Roma Education in Croatia

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  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    Sran Dvornik*

    education of Roma in Croatia

    Zagreb, Spring 2013

    * independent consultant, Zagreb, Croatia (sdvornik@zamirnet!t"e anal#sis $as originall# $ritten %or t"e &ome 'ducation und

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  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia




    education o% &oma in Croatia


    )"e &oma population in Croatia3

    ercentage o% &oma in t"e total population+

    Structure o% t"e &oma population

    -i%est#le, mobilit#, pre.udices/


    Socioeconomic situation11

    ctive citizens"ip1

    Support to t"e integration o% &oma1

    'ducation s#stem1

    'ducation o% et"nic minorities22

    &oma as an outlier23

    ssessment o% met"ods and results2/

    4e# issues in education a%%ecting &oma3

    'valuation o% &' interventions2

    Strategic conclusions and recommendations





    1 &oma population 6 territorial distribution+3

    2 (7n!emplo#ment+

    3 8mplementation o% t"e 9ecade %or &oma ction lan+

    Comparative overvie$: an ;evolution; o% ob.ectives o% t"e national programmes


  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    The Roma population in Croatia

    8n all relevant o%%icial documents t"e term + &oma in t"e total population o% ,2/,// 8n t"e last ten

    #ears, t"e number o% declared &oma increased b# >,+12 persons (in comparison $it"

    ,3 %ound in t"e census o% 2001! 8n addition, according to t"e Census 1,3 people

    speak &omani language as t"eir mot"er tongue1

    9espite t"e impressive gro$t", t"is number is still muc" lo$er t"an t"e actual &oma

    population ccording to t"e National Programme for Roma(Nacionalni program za Rome)2

    %rom 2003,t"e real number o% &oma in Croatia is estimated to 30,0000,000 ll

    relevant studies and documents support t"is estimate ?even rvatiA3cites t"e same

    estimate made b# t"e Council o% 'urope as earl# as 1 e also cites t"e estimate o%

    0,0001+0,000 made b# some &oma organisations, Buoting Dogdan ?enad okos

    $rites, $it"out mentioning a source, t"at Esome even t"ink t"at t"is number is around


    )"is estimate is additionall# supported b# some data collected b# di%%erent ministries

    ccording to t"e Finistr# o% -abour and Gel%are (Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi),

    21,3/1 &oma $ere receiving $el%are support as earl# as t"e sc"ool #ear 2002H2003 8n a

    communication to t"e Iovernment J%%ice %or ?ational Finorities (Ured za nacionalne

    manjine Vlade R)o% 20 September 2010, t"e Finistr# o% t"e 8nterior reported t"at on1 ll Census data are available at t"e site o% t"e Croatian Dureau o% Statistics (9rKavni zavod za

    statistiku! "ttp:HH$$$dzs"rH'ngHcensusesHcensus2011Hcensuslogo"tm2 Iovernment o% t"e &epublic o% Croatia, Nacionalni program za Rome(?ational rogramme %or &oma!

    $$$vlada"rH"rHurediHuredLzaLnacionalneLman.ineHnacionalniLprogramLzaLrome3 Hrvati, Neven (2004) "Romi u Hrvatskoj: od migracija do interkulturalnih odnosa" (he Roma in

    !roatia: rom #igration to $ntercultural Relations) Migracijske i etnike teme4 (2004)% &' 4' Dogdan, (1! E&omi na putu za sutraE (&oma on t"e &oad to )omorro$!, Romano ak!aripe "

    #las Roma,Zagreb, no 1, pp ++ okos, ?enad (200+! E 9emograp"ic nal#sis o% t"e &oma Dased on t"e Central Dureau o% Statistics

    9ataE, in Mtambuk, Fa.a (200+! (ed! $ako %ive !rvatski Romi & o' o roatian Roma *ive,Zagreb:8nstitut 8vo ilar (publis"ed in Croatian and 'nglis" in single volume!

    4uNan, -ovorka (200! and 8na Zoon, +zvjetaj o prist-p- Roma zapoljavanj-, rvatska(&eport ont"e ccess o% &oma to 'mplo#ment, Croatia!, Council o% 'urope$$$coeintHtHdg3HromatravellersHarc"iveHstabilit#pactHactivitiesHCroatiaHromaaccessemplo#mentCroatianLenasp

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  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia


    t"eir records t"ere $ere 1+,1+ Croatian citizens o% &oma et"nicit# $it" permanent

    residence in Croatia )"e number included onl# t"ose $"ose status $as legall# settled and

    $"o declared t"eir &oma et"nic a%%iliation ccording to t"e recentl# adopted ?ational

    Strateg# %or &oma 8nclusion 20122020, not even appro5imate data e5ist on t"e numbero% &oma $"o permanentl# live in Croatia $it"out a settled citizens"ip status >

    )"is relative ;invisibilit#; o% &oma is caused primaril# b# t"e long "istor# o% g"ettoisation

    and ot"er %orms o% discrimination (including t"e most severe persecutions during t"e

    Gorld Gar 88, $"en &oma, along $it" Serbs and Oe$s, $ere victims o% mass murdering

    under t"e Croatian Buisling regime! Jn one "and, it le%t t"e &oma on t"e margins o% t"e

    modernisation processes (including education, urbanisation, and industrialisation!, due to

    $"ic" t"e# did not develop into a political ;communit#;, $it" a consciousness o% a common

    origin, primordial ties, and ot"er components o% an

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    )"ere%ore, t"e %urt"er anal#sis is based on t"e assumption t"at t"e real number o% &oma

    in Croatia s"ould be estimated to appro5imatel# 0,000 persons, ie at least 0 o% t"e

    total population Since t"e estimate $as made more t"an ten #ears ago, t"e current %igure

    could be even "ig"er, i% t"e increment resulting %rom t"e "ig" birt"rate and still ongoingimmigration $ere included t t"e same time, $e s"ould respect t"e notion t"at nation is

    an option, and t"at some people %reel# c"oose a national a%%iliation di%%erent %rom t"e one

    o% t"eir origin, ie t"at a number o% persons deliberatel# decided to c"ange t"eir

    et"nonational a%%iliation G"at concerns us "ere is t"e people $"o do not declare

    t"emselves as &oma out o% %ear %rom discrimination

    Percentage of Roma in the total population

    )"e big discrepanc# bet$een t"e census data and t"e real number o% &oma is %urt"er

    con%irmed b# t"e rapid c"anges o% t"e percentages o% &oma %ound in t"e last %ive

    censuses )"e %igure o% 1,>+, establis"ed b# t"e opulation Census 2011, makes up

    00 o% t"e total population )"is percentage is 13 times "ig"er t"an t"e percentage

    %ound in t"e census 0 #ears ago )"e percentage o% &oma c"anged as %ollo$s:

    census 1971 census 1981 census 1991 census !!1 census !11

    number number number number number 1,2+> 003 3,/+/ 00/ ,+ 01 ,3 021 1,>+ 00

    gro$t" rate 202 >3+ 13 >3/

    Suc" gro$t"rate could not be e5plained onl# b# a "ig" birt"rate or b# immigration,

    $it"out taking into account t"at man# &oma did not declare t"emselves as &oma

    lt"oug" t"e actual &oma population certainl# includes a number o% immigrants, t"e size

    o% immigration is not su%%icient to e5plain t"e gro$t"/Foreover, $"at is treated as

    immigration in o%%icial records is in realit# a mere tec"nical legalisation, o%ten connected$it" %inancial di%%iculties, o% t"e actual status o% t"e population t"at "ad lived in t"e

    countr# %or decades

    / "ave moved $it"inCroatia, $"ile ot"ers are t"e ne$comers )"e immigration b# t"e &oma %rom ot"er parts o% t"e%ormer Pugoslavia, especiall# %rom Dosnia and erzegovina, Serbia and 4osovo "as been ver#intensive during t"e last ten #earsE ?ational rogram %or &oma, 2003, p

    ccording to t"e abovementioned letter o% t"e Finistr# o% 8nterior, on 1+ September 2010 t"ere$ere 12+ %oreign citizens o% &oma et"nicit# $it" approved temporar# residence, 13 $it" permanentresidence, and one &oma person under t"e subsidiar# protection Det$een #ears 200 and 2010t"ere $ere // &oma seeking as#lum in Croatia rom 1 Oanuar# 200/ to 1+ September 2010, >persons $ere processed due to illegal residence in Croatia

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  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia


    )"us, it is %air to surmise t"at t"e increase is mainl# t"e result o% a better general climate,

    $"ic" supported inclusion o% t"e e5isting in"abitants in t"e census, and t"at more &oma

    $ere encouraged to declare t"eir et"nicit# )"e government "as adopted and implemented

    policies %or improvement o% t"e opportunities %or t"e &oma minorit# and its livingconditions (in emplo#ment, "ousing, education etc! ate crimes against &oma (and

    ot"er minorities! are legall# recognised as aggravating t"e ;common; crimes &oma elect

    t"eir national minorit# councils ($"ose aut"orit# is mainl# s#mbolic, but it does con%irm

    t"eir recognition as a minorit#!, and t"eir representatives "ave been elected to t"e

    national parliament in t"e last t$o terms )"at means, t"e &oma minorit# is not onl#

    %ormall# recognised, but receives active support in certain %ields and "as some space %or

    political participation dmittedl#, all t"ese developments cannot be interpreted as an

    e%%ective abolis"ment o% pre.udices and discriminationT t"e# indicate t"at discrimination iso%%iciall# condemned, $"ic" is a basis %or possible improvements in real li%e )"e current

    assessment o%%ers a critical anal#sis o% suc" policies and t"eir e%%ects

    Structure of the Roma population

    Since neit"er t"e census data nor t"e estimated number o% t"e &oma population are

    segmented b# di%%erent demograp"ic categories, t"e data relevant %or t"e issues o%

    education 6 in t"e %irst place, t"e structure b# age 6 can onl# be calculated on t"e basis o%t"e Census data %or t"e $"ole population

    Age structure estimate of the Roma population of the pre-school and

    elementary school age

    total !"# $"9 1!"1# 1$"19

    total census ,2/,// 212,>0 20,31> >> 23+,02 + 2,1>> +>0

    Roma census 1,>+ /3 /0 >> 33 + > +>0

    estimate 0,000 1,/ 1,0> >> 2,1/ + 2,2> +>0

    )"e %igures are calculated in proportion $it" t"e structure o% t"e general population, according to t"e data o%t"e 2011 Census

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    )"ese %igures s"ould be taken as t"e "#pot"etical minimum, because t"e total &oma

    population in Croatia is muc" #ounger t"an t"e national average )"e average age o% t"e

    &oma in Croatia is 21/ #ears, vs national average o% 1/ #ears, but t"e speci%ic data are

    not available #et10

    )"ere%ore, t"e percentage o% #ounger co"orts in t"e &oma populationis in realit# signi%icantl# "ig"er

    s an apt illustration o% t"e t#pical structure o% t"e &oma population b# age $e can use

    t"e case o% t"e 4urNanec &oma settlement in t"e FeUimur.e count#, $"ic" $as t"oroug"l#

    researc"ed in recent #ears )"is e5ample is telling and reliable because it is based on

    e5act data obtained t"roug" a local ;census; o% t"e $"ole population, carried out b# t"e

    researc"er, including not onl# t"e current demograp"ic in%ormation, but also t"e "istor# o%

    migrations in t"e last decades

    gese5 composition o% t"e &oma population in t"e 4urNanec settlement, end o% 200/11

    )"is e5ample s"o$s (a! t"at t"e percentages o% t"e lo$est age co"orts in t"e &oma

    population could be as muc" as t$o times "ig"er t"an in t"e general population ( vs

    in t"e #oungest one!T (b! t"at t"e "ig" birt"rate in t"e &oma population "as

    begun to graduall# slo$ do$n (t"e #oungest co"ort being slig"tl# smaller t"an t"e co"ort

    o% + #ears! )"us, i% $e take t"e estimated number o% 0,000 &oma in Croatia and appl#

    10 9ZS, verage age b# et"nicit# (based on t"e Census 2011! (ros.eRna starost stanovniNtva premanarodnosti, opis 2011!,"ttp:HH$$$dzs"rHrvHcensusesHcensus2011HresultsHgrap"sHuspLI3L&pd%

    11 Mlezak, rvo.e: 2, ?o 2, ebruar# 2011, p /Dirt"rate "as been "ig"er t"an 0 *, +ut in the recent ears it has +een slightl slo-er and dro&&edto .4/*' Hence the smaller sie o1 the oungest cohort in com&arison -ith the one o1 /3 ears'

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  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    t"e percentage s"o$n in t"is grap", t"e number o% c"ildren in t"e appro5imate sc"oolage

    co"orts (+ plus 101 #ears o% age, ie 10 V >>! $ould amount to appro5imatel#

    >,000 pupils 7sing t"e same met"od to estimate t"e number o% c"ildren %or presc"ool

    upbringing and education, t"e ad.usted*

    percentage o% in t"e #oungest co"ort $ouldresult in appro5imatel# 3,/00 c"ildren )"ese are t"e "#pot"etical ma5imum numbers o%

    &oma c"ildren to be covered b# preprimar# and primar# (/ #ears! education

    %erritorial distri&ution

    ccording to o%%icial data (Census 2011! 300 o% Croatian &oma (+,10> persons! live in

    t"e FeUimur.e Count#, $"ere t"e# make up almost + o% t"e population 123 &oma

    (2,>++ persons! live in t"e cit# o% ZagrebT 11 in t"e Jsi.ekDaran.a Count#, /2 in

    t"e SisakFoslavina Count#, in t"e Drodskoosavska Count#, etc (see t"ecomplete list in t"e nne5es!12

    )"e cit# o% Zagreb is also t"e settlement $it" t"e biggest &oma population )"e ot"er

    cities and to$ns $it" t"e biggest &oma populations (more t"an + o% t"e total population

    being &oma! include ?edeliNAe (1,23!, Slavonski Drod (1,12!, Wakovec (1,03!, and

    &i.eka (/>!13

    'ifest(le) mo&ilit() preudices

    )"ere are no researc" data suggesting an# nomadic or itinerant li%est#le among t"e &oma

    in Croatia 8ndeed, despite t"e massive %orced migrations caused b# t"e $ars in t"e

    10ies among t"e in"abitants o% Croatia, Dosniaercegovina, Serbia, and 4osovo, a

    vast ma.orit# o% t"e &oma population in Croatia $as born in t"e countr# and never le%t

    t"eir places o% birt":

    )$o t"irds o% t"e declared &oma (+! "ave lived in t"e same settlement %rom birt"

    1> moved %rom ot"er regions o% Croatia, and 12 immigrated %rom abroad, mostl#

    %rom ot"er parts o% t"e %ormer Pugoslavia1not"er researc" %ound a similar pattern:

    &oma in Croatia b# countries o% origin:

    Croatia 31

    4osovo 213

    * to take into account t"e di%%erence bet$een t"e demograp"ic co"ort (0! and t"e agespan %orpresc"ool upbringing and education (0+!

    12 ll %igures are %rom t"e 2011 Census report Iiven t"e di%%erence bet$een t"e Census %indings and

    t"e estimated actual number o% &oma, t"e real numbers could be appro5imatel# 2,3+ times "ig"er,but t"e territorial distribution could var#

    13 )"e list o% all settlements $it" 1 or more o% t"e &oma population is included in t"e nne5es1 okos, op0 cit0200+, based on t"e 2001 Census data

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    Facedonia 2/3

    Dosniaercegovina 20

    Serbia 22

    Slovenia 02

    ustria 01ungar# 02

    8tal# 02

    Ierman# 02/

    rance 01

    source: DaranoviA, 2001+(sample: ?Q>20 sub.ects!

    Fobilit# o% t"e &oma people $it"in t"e countr# is, among ot"er %actors, limited b#

    resistance o% local population, as a mani%estation o% t"e $idespread c"auvinism among t"e

    ma.orit# Croatian population or e5ample, in earl# Fa# 2012, in t"e to$n o% Mkabrn.a

    (near Zadar!, local in"abitants (mostl# o% Croat et"nicit#! %orced t"e &oma %amil# 9Kani.a,$"o intended to settle in Mkabrn.a, to leave t"e land t"e %amil# "ad boug"t round a

    "undred local in"abitants, led b# t"e ma#or, gat"ered and t"reatened to evict t"e %amil#

    b# %orceT t"e# surrounded t"e 9Kani.a;s land b# a $ired %ence 7nable to $it"stand t"e

    overall "ostilit#, t"e %amil# le%t its propert# eventuall#1 mont" be%ore t"at, a ECrisis

    eadBuarters %or de%ence o% -ika against Iips# racismE $as establis"ed on 2 pril 2012,

    reportedl# as a reaction to violence committed b# members o% several &oma %amilies $"o

    settled in t"e region o% -ika1>(lt"oug" it is possible t"at some &oma individuals be"aved

    violentl#, t"e problem is t"e generalisation o% responsibilit# to t"e $"ole &oma population

    and t"e open "ostilit# o% t"e campaign led b# t"e ECrisis eadBuarters=!

    -atent discriminator# attitudes are occasionall# mani%ested even in t"e statements o%

    "ig"ranking o%%icials )"us, on 2/ Farc" 2012, during "is visit to t"e FeUimur.e count#

    (t"e count# $it" t"e "ig"est number o% &oma in"abitants!, t"e ne$l# appointed Finister

    o% 8nterior &anko Jsto.iA (S9! said t"at +0 o% propert#related crime $as committed b#

    &oma (alt"oug" neit"er t"e Finistr# nor ot"er governmental bodies keep an# kind o%

    et"nic statistics o% crime! EGit"out suc" acts, FeUimur.e $ould be one o% t"e sa%est1+ Dranislava DaranoviA,

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    counties in CroatiaE, t"e Finister $as Buoted in media1/Xel.ko rNa, t"e "ead o% t"e

    olice 9irectorate o% t"e Jsi.ekDaran.a count#, said on 1/ pril 2012 t"at t"e onl#

    solution to t"e increased number o% cases o% burglar# in t"e count# is to banis" &oma

    people $"o do not live t"ere1

    ()o be sure, bot" o%%icials later tried to mitigate t"estatements, but did not den# t"at t"e# made t"em!


    &oma in Croatia mainl# speak t$o languages: &omani C"ib and -.imba d;b.aN )"ere are

    also s"kali, $"o moved %rom 4osovo, living mostl# in Zagreb and &i.eka, and speaking a

    variant o% lbanian20 9i%%erent dialects o% t"ese languages "ave not been standardised

    )"e o%%icial 2011 Census data onl# register

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    poor language skills o% &oma c"ildren could also be caused b# pre.udices among t"e

    sc"ool sta%% on one "and, and on t"e ot"er "and b# de%ensive be"aviour o% t"e &oma


    Socio"economic situation


    )"e emplo#ment rate o% t"e Croatian &oma population is ver# lo$: .ust 1 ($"ile t"e

    non&oma "ouse"olds living in pro5imit# o% &oma settlements "ave t"e emplo#ment rate

    o% !2+)"e unemplo#ment rate presents a reverted picture: + and 23,

    respectivel# Croatian 'mplo#ment Service (rvatski zavod za zapoljavanje)(C'S! does

    not collect data on et"nic a%%iliation o% t"e unemplo#ed )"e number o% t"e unemplo#edmembers o% t"e &oma minorit# is estimated on t"e basis o% t"e place o% residence, on t"e

    data t"e# provide $"en appl#ing %or $el%are support, and on t"eir kno$ledge o% t"e

    &omani language )"e ma.or obstacles in estimating t"e real number o% t"e unemplo#ed

    &oma people include (a! an unkno$n number o% persons $it"out .ob $"o never approac"

    t"e C'S, and (b! di%%erent $a#s o% declaring t"eir et"nicit#

    t t"e end o% Oune, 2012, t"e most recent period covered b# t"e C'S report, t"e total

    number o% t"e unemplo#ed in Croatia $as 2,/>> (b# t"e end o% Oanuar# 2013, t"e

    %igure e5ceeded 3>0,000! )"e number o% registered unemplo#ed members o% t"e &oma

    minorit# $as 2/ (1+ o% t"e total unemplo#ment in t"e countr#!, including 21+

    $omen (//! D# age, t"e biggest group o% t"e unemplo#ed &oma 6 ++1 6 $as t"e

    categor# o% 3+ #ears o% age or #ounger (including 202+ #ears: 1> ie >/1 personsT

    2+2 #ears: 1+ ie > personsT 303+ #ears: 1> ie +3 persons!2

    )"e causes o% suc" "ig" unemplo#ment certainl# include negative attitudes to$ards &oma

    (ie discrimination!2>and a lack o% labour e5perience2/ mong ot"ers, poor education also

    %or t"at t"e# %ind in speci%ic conditions o% living in &oma settlements, illiterac# o% parents So, adi%%erence in t"e perception o% t"e sc"ool sta%% can be observedE

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    seems to be one o% t"e ke# %actors 7nskilled $orkers prevail bot" among emplo#ed

    (1! and unemplo#ed (0! &oma (versus 10 and 11 among non&oma,

    respectivel#!2mong t"e unemplo#ed &oma 3,0/3 persons (including 1,+> $omen!

    never completed primar# education or never attended an# sc"ool at all, 1,0>3 persons(0 $omen! %inis"ed elementar# sc"ool, $"ile 23+ (/> $omen! %inis"ed a 3#ear

    vocational sc"ool Jnl# 2/ persons (20 $omen! completed #ear "ig" sc"ooling (in

    vocational or grammar sc"ools! "ig"er sc"ool, or t"e 1stdegree o% universit#, or

    pro%essional studies $ere present in %ive cases (one $oman!T %inall#, t"ere $as one

    unemplo#ed &oma man $it" a %ull universit# degree Fost o% t"e people in Buestion:

    2,>3 persons (1/!, including 1,331 $omen (30+! are t"e longterm unemplo#ed

    (%or more t"an one #ear! )"e "ig"est concentration o% t"e unemplo#ed &oma is %ound in

    t$o counties: Jsi.ekDaran.a (/ persons, including /+ $omen! and FeUimur.e (>0T3>1 $omen!30

    )"e number o% &oma doing unregistered (;in%ormal;! .obs can be estimated to 0 31


    &elative povert# rate (0 eBualized median income! among &oma is e5tremel# "ig":

    2T among t"eir non&oma neig"bours t"e rate is 2 Jt"er indicators o% povert# also

    s"o$ big di%%erences bet$een t"e &oma and non&oma populations in t"e same areas:

    inancial securit# (t"e share o1 households -hich have some savings as a &ercentage o1 all

    surveed households) is &resent onl in 2< o1 Roma households, as o&&osed to 22< o1

    nonRoma households' #alnutrition a11ects =< o1 Roma households and onl /< o1


    he share o1 Roma &o&ulation su11ering 1rom material de&rivation is ==< (including 0 m2per "ouse"old member )"e number o%

    rooms per person is 0/ in &oma d$ellings, and 120 in non&oma ones ousing o% 3+

    o% &oma (as opposed to .ust o% non&oma! is unsa%e ("ouse"olds situated in ruined

    "ouses or slums! lso, 3+ o% t"e &oma population does not "ave access to improved

    suppl# o% $ater and + do not "ave access to improved sanitation (t"e respective

    percentages %or non&oma in t"e same areas are and +! )"e di%%erence in access to

    electricit# suppl# is smaller (// and , respectivel#! Jnl# 23 o% &oma "ave a

    computer at "ome (vs o% non&oma!T 1> &oma live in a "ouse"old $it" access to

    internet (vs + o% non&oma! )"e situation is t"e best regarding ): &oma and

    / non&oma live in "ouse"olds $it" colour )>

    Jn t"e level o% individual settlements, t"ere is a clear spatial segregation o% &oma 'ven

    $it"in t"e same to$n or village, t"ere is a polarization bet$een t"e &oma and ot"ers3>

    )"ese socioeconomic conditions "ave a strong impact on education o% t"e &oma c"ildren

    9ue to t"e "ig" povert# and unemplo#ment rates among t"eir parents, &oma c"ildren are

    o%ten engaged in in%ormal .obs necessar# to make a living, or reBuired to sta# at "ome

    and take care o% t"eir #ounger siblings )"at is a probable cause o% t"e "ig" absenteeism

    o% &oma pupils urt"ermore, in t"e poor %amilies t"e c"ild allo$ance is a signi%icant

    source o% income %or t"e $"ole %amil#,3/$"ic" means t"at it is o%ten used to cover t"e

    basic e5penses necessar# %or subsistence, rat"er t"an to improve t"e living conditions o%

    t"e c"ild

    )"e poor "ousing circumstances, o%ten $it"out running $ater and a connection to se$age

    s#stem, indicate poor "#gienic conditions )"is gives rise to t"e %reBuent complaints3+ Fa# 2010, ^ 20>, p 3>

    3 7?9GD'uropean Commission regional &oma surve# 20113> Mlezak, rvo.e: 1,?o 2, 9ecember 200, p >

    3/ mong t"e &oma parents o% t"e pupils included in t"e researc" conducted b# t"e ?ational Centre %or'5ternal 'valuation o% 'ducation (supported b# &'!, c"ild allo$ance is a source o% income %or /1%amilies t t"e same time, $el%are aid %or subsistence is a source o% income %or /11 %amilies, $"ileonl# >+ %amilies cite regular .ob as a source o% income 8ndeed, all sources o% income ot"er t"ant"e c"ild allo$ance and t"e $el%are support appear in less t"an 10 o% %amilies See t"e report:

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    among presc"ool and sc"ool teac"ers and non&oma parents and pupils about t"e lack o%

    ,1/ 2,2/> 311

    cities 1,>/ // 3/2

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    elections for level total num&er of voters

    voted 2 turnout

    municipalities 1,/3 22 333

    representatives counties 1,32+ 13 10>

    cities >+ 2+ 3333municipalities 23+ 1 30

    (t"e councils o% national minorities $ere elected at t"e elections on 10 Oul# 2011!

    (t"e representatives o% national minorities in t"e local and regional councilsHassemblies

    $ere elected at t"e elections on 1> ma# 200!3

    candidates and elected representatives

    candidates electedmen 3omen men 3omen

    +01 //3 > 131> 2>> //22 3> 11>/

    1> &oma minorit# Councils and 11 individual representatives $ere elected

    Roma organisations

    )"ere are more t"an 10 &oma associations registered in Croatia )"e# cover a $ide

    spectrum o% activities: culture and identit#, "umanitarian $ork, education, "uman rig"ts,sport, etc ?ot all organisations are activeT some data indicate t"at t"e same individuals,

    or members o% t"e same %amil#, or close relatives control several organisations 0

    )"ere are no special programmes o% support to &oma organisations ctivities dedicated to

    minorit# culture, traditions, in%ormal education and t"e similar are supported b# t"e

    Council %or ?ational Finorities, $"ic" is an advisor# bod# o% t"e government, governed b#

    representatives o% et"nic minorities Support to associations is pro.ectbased (alt"oug"

    some organisations en.o# a treatment as ;t"e; organisations o% t"eir respective minorities!

    8n general, Croatian civic associations receive support %rom a variet# o% sources (local,

    national, and international!, predominantl# on t"e basis o% pro.ectsT t"e ?ational

    oundation %or Cooperation $it" Civil Societ# provides a small number o% institutional

    3 )"e o%%icial site o% t"e ?ational 'lection Commission: $$$izbori"rHizboriHizboriman.ine11ns%H$i_open%orm

    0 Oagoda ?ovak, ron ecnik, Da.riA:

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    multi#ear grants to a small number o% selected organisations &oma organisations

    compete %or support on eBual basis $it" ot"ers1

    &omarelated pro.ects are mainl# supported b# FoS'S: %rom 200 to 2011 t"e ministr#

    supported 3 suc" pro.ects, $it" t"e total amount o% 1 million &4 (less t"an 10t"ousand '7&! Fost o% t"e pro.ects (3! $ere implemented b# &oma organisations

    )"ere $ere no partners"ip pro.ects bet$een &oma ?IJs and t"e ministr# )"e amounts

    $ere comparativel# smallT t"e pro.ects dealt $it" various activities %ocused on t"e &oma

    communit#, but "ave not included capacit# building o% &oma organisations $"ic" $ould

    empo$er t"em as advocates o% t"e minorit# rig"ts )"e Finistr# o% ealt" and Social Care

    supported a pro.ect in partners"ip $it" a &oma organisation (7druga Kena &omkin.a

    Oustice supported t"ree pro.ects dedicated to implementation o% t"e ree -egal id ctT

    given t"e signi%icance o% t"e problem (status issues and ot"er rig"ts!, t"e size o% t"e

    support is relativel# small )"e Finistr# o% 8nterior cooperates $it" local &oma

    organisations in crime prevention, prevetion o% discrimination and "ate speec", prevention

    o% %amil# violence etc )"ere are ot"er ministries $"ic" support pro.ects related to &oma

    (suc" as emplo#ment, "ousing etc!, but $it"out involvement o% &oma ?IJs2

    (Currentl# t"ere is a dispute among organisations o% &oma about t"eir nationalcoordination Jn one side, t"ere is t"e ?ational Coordination o% t"e &oma Finorit#

    CouncilsT on t"e ot"er, a &oma ?ational Council, a ne$ organisation $"ic" t"e F el.ko

    4a.tazi tries to establis" as t"e national umbrellaorganisation o% &oma in Croatia!

    &epresentatives o% &oma 6 bot" associations o% &oma and &oma Finorit# Councils 6 $ere

    activel# involved in t"e development o% t"e ?ational Strateg# %or 8nclusion o% &oma

    Support to the integration of Roma

    8n general, et"nic minorities are protected b# t"e %ollo$ing legal acts: )"e Constitution o%

    t"e &epublic o% Croatia guarantees eBualit# o% all citizens (art 1! and particularl#

    protects national minorities (art 3 and 1+! )"e Constitutional ct on t"e &ig"ts o%

    ?ational Finorities guarantees representation o% minorities in t"e representative bodies o%

    1 Compre"ensive reports and databases o% %unding %or citizens; associations %rom all kinds o% publicsources can be %ound at t"e site o% t"e Iovernment;s J%%ice %or ssociations (7red za udruge!:"ttp:HH$$$uzuvr""rH


  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    all levels, %rom municipal councils to t"e national parliament (Sabor!, proportional s"are in

    t"e emplo#ment in public administration etc, and establis"es t"e Councils o% ?ational

    Finorities )"e ct on t"e 7se o% t"e -anguages and Scripts o% ?ational Finorities

    guarantees t"e use o% t"e language and script o% a national minorit# on t"e level o% localor regional aut"orities i% t"e s"are o% t"e minorit# in Buestion e5ceeds a determined

    percentage (one t"ird! )"e ct on 'ducation in t"e -anguages and Scripts o% ?ational

    Finorities provides t"e possibilit# %or c"ildrenHpupils members o% a national minorit# to be

    educated in t"eir %irst language, partl# or completel# (at t"e same time learning Croatian

    language! )"e nti9iscrimination ct pro"ibits all t#pes o% discrimination, including

    indirect discrimination, segregation, etc )"ere are also provisions against discrimination

    in ot"er acts o% legislation, suc" as t"e -abour ct, t"e Criminal Code, t"e ct on Small

    J%%ences, etc

    )"ere is no special legislation or b#la$s regarding t"e &oma minorit# )"e particular

    position o% &oma is a matter o% programmatic and strategic documents:

    )"e ?ational rogramme %or &oma (?&! $as adopted in 2003 b# t"e Iovernment o% t"e

    &epublic o% Croatia 8t de%ined policies %or improvement o% t"e disadvantage o% &oma and

    t"eir integration in t"e %ollo$ing %ields:

    inclusion into t"e social and political li%e

    preservation o% t"e traditional culture o% &oma

    status issues

    combating discrimination and legal aid

    upbringing and education

    "ealt" protection


    social $el%are

    protection o% t"e %amil#, mot"er"ood and #out"

    to$n and countr# planning

    )"e implementation o% ?& is monitored b# t"e Fonitoring Commission, appointed b# t"e

    government Jriginall#, t"e Commission $as supposed to report to t"e government ever#

    #ear, but later reports "ave covered t"e periods o% t$o or t"ree #ears3

    3 )"e last o%%icial report $as submitted %or t"e #ears 200>200T a dra%t report "as been prepared %ort"e period 20102011 See t"e reports page o% t"e J%%ice %or uman &ig"ts and &ig"ts o% ?ationalFinorities: "ttp:HH$$$ul.ppnmvlada"rHinde5p"p_optionQcomLcontent`vie$Qarticle idQ23`8temidQ+

    for peer use only not for public quoting

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    )$o #ears a%ter ?&, in Farc" 200+ Croatia .oined t"e 9ecade o% &oma inclusion

    200+201+ and adopted its ction lan (9&! )"e plan covers %our %ields:





    8mplementation o% 9& is monitored b# a $orking group appointed b# t"e government

    )"e $orking group reports regularl# to t"e Fonitoring Commission o% ?&FoS'S

    regularl# publis"es t"e reports relevant %or education o% &oma %or t$o#ear periods+

    )"ese t$o documents $ere never integrated, alt"oug" t"e activities overlap to a great

    e5tent, and t"e reporting t"ereon is integrated

    Dot" ?& and 9& $ere succeeded b# t"e ?ational Strateg# %or 8nclusion o% &oma

    20132020 (?S8&!, adopted b# t"e conclusion o% t"e Iovernment on 2 ?ovember 2012

    ?S8& covers eig"t %ields:


    emplo#ment and inclusion in t"e economic li%e

    "ealt" protection

    $el%are protection

    zoning, "ousing, and environment protection

    inclusion o% t"e &oma minorit# in t"e cultural and social li%e

    status solutions, combating discrimination, and assistance in t"e implementation o%


    advancement o% t"e statistical data collection

    ne$ commission $ill monitor t"e implementation o% ?S8&, $"ile t"e J%%ice %or uman&ig"ts and &ig"ts o% ?ational Finorities $ill be t"e %ocal point o% coordination and

    collection o% in%ormation s t"e ?S8& ction lan is still in t"e process o% public debate, it

    is premature to assess t"e possible impact o% t"e ne$ strategic document

    )"e relevant national programmes (not including t"e ?S8&! are available at t"e site o% t"e J%%ice %oruman &ig"ts and &ig"ts o% ?ational Finorities, "ttp:HH$$$ul.ppnmvlada"rHinde5p"p_optionQcomLcontent`vie$Qarticle idQ113`8temidQ/3 )"e %inal te5t o% t"e ?S8& "as not beeno%%iciall# publis"ed #et

    + )"e most recent reports cover t"e #ears 2011 and 2012 (including t"e beginning o% t"e sc"ool#ear2012H2013! )"e# are available at "ttp:HHpublicmzos"rH9e%aultasp5_secQ31+

    See t"e ;evolutionar#; comparison o% t"e ob.ectives o% t"e t"ree strategic documents regardingeducation, in t"e nne5 belo$
  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    Education system

    )"e general s#stem o% education in Croatia includes %ive levels: presc"ool, primar#,

    secondar#, tertiar#, and education o% adults 8n t"e Croatian educational s#stem, t"e term

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    4indergartens can be closed b# a decision o% t"e state education inspection, i% t"e# cease

    to meet legal and %unctional reBuirements (art 13!

    reprimar# sc"ool programme is t#picall# implemented b# kindergartens 8% t"ere is no

    kindergarten in t"e area, elementar# sc"ools provide t"e programme o% t"e preprimar#sc"ool (sometimes ot"er institutions, suc" as public libraries! %or c"ildren $"o "ave not

    attended a kindergarten

    4indergartens establis"ed b# public aut"orities are partl# %inanced %rom t"e budgets o%

    t"eir %ounders 6 municipalities and cities, counties, or t"e state )"e public needs

    (presc"ool education o% c"ildren $it" developmental di%%iculties and talented c"ildrenT

    c"ildren o% Croatian citizens %rom abroadT c"ildrenmembers o% et"nic minoritiesT and t"e

    programme o% preprimar# sc"ool! are %inanced %rom t"e national budget, in accordance

    $it" t"e policies determined b# FoS'S

    )"e net$ork o% presc"ool institutions is de%ined b# local aut"orities, according to t"e

    needs o% c"ildren and parents in t"eir areas o% .urisdiction o$ever, FoS'S "as noticed

    t"at man# local and regional aut"orities %ail to develop suc" plansT t"ere%ore, t"e

    proposed amendments to t"e relevant legal act include more speci%ic standards to t"at


    kindergartens and other legal entities implementing preschool educationprogrammes) &eginning of !11!1 school (ear

    ounder )otal 4indergartens Jt"er legal entities






    la#roomsin libraries


    )otal 1+1 2/0 2+1 /1> 13 + 2+&epublic o% Croatia 2 2 3 1 > -ocal government andsel%government units 11+ 130 1 /2 12 + 1Jt"er domestic legalentities and naturalpersons (private! 2/0 13> 1 3 + &eligious communities + 11 13 2/

    / ie

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    children) &( t(pe of preschool education programme and &( se4) &eginning of!11!1 school (ear

    ounder )otal8n regular

    programmes8n presc"oolinstitutions1!

    8n s"orterprogrammes

    ll Iirls ll Iirls ll Iirls ll Iirls

    )otal 12> 0 1 013 113 1> + 10 11 /1 + > 2 0>1 1 10+&epublic o% Croatia 2 + 1 1/2 2 2 1 03 1+0 >/ 1 11-ocal government andsel%government units 10+ /0 +0 /1 3 + >>+ 10 +20 + 1+0 1 >2+ 3Jt"er domestic legalentities and natural persons(private! 1+ +>3 > 3>+ 1 1 > 1 0>+ +32 302 1&eligious communities 3 21 1 ++ 3 120 1 + > 3 2+ 12

    1! )"e data re%er to a presc"ool programme implemented in t"e 2010H2011 sc"ool #ear

    source: 9rKavni zavod za statistiku, 8irst Releases,?o /1/, / Oune 2012

    rimar# sc"ooling is %ree o% c"arge and mandator# %or all c"ildren bet$een and 1+ #earso% age+08t consists o% eig"t #earsH%orms 8n t"e %irst %our %orms t"e teac"ing is not divided

    into separate sub.ects and all material is taug"t b# one teac"er

    Secondar# education includes general (in #ear grammar sc"ools, as a preparation %or

    t"e universit#!, art, and vocational education (bet$een 1 and #ears! or t"e time being,

    secondar# education is not compulsor#, but t"e government "as considered suc"

    possibilit# in t"e last %ive #ears+1

    'ducational institutions can be establis"ed b# t"e national government, b# local and

    regional governments, private persons, and religious communities, but t"e# need to be

    certi%ied (in t"e %orm o% approval o% commencement!+2as implementers o% t"e public

    educational programmes ounders o% primar# and secondar# sc"ools need to obtain an

    opinion b# FoS'S, con%irming t"at t"e establis"ment o% t"e sc"ool is .usti%ied, concerning

    programme .usti%ication, reBuirements o% accessibilit#, rationalit#, and ot"er relevant

    indicators+3 con%irmation o% FoS'S on t"e legal compliance o% t"e %ounding act is also


    ?ational curricula are de%ined b# FoS'S Git"in its %rame$ork, sc"ools de%ine t"eir o$ncurricula Sc"ools establis"ed b# private %ounders ma# implement t"eir o$n curricula,

    "ttp:HH$$$dzs"rHrvL'ngHpublicationH2012H0/010/L01L2012"tm+0 )"e ct on 7pbringing and 'ducation in 'lementar# and ig" Sc"ools (Zakon o odgo.u i obrazovan.u

    u osnovno. i sredn.o. Nkoli!, art 12 (consolidated te5t, J%%icial Iazette (?arodne novine 6 "ereina%ter:??! ?o 12, 1112012!, stipulates t"e ma5imum o% 1+ #ears o% age

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    $"ic" must include, but do not "ave to be limited to, t"e common part o% t"e national

    curricula (art >!

    Sc"ools are governed b# >member Sc"ool Doards Jne member o% t"e Sc"ool Doard is

    elected b# t"e sc"ool emplo#eesT t"e )eac"ers; Council o% t"e sc"ool elects t$o members(teac"ers or e5pert associates $orking in t"e sc"ool!, one member (not emplo#ed b# t"e

    sc"ool! is a representative o% t"e Council o% arentsT t"e %ounder appoints t"ree members

    (art 11! 8n case o% grave violation o% t"e legal conditions, t"e Sc"ool Doard can be

    dismissed Dased on t"e opinion o% t"e education inspector, t"e regional dministrative

    9epartment %or 'ducation decides on dismissing t"e board o% t"e sc"ool in Buestion 8%

    t"e dministrative 9epartments %ails to do so, t"e board s"all be dismissed b# a decision

    o% FoS'S (art 121!

    sc"ool can be closed i% it does not meet t"e legal reBuirements regarding t"e

    implementation o% t"e curriculum, pro%essional sta%%, and pupilsHstudents enrolment 8n

    suc" case, t"e %ounder "as to close t"e sc"ool on reBuest o% FoS'ST i% t"e %ounder %ails to

    close t"e sc"ool, it $ill be closed b# a decision o% FoS'S (art , +!

    inancing o% sc"ools establis"ed b# t"e state or b# local or regional aut"orities is provided

    %rom t"e state budget as $ell as %rom t"e budgets o% local and regional aut"orities )"e

    $ork o% sc"ools is monitored b# regional dministrative 9epartments (legal compliance!,

    education inspection, specialised agencies+, and FoS'S (%inancial!

    5ducation of ethnic minorities

    't"nic (

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    t"e national minorit#, including national literature, geograp"#, "istor#, music, and visual


    )"e model "as been used %or several #ears b# t"e Czec", ungarian, 8talian, and Serb

    minorities, recentl# (since 2011H2012! .oined b# t"e Oe$is" minorit# )"e total number o%bene%iciaries in elementar# sc"ools in t"e sc"ool #ear 2011H2012 $as ,22 )"e D model

    is implemented %or t"e Czec", ungarian and Serb minoritiesT it involves t"e smallest

    number o% pupils (2! 12 minorities (including t"e a%orementioned, e5cept Oe$s! use t"e

    C model, $"ic" includes 2,0 pupils in total )"e overall number o% all bene%iciaries o%

    education programmes %or national minorities on all levels in Croatia in t"e sc"ool #ear

    2011H2012 $as 10,32 c"ildren, pupils, and students++

    Roma as an outlier

    &oma c"ildren or pupils are not among t"e bene%iciaries o% an# o% t"e education models

    %or national minorities in Croatia )"e aut"orities claim t"at t"e reason is simple 6

    representatives o% t"e &oma minorit# never demanded education in t"e minorit# language

    %or t"eir c"ildrenT %urt"ermore, t"e# speak t$o di%%erent languages G"ile t"at ma# be

    true, t"ere are ot"er important %actors t"at s"ould be taken into considerationT t"e# are

    discussed belo$

    )"us, &oma c"ildren attend t"e mainstream educational programmes in Croatianlanguage, $"ere t"e# %ace di%%iculties stemming %rom t"e linguistic, cultural, social and

    economic di%%erences 8ronicall#, despite t"e absence o% programmes o% education %or

    &oma similar to programmes %or ot"er et"nic minorities, a special treatment "as been

    provided even %or &oma pupils, in t"e %orm o% segregated classes establis"ed onl# %or

    &oma, but $it"out special programmes Jut o% 2,000 elementar# sc"ool classes in Croatia

    $"ic" include &oma pupils, t"ere "as been around +0 &omaonl# classes )"is problem is

    discussed belo$ in more detail)o overcome t"e disadvantages $"ic" a%%ect &oma

    c"ildren, pupils and students, t"e government and t"e local aut"orities provided %or a

    number o% measures included in t"e ?ational rogramme %or &oma and t"e ction lan o%

    t"e 9ecade %or &oma Strategicall#, t"e goal o% t"e ?& (2003! $as set .ust as 9incl-sion

    o% &oma c"ildren in t"e programmes o% presc"ool upbringing, or in t"e programmes o%

    preparation %or sc"ool= 9& (200+! set t"e goal slig"tl# more ambitiousl#, as 9increased

    incl-siono% &oma c"ildren o% bot" se5es in t"e presc"ool upbringing and education= )"e

    most recent document, ?S8& aims again

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    bot" se5es in t"e presc"ool upbringing and education= (introducing t"e aspect o% gender

    eBualit# as a desired goal! and adds a goal to

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    creating conditions to reduce t"e number o% t"e segregated (&omaonl#! classes

    (mainl# t"roug" increased e%%orts in Croatian language education %or pupils $it" language


    (c) secondary education

    1 enrolment o% &oma students in "ig" sc"ools (organised preparation %or enrolmentT ten

    percent lo$er t"res"old %or admittance o% &oma students!T

    2 sc"olars"ips %or &oma students (provided %or all regular students identi%ied as &oma!T

    3 dorm accommodation %or &oma students (provided %or all $"o do not live in t"e cit#

    $"ere t"e sc"ool is!T

    creating conditions %or success%ul completion o% "ig" sc"ool (a needsbased assistance

    in stud#ing!T

    (d) tertiary education

    1 enrolment o% &oma students in "ig"er education institutions (organised and %inanced

    preparations %or entrance e5ams!T

    2 sc"olars"ips %or &oma students in need (provided %or all &oma universit# students!T

    3 positive discrimination %or accommodation in students; dormitoriesT

    teac"ers training in multiculturalism (including &oma language and culture!T

    (e) education of adults

    1 inclusion in literac# programmesT

    2 inclusion in t"e ;%irst vocation; training programme

    C"ildren, pupils and students are identi%ied as &oma not onl# on t"e basis o% a declared

    et"nic a%%iliation, but also b# recognition o% traits suc" as t"e language spoken at "ome

    and ot"er elements o% ascribed et"nicit#

    )"ese measures "ave been implemented $it" uneven success 8ndeed, during t"e #ears o%

    implementation, t"e number o% measures "as been reduced in some areas )"us, 9&

    %or 20112012 includes:

    %or presc"ool upbringing and education: onl# co%unding o% t"e &oma parents;

    s"are and co%unding o% preprimar# sc"ools %or &oma c"ildrenT

    %or "ig"er education: onl# sc"olars"ips

    for peer use only not for public quoting

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    8n t"e pre"school up&ringing and education)t"e number o% &oma c"ildren included in

    integrated groups ($"ic" &oma attend toget"er $it" ot"er c"ildren, $it"out di%%erence! %or

    $"om t"e parental s"are in t"e e5penses $as covered %rom public %unds gre$ bet$een

    200 and 2011 %rom 113 to 20, but in t"e last #ear (2012! dropped to 1/2 part %romt"ese programmes speciall# meant to provide integrated presc"ool upbringing and

    education, &oma c"ildren attended regular kindergartens and preprimar# sc"ool

    programmes 8n t"e period %rom 200H200> to 2012H2013, t"e total number o% &oma

    c"ildren included bot" in t"e presc"ool programme (mainl# in kindergartens! and in t"e

    preprimar# sc"ool (one#ear programme be%ore primar# sc"ool! varied bet$een +20 and

    /2, $it"out a clear up$ard or do$n$ard trend+)"e percentage o% &oma c"ildren in t"e

    total number o% c"ildren in presc"ool upbringing and education $as 0++ in 200H10,

    0> in 2010H11, and 01 in 2011H12 )"is is lo$er t"an t"e estimated ratio o% &omain t"e total population, even more so given t"at t"e &oma population is muc" #ounger

    t"an Croatians in general, $"ic" means t"at t"e #ounger agegroups among &oma are

    relativel# bigger )"is is also consistent $it" t"e researc" %inding t"at t"e presc"ool

    enrolment rate (c"ildren %rom 3 to ! $as onl# 21 among &oma, as opposed to +

    among non&oma living in t"e same areas+>

    signi%icant increase o% inclusion and e5penses "appened in 2010H2011 in t"e FeUimur.e

    Count#T according to t"e report on implementation o% t"e ?ational rogramme %or &oma,

    it $as a conseBuence o% t"e decision o% t"e 'uropean Court %or uman &ig"ts in t"e case

    o% JrNuN et al versus Croatia ?amel#, in agreement $it" t"e FeUimur.e Count#, t"e

    programme o% t"e preprimar# sc"ool (including transport and meals! $as provided %or all

    &oma c"ildren in FeUimur.e %or a #ear preceding elementar# sc"ool+/

    clear positive, up$ard trend is visible in t"e number o% &oma pupils enrolled in t"e

    primar( education 9uring t"e same period (%rom 200H200> to 2012H2013! t"e

    number o% &oma pupils gre$ steadil# %rom 3,010 to +,1>3 (>2 more! )"e success is

    even greater $"en compared $it" t"e number o% 1,+00 &oma pupils in elementar# sc"oolsin t"e #ear 2002H2003, $"en t"e ?ational rogramme %or &oma $as launc"ed J$ing to

    t"e success%ul enrolment, t"e gap in t"e gross enrolment rate in compulsor# education (in

    t"e age >1+! bet$een &oma and non&oma is reduced to a relativel# small di%%erence

    + )"e source o% t"e data are t"e regular biennial reports on implementation o% t"e measures o% t"e9ecade %or &oma ction lan publis"ed at t"e FoS'S $ebsite ("ttp:HHpublicmzos"rH9e%aultasp5_secQ31+! )"e most recent report, covering 2011 and 2012, $as released at t"e end o% Oanuar#2013 )"e detailed monitoring is made possible b# t"e electronic database maitained b# FoS'S )"ecomplete numerical data on t"e implementation o% t"e ction lan o% t"e 9ecade %or &oma arepresented in t"e nne5

    +> 7?9GD'uropean Commission regional &oma surve# 2011+/ ov.erenstvo za praAen.e provedbe ?acionalnog programa za &ome, +zvje;e o provo

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    (/> to 3! )"is "as certainl# contributed to t"e "ig"er literac# rate o% among

    &oma in t"e age 12 (non&oma: ! 8n t"e $"ole &oma population above 1, t"e

    literac# rate is /+

    o$ever, t"e inclusion o% &oma pupils in t"e e5tended da# programme at sc"ool "as nots"o$n a consistent progress 8n t"e period %rom 200H200> to 2012H2013 it "as varied

    around 3+0 pupils, $it" t"e minimum o% 1/3 in t"e #ear 200>H200/ and t"e ma5imum o%

    +3 at t"e end o% t"e sc"ool #ear 200H2010

    Dot" t"e presc"ool programmes and t"e e5tended da# programmes are substantial %or at

    least partl# overcoming t"e reportedl# main obstacle to t"e %ull inclusion o% &oma pupils:

    t"e insu%%icient command o% Croatian language lt"oug" language skills are not t"e onl#

    source o% problems o% &oma pupils, nor can t"e# be resolved $it"in a %e$ #ears, inso%ar as

    t"e language matters, t"e presc"ool education and supplementar# classes o% Croatian

    during t"e e5tended da# programmes are t"e onl# $a# to provide t"e pupils $it" e%%ective

    language education $it"out reducing ot"er education sub.ects

    8n 200H200> t"ere $ere 1>2 high"school&oma studentsT at t"e beginning o%

    2012H2013 t"ere $ere /0 (1/0 more!

    Det$een 200 and 2012, t"e number o% &oma students in higher education(universit#!

    "as tripled, but t"e total number remains ver# small (%rom 10 to 2 students!

    Sc"olars"ips are provided %or all students belonging to t"e &oma national minorit# as oneo% t"e measures o% t"e ction lan o% t"e 9ecade %or &oma 200+201+ ulltime

    secondar# sc"ool, universit# and post graduate students belonging to t"e &oma national

    minorit# Buali%# %or sc"olars"ips0Students $"o live %ar %rom t"e place o% education get a

    place in a dormitor# 9epending on t"eir individual needs, assistance in stud#ing can be

    provided )"ese measures are continued under t"e ne$ ?ational Strateg# %or &oma


    -iterac# programmes %or adults"ave included around 300 persons annuall# )"e ;%irst

    vocation; training programme included a ver# small number o% &oma bene%iciaries

    8t $as not possible to get t"e data on &oma c"ildren put into special sc"ools %rom t"e

    FoS'S or t"e genc# %or 7pbringing and 'ducation (ZJJ!, but according to C"ristian

    Drggemann1&oma make up appro5imatel# + o% pupils in suc" sc"ools

    8t is possible t"at t"ese data do not include all &oma pupils and students )"ere certainl#

    are t"ose $"o are $ell integrated in t"e regular education process and are not speciall#

    + &egional &oma surve#, ibid00 FoS'S, "ttp:HHpublicmzos"rH9e%aultasp5_artQ02`secQ2011 22031''D/2+C+3C1(accessed 1+22013!

    for peer use only not for public quoting
  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    reported o$ever, t"ere are no alternative sources o% in%ormation, eit"er t"roug"

    independent monitoring and reporting, or t"roug" researc"

    Assessment of methods and results

    9espite t"eir limitations, t"ese e%%orts "ave #ielded certain c"anges, $"ic" ma# "ave

    longterm e%%ects i% maintained and %urt"er developed )"e average number o% #ears spent

    in education "as increased bet$een generations: G"ile t"e &oma population bet$een 2+

    and #ears o% age spent + #ears in education, t"e #ounger generation (12! spent

    / #ears, $"ic" is an increase b# more t"an +0 dmittedl#, it is still less t"an t$o

    t"irds o% t"e education time o% t"e corresponding section o% t"e non&oma population

    (10/ #ears!, but t"e progress is obvious

    s a result, t"ere is a s"i%t in t"e "ig"est level o% education accomplis"ed bet$een

    generations o% &oma: 8n t"e older generations (2+!, 0 "ad no %ormal education,

    1 completed t"e lo$er secondar# education (8SC'9 2, ie t"e complete /#ear

    elementar# sc"ool!, and onl# completed t"e upper secondar# education (8SC'9 3, a

    "ig" sc"ool! 8n t"e #ounger generation (12!, t"e portion o% t"ose $it"out %ormal

    education "as dropped to 1>, 2/ completed t"e lo$er secondar# education, and 20

    (more t"an double s"are! completed t"e upper secondar# education2

    n important c"ange in attitudes $as also detected 'ven t"e &oma $omen $"o "ad toleave elementar# sc"ool be%ore %inis"ing it $ant t"eir c"ildren to go to sc"ool and

    complete t"e secondar# education3)"is could be an indicator t"at, a%ter decades o%

    g"ettoisation, &oma "ave come to %ind t"eir place in t"e educational s#stem

    )"ese positive developments not$it"standing, t"ere is still a considerable discrepanc#

    bet$een t"e declared goals and real accomplis"ments artl# it is due to t"e usual

    problems o% implementation, suc" as a longer time needed, insu%%icient resources ("uman,

    %inancial, in%rastructural!, or insu%%icient commitment o% t"e most responsible actors

    (including inadeBuate coordination bet$een agencies or a lack t"ereo%! Dut in anot"er

    part t"e# are due to conceptual %ailures

    s noted above, t"e pre"schoolprogrammes and preprimar# sc"ools (as $ell as t"e

    e5tended da# (or a%tersc"ool! programmes in t"e elementar# sc"ool! are indispensable

    %or overcoming at least some o% t"e disadvantages $"ic" a%%ect t"e &oma pupils, suc" as

    2 7?9GD'uropean Commission regional &oma surve# 20113 Dranka DaranoviA,

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    language problems, social skills or $ork "abits )"e# can signi%icantl# mitigate (alt"oug"

    not completel# eliminate! t"e problems o% integration into t"e educational s#stem

    )"ere%ore, t"e# s"ould involve as man# c"ildren as possible o$ever, according to t"e

    report on implementation o% t"e ?ational rogramme %or &oma, t"e %unds necessar# %ort"e %ull inclusion in FeUimur.e (concentrated as a response to t"e 'Ct& verdict in t"e

    JrNuN et al vs Croatia case! e5"austed t"e budget %or presc"ool programmes $"ic" could

    not be %ull# implemented in t"e rest o% t"e countr#8t %ollo$s t"at t"e %inancial pledge

    did not correspond to t"e real needs or to t"e political declaration o% goals and policies+,

    $"ic" s"eds some lig"t on t"e real commitment underl#ing programmatic documents

    urt"ermore, given t"at policies are based on t"e o%%icial data ($"ic" underestimate t"e

    number o% &oma! or on estimates not supported b# compre"ensive and indept" researc"

    but onl# on indirect indices, it is "ard to tell $"at t"e measure o% or instance, FoS'S instructs t"e sc"ools and regional outlets o% t"e state administration (t"roug"$"ic" t"e data on implementation o% t"e action plans are collected! not to restrict t"e categor# o%&oma .ust to t"ose $"o declared t"eir et"nic a%%iliation as &oma, but to recognise all background%eatures $"ic" suggest t"at pupilsHstudents belong to t"e &oma et"nic minorit# 8t seems, "o$ever,t"at not all local and regional aut"orities "ave adopted suc" approac"T %or instance, in a report o% t"eJsi.ekDaran.a Count#, &oma are re%erred to onl# on t"e basis o% a declared et"nicit#(Js.eRkobaran.ska Kupani.a, 8n%ormaci.a o provedbi kci.skog plana 9esetl.eAa za ukl.uRivan.e &oma200+ 201+ na podruR.u Js.eRkobaran.ske Kupani.e, report submitted to t"e Count# ssembl#,?ovember 2012, pp 1 %%!

    > 7?9GD'uropean Commission regional &oma surve# 2011 t t"e same time, Croatian governmentclaims t"at

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    independent agenc#/or t"e time being, t"ere are onl# preliminar# insig"ts b# t"e

    ?CJ obtained on a nonrepresentative sample )"e# suggest t"at &oma pupils o%

    elementar# sc"ools are slig"tl# more success%ul i% t"e# "ad previousl# attended a

    presc"ool programme in a kindergarten or a preprimar# sc"ool>0

    )"e kindergarten teac"ers are not s#stematicall# trained %or education o% c"ildren %rom

    multiple cultural backgrounds nor $ere t"e# educated to teac" Croatian as t"e second

    language 4indergartens do not emplo# &oma teac"ing assistants eit"er

    8n elementar(education, some indicators suggest t"at t"e conditions, or t"e Bualit# o%

    education itsel%, are not so good ccording to t"e FoS'S data, t"e number o% &oma

    pupils $"o do not %inis" elementar# sc"ool gro$s constantl#: %rom 13 in 200/H200 to1/ in 2011H2012 &oug"l#, t"e gro$t" %ollo$s t"e gro$t" o% t"e total number o% &oma

    pupils, $"ic" means t"at t"ere "as not been an# improvement a%ter seven #ears o%

    implementation o% t"e 9ecade %or &oma action plans )"e number o% t"ose $"o "ave to

    repeat t"e same sc"ool#ear is muc" "ig"er: it gre$ %rom ++ to 3 bet$een 200/H200

    and 2010H2011, a%ter $"ic" it dropped to 31 at t"e start o% t"e current sc"ool #ear )"e

    number o% segregated (&omaonl#! classes "as not decreasedT in t"e last %ive #ears it "as

    varied around +0>1, $it"out a do$n$ard trend, let alone a prospect o% abolis"ing t"e


    )"e limited e%%icienc# o% t"e primar# sc"ooling o% &oma is mani%est in t"e lo$ rate o%

    enrolment in t"e secondar( schools: despite t"e constant gro$t", it encompasses less

    t"an 10 o% pupils o% t"e primar# sc"ools )"e number o% students $"o leave sc"ool

    be%ore completing t"e secondar# education is relativel# "ig"er (+3 at t"e beginning o% t"e

    2012H2013 sc"ool #earT > at t"e end o% t"e previous sc"ool #ear!T t"e number o%

    students $"o "ave to repeat t"e same sc"ool #ear is lo$er (+ in 2011H2012, 20 in2010H2011!

    / ?acionalni centar za van.sko vrednovan.e obrazovan.a (t"e ?ational Centre %or '5ternal 'valuation o%'ducation 6 ?CJ!

    2 elementar# sc"ools selected b# FoS'S, in eig"t counties )"e sample included 13 pupils %romt"e t"and t"%orms, 1/0> parents, and >1+ teac"ers ?CJ, 0 )"eir average marks $ere 20T t"e average marks o% pupils $"o did not attend presc"oolprogrammes or preprimar# sc"ool $ere 23 ibid0,p 22

    >1 "ttp:HHpublicmzos"rH9e%aultasp5_secQ31+ See t"e speci%ic data in t"e anne5 belo$, including t"elist o% sc"ools $it" &omaonl# classes
  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    ll t"is indicates t"at t"ere is a number o% issues t"at remain even a%ter a relativel#

    success%ul implementation o% t"e policies endorsed t"roug" t"e ?ational rogramme %or

    &oma and t"e 9ecade %or &oma ction lan &oma pupils and students still "ave

    di%%iculties in %itting into t"e s#stem and %ace various kinds o% discrimination

    %he 5Ct.R udgment6 ru et al vs Croatia

    )"e gravest and most overt kind o% discrimination is certainl# t"e segregation o% &oma

    pupils into separate classes, reportedl# because o% t"eir insu%%icient command o% Croatian

    language case o% suc" discrimination $as broug"t be%ore t"e 'uropean Court o% uman

    &ig"ts ('Ct&! on / Fa# 2003, b# 1+ applicants (during t"e procedure t"e 1stapplicant

    $it"dre$ %rom t"e case!, supported b# t"e Croatian elsinki Committee %or uman &ig"ts,Croatian eople;s Jmbudsman, and t"e 'uropean &oma &ig"ts Centre )"e applicants,

    t"en &oma elementar# sc"ool pupils, alleged, in particular, t"at t"e lengt" o% proceedings

    be%ore t"e national aut"orities "ad been e5cessive and t"at t"e# "ad been denied t"e

    rig"t to education and discriminated against in t"e en.o#ment o% t"at rig"t on account o%

    t"eir race or et"nic origin (^ 3 o% t"e .udgment!

    )"e 'Ct& Irand C"amber, $"ic" $as deciding on t"e appeal against t"e 1stdegree

    .udgment, establis"ed as t"e central issue to be addressed t"e Buestion , 1/! )"e Court $as guided b# t"e notion o% indirect discrimination,ie t"at

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    an anne5 to t"e main building o% a primar# sc"ool, coupled $it" a number o% racist

    incidents in t"e sc"ool instigated b# t"e parents o% non&oma c"ildren, also amounted to

    discrimination based on t"e applicants; &oma origin= (^ 1+1! s t"e Croatian government

    claimed t"at t"e measure o% %orming separate classes %or &oma pupils $as necessar# %ort"em to overcome t"e lag in t"e language competence, t"e Court $arned t"at in cases

    $"ere one rig"t (to eBual treatment! is limited %or a .usti%ied purpose (to provide

    education ad.usted to t"e pupils; capabilities!, >, italics S9!

    )"e Court also dismissed t"e Iovernment;s claim t"at t"e parents; passivit# and lack o%

    ob.ections in respect o% t"e placement o% t"eir c"ildren in separate classes, as $ell as t"e

    %act t"at t"e# "ad not reBuested t"eir trans%er to mi5ed classes, amounted to an implicit

    acceptance o% t"e segregation 8n Court;s vie$, t"at $ould in e%%ect constitute /, Buoting t"e .udgment in t"e case o% %ei%er and lankl v ustria>3! )"is

    condition $as not %ul%illed

    8n t"e closing section, t"e Court stated t"at 3 Oudgment o% 2+ ebruar# 12, Series no 22>, ^^ 3>3/

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    primar# sc"ooling= (^ 1/2! s a conclusion, +stipulates in t"e amended

    article (rticle 3H1! t"e sc"ools; dut# to provide special assistance to c"ildrenHstudents

    $it"out su%%icient command o% t"e Croatian language

    )"e old Jrdinance on t"e enrolment o% c"ildren to primar# sc"ool (ravilnik o upisu d.ece

    u osnovnu Nkolu>! $as replaced b# a ne$ b#la$: Jrdinance on t"e rocedure %or

    'stablis"ing t"e s#c"op"#sical Condition o% a C"ildupil and on t"e Composition o% t"e

    Committee o% '5perts (ravilnik o postupku utvrUivan.a psi"o%iziRkog stan.a d.eteta,

    uRenika te sastavu struRnoga pov.erenstva! in Fa# 2011>>)"e ne$ b#la$ establis"es a> 'Ct&, JrNuN v Croatia, application ?o 1+>H03

    "ttp:HH"udocec"rcoeintHsitesHengHpagesHsearc"asp5_iQ001>/Fonitoring documents availableat: $$$coeintHtHdg"lHmonitoringHe5ecutionH&eportsHpendingCasesLenasp_Case)itleJr?umberQorsus`StateCodeQ`SectionCode

    >+ ct on mendments to t"e ct on 7pbringing and 'ducation in rimar# Sc"ools and ig" Sc"ools(Zakon o izm.enama i dopunama Zakona o odgo.u i obrazovan.u u osnovno. i sredn.o. Nkoli!, J%%icial

    Iazette (Narodne novine)?o 0H11, 2 ugust 2011> J%%icial Iazette (?arodne novine! ?o 13, 21311>> Jrdinance on t"e rocedure %or 'stablis"ing t"e s#c"op"#sical Condition o% a C"ild and o% a upil and

    on t"e Composition o% t"e Committee o% '5perts (Pravilnik o post-pk- -tvr

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    panel o% e5perts %or eac" sc"ool to test all c"ildren be%ore enrolling t"em into primar#

    sc"ool )"e panel consists o% a sc"ool p"#sician or a specialist in sc"ool medicineT a

    pedagogue or a ps#c"ologist, or an e5pert in educationHre"abilitationT a primar# teac"er

    or a teac"er o% a particular sub.ect -anguage capacit# is to be tested b# a teac"er o%Croatian language or an e5pert in language and communication )"e purpose o% t"e test

    $ould be to assess c"ildren]s kno$ledge o% t"e Croatian language, t"ereb# assuring t"at

    c"ildren $it" insu%%icient kno$ledge o% t"e Croatian language receive additional language

    education>/)"e government repeatedl# re%erred to a lack o% language skills as t"e ke#

    reason %or t"e segregation o% &oma pupils

    )"e ?ational Curriculum %or elementar# sc"ools $as also c"anged (30 Oul# 2010!, to allo$

    sc"ools to ad.ust t"eir curricula to t"e speci%ic needs o% t"eir pupils, including minorities

    ccording to t"e Croatian government;s action plan o% 1122010, t"e pupils; abilities and

    progress $ould be assessed and monitored on t"e individual basis, and E)eac"ers $ill be

    reBuired to provide a detailed report on t"e improvements o% pupils in t"eir kno$ledge o%

    Croatian language mont"l#E )"e progress $ould be monitored b# an e5ternal e5pert

    team, including a representative o% t"e genc# %or 7pbringing and 'ducation (ZJJ!

    8n t"e revised plan o% implementation o% t"e .udgment o% >2011, t"e government

    announced t"e amendments to t"e State edagogical Standard and t"e rules on t"e size

    o% t"e sc"ool classes (number o% pupils!, $"ic" $ould enable smaller classes )"e revisedplan does not mention t"e dut# o% mont"l# reporting or t"e e5ternal monitoring bod#

    ccording to t"e amended ?ational Curriculum, a special programme $ould be

    implemented %or teac"ing Croatian language:

    EC"ildren $"ose level o% kno$ledge o% Croatian language does not enable t"em to

    e%%ectivel# %ollo$ an# classes s"all, t"roug"out a certain period, attend classes

    sc"eduled to predominant learning o% Croatian upils included in t"is model o%

    assistance s"all attend Croatian language lessons in t"e %irst %e$ classes ever# da#,

    %ollo$ed b# t"eir regular classes %or t"e rest o% t"e da# )"is, so called ;bridge

    model;, eliminates an# possibilit# o% segregation o% pupils $it" insu%%icient

    kno$ledge o% Croatian into separate classes

    upils $"ose kno$ledge o% Croatian is at a "ig"er level, but $"o still reBuire some

    "elp $it" t"eir language skills, s"all be given additional lessons o% Croatian

    language (in accordance to article 3 o% t"e ct on 7pbringing and 'ducation in

    rimar# and Secondar# Sc"ools! upils included in t"is model o% assistance s"all

    stanja djeteta, -1enika te sastav- str-1nog povjerenstva!, J%%icial Iazette (Narodne novine), ?o++H11, 1/ Fa# 2011

    >/ &evised ction lan (o% implementation!, pt 1b

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    attend t"eir regular classes $it" a certain number o% additional Croatian language

    lessons )"e Buantit# o% suc" additional lessons s"all be determined individuall# %or

    eac" pupil, depending on "isH"er speci%ic needs=

    s a result o% implementing t"e amended rticle 3 (1! o% t"e ct on 7pbringing and

    'ducation in rimar# and Secondar# Sc"ools, Especial assistance in learning t"e Croatian

    language "as been provided to /+ elementar# sc"ool pupils o% &oma origin in t"e

    2010H2011 sc"ool #ear (32 o% $"om are %rom FeUimur.e Count#!E>8n t"e sc"ool#ear

    2011H2012 suc" assistance $as o%%ered to >00 pupils

    )"e communications o% t"e Croatian government regarding implementation o% t"e 'Ct&.udgment do not include an e5plicit and unambiguous obligation to implement t"e 'Ct&

    .udgment and abolis" t"e segregation o% t"e &oma pupils/08nstead, it anticipates t"at t"e

    separate &omaonl# classes $ould $it"er a$a# graduall# and naturall#, as more and more

    &oma pupils acBuire su%%icient language competence )"e Committee o% Finisters seems

    to concur $it" t"at:

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    ;e( issues in education affecting Roma

    ! Mainstream education and education in the national minority language(s)

    &oma are t"e onl# et"nic minorit# in Croatia $"ic" does not bene%it %rom t"e s#stem

    establis"ed b# t"e ct on 'ducation in t"e -anguage and Script o% ?ational Finorities ?o

    part o% education on t"e primar#, secondar# or tertiar# level is conducted in eit"er o% t"e

    dialects predominantl# spoken b# &oma in Croatia

    s a conseBuence, t"e onl# c"oice %or &oma pupils and students is t"e mainstream

    sc"ooling and stud#ing, ie in Croatian language

    lt"oug" t"is situation is generall# taken as a mere matter o% %act, it actuall# means t"at

    t"e o%%icial educational s#stem o% Croatia is s#stematicall# insensitive to speci%ic needs o% a

    national minorit# $"ic" "appens to be t"e most disadvantaged one

    )"e o%%icial .usti%ication (e5pressed, among ot"ers, in t"e ver# ?ational rogramme %or

    &oma/! is t"at t"e &oma communit# itsel% never asked %or education in t"e language(s! o%

    t"e &oma minorit# t an# rate, it is sometimes added, t"e &oma communit# in Croatia

    does not speak one standardised language

    G"ile t"ese statements ma# be true, t"e# are not acceptable as a .usti%ication irstl#, t"e$aiver o% t"e rig"t to education in t"eir %irst language $as never made as an in%ormed

    decision o% a ;communit#; $it" %ull a$areness o% implications and conseBuences/+, nor "as

    an# deliberation in t"e &oma communit# to t"at e%%ect ever taken place Secondl#, suc"

    "#pot"etical decision (indeed, a nondecision/! $ould "ave to be made in t"e

    circumstances $"ic" include real risks o% %urt"er marginalisationT in ot"er $ords, t"e tacit

    acceptance o% t"e mainstream education as t"e onl# option (ie no option! could be seen

    as a desperate e%%ort to integrate and avoid discrimination, rat"er t"an a %reel# c"osen

    best possibilit# )"irdl#, i% t"e linguistic pluralit# $it"in t"e &oma communit# $ere t"e onl#

    problem, it $ould be resolvable in a pluralist $a#

    )"e o%tmentioned %act t"at &oma substantiall# di%%er %rom ot"er minorities in t"at t"e# do

    not "ave t"eir ;kinstate; s"ould be o% no conseBuence $it" regard to education as a

    "uman rig"t lt"oug" t"e e5istence o% t"e respective ;kinstates; makes it easier to


  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    organise education in respective national languages and cultures, in t"e absence o% suc"

    state, like in t"e case o% &oma, it is t"eir domicile state 6 in t"is case, Croatia 6 $"ic" "as

    t"e dut# to provide conditions %or suc" education

    Certain steps in t"at direction "ave been made recentl#/>, but a lot remains to be done toprovide conditions %or &oma to en.o# t"e rig"t to education in t"eir o$n language(s! and


    )"is is not to sa# t"at t"e polic# o% minorit# education s"ould be dominated b# identit#

    politics or t"at t"e education in &omani languages and culture s"ould be t"e onl# or t"e

    main c"oice, but it s"ould be ensured as a viable option

    'ven t"oug" t"e option o% education in t"e languages o% t"e &oma minorit# remainsdistant at t"e moment, t"e inclusion o% &oma c"ildren and pupils into t"e mainstream

    education cannot completel# avoid t"e issue o% t"e &omani languages //)eac"ers $"o

    $ork $it" &oma c"ildren and $it" pupils in kindergartens, preprimar# sc"ools and

    elementar# sc"ools $"o do not speak Croatian cannot do t"eir $ork properl# i% t"e# do

    not "ave at least a basic kno$ledge o% &omani C"ib or -.imba d;b.aN (depending on t"e

    area!/8n ot"er $ords, t"e language problem $orks bot" $a#s: 8t cannot be reduced to

    t"e need %or &oma c"ildren to learn Croatian in t"e course o% a %e$ mont"s or #earsT it

    also includes t"e need %or Croatian educators to increase t"eir language competence to be

    able to communicate $it" t"eir #oung pupils For a minority community like Roma,

    the solution is not conceivable in culturalist, but in pluralist terms, combining

    /> see above, in t"e

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    the recognition and utilisation of the minority language with intercultural

    communication and education.

    )"e importance o% t"e language issue, "o$ever, s"ould not obscure t"e importance o%

    ot"er %actors )"e language issue is important (1! %rom t"e standpoint o% "uman rig"ts, as

    an instance o% t"e general principle (valid eBuall# %or ma.orities and minorities! t"at

    people s"ould be able to get education in t"eir o$n languageT and (2! %rom t"e %unctional

    standpoint, as t"e best means o% communication bet$een teac"ers and c"ildrenHpupils in

    t"e earl# stages o% institutional upbringing and education o$ever, language problems

    are o%ten .ust a part, or a s#mptom, o% deeper problems o% povert#, unemplo#ment,

    inadeBuate "ousing conditions, and inabilit# o% %amilies to support educational e%%orts o%

    t"eir c"ildren08n suc" circumstances t"e language problem can be e5aggerated, to

    conceal pre.udices on t"e side o% t"e sc"ool or t"eir sta%% 1gain, t"e e5aggeration can

    also $ork t"e ot"er $a# around, $"en &oma pupils use t"e alleged language barrier as a

    ;s"ield; against t"e demands o% t"e education process

    or t"ese reasons t"e possible linguistic, cultural and social gaps bet$een &oma pupils

    and t"e ma.orit# population s"ould be e5plored b# a compre"ensive indept" researc" 8t

    $ould provide a basis %or realist, resultsoriented polic# solutions

    "! The government commitment

    Since t"e inclusion o% &oma c"ildren, pupils, and students in t"e mainstream educational

    institutions and programmes is t"e onl# realistic c"oice %or t"e #ears to come, t"e

    complete burden o% providing and maintaining conditions %or inclusion o% &oma on eBual


  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    %ooting la#s on t"e national, regional, and local aut"orities and public agencies )"e state

    and its institutional s#stem is bound to provide suc" conditions b# t"e Constitution, t"e

    Constitutional ct on t"e &ig"ts o% ?ational Finorities, t"e ct on 'ducation in t"e

    -anguage and Script o% t"e ?ational Finorities, t"e ct on Suppression o% 9iscriminationetc

    8t is Buestionable, "o$ever, $"et"er t"e programmatic documents speci%icall# dedicated to

    resolve t"e e5clusion and t"e disadvantaged position o% &oma are binding documents,

    since none o% t"em $as ever publis"ed in t"e J%%icial Iazette Foreover, some o% t"ose

    documents include provisions $"ic" contribute to t"e problem or instance, t"e ?ational

    rogramme %or &oma: (emp"asized b# S9!3 ibid0 rt 3, ^ > (emp"asized b# S9! 6 t"e ver# same article $"ose ^ 1 $as amended because o% t"e

    'Ct& .udgment in t"e JrNuN case

    for peer use only not for public quoting

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    ere are t"e most critical points t"at reBuire a stronger commitment o% t"e government

    on all levels

    (1!Fonitoring and data collection: )"e establis"ment o% t"e electronic database at t"e

    FoS'S "as been a great step %or$ard, $"ic" enabled t"e monitoring o% importantc"anges in education %ter several #ears o% implementation, $e can see some points

    o% possible improvement:

    -inks bet$een presc"ool and elementar# sc"ool education o% eac" c"ildHpupil

    s"ould be captured to enable correlation bet$een attendance o% t"e presc"ool

    upbringing and education and t"e success in %urt"er education

    )"e data s"ould include indicators o% success or lack t"ereo% in t"e primar# and

    secondar# education, suc" as t"e marks t"e &oma pupilsHstudents get,absenteeism, etc

    rogress s"ould be %ollo$ed b# reporting t"e number o% &oma pupils $"o enrol in

    t"e ne5t %orm and t"ose $"o %ail

    )"e overall line o% improvement s"ould lead to a more resultsoriented monitoring,

    instead o% t"e no$ prevailing %ocus on outputs

    (2!uman resources: )eac"ers $orking $it" &oma c"ildren, bot" in presc"ool and

    elementar#sc"ool education, apart %rom t"e a%orementioned reBuirement o%

    kno$ledge o% at least basics o% t"e languages o% t"e &oma c"ildren+, need kno$ledge

    and skills necessar# %or dealing $it" social and cultural di%%erences, $"ic" o%ten include

    tensions, pre.udices, even potential con%lict )"at reBuires ad.ustments in t"e

    curriculum o% t"e teac"ers; education lt"oug" teac"ers learn about inclusive

    pedagog# as a part o% t"e regular curriculum o% t"e )eac"ers; acult#, t"e %ocus o% t"e

    sub.ect are c"ildren $it" special needs, rat"er t"an et"nic and cultural minorities

    o$ever, t"e c"anges in t"e teac"ers; education "ave been ver# slo$ )"e notion t"at

    special education is necessar# %or educational $ork $it" &oma c"ildren, even t"oug" ittakes place $it"in t"e mainstream s#stem, "as not #et prevailed )"e stud# o% t"e

    &omani language and culture recentl# opened at t"e acult# o% -iberal rts is #et to be

    included in t"e curriculum %or teac"ers )"e onl# institutional ;bridge; bet$een t"e

    c"ildren $"o do not speak Croatian and t"e teac"ers $"o do not speak a &omani

    + ts of social and c-lt-ral diversit/, p 3/

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    language are t"e &oma teac"ing assistants )"eir position as emplo#ees "as been

    improved recentl# (t"e# signed t"e regular labour contracts!, but t"eir au5iliar# role in

    t"e educational process, as $ell as in t"e linking sc"ools $it" &oma communities,

    cannot c"ange signi%icantl#(3!Jt"er resources: )"e increased coverage o% &oma c"ildren $it" t"e presc"ool

    programme reBuires more space and sta%% )"e same "olds %or primar# sc"ool teac"ing

    organised in smaller groups 8ntegration o% &oma pupils $"o are no$ placed in

    &omaonl# classes in some branc"sc"ools, because t"ere are no ot"er pupils in t"e

    area, reBuires c"anges in t"e e5isting enrolment districts, to enable inclusion in mi5ed

    classes )"is $ill increase t"e distances bet$een t"e pupils; "omes and t"e sc"ools,

    $"ic" entails increased transport e5penses

    (!Jrganisation: 9ivision o% responsibilities, tasks, and %inancial duties bet$een t"e

    national, regional, and local aut"orities, arranged in a $a# to ensure t"at no legitimate

    needs remain uncovered urt"ermore, a closer coordination is necessar# $it"

    institutions o% t"e social $el%are s#stem to up"old implementation o% compulsor#

    primar# education in &oma %amilies

    (+!9ealing $it" pre.udices: G"ile most o% t"e e%%orts on inclusive education are

    %ocused on &oma, bot" media ne$s and researc"es indicate t"at pre.udices against

    &oma are strong in t"e ma.orit# population>

    and are rein%orced b# t"e prevailingnationalism (as t"e ideolog# o% ;legitimate collective sel%is"ness;!, e5acerbated b# t"e

    current economic crisis )"e# are present even among #oung c"ildren )"e# are

    resistant to direct, personal contact $it" members o% t"e &oma minorit#/)"e# are

    even present among t"ose $"o are supposed to implement t"e la$ and t"e inclusion

    policies, $"ic" leads to tendencies o% s"i%ting responsibilit# onto t"e victims o%

    discrimination (t#pical complaints about &oma lacking "abits and skills necessar# to %it

    in, etc!

    )o combat pre.udices, it does not su%%ice to educate c"ildren and #oung people, but

    education is one o% t"e necessar# conditions )"e recentl# introduced sc"ool sub.ect o%

    Civic 'ducation provides an opportunit# %or suc" education )"e eBual rig"t o% t"e &oma

    8zv.eNAe o radu za d.ecu za 2011 (&eport o% t"e Jmbuds$oman %or C"ildren, 2011!,pp 111112

    > ?even rvatiA,

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    minorit# to education s"ould be asserted as a "uman rig"t,not as a concession to t"e

    ;international communit#; or an act o% merc# b# t"e Croat ma.orit# o$ever, it is also

    necessar# %or aut"orities on all levels to unambiguousl# oppose pre.udices and "ate


    Evaluation of RE# interventions

    )"e pro.ects supported b# &' "ave been re%erred to t"roug"out t"is assessment )"eir

    impact is relevant on t$o levels: (1! in%rastructure, ie building and improving

    institutional basis (including space, eBuipment, and "uman resources! %or inclusion o%

    &oma c"ildren and pupils in presc"ool and sc"ool programmes including t"e e5tended

    da# and a%tersc"ool activities necessar# to close t"e gap bet$een &oma and non&oma

    in language and cultural capacities, as $ell as in general living conditionsT (2! kno$ledge,

    meaning primaril# researc" and deeper understanding o% all conditions $"ic" determine

    di%%erent circumstances o% living, potentials, and attitudes, $"ic" in turn determine t"e

    c"ances o% #oung &oma to make an optimal use o% education as a tool o% overcoming t"e

    e5isting disadvantages 8n Croatia toda#, t"ere is not onl# s"ortage o% %unds and material

    resources, but also o% inBuiries into t"e causes o% marginalisation o% &oma

    )"e pro.ect

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    assessment o% per%ormance o% participants based on researc" data, as $ell as recording a

    number o% relevant data in t"e special database on t"e education o% &oma, run b# t"e

    FoS'S and used %or monitoring o% implementation o% 9&

    )"e pro.ect , including 3 in 2011H12 and 2 in 2012H13100

    100 &';s 2012 nnual &eport, p ,"ttp:HHre%rmusporgHne$sHre%Hne$sandeventsHre%annualreport2012out

    for peer use only not for public quoting

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia


    $trategic conclusions and recommendations


    )"e e5isting s#stem o% education in languages and scripts o% et"nicHnational minorities in

    Croatia discriminates indirectl# against &oma )"e s#stem is designed on t"e assumption

    t"at %or eac" minorit# t"ere e5ist a standardised national language, an establis"ed bod# o%

    cultural kno$ledge, and speakers o% t"e language educated to $ork as educators )"ese

    conditions are provided b# respective nationstates, $"ic" act as ;kinstates; o% t"e

    minorities in Croatia, and to some e5tent b# t"e minorit# communities t"emselves, i e

    %rom t"eir cultural traditions and educated elites 8n t"e case o% t"e &oma minorit# suc"

    state does not e5ist, t"ere is no $ritten cultural "eritage, and t"e number o% members

    $it" "ig"er education is ver# small

    8n suc" a setting, t"e onl# $a# %or &oma to get education is t"roug" t"e regular sc"ooling,

    $"ic" presupposes a good command o% Croatian language and integration into t"e cultural

    and social standards o% t"e ma.orit# Iiven t"e situation o% multiple marginalisation o% t"e

    &oma minorit# in t"e Croatian societ# ($"ic" makes anot"er substantial di%%erence

    bet$een t"e &oma and ot"er et"nic minorities in Croatia!, and t"e importance o%

    education as one o% t"e most important means o% overcoming t"e marginalisation, t"is$a# leads to a constant ;sBuaring t"e circle;: )"e predicament o% t"e most disadvantaged

    minorit# is e5pected to be resolved t"roug" a s#stem $"ic" does not recognise it as a


    )o correct (or mitigate! t"is contradiction, t"e emp"asis "as been put on reduction o%

    cultural and be"avioural di%%erences, notabl# b# learning t"e Croatian language and

    acBuiring "#gienic "abits and ;social skills; (not clearl# de%ined, but usuall# implicitl#

    understood as con%orming to standards and norms prevailing in t"e ma.orit# societ#!

    )"is met"od, "o$ever, "as %aced t$o ma.or obstacles: (1! -imited resources (%inancial,

    in%rastructural, "uman!, insu%%icient to provide adeBuate presc"ool upbringing and

    education, and education in t"e Croatian language, to all&oma c"ildren and pupils (2!

    8ncapacit# o% education alone to overcome not onl# cultural and linguistic, but also social

    and economic disadvantages o% t"e &oma minorit# (let alone t"e pre.udices o% t"e

    ma.orit#! s a conseBuence, on one "and, t"e language education is not su%%icient %or

    t"ose &oma c"ildren and pupils $"o need it, because it is per%ormed b# teac"ers

    untrained %or bilingual and multicultural teac"ingT on t"e ot"er, t"e %ocus on language andsocial skills overs"ado$s ot"er obstacles

  • 8/11/2019 Roma Education in Croatia



    8n case o% c"ildren $"ose language skills are reall# or reportedl# insu%%icient, t"is "as

    resulted in segregation o% &oma pupils into separate classes, $it"out adeBuate

    programmes $"ic" $ould ensure eBualit# o% education Dut even %or ma.orit# o% c"ildren

    $"o attend regular classes, it results in t"e lo$ level o% success in primar# sc"ooling andt"e lo$ rate o% enrolment in secondar# and tertiar# education )"e probable cause is t"at

    problems $it" language and be"aviour are, $it"out proper researc", singled out as a

    simpli%ied e5planation o% t"e deeper problems "aving to do $it" povert#, unemplo#ment,

    inadeBuate "ousing, lack o% general education o% parents and o% traditions o% education o%

    man# &oma %amilies, but also discrimination and g"ettoisation imposed on t"em (partl#

    even sel%imposed! 8n ot"er $ords, t"e s#stem onl# treats t"e s#mptoms

    )"e approac" centred on integrating &oma into t"e mainstream educational s#stem tends

    to see alldi%%erences as disadvantages and potential or actual problems, disregarding

    culturall# and socioeconomicall# determined speci%icities ($"ic" come into pla#, %or

    instance, in t"e c"oice o% tec"niBues o% kno$ledge and skills testing! s a conseBuence,

    t"e problems to be solved are predominantl# perceived as related to t"e &oma minorit#,

    neglecting t"e problematic attitudes o% t"e social ma.orit# (most notabl# t"e $idespread

    pre.udices and latent discrimination! and t"e duties o% t"e state (on all levels, %rom t"e

    national, t"roug" t"e regional, to t"e local! to provide necessar# and su%%icient conditions

    %or eBual educational opportunities %or t"e disadvantaged and marginalised minorit#

    )"is is e5acerbated b# maintaining t"e %iction o% ;rational c"oice; o% t"e ;&oma communit#;

    to not ask %or education in t"e minorit# language(s!, $