RRF Spring Newsletter 2013

 www.riverrevitalizationfoundation.org Spring 2013 River Revitalization Foundation Acquires Parcel on Riverboat Road The River Revitalization Foundation, Milwaukee’s urban rivers land trust, closed on an additional riverfront property on Riverboat Road with assistance from The Conservation Fund’s Land Trust Loan Program. This half -acre parcel, adjacent to our 3-acre “Wheelhouse” Park along the Milwaukee River , is a critical piece to close the gap between the Riverwalk downtown and the 800-acre river valley upstream. Both parcels combined will provide additional access to the river and a southern entrance to the Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum (milwaukeerotary.com/ who-we-are/centennial- arboretum ) within the Greenway, on the east bank. The River Revitalization Foundation, with the Urban Ecology Center , is a partner in the creation of the first urban arboretum of its kind i n Milwaukee. At the February 27th Natural Resources Board meeting, a unanimous vote approved the $1.3 million Stewardship grant allocation for this project! This is a critical investment in sustainability and our quality of life here in the city. (Story continued on back page) The existing building on the parcel will become RRF’s new headquarters! Through its Land Trust Loan Program, The Conservation Fund provides bridge financing and real estate expertise that make it possible for land trusts to protect historic farms, natural areas, favorite parks and more.  www .conse rvationf und.or g The Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum from the air – what a view!

Transcript of RRF Spring Newsletter 2013

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www.riverrevitalizationfoundation.org Spring 20

River Revitalization Foundation AcquiresParcel on Riverboat RoadThe River Revitalization Foundation, Milwaukee’s urbanrivers land trust, closed on an additional riverfront property onRiverboat Road with assistance from The Conservation Fund’sLand Trust Loan Program. This half -acre parcel, adjacent toour 3-acre “Wheelhouse”Park along the Milwaukee

River, is a critical piece toclose the gap between theRiverwalk downtown andthe 800-acre river valleyupstream. Both parcelscombined will provideadditional access to the riverand a southern entrance tothe Milwaukee RotaryCentennial Arboretum(milwaukeerotary.com/ who-we-are/centennial- arboretum ) within the Greenway, on the east bank.

The River Revitalization Foundation, with the Urban EcologyCenter, is a partner in the creation of the first urban arboretuof its kind in Milwaukee. At the February 27th NaturalResources Board meeting, a unanimous vote approved the$1.3 million Stewardship grant allocation for this project!This is a critical investment in sustainability and our quality o

life here in the city. (Story continued on back page)

The existing building on the parcel willbecome RRF’s new headquarters!

Through its Land Trust Loan

Program, The ConservationFund provides bridge

financing and real estate

expertise that make it 

possible for land trusts to

protect historic farms,

natural areas, favorite

parks and more.


The Milwaukee Rotary CentennialArboretum from the air – what a view!

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F o u n d a t i o n

RIVER REVITALIZATION FOUNDATION STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE FORM The River Revitalization Foundation was created toestablish a parkway for public access, walkways, recreation and education, bordering the Milwaukee, Menomonee and KinnickinnicRivers; to use the rivers to revitalize surrounding neighborhoods; and to improve water quality.




City State Zip

Phone Fax


Please remit to: River Revitalization Foundation | 1845 N. Farwell Ave. | Suite 100 | Milwaukee, WI | 53202

Give securely online at www.riverrevitalizationfoundation.org  – click onthe “DONATE” tab.

G $ 25

G $ 50

G $100

G $250

G $500

G $1,000

G $ Other

Enclosed is my/our gift of $ ___________________Checks should be made out to River Revitalization Foundation.

Please charge my credit card. G Visa G Master Card

Account number __________________________

Expiration date___________________________


 Yes! I’d like to support the “10 at 10” campaign.

P A G E 2 | R I V E R R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N F O U N D A T I O N

Thank you!

SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 20139:00 a.m. – NOON

Earth Day Tree Plantingand River CleanupMeet at the Wheelhouse property onRiverboat Rd. We will be joined by 50MillerCoors volunteers as well! KiwanisClub will also be on site this day for aKiwanis Landing sign unveiling andcelebration. Morning refreshments andlunch provided by MillerCoors – thank


FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 20139:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Global Youth Service Day Global Youth Service Day is an annualcampaign that celebrates and mobilizesthe millions of children and youth whoimprove their communities each day of the year through service and service-learning.

Gaenslen School and the New Schoolfor Community Service, along withvolunteers, will be removing invasivespecies and planting native trees from9 a.m.–noon, to be followed by the

CRAFT Adventures BOAT LAUNCH at Kiwanis Landing at 12:30! Students fromthese two MPS schools have built theirboats and will test them on the waters of the Milwaukee River. Join us forthis special event. Thanks toour donors for this boatbuilding program: PotawatomiCommunity Foundation,PLAN Foundation, InbuschFoundation, John C. BockFoundation, and our sponsorsVeolia Water, Ernst & Young

and the RRF board of directors!

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 201310:00 a.m. – NOON

It’s Time to Go Questing!Take a hike this spring with RiverRevitalization Foundation on a 2.5 mileMilwaukee River Quest. RRF and theMilwaukee Public School RecreationDivision have teamed up to offer a queshike in May. This is a great hikingopportunity for people of all ages andfitness levels along trails on the east andwest banks of the river between NorthAvenue and Locust Street. All hikes areled by a trained hike leader. Questing i

an old tradition in which hikersfollow clues through a naturalor historical site. In our RiverQuest, hikers follow writtenrhyming clues to discover

Upcoming Events. Get ready for spring

 All events are also listed on our website: www.riverrevitalizationfoundation.org 

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hidden messages along the trail. Eachmessage leads hikers to new discoveriesabout our local watersheds, flora andfauna, and the ever-changing landscape

of Milwaukee history. All hikes are two hours long, and beginat Riverside High School. For this hike,individuals must register through theMPS Recreation Division. Visitwww.MilwaukeeRecreation.net . Followthe link for “Online Registration”,“Search Programs”, then click on“Family/All Ages.” Scroll down andselect “Milwaukee River Quest Hiking.”

If you have a group or are interested ingoing on a River Quest at a differenttime, please contact RRF directly at414-271-8000.

SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 201310:00 a.m. – NOON

National Trails Day America’s 200,000 miles of trails allow usaccess to the natural world for recreation,education, exploration, solitude, inspiration,and much more. Trails give us a means tosupport good physical and mental health;they provide a chance to breathe freshair, get our hearts pumping, and escapefrom our stresses. All it takes is awillingness to use them!

National Trails Day® locally will becelebrated with a hike along the Beerline

Loop, a 2.5 mile trailalong the MilwaukeeRiver. Meet at GordonPark at 10 a.m. Wearappropriate clothing,bring a water bottleand a snack andwe’ll do the rest!

For more information,call the RRF office at414-271-8000 orvisit us online.



Robo BrumderRon Clayton

 TJ Estabrook

Jim Pittelkow

Frank Thometz


Don Daugherty

Chris Jaekels

Jack Lewis

Dean Schultzbank, P.E.

Jan van den Kieboom


Derek Clayton

Brian Dettmering, CPA

Bob Karnauskas

Ray Krueger

Carolynn Leaman

Steve Mech

Kevin Shafer, P.E., President


Kimberly A. Gleffe


Vince Bushell


 Theresa Morgan


Ellie Kirkwood


Kimberly A. Gleffe


River Revitalization Foundation

1845 N. Farwell Ave.

Suite 100

Milwaukee, WI 53202414-271-8000


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(Story continued from page 1)

We are in the home stretch! Our Wheelhouse/GreenwayGateway project along the Milwaukee River is nearingcompletion. To successfully reach our acquisition and restorationgoals, we are embarking on a “10 at 10” Campaign —

10 donors at $10,000 to be concluded and coincide with thecelebration and grand opening of the Milwaukee RotaryCentennial Arboretum in September of this year. Yourconsideration of a donation of any size toward our$100,000 goal is appreciated. Join us and the celebrationof a successful campaign in September!To make your investment in this landmark project, donate securely online at www.riverrevitalizationfoundation.org unde“donate,” or return the enclosed pledge form. Thank you!

River Revitalization Foundation AcquiresParcel on Riverboat Road

The site of RRF’s new offices, thewheelhouse park and trailhead, andsouthern entrance to the river valley

  N  S I   D  E  T   H I  S I  S  S   U  E :  R  R  F i  s   M  o  v i  n  g !

  S  p  r i  n  g  E  v  e  n  t  s !

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