Rosies Workwear. Social Media Case Study

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This is a Whizbang case study of Rosies Workwear, a manufacturer of woman's workwear. Whizbang repositioned the company from traditional distribution to ecommerce and usied social media to grow market share. The results are pretty amazing. Check for yourself.

Transcript of Rosies Workwear. Social Media Case Study

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Workwear for Women

We Can Do It Case Study

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Marketing Challenge

Rosies Workwear is a line of women's overall and coveralls with "can do" spirit. The company was working with a small budget and advertising in niche magazines Mother Earth News and Living the Country Life. After eight years of many starts and stops, Rosies was looking for a new business model that would generate more consistent growth.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Marketing Strategy

The new plan of attack abandoned the wholesaler/retailer model and focused on entirely online and direct sales. This included a blog, e-newsletter, Facebook page, Twitter page, as well as Google Adwords and Facebook ads.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Blog

Visitors to Rosies website can post articles and pictures to Rosies blog an online community for do-it-yourself women. Through blogger relations and links on social media websites, Rosies is now a featured workwear blog on blog search directory Rosies integrated blog also increased search engine optimization for

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Facebook

Rosies Facebook page is used to not only drive traffic to, but also to publicize special events and inventory sales. Through photo and video contests and targeted Facebook ads, Rosies Facebook page gained over 2,557 active members who actively post content and share Rosies with their friends.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies E-newsletter

A custom tab was added to Rosies Facebook page, making it possible for Facebook fans to sign-up to receive Rosies e-newsletter without ever leaving Facebook.

Rosies email newsletter increased from 598 to 968 subscribers within six months.

Rosies e-newsletter was awarded the Constant Contacts Email Marketing All Star Award in 2009.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Twitter

Rosies Twitter page was an effective marketing tool for quickly spreading news about Rosies photo and video contests on Facebook , special events and exclusive deals. Rosies Twitter page gained over 776 followers who actively share news about Rosies online.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Online Ads

Google Adwords and Facebook ads were used to drive traffic to Research determined how Rosies customers find the website and the most used search terms. Rosies ads appeared only when these terms were searched for on Google. Because potential customers saw these targeted ads at the exact moment when they were shopping for overalls and coveralls online, sales increased drastically.

2008 Whizbang

Rosies Marketing Results

Despite a small marketing budget, sales for Rosies Workwear increased 900% from March 2009 to March 2010. After one year, Rosies built a loyal following and has enjoyed a consistent level of growth. She has gained 3694 Facebook fans and 804 Twitter followers, and the numbers are growing daily. She has been featured on many blogs including the Daily Grommet and Rosie ODonnells Radio Show blog.

2008 Whizbang
