Rocks And Minerals!!!

Rocks And Minerals!!! By Christian Andrew Andsager!!!


By Christian Andrew Andsager!!!. Rocks And Minerals!!! . Igneous Rock!! . Igneous can be internal or exposal. Igneous is formed by lava/magma. Igneous mean’s fire made. More Igneous Rock!!! . Igneous has 3 main rock groups: Basalt ,Granite ,and Obsidian. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Rocks And Minerals!!!

Rocks And Minerals

Rocks And Minerals!!! By Christian Andrew Andsager!!!

Igneous Rock!! Igneous can be internal or exposal. Igneous is formed by lava/magma.Igneous means fire made.

More Igneous Rock!!! Igneous has 3 main rock groups: Basalt ,Granite ,and Obsidian.

Granite, Obsidian, And Basalt!!!Obsidian has a glassy look to it.Basalt has a fine grained to it.Granite is a coarse-grained rock.

Sedimentary Rock!!Sedimentary has nine rocks that I know of.Rock salt, shale, limestone, conglomerate, chert, arkoses, and sandstone.Sedimentary is mostly found in layers. Sedimentary means sand glued together.

More Sedimentary Rock!!!Conglomerate has a cement look to it. And looks like it had rock stomped to it. Rock salt haves a clear look to it.Sandstone looks like it has sand glue to it. And it has a tan look to it.Shale has a dark gray to it. Pulse it looks like it is a layer to it.Limestone has a gray color. Pulse it looks like it has rice in it.Metamorphic Rock!!Metamorphic changes by heat, pressure, and chemical changes.I know three metamorphic rocks: quartzite, gneiss, and marble. Metamorphic means change in form.

More Metamorphic Rock!!!The pressure is from the layers above it.The heat is from magma. Metamorphic always formed by a different rock, just have to go thought all the steps first.

Minerals!I know lots of minerals: Diamonds, Galena , Pyrite, Talc, Mica, Feldspar, Quartz, Hornblende and lots more!Every rock has to have minerals made up of it.Are naturally occurring substances.

More Minerals!!The softest mineral is talc. The second closest to the middle is pyrite. Closest to the middle is galena.The hardest mineral is diamond.

The Rock Cycle!!!Now we start off with sandstone!Quartzite too!Lavas next!Then basalt!Then ends on a dirt hill!Then goes back around!The rock cycle never ends.Creates!!!!! People (or things) helped me on my power point.Science Book!!!Google! Mr. Landon!!!!Christian Andsager!!!!!!!Microsoft Power Point 2007!!!!! The End! Hoped you enjoyed!!!!