Role of Physical Education in Wholistic Personality Development

ROLE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN HOLISTIC PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Dr. Devinder K. Kansal, Ph.D. Head, Deptt. of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (D.U.) and Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences For 25.06.2010 Sarswati bal /mandir,naraina vihar

Transcript of Role of Physical Education in Wholistic Personality Development


Dr. Devinder K. Kansal, Ph.D.Head,

Deptt. of Physical Education & Sports Sciences (D.U.) andPrincipal,

Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences

For 25.06.2010Sarswati bal /mandir,naraina vihar

Concepts for PA & HPD

1. Every person is unique due to extremely large number of personality characteristics.

2. Aim of human life is to be understood as knowing self developing balanced Personalitypeand realizing God possiblge only through human life cycle Human out of 84 lakhcategories of Bodies.

Concepts for PA & HPD( Contd…..)

3. Personality characteristics are to be divided into four major components of CAPS or Cognitive (Mental), Affective( Hearty), Physical(Body) and Spiritual(Soul)

4. Physical Activity is the means to develop all variables of Personality and is to be understood as food for life.


1. To understand the basic Terms namely PA, HPD, Health, Fitness, Wellness, Nutrition-

2. To Understand the Role of Physical Activity(P.A.) in Holistic Personality Development:a. By utilizing Food(Physical)b. By Eradicating Stress(Mental)c. By creating Friendship/Love( Heart Affective)d. By Learning to loose Happily

Love all, Kindness, Truthfulness, Humility(Soul)( P.A. is Truthful only)

Objective( Contd…)

3. To understand the method of measurement of categories of fitness activities for all.

4. To be committed for the application of knowledge existing in books.(CAKE)

5. To understand the factors responsible for Holistic Personality Development

Food Guide For Each Day(CPF)

• Carbohydrates = 3 to 4 gm/kg

( Sugar & Starches)

• Proteins = 1gm/ Kg

• Fats(Lipids including Saturated Fats) = 1gm/Kg

What is going on with each one of us?

• Remains busy in earning, rearing families with no time to think about the following

1. Purpose of life

2. From where has everything and we came?

3. Where will everything and we Go?

Factors of HPD(MENHEN)

• M= Meditation

• E= Exercise

• N= Nutrition

• H= Heredity

• E= Environment

• N= Nexus

Physical ActivityAny movement of body or

its parts involving the expenditure or

consumption calories is known as physical activity.

ExerciseIt is a kind of PA which is

planned, individualized and repeatedly performed for

improving and/or maintaining the level of one’s fitness.


One’s capacity to perform daily physical activities

without any undue fatigue is known Physical


WHAT IS WELLNESS“The Constant and deliberateeffort to stay healthy and achievethe highest potential of well-beingencompassing all the eightPersonality domains representedby PIES-O-SHE”.

WHAT IS PERSONALITY?Personality is a combination of two works i.e. Personal + Identity = Personality.

Thus, any variable or component that makes a personal unique, different from all other constitutes a part of one’s Holistic Personality

What is Holistic Personality?

All round development of

1. BODY (By MEN wrt. to HEN)

2. MIND (Knowledge, communication

& Emotions)

3. SOUL (By RICH Truthfulness)

11 Domains of PersonalityR = Regularity inS = SafetyS = Self Responsibility

M = Mental ActivityO = Occupational ActivitiesV = VitalE = EnvironmentalS = Social

P = Physical E= Emotional S = Spiritual T = Temporal (Physical Growth)

Spiritual RICH not SAD

R = Responsible BehaviourFirm and no to

I = Internalized S = Smoking

C= Commitment to A = Alcohol

H= Honesty D = Drugs

How to Measure One Status of Health?

By measuring following Measurements:-

1. Body Mass Index (BMI) from Body Weight and Body Height

2. Pulse Rate (tells Heart Rate)

3. Blood Pressure (Automatic)

How to Measure Physical Fitness?

1.Body Strength (Grip Dynamometer or SBJ)

2.Body Stamina (9 minutes Run-Walk or Time taken for one mile – walk)

3.Flexibility (Sit & Reach Test)

How are Physical Activities used as Component of Nutrition for improving Fitness?

1. For Stamina (Aerobic Power):

30 Minutes of Moderate activity (150 Cal. Per day or 1000 Cal./week):

Walking = 30 minutes or Jogging = 10 minutes

Stepping = 5 minutes (at 30 steps/minutes)

Swimming = 20 minutes or Cycling = 30 minutes

What is the Role of Physical Activity?

Physical Activity Prevents followingdiseases:-(a) Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

(b) Obesity (Over – weight)

(c) Stroke (Bleeding in Brain)

(d) Hypertension and Heart Attack (High Blood Pressure)

(e) Osteoporosis (Bone Mineral and Bone strength Loss)

(f) Osteoarthiritis (Joint Cartilage Loss)

(g) Diabetes ( Blood Sugar regulation)

How are Physical Activities used as Nutiritionfor improving Fitness Components?

2. For Flexibility: Stretch exercises and

Yoga Asanas

Almost Daily

3. For Strength:- Weight bearing and Weight

Lifting activities;

Twice a week

“I guess I’ve taken my health and fitness for granted, but thinking about Jake makes me wonder if I

should rethink”Pat – 19 years son

Mr. Pat and his parents showing their friends’ photographs, current and 25 years back


The Exercise and Physical Activity Pyramid






Taking your pulse at the (a) radial and (b) carotid arteries



meter (m) 1 m = 39.37 inches

centimeter 1cm = 10-2m

Millimeter 1mm = 10-3 m

micrometer (µm ) 1 µm = 10-6 m

nanometer 1 nm =10-9 m

picometer 1 pm = 10-12 m

Angstrom 1 A = 0.1 nm


MASS:kilogram(kg) 1 kg = 2.2 poundsgram (g) 1g = 10 -3 kgmilligram 1mg = 10 -3 gmicrogram (µg) 1 µg = 10 -6 gnanogram 1 nm =10 -9 gpicogram 1 pm = 10 -12 gdalton 1 d = 1.66 x 10 -24 gKilodalton 1kd = 10 3 d

Some other items’ Ready Rechnorsc.f. TAMES (DKK, 2008)

• Holistic Education

• Stages of Behaviour Change

• Personality Promoter

• Holistic Education Promoter

• List of Instrument Suppliers

• Facts about Minerals

• Facts about Vitamins

• Essential Information for Computer Literacy

Self sculpturing Personality

Thanks for patient hearing