Role Of Angel Investment

Franchise Private Equity Conclave Role of Angel Investment in franchise and retail industry Mumbai Angels Sasha Mirchandani Co-Founder, Mumbai Angels Managing Director, Blue Run Ventures, India
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Transcript of Role Of Angel Investment

Page 1: Role Of Angel Investment

Franchise Private Equity Conclave

Role of Angel Investment in

franchise and retail industry

Mumbai Angels

Sasha Mirchandani

Co-Founder, Mumbai Angels

Managing Director, Blue Run Ventures, India

Page 2: Role Of Angel Investment

Sasha Mirchandani – Mumbai Angels

Bringing operational excellence & scaling experience to funding start-ups

Mumbai AngelsMumbai Angels

Page 3: Role Of Angel Investment

Mumbai Angels

Page 4: Role Of Angel Investment

What is an Angel Investor ?

Anyone who provides private capital to a (non family) start-up

• Usually the first outside investor

• Invest with the expectation of a financial return

• Invest usually locally and regionally

Mumbai Angels

• Participate actively in the investment process

• Usually care about the entrepreneurs and the companies

they invest in / interested in building personal

relationships with companies & employees

• Offer advice and guidance to founders

Page 5: Role Of Angel Investment

Angel Investors in the US

* Source: Angel Capital Association Presentation by Ian Sobieski, Band of Angels, Oct 2007

Mumbai Angels

Estimate Of



Estimate of Active Angels

(Center For Venture Research)U.S.



Page 6: Role Of Angel Investment

Rising Popularity of Angel Investing

3x Growth in North American Angel Organizations in 7 yrs

Mumbai Angels

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Angel Investing – Investment FocusInternet / Software lead other segments

* Source: Center for Venture Research (pre 03 data) and Kauffman Foundation/ACEF (04-06 data)

Mumbai Angels

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Angel Investments in Perspective

In the Context of Venture Capital

Mumbai Angels

* Source: University of New Hampshire Center for Venture Research, Price Waterhouse Coopers

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Venture Capital is Highly ConcentratedSilicon Valley (40%) and NY (7%)

account for nearly half of venture investment

* Source: NVCA Research 2009; PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Mumbai Angels

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Silicon Valley Success Story“Internet is the Greatest Legal Wealth Creation in History”

* Source: NVCA Research 2009; PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Mumbai Angels

• Consumer internet still offers best path to high multiple returns

• Key differentiator: capital efficiency

• Virtually all the big successes were first backed by angels

Page 11: Role Of Angel Investment

Where should Angels invest ?

Finding Great Companies is the Basis of Angel Investing

Mumbai Angels

Page 12: Role Of Angel Investment

What Does It Take….

……To Be A Successful (Angel) Investor

Mumbai Angels

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Growth is Key to Successful InvestingKey: Target the Fastest Growing Internet and Mobile Markets

Mumbai Angels

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Growth is Happening FasterExample: Disruptive Platforms - Time to Success much Shorter

Mumbai Angels

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Next Big Things

Mumbai Angels

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Drastic Changes in Exits

Start-ups Need Less Capital, Exits Shrinking…

Mumbai Angels

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Food For Thought

What will it take to have an entry from India here ?

Mumbai Angels

Page 18: Role Of Angel Investment

Sasha Mirchandani

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mumbai Angels