Rotoscope / Mocap: History Muybridge First Motion Capture at Stanford:

Rotoscope / Mocap: History uybridge First Motion Capture at Stanford:
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Transcript of Rotoscope / Mocap: History Muybridge First Motion Capture at Stanford:

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Muybridge First Motion Capture at Stanford:

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Following Muybridge

--> Etienne-Jules Marey

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Max Fleischer: 1917 Patent on Rotoscope Machine

Rotocope’s / Mocap’s Bad Reputation

• Ralph Bakshi’s: Lord of the Rings

• Yellow Submarine: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

• Total Recall (Schwarzenegger): X-Ray Scene

• Technology

• Video Games

Rotocope’s / Mocap’s Bad Reputation

• Polhemus Technology (Ascensien Capture)

• Barbie Commercial

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Disney:

Step-mother of Cinderella

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Disney:

Eleanor Audley

Rotoscope / Mocap: History

• Disney:

Step-Mother Eleanor Audley

Disney: Expressive Motion

QuickTime™ and aCinepak decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Motion Reference

QuickTime™ and aCinepak decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Motion Reference

QuickTime™ and aCinepak decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Rotoscope / Mocap: History• Disney: Helen Stanley Sleeping Beauty

"Artistic Fact or Optical Delusion? Culture: David Hockney claims many famous paintings were traced using camera-like devices"

Johanson’s Moving Light Displays

Rotoscope in Art:

• Rebecca Allen / Twyla Tharp: The Catherine Wheel

Rotoscope/Mocap Milestones

• “Brilliance”: Bob Able 1984 (18 pen markers, 4 ½ weeks rotoscoping for 3min commercial)

video 44:00

Rotoscope/Mocap Milestones

• Kleiser-Walczak Construction: 1989 “Don’t Touch Me” (Synthespians)

video 1:07:50

Rotoscope/Mocap in Special FX

• PDI, D2, ILM, House of Moves:Batman, Titanic, Mummy, Episode ISinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists

• Pixar / Disney

Mocap for Interactive Entertainment

• EA Sports

Mechanical :


Mechanical / Exo-Skelton:

Electro-Magnetic (Polhemus):

Passive Optical

Active Optical

Vision Based

- Enough for Animation ?