Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Royal Australian Action t ime lor Joint Forces rom,:; Deployable Joint }<'()I"Ct!SHeadquarters ha<i gone into action rorthefusttime. 1be IS-person team, led by COMFLOT, C DRE Ru ss ShaJders, flew from Sydney to Guam to board the large US conullaod and com- municatioll'l ship, uss BLUE RIIX:;E. The 18lhen became part of the plot team for the three natioo exer- else Tandem Thrust 99 staged in and around the Mariana Islands. More than 12,000 per- sonneI participated in the drill. tri-flerVice operation - For the team aboard BLUE RIDGE it was generaIJ:yaperiod watching and learn- ing b ow mu lti - national fon::esare co-ordinated and """""""". More tba D 1100 1bey were aboard HMA Ships SUC- CESS , PE RTH, SY DNEY and NE W CASTLE. Also present were 16 divers fr om AUSCDT One. UFESAVERI • A health clinic in BougainvDIe has noceIved a boost to Infant health senfas. For a full report turn to Page 2 The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy Back to Gull • HMAS MELBOURNE Is heading bad< to the Golf. For the full sIory turn to Page 3

Transcript of Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Page 1: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Royal Australian

Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:;

Deployable Joint }<' ()I"Ct!SHeadquarters

ha<i gone into action rorthefusttime.

1be IS-person team, led by COMFLOT, C DRE Ru ss ShaJders, flew from Sydney to Guam to board the large US conullaod and com­municatioll'l ship, uss BLUE RIIX:;E.

The 18lhen became part of the plot team for the three natioo exer­else Tandem Thrust 99 staged in and around the Mariana Islands.

More than 12,000 per­sonneI participated in the drill.

tri-flerVice operation -For the team aboard BLUE RIDGE it was generaIJ:yaperiod watching and learn­ing b ow mu lti ­national fon::esare co-ordinated and

"""""""". More t b a D 1100

1bey were aboard HMA Ships SUC­CESS , PE RT H , S Y DNEY and NE W CASTLE. Also present were 16 divers fr o m AUSCDT One.

UFESAVERI • A health clinic in BougainvDIe has noceIved a boost to Infant health senfas. For a full report turn to Page 2

The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy

Back to Gull • HMAS MELBOURNE Is heading bad< to the Golf. For the full sIory turn to Page 3

Page 2: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

[Loil@D~@J\YlO [[j]~ ~ olKl [Q)W ~@JWW rill@©U@~

the mld- ",hc~ at the Arawu clmic and 10 rcspon~. donated the pcn-doppler~ and a number of mcdi ra l

M~~~Cea~~~:~ :~;t:n~r~!t~~~snll~l~~~~ai~~~fl~a~ ~:~al RCM:r\'c Surgeon CAPT Ian Jone~ tool. the gift of life -saving techno logy and a major booSllO the gifts to Bougaln , ille and provided tra ining for the infant health services o n the strife-tom is land local nur!o ing siaff during a t-. o--wcck deployme nt on

Two pen-doppler listening devices from the ante- the island With the Australian-led Peace Monuo nng natal clinic at the Matcr MOIhc rs Hospital will be Group (PMG). used by midwiveS :!1 the heal th clinic at Arawa. on the CA PT Jo nes, the Professor of Obs te tric s and islands east coast . to mooi- 7";--C- - --:-;--;-- ----:- - - G y na cc ol ogy at the

lor the ..... ell being of unborn , Lost everythl'ng when UOI Ve l"lolt )' of QuCC'ns land. b,bi" i, " , "<ON' - ' 'P'- .,o,k , f,om " , M"" d ally during labour. Hospital and was only too

viJch~;::O~~~fc~dB~~:r~~n~ hospital burnt down , h~i~~~~!~I~cY d()n '(haVC decade of connict since the lhe faci lilY to closely walch CriSIS cropted in 1989 and as a resull health care for the haby's heartbeat during pregnan~'y and especially many is only basic. dunng eontr:'IClions wilh labour It 's difficult to hear the

Bcfore the cn sis thc Bougain \'illeans' standard of heart soond~clcarly." CaptaIOJonessaKt

health care ..... as the envy of the South Pacilic With the "With a pen-dopplcr you can detect the need for a lowes[ rate of infant mortality and Ihe best eqUipped c aesare:lll sectio n qui ckl y :l nd therefo re save [he hospital in the region baby:'

The Arawa Ho,pltal is now a burnt out shell and in There are more Ihan 1(x1O pregnancies in the Arawa desperate need of medical eqUIpment . region annually and for the c linlc's sen ior midwife,

Staff a[ the Maler Mot hers !iospllal was alerted 10 Si).lcr Therese Kumpoton. the new pcn-dopplcl"lo are a [he proble ms m Bougamville by a lellcr from one of

ADDR ESS(~callin~): SupjlonCommand AUS1r3ha(Nal'i) , Whar117, PuramaRoa(j (form e ~Jones8ayRoad ) PyrmootNSW2009,

POSTAl ADDRESS: NaI'jHm, LocttdBag 12. Pyrm(WIt NSW. 2009 PHO'tE:I02)95631201.FAlIIl2)95631600 E_Addr!

NAIf(~EWS INlERNETWEBPAGE, lIIWW.rIa\' PUBLISHED.lortnlghtIyDATEDMl)flilay TYPE SIZE OF PAG E ApjlrOl.38cmx26cm,7co1slSems TYPESET 8nghl Pmt 8·10 FrantSlfeet. Wetflelll Part NSW. 21S4

Ph(02)97513lXXl PRINTED F.w CommltlLly Newspapers

47ADinghamStr~t CondenPartHSW,2200

maJo rlmpro\'cmcnt, • CA I'T J ones prestmts mt'dical manuals to Arawa Ih~alth C lin k midwir ..

Then'SE' Kunlpotoo. Picture: CORP I'alrina ~lalllne.


·CD PV DEADLI NE: Monday pnor 10 date 01 ISsue CIRCULATIOH_2Q.IXXlCtlpWisp!rlS~. DISTRIBUTlON.natlonal toservln~ and former personnel. CIVIlians

doctylrrl$, $hopblllldl'l\tandtfl\tIlHn"gtsUlilisilmenlS busmssor~GO'ttmmtnl6!partme~Is.Dvt~ tooH lClalestablrshments, GOV!rnmentilt!partmentsaM prmtesubS':nbers

• SES l'OIUlII l'i.'J"1j demonslralt' some or their C(lllipment to sa ilors rrom UMAS CERH .. : RUS, I)icture: Antoinette Aldworth.



SUBSCRIPTIO NS:$24perannumpostageWlthInAuSl!;lha(alrmaiiand O'I!rseasutra).

STAFf Mw;tmg Editor leDR KMO I'IU (02)95631653 ~Gr.Ih.1mDMs I(2)956JII72,Aooiecasr, I02) 95631233 MtertlSll'lQ-MrGeolfQtfordI02)95631539; Picton»: NavjPholOO_Ullit SaI\M' RepresenblM· POYITR-'Jkson Dallle!S(Il2) 9359 4460 A!lm tmstraMn,subscnptlOJ1andgeneralenQu lnes: MI PauiJoonsoo (02) 95631207, MISS Btlynda l'rI~erton (02) 9J631202



3rd Mlf

"""" 31S1tQy




"'"JUy ...... 23rdAugtJSI

6111 Stptember



, .. -IstNll'Y!rrber


29th HOl'!mber


2 (78) NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999




7111 May

21st May


18!h .lrnt

2nd July

16111 July

l1I1h>, 13lhAlrgust

27111 AugtJSl

10th September

24th Seplember




19th NOl'!mber




DfSI Rt:o.

P~~(~~~IRtD~I~ a~'~~~ Iru cl for Ihe Pe lllllwla The Pelll1lsula SES has SES. strong links with CE R-

rhe lr unll u rm, In Ihe .. a rdrohe and ~o ne to ",orllO mutri ,

The un il is c ha rge d BER US In [hal seve ra l v.u h pro[<.'Ctlllg Franl~[on !olaf! memllers are mem-

Bu! th..!rcwa, atmdc un· tnrv. cann}! cin ic." nl\1eao o f w hitc , . T hey had to lllal eao.,n:\I l1lfinf $2.

~:~h~~n ~~~:~:~~)~~~r~:' ,,"'~"~Of~'h~' ~' ~",~d_=:=::=:=:~:::::=::::::=:::::=::::=:::=:=====: ""d ,"'~ . WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY

The d n n;iIIUIl wa~ all In:l guudcll1l1m unll ) ca u ,e. It gill" toward hu y in g a new re ,cu e

Man), mnrned 411 aner~ are prole,·tcd fl y th e unpaid\'olun[ccr\

The unit IS al'o() a hael ­up re\ouree Hl IIInes o f hll,htire.

Sub project review M:::; le[rh~Jr F~t~~~~, :1~CJt\:~~ ~:~~a~~~ ~~r~ G(l\'emlll~nl Id~ntilicd a nel'd lor I1nproved Defe nce pn)l:uremell1 ~rrangl'me nl ,:h one of its pnonllCS III lb "ccond t.:oml o f ollke .

"Since hecl lllllng Ml n" u,' r for Def .. nee I ha\c oc'Cn dI M'U~' 1Og procUrc llll' 1l1 arrangeml'm, and. 10 p~rricular. Ilw Collin\ .'Uh1l13rlfle project With Illy departlll~nt :' he ~aid .

" I ha\ e del' ldcd to appOint Dr Makolm Mclnto~h , Ihe former Chler 0 1 Dc fen,'e PrnCllrl'melll 10 Ihr L'mtC<l KIIl~do1J1 . and Mr John Pre .... o". [he lormer Chler Exe,'uIII,' lit BliP. ro r .. \ Ie,," pm·,;r .. ,~ 1(1 dJ[e on tho: C() lI l1h ,ul1m~n lle proJ"'CI Jild 10 ro: port ru rlle on propo , al, tllr,'lI l1lpktio il ll t the prOJect.

'· 1 h~\r ;L~ led Ihe Re\I(.· .. To::un III complerr Iheir fI.·pon 11)'1ulll:30"

Advertosers andlor advenlSlng agencies UpOn and by todg lng matenat wIth !he Pu tJlisher lor p"blocallon Of authoflslllg or approving of Ihe publica tion of any mate llat INDEMNIFY the Pubkher. oIS directoB, employees and agents agaonS! aa claims, demands, proceedIngs, costs, expeoses, dama~. awtlrdS. ,udgments and tiny o ther I,abt~ry whtllsoevet wholly or partially tIIls"'g dLfect/y Of IfldIf&Clly on connectIOn WIth rl'lt publieall()ll 01 lhe marena~ and WllhouIlmtng the genera~ry of !he tOftgOOng, IndemnIfy each 0 1 lhem If1 fUla\lOn to detamalJOn, libel, slander of We, Inl flngement 01 copynghl . inlnngemenl ot IIadematl<.s or names 01 publicatJOfl tItleS, unla .. compelliion. breach 0 1 IIade practices or la .. trad ing Ieg1slahon, vOtahon 01 fight!. ot pIlvacy or confidential Informatoon or licences or royalty nghl s or o ther "'''Ilecl ual property rights, AND WARR ANT tha t Ihe malenal compIles Wi th aU retevanl laws and regu lat ions and that Its putJloaihon wdt not gIve nse 10 any claims aga,nsr or llabilobes 'n the Pub~sher, ' IS dlreclors. employees or agents, and, wothout IirMlog the ~~ty of !he loregang, lnal nothing I'lef"" IS In bfeach of the Trade PractleH Act 1968 or the F ... Trading Act t9EI7 Of !he delamabon. consumer protectl()ll and sale 01 goodS legislation o/the StIlles and Temlones Of Inmnges !he rights ot any person,

ADVERTISING CONDITIONS Advef1Ismg accepted tor pubkaboo on NAVY NEWS IS $Ubttcl to the condotoos set out In their rale cards and !he rules applicable 10 adve<bsmg laid dowo hom Lme 10 ~me by me MedIa Councd 01 Austral,a. Every advertisement 1$ subject 10 the Publisher's approval and the Publisher may, at ol sdlscrerl()ll, refuse 10 I!ICCept an advefll sementlor publicatlOfl ifil believes Ult advertisement may mtm1ge the nghts of any perSOl> or may not comply With aJliaws and regulatlOflS ot the States and Terntories. The Pub~Sher eccepts no reSpOnSibility Of lIabil,ty In rei aVon to any loss d~e to the lallure of an adve-rtlsement 10 appear accordong toinsrruchons. The posIlIOI1Ing Of plaCIng of an advefllsement wothon the aocepIed claSSlhcailOfliS at Ihe dlscretlOfl 0/ NAVY NEWS e.eep! whefe speoatly IO$tructed and agreed upOOby the PubIt$I'lef. Rates ale based on Ihe understanding that me monelary level ordered IS used WlIhIn the penod 01 the order. Ma~lfnum penod 0 1 aoy order IS one year. SIIOUId en lall 10 use the total monetary level orderlMl the rate WI. be amended ro COIncide w,th the amouot 01 space ~sed The word "dver1, sement" won be used on copy which In the 0p,n,on ot Ihe Publi sher, resembles edotOnal matter. The above larms are subjecl 10 change wo1ho\rt nQlllicallOn, al 1i1edosclettr)nof the Publ1sher

Page 3: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

HUON handed over to RAN A~a'nucLul~:~tccrJto ~~; RAN. on ,,;hcduk. the fir,! of AU\lrall;J", IlC\\ mindlUrlling ,tllP~ HUON

The hand{)n~r In Nc,, · <:a\lic fulJo\\cu mne rnonlh"olinlcnsivc a<:n:plancc lriah hy HllON dunng "hidl .. he proved her performance. <:Jp;!hihllc,anun;hahihly HL'ON. one of ,ix nufIC­hunter:-; ADII~ producing for the Department of Dclence. i ~ equipped with the mO~l advanced mine wart"arc "y .. 1CIll orany ~hip Inthc worJd today.

'Thi,is a day ofgrcal achicvcmcm for ADI and the 1900 Australian com· panics and aJsoO\cr\cas firm, thaI have COIl­lrihUiculolhcminchunlcr proJc(;!," AD! managing director. Mr Ken Harri,. said

A nolahle kalure 01 Ihe proJeel is Ihat ror Ihe Jir~1 lime mO~1 of Ihe dc1alleddl'slgn wor~ fora major AU~1rall:ln. high lechnology maflllme pro· jcci has been I!arried Otll in Auslrlliia. The dClailed design aecoullls for 80 per celli oflhe lolal ,hip designandessenl1ally cOler~ speci fying and de-"Igning Ihe inslall:llion requiremenlsufalllhc ship ~yslelll~.

• Bound ror th{' C ulf .. H1\IAS i\. I EI.UO URNE.

HUON's minehunllng son:lr (an ~mlUltaneously search. de Ice!. dasslfy and roUlt' survey in deplhs excl!cd ing 150

Frigate heading back to the Gulf

~~::;::'C~t;lI~~~. ~~I!n~~ T~~i ~~\d~d Hm~~~l~ :,~o:I~~~.GuJf for Ihree

Ihe ship's Iwo remotely MELBOURNE b head- T he Defence Mlnh-(olllrolled mine disposal ing for Ihe Gulf 10 per- Icr. Mr John Moore. vehicles can be des- form pkkel dUlY and 10 announccd MELBO-palchcd 10 delermine if il I!nforce UN san(lions URNE'S la,king laiC is:l mine and if so. 10 agains\ lraq. laslm01l1h. dcsl rOyl\. Commander Peler Melhourne wn, lhere

T he vchidcs :lrc Jones and hh ship'~ in mid-I<)<J6. equipped withll Illinedis- company will Icave While deployed,lhe posal charge. seareh- Sydney lalerlhi~ monlh .. hip will inlercept. lighls. closed circuillcle- and he on qallon In board and .. earch VC\-

vision camera and high May. ..cis 10 delersmugglillg definilion sonar and are The~ I>. ill Join a US conlrahand cargo in con(rolled via :l fihre nav:lI lasl-; group nnd he breach of UN ,anclion ..

2P~'i~"~in~'====~~~~~~~i1 agmn .. l Iraq. lfreljuired ... he will dil'erlandt'\cllrl,hip\ suspcl!ledofsmugglmg Selling Your

House or Business?

Advertise in

and 111 breach of Ihe \anclion'topor\for inlc,llg:llion hy UN :lulhorilie~.


al~o inlegrale wilh olher mulli-nalional Ilaval f()rce~ and will conduci pracllcal mlll­lary exer.;i,e, Wilh regional nalie, for mUlUallfam11lg.

01her n~li()n\ con· lrihul11lglolheM IFin recenlllOle\ ha'·e heen Ihe US. UK. Canada. Nell Zealand and Ihe Nelherland .. .

The MIF I>.a, \el up in 1<)<)0 and mandaled hy Ihl! UN Security Councll 10 enforce ~,l1lclion' Impo,ed on Iraq afler 11~ Inl a'ion of KUI>.:lll

AU'lralinn wnr,hlp' have underla~en cighl pre\"iou,depJoymenh

Navy News WESTRALIA refit The sailors' newspaper

Contact our Advert ising Co-ordinator on

Ph: (02) 9563 1539 Fx: (02) 9563 1600

GeofLC li [email protected]

for further detai ls

T:~n~ul;~~~e~h~rA~~f~~~~~~a~~:n~~II~~~~dh:: Ihe preferred lendcrer 10 relil HMAS WESTRALlA follOWing an onboard fire in May 1998.

The work will includc repairing general and lire damage, upgmde of faeililic~ and olher planned main· lenanceaclil'ilies.

ADI was sclccled bceau~c il W:lS eon\ldered hJ pro­vide Ihc besl value !"ormoney from Ihe olherlhrce lendenng eomp:lniel> - Forgae .. Dockyard, Tcnix Shipbuilding and KilpalrickGrecn.

Families forced to evacuate N~~::l :I~~; ;111:~~~1~~~ \ati:IY JU'i hour, at'!cr lh~ ,Imngc,[ I'.lmh n:":lm.lco.l in AlI~lralia and gl'lll'nll ­cd hy Cydllnc V:lIH:C cau'>Cu l1lilh{)n~ 01 Jolla" dam:!g.:: Illhn(Jlc'.laclO­rl<;,. ,hop, and Hamid E. Holl III northern \Ve~l -

The cv;\cualilln of lIclt-m:.:: familll.~, ";I, flX'­

Ilmmcndcu WhCll1l W:t, learned il llI,ly lal..o: a l1lol1lhtorc,lorcciedril-i ­Iy to pumpc!c,(Jl water. tl'ar,lhalga,lminlc\[llIol Ilinc'M!' nwy lll:l'UT and concern Ihol .. nake,_ In­\fl'll inlorc,jlknll<iI area, hy tlr'ouw,u.::r. mayallacl.. Tl-\ilklll'

The l'Yl' lone dl'<I'I .... r ':lW one nf Ihe Jarge,! Dclcm:c Alli III Ihe Ci~il CommUnil} operation .. Inr dcc,u.k, laulH:hcd hy Ihclhrcc ;lrIncuwrvu;c,.

Duhhed 0pl'ration Chandler. Ihe elTon ,<t\\

r=c;;:1~;'ua;=J ,alloT", ,0I<.lIl:T' ami air­men da .. h from a' f,lf al>.ay a, TUl>.lhvllie :lIld Darl>.l11 10 Ihe (kva.'lal~d area~ around E~molilh. Lcarmonlh and On' low.

VaIK'1! gl!ner:lled IIllhl' Indian OCI!,tnllnd 'I>.crl llL'ro~~ Ih~' L'ua,1 rll'ar ExmoUlh

'There \\a~ 1;111.. uf .\~() I>.llld~ hUI Ihl!re were COlltirlll~'d wind gU'h III Ihe,lmn),:e'>l wind ever rel!orded in Au,lralia," DPI / A 'po~e,man LTCOL Pal GrL'en lold NIIITNeu ·.I.

"A, for the ,11ll0Unl ilf rallLll wa' dlfiicuilio ldl hcc:ll"e Ill\! r.un wa, ),:Illng '1dL'way" Illli "lr'lIghl down inlu lhe g,luge: ' hl!:ldded

A, 2000 rl!,ilknh hud­died In Ihl!lr hOIllI!'OIl Ihl! OII,l;lU),:hl ofwln,h. 'IronccrlhanlhosellJ Cydo;II!Tr.KI!Y. and min.

Ihl! fin-I h"m~' wer~ lorn arart

Tl>.odd"rl<."e horne, 111

Exm\lUlh \I~re de'lroyed. many Illhn .. damaged Po\\er I>.CniUUI al Harold E. Holt Cmmnunica\1on., Ba .. e hul g~lleralor, cui m.

All RAAF He rcuk, laler new an eXira gener­:llor hllhl! 111:11 h:l~e.

Two RAAF [[crrule, rrom Town.,I·llle and Daf\\ln were dl"r,llched :llong Wllh:l nalal hai .. on ol1kcr hnm Darwin

Soldier, from Ihc Pilh:lrra command. along wllh alrnlcn from RAAi'\llheadedoullo hdp

RAAF Pc,lrce heC;lIne a slaging jXlInllilr equip­IIlClllandrclugee\.

" I krcule,arrivcd wilh lip 10 70 people cadi :Uld rclurned In Learmonlh wilh cquipmenl and rrl!,h walcr.·· LTCOL Green .. aid.





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NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999 (79) 3

Page 4: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

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Page 5: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Aussie pilot

i flies I high A~o~~~aj~e~il~[r ~~ the Royal Australian Navy has Jed his team of Harrierjet aviators totak­ing out the Royal Navy's award for the highest degree of operational capability.

He is LCDR David Baddams, the Command­ing Officer of No.Soo Harrier Squadron. The squadron, which is linked to the carrier HMS INVINCIBLE, received the Australia Shield 1998.

• AB Bee Casey puts tbe new gun to the test . Picture: ABPH Helena Charter.

For David il was an added bonus as Jast year he received the MBE for his services as the CO of 800 Squadron.

Another Aussic from Adelaide has received an award for good work as well.

LEUT Shane Craig RAN is an air crewman working with 814 Sca King Squadron and serv­ing aboard INVINCIBLE.

Five fishermen saved by DUBBO

Shane has won the Robert Sanderson Trophy 1998.

It is awarded to the air­crewman making the most valuable contribu­tion to the development of weapons tactics or method of delivery.

LEUT Michael Terry of the RANR who is the VSO with INVINCIBLE said: "The ship is panicu­larly proud of itself and I am especially proud of the Australians here.

"The awards wilt be fonnally made by the Flag Officer Naval Aviation on dates to be decided later in the year."

T~mA~:~I~a~J:~~ has saved the lives of five men found drifting towards rocks in a leak· ing, engine-failed fishing boat.

The Commanding Officer of DUBBO. LCDR David Allen, dis­patched his boat's RHlB to tow the Type 3 Indonesian crafi to safety.

Once safe, the Australians boarded the boat to learn the men had been in the open sea for two weeks and had secn their engine fail several days earlier.

The sailors saw the men, two Indonesians and three Bangladeshis, were badly dehydrated and

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Wc also pnn Idc mtcrstdtc rderrals

very hungry. They had had little to cat or drink fora fortnight.

The life and death mis­sion by DUBBO occurred near Moresby Rock north of Broome.

The MV Kingfisher 3 had found the Type 3 in distress and radioed for RAN assistance. The Kingfisher stood by until DUBBO, responding from Yampi Sound. arrived on the scene.

DUBBO later towed the fishing craft to smoother waters in Yampi Sound, attached the boat to a buoy ncar Cockatoo Island and tooK the five men aboard for the journey to Port HedlandwhereAustralian

officials waited. At around the same

time DUBBO's sister patrol boat HMAS WOL­LONGONG (LCDR H. Pearce) had found another Type 3, the Lambany Negara OUI of Kupang, Indonesia, allegedly 25nm inside the Austra­lian Fishing Zone west of Darwin.

With seven fishennen aboard, the vessel was found to contain fish, fish heads, a 500 metre long­line, floats with poles and a sampan,

ASsisted by a fisheries inspector, the vessel was detained and towed by WOLLONGONG to Darwin for further inves­tigation.

• HMAS DUBBO . •• saved the lives of fi ve.

Praise for Peter T:~::::a~:::~ ~~;:;~~:~:~:~::: ered tbe valediction for a RAN officer who has

just completed a tour of duty in his country,

The praise came during a farewell for LCDR Peter MaDI. He was completing a deployment as

surveillance plans officer from the NSCC, Also present at the farewell were the officers of

lIMA ships IPSWICH (LCDR R. Swift RN) and

TOWNSVILLE (LCDR P. Spedding). The two boats were in Port Moresby for a good­

will visit.

's testing time r new shotguns ~:na;;=J

~w~e ~~:e~!~el::u: for use onboard all its ships.

It is the Remington 870P, a weapon with a fo lding stock:. 1be gun replaces an older style "'rigid stock" 12 gauge weapon.

'"'The older gun had some shortcom­ings. It was difficult 10 carry while fast­roping for example," the buffer at HMAS KUITABUL. CPOBSN James EVans,said ,

"'The new Remingtons have a metal folding stock, It makes them compact."

The new guns will be used by board-

ing panics of all ships not just the RAN's 15 patrol boats. which are regu­larly involved in boarding vessels.

CPO Evans has put the first 10 sailors from MHQ and KU1TABUL through the ir paces with the new weapons at the Holsworthy Anny small annsrange.

AI the same time annourers at HMAS CERBERUS began training sailors and officers in their use.

Petty officers aboard ships are giving "on the job" instruction to their own crew members.

'The Remingtons fann a bback: up" for the Browning pistol carried as a sidearm by boarding party members.

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NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999 (81) 5

Page 6: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Leadership critical L~~~le~~~iPu~~~r~ standing of lhe chal­lenge s that face dde nce an' critical. accordin~ tn the Chief uflhe Defence Forn:. Admiral Ch ris Ilarrie.

OUI Ihe organisatiun understand where we are going and whal we need In achie'·e. It was also imporla nl fur us In hear a wide range of views," he said.

Since WollonJ:ong il

risk, successful imple­mentationnfaccrua l an'ounting and signi­ficantl~· imprll\' in !,: Ilcftn ee's interna l and I'xlernal cllmmu­nicaliuns,

Tlu_""Se mort: focussed

Sl"Curityin the2 1s1


stantially, " 'cneed to ensure Ihal the

Tn e llsn re then.- is a ,-_-;;-_____________ -,

eonsiSlenl approach throu~hout Defe nce AD1\1 Barrie and th e Secretary. Mr Paul lI a rratl. luok Ih e enl ireseniurDefellce leadership team to Wfillun<C(I"~ in Fehruary.

The illlilortanee uf the meelinl!ilself"as underlined -"y Ihe facl Ihal il was the fir .~ t

lim..,lhat:lllthemili­tarv and d\'ilia n une sla~ I..,vel and ahuve leaders had mel III ""ice their views and In make s ur .. there was a l'umlllun under­standin~ IIf the way ahead fnrOefence. "Wewantedllurkl'~'

le:ldt' rS lllunde rstand (lur agenda aod plans fur the foture su Ihal tht·y cllu ld pass Ihe word t hrough­out Defelln:' AI)1\1 Barrie said.

"\\'"lInngung was Ihe ne.~t slep after the nalional",urs Ihe S(,<:­

retary lind I under­lunk last year to la lk III m 'er 12.000 penple inJ)efelll· m:lke sure a ll "fus thrHugh-

Ol!J]1I 1I®~~(Q)ITll ~~ ©~~ITll~~ITll~ 1I~~~d~~ ~ is cxp",cted thaI the seninrle:lder.;hilltcllm will de\'elop nwre focussed and specific mcs.<;a!,:cs bast-d Oil Ihe r" lI uwing Deft· nce· "idellrillritit'S:

• Ihe \'Illltinuillg implemenlation of the n efellce R",fornl J'n.gram;

• an imprun.'d capa­bilil y management appruach;

':1 foc us nn Ihl' Ileflille dimensinn IIf nlpahility:

• the dewlopment of a nalional supt>lI rt franu'wurk.lillking AuslralianinduslrJ and thecnmmunit), to suppu rt the Ih'fence Fnn:e:and

1lIc..~s:lges will be parI ofa bruadercnmm u­nicatinnsstralegylll tnsure e\'ery h:\'el of Deftnce undtrstands and has lI\1m:rshill of Ihc grealeSI chan ge Ilefence ha s under­gUIll· in25)eurs.

"There are a nUIII­hl'r uf \'ery imporlanl

~~~t;:I;ai:~I~O~~~:;f. lary t"day. and there are :1 whu le 101 of IJrocessl's \Ie need to underlake III ach ievl.' the AUSlrlllia n Dtftnn' Force Ihat Australia needs furils

'A()l\l llarrie le-ct"feadl of responding to cnn­tingtncies al short nuliet.'\lhi le Slarlingtu huild thl' systems and anluire theDefcnce Force \Ie need for the future. will be Cl uit e del1l:lnding.

"Our reg illn is changin!,: rapid ly, the lempo and diffen'nl lypt'S IIfdefence acti"i­Iy ha\'", inl"reased sub·

and C\"t'ry uneofllur people," he said.

"These are nnt idle wurds- \Ie ca n gouut wilh:1 dlecluehuok and l)u J the lII"st sophiSlicated defencl' capahi lili es,wtea n ha\'t th e bes l Iwrd­ware. the bes l autll­matic weapons sys­lems. but this counts fnr nothing ifwl· dun·t

• 1Ith'n frum Ihe three Sl.'n·in'S in tr..:ainin~ toget her for the Iirsllime (I .. ft Ii) righl) N:l"Y's Ahle Selllnan Kl'ith 1\larin/.!. I\rm~"s Prh'ate Desmnnd J l"n nin!,:s and

Rr\r\F Cnrpur:11 r\ndn.-\\ Fr"lldl.

have good people, impro\'ed capabilil ies, "Bul we must be as \lell as increased

clear on Ihe end stale we're after - it's "en' much about deploy-­able joint forces and Ihe applicalion of colllbatpower.

DRr - jorget the savillgs - i"creased capabilities is tilt outcome.

preparalion of De· fellcepcrso nnel.

r\mong other struc· tural changes anI.''' Dl"fl"neeExt'<:Ulh'e and II e a d qua r Il' r s ,\:u Slr:l li a n Theatre ha\'e be .. n t"Stablished and particular rein­vestment 10 date indudes:

"The major initia ­lin' thaI \1 ill trmble us to des ign the agile • impro\'("(1 umphi-Defence Forc e Aus- bious fo~es ; Iralia needs rur Ihe • meeting the in­future. is the Defem·t crt'used costs of Ih",

Reform Progr'lIn. hi~her temllU uf "The Defence toperations and lents

Refurm Program is of readiness; not a cost culling • meeting the exercise. II's a eOlTlbal Ihrough-lift COSIS of enhancl'ment exe rdse new<.::lpabilitiessueh - its focus is 10 cut .. s ANZAC s hips and waSle and redistribute Ihe lead-ill lighter; rcsourcl'S to our war • providing f"raddi­figh lill~ c:lJl:lbi l il~:' ti"nat science and

A?~I ~It/::: ~~~d~lt of It~h;~l(I);~;~f(:~e::'~~dS ~:~i~~Oi::SI~h~n~p~=\,i; ~~c;::~~~I~:I:1 ni~:n~:: our frontline combal ('ap:lbilities is the combat force from 42 recenl announcemenl percenl tn65 perel'nt or inereaSl'd prl'pan.'d- of the ADF: ness of force elt lll enL~ • main laini ng Ihe 10 make ulI the\"(IUi\'- preparedness Il.'vclsof alent of a second thee1'islingforce: brigade si7.t·d group • contraded pilot with s uppnrting air training; and andna\'al unils." • market tes till!,:

--So these be nefi ts costs_ ar", now nowing 10 a "The amounl from ran!:e nfland, air and DRI> 10 be rl'in"ested na"u l units. This has been rt\' ised al e1'pa nds the military some $900 million al "ptions available to Illalurity eac h year. tht· Government 10 \Ve'rl.' ahead of Ihe respond to l'()ntin~CIl- pl:ln wilh $280 million ;;its al shorlnolicl'," l';lch ~'ear by the end

ADM Harri e nut- of 199/j-99. whi ch is lined thatthl' reforms $30 million mure Ihan

~:\'eb:~::~dYi~~:Urll~:~ e1'pecled, a\':l ilable to

Illalllling and manage- be spent 011 impro\'ed menl, a s we ll a s co m bat capab ility," impro\'ed command ADl\·lllarriesaid. arra"~emenIS . i\lore "SlIml.' of this is s i gil ifica n t I ~' , the beinl! used 10 inereas", refnrms are :I head nf the O"era ll le"1'1 of plan with the redirt"C. fundillg a":lilable for ti,," of resnurees 10 :~~~. e1Iuipm:nt," he

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S ~i~~~;\ ~~;~. \\i:~~l;I';:;f ~I~:~':~~I' I~l~:~ \i~J \lllh ~{lldi(.·"'" lor IXNtHHI' wilh Ih~ Arllly·"I)C .... iah~t lorcl" 'tlCh:h IhL'SAS anut'lllllmanduc,

The n .... 11 arr:lngcrncnl \"(,me,;" Ih .. mdlt:lr~ ,ccJ.., tn IIIl"rC;]'C Ib ~pcd;]1

fon.:emClllilc r\. In nlld March 127,ail(lr'.~llldra':III1..I

~Iflllcn. hcgall ;1 l:'i-day a~~c"ml'nl cnur,c at t hL' nl'll SPCl'I;11 F(lr .... e' Tr,lIl1ing("Clllr~:u SillJ,!iL·It>ll.

Thl' inauJ,!ura! Spc .... lal FOfl'c\ Sclccllon PfOJ,!r:UIl .... omhincd a numhl'r "ftiN\lofth("l'cntrcindudlnglllllllng Regular :md R .. ~cr\"e personncl tn.m all 'CflK'C\tucnr<11

For Ih(.· Army II wa, the lif~1 lillie rrospcclII'C ronll1l3ndoc\ anJ Speciil l Air Sc-ni .... c Rc-t!illlent asplranl\ had ulldefg()!l~ a wmmon \deClion program

Fllrtho,c who ,ut'cecded illlhea"c,s­menl .... otlr"C il Ilill 11<.' Ihe hcgilllling ot lIIall~ IIl<lIuh, oflorrid 'pccialbllrJlIIlIIg.

Tim, .. 'I'lcdl'd for (he SAS will If.:lln lor lIilll' 11I(lIlIh, whilt thosc sele .... led for Ihe .... omm;lIIJoc' will do ,ix illonth, flgof\lu,dnll.

OIl..-Ulllpktlun uflhl'ongoing If.:uning p"rill(.h.lhc Ifalllcc\wllllx: po,led 10lhe SASR In \VA m ]() Ihe Army', Ihrcl' cUlllmand clCIllI'II". Ihe 41h Ball~!ion RAR, [\" I Cummando Regimelll or 126 Signal Squadron.

Large crowd for funeral A:~~~~~,~r~~;n~, ~;f ~l~~~~ I"><.·r, and tricnd\ h~I'~

~Ul' nucu the Calfn~ Crcmalorlum (or the

tuner~1 'crvi .... e ~nd ac­Illalion ot long 'Crllllg n;I\:l1 PellY Otlkn Rid. Thoma\ .

POi'lPC Thoma., wa~ a

mClllhcro(lhl'~tHp\ .... om­pany of HMAS CAIRNS and\\elllikcuhyali.

He died afler 3 long iIIlle,~




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Page 7: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Navy Day goes off wi,th a bang

r-:-:-BI'~ tAmfnw'/hrr0gJ PU~~~I~C~~~d IInprc, audlelll'C' v.llh 11\ pc.'t-

B;~~:;":a~'~r~ ~~~i~~1~~~~~~0~~;;t~~~ ~~~;a~:~~~~ ~~liltsh~~~~~':~\~~ ~~il~':I\I~~~~::~ ~I~; Ceremonial Sun'>Ct and Bcat 10 Quartcrs an e~II/11al ' ACT Brumbic!> 011 lop ""h ueC\,r\e \ Klone~ 10 lhe eu ]O,OIXl peoel.::: had '-Cen Ihe Na\)' on ,how. tug-o(-"3r and oOl'clI)' ,port~ CIcnl\.

The annual clcne. deSCribed by orgarllser CMDR Ta~k Forcc 72's !leet uf rauio comrolleu war..hlp' Peter-Cookc Russe ll a\ "thc biggest N:lvy Day YCI:' allr:lI'led th()u\and~ of ll11cre,led 11IlIuoker,. a, dll.l Iransformed the Old Parli3111ent House I~wns IIltn a thc dearance diving leam, Sca!>prilc hclicopter and world of naval spectacle and exci tement. RAN photo displays.

1ltc flcet Air Arm prolidcd one o f the day"!> most The Naval HblOric Collel·t loo, Au!>lral131l W3r popular allraCl10n, ...... uh a Sea King wlIlehrn!! display MemuriaL AusSA R. TS CANBERRA anu Defence abol'e tak(" Burley Gnffin and a Squrrrcl13ndlllg for Force RecnJlhng uisplay!> alw pro\ed popular

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Renovation to cost $1.Bm T~r~i~ ~~:~\":~gG~~~~~~"~~.u°~~~~~ ~ t:I~~i~~ b)' a $1.11 mdllon rcfurhl~hmenl program now undcr­way.

Under re novation arc BOlllera 311U Tarana. hC .. luc W)'lue Slree!. Pons POIIl1 , and)u,1 100 me!rc .. lmm Ihc malilgaicolihe Island,

The homes v.cre formcrl y f)t;copleu by Ihe Quaue I'amlly but Ihell boughl h)' Ihe RAN 10 become FlcCI Headquarters.

When a new Fleet IIQ wa .. hurh opcralillnal 'Iatl movcd OUI alld the buildmg' ...... cre u,o:u hy other arnl\ of the RAN .

"Smce October uf 1988 thc)' halc ,(,IOU empty."CO of HMAS KlfITABUL. C ... ·loR D:l\IU Garnock. "JIU

" Ill January v.ork heg:m on bolh ml1lUmgJ. "At a co,1 of $ 1.8 mllhon Ihc)' "111 he Irall,lormcd

Into 29 cabins forofficersollhelhrec\C/Vlcc\. '"There I!> a nccu for officer accommouat lon." he ,aid He ~aid the proJecl should he filll~hed III Novcmhcr,

Sailoral y;:, ::,;:~~ {~:f;::'?, who's had to Ita I" till'

NOI', (lllll/idicul groullds. Willk. as Sill's 10:"01\'/1, fo ulld (Jill _,_ after s lt t joilud lip ... IlwI slu 's ufftrgic 10 M'attr, I/of ,II , son of sub.fiwlf(' OIl' Call ol'oid ill 0111' bllsill tss! IJo('tors ,.;(}rktt! 0/11 thai IlIImidif}'srritlllsiyoggru< "oud hfr asthma. ",akillg ua-lillll' WI impQssibifil)'. NOM' all eX-pi/sur, Willk lia s rtlirld ill/ulld. Nt; 'M'oter,//tJu.w/lllllJ,

R ~\~i~~ I,R:~I:~;I~h~ hte,wryuflhcS)Jncy ex-sailor,lrccICI:lIIgcli"l Fmnk Jenner. "eit-i.nllwn ahilut that tllwn uunng the 19':0,aIlJ ''ilh Jellilcr "01.,a friCllU IU ..allo!"' hut hc'o.I,"I1JI.'l·"'llhemin Genll.'c Slrel'l "11h thl' quc,l1;m: " 11 )'11\1 " 'ere hI

ule IOntgh! "hero: v.\luld you go'!" II you Ihlle .. ny reco llc clillrh or Frani. JClmer. ump R:I)'llllJlld 3 Ime,,1 JOWi'-<llllll Slrt'Cl. Coonel h Plunr. NSW 222 1. or c311 111m 1>11 (().Wn.:02J71

W:~;:~, '\;~,~/~;;,~~~ ::;

TIll' rDllI/d-robjll suies will h I' all", Nuijolllli Sparts Clllh ill LyllebulI/, Cmlbrrru.jrtJlII Moy28 (II May J(J (11/(1 "S welf ll~ polir, tNIIII .f aud ,It I' NOI')" tile uth er arlllt'd ft rl'i re.~. /iI" brigade. omblliollct'. prj.tollS aud tIll' Stall Nuil Al/tll or;l)'

/WI'l bel'lI u"krd afollg. NOllli/Ullioll.~ " ';111 a $I()(J

llepnsil C(1Il be se ll/III NSW " ulict Illd Ollr Cridtflb.fl/cialimllrt'l/­SIIn'r ,Hllfflltw UicblJll al PO Bux ./5. Lithgow. 1 7 91J _ IlIqui riu 10 Mattlt t ... ' ol/ (fJ])63SIJ 3779. Slwll ... ·t .I"U if Ilu Nt/v)' CI/I/ k'ttllop rite ""/11-lupen'!

* * * * J~~r~~.tlll:~·uL~~~·:;~~: M:III1..IIW ... v.h .. \la ..

aeenmnwtbteu ,It the IIM AS KUTTi\BlIL w3rUroom, " .. Iill puuku

1111\1 Au"lrJIIJ Pml nMn· ,.g~·u III tinu hml_ A pan:d e"ille adun"~-u III hun at "Wai.nMJ lIiI" KUllahul'" VOice pipl' 3 d III I I .. ··\\',"ha\\l,rncnllhl· "lllle kltcr, :., "v.,lnJ­mom" hut II ', , .. II gtM..u de"eelll e "mi. h) Ih~' fIt)'."e,

* * * "* R;·:;I:~.:~:;r~;;;c~~";:; Cllllbf'rra II/l_~ a pmblelll IIIIHll1Iults(lillJrs ""Imld gil'i' their tytittlll jllr. RUH i\ II kUII bullmlllll d(m(tr lmd rillu a btg il/ . li e n" ' group k'nkly. SI/ Jllr .,'11 glllul. "8/11 1(111

IUII'e II pfllblrm ill 111lI11 Itll~ i' Iteap~ IIJ 1,!I'e l)' ladi ts. bll t I'ery jew 1II('1I." ltt.m)".\. IJ .'"I",'r(' ill lu('{I('dillltami"glfl tlall("el/(/w:{)"IJIIfCIIUIiCt

,'" ("till Klt ss 111/ 6165 !'iN51.

;!:;rC/:a;:'i~ot;';~~:i,::{:;; r;=============::;-il/slrue/QruJIIMASNIR- ~l IMBA, ""ho ditd 11/1 N~w , )'ear'.{ E~, aJler a 10llg ~ ball/~ wirh usbesl(I~'-relal- ~ 1!t v ~ ed CUlICtf. LEur Vill ee -- } Fazio. IIOW rtlir~tf, .~aid , : r -v .. ~·· Clrarlie. a promil/ellt .. f m ember (lJllr e il/SlrIlC-liollal staff al R,tN,\TE Jrom 196/llIllilhis refirt­mefl(ill 1988, "" (U ""idel)' kllQWIl Ulld r tSpecltd b)' ullwhoe/1I11,illllleQllf(lel willr him. Amollg til t /IIttll)' Nal'Y pfllple al "i.{ Jlllleral ..... er~ fllree lor/ll~r NIR/ MBA COs, RAI)M Ual'id lIollllou.ft, CORE Briall CIl'ary (/lid CAPT l}(,rid Blaze)'. a.~ ""eif as 10llr oj Charli' :f Jellllw Garden / slallt/lIpprell­fict.I"Jrom/9.J.1 flll . ViIlCf .~tI)'s IIis leg/I C)' i.f til e aelrit~e",tIlH oj r"II,~e ..... IIose /ive,{ alld .{en ' ie t

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HE!2jlJn~fJ. l __ ~_ ~ _____ :::::~;~:~~:~:_:'::~'~:_:': _j NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999 (83) 7

Page 8: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

• W~~~~~~~~~~~?~e~~~~~y ~ ~:~:Ii:~e;~g~h;:itl~~~ ~~m~~~o~fn~:;E~~lo; late Aboriginal artist Albert Namatjira. ARUNTA n it was officially presented back to the ship

The painting dcpiclS a landscape scene from Central by Mr Lloyd Bray, the Chainnan of the Arrernte Coun-Australia where Namatjira painted most of his interna- cil of Central Australia and Namitjira relative. tionally acclaimed water colours. 1be ship was also visited by Mr Charles Perkins, who

Albert Namatjira was an Arrerntc man as well as being a distinguished aboriginal for whom the ship ARUNTA is named. AR U NTA leader is an Arremte man and was born in

1be painting presented to ARUNTA II Alice Springs. was o rig inally presented to the first TIle painting is now well secured and takes HMAS ARUNTA in 1946 by Albert Namatjira himself. pride of place in the Commanding Officer's cabin and is

When the original ARUNTA de-commissioned the the source of great pride for the ship's company.

• A~~~s~U :o::~I~=::~:no;'cii~l1~ World Assodation of MamaJ Arts Australian full

contact men's welterweight champion. In late 1998 Able Seaman Cusack fough t for the title

against very strong competi tion. Eacb championsbip fight consisted of five two­

minute rounds in which no gloves Or shin insteps were wnrn!

In the final Able Seaman Cusack knocked out his opponent in the second round!

AB Cusack has been training in Kumiai-Ryu Mar­t ial Arts for six years, starting out in his home town of Lithgow, NSW.

While standing by for tbe delivery of ARUNTA at Williamstown he continued training at Werribee while living at RAAF LAVERTON.

In early October 1998 AB Cusack was selected to join the Australian Full Contact Karnte Team which participated in the 1998 Muay Thai training tour of Thailand, the borne of Muay (the world 's most lethal fighting style).

There he spent 10 days in intensive "nne on one' training with famed Thai kickbo:teT5.

Training was held at the world rennwned Sityod­tong-Phayakarun Thai boxing camp.

• ~~tr:J~i~ ~r;:,~n;g::~ :l~~h"a!~; QANTAS Defence Australia.

The chair has specially been fitted into the operations room and allows CMDR Yorke to have the best possible appreciation of the tactical situation happening around him.

It was originally in the business class of an older model QANTAS Boeing 747 and is designed for maxi­mum comfort.

The chair was organised by Ms Laura di Pietro of QANTAS Australia in Melboume who has provided e:tcellenl support to all ANZAC ships and Iheir ship's company while they have been in Melboume.

The ship is currently working towards MLOC and will deploy to Southeast Asia for SEAD 99-1 in early April.

• A~~~A fi:e~:!e h!~:"J:~~i~o !; ~~:~~ side Station Pier in Port Melbourne.

Tbe event was well advertised on local television and radio, with an invitation for a ll the public to visit Aus­tralia 's latest warship.

Over ISO guests crossed the gangway. The visitors were able to view the fligh t deck, ship's

weapons systems, the operations room, the bridge, the flag deck and forecastle.

Tbe RAN Band Melbourne supported tbe event by entertaini ng tbe c rowd thrnugbnut the day on the wharf.

The vis itors were particularly interested in tbe ship's modern systems and the ship's unique Dame and association with the Ar-rernte AboriginaJ people.

rugby union team an d about 70 of its sponsors enjoyed the hospitality of the wardroom aDd mem­bers of the ship's rugby team at a memorable cock­tail party.

The Brumbies, having just returned from a suc­cessful match in New Zealand , caused quite a

results of a hull survey weremadek:oown.

The report stated that the ship was in exuemely good condition and had been well maintaincd by her officers and crew.

The ship's senior teehnj·

CaD now to find out how you can own an investment property with as little as $7,000 deposit (5% deposit of purchase price).

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Brumbies Captain Brett Ro binson presented CMDR James with a set of Brumbies rugby jerseys embro idered with the

pride in maintaining their ship.

The Pre-Maintenance Condition Asscssrnentcar­ried out by Aeet and Ser­vice Iria ls slaff was Ihe icing on the cake when they reported that the ship was we ll presented and

The night ended with the Brumbies returning 10 the ACT to prepare for the ir season and CAN­BERRA preparing to sail for FCP 99-1 the follow­ingday.

The event was the first in what will hopefully be a longstanding association between the ship and the Brumbies, a team who can

LONG was a direct result of the pri de the shi p's company nhave in their work and their ship.

HMAS GEELONG's ron­maOOing officer, LCDR Matt Cawsey,praised his crew ''1lIesereports are a reflee­tion of the efTol1 and hard work thaI everyone has put intotheship,"hcsaid.

""1bankstoOZlNVESTwen.vep""'hasodan inVeRmen,propenywithaSYtar U_.nowwedoo·,

hoye ~o think Iwice about tenanlS-. S- ... R~..u l'oW!U_fo..,



S (84) NAVY NEWS, AprilS, 1999

Level 2/9-13 Argyle Street. PARRAMAnA 2150 Ph: (02) 9806 0788 (Sydney calle(s) OR 1800 800 775 Email: Website:

• LSMT James Berry (25) rarewells his wife Natalie (24) on their third wedding anniveJ"SaT)' as HMAS

PERTH sails on ber last deployment. Picture: AB Phillip HunL

• T~; Sh!~'S ~,:~~ for:e~~=.bY two Cus-

PERTH should be Nathan Phillips and David Searle visited the ship while she was berthed at Fleet Base East in Syd-

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~l!1W mol!!l(()'~MrA1il!(()'N llJiNE. OJ~ ~~~ Sl'$A

at thc rcquCSl of the ship's officers who wanted to ensure me company was mindful of Customs requirements when she returned from her Up Top deployment.

David explained: "Talk:­ing to the crew prior to the vessel heading overseas should make our job easier when it returns.

"Navy officers who are regularly sent on overseas assignments are famiJiar with being cleared by Cus­toms , but may not be aware of the regulatioos."

David had this pieee of advice for the assembled crew members: "If you are DOt sure about your special itcm,tbere is a simple ruJe. 1£ in doubt, declare il."

Information on Customs rules and regualtions can be obtained from the Cus­toms national information line on 1300 363 263 for thccostof a local call ortbe


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If you'''' already a memberaod IlOw1'tCjU-i",aspouseeard in additiooro youruislingOFLPlDCmbenbipeard.sendu.SSplusyouroideard.We·U sendyoutwo<;OnS<:Ctl6.'ely oumlxttd eards.

You CUI joi~ OFLP 01 III)' Partroyal . Ccmtn. Tray.lodge or send lIIi. appticalion 10 Df'U>. PO Box 1013. Civic Squa.-<:. C .... btmo ACT 26Ol! and'J'OWean:llswillbtpostcdtoyourm&itiagaddress.

To book at !he DFLPrue call Wortdwide Reservations TolI ·free on 1300 363 300 or My J'uboyaJ.Cenua orTfl\'elodge.

NAVY NEWS, April 5,1 999 (85) 9

Page 9: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Compare ~ the fJenefits.

Page 10: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

lliJ~CID~QlJCIDn~~ ~mJ~~~~@~ [illW WYlWYlllll ~Q1J~W~W@~ H6\~~r:d:,~,~;~~r~ ~() '"'r!lred h} 1<,.lrrlln~ ,Ollie III till' ~a\)', rr.'h amI tJl'lln~lll,hl'U hl'IIH} lh<,~ J~.:II.ktJ

10 111\ 11<' 011.' 01 Ihe

"':II)', World War II ,ur\l\\,r'lll IIH,'lf grall­uatumparado:

All Gen.'ral tnn) da,'C'Jllh":IIUIIJlu';lIl1-


alil'f ,hip' "hn.:h hOI'''' [In'\IIII1,I} ":(\'1'1.1 the

Royal AU'lr •• llan Nal). the doh' or ArnllJalc learnl at-oul Hr.-lAS ARM I DALE :lt1u h.'f

In lurn. Ih" ku lulh.' ul'r\"rr~ 1.1 Dr I-Xt.naru. "n~' til Ihc ,un 1111(\ .... hn ,cr.cU .. n AR~IIDALE a~ an "rUlnar) ,r,lIllOin unlll,he\\;",unl..uurlllg ahral),l1rr;lld

Ill' Jnu Ill' ,tHplll;lte, managed IIJto.:at IlwllI..Id, ;Irld IlIehllelllhl.'t"k hUI IIllt i">dure l·lllI · Irunhng a harr.lgl· III uh'lal·k,

The'>\.' h .. r" .. " nulla'tl'u Ix'mg mar.:hl1)C·guIIIK'tl In Ihellaler.halliinghul. Icl,. , .. a 'nal.. .. '.lnU ,h;lrl.., hclure hl'lng rl"l·Ul'd

T he \ailt)r, cndured

u"ng larHm~ plel'c, til

llul':ltlllll'la)allllal Dr Ll't.n<lrd ,lIld III'

"Ik \\ere mIlieu hi \\11

111.'" and cekhr:lle Ihc GE, l,!rauu;llllln IrulIl ~'I\lhall hk III tx'r.:nnJll1g m<'mher, In AU'!T'lh,I·'

Th,' graUUJII" .. I,,, hUntlUr"d hlill h~ 1lI,' .. pr~"enlalltln .. ' ,\ marl.. II! thl'j( rl"ped and h','ngnlll<lll ut 'tlln,' III Ih,'al'htel,'lIll'nl'.Hld hr;II"r) til" our pa,t ,,,,h.r,.

InIO,huTlllecl..'lh,· -IX r,','rulh h;lIl' g;lIncd theha,,,uin;lIal l..lll.wl ·

,md Dr Lennard Jnd hi' t .. lllll\ ,;llluf' Jrc tlnl' l'xarnpk\ UI nur nJI,,1 Ir,llnlllg,lIIutrJdnnll1

Th.' I.·CreIlHlII} at," pn>l tded <In ","~'H'" III pr"'I.'))1 ,1I,anl- III gr;ldu .. t~" lur 'I"'" 1;11

"duell'11K'))" Ekl·lril'~i t~dltlll'I,ln

Kil'fan Rnlx'rt (),tll\"<!11 Ihl' ,1\\.tnJ l"r",'Jdl'IItI' c,,'dkn,·c.lh,' hl"1 \PIHh p,'r'''" lit IIh' IIIIJI.."\\.'1l1ttllltafllll.· ,nen .. ·<, rl'lTUIi \\'arn'lI Jo\<,phJohll'ilHI;lIIUlhl' 1111,,1 oUI,t"' r,',-rlill ..... ent III m;lflllC 1,·dulI.-,tl

Old sailor looking to plug gap for charity


N~:r~~' .. ~~~~ ~~a~I~II:: ~~::~)~~I~~ hclplum.

to~I~~nl~~;l}:a~slll~~ ~~~~n' 1:~~111'; r~~~~~~ lorl'hanl),.

Ikcau,c thCl'orl...l rcc la J..C\ :.rounu 15 y"':l1'o 10 mature. corl fur wine ilImic' I~ hccurnmg ~C:lrcc (plaslk' (or", dun'l do IhcJoba,"cl1a.\lhcl\'all1ulIgJ.

Now a pro..:c\', ha .. hccn lound 10 re<'yell' "corl.. .. corl~,

The Wollongong Cancer Chnlc " \Clhng oooal<,d l·orl..~ 10 "'me cumpa· mc,hlrre·u,e.

To help Ih<' clIIlIC ",uh ,upphe, finan. all CA WOETe, hcgan domg Ihe r!,)und, of me,~e, al II MAS ALBA· I'ROSS "X .... eel..' :ago :l_' office!). :anJ ,allo!). nol W Ihrow OUI thclr r.:llrb

The appcal .... a' .... d l heed<,d .hlhe photo lrom ABI' II Richard Prideaux lrum ALBATROSS ,ho .... s.

A .... ellple:l~u fi nan " \C<,n poU TI ng curl..,inloaverylarg<, hul· l.. el

Brian ha\ urgeu Clcry (() cah:h Ihc curl.. "h('n II poP\ Irel' anu 1'<1-" II on 10 hlnl t:/o 01 Ba\<' Support al HMAS ALBATROSS. Nn .... ra 254 I

"Each and el<'1') CNI.. ran hdp pm­long lhe hie ot "I.m<.'01lC ,uilcnng trom ~'anl'er," he ,alu

• The prizt'"iIllII'U , .. KiN'an Dal is, Rowan "rmslr .. n~ and Warren J (lhll ~ l nn lI ith Ihl' head "rlht' Initial Training Fa ,' ult ~. J.CI)R Kim Slaplt-S. I·iclu!'i.' : LSPH ,\ nl(lineller\ ldllnrlh.

Half million items under check Equipment

S~~~r~~~~I~,~ ;1;~~I;n ~~; Siandard DcfeOl'e Supply S)'lem

Aboul 1000 ilell1~ rem:Un In he a,\C\,cd and arc cOllslderl'u 10 he pOlenllallyat Y2K ri,1.; Mu,t arc cin;UHCaf(h

Further Illlcsllgalion 01 Ihe,c rcmatn lll£ Ilelll~ t~ prugrc\\lng \\lIhintheleehnical'efl'I(C,'c<.:lUm ulM:ncrml ManagerS)'tem Sparcl

Rem ... dial ion rundi ng: SCA(N) ha,~ r.:ommtlleu "gnilicam funu, tn remedlate Year 2000 prohlclm a~T\J:"'\ lhcnav31,upportenllronmenl

The'e induoe replar.:in£ Ihe mallilenanr.:e '),It~m on II MAS TOBR l ' K, replaClllg nallgallon \e l,un Army "":llerrrali. replJl'e· menl 01 NAVTIMS and MAXIMA h:lrd" arc and repiar.:elllentol Mmu· lallun \oftW:lfe \\llllIn the Manager III SCf\ir.:c [)c"gnorgani\alllln

Similarly, MIIQ and NTC hal~ comnlilioo re~<.)un;e, for repalf' :lnd replal·emcnt 3cr\)s~ the opcrall(lIlal and trJt!lInj!! cn\lronmenb.

This is the fiflh in :l series or articles Iha l ,mu ide ~cncra' information and IIhich highligh ts cI'er )' day i .. sues rt'laling 10 th t'1\. l illcnnium Bug. Inrormation on Year 2000, It r Y2K, issues ean bt> localoo al : DEFWF.8 : Derence Y2K home page hllp:lldcr" eb.cbr,dcrcllct'.gul',auiy2klh lmV Thh page links to olhcr Derence Y2K home pages, NTC link hllp :flnhl, nl l'.naly,gm .:1II Derence Y2K Help tine: ISOO g06 053. C1\.ID R J im Lan!;sro rd , N:lI Y Y2K Projed Offi,'cr : 02 6265 5202. I.CDR Owen Nicholls. 1\. l a rilime Command Y2K Pmjl.'i; l Officer : 02 9563 ·U97. 1\. l r limy Moon.', Nal'al Training Comnmnd Y2K '>rnj ecl OlTin' r: 0359507336, LCDR 8ri:1/I Ni tschinsk, SUllport Conllna tld Aust ralia (N:I ~Y) \ ' 2K Projecl O ITi("cr: 03 92S2 .3S7 1.

1\. lcdkal E(IUipment : A deu"';!I ­I,'d Support ('''II1Il1;!nd learn ha, rl'lll'"ed 12.000 line, 01 meul(al eqUipmem "'Ihin the ADF

SCA ha, liooughl informaliun from ,hip,. oa'iC\ and UllIt, regard· 111£ Ihe Iypl' ofequlpmcni h'lcu under NATO ,lorl.. numhcr~ hcl'au\Cnf a numhcrofequlplllenl I)pe' ha\lng heen Ii~led under <I

~1Il~le NSN. Ttll'- pr~( l lcl,' ha~ mm cea-;cd

A IO{~I ot 290 Item., III Ihe ADF iUlenltlry hale bet'n Idenlilied a~ pOll'nllal'y a\ rl\l.. <l1ll1 are no\\ hclllg lurther in\('~u!1ated

Clo\(' liJi,un Ocll1cen SCA and Ihe :-':SW hU'I'ital '>'Iem on Y2K I\)U('~ "ung\lIng

A hlOml.'dlCal ualah:l,e l'an he lound lin the -":SW SUIi!' Government Y2K "eh 'lie

Kn\mn 1I11j)a(h:lrc 1II .. ·llrrel·t )ear un dale lug, 01 uellhnllalo(\. lentl' I:UOf'.IOIU\lIl[1 pump\Jlld,oun

SCleral ~ I pl;ll' ,Ino em,lIh hale h<:cnscntlH,llIp,and,ht)rec,t;lh. Ihhmcnt\rcque'tlOgd~lall")lcll.'l·' lronir blomeuleal equipment held

The a\~"tIlenl 01 all Na\ y hlt)­medical equipment i, expel.·lcd 10 be nlmpJcted Ihl~ month

Purchases 01) n\)1 !,uTI.'ha).C an) d:lle related

Item. mr.:illdlOg ~oll\\are and <.:om­putef'. ",lhoUI a IHlllen Y2K ,·om­phancedau-.{'lO\<'ncd

Y2K clause Tltt' (LUI/WI: SIII'I,/I(,I: (mllran·

IIr, \'t-lt(lor/'\"(/rrmJlII/wtl1telimc (/J1lI1 f('/lllInl (lItd d(J('~fields be /lIfrt"!JIISn/lrtllulI lit" I'rfHlucl.

· C('I/I'f(Jlf'fIlulol1tl''/lf.'iform m/m/millM lI~fIf/( ndid dllles for (dl mlen·llis flf IJItJl' il/dl/dmg 111115<' IlulI refi'r fII 11/(' ('(1fl-lIllllr '·('llr lOOOulJ(/ bewmi.-lJIuill fllml'(llfbl(' \t"ilhn:IIII'


J/tJII/ 111(' ("/III of 1Y99 In 11m di~lI~ or fl/llr ,1i'(11~

Will ~t'm''''t(,lJ/Jl/ orlt('n,ilt'jlt'r. flirt" ("tlfcu/tlfifJ/lS lJ~inf.! .·n/ul dfJIf'.5

for till ItHt:n·(11.5 of tillJ(' illdll(llII~ thfllr'lhflll"l!f('rlot/t('c(I/(,llI/nr,H'(lr 2{)()() (/lid I}('\flfuf; • H(' /·mu/lmibl(' wah Idmcd Pm(/uCI.' f'Wlllilll1'fi'l1'lI(,1' j"{'{/r,fIJlllii f/tl'l'Iul 11/1999 hI IWII digits or four di,~ils,

The fimuiOlw/ill- will he pr/lI'ul(,11 In 1//('(1(11(' I"t'fl'rrwi 10 (l/ll//uddiIlOIl'

fI/al\lWlh('l..icc'lIs(,l". For large purcha~cs refer ttl

Departmenl 01 Defence Dcpmmental Procurement Policy In"'ruellon NnJ,lt)$dall'd9JuI98

Non SDSS ilt'ms: TheloC are lIelll~

<,urh a~ TV" VCR~. micro"ale' and ultil.·~ machlOCry (Iclephone~. PABX. mohlle phunc~. t:1csinllle and pholo, l'op,cn)

The) ;ITC he'"g asse~~('d III group' acru~, Dclenl·e.

The lable In Ihe Army "eb pa~e h~tssomepluduL'1s' r.:olllplialx:C\l31uS '" prO\ ltied by manufaetuTCf'i.

NAVY NEWS, AprilS, 1999 (87) 11

Page 11: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Cultural exchange for Defence kids T~~re~~~ef o~o~~~ (C DF). Admiral Chris Barrie. and the Secretary o f the Depan ment o f Defe nce, Mr Paul Barmn. have jo intly announced thecrealion of four inter­national exchange schol­arships (or dependents o f employees in Defence.

Scholarships will be

available for a child from a Navy, Anny, Air Force and Defence civilian fam­ily, who will depart for their overseas destination io2000.

The exchanges will be o rganised by AFS Intercultura l Programs, an organisation with 52 years experience in the field of ass isting youth to

live in another culture. AFScurrently offers experiences in 42 over­seascounlries.

The scholarships have a valueof$1

To be e ligible . an applicant must be: The daughter or son of a Navy. Army, Air Force or Departme nt of De fence e mployee,

Reserve members on full time service are also eli­gible; currently 3nc Dding school in Australia in years 9, 10, II or 12: medically fit ; motivated 10 learning about aoolher culture; have a sound academic re<:ord; mature e no ugh 10 mee l th e challenges of living in another country,

;:L=O=9=iS=ti~-C=s=p~la=n=nl~n=g=80~Ma~int=en=an=ce=J r~~~;:I::=~'~:~~~~o;::~~=~:s,:=~~,1 Control Technical Officer ! ~~: :~~ information and an application form. 1

Radar 1 : First Names : RlM oIlers an exciting work envitonment lor a skilted and : Phone (Home) E-mail Date nI Birth :

~::rr:ol:~~ ~~~i~t~ ~~~~ :~rt~o~~ I, Home Address 0.....0_ I,

equmlenl),orex1ensiYe experience. We aIe seeking a technical .... "" olticet to join our team In managing the loQisbcs planning and : Name oj School Year level :

:~~~:Il~~tr:~::~I::,:a:~n:~~-:Xr!::e~ : Name of Partfll in Defence Organisation : digi lal processors, communic~ l ions, computers ~nd lacility 1 ~7:~rAir fon:eJtJefence CIVilian (cross out whichever not ! ::cs~~~:i ~~~aSgUeC~:~~f~~:~~~I~~!t~~II~~a:~d e::e:i~I~~: ;: !, WOR location (UnitlShiplGroup,lOivisionIBranclV'Section) I,:

partidpatein normal sitedUliesona net<ls basis : Ptlone(WoR-Parent) :

Applicants must be able 10 obtain a National Seturity Clearance. : Are you interested in becoming a host family YES NO :

~~~~:I:;~6~:r~~:~lo~~;:rA~:::~~~(~ri;~)m~~~a~~~~e~~: I === ! longreach, Queensland atea. Stall duties are performed 00 a 14· : AFSWteraJIIlI'aII'ro!,Rns. POBox 5 S1rawberryHiIIsNSW2D12 : days-on, 7-days-01l ny·ln, Uy-outwilh Brisbane as the preferred : "lflIIIIRn: 1I2928Hlli6facsirje ll2 !12!1a146b1fTeeUIlJ 023!1112: domestic base for longreach Site employees. L ___ ~~~:,:,~~~:~~~ ___ J AnaltrxliYesala/ywillbeotleredtotllelight candidale. For lOOfe InlOfmationcontact Ma/y-Jo Frauendorfl on (03) 9210 4433.

Pipers front parade r ~~c!::re= th:~~d~as a stari; dif- g~~~~am'sF~d,=~i~~! well represented at the ference 10 hearing us play Lyons, was \'ery pleased r ece nt Ca n berra amongSI buildings as with the Drill Team's per-

Multicultural Festival with :~= 10 a go':' ':~s~~ fO~~. the leam's first its Band and Precision reverberated lhroughout public performance this Drill Team taking part in the city and we were real- year. and as we only had theeveoing parade. lIy Ihri lled wilh lhe enthu- fj\'e nights 10 learn a new

11le parade is one of the si~_ reA,poD:'''st;,' --""" 0 rou~i~! .. thinkll "" 1"'1 _~ ~::~igh:aj~: th~e;I~::~ riiiiii"iiii;;· iiii;;;""iiii;;miiiii;' iiii;;iiiiii"'iiiii"'iii"'iiii;;;'~ iiiire,iiiioY iiW'iiiii' iii which features an anay of folkloric and intemational performances along wi th local community events.

Academy Bandmaster Elizabeth Hannigan said the band was a hit with


If you have not got a will your assets, including DFRDB/MSBS, may be at risk.

Contact MARK WILLIAMS Senll your resume 10: RlM Systems pty lt_

Human Resool"CH 23 l.akesille Oriu 8URWOOD EAST VIC 3151

Pieasequote relerenceno: PR963 T h i r d tim e I u c ky Partner/Solicitor

Ph: (02) 9715 7018

RLM RlMSystemsPtyUd HumanRe$Ou~s

23 laknideOrive T~:emG~~:s~ I~~~! ~~~e~asse~~~. 7tl~~

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"::====:-===:"====~~'h~' ~"~"~O'~IY~d~~~'~rn~rn~is-~ will be Ihe ir third r owner. having previous-ly beeD built for the

LOPAC Pty Limited

A Canberra based project management company is currently contracted to the ANZAC shi p project to manage the Ordnance Support & Training Centre (OSTC) located in Williamstown Victoria. An opportunity now ex.ists for a well motivated p:rson 10 join the team at the OSTC.

The successful applicant will be required to conduct fie ld service activi­ties on the Royal Australian Navys' MK 45 5" gun mount. In addition, the applicant will be required to instruct the MK 45 gun course al the OSTC.

The successful applicant will have experience in the fie ld service activi­ties and have an associate diploma (minimum) in mechanical or electri­cal engineering. It is essential that the applicant be well versed in reading and interpreting technical drawings.

Experience or qualifications in instructing wouJd be advantageous but not essential. lbe applicant must be willing to travel overseas and inter­state when perfonning field service activities. Relevant training wiU be pro vided if necessa.ry.

Remuneration is negotiable and will be commensurate with the success­ful applicants' skills and qual ifications.

Applications should be addressed to The Manager, Ordnance Support & Training Centre, PO Box 143, Williamstown. Victoria, 301 6.

Closing date is close o f business 16 April 1999_

12 (88) NAVY NEWS, AprilS, 1999

Shah of Iran's navy. The USN happily took them ovcr at barga in base­ment prices aft er the sale was cancelled and commissioned them into service in lhe earl y 1980s. The Greeks are reputed 10 be pay ing about $750m fo r the fo ur ships. One can expect that the Greeks neighbours ac ross the Aegean. the Turks. are nOI impressed with their old enemies' new acqui-silion.

* * * * ~:w:~ i~;~~;i';} opuating a two-ship f rigate navy late in th~ fi rst decade of the 2 1st c~ntury. The decision not to pick up the option for a 3rd ANZAC f rigate will mean when the ageing HMNZS CANTERBURY pays 01/ in 2005 they wm be down to just the ANZAC f rigates TE KAHA and TE MANA. Faced with this distu rb­in g possibili ty, the RNZN is reported to be looking at acquiring twa second hand frigates to

restore numbers. The options for ships in the time frame may come

down to ~ither tx-USN OLIVER HA ZARD PERRY class frigates or es:-RN Type 22 Batch 2 frigates. BOIh types are fa r larger and m ore capable than CANTER­BURY but require sub­stantially more crew than their ANZAC f rigates.

* * * * T~en USc~~~~el~na: Y2K checks of its major warships. The major lesl saw a warship wind their clocks fo rward to 31 Dec 1999. They Ihen commenced a fast cru ise and a simu1aled major bailie that Slarted at 2330 and went through into the New Year. The good news is that noth­ing major broke and that the ship continued 10 sail and figh t. A series of tests are scheduled to lak e pl ace at sea involving the fu ll range o f USN ships. s ub ­marines and ai rcraft. With any luck, il won't be a USN ball islic mis­sile sub that s tarts World War 3 at midnight 10 welcome in the new millennium.

Cost: $75.00 per will discounts for fami ly w ills


\/w 'P((IllII\lI/£ ttl ( omC\all(ttl£

(tlld ( OIllPl'/Htllto ll

Of!!\.\. In SU,llhllclJ S\dll~'\

Logistics Planning 80 Maintenance Control Technical Officer

Radar 2 Rl Moflers an exclling work environment for a skilled and expetience1l l ogistiCs Planning & Maintenance Control Technical Olllee! who has an Associa te Oiploma in Electronics (Ot equMiItflI),orex1ensiYeexpetience. Weareseekillgatechnieal otlicer to join our team In manaoing tile logistics planning and mainlenance control aspecls associated with compleX technical systems such as Racial control, HF transminers, HF receivers, digilalprocessors, communiulions,computelsand lacilily syslems. The successtul applicant will have experience in technical management and administration ~nd be Willing to ~rtiCI~teil1norma1sitedutiesonaneedsbasis.

""p1icanls mllSt bfi able 10 obtain a National Security Clearance.

Oulles are In support 01 Ihe Australian Department 01 Delence 'Jindalee"Operalional Radar Netwolk (JO RN) situated in the L.averlon, Western Ausltalia area. Statl Du!iesate perlormed on a 14-days-on,7-!bys-ofllly-in,IIy-outWithPerl/lasthepreferred domestic base lor Ihe laverton, WestemAustralia slleemployfts.

Analtr.K:tivesala/ywilibeofleredtot1leriohtcandidate.Formore inlOfmation conlacl Ma/y-JoFrauendorfl on (OJ) 92104433.

Send yo ur ruume 10: RlM SyslemsPtyltli Human Resources 23 l akesilleOrive 8URWOOO EAST VIC 3151

Pleasequote .ele.ence no: PR964

RLM RlM SystemsPtyltli Human Ru ourn l 23 lakeside Otivi - Burwood East VIC 3151

Page 12: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

u ~~~; ;:n~o~!= paid members of the Defence family are col­locating.

Now our 04juniorsM are doing the same.

In late February the Naval Reserve Cadets from TS ALBATROSS and the youngsters from 14 Flight of the Air Training Corps collo­cated unde r the same roof when a new cadet depot was opened at Berke ley, a suburb of Wollongong.

The air cadets had forme rl y occ upi e d decayin g premi ses at Mount St Thomas while the young sailors had an hi s toric depot in Wollongong.

The new depot is on Lake IUawa rra and bes ide the Lak.e lIIa­warraYachtClub.


In a ceremony on •

~:~::a~~!:o~~::~~~ .. seati ng the Defence ministers officially opened lhe facility with a ribbon cutting and a cannonade.

This followed a bless­ing of the complex by Navy C haplain Ted Brooker.

The naval and air cadets provide training for teenagers IWlging in age from 13to IS. Some of the boys and gir ls then follow a career io the services.

Wollongon g C i ty Co un c il donat e d $100,000 to the new centre by buy ing the nava l cadet's former depot, an old court­ho use near Wollon-gong's Belmore Basin • Senator Helen Coonan, representing the Defence ministers, at the Dew cadet training centre at Berkeley. She is pictured with the boat harbour, from the Lord Mayor of Wollongong, CoundUor David CampbeU. LCDR NRC Charles Carvana and FLLT Michael Ryan from No. 14 Flight Government ATC. Ken Robertson of the Wawarra Mercury supplied the photo.


[R1@®®~D®~® No gold card - ---

Sir, Veteran's Gold Card. mere are no more than 30 Before the elections last This card entitles the men who joined the Navy

year the Prime Minister holder to private hospilal before the cnd of World

~~~/~~n~~d~~~:da~;~~ ~:~~ti:"!~r!::= THE EDITOR :a;rll ~~~e a~~fd70t~; ~=~of~=g~=!;~ veterans, aged 70 and mendable move. NAVY NEJIIIS Minesweeping Medal that

over who incurred danger There is a smaJJ group LOCKED BAG 12 do nol al present have the from hostile enemy of naval veterans who Card.

to theMinisler for Dcfenoe, Seoal{r Eric Aix:tt, sajd at tbenalionallauncllofReserveForccsD'4Y in Sydney.

would receive a joined the Navy during PYRMONT NSW 2009 Our association has "TIle men and women of our nation continue to answer the call to st1'Ve part time in our Navy, Army and Air Force. To date tlJOre than 1.3 millton have seenservioein Ihe Reserves; SeoalorAbelz said.

Transferred to or from Canberra?

Have your pets cared for whilst you move to

or from Canberra. We pid<uplrom and deliver to the Canberra airport.

Rates for boarding on application

Tony and Chris's Boarding Kennels (02) 6236 9207

Have it prepared by a professional

personnel consultant and lecturer. Jnterview

advice provided. Established 21 years

and operating internationally.

~~ 1I0.or.ryMtmbtr HMAS PLATYPUS

the war and were drafted made representations 10 to a minesweeper at the with Minesweeping C lasp end of the war. and made eligible for

These men served in repatriation benefits the corvettes in the 20th same as other wartime Minesweeping Flotilla serving veterans. during 1946 and 1947. The Prime Minister has

As a result of the dan- now seen fit to discrimi-gerous nature of th ei r nate against these veter-d u ties, at the end of ans a nd deny them the World War II these men Gold Card being granted were awarded the Naval to other veterans. General Service Medal In so doing he has

downgraded the service rendered by these men. Either th is was done on purpose to save funds or the Prime Minister failed to do his homework prior to his announcement.

Many of these men, but not all. already have a Gold Card because of their war caused disabili ­ties. lt is estimatcd that

the Minister for Vctcran's Affairs on this matter but 10 no avail.

These velcrans deserve better trealment than has been meted out 10 them by t he present govern­ment.

Ron BalTie Uon.Scc:retary


Organisers plan to make July I annual Reserve fQn:es Day after a successful inaugural event last year. Moo! than 22JXX) men and wom:n participated inparndesin 12 main oentres around Australia.

Senatoc Abdz said Reservists had always been an iInpc:.tantpartof Australia'sdcfi::fK:e. They have a Jong and proud tradition of service to the community in peace and war and are an important link between the Australian Defence Force and the wideroommuniIy.

Health enquiries ------"At Federation in 1901 , Australia had a military

force comprising militia and volunteers of 27.200 with a permanent force of only 1544. This meant Reserve Forces represented 96.5 per cent of Australia'sl£ta.lfon:e.

S ir, Health related letters to

the editor afe occasion­ally received by Service newspapers. There has been a recent example of case where a response to such a letter. supplied by a si ng le-Serv ice health unit, gave an inaccurate portrayal of current policy.

Following the Defence

Reform Program, inc rcasing importance has been given to com­monality of policy betwccntheServices.

Furthermore, many policies arc current ly under review by the Oefence Health Service Branch (OHSB) and it is important that the most up to date information be provided in replies to

readers' queries or state-

Such information is freq uently not yet avail­able to individual health units.

Therefore I request that any letters to the editor of a health policy or entitlements nature (as opposed to those which refer to the particular administrative arrange-

ments. opening hours "Even today the Reserves represent more than one etc. for an individual thirdofthetotalstreng!hoftheADF.TIleyarean

~:~~or!~~~d~,;,~~, =;~~=i::'!7 Furthermore,l ask that in;~i~;C~~y ~=~r:: ~:~~~

the published response Defence Force is drawing on their cxpcrtisc, qualifi-be acknowledged as cations and skiUs 10 penonn essential taslcs in the coming from the DHSB Defence of Ausrralia." and not the Defence Senator AbcIZ paid special tribute to those empIoy-Personnel Executive. CJS who provided flexible woriing arrangcmenlS so

BRIG P. T. R. Buckley that Reservists could provide this essential service to

DGI)HS ~,;::tho~""""'~' ~.~~~~~~~~~~ We were first------- :Ito' T"e "iftw"" p"okage -'E 7' JOTtt

Sir, an exchange program followed an invitation to Lieutenant Colonel ~ ~. trouble-free rell/oval Regarding Singapore with the National Cadet be included in a major Commandant National _

Cadets' first v isit to Corps (Sea) Singapore in cadets exercise consisting Cadet Corps (Sea) • Flexible 3 dimensional inventories and repom Australia published in the 1991. of S ingaporean , Indian Singapore. • Auto-content change of address letters to 22nd Fcbruary. 1999 edi- Cadets from south-.east and our cadets. 1k complcmco\ of each businesses and friends

ti~n :~~:~~~~:~~e that ~i~~:;::~n~nh~V:~ bc~~n~~~;~ ~:d:~~s~:~~ ~~~~~~~o~t= • Removal checklist and organiser $25.00 ~~:,ni~fT~h~A~~~i :~~~ ~i~~e~:\ dva~~i~~~ ~fo!:S~~itfiO~tt~~i~ ~~d~~:~ap!li- : ~:rd~~~~~~~I~~~:::O;~11 95 + PP

Rese rve Cadets located military establishments in led by Major Zainal J .M.Stanton FREE Demo! FAX (02) 6296 3273 or in Brisbane instigated Singapore. Our third visit Abidin Ismail who is now Fortitude Valley, Q ld download from:

NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999 (89) 13

Page 13: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

~ ~~J DCa opens new WESTHEADGUNNERYRANGE doors I-n north

40th Anniversary -1999 The search is on for ANY West Head Gunnery Range

memorabilia. Enquiries to CPOET Wayne Allen

(03) 5950 7966 or lax (03) 5980 0863

H MAS N IRIMBA Apprentice- intake- JAN 1970

Any intake members Ih:1I a re ill tert'sled in;I 30 year reunion please contllcl TOil) l\ lcKilbride.

Ph No. 44 211 659 or E·Mail: Anthony.,\ ' cKilhridc.70S938-1 I @nllvy.go .... au

HMAS HOBART DDG39 Ist-2nd-3n1 Deploymenb VII..'tnam. at Or.mge N.S.W.

on November 26. 27 :lnd 28 1999.

Do/l " disoppoi"t yo/u'self or a matt ttI'ilil M'hom yQu servt d .

FQfI1l()n:lnrOflnall()l'lrl"':l.\.C~aIlAlI.m(E!hcl)EI""nnglOll (Ol) 616-1 JO'ISor Lco(Dutchy, Vanlhc,l (02)6-l6-1 JO.lg


A h~ofnmnc~ "~ingcomplk'dlo,,,,'C Iflhcrc" sullic icnl itllcrc,IUlhukl arcllIllOfioflilcabi)\cint.u.c.

If)'llUarCI1lI('IT,lellpica>eeonlxl Ron (Rolly) Da"I'IU7)5+l3 !!OOJ

,"(" J.lIIn (.£wi~I07)Jl()t~(1~IB II)

Wanted Urgently One Mobile Phone Dealer

in each Ship and Establishment Total setup only $170

Phone ex PORS Jeff Raymond on 0414402581

For Free Info Pack Act Now!

RANHFV MARCH RANHFV membel1iO are IIlVlled 10 march woltl

HMAS MELBOURNE (h,s year on ANZAC Day. 25th April

MU51enng ,s al MLC bulld,ng ,n Ehzabe(h Stf(f(JI. SYDNEY . (I.30lIm; mllrchoffllt 9.30.

DawdBenge 3 Rowan C.esoenl. Merewether N S.W 2291. Aust.alill Ph '610249634053 Email

East Sale WRAAF reunion Easter 1999

Allpost·Wi!rWRAAfSwI!oserledalfilSlSalel95H977are weltomealareumonweeken~(lI'10roearEaster 19'99 Sendyouf

upressklnsol'nterestandsu~geSI,onSIO Palsyludwock(llteHogarl.I953),349St.lloooSlreel,Chelsea

VoctON3196,orLynt.ll(c/lell{Ky'4e, 1965). 28 Jacquel,ne f\o.Jd MIWa~rtey,VIC(()fla3149

Rfmcmbt, 3~rl<)'l ()f~ 000. otmmps woold bt mOSlowlcotrl<!

FAR EAsT VETERANS AsSOCIATION The FJr Ea~l A'''lO.:ialion \\J.\ fllrmt.·d Iwu )e~i" ~.\!U Illiry and !"Iring bad logelher agJin IU\I pat- \\ho IoCrH.'lI in [h~ FJr EJ.,I iJuring Inc perind 19-'9 (1)1110: pre· ..... 111 tla). U, Pllmmie, '<'rh'll.tI(Jng~ide 1110: AU"ll'\ and It \>'lluld he nir" In mJ~e mntJl.1 a~Jin after alll~)ot' }eJi" and al,o bt-fore II i, 1I~1 hlle. We would li~e 1IJ n!l"rUil membcr\ (wm AU'lrJlia lIilh a \i~w 111 upening a Far Ea~1 Veleran, A"'ll(ialinn AU'lralian Br.mrh. An)nne inlere'l~>dor\\llhJn) \ie\\O\l)nlhl,plca~(umJl.·lnl<'

J.R. Httril'lf'l' (11<11. m"IIII"nhf/' If· ... ). V3 U'·,mwr/lllld ,hfllltt UIIUf' H,d,. LW 21'S, £Jlg/Wlf/ Trl· OI5X2().~/77()

HELP KISSIN O POINT C OTTAGE RAISE FUN OS! Dear Membelsand F"ends ThrSlsawonoortulopportun,lylohelpyourDelence ComrrH.m,ly House faose money and allhe same lime recente a !am,Iypoflrarlthat you will always Ireasure We nave arranged tor a proiess.oonal phoIograpner to come 10 K,ss'ngpo'ntC0t1a~on Salurday'7IhApriI1999 andla~e your !amlly por1rail The 25~20Cm (10~8") !am'ly porUM will be Pfeseoled luuylfamed lOl' Sl0 {(Olakeadvaniageollnl$ specoal pnce the phoIo musl ,ncIude at least one adult) We wooid ~ke as many people as po$s,b/e to take advanta\18 01 Ih,s very spec,al offer, TO make a booking al a t,me Ihal SU IIS you please CO<lIaCl Nenda Murray 91744052. KlssingpoinICottllg.e 282 Klulngpoinl Road Dundn {oo)(1 door 10 T'm<If Balfacks PHOTOS WILL BE READY (N TIME FOR MOTHER'S DAY

14 (90) NAVY NEWS, April 5, 1999

T~~ ~Ca~~J~~~I~~n~ ncw homc in {lIlC oflhc hU~le~1 Defenre ren[re" III Au~u·a hJ.

DCO Nonh Q ueen .. · land\ 1lC\\ renin: ha~ !lcCIl

oftir i:llly openeJ hy DCO direcwr. CAPT Geoffrey BJlm~falhcr.

T he ncw centre marks Ihe IInal ~t:lge o f an Im portanl devel­opment for DCO. (he inleg r ation of th r ce s lng lc-se rvice pro\lider~ inlo o n e D efence

W t's lt' rn A ll s l ra l ia ­Fllr Inl(lrm~li()n Jmp 1IJ111 ~1.Lril1;1 lI oll"c. Mllnd.LY .. <) ",(Jam· ..I .. l0pm. Tuc,day .. ') 10am-J 10pm. T hu r,J;I)' lJ .. 10-11.10;lm. r\lnt;L~·1 T in:! Oil (OK) 9527 9K50 ,or l',m:lIl m:lfllla0

""rlnform.Ltlon· oll Ihc ,1111" l'1I111;1cl your 1,,,·,ll FLO ulfi .. ·e N(,GSF - II ~'HI hale "") ""uc' JIfCLl (lIcm III M ll·he!.:- Lcggc. NCGSP \VA [)d .. 'gal~. J ("'.adlnal Garden', Warnhru. WA 6169. Ph.9.'i930JD

So ulh A u s lr a li a -T Ill.' Na"LI F'lInilic' ('Iun II I S,A h.I" a grcal prngrJllI orgam\ .. 'J. On April 1.1 Ihere " :1 \ 1 ~ l l

10 comnlnc [he Ihree '~nire, ",:1\ maJ~. Ihc ~tll' ul Ihe ne\>, North Queell,J,lIld !"Ir~nrh JlI30c nc"'prenll...:,e""':llllaJ

The I1llcgralllln Illeant !"Ioo~l~d .. en 1 .. ·1" IU

riienh. IIlcludlng ,In maea,e 111 ~ociaJ "'llrl­er ...

The ncW cen t rl.' ha, mcanl mure room for ~latT 3nJ IIll'rca....:d larth­t ies lilrrhcnh. IIldudlllg Ihe n~\\ 'PlJu~e employ­menl filum which ullers

til (h .. ' (,lIp,al Po\>,er­lI ou~~ St,lJium ,II ..1..1" CrilLl.'nJen RJ. Fintloll Tour Jtl nun,. no h igh h~c 1,. nu r.:h .lfg.: Entrann' Ihfllugh rl.'l·ep­lion II!) lar "Idc (>I

.. [aJIUIlI. F,'r 1II11,rl11 •• ·

accc\,. forIXknce 'PI)U\­e\\Carchmglnr\>,orl

The mUlc ~I .. o Ir~eJ Ihe ulJ prcm"e, for u,~ a ... a defcnce r.:0111-mUlllt) ren[rc. u(lhlot!J h) num~rou, rommunllY groups unJ~r the OCO um!"lrella.

Ihc Nalhan Bu,incH

AnglieJIl Church on th ..... e(ond Tlle~day 01 Ih". mun(h. Va r ioos 1,:11,,"1 ~pcale ..... 1110.1 l"fall ,lrtllilil." Cn\! i, $1 Illral1l.'nd;ulreanJ$1 lor ehllJ \.,.re Aho [herc . .lrC nllll.'e murn, In~':11 111I.'mt-ocr .. · home, on Ihe fourth T u .. ',J;()

"I Ih~ nlllmh Odl'lll.e lion .... lIl1.ll"I B"'(I) 'P'"u ..... , Jnd thetr S:!9S27:!(l .htldrellarelllml .... el-

Hl\lt\ S CE H: BEIU'S - 1.·01110; For mor .. ' J~I,lIh Pla}group ... h,ll.·l on • \."Illllart Dehhll' lill I."l'r) We J lIl' ... d. I Y lJ6!6500! 9 .. 10,1111 - 11 . .10:1111 at Plca,e forllarJ Jny C .. 'rh .. 'fI" Cou".!!e. Cool lntormallOI1 h' h.: illdutl-R oad. 1I t>. I AS CE R - eoJ en 6 Chl',ll.'flldJ BERl' S Clln[al."l AIken R".lJ. SUIl1l"nllie 3912. lin 59XJ 0:!..12 Inr lll0fo: V'l"IoriJ. Ph 0359 777 IIllorm'HlIlIl ..101 or 1.'·m:lll m c al: S~< dllt·~ - Q U;llcr.. larello.'i~·\llla~e,cllm

H ili Ddelll.·e Support I'll l(l(l~ lor .... ard to Grnop h;I\ gfllu p '11 .. ' .. '1· reO:CI\ln~ II K A R E N III gs :1 1 QU:l l ef' II dl LA IDLAW

ACROSS I Ob!.2lned

!tom su gil r 1 Day PilOt 8 Bywmout.h

II Formtd when sitting

12 Open work 13 Cneket !.tam 14 Muk 16 Conto!nted

sounds Wingtd

",' Lost In 1912

~~!t jtbe ... Uttle drops

DOWN I Frte·for·JU 2 Spons area 3 Outcast t SL.~ 5 Drunlts 6 Town in Texas

USA 9 ~atu:e

10 Rents 12 Arur:laJ IS Money 17 In!onnallOn lBLot 19 r:netiy 2!1 Encounters 22 Fnut 2J Sth Atncan

2t Pre!!x.Chlnui!

25 :;;:S'~6ssu:t ot

Pass the WORD The answer is .

006e: LOe:6 (e:0) oooz ,(;aup,(;s ··aN'f/ lIJJo~uaM BZ'9Z

UO!Un ~!paJ::> aouaJaa ue!leJ~sn\f all!

Page 14: Royal Australian...Royal Australian Action time lor Joint Forces Tn:D~~the rom,:; Deployable Joint }

Walker leads Navy's assault R,'~~W~~:~,~~Sy t~~rICh~ l-IMAS PENGUIN gale \0

gale fun run, SMNCO RO .... '3Il Wail-cried Navy's ass:aUII on the Inlcr-S(>r.icc Skmroad r:t(;catL:u~'hrOHI

8aJ'1"OCh ncar Wodonga. Still \martlllg from the

!>urrendcr ul Ib ch3mplon SC .... ICC SI:lluS 10 the Na\y In the 1998 se ri es marathon and half marathon , I h e Arm y enli sted ~omc or its big guns for Ihls yc;u's Skm roadchamplOn~hip.

The IClllpcr.lIurc was slIlI in the rmd·30s wilh high humidity when Ihe race began shonly after 1800.

SMNW .. lkersharedthc

carl y lead bUI cllenluall), !>u(cumbcd 10 Army dis­lance ronnlng lcgcod PTE Tony Kre mer. wllh Gatc 10 Gale runner-up (PL Simon O 'Regan thi rd.

S MN Michael Rueger wU!o the ne xi bC~ 1 Navy runner in sc\cruh pI3CC.

HIS efforl "a~ all the mo re co mm e ndable because his p l a~'lng was based on the tilTH! that he achieved runni n!: alonc:. well clear of IhI! tield. in a consolation race fo r a eonlingenl of mOI>I!y Air Force personne l who a rr ived o n a bu~ fro m Wagga Wa!:!:a 100 laIC for the start of the main r:lce.

Navy agam do minaled

Ihe veleran~' dlll Slons wllh Mr Andy 1I0rl>burgh and CMOR Fran!.. Krcs~ the fifSt Iv. oplace~

In Ihe men'~ and PO Neflda Noye n and LS Karen Cr:lwford scomlg a qumella mlhe ..... omen·s.

CPO Mid: Rendle ran ..econd m Ihe maSlerscal­egol') behmd H'I')' highly crede ntialled Arm) ru n­ner. SGT Greg Wilson.

Credll also mu~t go 10 C POCK Bob Barb and hb team o f runnel),. who arrived by bus fro m IiMA S CE RB E R US s ho rlly before the racc slart. making up the hull.. of the fi eld and perform­mg welt.

The ne;(I clem on Ihe Ill1er-~enicc runlllng 1;al­e ndar I ~ a nel'- Slale I) Slate Conlhlned Sen Ice t eam~ challenge durlllg the S)doc) halfmar:ltholl on May 30.

Those Illh!re.~le d In hal Ing a go can ~'untacl Naly runmng manager Andy lIo rsburg h on R Usl>ell Orfi n':) E;(I 5317.4. or e-mail andy.hor~hurgh @chr.defe

Othe r con laCh a lld event Informatio n are 31'allabt e v ia the AOF Sport, Counl' ll home page on the Defence inlranel under Joml Educalion and TrainmgOET).

Hit the slopes Yourserlice needs

you! If you're fun -101'mg. adventurous. til and perhaps compell · live we need you for c ross-cou ntr y s kiin g and bl;l\hlon.

In '97 alld '98 Navy failed 10 lield a learn in Ihe annual Inter-scrvice l·o mpetilion. We must getbacl..Of1It;K·l..for·99.

If you hale Ihe qua li ­NalY wil l help ,

The R.A.N. Ski Club OPE " lOR 1':1 \\ \IE\lBERS

The RAN. Ski Club is a private club open

10 all current and past members of lhe

RAN and the RANR. Rank is left behind

whcn we hil the SllOw. Cheap

aa:ommod:uion IS avaliable III Club Lodges

at MI Buller III Vittona and PcnslK'r

Vallcy in NSW. Lodge~ are used in wimer

(or OO .... nhill and Cross Countl')' Ski ing

and SIlOI'- hoardlllg and III summer for

CIiJOylllg the high country and alpine hikes.

lfillteresled injollllllg.pleasecall

Doug Collins on (02) 6292 5980 (A ll ) or

Mal Peterson (03) 9789 141 3 (A H)

)OU delelop the capa­bllilles. Twobas lc plan~

are ~ugge~ted. ~ac h hegi nll lll g wilh lhe Prepar:llioIlWcck.

Pre p Week IS a n IIltrodu1;lIon to cross­l'OUot ry slilng for peo­pic nev. to the ~port : (or Olhc r~ il d cve lops ~llll s; and fo r the com­petitive. 11 '1> ~cr i ous

race traming. The wed i .. pro­

grammed for Jul y 25-30 and Ihe RAN S ki C lub Lod ge 3t Mt Perlshcrhashccn made available

A I th e en d of th e lIoeek partic ipallls wi ll represent the service in Ihe Cabramurra Tour evenl on July 3 1.

Plan I : Prep Wee k will be u ~ed 10 ~e l ec t

Ihe Nal'Y leam for lhe inl er-service compcl1 -lion at MI lIoth3111 from Augu st 8-13, a full lea m COn\I)IS of c lght men. four women and re!!oCrlcs.

Racing lal..e~ plat'e on four days v.ith four IIldl l'idua!ral'e,ufd ll -

fcrelll dl~ l a nce). 11100

blalhlons (whl1;h com­bine sk IIn g and nfl e ~ hO()l lIIg ~ 1..1I1~). relly .. and leam palrol el enb. All are fun.1;hallcngm~ and 1;ompetlhl c.

Plan 2: fm peop le !!oCe l..lngapi!rw nat chal­lenge N:IIY ()ffer~ Ihe advcnturou~ lraUlin g cxpenent'Cofcompleling a maralhon el ent at Falb Crecl.. 00 AuguSl 18.

For Iho~e thai ran a mo untain / high plalll ~ luurof.42kmdislance i, thcgoal - lhe Kangarot) Hoppell; for those Ie" e;(pen enced the 2 1km Birk enble ne r is run corn:urremly.

These eve l1\ ~ lllflCl 500-700 .. I..i e r~ eac h year.

Act nol'-! Pl ease con tact LE UT Bron­w y n F e rn e r . ph (02 ) 6266 2562. tlr e mail hro nw y nf (@­blgfo(j\ .co m. LCDR P aul Jone' (0,2) 6265 5069 or CMD R MartIn Lln l>le) (02) 6265 62K9 10 obla ln more Inl urmallUll


The RAN Central Canteens Fund owns, and operates,

three holiday resorts. These resorts offer excellent

standards of accommodation including cottages, units,

caravan and camping sites (not Forster Gardens), as well

as excellent facilities at significantly less cost than other

similar commercial holiday resorts.

BUNGALOW PARK located at Burrill Lake. 4km south of Ulladu!la on the mid South Coast of NSW. Bungalow Park fronts the shores of Burrill Lake and is only minutes from the beach.

Burrill Lake offers safe swimming for children and is ideal for fishing and all water sports.

A highlight al Bungalow Park is the spectacular daily bird feedings.

Con/act the manager, Ken Veitch for bookings Of further information. Bungalow Part, Burrill Lake NSW 2539

TELEPHONE : (02) 44551621 FAX; (02) 4454 4197


Situated 240km south west 01 Perth, on the Bussell Hwy just south of Bussellon. Amblin Park is righl on the shore 01 Geographe Bay which offers safe swimming lor children and is ideal for fishing and all water sports.

Amblin Park also has a lully enclosed healed swimming pool.

Contact the manager, Frank Frimslon lor bookings or further information. Ambfin Cara llan Park, PO Box 232 Busse/fon WA 6280

TELEPHONE: (08) 97554079 FAX: (08) 9755 4739

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weeks' competition in Switzerland and France.

The team successfuly competed in the British Services International AlpU<Sb~ - the: oldest team alpine ski racing event in the world, along with teams from llaly. Switzerland, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

Navy ~tatives

~ CAPf Geoff a»e (HMAS ALBATROSS), UDR Mian Pay (HMAS ALBATROSS), WO Eric Bicka10n (M!-IQ), LElJfs Brad VWU"d (HMAS WATER!-IEN), Phil RidgeWOJy (I!.MAS KIJf­TABUL), Ian Napthali (HMAS KlfITABUL), LS Dave OIadwick (HMAS

HARMAN) "'" ABCD Drew MilddJ (AUS(])'[' ONE).

""""'.~bf{»ltl ___ and~~SU4I __


Doing it Tuff on Sydney shores IG~~:~!~~ ::n ~~::o~c:rUt~ 1999 IIMAS PENGUIN Tuff Triathlon.

Blue skies sel the sccne to this year's event , resulting in a finishing time of 56 mins 36 sees for Kyle and a lime of I hr 1 min 34 sees for Louise.

Fifly.nine military and civilian person­nel from various defence organisations competed in thc gruelling 2 1.6 km swim, cycle and running course through Sydney's BalmorallMosman area.

The challenging uphill lcrrain proved the perfect test of competitors' slKngth

and endurance while it also created a colourful sight forlhelocal s.

Despitc the rugged assignmcnt the day wasn't all blood swcat and tears. partici­pants cooled off and relaxed with a bar­becue and trophy presentat ion on the shores of Balmora1 Beach.

Best tcams were Army's More than a Day Off (58 mins55 secs) and the besl mixed was the RAAF's Richmond Old Folks ( I hr 6 mins 47 sees).

Speciulthanks goes 10 principal spon­sor. GF Foods/Uncle Toby's. and 10 all who helped marshal and officiatc.

WA Olympics launched T~,~~~~~ra' !-I::~~ Olympics have been launched on the shores o f Careening Bay at Garden Island in WA in suitably scorching 38 degree heal.

The Olympics werc well patronised wilhAeet Base West fielding 12 teams of 10 but it was the ~ring- in" Army FlMA team Brule Force which won the day after much trial and laughter.

• Competitors in the surf boat event show 01T thei r lack of expertise. Picture: ABPH Stuar t to' arrow.

The fin.1 few days !est­ed the travel-weary leg muscles as the Swiss instructor Stefan and Kasper put the team Ihrough its paces but heavy snowfalls (25 metres in 3 days) ham­peredtherncepreparnlion for the International event_

• WO Eric Bickerton prepares to launch himself into the Valloire downhill. Events included board rescue relay. tug-of-war. surf boat and novelty events such as sandcastle building and a treasure

hunt. style, originality, grace and synchronisation, the medical centre stole the show on their its big day out and about.

Andermall received so much snow the mountain eventually had to be shut due 10 Ihe avalanche danger.

The competition was hotandlh:roursesmon:: challenging than most had eltperienct:d. The Slovenians, not to be out­tblebylhehighiyfancicd Italians, Swiss am British Army (who 3Je posted 10

thcirskilCalll), hadooertd hot skier, Katja Koren. Katja'seJtploitsio;:ludr,-d World Cup wins and a bronze medal in sL*mat

one of the Doctors said I had an ingrown toenail ..

!he l..iIIcharnrra Wmter OI)'II1lics.

Completely unphased by some rather impres­s ive credentials, the team perfonned well above expectations in the skiing and snow­boarding events leading up to the Grand Prix event - the downhill.

Training runs for the downhill gave a good

indication of just how fast the course was.

Reaching speeds olup to 120 bnIh on a course that was technical in pans and hair-raisingly fast in some-tbeteamrccordcd ooeofthe best results for many years, beating the Bulgarians in the pmc:ess.

Two AOF skiers actu­ally pipped Katja Koren inthedownhlll .

Thc day began with the opening ceremony and march past with bonus points for team dress,

Base hosts games The annual ALBA­

TROSS versus Ktrr­TABUL sports day drew a disappointing 30 com-

petitorsfrom Sydney. In netball, ALBA­

TROSS held on in the final to win 17-13.

prolldly spollsored by tJ)eo/ere J{ote[ Sydlley

KUTTABUL had a great 2-1 win in the soc· cer and for the third year Hydro Wollongong came along 10 play for KUT­TABUL.

Players to stand-out were LSET Dale and ABET Northey.

.. and then his oPPO S4id it was gout! Turns out it was a dislocated toe!

Well. that's why they call it a 'practice' mate!

In the cricket. KUT­TABUL was dismissed for 122andAl..BATROSS reached 41120 wilh one over to go.

It came down to the last ball of the day, ALBA­TROSS needing just one run to win.

Mick !-Iayes bowled a good length ball but ALBATROSS's Scony Wake sltied the ball over covers to win the game by a run .

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All agreed thai the PT staff at ALBATROSS did an outstanding job prepar­ing the fie lds and organis­ing the after.compction social.

16 (92) NAVY NEWS, AprilS, 1999