Ross Doherty [email protected] 08.09.2011 CMS Systems: Wordpress Uses, Functionality,...

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CMS Systems: Wordpress Uses, Functionality, Applications

Ross [email protected] Systems: WordpressUses, Functionality, Applications1Table Of ContentsWhats a CMS?Website or CMS?Common CMS Systems.What is Wordpress?Uses Of Wordpress?Ways To Use Wordpress: Hosted And FreeHow To Set Up A Free WordpressDifferenciation between Self Hosted VS FreeSelf-Hosting: What do you get?Self-Hosting: CompaniesSelf-Hosting: Prices To Expect2What Is A CMS?3IntroductionCMS = Content Management System

is a collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. The procedures are designed to do the following:

4CMS By DefinitionAllow for a large number of people to contribute to and share stored dataControl access to data, based on user roles (defining which information users or user groups can view, edit, publish, etc.)Aid in easy storage and retrieval of dataReduce repetitive duplicate inputImprove the ease of report writingImprove communication between usersIn a CMS, data can be defined as nearly anything: documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, scientific data, and so forth. CMSs are frequently used for storing, controlling,revising, semantically enriching, and publishing documentation. Serving as a central repository, the CMS increases the version level of new updates to an already existing file. Version control is one of the primary advantages of a CMS.

5Hard Coded VS CMS6An IntroductionA Content Management System (CMS) is a PHP (Personal Home Page) application which lets you create and manage your website using an admin panel.

In a traditional HTML site, you would have to use programs such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver to edit the website. The following separates the pros and cons of a Content Management System7Pros Of A CMSOrganization: A CMS is much more organized than an html site. You can login to your admin panel and control all aspects of your website from literally any computer.

Design: The ability to control design using CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) files is a great functionality. You also have the ability of creating different templates for different types of pages on your website.

Functionalities: You have the option of making add-ons to your website and choosing from a wide array of functionalities. In the competitive online market, this can never hurt. If you want to have a blog, a corporate website and a shopping cart, certain CMS solutions offer you all this with easy to install add-ons.

8Cons Of A CMS (VS HTML)Technical: You might have to be a bit technical to be able to implement a CMS. You might also need to do some research or get some outside help. Certain aspects of hosting preferences matter in choosing a CMS. Therefore, you have to be somewhat knowledgeable.

HTML and CSS Knowledge: If you really want a good looking website, you will need some HTML knowledge. Also, knowing CSS and setting it up correctly will make it a lot easier to make website changes in the future. While you do not need to be an expert, you should be knowledgeable in overall HTML and CSS. A good place to start would be to install FrontPage or Dreamweaver.9OverallWhile designing a site from scratch using HTML gives a designer the ability to achieve pixel-perfect precision in realising his/her ideas, it does come at a signifigant cost, in terms of time required, and a certain level of expertise in web design.In terms of CMS systems, the added functionality which comes out of the box is, in my opinion, adds much more value to the project.10Types And Categories of CMS Systems11Most Popular PlatformsWordpress, Joomla, Drupal

all free, all open source, all have the same basic fundamentals.

12Learning Management SystemsAn offshoot of the standard CMS is the term LMS Or a learning management system.It fundamentally works exactly the same as a standard CMS, but is geared towards a learning environment, and has functions which facilitate a learning environment.13LMS SystemsBlackboard (Commercial). (

Moodle (Free, open-source). (

14BlackboardUsed by NUI Universities in Ireland.Commercial Software.The Blackboard Learning System is a virtual learning environment and course management system developed by Blackboard Inc. Features include course management, a customizable open architecture, and a scalable design that allows for integration with student information systems and authentication protocols. It may be installed on local servers or hosted by Blackboard ASP Solutions. Its main purposes are to add online elements to courses traditionally delivered face-to-face and to develop completely online courses with few or no face-to-face meetings.

15Blackboard FeaturesCommunicationAnnouncements: Professors and teachers may post announcements for students to read. These can be found under the announcement tab, or can be made to pop-up when a student accesses Blackboard.Chat: This function allows those students who are online to chat in real time with other students in their class section.Discussions: This feature allows students and professors to create a discussion thread and reply to ones already created.Mail: Blackboard mail allows students and teachers to send mail to one another. This feature supports mass emailing to students in a course.ContentCourse content: This feature allows teachers to post article, assignments, videos etc.Calendar: Teachers can use this function to post due dates for assignments and tests.Learning modules: This feature is often used for strictly online classes. It allows professors to post different lessons for students to access.Assessments: This tab allows professors to post quizzes and exams and allows students to access them anywhere there is an internet connection.Assignments: This features allows for assignments to be posted and for students to be able to submit assignments onlineGrade Book: Teachers and professors may post grades on Blackboard for students to view.Media Library: Videos and other media may be posted under this function.OtherGoals: This function allows for teachers to post the learns goals and objectives of the class.Roster: Students and teachers can access a list of other students who are enrolled in the course.Syllabus: Under this function, the syllabus for the class may be obtained.Who's online: While utilizing this function, students and teachers may view who is currently online for a particular class or course.Helpful Hints: Many universities and colleges provide links to their respective information technology webpages where Blackboard tutorials are available. The material for Blackboard range from how to use the discussion board, student chat, downloads and plug-ins, to taking a quiz.

16MoodleMoodle (abbreviation for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). As of October 2010 it had a user base of 49,952 registered and verified sites, serving 37 million users in 3.7 million courses.

17Moodle FunctionalityMoodle has several features considered typical of an e-learning platform, plus some original innovations (like its filtering system). Moodle is very similar to a learning management system. Moodle can be used in many types of environments such as in education, training and development, and business settings.Some typical features of Moodle are:

Assignment submissionDiscussion forumFiles downloadGradingMoodle instant messagesOnline calendarOnline news and announcement (College and course level)Online quizWiki

18DemosBlackboard (NUI)Moodle Demo Site: demo.moodle.org19Wordpress FunctionalityHighly customizable CMS SystemMany ApplicationsNot simply just Blogging SoftwareThe self-hosted (more about this later) allows the user to install plugins which offer more functionality to the site, working, out-of-the-box.Plugins include:Calculators, Newsletter sign-up boxes, Social Networking interaction modules, Events Calenders, video galleries, live chat functionality etc..20Two Approaches To The WP Process21Free Vs Self HostedA user has two options when choosing the Wordpress CMS.S/he can opt for the free version, located at or alternatively choose to take out their own hosting (effectively making their own website) privately through one of the many web hosting providers.

There are advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, as described in the metric here. We will discuss the terminology later on in this session.22Free HostingAvailable at www.wordpress.comLimitation in terms of functionality (plugins) and appearance (themes).Site would follow address of: yoursite.wordpress.comLimited in creating users or groups to access the site (any users need to be existing Wordpress members)Arguably easier to maintainDifficult approach if you require several different instances of wordpress, or are trying to manage several courses.23Self HostingEffectively owning your own web domain: Multitude of Irish based hosting companiesService allows the full flavour installation of Wordpress in one or two clicks.Full control of the Wordpress systemThe ability to create a number of Wordpress based systems, one per class perhaps.EG:

24Self Hosting BenefitsAllows you full control of systemAllows you to quickly install plugins Allows you to quickly add themes, both free and commercial to customize the look of your siteMany more SEO benefitsAllows for full branding options25Self Hosting Companies, Costs, Pitfalls26Self HostingMany Irish companies offer hosting packages:

Register365 www.register365.ieBlacknight Solutions www.blacknight.ieLetsHost www.letshost.ieGoDaddy

View Companies

27What do you get with a hosting Package?A hosting package is effectively a term which means renting space on a companies webserver. You are effectively renting a directory on a computer, which is connected to the internet 24X7, 365. (Most companies offer 99.9% uptime).The directory / folder which you are renting will contain the media, pages, and files which constitute your website.Most companies offer 10GB as their lowest amount of storage, on their basic packages.Competitive market with hosting in Ireland, most companies offer same base level of features.28Domain Name RegistrationAlong with your hosting (web space) companies will offer you a domain name. This can have a .ie, .com, .net, suffix,EG:, etcHaving a URL will allow users to enter the URL in a browser and be brought directly to your content.Necessary part of web hosting.29Email AddressesMost hosting companies will give you in excess of 20+ POP3 email addresses. These email accounts can be configured on Microsoft Outlook, or alternatively on your mobile phone (iPhone/Android).

So you can set up accounts, such as:

[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];

30Control PanelHosters will also offer you a control panel, which allows you to install web applications such as Joomla, Wordpress, Moodle etc quickly, within a few clicks. You can also create e-commerce portals, and a plethora of other applications, ready to run on your website.31Prices To ExpectIntermediate Level:

Roughly e50 per annum (incl Vat) for:

Your own domain (either .ie, .com etc)10GB Storage Space15GB Bandwidth Per Month5 Hosted DomainsUnlimited Sub Domains20 Pop3 Accounts

Look At services32Point To NoteTo register a .ie domain, you need to submit proof of purpose to the IEDR (Irish Domain Registrar). This is a very simple process, a scan of passport and utility bill is enough to suffice. .com addresses can be set up instantly.33My PerspectiveI would definetly recommend setting up a self-hosted siteBenefits far outweigh the initial cost full customization, full administration, more space, more scalability, more scope. There is an element of technical know how involved in the more intensive / difficult aspects of maintaining a domain, especially for beginners, but this is something that most reasonably tech savvy people will pick up instantly.34Next Steps:A Run Through Of A Free Wordpress Installation to incorporate Administration, Creating Pages and Posts, Uploading and Sharing Files, Themes, Plugins.Customizing the look of Wordpress.Installing WP on one of the ICEGroup Servers for your own testing purposes.

35Later:Dropbox Premise of, Setting Up Account, Uploading Files36Questions?37