Room 7 gets fire wise!

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This week has been Fire Wise Week. We have learnt what to do when there is a fire. The local fire officers also came to visit as well, check out the photos on the blog too!

Transcript of Room 7 gets fire wise!

  • 1. Our Stories
    Room 7 Gets Fire Wise!

2. Oh, no! Said the little girl.She ran and ran away from the fire and the little girl called 111.
By Jessie
3. Fire is here.
By Viana
4. Help, help, help! Our house is on fire.Call 111 then the firemen will come.
By Nicolas
5. I saw the fire it was smoky.
By Kayden
6. When there is a fire I would yell, Help, there is a fire!
By Max
7. Help! I have a fire on me and my cow is on fire.Get out!
By Holly
8. I get out of my house away from the fire and call 111.
By Sonya
9. Stop, Drop and Roll
This is a person with his clothes on FIRE!This is what he should do.He should stop, drop and roll!He should not of played with the heater.
By Riley
10. Fire people save people from fire.Dont play with matches or your house will burn down.Your mum or dad will call 111.But if they arent there you have to do it yourself.
By Cassandra
11. Get up, get down, get low and get out fast.There is a fire said me.Call 111.Okay, Mum.So Courtney ran to the phone and she called 111, and so she did.
By Courtney
12. I called 111.So I did and the fire engine came.
By Elyshia