RRS Brocher


Transcript of RRS Brocher

Page 1: RRS Brocher

March 2011 | Real Recourse Solutions | (888) 255-6221



RRS Special Interest Articles

Welcome 1

Understanding is Key 2

Policy & Operations 3

Affordable & Secure Method 4

RRS Newsletter Highlights

Nobody takes responsibility 2

RRS Operations 3

Affordable & Secure 4


Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and your clients. This newsletter

explains in detail why Real Recourse Solutions is the #1 Auditing &

Examination Company sought by professionals and homeowners. RRS offers

a robust program supported by fact and production. Our program grants each

party access to material evidence needed address various errors and violations

that in many case caused an increasing number of mortgage defaults.

Forensic Mortgage Audit

Mortgage Securities Examination

Appraisal Report Audit

Abstract of Title

Commercial Audit Reports

Practical Programming Highlights ------------------------------------------------

· Non-Adversarial Action

· Errors & Omission Claims

· Non-Partisan Agreements using T.A.R.P funds

· Claims Producing Principal Balance Reductions

· Experience Professionals with 6 years of Legal Research

· Decreasing Residential Defaults by Reducing Principals

Real Recourse Education

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Understanding is Key

RRS Nonpartisan Mediation Services

Real Intervention decreases the number of court filings and save tax payers “BILLIONS” by using effective communication skills by instituting a compliance program promoting “Nonpartisan Mediation,” while eliminating programs that DON’T WORK.

Non-Adversarial Solutions

The Real Estate industry has

waited for too long for a

standard program that would

allow homeowners & lenders to

address the unintentional errors

and defects engrained in a vast

number of home loans today,

causing an increasing number of


Nobody wants to take the

blame or responsibility

Risk management planning can ensure there is a surveillance examination or audit capturing the errors creating mortgage defaults. Recalling badly written mortgage loans should be viewed as recalling cars with bad breaks.

Fraudulent Claims Consumers are becoming more and more diverse in understanding their rights as this foreclosure epidemic implodes. However, the same course is being sought by the lenders as a result the court battles are becoming more and more overwhelming and costly.

Phase out foreclosure as a sole option allowing each party to undergo a more effective process, called nonpartisan mediation. Ultimately RRS Nonpartisan Mediation offers a more civil and rational resolution method for addressing mortgage defaults. As a result, RRS has composed an outlet designed to refurbish “Toxic” mortgages as well as reduce the principal on “Distressed Equity,” properties.

RRS Mortgage Audits & Securitizations Cover:

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1968

Truth-In-Lending Act of 1974

Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994

Expanded Assignee Liability

Predatory Lending Act

Prohibition of Kickbacks and Unearned Fees

Excessive, Unearned and Duplicative Fees

State Home Loan Protection Acts

Closing Cost Disclosure Requirements

Servicer Obligations

Escrow Limitations

Prohibition Against Charging for the Preparation of Certain Documents

Remedies and Limitations

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 15 U.S.C §§1691 TO 1691f

Prohibit Discrimination

Applying ECOA to Predatory Lending Cases

The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C §§3601 to 3631

The Service members Civil Relief Act

Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices Statues

State and Federal Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Acts

Door-to-Door Solicitation Acts

Fraud and Misrepresentation

Substantive Conduct Subject to Fraud and Misrepresentation Claims Our compliance program covers an additional 62 items

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Understanding RRS Operations

We Pray but NOT on People

Our clients understand that RRS is an Auditing and Examination firm ONLY; RRS

is NOT representing or acting as legal representation for any party. [RRS is not a

FORECLOSURE RECUSE SERVICE PROVIDER]. Our intention or action does

not promote adversarial relations between the lender, attorney, or homeowner.

RRS is a neutral party with NO vested interest. The report produced is a

comprehensive report generally used in court for Truth in Lending and RESPA

lawsuits. This report generated is NOT a foreclosure-rescue service pursuant to

F.S. 501.1377. The reports purpose is to solely educate the client on any Federal,

Local and State violations in their loan package and it provide legal grounds for

negotiations with the homeowners mortgage servicers.

You are hiring RRS and/or its assigned auditors/examiners to conduct an accurate

and fair audit or examination regardless of the depth of violations found therefore

there is a chance there is no mistakes in your loan package.

Why are the mass media and any other institute discouraging consumers from auditing

their mortgages? It is to our understanding a number of companies have surfed

offering inadequate or meaningless audits performed by non-professionals, therefore

we can assure our clients that we only employ experienced professionals to prepare our

audits and examinations. It is time we address the problem with hard facts and not


Our Policy

Losses and potential litigation can be

avoided by using RRS system, we

keep our clients informed, and we

help to mitigate creating a win-win

opportunity for both parties involved

our intervention specialists in

collaboration with our expert auditors

we are committed to helping find a

reasonable solution. That’s our



RRS will provide our clients with:

Material Evidence



Signed Affidavits

Expert Witness


Executive Summaries



Mortgage Forensic Audits

Security Examination

Reliable & Secure Service

RUSH Services

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Affordable & Secure Method

Sender Information:

Mortgage Auditing allows any discrepancies or erroneous information to be revealed

based on regulations and Securitization Examinations reveals the holder-in-due course

along with the accurate owed balance.

For the 1st time in history homeowners can tap into information that was once not

accessible. Cutting overhead & working with a mass number of professionals who

volunteered their time and efforts allowed RRS to produce a product at FAIR value.

We produce quality audits at $500.00 and examinations at $895.00. We are the

comprehensive and most affordable auditing service in the industry, today!

RRS offers over 6 years of research and legal development that prevails beyond

any competing company’s understanding. It’s been our study and lifestyle to track

the subprime meltdown happenings.

To Apply the for RRS Program Please contact your local RRS Account Representative, if you would like more information on how to contact a local RRS Account Representative send your request to:

RRS’s National Regional Director Steve Hoffman

[email protected] or Call Us at (888) 255-6221 Ext 2.

Thank you for your time and consideration we look forward to serving you.

Receiver Information:

Real Recourse Solutions

RRS Account Representative: (888) 255-6221 206-495-6506 [email protected]

Where Change Starts!

Find us on the Web: www.realrecoursesolutions.com

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