rrrir Tw f Sr - Chronicling Americarr w-j t TO i rrrir i P Tw tUXKHM ANT BROKER DONALD MACKAY C fi...

rr w- j t TO i rrriri P Tw tUXKHM ANT BROKER DONALD MACKAY C fi rt i i- W rWf Hew York ant J o vs rllv Mini Itock IieliBt LATHAM A rilH latilimef GPO 0 MACKAY- MinUr K wY ik Cittuifi VKIUf ILTB C THOWJUIDQK CO 4 r w Mackay Co Bankers Naisau and Cedar Streets New York 13 Congress Street Boston Dealers in US Government Bond and other bvetment Vtrwt c Ca PUU 1 Redmond Go BANKERS 41 WALL ST NEW YORK 107 CHESTNUT bTRCCT PHILADELPHIA LEALEIW IN Securities TrinJicI i General Foreign and Domestic Banking Business ISSUE Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world CHAItLES W THIPPE S S RCIIUVLER Meraier N V Soc Ex JOHN R C1JADWICK OEQ WOOLSEV- nOHEKT L PAKET Uemer N Y Sioclc Trippe Schuyler Co and BROKERS 3 Wall Street MILLS rUILDINO NEW TOHK N W HARRIS GO BANKERS BONDS FOR INVESTMENT Pine street cornor William cntcopo NEW YORK Boston HAVEN CLEMENT BANKERS AND BROKERS I Nassau St Cor Wall St Member of lit Nrw York Stock Ficlianc BONDS STOCKS COTTON GRAIN LEE HIGGINSON CO BOSTON Investment Securities INCORPORATED ENCINEERS construct ml Hallway LlthU rout and Hydraulic Plants Examinations and Reports pew York Ule Bulldloc CIIICAOO ILLINOIS iminUMlS VM IVTKHKST NEW TURK TELEPHONE COMPANY IS street New York April lUi IMS To the Stockholders U hereby given that the annual mretlnc- nf the stockholders New York Telephone Company will be held at the principal Company II Dey Street ol Man the City New YorW N V on Tues day the td Mar 1006 t for the election thirteen Director and Inspectors of Klectlon and the transaction ot such other bualncM u then properly Corn before the itockholdrn Yourt truly JOHN H Secretary rrrrsuuno COAL COMPANY The Board of Director of this Companr hu this day declared quarterly dividend of and threequarter per cent on the preferred atock front thr earnlnri parable April 2 lh 1905 to stockholders ol record April JOih 1904 F J LEMOYNC Secretary Plttsburi Pa April nib laoS lwjert Title Iniuranc and Company and 9 Liberty Street City lith IMS- Th Board nf Directors of Company this day declared a dividend nf two per rent payable at the office on Ut transfer book will be closed Saturday the lllh dar ot April and reopened- on the M day nf MINING IS Broad Street New York U 1905 DIVIDEND XO Dividend No tit at fifty SO share w ow f Ilk UND I Sue awe to a M P- Mn V cID s I I mgh Grade 1IGI lml- H M BYLlESBY COI w NOII O 1 I o non on v e Tat n A AlE C- UD Apr cut p 4 Ire Are In 2 Inn tlder c On to U Co Anl irbu slUt I t oa balances tbjcct dzaft pnvsw rmpr w Tork oek cIsIEs I I I l f I I O f 4A Ave elk m a this has ia Treasurer I Ma been the bo4k tha toes 1 < < > < ° RAILROAD EARNINGS April Gulf and Ship Island week IfKH JU107 Dec ISJr- M j Inc IJi lit July I Sft JMM8 boo I4XM7 143JW Ins Louis and Southwestern 2d week April JllS Ine ii 4H From 1 J OJ7 62JSUS9 Ine JI22V2 Twin Transit m week April MJMO Jr J7S too JjjMS From Jan I 111191 IA170S1 lien V Wabaah- 2dweekAprll I41JOI7 J4O4W8 The ttJM iiAMmisii7t08 lee IS13H4- niMocnt fcirtc The Missouri IacICo Itallwiy Company reports 1X- UGrotaearnlnc I74IJf MiJIJW flee tfrgJm- Opere ptnati 2tHJUO 2AM741 Dec MJto- Netearninc UM91J JMI4M Dee 72U7 From Jan llo Feb JIKAO4 3 Dec loliM- rcttearnlnrt Irwjirj t3uToM Dffl080J05- MTsaorai luuua tutu The MloMMirl Kanra and Railway corn bruary- Grostramlaca ll MUt JUMJaa Dec MM7- Oper cxp A laira ll2Jta 1047413 Inc OHII- ONelrarnlDca Jlli Tl Dec H2e 7- Int sod rental JM4 JtO270 Inc 1JU1 Deficit W4Iim II J 0 toe W7r s DETROIT VXITED The Detroit tOlled Ilallaty Coaipany report M77 ll I UM MJ7M- Oper rip 4 taica W Inc 1170 Net canton VwT33 i M Inc M rAKixa mitnoto The puma TUUraad Company reports toe the ytarcBdcd ls 1004 IKS U MOte4Ml Inc tfluim iptBaei j 4u i74 w ntM- tilM MJOM lao t I I 4 tek S21 I t U rom m I f July t bfn n6uM tpl AlI for mu adl lao 2U3 le- N 1211 p110- DpD a InC ftU Inc tl1 l0- 8rl a Ann Arbor csu s rom From tot I Itot I t 4 2- Grosearntnr S1tlttt Opec rasy reports 904 CAane toe taos I4 C 54501 4v Lee itOSA carols g poe I etertilCi 277351 lie 123151 flatinre itiIt4 3014- 3flIedeltrEes Dec S < < u c Y f r m i APR S 9 Sr f 1 C 1 1 1tJ1J rt i Fs I ii r sS4MBU III p u i u i I + FINANCIAL AND MOnDAY April J7 The itock ronrkpt to Uy rcftirned the IrretuUr and uncertain Which char nctoriwd It for n long to a week ago Alternate wavcn ot wcoknowi and strength piuwd over the marltct certain tocks holding very well from the boein nlng of tlyj iicwlon to IU cloin while other worn an notably weak Although fluctua- tlonaof thUnort were no more then natutnl In view or the rapid advanoa In prioea dur- ing the week tho fovcrishncM ot mar- ket was nevortheleM disappointing to the rank and file ot upoculaton who are of them committed to rim and had effect of making thorn nervous regarding the Immediate future of values A factor that contributed morn than anything else to the heavtnew of the market was the liquidation In Union Pacific and New York Central etocka al- though thU did not break the price ot the stocks In any decided degree H U an- prrent that the large of Union Pacific during last wwk nellen of stock In the last two or throe busi ness day and has been en- gendered among of Wall Street oommlMlon houses aa to whctbet this selling that the movement In the stock to that a mere healthy reaction I taking place The transfer books of the Union Pacific Company will close on Wednesday for the purpose of the special meeting of the stockholders called for the Mh of May next at which action will be taken upon tho proponed lassie by the company of 100000000 additional pre- ferred Block One of the most noticeable features of Stock Exchange btwlnesa re- cently has been the very largo borrowing demand for the Union Paclflo common MorN by practically known to represent of tho company the Inference being that this borrowing has been for the purpose of securing such a temporary control of the etockholding voting power aa will enable the manage- ment to carry at the special meeting the proposition to preferred stock o described has been excited that after the the books o stated the demand for the Union Pacific aharei both in the stock and loan marked may disappear liegard lug New York Central Block a pre nure to tell haa been noticeable there for some- time As a counterbalancing Influence however to the depression in these quar- ters of the market today was the strength of the St Paul and United States Steel uhares No particular reason for the ad vance In St Paul wu ascribed other than the general theory that It was In pur- suance of various plan of railway consoli- dation In the West following the winding up of the Northern Securities Company- If the St Paul road extends ila lines to the Paclflo Coast an it certainly will do unlem It can make far more satisfactory ments with the Northern Pacific Company than now t ma probable or can be accomplished It will necea manly have to Ixaue new stock or In some- way raise n largo quantity of money and It may bo that the recent rise in the stock hits for the purpose of facilitating such a transaction Continued consideration of the earnings and pronpecta of the iron uid steel busines and anticipation of the fact that the earnings of the Stoel Corporation for the last soon to bo made public will make a brilliant showing accounted sufficiently for the upward movement in the United States shore and strength in the Erie stocks and Nashville Atlantic Coiiiit Line American Woolen and the North American shares were at different times today matters upon which speculative attention converged while on the contrary one of the developments that oontributedto the unaotllement and con- fusion of feeling regarding the market waa pronounced evidence of liquidation in tho American Smelting American Locomotive aa well an other stocks in which sensational advances have recently been made A great deal of the Helling of stocks to day came from the Western clement which again revived discussion aa lo the status of the Chicago wheat corner the opening of business were at advances over the closing figures of Satur day and they soon fell urn lar e offerings- of stocks stop orders particularly being caught in Union Pacific They again rose under tho leadership of tbo various special stocks that have been named and closed with advances and declines pretty gen- erally scattered throughout the list The foreign markets today woe all inclined- to heaviness in view of the expected en counter of the Russian and Japanese war- ships Sentiment abroad wan also unfav- orably affected although In minor degree by the Issuance of the British Governments- IU000000 exchequer loan and by the rumor that Japan was about to make another Internal amounting to UO000000 lo our most gratifying occur- rence abroad from our point of view was a marked fall in discount rates In Sterling exchange also fell there waa a renewal of the French demand for gold in London The cold wave that Kpreud over tho country today seemed lo affect the fruit crops more than anything else It undoubtedly did some damage throughout the winter wheat belt It was obviously not regarded aa of great Im- portance hi the grain markets Inasmuch CouUrnOll lon malt the burl doubt moM broker Inc terror are Unite Achy I I PrO I loa Par I the possible been tatea Steel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ as prioea of even the op Uona not affected by the corner hi the commodity weakened New fork Exchange SaleApr U ooaiKQ or CKITTD StarEs PONDS yiitf AlliS tit Aim u S n lOfiViiu reril- ater104 iaa la coup too UUJtJallH- Mu r 4 itciu4U RAILROAD AND OTHER J1ODS Am Solrita 1st r ImplJapsnewee SI Lnula gOOO 00 stertlncloan C00000la Am Tobacco ia JOOO St en4s 4COO 90 10000 R4I 20007419 Joooii no sooo 8414- tl l 14000 00 10000 0000 7lu JOO 0HI 11000 H4 rendered 7000 go jooo 2000 4 4000 0 H7 St iiI ex U Arbor 1 tu JOOO 08 1000loftJ- OOOODI8 10000 0878 San A AA Tans 41- AlehTop Ke4 10000 SOOO JOO OOU MotoVANB- Uimooloats 20000 ItoOfal 00 A L M- soooJia sou oeia w6 2000 South Padoe4a lumped IrnplJapanewta 11000U6l7A- llintlcCUneis 1JDOO 0084 JbO SoPaofeNaclft- J 10000 O678 7000073 10000 MA04I 7000loa joo ueu 10000 Ball A Ob cold ia Jon Stand Hope ATM JOOO JOOOH- BaltAOhPlfi JJOOOOQ A W M jeoooOO- UOOJIO1 oa- t 0 OOl Tei Pac 1MU 1000 1000 Tel St L4U t 4a HCOOHO 4 OOOS47fr- tknKapTrev4a tOOO ofLoaUmM 100 BRA I oooooial 10000 HplKa CrtSUMColon 4a- SOOO 80 4000 ii- rwoo noii looot- OOO Kai ota loctw BOU loooo 7 Union f a LakeCrKAWItti 100001 7 nUrnrrliit icoo toooi LShAUrVtfa looo DortHANrron Sack o 206 IO 132 I OO SWIll I e uooo OW OWl 16015W10 la nuTal 1108 I 0 000 ioooe I uooo 3 1001 VII ItO SO lo64 2O3I I4 8021g UC3 Third Avenue 9flI tQOOOfil 40000po I 3rouoei 2 I 27I 37 a 000I 3OOOlOO 332- nalell a roi isi sees t 10000 6 Loa fishgmss > > > > LouANaah4i IpSSJIS Central Ua lit lu LouNAAChiutl looooIaC- enlrMPatmcl til Mil A Nor Chei A Ohio 4 191 100- 02nnoO7i MlnnStLoulat USneiliyAIta- HOOOI07IS UaKAToTU Col tut lj USRdARf e 1000 SB Uo Kin Tel 4 Oil A Alton a 7 OOJJOr- ooo fib MoPaclDeJd7i I in fMnPirlGflJalim Jicco iooo 1000- looo oo34lMAOUontlt ul iiocn R7P Hll JUOOC077- gCWD01lin4a NVCentLSJMi 44000 08- t 10000 077- ChlMAStPler ta rerWlerKl roflon ooo oo ioo 3 PAIR Chi NVOil M L4l tMO loooI04l joca P8t Chi H I4Pafl nS N y Dock 4a 10000 i tOOO OHI- sironD4U NYGaadecLct 10000 04 IOOU R8ln- ChtRIAPItn4a tooo 04 jnoo 10009 JIOOO OR isooo104 recistere- dChlBlAPrefi oeoi04la ValronCACJ i 2000 Chl Norfolk A West ia I 784 11080 l 4 Chi St Paul lImo 2000 i 0 j Wa I Tee 1st 41 I Ia 101000 00S- OOO l37lnNorf MVPoc 4 10000 5d4J- OOOO 1 I Old 1100043 J090lOftl4 2AOOO 1000 wabanhden n won7711C- CCsiLsiL4tNort Paciness soon Hll- J0001ia78 KIOo 77 loon 7R- CoolnJsjerA Or A Nav is SOOO103 7ft7s- eoo iitooo 7oia 10000 0709 30000 hij cole Midland is I 2JMO O7I9 20007H 1000 76 B4000 T Colo Southern ia tnooo noort Ala JODO U7VI jwn 10000 0414 10000 07I 1JOOO 7ftl4 1000 04I iOOfl 07 4000 IMUl 10000 07I SOfl07Ht Cons Gas rv V7 s JOOO 4000 IRI Iparlftr Coast lit 2jnno7H84SO- OO 17B1JI 1000 7OI 4000 JS on HO- Jiooo 7n i 7034 WOO 7034- DetMac OAla tO 0lllOsri- JuHe W S2 irroo so jooo ta- looo sou i oe 10000 Peoria 4 EaMI- ntnfeT4iwrA tono 77 tOOO two 77tE- rlePej 4 0000 deb ill Rich A Dan en a M U- noo 22 rjrlnere- dnoooBll PloCrande v IMO a Wtat Union 4Ma- 2tOOO B ila JSPSJgi 117 I tOOO Oft St Wheel LKcn 4i 4 2000 PS9H1 OAOPH StLASinFrfdi bOO O4 B- 200000lsl 22000 m nHnCentaI- D Central 4i I V1 1000 0041 10 0 g4la- ioooioat looo jooo RAILROAD AM SHARES 500 Ainu CVera 1 7 200 Allla Ch pf BtTOO 887S 1800 Ch 28la 7700 Am Car A r 43I 400 Am Cr pi 103S- CO Am Cot Oil 30 200 Am Elp 238- 4COAmItldeAL 03 400 Am HALpf 601 100 Am Icetta 6 200 p 4 034- 7M An Lin OU 800 Am Lin pf 48lgI- SlOOAm Loco OOU- UOO Am Loco pf 1 921s- JOOAnUall 7 400 Am Ualt pf 90 SHOO Am Smelfc JOO Am Stoelt pi 247- jooAmStFdr 4COAm trpf 2 OOAm Ducat 143341- 0CO Am Tob pt 88- JJJCO Am Wool 40U- 200Am VNoolpfl07la 600 Anaeorda 1 27la- JIOOATASF 20COATASPpfl03la1- 67COAIC Line 100 6000 Dalt AOUol 10 4- JtOODklfollT 701a 100 Dklrn U 0 201 lice Drunak Co 10 s 10100 Can 67 1000 Chi AH W34034 40900 Chi Ci W U47 2 OOCOtWpfA 70la- ejfocotWprn 3719- lOOCMOIWdeb 87 8718 Ot Kit inH 14- 7a4 a asia U 3g no3t Ig- B38 U- 22IB Is 12189 ia 7 2AU Ia- 1208s OB 12434 10 I- C37a IB 143 877 14 40 42A- gI07ia la 120 1 HOU 14 IBU 100 Chi Ua Tr R 1SIOCOCASILIOO 2000 col ooss- oocotUOAl i etgI- CO Cot 90 200 Col 00 4tOO Cons Cat 30313 2 00 Corn Irod 13 Corn Prop 00 1000 Del A Hud104 700 Denfcna pf 8034- lOOUeiMAfO C4U 1000 Pet Unllr BOIs 100 Del Sou pf 34 1100 nutlllert3 4Ola- joo DS SA Ap oaia 100 Ea t roan Kit 14 834 200 Elee bvori BO 4700 Erie 4084 1400 Erl lit Pf 81 8 MOO Erie 3d pf 7 01 a 400 Fed plOHa 100 Ft WAD C 00 9000 del EJcColB4lgJ- OO Great Nor p33o 100 Hock Valpf 041s 10200 111 Central 8U 1701 Int Tapir 241s TOO tnt Paper p SI 84 Power 0734 100 let Pump p 87la no a 0934 IB 201 4 I Ola 4 On 6 i4 240U 9 4 70 418 87 la I 808 I S 182 U 8 Is 100 ie u- so 00 ia 303 214 12 oota ia 34 80 a is 24U S 34 46 U 32U- 14834t 8 80 84 loUa a 00 183 Us B34I844IJ- 041s 78 A- SB134 07la- 871a 4 t CIr u 11 1hlI n n 100 I tBRRIP4r bOO uno k 1000 a I 2520 I 3 jl IO 1 3 g l I A Nor W I ono 8 A I I 00 771 aol 7 HI I I 2 2d moo wh a 2000RO S cur 6 Beading 1m 700IOiii lI0070Ia tooo I lOt nv HOI bnw ar or lEn L f 0 I 0 I Ala f73 4211 421 I 2373 IOla LOla la 0 Am Inc 40la 223 22 48Ia 1 7 I 1244 lOa 1210 171 1071a 126 Boa 881a 203 100Ia 1003 201 I 3 1631 UCO Ohio I 10 017 30 ao34 87 a01eo C 186 10012 2 ZOo Chi Term 181 10011 FAir 11 11 Sub 00 101 Doll 0012 1P3 811 A 861 34 4la 183 t 1 8 1 00 1 l823 3342 10012 1003 I I 1712 > CaaidaOooIbte goo 1a17 30002fi11sC- entrsl ii In UetFjetstidti lezCect con 1000771i tofi4z4f1fI- chasohf nao 4000 20 fib I ObIs soon CtflurQ4s 400J07 077 tools I Chi flue 4 10000 I 965 1tonOM43 320013 OBig I lIlt 5 Wabash Id 1 4000 Choc 1 3a 49i flit OO0IO6l 7000 OrSLfdg ieoOu lOOt Sl lOGO I I 4 ConeTobaecn4s Pciteof Ito aoeo i7I 8OOO7g3 Eapt lit ties Core I S Erie prior IteruSaI 3000 1000 1400 l7lq 150U07O3 Coal 1000o7P3 2000 047s Green flaT3es1 Mho 1C0O I I fiji 4l St Mt El en 5t tUUUP44 rolti sale of him Sal sal Ce 6s 61 36L 934 4034- I Ri4 8 97 12i3s 28 3 1 f 533k 034 l68ls6l 0 Pact aI64l 11414 112 U a its OOCUSPDIU2 184 77 6614 893 434 324 8 8 094 U9l fOils I 935 Oils lOOms °° > > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 200 Iowa Cent 30U TOO Iowa Can pi 6684 4 OKaaCltrSo 30U- IBMXaaOSopf 03- 400Enlclt lee 20U 11200 Lou A Naaal 4438 2660 Uet St Rr 123U 11600 llel Scan P7la- ItOOUez Ceat 243g 100 M 4 St Lpf 00 1400 UStPAHilUI 183g- IOOU K A TCI 331- 7COU K ATpf 08 1000 ISo Paclne JOONaahCAStU46J- OO Nat fits Co 037 llpONat Lead 47U 700 Nat Lead pI077 too Nat E AS 30U 100 Nat EA5 pf 0334 00 N T Air Dr 10 1 1700 N If Central OOU 1100 NT CAStL 63 8- 200NYCASIL1 B3I4 2000 Nor A Wei 801s 1100 North Am 107- UOOOntAMei 0034J- OO Paclne Mid 44 2tOOPena RRI43344- 7IJ Penna rta Ut- tOO Pro Gaal 6400 PtUa RT133 sloe Picaaad a 0 40U- 400Prcta3C pf 087S- ii oo nr st SPI 40 oonr at SP ptio3i8 1700 B p Sle4 33- 2700R 83- 4X00 08- 200Readlnc p TJOORocklalaai 30- JoOJKKklal pL 70J 4000 Ooodl 33lg SloMlhtff 03 loosLaroeict 100 f eoia moo Paelfli 077a joe South PaepllBIs- 40HS u Rf C 3484- ivoeoanrCep 07U la 447 a 7a 3084417- 8losia B2U J- Bl 84 U- 01U 34 a 70 Ig- 3SU4 la 10718Hj- OB I 100 111 8- 07AJ lt 11884 14 34i IB- OT 3011 8Qi I 003 l 14 63 20 20 131 133 1 813 7 90 001 111 311 I I I 10 10 3 47 1071 107a IS 30 30 133 033 14 108 63 b3I I 811 8OI O 106 101 60 l 44 44 1411 143I I 0 330 3317a 041 38 101 I lee pf I 0 18 0114 I 84 I 70 nub 311 nub adl O 100 a L S 108 IBI 07 30g c2i 24 14 803S 5 2375 118 5 Ii 676a 5 00a I067 ig 475 14 5 14 1871g 831g Og ii 10954 lTa 8 too pflO7t I S 100 W Boy r > + + + + + + + + + + + + ± rut Clot Nit M JOOBlaanATCo I 12 lOBU 103 + JOWTeiPaeiao 47 4 U7U U7la- KOTot fiery p 38 30 Ig 100 TOI SILAW 48 jJ- OOTolHLAWp 3U 08 4 a oTwiB ne js ia U- lOOUaDAPpC 7 160000 Union Pa 138 4 133J8 134 U ft pit OOM 84 84 84 10 OUaOI pl 87 4 00- 200USEi mMl30 128 a- ino U5nnc 40ia aau OOU 08- llJOUSLctfa 1318 18I 3I84 U- JOOUSLellpMlO HO 10 1 IOOU a Rubber 44 431s 4318 77700 Uaai l 38 30 8 7 11000 U 8 Steal pf 10 484 102 4 l 9t- JOOVaCarCh Sflla 3634 8- JOOVaCarpfl07B4 0a 10- 4NV410AO 40B8 40 40 8- 42000VilcanDt 14I 13 14 leo Mabaah 23U ZS4 4 U 2100 Wabaia pf 4 U- jOOWeiffhie170 170 Ua lpl83 103 103 + 34 400 Ua T 04 031a 8384 U 1 869 1 8 s 1868 1000 Wll Central 341s B3r 3- HOOUlaCentpf 6884 027 63 a 3s Total lM of atocta 11 OB ahwfa CLOSING PRICES AdamaHipZ40 Allis Chirara is AllUCbpf- AmalCopper t7H W Am C 4 P pf I02l- AmCotDll AmCotUllpKS- AmWarrt AmFipie a2JJ AmllldloiL- AmitAKpt JOH Am lc J- Amlcepfcli 3B AmUnOJ H- AmUnOllpf 4 4 Am Loco H AmLocOpflJlM- Am Malt H 25M 2tO Knlcklc JO 1 Knlctt pf 7M LE A 4JHLonr lilmd S8 102 4LouANwhl4M- W Manhattan U M 7 net SI Rrl M- S3 H 0 J4H 10 UlchCentl WIno A SI L 0- UASllpt J- 40H U3P AS3MllM 4 MUKAT JIM 60 r- 12Ui UoPactOolO 7 Naah A St L14J- M Nat DlaCo J4- AmSmUtpfUm 124M NatlEnASt 2- AmSngI170 17J Nat L ad 4- AmSmjBpflOOH lOIVj Nat lsd pf 10- 7AmStelird KM im SatRRUei p 3- AmStfdpf U 64 NRH2dpf 20 AmSucarli HUt NJ Central20- 2AmSurpfI IV NTfAU 1 M AmTAO 1 NYCentra- lltAmTVlim l NVCAStL JJl- AraTobpf 7M S Am Wool J6 40 2 p J 101 20 Ann Arbor Jl 40 NY Dock pf J7 Ann Arbor pf 74 JO NYNIIA 1120- 1Anaconda12M 12 Nor A Writ J3J- 1AtTASr 89U SCUNorAWeitpf J- AtTASIpl10 lj 10 North Am108A- llCo itLlSH Ut Ont eoU- BaltAOlUollO 110H PaclfleCoait 2 Halt A OH pi B 4 fcPacCoaillplOJ BW 70 PaeCoa l2o 03 I I Ten 0 0U4 8 a CRT 10a4 moo Un nr p 78 78 Va IoIu 14 U n 031a 30 ll U p1 00 l64 1171 23 377 IIU tOO 100 LE 300 VIL AUd 76 SI I 41 W lO- AmC 11 11 Wx 0 UO 61 U U IUH IUl UK T UH 107 IIH SO 21 o I 10 NYC L tm Wool S V D 94 U I 05 Low elf 8 fIg > 3 1200 Pta 005l- ooVsflyIafit 3100 U8OIF3I 3435 34I 8 0734 234 1981p 00 6 4 Len 93I 931p Ig aloe Is itait l3 10OUflubpfI73 36I > 5 l3g 4613 5 Wiled AiLed JU4 208f Ire SIlL LE W p1 244 s53 22 Met Sec Cent 6 94 156 ZI1J1SPAS3Upfte1I A p1 66- AmUalLpf 54- AmSmIItg12014 21074 SsIIUsCOpIIlO 47 10774 202 ISOtI 2S24 4 54 YC4L p110 p1 1074 Dccli 24 1874 2O4 I Vest 6074 10- 6ilklvnflr > > + ° + + >< < < >< < < > > < > < + + + + + + + + 201 Pacific Mall 41 lliB- runiwlilk HVJ Tfnnan 1IUJ tllM- iDufinAPU7 U l PeoOLAO106 J 110 DunnAlptni 167K PeoAKait 41 414- DuRASDipf 90 1 PhllallapT 1S2- lluttertrb 8J 69 PCOAStL JO J2lj Can 7014 7Hi PCC ASlLpflOl ID- CanPac ISJtf 1SJX pd SI C r 14M 11J- Ches 4 Ohio aH J7 B3 t- ChtAAllon IWf 11 PullmanPCar21S 217 J8 Jl RwySecu tM- CCC4itLIOJX HyStSpc J U H- cccAitLpii9i 11 Rystsprpfio los J 21K 211 Readlac f 074 ChlOfWIA l 70 Readlstpf- ChiaiTViB JMi J7 00 11J JW J RepVc fiteel 2SIJ 2JH ChtArYW2 tj HOM Rep Steel pf OiJ M- VnlU6StPI eH UftV Hock Island Sl i J1H Chi 1924 184 7MJ 7H- ChlTermlnsI ISV lf RubberOdi JJ l ChlTermTpf SJi nJbGdipfl074 I0- CUCnTrac 7Ji a SloasSlief 02 J- ChlUnTrpt JWJ 40 SloaaSlief pf 101 is JO MMStJOAI U iija- eLoAWpflOl li StJAOlpf S2 M ColFvtlAI 3 StJAOipf K 2- OolHOAI 1 H IBIsStLASFlpf 77 7 Col southern S ilLASF2pf 6 i 70 ColSolslpt SM 0 31L3W 2 2 i- ColSo2dpf S7 3 StLSWpf 66 M- ConCaa 202 C2vvStPAOmlJS 180 I1J UUSoPaelae n 7H Corn Prod pf 5 f to SoPaeine pMW 1H- SDelAnudl JV 1 JU Southern Rr US JiH J9C n DenAno J2 SS 103 J P L T 4J 44- DetURy tS JSHTTexaa rae S7M J7- DetSoutha S H Third Aviml JO tJI Del South pf M JS Toledo m J4 t JS- DUSecur lili TSILAW 41 41- IDSSAA ISi IJ TSlLAWpfOJM- DSSAApf sU TwlnCllyllS lit EleeStoraie 5 J PaclnolJ4K U4V Erie ifrMUa Pie pf S9 tdj Erie 1st pf M al lu Pipe JiK sii B H 7i- EvATII i 70 OSFxpresa127H 1J- OErftTHpf JS UsmtyAIraUSM i FedUlnASll 1U OSLtherct UK US 10IS4UsLpfclfilO I 110 FIWADC i 7 US Rubber UV 11 Gen Elee Co HI HI ITS Rub pflK J 117 OlNortupt32J JJ USSteel J71 JJ- HoekVal J VSK US Steel pflOH 101H- HockValpt 81 JM J- HllnolaCentl K 187 ViCar pf lo H 10J lat Paper 21H Wabash 22 2H lot Paper J1U JIM Wabaahpf 1S U B7H 85 WelliF Eip21S ISS- IntPump JIH J West Un Tel J 1- Int Pump pf J7 7 Wetch el7JH 177 Iowa Central 2814 SOU Weitbielpltl Its lowaOntpf Sl i 65 Wheel IS lH- KaaAUIch JS SJ WALKlpf iii 4- SKanaiySo JCU OHWALE2pf 2 i Kan City So p JJ MH YU Central 2JM 2- 1KCSrAUp JJM Ji WUCentpf J2 UH 18 1 Pd III Car pl pI los Chi QIt I Read pl CblOlW deb 8 Y SIP hill p7 j CI LoA t 2 e 8f o 6 I 11 < Com Prod I w I I ISo Ry pl Ii U U II rot SOl Erie 3d Pt oaK UJfU SOl P p1 U Ted A B pl lone t s pro la Power Leo 7 I 1flyn U las 109 ChI AI1n OA 19 5 9f 03 24 Rock 3 W 55t 0 Del 24 Den R a p1 50741Tei If 9VCa 5 < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < THE OUTSIDE MAltKBT 11 been active and the nnt a number of substantial advances irrre cored After however th market showed n complete reversal or form traders Mm to be ao rarer aellcr at they had been of stocks earlier In the day Prices did not usually at the but alt net declines Northern Securities wat sold down from IM to I7 j on ex- t nilTe trading and but clowil weak at IM The mandate of the Court allowing the dlntribu lion of the assets Issued to further Uon No trans- acted at the roMtloc which wa held In lloboken today Copper was again of the mining The common shares after a temporary movement con advance and net Rain of IM points transaction In them betn issue on account of tears that another rat war was Impending but movement not of the here which declined only fractionally the market today u follows Opm i Ixw cut Still nt nt m Ixrl Jim American Caa 11 MX ll 11 2200 Arnertean Caa pf 7JH TJM 71 71M 200 American Nickel 21 Jl l- 2JOO Am Writ Paper pf 3iJ- OO Day matt Oaa jl 7 ti 100 Col Furl A I new Jl- WO ConuaeataJ O A a IK 1600 Chleaco Subway J7 1710 Qrannj Copper CM los Electric Vehicle 10 1W Oreepe C OoJd TM too Oreena Oold nw IU- Ut U Jl- J3 n M7- W 7 U- M49 atuaajoato lt K 10 10 1H- im UK- M 2M- Vi H The outside market strene today with heavY tasues recently urh r re ronI an 51 was made by counsel the Harriman intarest no Iortll be made the bllln of wsa a on enormous allI field moved up on announce- ment that a of 2 cent had bf on London cables In that he ere 1 isco Dr1Ub 001 Cop 103 IlalDttO lAmar I IH U 7 S S ID S II- IOOoreeDOGCop2I 8034 IH IN opened 12 day the t4 importance un Ireene the its stock reported 74 74 fl4 14 51 474 Z74 4 876 17 34 ¬ ¬ < < > > > < fni tit HI w- I7S luccenhflm EXIW IM Ill in1- JOO Hackrnsacb Mead HW 1JW W too iiou ion on pf u u to later Rap 7raa JMM JWM K U- itoo Inter Uer K UN UU IMS later pf JJ U M n- J Mackay fotni 41 41 1JM iJM too Maah tlAnTrn m l IM K- Jloo Yon A coos H It W- axr New Olttti ny M H H JH JJ- KM New Orleans Ry pf 77 ItOO Nor TM- J3SOO Northern See IM stub 800 TW 800 IM I7IH I H 100 New York Trans 7M TM TM M- WO OtIs Elevator V 50 aboard A L lat pf Ji 10 Utandard OU r- WO U 3 Leather wt 1700 U a Leather pfw I 101M I01M 10IW Mioo United Copper 21M 27 MM M- J United pf 70M 71 70 TOM WO Union Copper M K K U 100 United Box IM pf UM KM KM KM- Ieoo White Knob nw IM Di IM IM POND Uoooo Atchison la w I IOJH IOSM 101 IM 2000 BambercerdeLett JO M W 60 nxo Col Indua U Seo D 71 71M 71 71 iiooo JaplMi wj at MM W- H5000 Uo Pao 41 M M W KM COO NewOrleanjRylMl lM IK MM H- UHM US w WVj MM MM MM- McoUSRcducJa MM M MM MM LATEST QUOTATIONS OF INAC- TIVE OVTSIDE American Can common American Can preferred Americas Chicle comma ADierleanCklclr preferred Amcrlran Ice See wI American Tobacco AmerIcan Writing Paper nom Arnerlcu Wrltlnf Paper pfl DetblehenStteJ- Dethlehem Steel pf- Bordeni Milk Bordena Condeaied UUk pfd Brltlah Columbia Copper Foundry common j- Oentral Fonndo preferred Oompreaied Air Oontolldtted RefrlferatorCo Dominion Securltlea Electric Boat c immoa Electric Boat preferred Electric Vehicle common Electric Vehicle preferrel- Enplre Steel common Empire Sue preferred Elretro Pneumatlo- Otorrla and Tenneaae Cop IIUI Copper Otanbr Copper Orcene Conaolldated Copper QreereOoldSllver- Harkenaack Meadow Havana Tobacco common Havana Tobacco preferred International Mercantile Marine Internatlonil Mercantile Mar pf Interboroith RapllTranilt International Salt VacUayOornpaalet- Mackay Compantea pM Manhattan Tranalt- Uontreal and Boaton Conaol- N Orleann Ilallwar w I New Orleana Railway pM w I N r York Trarupo nation N nhem S eurttle Oils Elevator Company com Otis Hevalor Company pfJ tee lilt l7 II nil tar 4 II 77 71 77 too It It 000 Old Tlew Jolla S 2U I > eaa eM will 2e copper 11 M Ol toe 06 DI Add 131 13U 71 120 06 9n 300 1 3 3 OOllj led I 60 163 11 a I 7 l3H H OU 7 I 0 3 38 70 70 12 2 II a3 IS 9 40 60 U I old U IT 6 I RN I I H I I of I Comp 17 18 KAlI Slynal 00 96 13 16 I I 2 I I Ii t 21 20 6 20P 28 42C 7336 4H 77 71 7 62 lI4 J CiGS 2O74 far lice 4 floe 15 S 4 54 51 41 41 41 1 7016 127 2574 2073 290 671 3 P4 3631 3072 146 8334 1 44 774 Central 4 434 2434 72 4 II 014 014 74 2031 204- OlePneCutIotrIIl1 Gold 81 4 44 323 2014 4274 7414 434 16 14 9774 2874 7784 I 80L3 1 804 06 I OR < >< > ° > Itpe Pope UanuUcturtnt lit pIll Pepe Manufacturing 2d pfl- Reyal lUklnt Powder com Horn Daklnr Powder pfd safety Car Llrht and Heat Co- Seabnanl Air foe oew w I feaboard Air Line lat pfd Seaboard Air Une d ptd H I Standard OU Compaar of N J- SUndirrtmiUnr Standard illlllnr pfd Tranr e Copper ToDopah Mlnlnc of Nevada Union Coprwr UnIted Copper United Cupper pfd Union Typewriter Inlon Typewriter lit pfd Union Typewriter 3d plO USLeather wl U S Leather pM w I Wortjlnnoa Pump pfd wl American Ice deb jj w I American Wrttlnf Paper 6- 4Atehlon ia w I Central Foundry Sa International VIer MaTins IMi International Salt i- Jtpaneae i i w Ulaaourl Paclflo ia w v New Orloani Railway ilia wL Seaboard Air Line U Standard illlllaf la- US Leather la w I nu dividend 76 80 93 23H 11 1 00 f 200 24i 28 wi 82 80 6 I 04 636 10 37 39 31 I 13 h 20li 20TS 71 78 08 102 120 6 1110 I 1110 3 78 78 117H loa 103 82 86 80 60 72 07U 88 01 OOtC 81 83 9974 46 1 1014 260 630 I 2984 33 4 I 16 I 1 46 4634 10 1014 white Ilnob Copper 3 174- SONDI 8 031 8274 0 834 UI 0174 10074 9934 > HOSTON cusin QUOTATIONS Bit Al RosS A Alb 100 3W A M lt IM foil M IM H J host AW II JIM CJR ASY Mata Elec iia- laaa Else pf fAIt NY NHAH i Old Colony Jiu Pere Mar Pcre SJ- Hutland pf M es w R s R tl M- WESllHpMie III- o oa 901 W Mr I Cen ia T6 77 MtSCBLLaNIODS Am Pneumc 4 iM- Am Pneu pf tIt 1 An Ac Ch 24 2IK Central Oil nj- CumbTelI20 IJO Dom I A at 3JM Edlion Eleo Gen Elee IB II- Uau Qaa 41 14M Uaai Oaa nf MM 107 nu Ailui Wool J io- VfoolPf If 107- UDruia erects Allouei Amaltmted tH MM AmZLASm II Arcadian IU i Arnold IM AtUwtla ISM I siii- mnanza M 75 H Cal A Meclae Centennial la I H Con Her JS M 7SM Weal 14M Kim Itlver Krankim v RU- Oranhr Ouaiialutto Oreem Cop JBU Jsi Tile 23 Mil Uarflowtr7J ioo 14 Mohawk iti Mono AC Cop IJ IJM Co IM tinnIer l ullnan Seattle Reo JJ- fleatlle El Swift A Co l United FrulllO lj U Shoe Uaeh 1 MW Oil W t Tel UiJ Wen Tel bt- Wctthu I K7 West K pf Shannon TU 7M Tamara j Ten Copper 9 e M U s SItu Co 1IU Jl Utah 4W 41 Vetorta 4 4 Wlnona IJ i Wolverine 1011 lot 114 a- taxp STOCK ju PHI LA DELPIIIA QVOTATIOS- Hf Ann i mi 4uA- mCemiat 7 Pa te l pfio IOJ1 J4 JjM 47t ssMsi3r SK asrAftS M- l o U KM KalrmtPkT 21 31 IM V U UM l- JeaA phalt f 17 rind Jt Jl 1unid n T IJ 0 1TJ JO II llCaalC 1 W 12 St RyUO iu V Sm P A JIM WJUa e U Ji Ind si Hn la Lake sup lat 41 47 lat Ilrs WV4 I 1 NavTriM cfI07M lOtrH Pkll na MUi- ValUrHll J7U Poll Kite 4s 7 tSKtav M w u CHICAGO CLOXlNO QVOTATIONS Sit Alkrd AIM IJI UetWSniax Am Can Co pf 71 7lU JH Am Radiator so Nat niseull eJl Ji in lijyi hot Hoard nt JK Nat Carbon et IJ UH Nat ear pf Ill 11- 1ChllnTrao Sooth Sid El M MM City Hallway SlaStaOar 24 JU 111 HIH CaSt Itf DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS ant Ttrm JWti Apt PttcNf- Doalon and lists quar- t com lln July I Amerlcaa Oraphopboaa pf4 IK May U Greene ConicUdated Oold 300 M ChIcago Kdlaon quar- MuntelpalOaa of Albany EaatSU Loula and Sub- urban quarterly unaoAD stocas h e ilol1 Wor Adventure 6 I il i I n bhtlrl pun IIcKI C 0 A er- r lop O 2 J- Am Tot SI Jon I IIi e I hlua nIt Am Cia L Dl M t Old Ccl UomlaloD Ci Old Osceola ill M Parrot 27 34 Rhode hld IIi IH MaRIa n I 11 U 341 3 trailed Copper 27 0 Ution liD Ulth 17 10 0 loi PII 06 100 P Doe Lid O oL 4 1 lilt mc Pbl n TIt SIr Ell Ir al I GIn U Tv U 0 J 210 81 ft I Suit 01 II coIls lOS 1111 I CI SO Am Can 00 AID No 011 Cb Tr DI W LaIr a 51 EI h I r1 I May WJ 5 11ozuteocs Rout S 3174 ID 0 s 58 p Ph Con Osp too yd- Mex TeL ltr 30034 4 S Dot 54 794 EIeetbfArn is 851 OTis it i led s I ira 4i 101 May I 5 2 rrA t2 < < < < > ° < TIIUST COMIAMFS Chartered 1822 The Farmers Loan and Trust Company NOB 22 William St Now York Capital 1000000 Undivided Profits 7000000 I 16 1820 TnUri CO1pANIF9 COMMERCIAL Advances Then Dfellnea Cold Weather at the Ronth Reeeipti rce Tired Longs Bellini Liverpool Dir appointlnc UraJn Irregular Coricej Down MpwniT April 17 COTTON 8pot cotton unchanged Middling 7Mo atralnst 140 lait year Xew Orleans and Gulf SlOo against llJSc No sates Galveston and Augusta declined llfto Galveston and Augusta noSe New Orleans and Harannah 7Xe Bales Galveston ttv bAleS Mobile loo Savannah 1701 Ausiiita 09 The receipts today wero as follows TWny Last ttoi ZS M 31114 4S Augusta 1777 IJM lei MempBia jeot 4 in ian NtLoula 2 7 JM 770 Houston 80M tS Wl Tomorrow toil IWi houston 7SOO SSOO SiW 30i- Oalveaton IJooounn 12701 24M- MewOrleana XOllWJO itMl eata Total 20000J3000 J30M 11121 The total movemett at the thirteen principal Interior towns was aa follows Toddv Lad IWi- neeetpta ilwt uJSi J777 Shipment IS1J7 4 J7 The total eiporta from the port were 7I7M bales UIIJ to Great 1 7J to the Continent and 109 to Ueilco sad Japan Futures In New Orteana were aa followa Open Jff0 Low Clot in iu tna Klthl- Uay 7M TJJ 7l 720 730 July 72J 7S4 721 722 7J1 October 7U 744 7J2 Ml 71 FutureS here advanced 1 to I but reacted and declined to 10 cloolnc with estimated sale of 2WOOO bale ITIce at follows HlaMit noting Put ntelil- Uay 7M 7J 7J8 7J7 749nii July 7 S 7SO 7S2 74081711- AUrutt IM TM 7K97JA 744 7iS October 7M 744 7MC7M December 7BS 760 1JU 91M 700a7 l January 7 IM 7M J7W 7040709 In Liverpool Spot cotton waa Mid dllnc lld IMA Sale 7000 bates Import 1X103 FutUres advanced 1 to 2 polnta but 1 of the rise Price u follow TtHay Saturday 1004 Aprtlltay 1 oj ioi 7J9 l o iM 717- AucuitNeptember 109 iM 710 October 410 M Further liquidation Induced partly by but more all failure ot the market to to Ihf ad log from llcht frosts In Ctnrrla Alabama and Florida to the kind In the Augusta acctlon of Scents ctuaed another decline It was ac- companied by reports that om wlrr of the Wall party was tellloc out TliUi eema to be made up of smaller of tradrra broken omce may be doubted whether the operators In the financial district have let eo The leader of street wsa by some supposed to be aelMnc The South pretty time lloora traders the of stop ordri TIe Prediction- for for ihowrn In Teiaa and fair and winner weather In the Carolinas Crorrla and lilulMlppl Bean have an Idea that the South li more tell cotton Toe re were a week aca larcc aa arc and M In rirnaof n reiirato Henry Oew A Co Uven ol remains steady lair demand for spots and Manchester trade la on a prosperous bals with an ecormou buttneu cotton roodi Drttlsh and Continental snlrmera are itlll cotton In Ihe South for future requirement but there li sji ample to meet at previous price rendition see backward thtnc depends upon rtunnc the summer season the month July and The Immediate prospects seem to favor a continuation of small only depend on crop more than anrthmc else Weld Welt Gwath ACo saId With the In acreage certain to be fully 10 per cent the outlook for the new U IndlraUve of an- other bumper yield but rather to the contrary ThOU th thin year and the requirements nt New England Continental spinners are yet to be met convince ua that there no serious decline In cotton level Latt Tuesday the technical speculative portion of the market 10 we coton COulJ be add then either tot long or aUort acount and bought hack to belle rondltlon we would now rither buy ian aell It a we thInk tile chances are more In of Porno moderate improvement In the future aa a fresh larce short Is crested and there Is speculative long U last week and i last year OOCMO Mean M last wek and 19 r closed jc l Hc hUb Safes 1100000 bush Price follows sr ftr T iaw an Bi September 4 M re oulet on tho spot SaltS 20000 bosh W quiet on the snot Sale Mnuf bush No 2 mixed In elevator SIc Futures closed He to He lower bush Price i follow Open Mil 9 ex Arfttt iT- h folloivin show the graIn moement New York tMeal Cprii AMBarktr W 7JOO 7cyM 277000 171000 ooncsooo- ShlpmSta 1 WO J9l000 Wff HOOO 2WO SSOOO 41000 The 1 lble Is foUow April IS AfrO 18 tTMtl Ca W- jotnjooo njraan 774 00 BJTHrtO Inc IJWflOO roOm jjuooo 04SOOM flee live 17270UO 10I70TO Dec W 2JJSOOO 2007000 Dec UJXM The stocks at New Vorlc are a follow tprfl IS Aprtl U rr IH04 Cfuntrl eiSJil flee I7UM Corn Uiilia M l JMS12 flats 4 t I2J I Inc 81232 U7esn isoiM No rhure SI20T SJ70 hoc The stoCks at Chlcaco are aa followi- AprO IS AffU It Wtitli- gce IMI Ctonce- ir rat 7U 2i03om Inc 144000 j4ttunn Jo720to Dec 4SJnoo 2 OtO JI4SOTIO Inc I9ifno l4Sono Dee 7COO 1 2o rj No hIre Vheat and Irrerular the there waa a fractional tdruice owing to the cold snaP at the West by nervous shorts and an abaence of aelllnc pressure Hut the oderlnc became weak- ened and Advices From the damage from the weather but the news from the winter wheat belt continued very rule Moreover the worlds iblp Sent were larger the cables were bearish outside markets were weak and local trader Armour broker were selling at the Writ there waa another on renewed coy ertnc but followed hy another downturn t uucht about IOOOTO of May at the West Private cable reported osdcstlon- K well The weather reap anowed clear condition la Ihe extreme North temperature 16 to 84 degree shove In the t was tmperatnre bow there was I anew at Nonh Patte temperature In the Southwell was B to M- ecreei above was partly cloudy there wa- iaf Kansas Oft The temperature In Ihe Ohio Valley was Ji b 4J degree It was r nf rally vicar that there was light scattered anow mower and were pmUcted lor neit thlnyal hour Corn and oats were on neral country a ark ot support The of toni Increased oats decreased IMJOU- Obuah worlds rom wen 2s70ooo built acalnit JOMOOO last week sod ljuoou Fu v 4al t rteady Sales JAW bbl lUoelnu I4 l bbUi export 27U bbla Winter In bbla Clears straIghts UCUxi Corral lUo on the epot at or No 7 No sale declined 10 points tact and Hamburg Rio wa ucaance KM lower BO recdpi stock Cotton IImated receipts WIt O IMO PI- n lAw Ialne ov II r Fee of told weather In the belt with frosts rDI r dlpoar to of I u as of nuct Importance a and for a 1000cer pull the ooune of the market 011 the new oI rinlyre I are T A McIntyre dll nn Indl unpr dtnl b ay I oho close of lu Under I Cotton I n r 1I being ollOn to dun 00 sale No Nor1hcm over uy Nndliwrettrn 905 ralnst 1 against I r Is May IDS 02 r7 81 Oats Natur1 23 83 the t was 10000 1 Mr 52 f July nrceIPII I 2zorl 19300 lO033 UHO- Cb sro I Shipments 5318 U I tVhest Dee coo Inc Rye ItalIc r Corn Oat ron Barley I ftr h FAr1T In covering soon UnPd SaII rail thIs on tCTtd TIle supply 124000 but Ibis I n 1C4 world bush week and 77303W mounlln pasre Incrr tOMIOO bUlb broken bush Cite II to 80 degreeS above t3ear IIrtto- nllltd In lbs temperature 25 to U TIle d I lii Kalil lrost occurflt t Ute and SIf1or In Clean > nn U1Ctll was d 1 uI J wes Mo- bile hut vylk laSt e 1 ort sold wit Tuesday was Ala- bama retptL however WfTO not 1111110 0 as lby hey Ill I those sid Top I ted as every 0 sets I mei lnlIlt Marshall were eUeri 111 bard troe S Co were buyer I wes muh benr wee the favor hut a here was fluluth 2e 7ew Torte the teveirti were eaTs ounres lower Clot Prep Ins ifW IIQSI S 87 white Cern Sales Law elf b tIl 127 721 533 Oat supply Oats Wheat WaS U a ham- mer StItI later Was I ue23n decreased Thi wyre 99151W agstnsl- 1311W last last late that Odessa reopened t at cre bad been put en ereel enow heavy rest bb1s ID Sour uUTrS p > < < < > < > Franklin Trust Company 140 Broaiwar 1 v 164lofl MoaUtuo St Diooklyn UEOIIOK U SOUTUAHD MFETIMOH TUB DELAVTAIIE A hUDSON NOTice IS OIVKH that a meellnc of the stockholder of The Delaware and Hudson Company railed order ot tOe Hoard of at the orace of the Company hattan and CItY of New York on Tuesday Mar ninth alt IMS at 1141 A M fOr the purpose anil the tog the capital of tOe Company In the amount of lily the par value Chateagc ani Hallway Company Notle also given that the meeting of the Stockholders ot The Delaware and Hudson Company will be held at the same at twelve oclock noon on the same day for the election of manager and for other business Tile will open at twelve oclock noon sad remain for at one hour The transfer rooVe will re closed from the close oftuilnesa April 2Sth until the Dora tnc ol xt ednesUay Hr order ul tat iKiard ol DAVIU WILLCOX Prealdenk- F U Secretary New York April 1 OS once ot the CLEVELAND CINCINNATI CHICAGO AND 8T LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANY Cincinnati Ohio April lith 1KB NOTiCe IS HKHtllY OIVKN that a mectlnc of the Stockholders of Cl eland ClnrlnuaU specially called and wIll be at he Company office In the City of on Wednesday the 31st of May IW5 at 12 of said Company by llJOOOOOtb Is from IMJOCMXn to t40M divided tale ioooui share of the par value of JIOO each of suds of the Stockholders the transfer books will be closed at 12 oclock noon on the 70th of April 1906 and be reopened at 10 oclock A U on Thura day the 1st IMS order ot the Hoard of Director F K asuonV Secretary TIlE STANDARD SAM unliT COMPANY ot sue City of New York IWS The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or I MR OF New YORK will be held at the General Office of the Non 61OJ East SOth Street New York City on Wednesday the at for the elrc the Iransartlon of such other business a may come before the meetIng The Transfer nooks will he closed M JP U on Thursday April 57lh IDuS and will be reopened on Thursday May lllh lUMat 10 oclock W GHKKLFY HOYT Mce Pre lilrnt and SerftirrO- tTlve ot TIlt LAKE SHORE AND IIICIIIOAN SOUTHERN 1IA1LWAY COMPANY Cleveland Oolo April lit NOTICE IS HKnKllY CI1VKN that the Anntiat of the stockholders of company toT the election ol Directors and for the of such other buslneM aa may be brought before Iht- roeetlne will be held at the principal office of the ramaany In Cleveland Ohio on the T1R3T one hour thereafter DWIUIIT W PARnHKs r elarr TilE MIMVAVkTJ KLIXTItlf UAILMAV AND fOMlANY Johnston Bulldlnz so Ilroad street New York 0 IMS- TWENTYSECOND nrXIULAH DIVIDEND The regular quarterly dividend ot One and ball per cent upon Companys preferred Capital Stock paid on IWi of at the close of business on April 1905 to Whom will be mailed The stocn transfer bonks will IK cloG on Thurs day April 2uth lOot at SOO P II and remain nosed Monday May Itt l 04 at 1000 A M W UlKT Stcreurv New York N Y April nth isnti The MKEriNO of tOe StoclchaU of the New York Mutual Oj Ltiat the election ot Directors and Inspectors for Lbs tin l nH p COIH AO on cursday the 9tli day of May 1 OJ at ten oclock A M will be open one hour The trauifer books will bo closed ou the S6th diy ot April win Ue re- opened on the loth day nf W C Srcy and Tlrw DALE DESK COMPANY New York April nth IMA The annual meetlnc of the of in- Hale Dealt Company will be held on April 28th- 180J at toe cane the Company IS Stone St electing directors for the year ted transaction of such other business aa may before the meetIng JOHNSTON Secretary IXWO Santos was recflp 1000 hags stuck lOIIMO Price u follow lllfuil xiifil Closing lee nljht May fl tilj B2o 2S e3O4 September oo em noo eiis e vu i ev i7S u7i ito7i e7Sv December 6MI H6 w o 6M an There a moderate decline in coffee todas- owlnr to bearish cables sellinr by local trad m- id a lark of Tie were llcbt- ut this fact had no Influence The spot market dull M Spirits of turpentine ala Corn aon to good strained rosin Lard was dull prime Wetitrn- IMr if fined Continent 17 16 American tM Pork was quiet at JlJ81u7S for m- allow SHe nr Hull Tearaery JJOJj c western ttrv ITo Chieaco Dill 17 The trade In wa large and market lower The Initial bear i Influence was the heavy receipts at the ant the 10 cent decline In was liquids Ihroucbout the session and there wan chance from Slay to July particularly In ribs SCOXB Raw easier at I Ultc for renitif ural M and i Jlflc for muvovado w laIrs liono bags M test at 11SI6A and 2mn- molaaaea at Reflne4 wa dull trait latrd CHICAGO April 17 These were Open m H Low rIo P VTtiitli nt nt VifV May lUiM US IIJH II4W lit lilly i Sept Mliii MlJ lj JJtJ K May 4AU iJ 47 I7 iTj July U 47H 17 Sent 4JJT iil iH K fc7J7H- S 1S- pt 7CW Port ay 1270- uly I2M Wiled Inneapolla Mar July Sept uluth July 1nnep loll ledo July City July iLoul July oTd 772W 7JI 7H 7JS 748 746- 7J7 70 762VJ 747 700 090 e7ii 700- 727M 717V 7 27 7J7 742i 7 47j 1270 12 SO 12M 721 12 S 1277l 12 M IJ O- JOmu JUKKET Open IHtH Lea Clet pep in tit i e VW- loifU io7ji iom tea i 4 IDS iwi- MM i MS M 104W 101 I044 hOt 10J B2t Jll 1 r- JiU Witi Blti 01 t 1 lOSj IMIi lO- i4i H w 7J 77H Tls 103 100 Klit 100 10 84 W4 M- I1 JIM MS M- HSONMEMIIER RANK STATEMENT The of averages of the banks latlon but which clear through seine 6 the tr m U a follow Aprtt IS Aprtt CMnti- xtaaa dtoct A itmentJllJ7JI70 I11JOM109 I727M- Irmlstlon l onjoo ijo oo inc t40n Net deposits l SMtq 12SXIO 00 lTBTliu- epostu with II1JI2M- th banks and trutco real tenders Ul X Ine Total JJOJU PO lr llMirti- eaerve reqd fl7Kuo JlJB8X7S Inc lil771 I 1 2 700 000 ladITIf 0 I I President FLrcrln R lat b fcc of 100 t6c1 also for purpose of Pprov log muking of a molIned open I y OLYP ANT and St Louis Company hat h oclock noon for the of ounr a to the Common capital Stock STANIIAIU OAR CITY cit ieid No 21 CortlandI Street in the and the the leaat Company 01 lbs flaliroad properly and of the Late 3 the Railway iweit Increase lath day of hay I of Directors and 133 thIs IbOIn the 3rd OF MAY 890- 5II ID oclock A 32 The pou 111 cotlnUi Open for i3 order of the IIosrd of Directors one Cot ensuIng year wIll held lie 36 UnIon Npe 4 ocloek P lb the corn wan Wall Sirtit Interests sonic foreign flng was NATAL 33U hogs AllIs was teal teal 8 today 52 May 861474 2074 79- luly rn 257- 4seIrd 8074 281 2784 3 thy 72234 715 74384 742 i 12 > 10574 l47 lo5 lOS 9 lot M cs 5 6epI weekly statement if tflb city CIty and liotsuken whIch ar lot members of the York Also sets 12475400 Inc l5b- 4U foe 031W- abankeotes 5203400 51121300 Ire 153400 584400 Inc petl iiijui4mw4 > > ¬ > > > < > > < < < > >

Transcript of rrrir Tw f Sr - Chronicling Americarr w-j t TO i rrrir i P Tw tUXKHM ANT BROKER DONALD MACKAY C fi...

Page 1: rrrir Tw f Sr - Chronicling Americarr w-j t TO i rrrir i P Tw tUXKHM ANT BROKER DONALD MACKAY C fi rt i i- W rWf Hew York ant J o vs rllv Mini Itock IieliBt LATHAM A rilH latilimef


j t TO

i rrriri




DONALD MACKAY C fi rt i i-

W rWf Hew York ant J o vs rllv MiniItock IieliBt

LATHAM A rilH latilimefGPO 0 MACKAY-



r w

Mackay CoBankers

Naisau and Cedar Streets New York

13 Congress Street Boston

Dealers in U S Government Bond andother bvetment

Vtrwt c Ca PUU 1






TrinJicI i General Foreign and Domestic

Banking Business


Letters of Creditavailable in all parts of the world



Trippe Schuyler Co

and BROKERS3 Wall Street



BONDS FOR INVESTMENTPine street cornor William

cntcopo NEW YORK Boston


I Nassau St Cor Wall StMember of lit Nrw York Stock Ficlianc



Investment Securities


ENCINEERSconstruct ml Hallway LlthU

rout and Hydraulic PlantsExaminations and Reports

pew York Ule Bulldloc CIIICAOO ILLINOIS



New York April lUi IMSTo the Stockholders

U hereby given that the annual mretlnc-nf the stockholders New York TelephoneCompany will be held at the principalCompany II Dey Street ol Man

the City New YorW N V on Tuesday the td Mar 1006 t

for the election thirteen Director andInspectors of Klectlon and the transaction

ot such other bualncM u then properly Cornbefore the itockholdrn Yourt truly

JOHN H Secretary

rrrrsuuno COAL COMPANYThe Board of Director of this Companr hu

this day declared quarterly dividend of andthreequarter per cent on the preferred atockfront thr earnlnri parable April 2 lh 1905 tostockholders ol record April JOih 1904

F J LEMOYNC SecretaryPlttsburi Pa April nib laoS

lwjert Title Iniuranc and Companyand 9 Liberty Street City

lith IMS-Th Board nf Directors of Company

this day declared a dividend nf twoper rent payable at the office on

Ut transfer book will be closedSaturday the lllh dar ot April and reopened-

on the M day nf

MININGIS Broad Street

New York U 1905DIVIDEND XO

Dividend No tit at fifty SO share

w ow

f Ilk



Sue aweto aM P-

Mn V


s I


mgh Grade

1IGI lml-





1 I o




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4A Ave elkm


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IMa been the

bo4k tha toes1








Gulf and Ship Islandweek

IfKHJU107 Dec ISJr-M j Inc IJi

lit July ISft JMM8 boo

I4XM7 143JW InsLouis and Southwestern

2d week April JllS Ine ii 4HFrom 1 J OJ7 62JSUS9 Ine JI22V2

Twin Transitm week April MJMO Jr J7S too JjjMSFrom Jan I 111191 IA170S1 lien V

Wabaah-2dweekAprll I41JOI7 J4O4W8 The ttJM

iiAMmisii7t08 lee IS13H4-niMocnt fcirtc

The Missouri IacICo Itallwiy Company reports

1X-UGrotaearnlnc I74IJf MiJIJW flee tfrgJm-Opere ptnati 2tHJUO 2AM741 Dec MJto-

Netearninc UM91J JMI4M Dee 72U7From Jan llo Feb

JIKAO4 3 Dec loliM-

rcttearnlnrt Irwjirj t3uToM Dffl080J05-MTsaorai luuua tutu

The MloMMirl Kanra and Railway cornbruary-

Grostramlaca ll MUt JUMJaa Dec MM7-Oper cxp A laira ll2Jta 1047413 Inc OHII-

ONelrarnlDca Jlli Tl Dec H2e 7-

Int sod rental JM4 JtO270 Inc 1JU1

Deficit W4Iim II J 0 toe W7r sDETROIT VXITED

The Detroit tOlled Ilallaty Coaipany report

M77 ll I UM MJ7M-Oper rip 4 taica W Inc 1170

Net canton VwT33 i M Inc MrAKixa mitnoto

The puma TUUraad Company reports toe theytarcBdcd ls

1004 IKSU MOte4Ml Inc tfluim

iptBaei j 4u i74 w ntM-

tilM MJOM lao


I4 tek S21I

t Urom m


f July

t bfn







N 1211 p110-DpD a InC

ftU Inc

tl1 l0-8rl a

Ann Arbor csu s



totI ItotI


4 2-

Grosearntnr S1tltttOpec

rasy reports904 CAane

toetaos I4 C 54501


itOSA carols gpoe

I etertilCi 277351 lie123151

flatinre itiIt4 3014-3flIedeltrEes Dec







m i APR S 9 Srf 1 C 1 1 1tJ1J rt i Fs I ii r sS4MBU III p u i u i




MOnDAY April J7

The itock ronrkpt to Uy rcftirned the

IrretuUr and uncertain Which charnctoriwd It for n long to a weekago Alternate wavcn ot wcoknowi andstrength piuwd over the marltct certaintocks holding very well from the boein

nlng of tlyj iicwlon to IU cloin while otherworn an notably weak Although fluctua-

tlonaof thUnort were no more then natutnlIn view or the rapid advanoa In prioea dur-

ing the week tho fovcrishncM ot mar-

ket was nevortheleM disappointing tothe rank and file ot upoculaton who are

of them committed torim and had effect of making

thorn nervous regarding the Immediatefuture of values A factor that contributedmorn than anything else to the heavtnewof the market was the liquidation In UnionPacific and New York Central etocka al-

though thU did not break the price ot thestocks In any decided degree H U an-

prrent that the large of UnionPacific during last wwk nellenof stock In the last two or throe business day and has been en-

gendered among of Wall

Street oommlMlon houses aa to whctbetthis selling that the movement In

the stock to that a mere healthyreaction I taking place The transferbooks of the Union Pacific Company will

close on Wednesday for the purpose of thespecial meeting of the stockholders calledfor the Mh of May next at which action will

be taken upon tho proponed lassie by thecompany of 100000000 additional pre-

ferred Block One of the most noticeablefeatures of Stock Exchange btwlnesa re-

cently has been the very largo borrowingdemand for the Union Paclflo commonMorN by practically known torepresent of tho companythe Inference being that this borrowinghas been for the purpose of securing sucha temporary control of the etockholdingvoting power aa will enable the manage-ment to carry at the special meeting theproposition to preferred stocko describedhas been excited that after thethe books o stated the demand for theUnion Pacific aharei both in the stock andloan marked may disappear liegardlug New York Central Block a pre nureto tell haa been noticeable there for some-

time As a counterbalancing Influencehowever to the depression in these quar-ters of the market today was the strengthof the St Paul and United States Steeluhares No particular reason for the advance In St Paul wu ascribed otherthan the general theory that It was In pur-suance of various plan of railway consoli-dation In the West following the windingup of the Northern Securities Company-If the St Paul road extends ila lines to thePaclflo Coast an it certainly will do unlemIt can make far more satisfactoryments with the Northern PacificCompany than now t ma probable or

can be accomplished It will neceamanly have to Ixaue new stock or In some-way raise n largo quantity of money andIt may bo that the recent rise in the stockhits for the purpose of facilitating sucha transaction Continued consideration ofthe earnings and pronpecta of the ironuid steel busines and anticipation of thefact that the earnings of theStoel Corporation for the last soonto bo made public will make a brilliantshowing accounted sufficiently for theupward movement in the United States

shore and strength in theErie stocks and NashvilleAtlantic Coiiiit Line American Woolenand the North American shares were atdifferent times today matters upon whichspeculative attention converged while onthe contrary one of the developments thatoontributedto the unaotllement and con-

fusion of feeling regarding the market waapronounced evidence of liquidation in thoAmerican Smelting American Locomotiveaa well an other stocks in which sensationaladvances have recently been made

A great deal of the Helling of stocks today came from the Western clement whichagain revived discussion aa lo the statusof the Chicago wheat corner theopening of business were atadvances over the closing figures of Saturday and they soon fell urn lar e offerings-of stocks stop orders particularly beingcaught in Union Pacific They again roseunder tho leadership of tbo various specialstocks that have been named and closedwith advances and declines pretty gen-erally scattered throughout the list Theforeign markets today woe all inclined-to heaviness in view of the expected encounter of the Russian and Japanese war-ships Sentiment abroad wan also unfav-orably affected although In minor degreeby the Issuance of the British Governments-IU000000 exchequer loan and by the rumorthat Japan was about to make anotherInternal amounting to UO000000 loour most gratifying occur-rence abroad from our point of view wasa marked fall in discount rates InSterling exchange also fellthere waa a renewal of the French demandfor gold in London The cold wave thatKpreud over tho country today seemed loaffect the fruit crops more than anythingelse It undoubtedly did some damagethroughout the winter wheat belt It wasobviously not regarded aa of great Im-

portance hi the grain markets Inasmuch



malt the




Inc terror
































as prioea of even the opUona not affected by the corner hi thecommodity weakened

New fork Exchange SaleApr UooaiKQ or CKITTD StarEs PONDS

yiitf AlliS tit Aimu S n lOfiViiu reril-ater104 iaala coup too UUJtJallH-Mu r4 itciu4URAILROAD AND OTHER J1ODS

Am Solrita 1st r ImplJapsnewee SI LnulagOOO 00 stertlncloan C00000la

Am Tobacco ia JOOO St en4s4COO 90 10000 R4I

20007419 Joooii no sooo 8414-tl l 14000 00 100000000 7lu JOO 0HI 11000 H4rendered 7000 go jooo2000 4 4000 0 H7 St iiI ex U

Arbor 1 tu JOOO 08 1000loftJ-OOOODI8 10000 0878 San A AA Tans 41-

AlehTop Ke4 10000SOOO JOO OOU MotoVANB-Uimooloats 20000

ItoOfal 00 A L M-soooJia sou oeia w62000 South Padoe4a

lumped IrnplJapanewta11000U6l7A-

llintlcCUneis 1JDOO 0084JbO SoPaofeNaclft-

J 10000 O678 700007310000 MA04I7000loa joo ueu 10000

Ball A Ob cold ia Jon Stand Hope ATMJOOO


t 0 OOlTei Pac 1MU

10001000 Tel St L4U t 4a


tknKapTrev4a tOOOofLoaUmM

100 BRA I oooooial10000 HplKa CrtSUMColon 4a-

SOOO 80 4000 ii-

rwoo noii looot-OOO Kai ota

loctw BOU loooo 7 Union fa LakeCrKAWItti 100001 7nUrnrrliit icoo toooi

LShAUrVtfa loooDortHANrron


o 206IO 132





16015W10la nuTal 1108 I


000ioooe Iuooo

31001 VII ItO SO





Third Avenue



3rouoei2 I


000I 3OOOlOO 332-nalell a roi isi sees t 10000 6

Loa fishgmss





LouANaah4i IpSSJISCentral Ua lit lu

LouNAAChiutl looooIaC-

enlrMPatmcl til

Mil A NorChei A Ohio 4 191 100-

02nnoO7i MlnnStLoulat USneiliyAIta-HOOOI07IS UaKAToTU

Col tut lj USRdARf e1000 SB Uo Kin Tel 4

Oil A Alton a 7 OOJJOr-ooo fib MoPaclDeJd7i

I in fMnPirlGflJalim Jiccoiooo 1000-looo oo34lMAOUontlt ul iiocn

R7P Hll JUOOC077-

gCWD01lin4a NVCentLSJMi 44000 08-t 10000 077-

ChlMAStPler ta rerWlerKl roflonooo oo ioo 3 PAIR

Chi NVOil M L4l tMOloooI04l joca P8t

Chi H I4Pafl nS N y Dock 4a 10000i tOOO OHI-

sironD4U NYGaadecLct 1000004 IOOU R8ln-

ChtRIAPItn4a tooo 04 jnoo10009 JIOOO OR

isooo104 recistere-dChlBlAPrefi oeoi04la ValronCACJ

i 2000Chl Norfolk A West ia

I 784 11080 l 4Chi St Paul lImo 2000 i 0 j Wa I Tee 1st 41

I Ia 101000 00S-

OOO l37lnNorf MVPoc 4 100005d4J-

OOOO 1 I Old 1100043J090lOftl4 2AOOO

1000 wabanhden nwon7711C-

CCsiLsiL4tNort Paciness soonHll-

J0001ia78 KIOo 77 loon 7R-CoolnJsjerA Or A Nav is

SOOO103 7ft7s-eoo

iitooo 7oia 10000 0709 30000 hijcole Midland is I 2JMO O7I9 20007H

1000 76 B4000 T

Colo Southern ia tnooo noort AlaJODO U7VI jwn

10000 0414 10000 07I 1JOOO 7ftl41000 04I iOOfl 074000 IMUl 10000 07I SOfl07Ht

Cons Gas rv V7 s JOOO

4000 I R I Iparlftr Coast lit 2jnno7H84SO-OO 17B1JI

1000 7OI4000JSon HO-

Jiooo 7n i

7034WOO 7034-

DetMacOAla tO 0lllOsri-JuHe

W S2irroo so jooo ta-

looo sou i oe10000 Peoria 4 EaMI-

ntnfeT4iwrA tono 77tOOO two 77tE-

rlePej 4 0000

deb ill Rich A Dan en a M U-noo 22 rjrlnere-

dnoooBll PloCrande vIMO a Wtat Union 4Ma-

2tOOO B ila JSPSJgi117 I

tOOO Oft St Wheel LKcn 4i4 2000 PS9H1

OAOPH StLASinFrfdi bOO O4 B-

200000lsl 22000 m nHnCentaI-D Central 4i I V1 1000 0041 10 0 g4la-

ioooioat looo jooo


500 Ainu CVera 1 7200 Allla Ch pf

BtTOO 887S1800 Ch 28la7700 Am Car A r 43I

400 Am Cr pi 103S-

CO Am Cot Oil 30200 Am Elp 238-4COAmItldeAL 03400 Am HALpf 601100 Am Icetta 6200 p 4 034-

7M An Lin OU800 Am Lin pf 48lgI-

SlOOAm Loco OOU-UOO Am Loco pf 1 921s-JOOAnUall 7400 Am Ualt pf 90

SHOO Am SmelfcJOO Am Stoelt pi 247-jooAmStFdr4COAm trpf

2 OOAm Ducat 143341-0CO Am Tob pt 88-

JJJCO Am Wool 40U-200Am VNoolpfl07la600 Anaeorda 1 27la-


67COAIC Line 1006000 Dalt AOUol 10 4-

JtOODklfollT 701a100 Dklrn U 0 201

lice Drunak Co 10 s10100 Can

671000 Chi AH W34034

40900 Chi Ci W U472OOCOtWpfA 70la-ejfocotWprn 3719-lOOCMOIWdeb 87


O t KitinH


7a4 aasia U


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B38 U-

22IB Is

12189 ia7

2AU Ia-1208s OB

1243410 I-

C37a IB143

877 1440 42A-

gI07ia la120 1



2000 col ooss-oocotUOAl i etgI-

CO Cot 90200 Col 00

4tOO Cons Cat 303132 00 Corn Irod 13

Corn Prop 001000 Del A Hud104700 Denfcna pf 8034-lOOUeiMAfO C4U

1000 Pet Unllr BOIs100 Del Sou pf 34

1100 nutlllert3 4Ola-joo DS SA A p oaia100 Ea troan Kit 14 834

200 Elee bvori BO

4700 Erie 40841400 Erl lit Pf 81 8MOO Erie 3d pf 7 01 a400 Fed plOHa100 Ft WAD C 00

9000 del EJcColB4lgJ-OO Great Nor p33o100 Hock Valpf 041s

10200 111 Central 8 U1701 Int Tapir 241s

TOO tnt Paper p SI 84

Power 0734100 let Pump p 87la

no a0934 IB

201 4I Ola 4


6 i4

240U 94

70 418

87 laI 808 I S


8 Is100

ie u-so00 ia

303 21412oota ia

3480 a is24U

S3446 U32U-

14834t 880


loUa a00

183 UsB34I844IJ-

041s 78

A-SB13407la-871a 4

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n100 I tBRRIP4rbOO

unok 1000 a

I 2520 I






A Nor W





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wh a

2000ROS cur 6

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700IOiii lI0070Iatooo I

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orlEnL f

0 I 0 I

Ala f734211 421


2373IOla LOla la

0Am Inc 40la

223 2248Ia 1





Boa 881a203100Ia1003201

I 3

1631UCO Ohio I


30 ao3487

a01eo C 18610012 2

ZOo Chi Term 181

10011FAir 11

11Sub 00


Doll 00121P3


A 861344la

183t 1 8


00 1

l823334210012 1003 I



CaaidaOooIbte goo 1a17

30002fi11sC-entrsl ii In

UetFjetstidtilezCect con1000771i tofi4z4f1fI-

chasohf nao4000 20 fib I


CtflurQ4s 400J07077

tools IChi flue 4

10000 I


1tonOM43 320013 OBigI

lIlt 5 Wabash Id1 4000

Choc 1 3a

49iflit OO0IO6l

7000 OrSLfdg ieoOu



lOGO I I 4ConeTobaecn4s Pciteof Ito

aoeo i7I 8OOO7g3

Eapt litties Core I S

Erie prior IteruSaI 3000 10001400 l7lq 150U07O3

Coal 1000o7P32000 047s

Green flaT3es1 Mho1C0O I I fiji


St MtEl en 5t


rolti sale of

himSal sal Ce






8 9712i3s

28 3 1



0Pact aI64l



U a its







8 8094 U9l

fOils I


























200 Iowa Cent 30UTOO Iowa Can pi 66844 OKaaCltrSo 30U-

IBMXaaOSopf 03-

400Enlclt lee 20U11200 Lou A Naaal 44382660 Uet St Rr 123U

11600 llel Scan P7la-ItOOUez Ceat 243g

100 M 4 St Lpf 001400 UStPAHilUI 183g-


7COU K ATpf 081000 ISo PaclneJOONaahCAStU46J-OO Nat fits Co 037

llpONat Lead 47U700 Nat Lead pI077too Nat E AS 30U100 Nat EA5 pf 0334

00 N T Air Dr 10 1

1700 N If Central OOU1100 NT CAStL 63 8-

200NYCASIL1 B3I42000 Nor A Wei 801s

1100 North Am 107-UOOOntAMei 0034J-OO Paclne Mid 44

2tOOPena RRI43344-7IJ Penna rta Ut-

tOO Pro Gaal6400 PtUa RT133sloe Picaaad a 0 40U-400Prcta3C pf 087S-

ii oo nr st SPI 40oonr at SP ptio3i8

1700 B p Sle4 33-

2700R 83-4X00 08-

200Readlnc pTJOORocklalaai 30-

JoOJKKklal pL 70J4000 Ooodl 33lg

SloMlhtff 03loosLaroeict 100

f eoiamoo Paelfli 077a

joe South PaepllBIs-40HS u Rf C 3484-ivoeoanrCep 07U


447 a7a


B2U J-

Bl 84U-

01U34 a70 Ig-

3SU4 la10718Hj-


100 1118-

07AJ lt11884 14

34i IB-


3011 8Qi I

003 l14

6320 20

131 133 1813 7

90 001111311

I I I10 10 3

471071 107a IS30 30133 033

1410863 b3I I

8118OI O106 101

60 l44 441411 143I


0330 3317a


38101 I

leepf I0 180114 I

84 I

70nub 311nub adl


100a L S 108


30gc2i 24


803S 52375

118 5Ii

676a 500a I067

ig475 14



831g Og




too pflO7t IS

100 WBoy













rut Clot NitM


12 lOBU 103 +JOWTeiPaeiao 47 4 U7U U7la-

KOTot fiery p 38 30 Ig100 TOI SILAW 48 jJ-

OOTolHLAWp 3U 08 4 aoTwiB ne js ia


lOOUaDAPpC 7160000 Union Pa 138 4 133J8 134 U ft

pit OOM

84 84 84

10 OUaOI pl 87 4 00-

200USEi mMl30 128 a-

ino U5nnc 40ia aauOOU 08-

llJOUSLctfa 1318 18I 3I84 U-

JOOUSLellpMlO HO 101 IOOU a Rubber 44 431s 4318

77700 Uaai l 38 30 8 7

11000 U 8 Steal pf 10 484 102 4 l 9t-

JOOVaCarCh Sflla 3634 8-

JOOVaCarpfl07B4 0a 10-

4NV410AO 40B8 40 40 8-42000VilcanDt 14I 13 14

leo Mabaah 23U ZS4 4 U2100 Wabaia pf 4 U-jOOWeiffhie170 170 Ua

lpl83 103 103 + 34

400 Ua T 04 031a 8384 U1 869 1 8 s 1868

1000 Wll Central 341s B3r 3-

HOOUlaCentpf 6884 027 63 a 3s

Total lM of atocta 11 OB ahwfa


AdamaHipZ40Allis Chirara isAllUCbpf-AmalCopper t7H


Am C 4 P pf I02l-AmCotDllAmCotUllpKS-AmWarrtAmFipie a2JJAmllldloiL-AmitAKpt JOHAm lc J-

Amlcepfcli 3B


AmUnOllpf 4 4Am Loco HAmLocOpflJlM-Am Malt H


2tO Knlcklc JO1 Knlctt pf

7M L E A

4JHLonr lilmd S8

102 4LouANwhl4M-W Manhattan U M

7 net SI Rrl M-

S3 H0 J4H

10 UlchCentlWIno A SI L 0-

UASllpt J-

40H U3P AS3MllM

4 MUKAT JIM60 r-

12Ui UoPactOolO7 Naah A St L14J-M Nat DlaCo J4-

AmSmUtpfUm 124M NatlEnASt 2-

AmSngI170 17J Nat L ad 4-

AmSmjBpflOOH lOIVj Nat lsd pf 10-7AmStelird KM im SatRRUei p 3-

AmStfdpf U 64 NRH2dpf 20

AmSucarli HUt NJ Central20-2AmSurpfI IV NTfAU 1 M

AmTAO 1 NYCentra-lltAmTVlim l NVCAStL JJl-

AraTobpf 7M SAm Wool J6 40 2 p J

101 20Ann Arbor Jl 40 NY Dock pf J7Ann Arbor pf 74 JO NYNIIA 1120-1Anaconda12M 12 Nor A Writ J3J-1AtTASr 89U SCUNorAWeitpf J-

AtTASIpl10 lj 10 North Am108A-llCo itLlSH Ut Ont eoU-

BaltAOlUollO 110H PaclfleCoait 2

Halt A OH pi B 4 fcPacCoaillplOJBW 70 PaeCoa l2o 03


Ten 0 0U4 8a

CRT 10a4moo Un nr p

78 78


IoIu 14

U n 031a30 ll

U p1 00

l64 1171 23377



100 LE




SI I 41W lO-



Wx0 UO

61 U


UK T UH107






tm Wool S V





8 fIg > 3

1200 Pta 005l-

ooVsflyIafit3100 U8OIF3I 3435 34I

8 0734 2341981p

00 6 4 Len 93I 931p Ig

aloe Is itait l3


36I> 5


4613 5


AiLed JU4208f





22 Met SecCent

6 94


A p1


AmUalLpf 54-

AmSmIItg12014 21074 SsIIUsCOpIIlO



4 54

YC4L p110

p1 1074 Dccli 24


2O4I Vest 6074








> <

< < > <

< <











201 Pacific Mall 41 lliB-

runiwlilk HVJ Tfnnan 1IUJ tllM-iDufinAPU7 U l PeoOLAO106 J 110

DunnAlptni 167K PeoAKait 41 414-DuRASDipf 90 1 PhllallapT 1S2-

lluttertrb 8J 69 PCOAStL JO J2ljCan 7014 7Hi PCC ASlLpflOl ID-

CanPac ISJtf 1SJX pd SI C r 14M 11J-

Ches 4 Ohio a H J7 B3 t-

ChtAAllon IWf 11 PullmanPCar21S 217

J8 Jl RwySecu tM-


cccAitLpii9i 11 Rystsprpfio losJ 21K 211 Readlac f 074

ChlOfWIA l 70 Readlstpf-ChiaiTViB JMi J7 00 11J

JW J RepVc fiteel 2SIJ 2JHChtArYW2 tj HOM Rep Steel pf OiJ M-VnlU6StPI eH UftV Hock Island Sl i J1HChi 1924 184 7MJ 7H-

ChlTermlnsI ISV lf RubberOdi JJ lChlTermTpf SJi nJbGdipfl074 I0-

CUCnTrac 7Ji a SloasSlief 02 J-

ChlUnTrpt JWJ 40 SloaaSlief pf 101 isJO MMStJOAI U iija-

eLoAWpflOl li StJAOlpf S2 MColFvtlAI 3 StJAOipf K 2-

OolHOAI 1 H IBIsStLASFlpf 77 7

Col southern S ilLASF2pf 6 i 70ColSolslpt SM 0 31L3W 2 2 i-

ColSo2dpf S7 3 StLSWpf 66 M-

ConCaa 202 C2vvStPAOmlJS 180I1J UUSoPaelae n 7H

Corn Prod pf 5 f to SoPaeine pMW 1H-SDelAnudl JV 1 JU Southern Rr US JiH

J9C nDenAno J2 SS 103

J P L T 4J 44-

DetURy tS JSHTTexaa rae S7M J7-

DetSoutha S H Third Aviml JO tJIDel South pf M JS Toledo m J4 t JS-

DUSecur lili TSILAW 41 41-

IDSSAA ISi IJ TSlLAWpfOJM-DSSAApf sU TwlnCllyllS litEleeStoraie 5 J PaclnolJ4K U4VErie ifrMUa Pie pf S9 tdjErie 1st pf M al lu Pipe JiK sii

B H 7i-EvATII i 70 OSFxpresa127H 1J-OErftTHpf JS UsmtyAIraUSM iFedUlnASll 1U OSLtherct UK US

10IS4UsLpfclfilO I 110FIWADC i 7 US Rubber UV 11Gen Elee Co HI HI ITS Rub pflK J 117OlNortupt32J JJ USSteel J71 JJ-HoekVal J VSK US Steel pflOH 101H-

HockValpt 81 JM J-

HllnolaCentl K 187 ViCar pf lo H 10Jlat Paper 21H Wabash 22 2Hlot Paper J1U JIM Wabaahpf 1S U

B7H 85 WelliF Eip21S ISS-

IntPump JIH J West Un Tel J 1-

Int Pump pf J7 7 Wetch el7JH 177Iowa Central 2814 SOU Weitbielpltl ItslowaOntpf Sl i 65 Wheel IS lH-KaaAUIch JS SJ WALKlpf iii 4-SKanaiySo JCU OHWALE2pf 2 iKan City So p JJ MH YU Central 2JM 2-1KCSrAUp JJM Ji WUCentpf J2 UH



Pd III Car pl


Chi QItI Read pl

CblOlW deb8

Y SIP hill p7


t 2 e

8f o6


11 <

Com Prod


w I I ISo Ry pl





SOlErie 3d Pt oaK UJfU SOl P p1


Ted A B pl lone



la Power




1flyn U las 109



5 9f 0324





Del 24Den R a p1 50741Tei













<< <


< < <










been active and the nnta number of substantial advances irrrecored After however th marketshowed n complete reversal or formtraders Mm to be ao rarer aellcr at theyhad been of stocks earlier In theday Prices did not usually at the

but altnet declines Northern Securities wat solddown from IM to I7 j on ex-t nilTe trading and

but clowil weak at IM The mandateof the Court allowing the dlntribulion of the assets Issued to

furtherUon No trans-acted at the roMtlocwhich wa held In lloboken today

Copper was again of themining The common shares aftera temporary movement con

advance and netRain of IM points transaction In them betn

issue on account of tearsthat another rat war was Impending but

movement notof the here which declined

only fractionallythe market todayu follows

Opm i Ixw cutStill nt nt m IxrlJim American Caa 11 MX ll 112200 Arnertean Caa pf 7JH TJM 71 71M200 American Nickel 21 Jl l-

2JOO Am Writ Paper pf 3iJ-OO Day matt Oaa jl


ti100 Col Furl A I new Jl-WO ConuaeataJ O A a IK

1600 Chleaco Subway J71710 Qrannj Copper CMlos Electric Vehicle 101W Oreepe C OoJd TMtoo Oreena Oold nw


Ut U Jl-J3 n M7-

W 7 U-

M49 atuaajoato lt

K10 10


im UK-M 2M-

Vi H

The outside market strene todaywith heavY tasuesrecently

urh rre

ronI an 51was made by counselthe Harriman intarest no

Iortll be made thebllln of wsa

aon enormous allIfield moved up on announce-ment that a of 2 cent had bfon London cables

In that




isco Dr1Ub 001 Cop103 IlalDttO lAmar I IH


7S S



IOOoreeDOGCop2I 8034




day thet4


un Ireenethe

its stock reported


74 fl414 51

474 Z74 4

876 17







> <

fni tit HI w-

I7S luccenhflm EXIW IM Ill in1-

JOO Hackrnsacb Mead HW 1JW Wtoo iiou ion on pf u uto later Rap 7raa JMM JWM K U-

itoo Inter Uer K UN UUIMS later pf JJ U M n-

J Mackay fotni 41 41 1JM iJMtoo Maah tlAnTrn m l IM K-

Jloo Yon A coos H It W-

axr New Olttti ny M H H JHJJ-KM New Orleans Ry pf 77

ItOO Nor TM-

J3SOO Northern See IMstub 800 TW 800

IM I7IH I H100 New York Trans 7M TM TM M-WO OtIs Elevator V

50 aboard A L lat pf Ji10 Utandard OU r-

WO U 3 Leather wt1700 U a Leather pfw I 101M I01M 10IW

Mioo United Copper 21M 27 MM M-

J United pf 70M 71 70 TOM

WO Union Copper M K K U100 United Box IM pf UM KM KM KM-

Ieoo White Knob nw IM Di IM IMPOND

Uoooo Atchison la w I IOJH IOSM 101 IM2000 BambercerdeLett JO M W 60

nxo Col Indua U Seo D 71 71M 71 71

iiooo JaplMi wj at MM W-

H5000 Uo Pao 41 M M W KMCOO NewOrleanjRylMl lM IK MM H-




American Can commonAmerican Can preferredAmericas Chicle commaADierleanCklclr preferredAmcrlran Ice See w IAmerican TobaccoAmerIcan Writing Paper nomArnerlcu Wrltlnf Paper pflDetblehenStteJ-Dethlehem Steel pf-

Bordeni MilkBordena Condeaied UUk pfdBrltlah Columbia Copper

Foundry common j-

Oentral Fonndo preferredOompreaied AirOontolldtted RefrlferatorCoDominion SecurltleaElectric Boat c immoaElectric Boat preferredElectric Vehicle commonElectric Vehicle preferrel-Enplre Steel commonEmpire Sue preferredElretro Pneumatlo-Otorrla and Tenneaae Cop

IIUI CopperOtanbr CopperOrcene Conaolldated Copper

QreereOoldSllver-Harkenaack Meadow

Havana Tobacco commonHavana Tobacco preferredInternational Mercantile MarineInternatlonil Mercantile Mar pfInterboroith RapllTraniltInternational SaltVacUayOornpaalet-Mackay Compantea pMManhattan Tranalt-Uontreal and Boaton Conaol-N Orleann Ilallwar w I

New Orleana Railway pM w I

N r York Trarupo nationN nhem S eurttleOils Elevator Company comOtis Hevalor Company pfJ




4 II77 71 77


It It000 Old Tlew Jolla S 2U I

>eaa eM



11 M




DI Add131 13U


06 9n


3 3

OOllj led I 60 16311 a I



OU 7I 0

3 3870 7012 2

II a3IS 9

40 60U

Iold U



I H I I ofIComp 17 18

KAlI Slynal 00 9613 16


I 2 I I Iit 21

20 6 20P2842C7336


7771 7

62 lI4J






4 54 51

41 41 41 1


2574 2073290

6713 P4

3631 3072146 8334

1 44774

Central 4 4342434



II014 014


2031 204-OlePneCutIotrIIl1 Gold 81

4 44


43416 14

9774 28747784

I 80L3 1 80406 I OR


> <




ItpePope UanuUcturtnt lit pIllPepe Manufacturing 2d pfl-Reyal lUklnt Powder comHorn Daklnr Powder pfdsafety Car Llrht and Heat Co-

Seabnanl Air foe oew w I

feaboard Air Line lat pfdSeaboard Air Une d ptd H I

Standard OU Compaar of N J-

SUndirrtmiUnrStandard illlllnr pfdTranr e CopperToDopah Mlnlnc of NevadaUnion CoprwrUnIted CopperUnited Cupper pfdUnion TypewriterInlon Typewriter lit pfdUnion Typewriter 3d plO

USLeather wlU S Leather pM w I

Wortjlnnoa Pump pfdwl

American Ice deb jj w I

American Wrttlnf Paper 6-4Atehlon ia w I

Central Foundry SaInternational VIer MaTins IMiInternational Salt i-

Jtpaneae i i wUlaaourl Paclflo ia w vNew Orloani Railway ilia w LSeaboard Air Line UStandard illlllaf la-

U S Leather la w I

nu dividend

76 8093 23H

11 1

00 f

20024i 28

wi 82 806 I 04


37 3931

I 13h

20li 20TS71 7808 102

1206 1110



78 78117H

loa 10382 868060 7207U 8801

OOtC81 83


461 1014260




I 16I 1

46 463410 1014

white Ilnob Copper 3 174-


8 031


0 834UI 0174





Bit AlRosS A Alb 100 3W

A M lt IMfoil M IM H Jhost A W II JIMCJR ASY

Mata Elec iia-laaa Else pf

fAItNY NHAH iOld Colony JiuPere MarPcre SJ-

Hutland pf M esw R s R tl M-

WESllHpMie III-o oa

901 WMr I Cen ia T6 77

MtSCBLLaNIODSAm Pneumc 4 iM-Am Pneu pf tIt

1An Ac Ch 24 2IK

Central Oil nj-CumbTelI20 IJO

Dom I A at 3JMEdlion EleoGen Elee IB II-

Uau Qaa 41 14MUaai Oaa nf MM


nu AiluiWool J io-VfoolPf If 107-

UDruia erectsAlloueiAmaltmted tH MMAmZLASm IIArcadian IU iArnold IMAtUwtla ISM I

siii-mnanza M 75

HCal A MeclaeCentennial la I HCon Her JS M

7SMWeal 14M

Kim ItlverKrankim v RU-

OranhrOuaiialuttoOreem Cop JBU JsiTile 23MilUarflowtr7J ioo

14Mohawk itiMono AC


IJ IJMCo IMtinnIer

l ullnanSeattle Reo JJ-fleatlle ElSwift A Co lUnited FrulllO ljU Shoe Uaeh 1


W t Tel UiJWen Tel bt-Wctthu I K7West K pf

Shannon TU 7MTamara jTen Copper

9 e

MU s SItu Co 1IU JlUtah 4W 41Vetorta 4 4Wlnona IJ i

Wolverine 1011 lot114 a-

taxp STOCKju


Hf Ann i mi 4uA-mCemiat 7 Pa te l pfio IOJ1

J4 JjM 47tssMsi3r SK asrAftS M-

l o U KMKalrmtPkT 21 31 IM V

U UM l-

JeaA phalt f 17 rind Jt Jl1unid n T IJ 0 1TJJO II llCaalC 1 W 12

St RyUO iu V

Sm P A JIM WJUa e UJiInd si Hn la

Lake sup lat 41 47 lat Ilrs WV4 I1 NavTriM cfI07M lOtrH Pkll na MUi-ValUrHll J7U Poll Kite 4s 7

tSKtav M w u


Am Can Co pf 71 7lU JHAm Radiator so Nat niseull eJl Jiin lijyihot Hoard nt JK Nat Carbon et

IJ UH Nat ear pf Ill 11-1ChllnTrao

Sooth Sid El M MMCity Hallway SlaStaOar 24 JU111 HIH CaSt Itf


Doalon and lists quar-t com lln July I

Amerlcaa Oraphopboaapf4 IK May U

Greene ConicUdated Oold 300 MChIcago Kdlaon quar-

MuntelpalOaa of Albany

EaatSU Loula and Sub-urban quarterly

unaoAD stocas he

ilol1 Wor Adventure 6I

il iI

n bhtlrl pun

IIcKI C 0 Aer-


lop O

2 J-

Am Tot SIJon I IIi


I hluanItAm Cia L Dl

M tOld CclUomlaloD Ci Old


MParrot 27

34Rhode hld IIi IHMaRIa

n I

11 U3413 trailed Copper 27 0


Ulth17 10



06 100 P Doe Lid O



1 liltmc Pbl nTItSIr Ell Ir al IGIn U Tv

U 0 J 210

81 ft

I Suit 01 IIcoIls

lOS 1111 I


Am Can 00


No 011Cb Tr

DI WLaIr a 51 EI

hI r1 I


WJ 5



S 3174ID




Ph Con Osptoo

yd-Mex TeL





54 794EIeetbfArn is851

OTisit i

led s

I ira4i





2 rrA t2








Chartered 1822

The Farmers Loan and Trust CompanyNOB 22 William St Now York

Capital 1000000Undivided Profits 7000000


16 1820



Advances Then Dfellnea ColdWeather at the Ronth Reeeipti rce

Tired Longs Bellini Liverpool Dirappointlnc UraJn Irregular Coricej

DownMpwniT April 17 COTTON 8pot cotton

unchanged Middling 7Mo atralnst140 lait year Xew Orleans and Gulf SlOoagainst llJSc No sates Galveston andAugusta declined llfto Galveston

and Augusta noSe New Orleans andHarannah 7Xe Bales Galveston ttv bAleS

Mobile loo Savannah 1701 Ausiiita 09

The receipts today wero as followsTWny Last ttoiZS M 31114 4S

Augusta 1777 IJM leiMempBia jeot 4 in ianNtLoula 2 7 J M 770

Houston 80M tS Wl

Tomorrow toil IWihouston 7SOO SSOO SiW 30i-Oalveaton IJooounn 12701 24M-

MewOrleana XOllWJO itMl eata

Total 20000J3000 J30M 11121

The total movemett at the thirteen principalInterior towns was aa follows

Toddv Lad IWi-neeetpta ilwt uJSi J777Shipment IS1J7 4 J7

The total eiporta from the port were 7I7Mbales UIIJ to Great 1 7J tothe Continent and 109 to Ueilco sad Japan

Futures In New Orteana were aa followaOpen Jff0 Low Clot

in iu tna Klthl-Uay 7M TJJ 7l 720 730July 72J 7S4 721 722 7J1October 7U 744 7J2 Ml 71

FutureS here advanced 1 to I but reactedand declined to 10 cloolnc with estimatedsale of 2WOOO bale ITIce at follows

HlaMit noting Put ntelil-Uay 7M 7J 7J8 7J7 749niiJuly 7 S 7SO 7S2 74081711-AUrutt IM TM 7K97JA 744 7iSOctober 7M 744 7MC7MDecember 7BS 760 1JU 91M 700a7 lJanuary 7 IM 7M J7W 7040709

In Liverpool Spot cotton waa Mid

dllnc lld IMA Sale 7000bates Import 1X103 FutUres advanced 1 to 2polnta but 1 of the rise Price u follow

TtHay Saturday 1004

Aprtlltay 1 oj ioi 7J9l o iM 717-

AucuitNeptember 109 iM 710October 410 M

Further liquidation Induced partly bybut more all

failure ot the market to to Ihf ad

log from llcht frosts In Ctnrrla Alabama andFlorida to the kind In the Augusta acctlonof Scents ctuaed another decline It was ac-

companied by reports that om wlrr of the Wallparty was tellloc out TliUi eema to

be made up of smaller of tradrra brokenomce may be doubted whether theoperators In the financial district have let eo The

leader of street wsa by somesupposed to be aelMnc The South pretty

time lloora traders theof stop ordri TIe Prediction-

for for ihowrn In Teiaa and fair andwinner weather In the Carolinas Crorrla

and lilulMlppl Bean have an Idea thatthe South li more tell cotton Toe re

were a week aca larcc aa arc and MIn rirnaof n reiirato

Henry Oew A Co Uven ol remainssteady lair demand for spots and Manchestertrade la on a prosperous bals with an ecormou

buttneu cotton roodi Drttlshand Continental snlrmera are itlll cottonIn Ihe South for future requirement but thereli sji ample to meet at previousprice rendition see backward

thtnc depends upon rtunncthe summer season the monthJuly and The Immediate prospects seemto favor a continuation of small only

depend on crop more than anrthmc elseWeld Welt Gwath

ACo saId With the Inacreage certain to be fully 10 per cent the outlookfor the new U IndlraUve of an-

other bumper yield but rather to the contraryThOU th

thin year and the requirementsnt New England Continental spinnersare yet to be met convince ua that thereno serious decline In cotton level

Latt Tuesday the technical speculativeportion of the market 10 we

coton COulJ be add then either tot longor aUort acount and bought hack to belle

rondltlon we would now rither buyian aell It a we thInk tile chances are

more In of Porno moderate improvement In

the future aa a fresh larce short Iscrested and there Is speculative long


last week and i last year OOCMO MeanM last wek and 19 r closed jc

l Hc hUb Safes 1100000 bush Pricefollows sr ftr

T iaw an BiSeptember 4 M

re oulet on tho spot SaltS 20000 boshW

quiet on the snot Sale Mnuf bush No 2 mixedIn elevator SIc Futures closed He to He lower

bush Price i followOpen Mil 9ex ArftttiT-

h folloivin show the graIn moementNew York tMeal Cprii AMBarktr


7cyM 277000 171000 ooncsooo-ShlpmSta 1 WO J9l000 Wff HOOO 2WO

SSOOO 41000The 1 lble Is foUow

April IS AfrO 18 tTMtlCa W-

jotnjooo njraan 774 00BJTHrtO Inc IJWflOOroOm jjuooo 04SOOM flee

live 17270UO 10I70TO Dec W2JJSOOO 2007000 Dec UJXM

The stocks at New Vorlc are a followtprfl IS Aprtl U rr

IH04 CfuntrleiSJil flee I7UM

Corn Uiilia M l JMS12flats 4 t I2J I Inc 81232

U7esn isoiM No rhureSI20T SJ70 hoc

The stoCks at Chlcaco are aa followi-AprO IS AffU It Wtitli-

gce IMI Ctonce-ir rat 7U 2i03om Inc 144000

j4ttunn Jo720to Dec 4SJnoo2 OtO JI4SOTIO Inc I9ifno

l4Sono Dee 7COO1 2o rj No hIre

Vheat and Irrerularthe there waa a fractional tdruice owing tothe cold snaP at the West by nervousshorts and an abaence of aelllnc pressure Hutthe oderlnc became weak-ened and Advices From the

damage from the weather but thenews from the winter wheat belt continued very

rule Moreover the worlds iblpSent were larger the cables were bearishoutside markets were weak and local trader

Armour broker were selling at the Writthere waa another on renewed coy

ertnc but followed hy another downturn


uucht about IOOOTO of May at theWest Private cable reported osdcstlon-

K wellThe weather reap anowed clear condition la

Ihe extreme North temperature 16 to 84 degreeshove In the t was tmperatnre

bow there was I anew at Nonh Pattetemperature In the Southwell was B to M-

ecreei above was partly cloudy there wa-

iaf Kansas Oft The temperature In Ihe OhioValley was Ji b 4J degree It was r nf rallyvicar that there was light scattered anowmower and were pmUctedlor neit thlnyal hour Corn and oats were

on neral countrya ark ot support The of toni

Increased oats decreased IMJOU-Obuah worlds rom wen 2s70ooobuilt acalnit JOMOOO last week sod ljuoou

Fu v 4al t rteady Sales JAW bbllUoelnu I4 l bbUi export 27U bbla WinterIn bbla Clears straIghts UCUxi

Corral lUo on the epot ator No 7 No sale declined 10 pointstact and Hamburg Rio wa

ucaance KM lower BO recdpi stock


IImated receiptsWIt






ov II

rFee of told weather In the belt with frosts rDI


dlpoar to




as of nuct Importance

aand for a 1000cer pull the ooune of the market 011

the newoI rinlyre

I areT A McIntyre dll


Indl unpr dtnl b ay


oho close of lu UnderI


n r 1IbeingollOn to

dun 00 sale NoNor1hcm over uyNndliwrettrn 905 ralnst 1against



May IDS02

r7 81

OatsNatur1 23 83 the t was


Mr 52 fJuly



2zorl 19300 lO033 UHO-Cb sro

I Shipments 5318U

ItVhest Dee




CornOat ronBarley

I ftrh FAr1T In


soonUnPd SaII


on tCTtd TIle supply124000 but Ibis I n 1C4world bush

week and 77303Wmounlln pasre Incrr tOMIOO bUlb

broken bush


II to 80 degreeS above t3ear IIrtto-nllltd In lbs temperature 25 to U


I lii Kalil lrost occurflt



SIf1or In Clean >nn U1Ctll was d 1











sold wit

Tuesday wasAla-


retptL however WfTO not 1111110 0 as lbyhey Ill I


TopI ted as every


sets Imei lnlIlt Marshall were eUeri111 bard troe S Co were buyer


muhbenr wee


hut ahere was

fluluth 2e 7ew Torte theteveirti were eaTs


Clot PrepIns ifW IIQSI

S 87

white Cern



tIl 127 721 533






U aham-

merStItI later

WasI ue23n decreased

Thiwyre 99151W agstnsl-

1311W last lastlate

thatOdessa reopened t at cre bad been put



enow heavy


bb1sID Sour







> <


FranklinTrust Company

140 Broaiwar 1 v164lofl MoaUtuo St Diooklyn




meellnc of the stockholder of The Delaware andHudson Company railed order ot tOe Hoard of

at the orace of the Company

hattan and CItY of New York on Tuesday Marninth alt IMS at 1141 A M fOr the purpose

anil thetog the capital of tOe Company In the amountof lily the par value

Chateagc ani Hallway CompanyNotle also given that the meeting

of the Stockholders ot The Delaware and HudsonCompany will be held at the same at twelveoclock noon on the same day for the election ofmanager and for other business

Tile will open at twelve oclock noon sadremain for at one hour

The transfer rooVe will re closed from the closeoftuilnesa April 2Sth until the Doratnc ol xt ednesUay

Hr order ul tat iKiard olDAVIU WILLCOX

Prealdenk-F U

SecretaryNew York April 1 OS


8T LOUIS RAILWAY COMPANYCincinnati Ohio April lith 1KB

NOTiCe IS HKHtllY OIVKN that a mectlnc ofthe Stockholders of Cl eland ClnrlnuaU

specially called and wIll be at he Companyoffice In the City of

on Wednesday the 31st of May IW5 at 12

of said Company by llJOOOOOtb Is fromIMJOCMXn to t40M divided tale ioooui shareof the par value of JIOO each

of suds of theStockholders the transfer books will be closed at12 oclock noon on the 70th of April1906 and be reopened at 10 oclock A U on Thuraday the 1st IMS

order ot the Hoard of DirectorF K asuonV Secretary

TIlE STANDARD SAM unliT COMPANYot sue City of New York

IWSThe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or I MR

OF New YORK will be held at the General Officeof the Non 61OJ East SOth Street NewYork City on Wednesday theat for the elrcthe Iransartlon of such other business a maycome before the meetIng

The Transfer nooks will he closed M J P U onThursday April 57lh IDuS and will be reopened onThursday May lllh lUMat 10 oclock

W GHKKLFY HOYTMce Pre lilrnt and SerftirrO-


1IA1LWAY COMPANYCleveland Oolo April lit

NOTICE IS HKnKllY CI1VKN that the Anntiatof the stockholders of company toT

the election ol Directors and for the ofsuch other buslneM aa may be brought before Iht-roeetlne will be held at the principal office of theramaany In Cleveland Ohio on the T1R3T

one hour thereafter


AND fOMlANYJohnston Bulldlnz so Ilroad street


The regular quarterly dividend ot One andball per cent upon Companys preferredCapital Stock paid on IWi

of at the close of businesson April 1905 to Whom will be mailed

The stocn transfer bonks will IK cloG on Thursday April 2uth lOot at SOO P II and remainnosed Monday May Itt l 04 at 1000 A M

W UlKT StcreurvNew York N Y April nth isnti

The MKEriNO of tOe StoclchaUof the New York Mutual Oj Ltiatthe election ot Directors and Inspectors for Lbs

tin l nH p COIH

AO on cursday the 9tliday of May 1 OJ at ten oclock A M willbe open one hour The trauifer books will boclosed ou the S6th diy ot April win Ue re-

opened on the loth day nfW C Srcy and Tlrw


The annual meetlnc of the of in-Hale Dealt Company will be held on April 28th-

180J at toe cane the Company IS Stone St

electing directors for the year tedtransaction of such other business aa maybefore the meetIng

JOHNSTON Secretary

IXWO Santos was recflp1000 hags stuck lOIIMO Price u follow

lllfuil xiifil Closing lee nljhtMay fl tilj B2o 2S e3O4September oo em noo eiis e vu i

ev i7S u7i ito7i e7SvDecember 6MI H6 w o 6M an

There a moderate decline in coffee todas-owlnr to bearish cables sellinr by local trad m-

id a lark of Tie were llcbt-ut this fact had no Influence The spot market

dullM Spirits of turpentine ala Corn

aon to good strained rosinLard was dull prime Wetitrn-

IMr if fined Continent 17 16 AmericantM Pork was quiet at JlJ81u7S for m-

allow SHe nr HullTearaery JJOJj c western ttrv

ITo Chieaco Dill 17 The trade Inwa large and market lower The Initial bear i

Influence was the heavy receipts at the antthe 10 cent decline In was liquidsIhroucbout the session and there wanchance from Slay to July particularly In ribs

SCOXB Raw easier at I Ultc for renitifural M and i Jlflc for muvovado wlaIrs liono bags M test at 11SI6A and 2mn-molaaaea at Reflne4 wa dull traitlatrd

CHICAGO April 17 These wereOpen m H Low rIo P

VTtiitli nt nt VifVMay lUiM US IIJH II4W litlilly i

Sept Mliii MlJ lj JJtJ K

May 4AU iJ 47 I7 iTjJuly U 47H 17

Sent 4JJT iil iH K

fc7J7H-S 1S-pt 7CWPortay 1270-

uly I2M

WiledInneapolla Mar





City JulyiLoul


772W 7JI 7H7JS 748 746-

7J7 70 762VJ 747

700 090 e7ii 700-727M 717V 7 27

7J7 742i 7 47j

1270 12 SO 12M 72112 S 1277l 12 M IJ O-

JOmu JUKKETOpen IHtH Lea Clet pep

in tit i e VW-loifU io7ji iom tea i 4

IDS iwi-MM i MS M

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1 lOSj IMIi lO-i4i H w

7J 77H Tls103 100 Klit 100 1084 W4 M-



The of averages of the banks

latlon but which clear through seine 6 the tr mU a follow

Aprtt IS Aprtt CMnti-xtaaa dtoct AitmentJllJ7JI70 I11JOM109 I727M-

Irmlstlon l onjoo ijo oo inc t40nNet deposits l SMtq 12SXIO 00 lTBTliu-

epostu withII1JI2M-

th banks andtrutcoreal tenders

Ul X Ine

Total JJOJU PO lr llMirti-eaerve reqd fl7Kuo JlJB8X7S Inc lil771


2 700 000ladITIf 0 I I


FLrcrln R



fccof 100 t6c1 also for purpose of Pprovlog muking of a molIned

open I



and St Louis Company hath

oclock noon for the of ounr ato the Common capital Stock



ieidNo 21 CortlandI Street in the

and thethe leaat Company

01 lbs flaliroad properly and of theLate


theRailway iweit


lath day of hayI of Directors and



IbOIn the 3rd OF MAY 890-5II ID oclock A 32 The pou 111 cotlnUi Open for

i3 order of the IIosrd of Directors



ensuIng year wIll held lie36 UnIon

Npe 4 ocloek P lbthe



Wall Sirtit Interests sonic foreign flng




wasteal teal




May 861474 2074 79-

luly rn 257-

4seIrd 8074 281 2784 3

thy 72234 71574384 742







M cs 5


weekly statementif tflb city CIty and liotsuken whIch arlot members of the York Also


12475400 Inc l5b-4U foe 031W-

abankeotes 5203400 51121300 Ire 153400584400


petl iiijui4mw4











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