepresented at the Y M A At theGospel Mission 1230 Pennsylvania

northwest gospel servioM will bered from 12 noon to 10 oclock In theevening and a reception from 2 to toclock

The First Presbyterian Church DrDonald pastorNew Year by keeping open house

Continued on Ninth Page j







I Bap-tist











here has boon a general and decidedfall in pressure accompanied by muchexcept theAtlantic coast Over western halfof the country temperatures are now

high but ever the tenthalf they are Quito low and freestog temperatures were agateFlorida as far as Jupiter

Tho weather will be more or lesscloudy tonight and Saturday over theand South but precipita-tion of

Temperatures will rise generallythe

roast will be moderate and Varlable on the middle Atlantic coast light10 moderate southwest t south onyouth Atlantic const to moderatesoutherly except variable on the FloridartiBt on the Gulf coast light tomoderate southerly

Y ORECAST Fort THIS DISTRICTand warmer andFaturday to moderate vartaMs

winds beoomfng southerlyJSIPJC TABLE

Low tides Ml a at and ol n nHigh a m and u B

SUN TABUBgun rK 7Sun sets 4

CONDITION OF WATERHARPERS FERRY W Va Dec Htech rivers clear this morning and

frozen over







ret Il

1 t

eie t1


t 1 71




Associations President II


Director of Bureau of American Republics to HeadLanguage Association




John Barrett director of the Bureauof American Republics hem been eiaotedpresident of the Esperantoof North Amorica

MJC Barrst s

The election of Mr Brratt and hisao jUu ce were announced at the head-

quarters of tho District branch of theasaoolitton in the Chamber of Comnorcathis inoming

It is understood that ha reoanUy hastaken up study of BJaporanto andexpects to be speaking it by the timethe sixth interaatior convention of JE-Baparanttets convenes in Washington thethird week of next August

His election was made by mall ballotthe twelve members of the general council of the association representing thecountry at large unanimously

him to preside over the coming in-ternational convention which will be attended by delegates from every countryin the world


Returns This Morning From Tripto Attend Nieces






rd1111IC tif






President Taft thin rooming returnedfrom New York where be weat yaatarday to attend the wedding of his nieceMien to G H Snowden

The Presidential train was to havereached Washington at 7 oclock butthe aftermath of the recent storm

a delay of more than an hour ThePresident reached the Whtta Houfcshortly before MM oclock and aftera breakfast reached the executive on time for second timeduring his Administrationparty were Robert and MissHelen and Capt Archie Butt

Louise TAt






Corporation Counsel andLawyer Being Considered-

As CommissionesPr-

wrtdent Tuft HM under coacMcrafor the last vacancy on the Board

of District CoRuniaaioner B Hthe Corporation Counsel for

the District and Woodbury Blair aprolmnent Washington lawyerPersons who have discussed the

situation with the President todaysay that it is extremely probable thatone of those two men will be selectedto serve with Cuno H Rudolph andMajor Judson Major Judaou was atthe White Uouao today and had aconference with the President buthe refused to that decision in thematter had been reached Either ofthe two men under consideration willfulflll the Presidents desire to haveam Able lawyer on the board

James Reynolds the manwho mode the report todent Roosevelt on the oneman form ofgovernment for the District alsoat the White Pious but he didnot see the President He favors theidea of obtaining for Washington asgovernor some outside man whoa record im successful mayor inanother city President aft howeverin ilescrlbed as was explained in TheTimes yesterday as favoring thernio th oneman form ofiotfiim rit adopted



made a






idea race




Rising Temperature Promised for Washington for

At Least a Week



1 IT

S n mm

1 n mG a nu0 m7 n m

8 n m-1A O n in15 10 n xn15 11 a in-

J5 12 UV B10 1 p mJ8 2 n sn

cite bed and climbed allthis morning just like the little peppersgrew Furthermore says the weather-man it is going to keep climbing not

or riotously but gentlyand surely unt pasaaa theby a good marginNo mere ohlll or cold clammywinds for at least a weektomorrow it will be juat like the gentle springtime but the weather man lanot juat sure about that But he Isvery certain that for three dis at thevef least there la to be a T0 yit fromany freezing temperatureIt was some this morning thoughIt did not seem so

of yesterday Just before dawn thestream that tells the Ute of thetemperature hied Itself to a cornerunder the 14 mark and stayed thereuntil the sun rose began theupward climb






The mercury



fin 18

a 5





Cold Wave BrokenIn tho North and the West the cW

wave has broken It was warmer inthe Weat than in Washington todayIn the North the mercury jumped anywhere from 10 to 30 legrreea higherthan it ranged yesterday morning

The Weather Man rolled nil the coldhe gathered in the North ana Westand the little package that hung aroundWashington in a large bundle and letit loose on the Southland which to al-leged to be sunny Tourists huntingrespite from chills who went to Floridafor the midwinter encountered thereyesterday and today freezing weather

The weather is not hard on thetourists it threatens to injure theorange crop seriously Leas severe coldthan that today officiateat the Weather Bureau aay hitsthe crop and then hasvival more It all depends upon the state of the trees andjust what amount of damage lice beendone will not be



Trains On TimeBvery train came into the Union Station this morning on scheduled timesave the Federal Express from Boa

ton which was about one hour andfortyflva minutes late Tine alkht congeetlon of freight that followed theChristmas storm ha been entirelycleared

The delivery division of the city poetoffice reported to the thatall Clirlatmas mallft and packagea wereon and the day after helpedrather than hinderedavoided a in the Washingtonoffice The delays werein the delivery of nude Someof arrived on werenot sent out until Wednesday

The damageof either company caused by the coldwas to Union on theeastern store of Maryland and Virginia to southern Delaware

thered the cold spell without any delays Extreme cold generally amps Utetrolleys but that not thismorning


CLARKSBURG W Vl Dec Reporta from the country districts era tothe effect that quell are dying by

on account of the severe weatherContinued on Ninth


delivered The delay In malls

were subject toThe suburban street car lines wea









Minister Coming toto Oppose Mexi

can Influence


Mission May Mean Displaeamentof Diaz as Primtv Power InCentral America Affairs

By JAMES H JTIn order to an n44 W xfcxJa in

fluence over the Ira t Central andSouth Amerkia de Bte Branca theminister of foreign xffafctt ar Brazil iscoming to Washington t anagreement between his country and theUnited States which wM make Brazilthis countrys ally in da lMg with theinternational problems WJiiah may arisein South or Central Amarlaa

This information comes today from aman oloso to the Brazilian mk ssy Inthis city and with It te tha additionalstatement that Brazil ra Jlzlng thestrained relations which new exit be-

tween Mexico and the United Statessees the present aa the tjfeni makinga coalition which will rosAgt in greatadvantage to her ar ais In the dedelve aniilng of lexlooa plaun to beingthia eountrys chief mXfy in CentralAmerica

WhIle no opinion at theState Department today to the prob-able outoamo of Minister Ai ancrs

viait to Washington it was ad-mitted that the relations betwean tha-Govornment and thut of BffuAl are axU m ly cordial and UnitedStates will be glad to hear any propo-sitions Braneo may care to make







that the




wag given






It remembered that gMjtfp in dlplomrUe circles described Boweo e4mca who saved the t hofttMsGovernment sent its ultiir wa todemanding an immadiathe Alsop claim Upon Chiles refuealof the curt demand and tho ensuing embaraPMnent to the United States Branco ciade the suggestion that the two

should agree on the King ofBnglund as the arbitrator of the claimChile agreed to this and the

was madeThe feeling between Brazil and Mex-

ico has been for some years of the bit-terest kind and Brazil has been look

for an opportunity to Mexicosinfluence United States

Mr Knox and the President aro highly incensed against the Mexican gov-ernment because of the part EnriqueCreel played hero as the of thesecret between Mexico and Nicaragua No denial is made in wellInformed circles that tbe relations between this country and the Diazmont are and thatwould be the last the UnitedStates would regard as ita agent or allyIn dealing problem South or

Pleasure to BrarflBrazil has learned all this with the

keenest pleasure The Brazilian prowhas already

Saved the SituationSat


rtoour trIes

begun to point out that









is the tints for that country to comeinto Its ovm as the ally of the UnitedStates in affairs on theAmerican continent A Brazilianmat made the statement In Washingtonaa far bank aa a year ago that Brazildisliked Mexico and was only waitingfor the chance to oust her aa thefriend of this country

Brazil has for some years tholoudest South American advocate ofthe Monroe Doctrine and It has beenBrazil which always notified this country if there appeared to be ofa violation of documents pro-visions

In the Diplomatic Corps In Washington the news that de expectsto come to is asthe most important development in theCentral American since MrKnox sent Ms famous note to Rodrigoes It Broncos mission is success-ful it will mean hat Brasil will Im-mediately spring into tha prominenceMexico has enjoyed as the great friendand chief of Government in theaffairs of the Western hemisphere Ifthis country decides to undertake thetask of consolidating the countries ofCentral America Brazil ari not Mex-ico will be the assistant In the work

Well Known Here







Braneo Is well known ia Washington-and ha ia regarded as one o the ablestdiplomats in South America He hasdone a lions share In the upbuildingof Brazil and Is said to be keenly aliveto the great advantages that Will cometo his country if he can make the agree-ment he desires with the United States

That the prospects of his success aregood is evident This government die

with Mexico naturally desirespleased


a and reliable ally in SouthAmerica BrasU presents herself as thepower which the wishes of theUnited States Moreover she has to hercredit a record of many years cfstanch friendship for this country

Mr Knox has been emphatic in hisdeclarations that lie means to handlethe NIcaraguan situation as he desiresand he wants no help from MexicoMexico saved relays but it will be along time before it will be able to saveanybody else

In spite of Mr Knoxs coldness towardMexico hovever it is known that suchan alliance ns Brazil Is about to

would ppea very strongly to theState Department arrangementMOld not be made the

crisis Is settled but It wouldaffect all future similar conditions andwould in reality be one of the greatsblows Mexico has ever suffered

rIle hope for peace in Nicaragua wasdimmed somewhat reportsstating that ICetrada had rejected theovertures r Madriz nmd by dispatchfrom Manarua to the effect that mili-tary preparations continue there andthat no material changes in the per-sonnel of the army arranged by exPresident had teen mart

It is now considered probable thatthe flghting between the two factionswill continue







Aids Switchmens CauseI


H B PERIf AMOf the F of L Who Conferred Today With Federal Officials on Behalf of

Striking Railroad in NorthwestA

Empla yes




men In Northwest-

For the purpose of bringing about ifpossible an adjustment of the Imputebetween the switchmen and the aerthwestern railroads H B Perham headof the railway department of theAmerican Federation of Labor had aconference today with Chairman Knappof the Interstate Commerce Commissionand Commissioner of Labor Neill Theconference adjourned at 1 oclock whenit waa planned to resume sessions laterNo agreement had ben reached

Perbam who arrived last night fromthe West had arranged for the confer-ence by telegraph We are hopeful of

trouble he said before going into theconference but along linesI era not now able to indicate

The sent by Mayor Haynes-of Minneapolis urging Taftto influence toward asettlement of strike was referredby the President today to ChairmanKnapp and Neill



a peaceful ot the


E hnm

According to LawPerhams conference with the two

Government officials is in accordancewith tho terms of the mediation and ar-bitration law of which former

C J Erdtnan of AllentownPa was Ute author

The socalled Brdman act was signedPresident McKinley on June 1 USiby


In general it provides a comprehensivescheme which may be adopted for theamicable settlement of strikes and lock-outs wherein are Involved commoncarrier doing an interstate businessand its and limitsits jurisdiction to disputes arising overwages hours ol labor or conditions ofemployment ani where bothvoluntarily its provisions

Two methods o arbitration arelied in the measure the second to beadopted only after the first snail havefailed The law grants either strikersand employers ti i privilege of submitting their difTerr noes in the first placeto the ComnUaf of Labor and thechairman of the Interstate CommerceCommission for mediation The con-sent of both parties to a strike are notnecessary in this course If the attempts oC these two Government otacials to arrive at an amicablement of the controversy are unavailinga second providedever requiring action by both partiesThe law states that here bethree arbitrators In the second planby the labor organisation of which thestriking men are members or ifare not members of such a union aa majority of them anda third chosen two already sa



one the a





named by





+ ¬




Power of ExaminationTo this board of arbitration the lawprovides that both sides may submittheir grievances in writing The three

arbitrators have the power ofand swearing and witnessesThey must meet within ten days fromof selection of theand muat reach a final decision withinthirty days the law declares that the status of the controversyshall not be changed

Whatever derision the arbitratorsreach is Iliad In the United StatesCourt for the district wherein thedispute occurs rnd is final unless legalerror is iiiseovere1 and may behy court decree Ten days era giveneither side dissati fled with theIn which to Silo vlth the courtions and the matter may then be car-ried through the regular Judicial procedure

After a ward by the arbitrators the em-ployers are forbidden to discharge

or the employeejustifiable cause for three monthswithout days notice in

and the award shall be considered inforce for one year without appeal unload legal procedure

three arbitrators are granted 10per day salary and necessary travelingexpenses




em-ploys with-out









n In-

To Rescue

KANSAS CITY Doc 8LTne ReckIsland GcMan State limited is reportedto the dHon near Trenton Mo

Three are reported killed Del nay iaJured

The engteo and all the cars ttiraadoverFive bodies have been recovered andit is said that fifteen more e burledunder the wreckage of the train TItcars are wreck issaid to be due to spreading n Jls Scoresof were and it is impossible to tell the number of deadThe train was wrecked two and halfmiles north of The whota traintoppled over and flames soon broke outforward coachf which were

smashed to kindling wood The flraworked back rapidly and at lastwas consuming the sleepers

Hundreds man fromWere rushed to the scone on a wreckingtrain and are desperately tobodies out of wreckage and to fishback the flames The

te supposed to have ben instantlyHis crushed body under the engineTbe cars were badly smashedpassengers escaped had to ughout of them crawledthrough the windows and over heaps ofwreckage to places of

the physicians at Trenton haveben scene and ourfrom Kansas City have been sent







lIet-AU ru









CHICAGO Dee IL Accordlng to re-ports received here three persons werekilled outright and at least twentyfiveothers were Injured five seriously iathe wreck 1wo women in the sleeperwere killed The fireman was also in-stantly killed while the engineer wasprobably fatally hurt

The engine was derailed his reportsays throwing several coaches off thetrack The combination car and onesleeper turned over and caught fire

of the road howeverthat owing to wire trouble they hadregarding the wreck They said thetrain was the California Special andnot the Golden Gate theengine was derailed sad that three carsleft the tracks and turned over Theirreports indicated that the fireman nameunknown was killed and the engineerprobably Several pas-sengers were injured officials said butmany they did not konw


Double Tariff Charge Is AbolishedWith Approval of

CompaniesCommlaaicaors today aiaeadad

the regulations governing taxicab ratesby out tariff votesand providing following chargesone to persons

Riot half tulle or fraction thereof Wcents each quarter mite thereafter 10cents each tour of welting 10cents

Tbe principal effect of the amend-ment to increase from 38 to 5 centsthe harp for tile use of the taxicabfor a short distance Under the presentregulations a taxicab may be sent two

and then carry a passenger aquarter of a mile tile tariff for whichis only 30 cents The proposition is tomake a flat rate of 60 cents for theservice

other change adds EO eearts anhour for wetting time The xfafr

what is known as the double tariff i

and will carry Any number offrom on to live at the same

been to get much information

Jltrtklthe or


conapanlei on their pert to abolash








Spencer Trask ToniMillionaire Meets Death

In Collision


lock Signals Overlooked Is Be

Kaf of OfficJals Investi-

gation Slartsd

ice YORK Spencamillionaire New

head of the great private baiipnghouse of Spencer Trask Co wsi

killed at 8 oclock thismorning when the Montreal express of the New York Centralsfcinding on the main line at Cnton thirtyfour miles from NewYork was run down by a soutfcbound freight train

Two negro porters James EBell and Scipio Jackson were in-jured and taken to a hospital itOssinjng Their injuries are notserious

No cause for the wreck Basbeen assigned bat t ie q olthe road intimate that it was causedby the negligence of the crew of thefreight train all of whom escapedinjury

CAUSE OF WRECKTh second section of the Mont-

real express had been stopped atCroton Btziypii by the

A similar signal half boon setto warn tho engineer of the follow-ing freight that the express hadstopped The was evidontly ignored for the massive freightcrashed into the rear end of the ex-press

The Trask family has had manyto the PMt few years HIs

tour children died within a single weekand airs Trask has been an Invalidever since last August In an taitoroobile accident la Boston the glass windshield was smashed and Trasks eye soseriously Injured that the surgeons hadto remove it to save the sight of theother eye

Trask lived most of his time at hisSaratoga estate coming once or twica-a week to his business in New YorkAt Saratoga b had 2W acros includinga and many beautiful drives Itwas one of the show places of Saratogaand visitors were Mooted In thegrounds

A second summer home of the deadmvitimltlionalre his Twin IslandRetreat at laKe George

Trask occupied the drawing room on






y bulker



signaling whIch fe





DecT ask



an afrods3vica Rain





the rear sleeper of the Montreal axpress into which tfc heavy freight en-

gine plowed was instantly kledThe Montreal express ooasisted af saw

baggage car coaches and Aresleepers It over the Delawareand Hudeon taft to Trey and from thatcity to New York runs over the tracksof the New York Central

The southbound freight in chargeXngineer Flanlgan and Coeduetec 9so

following the expressSignals Overleoksd

For some unknown reason the frsKSatfailed to see the Week asjaate sadstruck the last car ia the with

its way over and through the last ofthe

Track who was returning l NewYork from his ceuntr pleas at 9IU-

te a was ia the a g at thevery end of ta The heavyengine prate i Aloar wod thedrawing rera and Mr Task hecrtatymangled was Instantly killed

A o the sieaalaj oar na a-

sa yet unknown was andotAeiate of the Now York Central deatre ese other Brsa woethough it has keen taaaosBibfe yet tolearn wli it was

Only two cars ia the express trainwere

Wiscktw OutWracking trains worn seat out Jagm

New York sad Osstaia and trees thlatter place sevexal doctors helacr a atto tube care of injured

Aa ofAcial of the New York Centraldeclares that tbe road has Installed tn

block signals obtalaabls and added that while the cause of the wrecktAd not been mxtd officials couldnot see how the freight crew had on-tared the block with the expressmating that th signals lac be n ig-

noredTraffic was not long delayed the

wrecking crew getting two damaged



fat was

expenseThe MY







that part of the line the



thei c



terrifq Sortie engine pirare




onset auto-matic

