Rocks & Minerals Review Regents Earth Science Miss Wojdan.

Rocks & Minerals Review Regents Earth Science Miss Wojdan

Transcript of Rocks & Minerals Review Regents Earth Science Miss Wojdan.

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  • Rocks & Minerals Review Regents Earth Science Miss Wojdan
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  • 1. Compared to felsic igneous rocks, mafic igneous rocks contain greater amounts of: A. White Quartz B. Aluminum C. Pink Feldspar D. Iron
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  • 1. Compared to felsic igneous rocks, mafic igneous rocks contain greater amounts of: A. White Quartz B. Aluminum C. Pink Feldspar D. Iron
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  • 2. What are the two most abundant elements by mass found in the Earths crust? A. Aluminum and Iron B. Sodium and Chlorine C. Oxygen and Silicon D. Calcium and Carbon
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  • 2. What are the two most abundant elements by mass found in the Earths crust? A. Aluminum and Iron B. Sodium and Chlorine C. Oxygen and Silicon D. Calcium and Carbon
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  • 3. The graph below shows the relationship between mass and volume between three samples, A, B, and C, of a given material. What is the density of the material? A. 1.0 g/cm cubed B. 5.0 g/cm cubed C. 10 g/cm cubed D. 15.0 g/cm cubed
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  • 3. The graph below shows the relationship between mass and volume between three samples, A, B, and C, of a given material. What is the density of the material? A. 1.0 g/cm cubed B. 5.0 g/cm cubed C. 10 g/cm cubed D. 15.0 g/cm cubed
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  • 4. Which sample best shows the physical properties normally associated with regional metamorphism? A. Sample A B. Sample B C. Sample C D. Sample D
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  • 4. Which sample best shows the physical properties normally associated with regional metamorphism? A. Sample A B. Sample B C. Sample C D. Sample D
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  • 5. The graph below shows the concentration (percentage) of copper at various depths in the bedrock at a mine in Arizona. Between which depths should the bedrock be mined in order to contain rock with the greatest percentage of copper? A. 100 130 ft. B. 230 260 ft. C. 330 360 ft. D. 650 680 ft.
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  • 5. The graph below shows the concentration (percentage) of copper at various depths in the bedrock at a mine in Arizona. Between which depths should the bedrock be mined in order to contain rock with the greatest percentage of copper? A. 100 130 ft. B. 230 260 ft. C. 330 360 ft. D. 650 680 ft.
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  • 6. Which mineral is white or colorless, has a hardness of 2.5, and splits with cubic cleavage? A. Calcite B. Halite C. Pyrite D. Mica
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  • 6. Which mineral is white or colorless, has a hardness of 2.5, and splits with cubic cleavage? A. Calcite B. Halite C. Pyrite D. Mica
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  • 7. Compared to dull and rough rock surfaces, shiny and smooth rock surfaces are most likely to cause sunlight to be: A. Reflected B. Refracted C. Scattered D. Absorbed
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  • 7. Compared to dull and rough rock surfaces, shiny and smooth rock surfaces are most likely to cause sunlight to be: A. Reflected B. Refracted C. Scattered D. Absorbed
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  • 8. The diagrams below show the crystals of four different rocks viewed through the same hand lens. Which crystals most likely formed from molten material that cooled and solidified most rapidly? A B C D
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  • 8. The diagrams below show the crystals of four different rocks viewed through the same hand lens. Which crystals most likely formed from molten material that cooled and solidified most rapidly? A B C D
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  • 9. Which sedimentary rock is most likely to be changed to slate during regional metamorphism? A. Breccia B. Conglomerate C. Dolostone D. Shale
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  • 9. Which sedimentary rock is most likely to be changed to slate during regional metamorphism? A. Breccia B. Conglomerate C. Dolostone D. Shale
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  • 10. Which rock is metamorphic and shows evidence of foliation? A. Rock 1 B. Rock 2 C. Rock 3 D. Rock 4
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  • 10. Which rock is metamorphic and shows evidence of foliation? A. Rock 1 B. Rock 2 C. Rock 3 D. Rock 4
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  • 11. What do all four rocks have in common? A. They show cleavage B. They contain minerals. C. They are organically formed D. They formed on Earths surface
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  • 11. What do all four rocks have in common? A. They show cleavage B. They contain minerals. C. They are organically formed D. They formed on Earths surface
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  • 12. Which of the following choices is not a characteristic of metamorphic rocks? A. Banding B. Distorted structure C. Fossils D. Contact metamorphism
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  • 12. Which of the following choices is not a characteristic of metamorphic rocks? A. Banding B. Distorted structure C. Fossils D. Contact metamorphism
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  • 13. Which two processes result in the formation of igneous rocks? A. Solidification and Evaporation B. Melting and Cementation C. Crystallization and Solidification D. Compression and Precipitation
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  • 13. Which two processes result in the formation of igneous rocks? A. Solidification and Evaporation B. Melting and Cementation C. Crystallization and Solidification D. Compression and Precipitation
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  • 14. Which rock is formed by the compression and cementation of sediments with particle sizes ranging from 0.08 to 0.1 centimeters? A. Basalt B. Conglomerate C. Granite D. Sandstone
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  • 14. Which rock is formed by the compression and cementation of sediments with particle sizes ranging from 0.08 to 0.1 centimeters? A. Basalt B. Conglomerate C. Granite D. Sandstone
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  • 15. Which statement about the formation of a rock is best supported by the rock cycle? A. Magma must be weathered before it can change to metamorphic rock. B. Sediment must be compacted and cemented before it can change to a sedimentary rock. C. Sedimentary rock must melt before it can change to metamorphic rock. D. Metamorphic rock must melt before it can change to sedimentary rock.
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  • 15. Which statement about the formation of a rock is best supported by the rock cycle? A. Magma must be weathered before it can change to metamorphic rock. B. Sediment must be compacted and cemented before it can change to a sedimentary rock. C. Sedimentary rock must melt before it can change to metamorphic rock. D. Metamorphic rock must melt before it can change to sedimentary rock.
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  • 16. According to the Earth Science Reference Table, which is a sedimentary rock that forms from the result of evaporation of seawater? A. Conglomerate B. Gypsum C. Basalt D. Shale
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  • 16. According to the Earth Science Reference Table, which is a sedimentary rock that forms from the result of evaporation of seawater? A. Conglomerate B. Gypsum C. Basalt D. Shale
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  • 17. When various minerals are split by a wedge, some break evenly along a flat surface, while others fracture unevenly. Which property of a mineral is reponsible for the way it splits? A. Hardness B. Density C. Chemical Composition D. Atomic Arrangement
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  • 17. When various minerals are split by a wedge, some break evenly along a flat surface, while others fracture unevenly. Which property of a mineral is reponsible for the way it splits? A. Hardness B. Density C. Chemical Composition D. Atomic Arrangement
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  • 18. Which property best describes a rock which formed from sediments? A. Fragmental particles arranged in layers B. Distorted structure C. Crystalline structure D. Banding or foliation
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  • 18. Which property best describes a rock which formed from sediments? A. Fragmental particles arranged in layers B. Distorted structure C. Crystalline structure D. Banding or foliation
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  • 19. The igneous rock pictured looks most likely like which rock name? A. Gabbro B. Obsidian C. Granite D. Dunite
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  • 19. The igneous rock pictured looks most likely like which rock name? A. Gabbro B. Obsidian C. Granite D. Dunite
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  • 20. Which statement correctly describes the distribution of sedimentary rocks on the Earth? A. Sedimentary rock layers are the thickest in the middle of the ocean B. Sedimentary rocks extend all the way from the Earths crust to the inner core C. Sedimentary rocks are usually located in volcanic regions D. Sedimentary rocks form a thin layer over large areas of the continents
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  • 20. Which statement correctly describes the distribution of sedimentary rocks on the Earth? A. Sedimentary rock layers are the thickest in the middle of the ocean B. Sedimentary rocks extend all the way from the Earths crust to the inner core C. Sedimentary rocks are usually located in volcanic regions D. Sedimentary rocks form a thin layer over large areas of the continents
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  • 20. Which process is responsible for turning a pile of sediments into a sedimentary rock, such as in the diagram? A. Heat and/or pressure B. Melting and solidification C. Recrystallization D. Compaction and cementation
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  • 20. Which process is responsible for turning a pile of sediments into a sedimentary rock, such as in the diagram? A. Heat and/or pressure B. Melting and solidification C. Recrystallization D. Compaction and cementation
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  • 21. Which of the following minerals would be able to scratch the other three? A. Quartz B. Gypsum C. Pyrite D. Dolomite
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  • 21. Which of the following minerals would be able to scratch the other three? A. Quartz B. Gypsum C. Pyrite D. Dolomite
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  • 22. Why do both calcite and dolomite bubble when placed in acid? A. Both are silicate minerals B. Both are carbonates C. Both are metamorphic rocks D. Both are colorless and of similar hardness
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  • 22. Why do both calcite and dolomite bubble when placed in acid? A. Both are silicate minerals B. Both are carbonates C. Both are metamorphic rocks D. Both are colorless and of similar hardness
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  • 23. Which process would form a sedimentary rock? A. Cooling of molten magma within Earths crust B. Recrystallization of unmelted material within Earths crust C. Adding heat and pressure to a rock D. Precipitation of minerals as seawater evaporates
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  • 23. Which process would form a sedimentary rock? A. Cooling of molten magma within Earths crust B. Recrystallization of unmelted material within Earths crust C. Adding heat and pressure to a rock D. Precipitation of minerals as seawater evaporates
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  • 24. Which property of minerals is being tested in the diagram below? A. Color B. Luster C. Streak D. Cleavage/Fracture
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  • 24. Which property of minerals is being tested in the diagram below? A. Color B. Luster C. Streak D. Cleavage/Fracture
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  • 25. Which of the following below is most likely a non-sedimentary rock? A. A rock containing fossils B. A rock composed of layers of gravel cemented together C. A rock consisting of large, intergrown crystals D. A rock showing ripple marks and mud cracks
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  • 25. Which of the following below is most likely a non-sedimentary rock? A. A rock containing fossils B. A rock composed of layers of gravel cemented together C. A rock consisting of large, intergrown crystals D. A rock showing ripple marks and mud cracks
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