rRED CUMIViai^aM · 'Cdtabel her flatter a narrow estspe froii seriQaif >: tajury in a runaway...

'Cdtabel her flatter a narrow estspe froii seriQaif>: tajury in a runaway accident Sa^rday ?sk*f '^^f2SE^£Vl^' r% « - * Ernest and Walter * "/ ^i-war iJnt'JfcJu^enry returned Friday ifrpm a sreeh's rrislt with friends in Be.wa^ oint Light and-Swer^mpanilSat Mr. ami Mrs. Comhllhicfc Aintei- Hit Wailtne horse which belong- '"fB^'*€^rie?Sush^wa* .uninjured. '"•"*f .^ : :^i|i^*i»^B^:- ' -• *; A.very charming wedding took place at inine o'clock Wednesday morning - att.ist.. Stephen's Church, when in the V^rfeifesce' of a large gathering of iriends and relatives, the pastor, Rev. "Joseph Bussenj at a nuptial high mass united' in marriage Wessley Bucking- * a i and Mary C. Bush, both of Kirseh •erville. / : 3*ey„were attended by Albert Bush, hrotber of the bride and Miss Mamie Buckingham, sister of the groom. ' -;Th«f' bride was most becomingly at- 'tir«l in a gown of white., crepe-de- Jnesre; she wore a veil of TJuJle Jaijten- Sed^HritB. white bridal roses' and car- ried a white prayer hook. Her attend- .arft*wore castor foulard with white "tones for head dress and carried a -White prayer book. • iHfce groom is the eldest son of Mr. anl^l^.iJFBanSi-Btifcldhgiiam ^Aii 'a ye^ry^toaable^young; man. 1^ bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Sftsh and a highly thbdght 6ry^ung;Ja4y^ ,.. 1Jt ..._ = , , .,,,, .... , .Alter the ceremony ajrSceijfioW feas held at the bridal home, in which the innfiefliate relativest participated. Use happy young couple left by au- to fpr the afternoon train and will en- Joy 5 their honeymoon at Niagara Falls atrd New York.,- The congratulations of their maiy friends are extended. '"' Sehnaeberger-Martin. Jacob Schnaeberger, jr., and Miss Charlotte Martin were united in mar- riage at St. Stephen's Rectory at 8 o'clock last Wednesday morning. The attending couple was Charles Tiss and* Miss Norah Martin, sister of the tetfdev ' Ti^lbride was tastefully gowned in a^^fetog/siiit of dark blue' and a gufe" hata-; her attendant worecl &e'^ the youngest daughter of ... ppS^?Frlnk s ia(amih ; r ,, ' i vli " •" Following a wedding ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the ftdme"6f the bride's parents^and a re-, ception had, after whicii 'the happy" ootrple left by auto for a brief wedding <tour. Congratulations are extended. Concert Program. The Croghan Cornet Band will rend- er the following program at the Band concert next Saturday evening, July 5, 1913: .March, "Norembega," R. B. Hall; Overture, "Grand Selection- Maritana," Wallace; Barn Dance, *Hondy Hiram," Leo Friedman; Ser- • efiade, "Song of Love," enode, "Song of Love," (Trombone Solo) Matkie Beyer. Waltz "Moon Beams,^'2>i$£f I?? Lemendian; March, "OUr Ancestors," L. P. Lamendian. Fassjtegents Examinations. The* following is a list of the stu- •" deJCttt r in the Father Leo Memorial School who have been successful" in the Regents Examinations: roldji'ttrutfert, s;%ebgraphy, 79^ ..jMr^, Ev F, Kobler and Jwo„ children, liih^f Wd A^n^fcft^onda^. mprn- v^ei§f|^:;^th relatives at „, _„* juare. .: ". i Hey. J. F. Tuttenbach of Rockville, jCornfeys.,i$ :,yisiftog friends' in - this section. Mrs, Susan Connore of Schenectady afirtved^l^^llaaV -^'Spfiitshfr? $&i v ter and family, 5 Mr. and 4 Mrs. John Becker. Mrs. Allyn Baldwin of New York is £he guests of her mother, Mrs. Henry De Laporte. ',. William i8aftsoh of Lowville was in town on business Tuesday. l J. R. Lafaye returned Friday night ,from a week's business trip to Syra- cuse and Watertown. Mrs. Joseph Hocn of Holland Pat- ent arrived Saturday to be the guest tof her sister and'family, Dr. and Mrs. JP. H. Von. Merols^fen. i. E. H. Radi^a^^»; purchased an Ei4, 'lington piano from "Day Bros, Syra- cuse. 1-Nuspliger, arithmetic, 75, Elem: 'p:WOJpfory with civics, 75; Hilda Aj8i^i|(^pebra, 94;'.physiology, T<)*' Hyacinth Andre, physiology, 6i; Le- ona Beck, algebra 91; Maude Brooks, algebra, 9T, physiology, 68; Helen Fleming, algebra, 87physiology, 82; fill^Eade, ©runert, physiology, 70; 84; Mtlinda Hazer, algebra, Botany 82;, physiology, 80; Emer- rf«»h-MoBtroe, algebra, m, botany 70; ViptetU M. Mulkins, physiology 75; |WlIliim Radlgan, algebra 100, botany "^"""^a^ogy-SO, ancient history, 76; 8trlfe, algebra 75, boUny 80, p»gy 75; May Collins, third year ""Mi |8^siw^;Alnei4cli*if.. ton a>rarer6n-! year Esther Keene. S^fs^ Esther JCeene. died mo>nlhg at. 8 o'cloeK, at her* 'home' i& Washifigtoh s%eet, after an illness of only jB'f^'1tSys>' She was' 84: years' of age and was hPJjh^ui; l » w ville; the daughter of Jerasfia ami* Dennis Leon- ard. Her, imsfcand, Edwin Keene, died in l&S&yf " : * Mrs. Keejie passed many years of her life in Watertown, butliad been a resident of this! village for the past three years. The nearest surviving relative is a niece, Mrs. Jennie Eng- lish of this place. The funeral was held Sunday after- noon at the house, Rev. C. A. Riley of- ficiating. Burial at Riverside ceme- tery, 'Copenhagen. Those who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Irvtae, and r daugltto^ and Mrs. Cornelia 'Guernsey -of" "Rosiefe;jj William Sherwood, *Ms."5©h»fi5s< Sfi&r-^ I ^s^?^e%qfjpar. BF. sntt mrs.TjOweiru®9^Heyv v w-wa- tertowa, and Mrs. vfstmer mrrett 'klid Miss Lottie Barrett of Clayton: ' H^php^'a^wilj^T fir* The faculty ,t>f ,the Copenhagen High School has bgen fe-engagbd for the coming year with the exxseption of Miss'Anna Weeden and is as follows: Principal, J. J. Brainerd; Precep- tress, Mrs. Ida L. Merrell.' Grades—Miss Ida Fowler, Miss Edith Van Deveer and Mrs. Lena North. Training Class—Miss Esther M. Towne. Miss Weeden, who had both grade and high school work, has re- signed and* accepted a position at Brownville. The vacancy has not been filled. Children's Day Dinner. Copenhagen Grange held their Quar- terly feast last Saturday. Dinner was served at najopio^ver-2<|j people, i Chalr^ Endowment. By jthevvgill of til* late Thomasi' OtBrienV '# HaNjj6mg''TRP ^ _ Catholic Church in,this villagei?g«ts^ ji.000, aisolbhe Catholic Cemetery^he same attKWhtWbe used in erecting a vault. ' ' ' " Copenhagen vs. Watertowib tontwthvi *fMg®& r •ig'vyen&ftz | fcfr giuiidijarehts, Young "?*•-:/.":,•.. is passijjg a cou- fe Bay |j> y\"f Hiomaa Kitah/we Miss'Bessie Parks aMPgUestof 'Mil. 'W 'YQun^'fs Frsflt ~ Ondot arpooB, daugiBtariA of Pnjteafcor - Promptfr at '9 Promise Ha 1 J Et Prtchart. airwna of Mendeli |red by Mrs J a Ihc groom attired i black and the best nu feolegrovc brother Q( jpwed bj the ring l**&r little FreH: : W^^-&vX?ex-W,? -'*Wss^tlt% nMc .„» ^T v **• " ^ w * ***• !KS»a Miss Jeanette Adams of Watertown, the guest of Mr. -and Mrs. H. F.' ffich. } .'-..M-f. ' {•[ ; ;','" •••;'>.• Mrs. ida Merrill is visiting relatives'^ at South Rutland. Miss Mary L. Hafit Returned Satur- day from Brooklyn, N. V., to spend the summer vacation, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hunt. Mrs. Elizabeth Cobb of Lowville, is the; guest of friends in town. Mr: aitd Mrs. IsS. L. Hnngerford, Mrs. Jane Stanton and Miss Marie Hunger- ford were the guests Of F. J. Kellogg anrf family at Alexandria Bay, several days last weelfc, i,Mr~j arfds^Irs&E. D. Babcock attend-' ea ffle^fuo'&aPof a relative at Mar-.J tinsburg, last Tuesday. Prof. Charles N. Lanpher of Pots- dam, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. E! Boshart of L0W7 ville visited relatives here Friday. Mrstf B6sH&rt?f 4 wttl;J£aB8 r {he! week with. her.. brothers, George. and Weir Friday I pome Young. Miss Florem^lBjgltt^rJBtut^ed Morr- <day evening from Matteawan to spend her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Manson Clement, and son, Floyd, have returned from a week's visit at Three Mile Bay. N F. P. Lansing is in Scrahton, Pa., attending the wedding of his nephew. Douglas Lansing, Jr. Charles Simons who has recently graduated from the Gouverneur High School, has returned to his home here. Bernard Buchal was up from Dexter to attend the Senior ball last Wednes- day. Gladys Thomas is home to spend the summer with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. William Thomas. George C. Parsons, Robert Ross, C. A. Thompson, Robert Clark, Albert Al- len? Lloytf' Allen, ft G. Irvine ;ah'd Warren Brown tool -ln H thie l excursion tb^feafSamtiyr ' 'v*' '• - '• tel 80, •*»,- El.! 86, Afta Leganet, third^ 85/ phystea, is; Anieri- Apsrlean: history 70, W; Angelina Buah, sWgUstf 80^ Ba«liBlt g n a t - ' yO^dyaarOeraaaii The Fire Dap;artm4nt base ball team?, defeated th# 'WaS^town Ihdepehd-j ehts on the^^alpdlamohd last Satur- day to the score-of 7 to 6. B^ ; 'SeTfsr»ote8. A unioBE ; i^i^-prud^ churches of this \«Ej^^flif3»^helfl J ;at,.Pleasant: Lake, nexf Wedne8dj|y^ June 9th. The Junior §$&?: of the jCongrega- tfonai «huTcl| ; will have, charge of the eventn#1apr^fWi^:'l^fl r a$':^' ; The Sfc Ceiia Guild'bf Grace "Cfcarcb,'! served /the^*lft|"^upi^e*f- at the: chureh^aW Wednesday evening until, after a ^ s M a * « e e e s M " v ^ ' i /•• Thbrais Setan, Judson 'dart, S. G. Tan Pelt, Georges Reiser and John I Spencer are attending the Old Sol-] pl»^^®Bc|utfj|ment' at Gettysburg, ihiitHiifc&k^ ' p •'"' # , : - ! John -Bettys and family wlS^tttovfr' to Carthage this week. Mr. Pettys secured a position with the North- Telepbone and Telegraph Company. Dr. W. H. Cramer, B&tt Worthy; Assistant grand lecturer of the 0. E. 8., mule his o«cfal yisit t» the Oris-, kany Clraptw^ast WtSmti0'- evw*.} To Celebrate Fourth. Denmark village is making great preparations for a rousing Fourth of July celebration. There will be contested games of base ball and other athletic sporrs, with a play in the evening under the auspices of home talent, the proceeds Eo be applied to church" purposes. Meals and refreshments will be served all day at the Grange Hall and a great time is expected. Successful Operation. A. R. Schants went to a Syracuse hospital last week, wher^ he was op- erated on for an injury to his nose, caused by being hit by a base" ball while playing a game a year .ago. The operation was very successful and it is expected he will return home in a,few days. His brother accpinpan-, led niiji^", ,'.'.'.'."'."., ,, '.i •..-,: • .,. ; Celebrates *1*b Birthday. Mr. and, Mrs. €?. J. Twining Mfere in : attendance ls£§t week ?/ Saturday, at, a party given in honor of the ninety- seventh birthday ahdtfyersary of Al>i vin Spehcer 6]f TyJei#yilfe. He .re-, sides with hia daughter; Mrs. Green; and fdmtly, ahd.4s re^i^kaljty well frieds all hope that he may reach]! the century- mark. Personal Mention. Mrs. N. JV Shifty of' this vIHage,;! WBTM mm*: went last wieeJE- : fitenday to Lacoha, it, Y., to M 'pr:eieyt^ott^Mei.iiiyfei||i^|i f marriage of Ker" bA^#," LjeoVD^!iltt,| wm^cbf was" solemnfeld at Jnei^fioine C: o|] ; the brldel ' '". -^;--^*i-.-,;vi;"i Her daughter, Emma, accoipaiffedj: her as farSsG^reat.Beifdi aritf* off to^s*!frleWf. until her m^yr's' return. of this" '^K John Spencer, veteran to^^i*|sP|||^^tfr attend thod^ an, reunion exer^j^eaXf^-^et^BbnrC, ' 1 %- L1 . to_Low^-;^#s^jWfB)id^. Mrs. Floyd' t. g bcaror came the brtdesmaid "Jiss lilirj Roberts attired la pink crepe d 1 ci with lace trimmings t rry- ihk a bo 1 lot of pink zoses F Uow- ii g th l rldt smaid entered the i rjde on the arm of? her father The bflde Tpas: handsomely: attired in a gGMh|Bntrain of white charm^ euse drapMpitJ^! brocade chiffon with peari trimmings s nd ware a tulle veil held in\place'..©y^..agWsgaajtn. -of white rose buds.;^/.".; .;.. *'j*§$$#j~'._ After iaie'.c / ereni!pftp^M^h--was' per- formed" .-fey ,-.Rev.«;C^"M^S^|h- in front of a l a r g ^ 6 ^ - i ^ t ^ ^ ^ ; M i e ' bridal party ' r e n i ^ d j t s r j ^ g ' - r o p m to a four cour^ 4wn^|ifaCdvers were laid;' -for;Jalfeuty.- ;i|itfe§g«est8; The brides table was decorated with pink rbses .and^":teittax ; ;^^aSSjjihe- grevailing color through the hopislj was pink and white,. .;, ' . '.' \Jg?. ' , ; The bride is the 0 5 ^ ; d;aughter of Mr.. antt'.^|fef; A.. i C.'-J^^ikid one of the. most :p0S»ilar 0 a j ^ ^ f l ^ e s of Tur- in. She wag graduateli'from the Tur-^ in^ High, s^hlopl^ c&ssfOt;|91ii0; ?rae'girp^^k has^b^^lot'two years princfi|#o^'tbe?^f^fS|foBoI.'. He is a gra J dusi;te of* fee Ssf^ule University and has n^a% fiSe^^JheVe; who ex- tend to "him/ tie&^^ieongratutatiohs and wlsheslor hfS;t»i6ire ? success. The bride and^ropm left for their wedding trip to r Wp^^.*jyMke. Upon their rett^'. i they-!;wi^^^tde at Lyons Falls whWe'he is i .en^^d i .a& principal of the high schpolT for the ensuing year. The' bride was th^^S^lent of many beanttfuf and cbitlglpfl^ including silverwarej.:; tout v |^|t,:; linen, china, money a^d^te)ie|^^^lnitttre, includ- ing- a b^uMiiK'ifiuwS^earbak library t#ble presentMbytthe members of the SasternlSt&r fox wjloiiS4b^: is ; a mem- KTBe guetyiroh^ouff^ .town were ^K^^Wij^ife^^- Verona; " D*-B|Ooksif^Mrs;, 1 J.vE. Gurnsey ;i! Si •DohW^pi|pf^iir^t|kf?-yMIss , *'Lu- •cilIe-*ette>S^i^le^ w attd ? ;Dr: , 3r D, Smith of W l t r Paul J. B|^e^t*''Rbaje—formerly of 'Tur^i^n|%^^h^''Waraehi al- so .of '•t^^^^^j^ii^^L^S'i^f- ast-pa^o^^of-'^fflfflBi^ibrf Wednes- day "ey|i^g^s.#uie•'••$&, by the Rev. Royal Nfji|l|iiBii:'-;';-'•. : M*4^^i%&|#6rji .on Welsh Hill and •JW^t^e^nn|iV : |i. :; 3!ew-years ago. happy'iMtJrrB? I jtadlcs' Improvement Cirele. M*4 Arthur b vans ai d ||rs.; Arihur 3^ra%i h imer enterti nol |he ' L^fiea Impri \ei ent Circle at tie^howgv <tf Mfs^Siiekhamcr last 1-^^fjune, %%-pA. dolielous dinner wji; served to afty-two visitors Tho4<> p ^ s ^ i ^ w e r 4 Mi-.f^nl Mrs Edict and |^i^j : Mr: •and'Mrs Edw&rd Damuth; JCfc "and Mrs. Arthir Dickenson Atfeand? Mrs.; John Aloot and famiH Mrslm|Wara; ; «ev.';i fearles Shnmway A|^r'«Be>" wm¥M* mM^^-^Ami^^t wart, t-n Wtf*v»& a veteran of the Ciivil War. Hfsif.^ Misses Ruth and c M ? « ; Nellie and Stella "Ward ^•w 8ta«e l»ri»#? Aft r carrying the mall 5fojr twelve yeare Henry Hughes wa»v|succeeded ,|i Fred Gterk last Tuesday, Mr. pughes by m oMIging wiy^rOandrhlS pleasing manner has gained hostiMof jfriends who yrttl tt&ret th||^?4s^hp]t. f> drive 0W ataga any longerilbut all m ill wish Mr <B»ifc, bis |spessbr, a iuccesaful HtM^niii* &V:'.' - v ^ iWIMfees. ;:fc T»4B Cta*MP> wiH » e e ^ on Friday <arcle win hold #s the- aome of Mrs July 7 la deslnd* school wlU «iflHL ^ < Hackensaok and Mrs. J iter La> Miss yannte fersfiner of Rochester, is being, o&terttthted «t the home of Mr. asaJirs Fpi^tterv. ~ ' wa*'te Water^own ^ardSTaylor of Blflghamton is '^^ ; Mrp.ajftd;^rf r; D. M, Wil-. JWmM^MM^*»% *&»' Ml8 - 8 '- m%m£mkmn-Um a &<m •*? l^-^I^^^Pfe, ..,;'. ''i : ;."!-J^j^\|t^^awl^".Bayis- o f ' B e m s e n is visiting heR^motheri Mrs. William (3ri|l#on %elchIpiL ' MM'Grace'%.' Sihith staA son, Garie, M ^ Gharles M. DickehsOH and daugh- teiiSi Rntfi! and Mabel, attended the graduating exercises, of bowviBe'aca- demy last week; Three young ladles from Turin were members of the graduating elass Misses Florence Jones, Edna L. Smith, and Alice Dickinson. Harold A. Rlggs wh^ graduated from the Plattsburg Normal School last week is spending some.time at his home here; His many friends are pleased to hear of his success. Marther Cook of Utica is the guest of his brother, George H. Cook and other Turin friends. . Miss Elizabeth Dewpy and. brother JPaul, are spending some time with •friends in Geneva N. Y. Miss Winifred Hough of Lowville, is j visiting her friend, Miss Alice Dickinson.- Miss Leen Dood who is teaching at Cliamplain, is spending, her summer yacation.atthe home of her aunt,:Miss 'E. Mae Dood. . 1 :. 1 •• '• William . 1 Pearson: and daughter, Jeanette of Hartford Conn., are spend- ing a few weeks in Turin. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Phillips return- ed from their wedding tripfl fl fl flflfl ed from their wedding trip last Sat- urday after a short stay at the home of the bride's parents. They wil ltake ,up their residence in Rome. The best betst wishes of their Turin friends for their future success goes with them. I 18 To 7. The Castorland Base Ball team de: ||feated the Croghan team last Sunday by a score of 18 and 7. ! , 18,997 rieees., {The R.. F D;,<arpejrs,,jr lj :pj ^lenp, [(and^. E. A^len de|}v^re^ agd. colle^te^ "8,99'7 pieces of mail duringine month. Postmaster BV'Persons and George' fl iHolmes' are 'att»najngi ithe'-'Tfeunidn 1 at Gettysburg, 1 Pa. ".. .1 ;Mr. and 1 Mrs. Frank Ltost'ruth antf family spent Saturday at Watertown, Miss Leona Herzig passed a few days of last week at Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hazer ahve re- turned from their wedding trip and are occupying the house of Jacob Karcher on Bowman street. Mrs. W. G. Hamblin and daughter of Lowville and Miss Terillion of Mar- tinsburg have, been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bintz. Miss Edith Bowman spent the week end at Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. George Slates and family of Carthage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dimick. Miss Vera Burringtqn.has returned from Oneonta to: spend the..summer/ vacation. • iWallacejBBrringtonj left- Monday for BJg- Moose /(where/&e^"wiH^speanT the 1 summer. .-. j- ••-;.(- i<•-.••; <<•'• .•••'•''•••' Mrs. J; Cross and daughter of Low- ville and Mrs.. A. J. Hanning^antf her jrdaughtei* Pf Barneveld, have been re- Gent guests of'their parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Roth. Misses Mabel and Mildred Barnard of Stittsvllle suspending a few days wjth Mr and Mrs. G. P Holmes. ^ L. D Pickert has been ~a recent guest at bis home here. * Mrs. Katherine Mastln^of Lowville 'is spending some time with her son, C. E. Mastin. Miss- Bertha Brothers has returned atter spending a few days with her grandparents at /Hinckley. ? Mrs. C. C". Grazer afid son Clayton, of Natural Dam^ spent ? the past week wJijt relWtiyAj-SjIre. ^ Mrs. James |^cDermotV and son of Harrlsvliie iare soendrng a few days With relatives here Dr and Mrs W Cramer of Copen- hagen called at the hotfe^^rt and Mrs L J Cramer TutiadWf ' r - Misses laa»«lie and A ^ n B e *r and A«*a «tw«f lafTfor^S l«ke Tuesday vhan tb* sunnMr * Mr*. BWt&i Men df ; visiting MtMNiM Iknfc ^f*T/*^lt3S?,'s®?'.- «S •tm •^ji mm &•£*?£ 50 per cent of tile fOuntaitt pens 1 in 30, day* because? of the corrosion arid gOTm^ accun by cheap Into. '.'• H-Is not the pen that** a|^n|t—i^l is guaranteed to have no sediment and. front evit fbr>to^irietf^| . ' ""• ' ' ••• * V f ^ ^ P pj|^*pjnt''are guaranteed for two years provtdfng JA^BHlMtB^ic^^^^ in them. Should "any defects in material or workmanship- develonr»feh1^^&l years send tte pen-to us with this warranty and 10c. to cover-'postage1ip|tt|i|: return in good condition- If the purchaser uses any other ink tiian JA^wiflt:' this guarantee becphaes null and void. ^ - ' "^fK*. 'a^'-cii!fjrT0ir.cimEB^'.C|^..l^ .• ;';'"". of High Grade; Photo Decorated, Pocket Co|ierj r Kazors and SpeclalUef^; -: \ ; .; .;';.' C^T&SfpMi.'/ i: - : : ~ u v"t'" j .JASMINE i^K is, on sale by every leading Stationer and Druggist fea|«c. bottles. A special fountain, pen package containing four ounces ot ink ana.. with-the filler and an aluminum screw eap at 25c. If your dealer does-wit,' handle JASMINE (perfumed) INK send his name and 10c. in stamps to THE UNITED amrs AND STATIONERY CO., Rochester, N, Y., and they wifl for- ward you a. sample bottle. / aM Stationery Co., Roefe«ster, N» I •^••••^•••••••••••••••« »»<<^H , ^»»^*w***»»»#yi^ "IF THEY ARE RYAN'S THEY ARE PURE Come in and sample our stock of Home Made Confectionery. * The Finest, Purest and Bes Flavored in Lowville. * WE CARRY THE BEST LINE OF CIGARS TOD. STATE .STREET. LOWVILLE, N. Y., I * ****4***&M>***>4^W*M*<&***y*<'M^ '^^z^gM? HATE TOU EVEK TRIED! , Somerset Club Coffee? It is the finest and best Coffee Used or Sold at Any Price! It costs a little more than some bat it is Incomparable in Flavor and Value!—If yon love Good Coffee try pound and be convinced. B. L. SCHERMERHORN, STATE STREET, - LOWVILLE, PL Y Opes the Coming of Cold Weather Make SfJ!3&^Sttiar£ffeftiiJIid irfth Lha^.»irf^oeof Comfort S' HeaJtlrl RHEUMATISM I ha\ e a K TMBDY ' Just w rite ana ask about it. r R E D CUMIViai^aM 22 LAMr^HERE ST., LOWVI^^^^t !®«)®(SXs)®®®®®®«xs)«)^^ SS^t? Does It Yet MILL and pump water from well, spring or river, at less expense than any, other power. A fell line of water supply material on hand. WeH Drilling For Water Reguiar Dealer, No\ 1 &"2 State Street; IaOWTlUe. Because they are Now is the tifli# t# get a $15. or Victrola to tife your camp. Take one and enjoy vacation CHAS. A. RUMP, 75 STATE tT n iir 1 dSJEk&yp ^* i$* £-4 J^Mi ir*^*TT «X!Stt,">>!

Transcript of rRED CUMIViai^aM · 'Cdtabel her flatter a narrow estspe froii seriQaif >: tajury in a runaway...

Page 1: rRED CUMIViai^aM · 'Cdtabel her flatter a narrow estspe froii seriQaif >: tajury in a runaway accident Sa^rday ?sk*f '^^f2SE^£Vl^'r% Ernest and Walter * "/ ^i-war iJnt'JfcJu^enry


her flatter a narrow estspe froii seriQaif >:

tajury in a runaway accident Sa^rday

?sk*f '^^f2SE^£Vl^'r%

« - *

Ernest and Walter

* "/

^i-war i Jn t 'J fcJu^enry returned Friday

ifrpm a sreeh's rrislt with friends in

Be .wa^ oint Light and-Swer^mpani lSat

Mr. ami Mrs. Comhllhicfc Aintei-

Hit Wailtne horse which belong-'"fB^'*€^rie?Sush^wa* .uninjured.

'"•"*f . ^ : : ^ i | i ^ * i » ^ B ^ : - ' -• *; A.very charming wedding took place at inine o'clock Wednesday morning

- att.ist.. Stephen's Church, when in the V^rfeifesce' of a large gathering of iriends and relatives, the pastor, Rev. "Joseph Bussenj at a nuptial high mass united' in marriage Wessley Bucking-* a i and Mary C. Bush, both of Kirseh •erville.

/ :3*ey„were attended by Albert Bush, hrotber of the bride and Miss Mamie Buckingham, sister of the groom.

' -;Th«f' bride was most becomingly at-'tir«l in a gown of white., crepe-de-Jnesre; she wore a veil of TJuJle Jaijten-Sed HritB. white bridal roses' and car­ried a white prayer hook. Her attend-.arft*wore castor foulard with white "tones for head dress and carried a -White prayer book. • iHfce groom is the eldest son of Mr. anl^l^.iJFBanSi-Btifcldhgiiam ^Aii 'a ye^ry^toaable^young; man.

1 ^ bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Sftsh and a highly thbdght 6ry^ung;Ja4y^ ,..1Jt..._ =, , . , , , , . . . . ,

.Alter the ceremony ajrSceijfioW feas held at the bridal home, in which the innfiefliate relativest participated.

Use happy young couple left by au­to fpr the afternoon train and will en-Joy5 their honeymoon at Niagara Falls atrd New York.,- The congratulations of their maiy friends are extended.

'"' Sehnaeberger-Martin. Jacob Schnaeberger, jr., and Miss

Charlotte Martin were united in mar­riage at St. Stephen's Rectory at 8 o'clock last Wednesday morning. The attending couple was Charles Tiss and* Miss Norah Martin, sister of the tetfdev ' Ti^lbride was tastefully gowned in a ^ ^ f e t o g / s i i i t of dark blue' and a

gufe" hata-; her attendant worecl

&e'^ the youngest daughter of ... ppS^?Frlnksia(amih;r , ,'i v l i" •"

Following a wedding ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the ftdme"6f the bride's parents^and a re-, ception had, after whicii 'the happy" ootrple left by auto for a brief wedding

<tour. Congratulations are extended. Concert Program.

The Croghan Cornet Band will rend­er the following program at the Band concert next Saturday evening, July 5, 1913: .March, "Norembega," R. B. Hall; Overture, "Grand Selection-Maritana," Wallace; Barn Dance, *Hondy Hiram," Leo Friedman; Ser-

• efiade, "Song of Love," enode, "Song of Love," (Trombone Solo) Matkie Beyer. Waltz "Moon Beams, '2>i$£f I?? Lemendian; March, "OUr Ancestors," L. P. Lamendian.

Fassjtegents Examinations. The* following is a list of the stu-

•" deJCtttr in the Father Leo Memorial School who have been successful" in the Regents Examinations:

roldji'ttrutfert, s;%ebgraphy, • 79^

..jMr^, Ev F, Kobler and Jwo„ children, l i ih^f W d A ^ n ^ f c f t ^ o n d a ^ . mprn-

v ^ e i § f | ^ : ; ^ t h relatives at „, _„* juare. .: ". i

Hey. J. F. Tuttenbach of Rockville, jCornfeys.,i$ :,yisiftog friends' in - this section.

Mrs, Susan Connore of Schenectady a f i r tved^l^^l laaV -^'Spfiitshfr? $&i vter and family,5Mr. and4Mrs. John Becker.

Mrs. Allyn Baldwin of New York is £he guests of her mother, Mrs. Henry De Laporte. ',.

William i8aftsoh of Lowville was in town on business Tuesday. l

J. R. Lafaye returned Friday night ,from a week's business trip to Syra­cuse and Watertown.

Mrs. Joseph Hocn of Holland Pat­ent arrived Saturday to be the guest tof her sister and'family, Dr. and Mrs. JP. H. Von. Merols^fen. i.

E. H. Radi^a^^»; purchased an Ei4, 'lington piano from "Day Bros, Syra­cuse.

1-Nuspliger, arithmetic, 75, Elem: 'p:WOJpfory with civics, 75; Hilda • Aj8i^i|(^pebra, 94;'.physiology, T<)*' Hyacinth Andre, physiology, 6i; Le-ona Beck, algebra 91; Maude Brooks, algebra, 9T, physiology, 68; Helen Fleming, algebra, 87physiology, 82;

fill^Eade, ©runert, physiology, 70; 84; Mtlinda Hazer, algebra,

Botany 82;, physiology, 80; Emer-rf«»h-MoBtroe, algebra, m, botany 70; ViptetU M. Mulkins, physiology 75;

|WlI l i im Radlgan, algebra 100, botany "^"""^a^ogy-SO, ancient history, 76;

8trlfe, algebra 75, boUny 80, p»gy 75; May Collins, third year ""Mi | 8 ^ s i w ^ ; A l n e i 4 c l i * i f . .

ton a>rarer6n-!


Esther Keene. S^fs^ Esther JCeene. died

mo>nlhg at. 8 o'cloeK, at her* 'home' i& Washifigtoh s%eet, after an illness of only jB'f^'1tSys>' She was' 84: years' of age and was hPJjh^ui; l » w v i l l e ; the daughter of Jerasfia ami* Dennis Leon­ard. Her, imsfcand, Edwin Keene, died in l&S&yf ":*

Mrs. Keejie passed many years of her life in Watertown, butliad been a resident of this! village for the past three years. The nearest surviving relative is a niece, Mrs. Jennie Eng­lish of this place.

The funeral was held Sunday after­noon at the house, Rev. C. A. Riley of­ficiating. Burial at Riverside ceme­tery, 'Copenhagen.

Those who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Irvtae, andr daugltto^ and Mrs. Cornelia 'Guernsey -of" "Rosiefe;jj William Sherwood, *Ms."5©h»fi5s< Sfi&r-

I ^ s ^ ? ^ e % q f j p a r .

BF. sntt mrs.TjOweiru®9^Heyvvw-wa-tertowa, and Mrs. vfstmer mrre t t 'klid Miss Lottie Barrett of Clayton:

' H ^ p h p ^ ' a ^ w i l j ^ T fir* The faculty ,t>f ,the Copenhagen

High School has bgen fe-engagbd for the coming year with the exxseption of Miss'Anna Weeden and is as follows:

Principal, J. J. Brainerd; Precep­tress, Mrs. Ida L. Merrell.'

Grades—Miss Ida Fowler, Miss Edith Van Deveer and Mrs. Lena North.

Training Class—Miss Esther M. Towne. Miss Weeden, who had both grade and high school work, has re­signed and* accepted a position at Brownville. The vacancy has not been filled.

Children's Day Dinner. Copenhagen Grange held their Quar­

terly feast last Saturday. Dinner was served at najopio^ver-2<|j people, i

Chalr^ Endowment. By jthevvgill of til* late Thomasi'

OtBrienV ' # HaNjj6mg''TRP ^ _ Catholic Church in,this villagei?g«ts^ ji.000, aisolbhe Catholic Cemetery^he same attKWhtWbe used in erecting a vault. ' ' ' "

Copenhagen vs. Watertowib

tontwthvi *fMg®&r •ig'vyen&ftz

| fcfr giuiidijarehts, Young "?*•-:/.":,•..

is passijjg a cou-fe Bay | j> y\"f

Hiomaa K i t a h / w e

Miss'Bessie Parks a M P g U e s t o f

'Mil. 'W 'YQun^'fs

Frsflt ~


arpooB, daugiBtariA of Pnjteafcor -

Promptfr at ' 9 Promise Ha1

J Et Prtchart. airwna of Mendeli | r ed by Mrs J a Ihc groom attired i black and the best nu feolegrovc brother Q( jpwed bj the ring l**&r little

FreH::W^^-&vX?ex-W,?-'*Wss^tlt%nMc.„» ^ T v **• " ^ w * ***• !KS»a

Miss Jeanette Adams of Watertown, the guest of Mr. -and Mrs. H. F.'

ffich.} .'-..M-f. ' {•[ ; ;','" •••;'>.• Mrs. ida Merrill is visiting relatives'^

at South Rutland. Miss Mary L. Hafit Returned Satur­

day from Brooklyn, N. V., to spend the summer vacation, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hunt.

Mrs. Elizabeth Cobb of Lowville, is the; guest of friends in town.

Mr: aitd Mrs. IsS. L. Hnngerford, Mrs. Jane Stanton and Miss Marie Hunger-ford were the guests Of F. J. Kellogg anrf family at Alexandria Bay, several days last weelfc, i,Mr~j arfds^Irs&E. D. Babcock attend-' ea ffle^fuo'&aPof a relative at Mar-.J tinsburg, last Tuesday.

Prof. Charles N. Lanpher of Pots­dam, is visiting relatives in town.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E! Boshart of L0W7 ville visited relatives here Friday. Mrstf B6sH&rt?f4wttl;J£aB8 r{he! week with. her.. brothers, George. and Weir

Friday I pome Young. Miss Florem^lBjgltt^rJBtut^ed Morr-

<day evening from Matteawan to spend her vacation at her home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Manson Clement, and son, Floyd, have returned from a week's visit at Three Mile Bay. N

F. P. Lansing is in Scrahton, Pa., attending the wedding of his nephew. Douglas Lansing, Jr.

Charles Simons who has recently graduated from the Gouverneur High School, has returned to his home here.

Bernard Buchal was up from Dexter to attend the Senior ball last Wednes­day.

Gladys Thomas is home to spend the summer with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. William Thomas.

George C. Parsons, Robert Ross, C. A. Thompson, Robert Clark, Albert Al­len? Lloytf' Allen, ft G. Irvine ;ah'd Warren Brown tool -lnHthiel excursion t b ^ f e a f S a m t i y r ' 'v*' '• - '•


80, •*»,- E l . !

86, Afta Leganet, third^ 85/ phystea, is; Anieri-

Apsrlean: history 70, W; Angelina Buah,

sWgUstf 80^ Ba«liBlt gnat -' yO^dyaarOeraaaii

The Fire Dap;artm4nt base ball team?, defeated th# 'WaS^town Ihdepehd-j ehts on the^^alpdlamohd last Satur­day to the score-of 7 to 6.

B^ ;'SeTfsr»ote8. A unioBE ;i^i^-prud^ churches of

this \«Ej^^flif3»^helflJ;at,.Pleasant: Lake, nexf Wedne8dj|y^ June 9th.

The Junior §$&?: of the jCongrega-tfonai «huTcl|; will have, charge of the eventn#1apr^fWi^:'l^flra$':^' ;

The Sfc Ceiia Guild'bf Grace "Cfcarcb,'! served /the^*lft|"^upi^e*f- at the: chureh^aW Wednesday evening until, after a ^ s M a * « e e e s M " v ^ ' i /•• Thbrais Setan, Judson 'dart, S. G. Tan Pelt, Georges Reiser and John

I Spencer are attending the Old Sol-] pl»^^®Bc|utfj|ment' at Gettysburg, ihiitHiifc&k^ 'p •'"' # ,: - !

John -Bettys and family wlS^tttovfr' to Carthage this week. Mr. Pettys

secured a position with the North-Telepbone and Telegraph

Company. Dr. W. H. Cramer, B&tt Worthy;

Assistant grand lecturer of the 0 . E. 8., mule his o«cfal yisit t» the Oris-, kany Clraptw^ast WtSmti0'- evw*.}

To Celebrate Fourth. Denmark village is making great

preparations for a rousing Fourth of July celebration.

There will be contested games of base ball and other athletic sporrs, with a play in the evening under the auspices of home talent, the proceeds Eo be applied to church" purposes.

Meals and refreshments will be served all day at the Grange Hall and a great time is expected.

Successful Operation. A. R. Schants went to a Syracuse

hospital last week, wher^ he was op­erated on for an injury to his nose, caused by being hit by a base" ball while playing a game a year .ago.

The operation was very successful and it is expected he will return home in a,few days. His brother accpinpan-, led niiji^", ,'.'.'.'."'."., ,, ' . i • . . - , : • .,.

; Celebrates *1*b Birthday. Mr. and, Mrs. €?. J. Twining Mfere in:

attendance ls£§t week?/ Saturday, at, a party given in honor of the ninety-seventh birthday ahdtfyersary of Al>i vin Spehcer 6]f TyJei#yilfe. He .re-, sides with hia daughter; Mrs. Green; and fdmtly, ahd.4s re^i^kaljty well

frieds all hope that he may reach]! the century- mark.

Personal Mention. Mrs. N. JV Shifty of' this vIHage,;!



went last wieeJE-:fitenday to Lacoha, i t , Y., to M 'pr:eieyt^ott^Mei.iiiyfei||i^|if marriage of Ker" b A ^ # , " LjeoVD^!iltt,| wm cbf was" solemnfeld at Jnei^fioineC:o|];

the brldel ' ' " . -^;--^*i-.-,;vi;"i Her daughter, Emma, accoipaiffedj:

her as farSsG^reat.Beifdi aritf* off to^s*!frleWf. until her m^yr's ' return.

of this" '^K John Spencer, a» veteran to^^i*|sP|||^^tfr attend thod^ an, reunion exer^j^eaXf^-^et^BbnrC, ' 1 %-L1.


Mrs. Floyd'

t. g bcaror came the brtdesmaid "Jiss lilirj Roberts attired la pink crepe d 1 ci with lace trimmings t rry-ihk a bo 1 lot of pink zoses F Uow-ii g th l rldt smaid entered the i rjde on the arm of? her father

The bflde Tpas: handsomely: attired in a gGMh|Bntrain of white charm^ euse drapMpitJ^! brocade chiffon with peari trimmings s nd ware a tulle veil held in\place'..©y ..agWsgaajtn. -of white rose buds.;^/.".; .;.. *'j*§$$#j~'._

After iaie'.c/ereni!pftp^M^h--was' per­formed" .-fey ,-.Rev.«;C^"M^S^|h- in front of a l a r g ^ 6 ^ - i ^ t ^ ^ ^ ; M i e ' bridal party ' r e n i ^ d j t s r j ^ g ' - r o p m to a four c o u r ^ 4wn^|ifaCdvers were laid;' -for;Jalfeuty.- ;i|itfe§g«est8; The brides table was decorated with pink rbses .and^":teittax;; aSSj jihe- grevailing color through the hopislj was pink and white,. .;, ' . '.' \Jg?. ' ,

; The bride is the 0 5 ^ ; d;aughter of Mr.. antt'.^|fef; A.. i C.' -J^^ikid one of the. most :p0S»ilar 0a j^^f l^es of Tur­in. She wag graduateli'from the Tur- in High, s hlopl c&ssf Ot;|91ii0; ?rae'girp^^k has^b^^lot ' two years

princfi|#o^'tbe?^f^fS|foBoI.'. He is a graJdusi;te of* fee S s f ^ u l e University and has n^a% fiSe^^JheVe; who ex­tend to "him/ tie&^^ieongratutatiohs and wlsheslor hfS;t»i6ire?success.

The bride and^ropm left for their wedding trip to rWp^^.*jyMke. Upon their rett^'.ithey-!;wi^^^tde at Lyons Falls whWe'he isi.en^^di.a& principal of the high schpolT for the ensuing year.

The' bride was th^^S^lent of many beanttfuf and c b i t l g l p f l ^ including silverwarej.:; toutv|^|t,:; linen, china, money a^d^te)ie|^^^lnitttre, includ­ing- a b^uMiiK'ifiuwS^earbak library t#ble presentMbytthe members of the SasternlSt&r fox wjloiiS4b^: is; a mem-

KTBe g u e t y i r o h ^ o u f f ^ .town were ^ K ^ ^ W i j ^ i f e ^ ^ - Verona; " D*-B|Ooksif^Mrs;,1J.vE. Gurnsey;i!

Si •DohW^pi|pf^iir^t|kf?-yMIss,*'Lu-•cilIe-*ette>S^i^le^wattd?;Dr: , 3r D, Smith of W l t r

Paul J. B|^e^t*''Rbaje—formerly of ' T u r ^ i ^ n | % ^ ^ h ^ ' ' W a r a e h i al­so .of '•t^^^^^j^ii^^L^S'i^f-ast-pa^o^^of-'^fflfflBi^ibrf Wednes­day "ey|i^g^s.#uie•'••$&, by the Rev. Royal Nfji|l|iiBii:'-;';-'•. : M * 4 ^ ^ i % & | # 6 r j i .on Welsh Hill and •JW^t^e^nn|iV:|i.:;3!ew-years ago.

happy'iMtJrrB? I jtadlcs' Improvement Cirele. M*4 Arthur b vans ai d ||rs.; Arihur

3 ra%i h imer enterti nol | h e ' L^fiea Impri \ei ent Circle at tie^howgv <tf Mfs^Siiekhamcr last 1 - ^ ^ f j u n e , %%-pA. dolielous dinner wji; served to afty-two visitors Tho4<> p^s^i^wer4 Mi-.f^nl Mrs Edict and | ^ i ^ j : Mr: •and'Mrs Edw&rd Damuth; JCfc "and Mrs. Arthir Dickenson Atfeand? Mrs.; John Aloot and famiH Mrslm|Wara;;

«ev.';i fearles Shnmway A | ^ r ' « B e > " wm¥M* mM^^-^Ami^^t wart, t-n Wtf*v»& a veteran of the Ciivil War. H f s i f . ^ Misses Ruth and c M ? « ; Nellie and Stella "Ward

^•w 8ta«e l»ri»#? Aft r carrying the mall 5fojr twelve

yeare Henry Hughes wa»v|succeeded , | i Fred Gterk last Tuesday, Mr. pughes by m oMIging wiy^rOandrhlS pleasing manner has gained hostiMof

jfriends who yrttl tt&ret th||^?4s^hp]t. f> drive 0W ataga any longerilbut all m ill wish Mr <B»ifc, bis | spessbr, a iuccesaful HtM^niii* &V:'.' - v

^ iWIMfees. ;:fc T » 4 B Cta*MP> wiH » e e ^ on Friday

<arcle win hold # s the- aome of Mrs

July 7 la deslnd* school wlU


^ <Hackensaok and Mrs. J

iter La>

Miss yannte fersfiner of Rochester, is being, o&terttthted «t the home of Mr. asaJ irs F p i ^ t t e r v . ~ '

wa*'te Water^own

^ardSTaylor of Blflghamton is '^^ ;Mrp.ajftd;^rf r ;D. M, Wil-.

JWmM^MM^*»% *&»'Ml8-8'-

m%m£mkmn-Uma&<m •*? l^-^I^^^Pfe, ..,;'. ''i : ;."!-J^j^\|t^^awl^".Bayis- of'Bemsen is visiting heR^motheri Mrs. William ( 3 r i | l # o n %elchIpiL ' MM'Grace'%.' Sihith staA son, Garie, M ^ Gharles M. DickehsOH and daugh-teiiSi Rntfi! and Mabel, attended the graduating exercises, of bowviBe'aca­demy last week;

Three young ladles from Turin were members of the graduating elass Misses Florence Jones, Edna L. Smith, and Alice Dickinson.

Harold A. Rlggs wh^ graduated from the Plattsburg Normal School last week is spending some.time at his home here; His many friends are pleased to hear of his success.

Marther Cook of Utica is the guest of his brother, George H. Cook and other Turin friends. .

Miss Elizabeth Dewpy and. brother JPaul, are spending some time with •friends in Geneva N. Y.

Miss Winifred Hough of Lowville, is j visiting her friend, Miss Alice Dickinson.-

Miss Leen Dood who is teaching at Cliamplain, is spending, her summer yacation.atthe home of her aunt,:Miss 'E. Mae Dood. • . 1 :. • 1 •• '• William . 1 Pearson: and daughter, Jeanette of Hartford Conn., are spend­ing a few weeks in Turin.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Phillips return­ed from their wedding tripfl fl fl flflfl ed from their wedding trip last Sat­urday after a short stay at the home of the bride's parents. They wil ltake ,up their residence in Rome. The best betst wishes of their Turin friends for their future success goes with them.

I 18 To 7.

The Castorland Base Ball team de: ||feated the Croghan team last Sunday by a score of 18 and 7.

! , 18,997 rieees., {The R.. F D;,<arpejrs,,jrlj:pj ^lenp,

[(and^. E. A^len de|}v^re^ agd. colle^te^ "8,99'7 pieces of mail duringine month.

Postmaster BV'Persons and George' fl iHolmes' are 'att»najngi ithe'-'Tfeunidn1

at Gettysburg,1 Pa. " . . .1 ;Mr. and1 Mrs. Frank Ltost'ruth antf

family spent Saturday at Watertown, Miss Leona Herzig passed a few

days of last week at Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hazer ahve re­

turned from their wedding trip and are occupying the house of Jacob Karcher on Bowman street.

Mrs. W. G. Hamblin and daughter of Lowville and Miss Terillion of Mar-tinsburg have, been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bintz.

Miss Edith Bowman spent the week end at Watertown.

Mr. and Mrs. George Slates and family of Carthage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dimick.

Miss Vera Burringtqn.has returned from Oneonta to: spend the..summer/ vacation. • iWallacejBBrringtonj left- Monday for BJg- Moose /(where/&e^"wiH^speanT the1

summer. .-. j - • ••-;.(- i<•-.••; <<•'• . •••'•'' •••' Mrs. J; Cross and daughter of Low­

ville and Mrs.. A. J. Hanning^antf her jrdaughtei* Pf Barneveld, have been re-Gent guests of'their parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Roth.

Misses Mabel and Mildred Barnard of Stittsvllle s u s p e n d i n g a few days wjth Mr and Mrs. G. P Holmes.

L. D Pickert has been ~a recent guest at bis home here. *

Mrs. Katherine Mastln^of Lowville 'is spending some time with her son, C. E. Mastin.

Miss- Bertha Brothers has returned atter spending a few days with her grandparents at /Hinckley. ? Mrs. C. C". Grazer afid son Clayton, of Natural Dam^ spent?the past week wJijt relWtiyAj-SjIre. ^

Mrs. James |^cDermotV and son of Harrlsvliie iare soendrng a few days With relatives here

Dr and Mrs W Cramer of Copen­hagen called at the h o t f e ^ ^ r t and Mrs L J Cramer TutiadWf ' r-

Misses laa»«lie and A ^ n B e *r and A«*a « tw«f lafTfor^S l « k e Tuesday v h a n tb* sunnMr *

Mr*. BWt&i M e n df ;

visiting MtMNiM Iknfc



•tm •^ji

mm &•£*?£ 50 per cent of tile fOuntaitt pens 1 in 30, day* because? of the corrosion arid gOTm^ accun by cheap Into.'.'• H-Is not the pen that** a | ^ n | t — i ^ l

is guaranteed to have no sediment and. front evit „ f b r > t o ^ i r i e t f ^ | . ' ""• ' ' ••• * V f ^ ^ P

pj|^*pjnt''are guaranteed for two years provtdfng J A ^ B H l M t B ^ i c ^ ^ ^ ^ in them. Should "any defects in material or workmanship- develonr»feh1^^&l years send tte pen-to us with this warranty and 10c. to cover-'postage1ip|tt|i|: return in good condition- If the purchaser uses any other ink tiian JA^wiflt:' this guarantee becphaes null and void. ^ - ' " fK*.

'a^'-cii!fjrT0ir.cimEB^'.C|^..l^ .• ;';'"". of High Grade; Photo Decorated, Pocket Co|ierjr Kazors and SpeclalUef^;

-: \ ; .; .;';.' C^T&SfpMi.'/i:-: :~uv"t'" j .JASMINE i^K is, on sale by every leading Stationer and Druggist fea|«c.

bottles. A special fountain, pen package containing four ounces ot ink ana.. with-the filler and an aluminum screw eap at 25c. If your dealer does-wit,' handle JASMINE (perfumed) INK send his name and 10c. in stamps to THE U N I T E D a m r s AND STATIONERY CO., Rochester, N, Y., and they wifl for­ward you a. sample bottle. /

aM Stationery Co., Roefe«ster, N» I • ^ • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « »»<<^H , ^»»^*w***»»»#yi^

"IF THEY ARE RYAN'S THEY ARE PURE Come in and s a m p l e our s t o c k of H o m e M a d e Confect ionery . *

T h e F i n e s t , P u r e s t and B e s F lavored in Lowvi l le . j£ *


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