'rov훌f삐 剛웰받C빼i剛흙 What are proverbs? How do they … · • so shall you reap. ......

.1 . What are proverbs? How do they : ' Do you know many1{orean .. Ý Matctvthe and A bird in the hand A friend in need Actions speak louder All that glitters An apple a day Asyou sow, Don t put all your eggs Empty vessels Rome was not built Where there5 a will , By yourself in a day. in one basket. is a friend indeed. • is not gold. is worth two in the bush. keeps the doctor away. make the most noise. so shall you reap . • than words. • there s a way. Write the proverbs above their explanations: lf you really want to do something. you will find a way of doing it. People who don t know much do the most talking. It5 easy to speak. but it5 what you do that counts. * The solutions to Tasks 1 and 2 are in the Answer Key , at the back ofthe book. 99

Transcript of 'rov훌f삐 剛웰받C빼i剛흙 What are proverbs? How do they … · • so shall you reap. ......

.1. 'rov훌f삐 剛웰받C빼i剛흙 ~. What are proverbs?

How do they helk뾰 iril따? : 'Do you know many1{orean i /~ .. Ý

爛BYY9u!~elfMatctvthe b령inríing and e빼

A bird in the hand

A friend in need

Actions speak louder

All that glitters

An apple a day

Asyou sow,

Don’t put all your eggs •

Empty vessels

Rome was not built

Where there’5 a will ,

뀔훌힐 By yourself

• in a day.

• in one basket.

• is a friend indeed.

• is not gold.

• is worth two in the bush.

• keeps the doctor away.

• make the most noise.

• so shall you reap.

• than words.

• there’s a way.

Write the proverbs above their explanations:

lf you really want to do something. you will find a way of doing it.

People who don’t know much do the most talking.

It’5 easy to speak. but it’5 what you do that counts.

*The solutions to Tasks 1 and 2 are in the Answer Key, at the back ofthe book.


Ij} Read th is passage together. Ij} While you read, answer the questions on the next page. Track 61

What are proverbs? Where do they come from? On the whole, proverbs are simple

truths. They are often very old, and are based on the practical experience of our

ancestors. Human beings round the wor1d face similar problems, so the same

proverbs often turn up in different cultures. For example, ‘Actions speak louder than

words' appears in Africa as, ‘A chattering bird builds no nest.' Other international

proverbs express the unique culture of their country:

• One finger cannot lift a pebble. [Iranianl

• When elephants battle , the ants die. [Cambodianl

• Talk does not cook rice. [Chinesel

• Better to be a free bird than a captive king. [Danishl

• Better bread with water than cake with trouble. [Russianl

• It takes a village to raise a child. [Africanl

In the West, many proverbs come from The Bible. In fact, The Old Testament contains a

whole section called The Book of Proverbs. Here is an example: ‘A wise son makes his

father glad, but a foolish son is a grief to his mother.'

Finally, some proverbs tell us opposite truths, so we have to be careful. When we

want to make a decision, for example, we can choose: a) ‘Look before you leap,’ or

b) ‘He who hesitates is lost.’ Then again, if we are looking for help , we can choose:

a) ‘Many hands make light work, or b) ‘Too many cooks

spoil the broth.'

To sum up , proverbs give us the wisdom of

the ancients in short, simple, easy-to­

remember sentences.



1. According to the passage, what are proverbs?

2. According to the passage, where do proverbs come from?

3. Why do similar proverbs turn up in different countries?

4. Can you explain the Danish proverb in the passage?

5. Can you explain the African proverb in the passage?

6. How is ‘Look before you leap' different from ‘He who hesitates

is lost’?

7. How is ‘Many hands make light work' different from ‘Too many

cooks spoil the broth'?

8. Can you find another word that means ‘ancestors’ in the



C Do you know any other English or Korean proverbs?

「τ Make your own one-sentence proverb:

• My proverb is:

Back연rOl.1nd Informatl.on -

Did you know'? _ íhe study of proverbs is called paremiology.

-Aesor/듀굶bles have proverbs (or ‘ mo때5’) 칸 the 여d.

-í굶깅verage numπr -까Pro야overψbs are anonymo쁘 (íhey have no author.)

a. practical b. experience c. turn up d. chattering e. unique f. captive g. vi llage h. grief i. hesitáte j. broth

1. a small town or community

3. to appear; to arrive

4. doing something; action

5. not free; prisoner

6. sadness

7. soup; stew

8. talking quickly. about nothing special

9. the only one; single

10. to pause or wait because of fear

----Some prαerbs use the same letters at the beginning 0아때f애뼈wor뼈뼈Oα뼈뼈r띠rds:싸ds:ε: 'Forg썩띤 쁘딴 ’ -

::;띠Z ¢:zz;z: ;짧$펴Z: 껏rz$Jg띠$;14;3룹gt;;뚫gz;뿔 g魔the ca려 away. the micewill

5ctttiJLerbg u5e repetitio빼 r~뼈 A fríend ín need is a fríend índeed


Discussion (groups)

(;J Talk about the questions below.

i) Use the Conversation Strategies at the boUom of the page.

圖 00 you know any Korean proverbs?

~ Tell us about them.

~ 00 you know any of Aesop’5 fables?

~ Tell us a fable.

~ What is the ‘moral’ (lesson) ofthe fable?

밍 Proverbs were made by our ancestors.

Are they still true in modern life?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

댐 Here are some modern proverbs:

• One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time .

• If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

~ What do you think these proverbs mean?

털 T-shirts often have modern proverbs on them:


• Out of my mind. Back in five minutes .

• Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

~ What words would you put on a T-shirt?

611 00 movies have ‘morals’? 00 they contain lessons for us?

~ Can you think of some movies that teach us lessons?

Giving unusual information: • Gue55 what? • Do you know what? • Believe it or not, • You’ II never believe it, but .. . • Are you ready for this?

Slow and 5teady win5 the race.

ι쿄표표숲끊톰릎훈믿힐효톨 、.

Responding: • Really?

• 15 that 50? • You’ re kidding! • You’ re joking!

• Are you serious?

Dialogue (pairs)

listen to the dialogue with your partner.

냉 Perform the dialogue together.

α Change roles. Perform the dialogue again. Track 62

(Mrs. Brown and Jenny are shopping in a department store.)

Jenny Hey, mum. How about this jacket?

Mrs. Brown Hmm. 1t’5 nice, but 1 don ’t think purple is his color.

Jenny OK. There ’5 got to be something for dad here.

Mrs. Brown Let’5 look in the book department. Your father loves reading.

Jenny Sure. (They go down the escalator to the next floo r.)

Mrs. Brown Ah! Here ’5 something.

Jenny What ’5 that?

Mrs. Brown 1t’5 a book of Scottish proverbs.

Jenny Dad comes from Scotland , doesn ’t he?

Mrs. Brown That ’5 righ t. He ’11 love these proverbs.

Jenny ‘A black hen lays a white egg.’* What does that mean?

Mrs. Brown Don ’t worry. Your father wi1l te11 yoU.

Jenny Here ’5 another one: ‘What may be done at any time wi11 be done at no time.'* 1 can ’t make head or ta i1 of it.

Mrs. Brown Me neither. This wil1 be just right for his birthday present.

Jenny Mum. How about that jacket? 1 think it ’5 coo1.

Mrs. Brown Maybe next time. Let ’5 go hom e.

Key Words & Expresslons

.‘Idon’t think purple is his color. “ Purple doesn’t suit him ,

“ He doesn’t like purple ,

“ I can’t make head or tail of it." “ I don’t understand ,"

''1 can’t even begin to understand ,"

cool fashionable ; smart; 'with it ’

* The meanings ofthese proverbs are in the Answer Key, at the back of the book.


1. What are Jenny and Mrs. Brown shopping for?

2. Do they know what they want to buy?

3. What does Mrs. Brown think about the jacket?

4. What does Jenny think about the jacket?

5. Is the book department on a higher floor than the men ’s clothes department?

6. Where was Mr. Brown born?

7. Why can ’t Jenny understand the proverbs?


Opinion Samples

<;) Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I1파파괴1 1 Track 63

Prouerbs are all uery well, but they’re aLso uery oLd. They don’t

tell us anything about today’s probLems. Nobody droue any cars

in the oLd days and there were no TVS, cell phones, or computers.

We need to make some new prouerbs to tell us what to do when

the computer crashes, or when an e-maiL contains a uirus. For

example: ‘Backup or lose euerything’ or ‘when in doubt, don’t

open the e-mai l.’ prouerbs like these would be really useful!

I!l파효파:'.1 Track 64

In my opinion, prouerbs are wonderfu l. They tell us all about life.

Euen in our modern situation, we can always find prouerbs which

giue us the answer. When I see a new, shiny cell phone, for

exampLe, it’s good to remember that ‘All that glitters is not gold. ’

when I can’t do my homeωork , I can tell myseLf that ‘where

there’s a will, there’s a way. ’ I can ’t imagine how our ancestors

managed to make so many great prouerbs, but I’m uery grateful

to them.

” ~

빨 Choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on the line.

1. Proverbs help us to solve our problems.

2. Different proverbs tell us different things. We can’t trust them.

3. We can learn the culture of a country through its proverbs.

4. Proverbs can't tell us about life in the 21St century.

빨 Debate together in pairs or groups.

• One team or person should agree with the statement.

• One team or person should disagree with the statement.


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훌 Further Reading There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Proverbs at www.finchpark.com/discuss.