Rolley's Dinky-di Out Of Your Tree bachelor challenge

Who can win over the bad apple?



Transcript of Rolley's Dinky-di Out Of Your Tree bachelor challenge

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Who can win over the bad apple?

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The Bachelor Challenge, all that romantic dancing on the beach under the light of the silvery moon... >screeching stop< Hang on whose writing these lines?! I

don’t write romance, I’ll leave that to Harlequin and certain other people. I run bachelor challenges mainly because simselves on free will amuse me. If they

find a soul mate, well that’s a bonus.

Opal however is big on the romance. She and Chewy are one of those sim couples that make you go awww; they are just so autonomously sweet together.

When she heard I had thought about doing a meet, greet, scope and pick she was not amused. No indeed she insisted that like she had done, her son must

have a bachelor challenge to decide his future simself spouse.

Given that Rolley is a bad apple makes this BC especially challenging. I will try my best to abide by bad apple rules were I can, but certain things such as

seeing the relationship panel has to be done to play a BC. For the one on one dates it will be the ladies who initiate set things rather than our bachelor and I

won’t be counting ‘join’ as one of the 8 commands he is allowed per day. He also has his sister Peach at the house to help out with certain things such as

calling over, locking and unlocking doors. With 15...yes 15 lonely simselves all out for a piece of Rolley, this certainly will be one out of your tree bachelor


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So here we are outside the bachelor challenge house. A green oasis in the middle of the desert sand. It’s a little bit cramped given the number of simselves

that are turning up for this, but hopefully not all will stay passed the first day. ~Not that I want anyone to dip out, but ah...I realized there was another

contestant I had forgotten about, so we have 15 simselves but only 14 beds. Haha fun? Well for me I guess. I use the BC rules as a reference, but it is

changed up from the originals quite a bit. Now it’s on with the tour.

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Inside the front door the flamingo lights welcome you in.

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Down the hall to the left is the girl’s bedroom.

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Dorm style is the only way to go with this many contestants. Every bed got a different cover, it will be interesting to see who picks what.

Through there is their bathroom.

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Dorm style again and very girly. *Offers dark glasses to those taking part who hate girly or pink*

The line separator fence somehow gives everybody privacy. Must be mind control as it sure wouldn’t impress me.

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With pink loos of course.

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Leaving the girls rooms we will go down the hall and turn left again.

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Straight ahead is the dining room. Either side we have Sarah’s contribution of side tables and roses. Trust me my daughter had plenty to say about the

decorating and chose many of the bed coverings. That door on the left leads to the privet date room which we will get to a bit later.

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The dining room leads out the back, although there is also an entrance down the side.

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The party side may or may not survive depending on how addicting those bubbles are.

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Pool and hot tub side. Going down to the gate...

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I did mention there are 15 simselves and only 14 beds so I included a hammock.

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Back inside the dining room where we can pretend that smorgasbord really does contain entrée, mains and deserts. Sadly it’s salad, turkey and jelly like we

have seen a hundred times before.

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Leaving the dining room we can see the little chess area.

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To the right is the private date room. With even a harp (behind) and candles! See my attempt at romance.

Contestants can cuddle, dance and kiss in here with the bachelor as much as they like. Well for their allotted time before I turf them out to allow someone

else to kiss him...

Because of the numbers here and Rolley being a bad apple I will be using moveobjects on for each of these private date times going in alphabetical order. If I

had to actually wait for 15 sim ladies to walk here one at a time the bachelor may just die of starvation before the day is through.

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Back out we will go through those two doors near the chess area.

One door is for Peach and One for Rolley, locked only for them. They have a shared bedroom. I put double female only doors on the ladies dorm. I’m hoping

having double locked doors helps with traffic flow as well as keeping sims were they should be.

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And their bathroom. Fascinating right? But if I’m giving the whole tour, then I’m giving the whole tour.

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Through here is the entertainment room, and this is the last room I promise.

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At one end the flamingo overwatches ‘Don’t Wake The Lama’s’

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The other end...

“Peach, look we got a pool table! This is the best holiday house ever.”

“Yeah, about that...”

*Sorry in advance at my poor attempts to Gimp in a clip board.

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“It’s more than a holiday, it’s a bachelor challenge!”

“Oh! Who’s the bachelor?”

“Well you are of course silly; you won the heir poll.”

“I did?”

“No one has told you anything have they?”

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“Being heir means you must marry a simself. I have all the ladies names down here. There’s Amylu, Ani-Mei, Ashley_”

“Stop! Why wasn’t I told about this?! Do I even like women?!”

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“Rolley! You better like woman because they are their way right now!”

“I’ve never even had a first kiss.”

“Oh my gosh, you haven’t had your gender preference set have you?”

“My what?”

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“Oh! I have to ring the matchmaker right away before the choppers get here! Then there’s still your makeover to do as well!”

“Choppers? Makeover?”

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Peach tossed the clip board aside and ran off for the phone.

*For someone with only two active points she can sure move quite quickly when she wants.

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“Hello, I’d like to_”

“Thank you for calling the NPC Guild, this is a recorded message as we are currently on holidays. If you need service press one.”

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“Just brilliant, and of course I want service or I wouldn’t have rung.”

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“Hello can I_”

“Thank you for calling the NPC Guild. If you are in desperate need of a useless maid press one, for a gardener who can’t reach the hedges press two, for a

repairman who can’t find your broken appliances press three, for a pyromaniac nanny press four, and for a shonky matchmaker press five. Thank you for

calling the NPC Guild, we hope you have a lovely day.”

“I think I need the pineapple keg already!”

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The shonky matchmaker arranged, Peach and Rolley went outside to wait.

“Now you’re sure nothing can go wrong?”

“Just ask for a date, hand over a stack of money and presto a date will drop from the sky.”

“Wow really? Why have I never done this before?”

“Because it’s not an autominous action and you’re the bad apple. Just remember greet your date, do ‘check out sim’, say goodbye and you’re done.”

“Just like ordering pizza.”


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“I would like a lovely female date please.”

“I can feel the universe finding your perfect match!”

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“Um hello.”

“Why hi there sonny.”

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*Now check out sim...oh there it is...*

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*Ewww, I can’t believe I just flirted with a 60 year old.*

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“That was gross! Don’t ever make me do that again!”

“Come on, the ladies coming are all aged 18 to 23 and I bet in a few days you’ll be googoo eyes over the lot of them.”

>rumble rumble<

“I think you better go eat something Rolley.”

“That wasn’t me.”

>rumble swisha, rumble swisha<

“The choppers are coming! Quick to the bedroom, I have to do your makeover!”

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“What’s wrong with the way I look now?”

“Nothing, but we think you can look even better.”


“Don’t worry about it.”

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“What do you think?”

“I like it. But what happened to the new hair?”

“While it looked great from the front, hair growing out of your ears isn’t very cool. Just like those clothes...”

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“Thanks sis, I really like this new look.”


“That’s what big sisters are for. I hope all the ladies do too, because you’re about to meet them!”

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Dashing outside they were just in time to see two very pink helicopters land on the roof.

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“How many ladies did you say were coming?”

“I didn’t; but there are fifteen of them.”


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The simself contestants

In no particular order, apart from the fact that those who were behaving went first.

Aussie_Karima/Karima: Yes the one and only Aussie in the contest. Karima co-writes ‘Unforgettable’ ~Book Two. Family/Popularity. “These Sheila’s don’t stand a chance against me mate.”

Esmeiolanthe/ Esme: Or Maia, which I won’t remember. Another one and only as Esme is green. At least I won’t be able to lose her. Esme write a number of things including ‘Ruth’s Unofficially Wacky Boolprop Challenge.’ Knowledge/Family. “Live long and prosper long as you’re doing it someplace else.”

SimAddicted13/Jo: I often refer to Jo as Jo13, but seeing I’m not here it shouldn’t be confusing should it. Jo writes an alphabet legacy called ‘A Touch Of Randomness’ Knowledge/family. She was quite a contender in Blyth’s BC, where she came second place. “I’m crossing my fingers for this one.”

*Note I have done user name and then the name I will call them throughout the challenge. ...Ah that sounds bad doesn’t it? Well I won’t name call unless

they deserve it!

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Scribal Godess/Sribal: Scribal can usually be found down on the Boolprop writing board. Since she writes ‘The Elven Heritage Legacy’ I expect her to be a strong contester for the elf ears. Knowledge/Popularity “The ears are mine!”

Puddinroy/Ashley: Ashley collects aliens and other odd sims, maybe the ears would be welcome in her collection. Fortune/knowledge. “Just think , elf ears on an alien!”

Songsmith/Song: Song says she’s a little crazy, so watch out ladies. Song writes ‘Hope’s Folly’ an apocalypse challenge. “ Knowlege/Romance “I think you should all be watching out for SimAddicted not me.” *Throws them all off*

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Mzyra/Jess: Jess will come and stomp out the opposition with her stompy mod boots. Actually Jess is probably too nice to do that, but they may come in

handy for the snakes and spiders out here. Jess writes the „Ryman Legacy‟ amongst other things. Family/Knowledge. “You mean I have to talk to


Regancylady/Cee/Cait amoungst other names *Dizzy* Maybe Cait‟s plan is to confuse the other contestants. Cait writes „The Regancy‟

Family/pleasure “This is seriously hot and we should all be wearing a bonnet.”

Mysterymusic7/Mystery or Ash: Another one trying to confuse me. -_- Mystery is claimed to be a stalker. She writes „The Yazoo OWBC‟

Knowledge/Family “Stalking now in a house near you.”

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Twozaks/Jillyson/ Jill. Luckily I’ve known Jill long enough not to be confused. Jill is known for her love of blood and vampires, so maybe the other contestants

better watch their necks. Jill writes ‘A Clockwork Heart’ Knowledge/Pleasure “I’ll get the bachelor this time!”

Holleyberry/Holley: Holley was another close contender in Blyth’s BC and is very competitive. Holley writes ‘Creation To Future’ among other things, which

is a challenge written by me. *Drums up advertising* Family/Pleasure. “How many time must I say, get away from my man!”

Amylu1988/Amylu: Amylu has a great love for grilled cheese and the smustle. She writes ‘Hypothesis Incorrect’ an OWBC.

Family/knowledge. “After analysing these contestants I can see this will be a piece of grilled cheese err cake I meant cake.”

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Lastly the trouble makers; who wanted to walk off, hang out and generally not do as they were told. <_<

LeapBarnes/Jessie: While I had 14 sign up, Jessie is technically the 15th contestant because while I haven’t seen her around for a long time I remember her

putting in a dibs on any pointy eared male child of this generation. Jessie used to write ‘A Shadowed Legacy’ I hope it restarts someday.

Family/Knowledge. Quote ” If Chewy throws you pointy eared baby...I WANT IN ON THAT!” End quote. So here she is.

Animeangel1983/Ani-Mei: Ani-Mei has a fascination with mythology and writes ‘The Quest For peace’

Knowledge/Family “I have pointed ears, he has pointed ears, it’s meant to be.”

Ladylarkrune/Lark: Lark is also stalky, so we shall see which family sim can stalk the best. Lark writes ‘Yakko’s World’ among other things.

Family/knowledge. “Who can resist a black haired, elf eared, naked violin player?”

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Who will stay, who will go? It’s rather hard to say as nearly everyone lit up like a candle. I can’t wait to find out!

For anyone interested. Rolley’s commands so far have been

1. Ask for date 2. Check out 3. Say goodbye

4. Plan everyday wear 5. Plan sleepwear 6. Sleep in pyjamas.

The ladies actually arrived the next day and so far he’s only scoped the room.

*dinky-di - genuine *Out of your tree - crazy

Good start

impaling the

stop sign

