LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction...

WUKLY mWMPAMA M MM* CtXflVfT WBTfUD. MBW JH1SY. WBDMBDAY. lANUAftY It. lftf IS INAUGURATED GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSE\ TOWN NOTABLES ATTEND As* rMEimwu. BMiAnVMnrum af tkt fM* tte9 MNNMl aMak tkt Meu'i Ctok ef St. oat kaadrad per cent i to Mr. of tka clak memben. Tke •flaw WH ka M d to tkt pariah ktuse •• tka evening of Tkarsday, January tkt aatk tf f«. AsaitjviewlyannenneaiJMtpkB. of wcU wishers to tka wera terming for tke ia- laradt. Tke crowd of Be- rtaklag part te tkk was eati- man aad kk 'party arrived State House at abort U ; aad wart received to tke pri- >effkee tf Oevernor Moora. ,Tkt t Ittt tkt Building for tka theatre ly ktfort noon and tkert Oev- MOON tuned over tke ptaltien 1 ckkf executive to kk eueetmsr. mckesot tkt Lagttto- abled en tka stage af tkeatre and ware called to order i President Tkomas A, Mata- laf Ocean Ceuaty. I Following tka actual ceremony, Mr. gave kJa.toantaral j tka addreat, Mr, Mr. Moora wart oacortad to tkt Getontal Barracka ky Mamkare Troop, wkere tkt off- Iwtatto tkt stead to freat tf tkt CiatHI wfcata tkty iwviewtd a spectacle wkkk kad attracted to tka State Capital, i kandt wera in Una. tka panda was over, Gov- r Larson wont to the i ka racahrad away wall wishers. j M a hi Oewemer'e Addren kkv Inaugural address, Govor- Uraon argod tkat: rka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea. ; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities •Id kt gaardad from living ke- Tkat perlodk andita of State fln- incee should be Made. Tklt tkt Ntw e ktpt free of pollution, a conference bo ealled of epretantatlves of chmnben ef com-. •area and municipalities to dlseuse ka problem of mounting taste. Tkat a plan be worked oat for the •earing ef court ealendan witk the wto of Judges, lawyers and toymen. Tke adoption of a fair and far- tatog policy on water conservation. Tkt reclamaUen of tke Jersey teadowa. Mr. Laraon also pledged hia aid to •ing the State Highway pro- announced his intention of ap- j a kusinest raacutive for the to Inspect departments as hla indorsed the tow prohibiting i acquisition of bank stock by ketd- j companies. Several Westfleld man attended the files, among them being: Sen Secretary of tha Bowery Smack of tke Y. M. C. A. ill k tk riil »r tfce «•»•«» •« p Tkkata nave keen Mat to tatk MtMktr by Or. H. C HaaiU- toa wke la te ekarge of atttaaiare. LOW IAMMTHOLDS UPGAS STATION Shortly after 7:»0 o'clock Utt night the local polieo reealved a call from the Plainfleld department to tko effoct tkat n lone kandH had held up the Tydol aarvice atation and had a gateway. According to tka •ant aat by PUinfltld, tha man in queitlen waa driving a Bakk aadan kaarlng New York rtg- litratien platea. He waa about i nmnrniT RMIAirStfM fmthk Ttektte far George Betty'a satiri- eomedy. "Tke Torck-Bearen," tk tat Ctooj ~ wkkk tka Tka TkBea, of l i l t of tka Waat- m tkt ar and • at I M p. •ale. They may be k l P a* Pwarwury , are now an obtained from e y may any mamktr of tkt tkwa. Bekaanab far tka play art kaM dally and tka eatt and committeta •ro workiag faMkfUly to give the pnklic aa Una a parfarmaatt aa pee- ilkle. Tkaaa wko anjaytd "Daley" •o mack laat year art eare to be pleased wHa tat daHgktfal ckaraeter- imtion, aatirt, and kakwn af "Tka T k » " flJtaBiaM_-aHBI •.•.<• aTamtmmlm nrfXJBffBBJBff" ••••BBnmanum^amBjBBMBMff Skew. Uena Oak at Rooi volt SckeeL cntwrmie Torck.»iarira. Tka competent caat bard to i ' ' fortka •W WllsPJ Vfjanm0 decided to extend tfce drive Witll Jan- II JAIIAIY fit w»r tS. Wkeaflr.tlaunched, it waa BBJ d W I V a W I M lMHV)a that tke drive should end an tl. Tke request for fanda 11wtO«ir Tko event to wklck WtttfltM Ma- For aeveral daya daring tkt people of WaaUtoM and funds far tkt •toes axpeasee la at fellows: •_•_ VWuaama*g*As»Bi aVft&aMW^Jah^H^H oMVOo BTVfJBBBjB^VkB arMwwVa^^ B VBjnV|UjsB} ar« • — -• *- arwv awweojat) ^tuawev VW«IUB| wvejp WWBBW~ Moore; Mr. Huxley Heesefrosse— for yean-tke completion of tke paiga, ««aMaitratioM of tke work ka- Lawtoa Taytort Mr. Saiiidkr-IIer. Tempkn u akout to ke raalUad. UM ^j^, fcy tfc. u*rt Troop, ar. kart reanter; » ^ » W * » « » « > ^ ! ^ " t A p^M°u 7u^ hL beM In tke window of Elliott .Fried- •VpaTaBJIB SB)o eJ^BrSSoiBBjewS VkV B^w^PepMlMmpeU'e avSeW fp4a%Baal iBLfls ftwa BCISB) MiU^MJde'V SulB£ SMc"gWua1I Vj,u^Peu, whnaBw wSa^p •»*• auBSav ' v^p*wet dflsmgMis%watjgVaBai4as 1 aiaai BatMfsm ~ t^ABl *asDY.smsn lag will take place on Saturday, Jan- F|rit AM bandaging and other tk wkkk tke girla are taught bort roenter; Mr. Ralp DoagUi HatnaU; Toddy Spaarlag— D M Sta Maaagar— l Sitte DagU H ; y Edward Down; Mr. Stage g Beveriey Moiga; Mn. Paula Sitter (BUter'a wife)—Edaa TmEyck; Mn. J. Ouro Pampiaalli—AUUoa Reid; fllEl S l MI J. Our P a p ; Mr.. Nelly fell—Eleanor Searle; MIM Plorenea MeCrlekett—Norma HiU; Mra. Clara Sheppard—Janet Dunbar; Jenny (a houaamald at RHter'.)— Margaret Jokna. AHhough tha caat ia of the utmoat importance, muck of the tucceu of the play wUI depend upon the untir- ing efforta of all eoauattteaa. The Property Committee, in charge of Gertrude Darby, chairman, hat tka following memben: Joanne Solowe. Elaine Neefue, Mary Emily gourbier. Katherine Walker, Tkomai Galta- gner, and Botknae Jonea, Tka Betaery and Lighting Com- mittee ia eoMpoatd of Douglas Hen- LEAD BUDGET FOR TEAR CALLS FOR MH INCREASE OF Cm! •/ fMii DATE OF HEARmSLTFOR JANVAXT PATWt AND MN NKHT wMktldTMMLM la tkt gti ky tivaa af tka varitni Moa'a Cwka of > frota tkt of tke OM Seout drive f I,»M wkkk ia now ia cate tkat tka rtauna tkua far at- tained are nwat sattofartaey. Al- tkeugk nuay ef tka "Scant Metken" wke are actively participating to tke ky Ill- ta taelr komea tkk kaa net way discouraged the committee wee of tkk handicap H has beea . _~ • . . B - » _ . B wawi BBM ar wsi mwrm »w^w«» -—- •«-»—— u|uvni VWIPCWIHiamj •• avma Cawrml Pmtlll I t t H i T« la> with wkick to carry oa Gtri leant ac- ...«.• oawtker and Ian" - ** en^ otoi tl4 ' .I_IA|^ *__ anw A ^ a_a M _ AB._ *• ^^.^^ ,••••••*••• araBwnnjBJn M^PMl a^na^ni jttvKlea In Waatield for the nest year .kaa Mat with general approval ky jtkoM wko can we tka need of tko yoang girU being e«- of Plainfleld, a large force of work-1 f J ! t l , .r? men to now putting the flnliklng •tratloni ii the practical application touch*, on the magnificent ntw Tern- » ' J»« P* 0 "* P»«»»re Metkoda of ra- pie, and when It ia thrown open for vlvlng peron. overcoMe hy gaa or public Inspection on the S«th it will wh* are drowning. This may be seen be complete in every detail. On this ••<* Monday and Wednesday after- occasion the general puNle, aa well noon and is being demonstrated by as the Masonk fraternity, will be la- Bernlct Miller, Marion Cubberly vited to visit and view the new build- Clarice Saaford ing ia all its departmenta, from boiler Bourfcitr. room to high ceilinged lodge room.) Each Tuesday and Tkunday, dtnt- aafe in tka assurance tkat the goat, onstrations of knot-tying have been kept for the keneAt of trembling " "' - - - didatea, will be properly housed g y Marion Cubberly. and Mary Emily QnCtUOIIa C h a W i Yoang, Edward WoatUndt and Har- oM Alexander. can- givtn by Betty Woodruff and Peggy and demonstration of signalling by meaaa M4MM.M to Through tkoofforta of tkt BtUMn ,"*••*• IM.SI4 aa N M M W ITS MMigaJtoit MM1« hat. attat win ka 9M,<TB, aa HI iA Entering tka great entrance doors demonstration of aigaalltn gby M . WILUAMMA' Men'e Ckrktlaa Aetoclattoa town, tke «a speratian ef Protestant cnurekea wae tketr dtonava to aalitn an night, February t. .Tka asnwnjttotton far i tag will ke M M M aa i Mt year; MM afptiayk: tke WestftokJ katid kaa keenI te $I,IM si atmtoil) !*,1M ( '' I tk. Beard of aoaltkwiMi * af tkta |«« . . atntaat f i ^ M kMt taBBl BBMMMI taSBHkW fjrfM. BM^MBBBM* BBB^BBBMC •JBVfi tgiaaBVJV B^^Haw WIBI 'sfVjVMarwV ifJH|*^V*a7 , **** »^ta Mk of tke semaphon code. One giri wttl dianen in tke various feet in Wight and won a dark suit Houghton7 Betty Scoville and and a Ught hat Police Sergeant Black; Dorotky Mayeock ia eka H rtt Uillrf sN t h » »kl Harry Otter detailed officer* to keep for the macklne bat no Tke problem play fells to tkt Poster Committee, wkkk includea Derotky Johnston, chairman; Emily Byer, Nelson Har- riaon and Charica Addama. Twenty attractive poster* will mon appear In the windowa of WestncM'e business houses. The programa for the play are be- ing attended to by a committee con- sisting of Jack Lindberg, chairman; Jeannette Gordon, laahoUe Benson and Oliver Carkerry. group of attractive girls will provide the audience with candy be- tween' act* Theae are Dorothy May- cock, Haxel Sorter, Marjorie Ruckert, Avk Waage. Betty Moaer, Constance " ' - - - , | ckairman few feet balewtke groand level. f b ipte Place, 1 stand In the window of Elliott « e7a mar- IFrkdrtefca and win signal tea girl to , to tka right.! the window of Dawson ft Johnston*. •linliEieitwIII Interehanie mtjaagea. k only a of the wttl paradt totte Hlikv-lekaM- Jrs On Saturday, three groups of girls program kaa ktira . wiUvkHtke plant of tkt Van Doran! committee, witk Dr. Be- Laundry and the workings of a mod-1 Lawla, preildwt af ill l d ill b fll l k b g y g fort entering the club room.one will era laundry will be carefully ex- ll id lk lid Thi ill bl h t Thia will enable them to for certain bodges. Back pea* a wall equipped cloak room plained. where be wlll.be relieved of coat and qualify hat. Probably the flnt imprenion group will eonsiat of fifteen girla. gained upon reaching the quarten of The flnt group will start at the Masonic Club Is one of comfort o'clock the second at 11, and and good cheer. Easy chairs, card 10 »ty of-r^dingT.: ffif taE^^^^^11 r.^f ta th^.o°w,nn5-kr " J r !!"i_ w !!!? of » m e of the nature atudy, which ia General ckairman. Ratoh BeeVei Wll- of tkis group. PKESS LAUDS CAU rotDttlCASAKTIST Carl Friedberg is coming to West- - .. . - - . Held Friday evening of this week to coincided wtth that of the penon who pUy M o n the Muaicml Qub in the had held up the Plainfleld pUce. | Roosevelt auditorium. His record ia Th lk r f the pinin that triumph., for hla np- ubitohT hu debut At e:l* o'clock tke police were, notlttd tkat tke Tydol station on Nortk avenue had been beld up by a lone bandit and the description given of tkt ear and its occupants p p | Roo The m>lka are of the opinion that OB . of MU aftor tka Plainfleld "job" the bandit utat|ol| wii coming up through Garwood nad ap-1 Hi. '9O'», and is aa gnat as ever, prea. comment, give an idea Ion reported is about fIf. i Star saya: "Carl Friedberg ia not a pianist wbo relies for Ms imprejslona at It. tables, an abundance of light both Lejrt Saturday afternoon duringtha from eeiling and atanding lamps, a « 8tory Hour" held in the Public Li- large open fireplace with some blai- b rary, Mn. Charles J. Sourbier gave ing logs, and plenty -* —•" terial, mark this memben may be assured of good fel- £ rt " of t h e G l r , g ^ educ , Mon . lowship and genial surrounding.. . ' „"„ 8o Urb | er U | kwl on .. T he Stan." doors In tke east end of A t t h # eg^imjo,, ot Ber ta ik, demon- when closed, mark off a » tnitlon , ot n nt Aid, bandaging and knot-tying were given by Elisabeth .. . . . . -. Berry, Anna Adele Condit, Marion aa a siago for antertainmtnte, by the use of a movable platform and removable lege, as speaker ef tha evening 1 . Waatfleld is indeed fortunate having tke opportunity of suck a flne speaker, wko will address the fatken and i subject fltting to such an occaaion. The ckurckea co-operating art tka Presbyterian, Method 1st Baptist, Episcopal and Congregational. Tka Cubberly and Mary Emily Sourbter. under tkt direction of Mrs. Arthur footlights, aa a serving room for tkt Breanberg. captain of Troop S. kitchen, which immediately adjoins It . -_„_ ....... —. .-».•••• on the south and la fltted up witk a LIONS SHOW TICKETS AM mWAVAILABLE Reports relative to the progress of the Minstnt Snow and Revue were modern equipment for serving din- ner. In the club room, or light re- freshments in tke lodge room above by way of an elevator. Approaching the upper floor from the entrance platform, the vWtor submitted by General Chairman C. finds, at the head of the marble stair- Wesley Collins, Preston W. Eld- way, a large vestibule with a groined ridge and E. R. Crow at the regular celling, from whkh corridor, lead to dinner meeting of the Lion, club held a preparation room, lavatorial and Friday night iri the Elm Tret Inn, the lodge room itself. Tke latter is indicate that all committees are func- of generous site, with high ceiling, tioning in an efficient manner and iftly tinted walls and side : state the work of rounding off tha produe- (Continue* en Paae I) bridge in her home on Friday. John English of Bahway avenue, ia confined to the Muktonberg pltal with scarlet fever. impre»lon of baing a dreamer _ F. Randolph, B. M. Plerson, Dr. C. M. F. Egel, E. 8. jSnevily. effect upon the audience. Hla teen- Prugh and R. 8. nique I. masterful and his tonei clear and diatinct, yet tempered alwaya with a touch that seems to proceed ANOTHER LOTSOLD ON CARLETON ROAD Yesterday another lot was sold on Carleton Road between Grove and Clifton Btrttto.* Three yean ago tklt section waa only shown en the Map witk a total of 41 large plots. Today 80 lot. ktvt keen told and t l dwellings erected. Only II lota with a mountain view remain. No lot ha* a frontage of less than 61 ft ar a dapth of 1B0 ft. Some lota among tha trees. WHICH ONE DOYOU WANT ? $60. to $6S, ptr front foot Bap—IM Nlflht—ittT SMEMllra>.St MIMBRT R. WELCH, BETTER BE 1NBUBED THAN •OUBY. p from fingertip* with a soul." The Cincinnati Time.-8Ur uya: y He is a complete master of the re- nources of the keyboard. He ia one of the few great masten." And from the Berlin Hageblatt eome.<: "Fried- berg 1. an Individuality and on that count alone Is welcome; but in addi- tion, he is a flnt-splrited and distin- guished artist." Then the Brussela L'Indepandence Beige says: "Hit name I. one to be written In letter. of gold, for it Is the name of a truly great artlat. Hla playing .... proved him a poet a. much BJ a plan- MUTUAL i,AL ELECTS urn 1CERS tlon is progressing in a most satia- factory manner. The Senior Aux- iliary will aid in the disposition of tha ticket., it waa said. The show wilt I bo presented in the auditorium of tha Officer* and Directory were elected Roo.-evelt Junior High school on the at the annual meeting of the akare avenings of February 1B-16 and will koldan of the Mutual Building * be given for the benefit of the Child- Loan Association held In iti offices. ren's Country Home, on Elm street on Monday night. The | Tickets are in' the hands of the annual atatement of the association Senior Auxiliary and the memben of indicate, that another auccenful year ha. closed. The officer, anddirectors who were elected are: Officer.: president, George W. the Lioni club and may be exchanged at Doerrer's from February 11, on. A life-site paper mache lion waa on exhibit aa the club memben en- tered the dining room of the Elm Frutchey; flnt vice president, WII- Tree Inn. This waa awarded the lo- p praise enn be given no man." And hen Is one from tkt Hagut Het Vaderlnnd: "He possesses so many extraordinary planlatic qual- ities .... characteristic) wkick per- mit u* to recognise tklt man as whol l " A d ht k ly llam J. Kennedy; second vice prej- ident, Theoodre R. Harvey. Directors: Samuel Armstrong, Oao. E. Hayes, Herbert C. Newell, Charles E. Smith, William H. WeMon three yean; John T. Haviland cal club In the International Attend- ence content, which 10 now in pro- one year. 1st In his Interpretations. Higher Auditors: M. T. Townley, 0. M. prais enn be given no man" ' ~ * - - - - Affleck, J. S. Fisher. Dr. William L. Patterson reported for I that the sixteenth consecutive 100 for par cent meeting had been recorded last week. Ray Torbu.h, a member of the meeting, which waadirected by Pres- ident John C. Elliott. Rev. Edward. Jamea Holden, for- mer pastor of the'Weetfltld Baptltt Church, Is a patient In the Alexlan • t o r t WillaHHato great." And what mon can at aumIraaet R. Aekermaa tf tkk^DIa- B»othere Heapitel il Elisabeth, where ?!*££ lht r 5f!S T H llto i l f^VtHet, a large number of tkt new te • • If 1 ***!',""*""*"* • "?'•'••' °+ "Bevlewlng all the planleU wko have | . | r m .|| st.mpea enveloate wart re- •«»"»II performed by Dr. A. O. Buck visited Prague, during past at well ctlved by total pkUateikta In thk of E»»«beth. at tkt preient aeaaon, kut ana seaav eeetlon. Tkaaa tauvanln wtrt Malted Ralph Reeve; Wll- Presbyterian; Hoary Baptijt; WtlUam Beattya, Matkodlat; Ckaritt M. Sekaefer, Epis- copal; Beta Ma SlgMa Fraternity, Everett Smith, presMeat /,, ,. WUTNELD TKUST Offlcen wan elected at tka an- nual organlaatlon Meeting af tkt Board of Directon of Tka Weetfleld Trust Company wkkk waji keld la the bank on Monday night. Tko of- flcen elected were: president, Wil- liam M. Beard: flnt vice prisldiat. Robert A Fairbafam; s c ) d vi : e pris Robert A. Fairbafam; stcte)d president, Robert W. Harden) tery and treasurer, Frederick J. Holmes; aaatatant secretary, JaMta B. Walsh; asoiatant trtaiurtr, Jokn M. Hull, Jr. •• m m, vna HMV aeciion. lIMee tBUVtnin Wtrt mtUtt tlon eontti to " h i ^ a n t pttMively at WaaMngton, D. C , the a n t day i« great oner-Cari Friedktrg. 7 ' llsaut, Jaaaary II. — Rook botto Tke neat wlU be keM en a hearing waa aet fee tke Tueeday, Janaaty H. A farm to Anna U tveaiiaaet an fnae •• tots* 1 "" 1 * 1 Frank B. Meehtt, Ba tor, 81 bulk THRIFT WEiK, January 17- MM mmjhifkt SVMHW MM) hmm mil kh life ml the grhtdtfmt" ITABT A BANK ACCOUNT THIS KM SYSTEMATIC THBIIT I k WeitneH Tmt CaBMt?

Transcript of LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction...

Page 1: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities






af tkt

fM* tte9 MNNMla M a k tkt Meu'i Ctok ef St.

oat kaadrad per cent

i to Mr.

of tka clak memben. Tke•flaw WH ka Md to tkt pariah ktuse• • tka evening of Tkarsday, January

tkt aatk tf f«.AsaitjviewlyannenneaiJMtpkB.

of wcU wishers to tkawera terming for tke ia-

laradt. Tke crowd of Be-rtaklag part te tkk was eati-

man aad kk 'party arrivedState House at abort U

; aad wart received to tke pri-> effkee tf Oevernor Moora. ,Tktt Ittt tkt Building for tka theatrely ktfort noon and tkert Oev-• MOON tuned over tke ptaltien

1 ckkf executive to kk eueetmsr.mckesot tkt Lagttto-abled en tka stage af

tkeatre and ware called to orderi President Tkomas A, Mata-

laf Ocean Ceuaty.I Following tka actual ceremony, Mr.

gave kJa.toantaral

j tka addreat, Mr,Mr. Moora wart oacortad to tktGetontal Barracka ky Mamkare

Troop, wkere tkt off-

Iwtat to tkt stead to freat tf tktCiatHI wfcata tkty iwviewtd

a spectacle wkkk kad attractedto tka State Capital,

i kandt wera in Una.tka panda was over, Gov-

r Larson wont to thei ka racahrad away wall wishers.

j M a hi Oewemer'e Addrenkkv Inaugural address, Govor-

Uraon argod tkat:rka Caaa Committee be eontiauadI givtn powor to coMpal obedienceiti mandatea.

; tka alaction tows ikoald beentirely.

Tkat economy should prevail andcountka and munktpalities

•Id kt gaardad from living ke-

Tkat perlodk andita of State fln-incee should be Made.

Tklt tkt Ntwe ktpt free of pollution,a conference bo ealled of

epretantatlves of chmnben ef com-.•area and municipalities to dlseuseka problem of mounting taste.

Tkat a plan be worked oat for the•earing ef court ealendan witk thewto of Judges, lawyers and toymen.

Tke adoption of a fair and far-tatog policy on water conservation.

Tkt reclamaUen of tke Jerseyteadowa.Mr. Laraon also pledged hia aid to

•ing the State Highway pro-announced his intention of ap-j a kusinest raacutive for theto Inspect departments as hla

indorsed the tow prohibitingi acquisition of bank stock by ketd-

j companies.Several Westfleld man attended the

files, among them being: Sen

Secretary of thaBowery Smack of tke Y. M. C. A.

ill k tk riil

»r tfce «•»•«» •«p Tkkata nave keen Mat

to tatk MtMktr by Or. H. C HaaiU-toa wke la te ekarge of atttaaiare.


Shortly after 7:»0 o'clock Uttnight the local polieo reealved a callfrom the Plainfleld department to tkoeffoct tkat n lone kandH had held upthe Tydol aarvice atation and had

a gateway. According to tka•ant aat by PUinfltld,

tha man in queitlen waa driving aBakk aadan kaarlng New York rtg-litratien platea. He waa about i



Ttektte far George Betty'a satiri-eomedy. "Tke Torck-Bearen,"

tk tat Ctooj ~wkkk tkaT k a T k B e a ,

of l i l t of tka Waat-

m tkt ar• and • at I M p.•ale. They may be


l Pa* Pwarwury

, are now anobtained frome y may

any mamktr of tkt tkwa.Bekaanab far tka play art kaM

dally and tka eatt and committeta•ro workiag faMkfUly to give thepnklic aa Una a parfarmaatt aa pee-ilkle. Tkaaa wko anjaytd "Daley"•o mack laat year art eare to bepleased wHa tat daHgktf al ckaraeter-imtion, aatirt, and kakwn af "TkaT k » "

flJtaBiaM_-aHBI • • . • . < • aTamtmmlmnrfXJBffBBJBff" ••••BBnmanum^amBjBBMBMff

Skew. Uena Oak at Rooivolt SckeeL


Torck.»iarira.Tka competent caat

bard to i ' ' fortka

•W WllsPJ Vfjanm0 decided to extend tfce drive Witll Jan-I I JAIIAIY fit w»r tS. Wkea flr.t launched, it waaBBJ dWIVaWI M l M H V ) a that tke drive should end an

t l . Tke request for fanda


Tko event to wklck WtttfltM Ma-For aeveral daya daring tkt

people of WaaUtoM and funds far tkt•toes axpeasee la at fellows:

• _ • _ VWuaama*g*As»Bi aVf t&aMW^Jah^H^HoMVOo BTVfJBBBjB^VkB arMwwVa^^BVBjnV|UjsB} ar« • — -• *- a r w v a w w e o j a t ) ^tuawev V W « I U B | wvejp WWBBW~

Moore; Mr. Huxley Heesefrosse— for yean-tke completion of tke paiga, ««aMaitratioM of tke work ka-Lawtoa Taytort Mr. Saiiidkr-IIer. Tempkn u akout to ke raalUad. UM ^ j ^ , fcy tfc. u*rt Troop, ar .kart reanter; » ^ » W * » « » « > ^ ! ^ " t A p ^ M ° u 7u^ hL beM In tke window of Elliott .Fried-

•VpaTaBJIB SB)o eJ^BrSSoiBBjewS VkV B^w^PepMlMmpeU'e avSeW fp4a%Baal iBLfls ftwa B C I S B ) MiU^MJde'V

SulB£ SMc"gWua1I Vj,u Peu, whnaBw wSa^p • » * • auBSav ' v^p*wet dflsmgMis%watjgVaBai4as1aiaai BatMfsm ~ t^ABl *asDY.smsn

lag will take place on Saturday, Jan- F | r i t A M bandaging and other tkwkkk tke girla are taught

bort roenter; Mr. RalpDoagUi HatnaU; Toddy Spaarlag—

D M Sta Maaagar—l Sitte

D a g U H ; yEdward Down; Mr. Stage gBeveriey Moiga; Mn. Paula Sitter(BUter'a wife)—Edaa TmEyck; Mn.J. Ouro Pampiaalli—AUUoa Reid;

f l l E l S l MIJ. Our P a p ;Mr.. Nelly fell—Eleanor Searle; MIMPlorenea MeCrlekett—Norma HiU;Mra. Clara Sheppard—Janet Dunbar;Jenny (a houaamald at RHter'.)—Margaret Jokna.

AHhough tha caat ia of the utmoatimportance, muck of the tucceu ofthe play wUI depend upon the untir-ing efforta of all eoauattteaa.

The Property Committee, in chargeof Gertrude Darby, chairman, hat tkafollowing memben: Joanne Solowe.Elaine Neefue, Mary Emily gourbier.Katherine Walker, Tkomai Galta-gner, and Botknae Jonea,

Tka Betaery and Lighting Com-mittee ia eoMpoatd of Douglas Hen-




wMktldTMMLMla tkt

gtikytivaa af tka varitni Moa'a Cwka of

> frota tktof tke OM Seout drive

f I,»M wkkk ia now iacate tkat tka rtauna tkua far at-tained are nwat sattofartaey. Al-tkeugk nuay ef tka "Scant Metken"wke are actively participating to tke

ky Ill-ta taelr komea tkk kaa net

way discouraged the committeewee of tkk handicap H has beea

- » . _~ • . . B - » _ . B wawi BBM ar w s i mwrm » w ^ w « » -—- •«-»—— u | u v n i VWIPCWIHiamj • • avma

Cawrml Pmtlll I t t H i T« la> with wkick to carry oa Gtri leant ac- . . . « . • oawtker and Ian"- * * en^ otoi t l4 ' . I _ I A | ^ *__ anw A ^ a_a M _ A B . _ *• ^ ^ . ^ ^ , • • • • • • * • • • araBwnnjBJn M^PMl a^na^ni

jttvKlea In Waatield for the nest year.kaa Mat with general approval kyjtkoM wko can we tka need of tko

yoang girU being e«-

of Plainfleld, a large force of work-1 f J ! t l , . r ?men to now putting the flnliklng •tratloni ii the practical applicationtouch*, on the magnificent ntw Tern- » ' J»« P*0"* P»«»»re Metkoda of ra-pie, and when It ia thrown open for vlvlng peron. overcoMe hy gaa orpublic Inspection on the S«th it will wh* are drowning. This may be seenbe complete in every detail. On this ••<* Monday and Wednesday after-occasion the general puNle, aa well noon and is being demonstrated byas the Masonk fraternity, will be la- Bernlct Miller, Marion Cubberlyvited to visit and view the new build- Clarice Saafording ia all its departmenta, from boiler Bourfcitr.room to high ceilinged lodge room.) Each Tuesday and Tkunday, dtnt-aafe in tka assurance tkat the goat, onstrations of knot-tying have beenkept for the keneAt of trembling " "' - - -didatea, will be properly housed

g yMarion Cubberly.and Mary Emily

Q n C t U O I I a C h a W iYoang, Edward WoatUndt and Har-oM Alexander.

can- givtn by Betty Woodruff and Peggyand demonstration of signalling by meaaa

M4MM.M to

Through tko offorta of tkt BtUMn ,"*••*•

IM.SI4 aa N M M W

ITS MMigaJtoit MM1« hat.

attat win ka 9M,<TB, aaH I i A

Entering tka great entrance doorsdemonstration of aigaalltn gby


Men'e Ckrktlaa Aetoclattoatown, tke «a speratian efProtestant cnurekea wae

tketrdtonava to aalitn an

night, February t.

.Tka asnwnjttotton far itag will ke M M M aa i

Mt year; MM afptiayk:tke WestftokJ katid kaa keen Ite $I,IM s i atmtoil) !*,1M (

' ' I tk. Beard of aoaltkwiMi* af tkta |«« . . atntaat fi^M kMttaBBl BBMMMI taSBHkW f j r f M . B M ^ M B B B M * BBB^BBBMC•JBVfi tgiaaBVJV B ^ ^ H a w W I B I 'sfVjVMarwV ifJH|*^V*a7 ,

* * * * »^ta Mk

of tke semaphon code. One giri wttl dianen in tke various

feet in Wight and won a dark suit Houghton7 Betty Scoville andand a Ught hat Police Sergeant Black; Dorotky Mayeock ia ekaH rtt Uillrf sN t h » »klHarry Otter detailed officer* to keep

for the macklne bat no

Tke problemplay fells to tkt Poster Committee,wkkk includea Derotky Johnston,chairman; Emily Byer, Nelson Har-riaon and Charica Addama. Twentyattractive poster* will mon appear Inthe windowa of WestncM'e businesshouses.

The programa for the play are be-ing attended to by a committee con-sisting of Jack Lindberg, chairman;Jeannette Gordon, laahoUe Bensonand Oliver Carkerry.

group of attractive girls willprovide the audience with candy be-tween' act* Theae are Dorothy May-cock, Haxel Sorter, Marjorie Ruckert,Avk Waage. Betty Moaer, Constance

" ' - • • - - , B < | R u t h


few feet balewtke groand level.f b

ipte Place,1 stand In the window of Elliott «„ e 7 a mar- IFrkdrtefca and win signal tea girl to, to tka right.! the window of Dawson ft Johnston*.

• l inl iEieitwIII Interehanie mtjaagea.

k only a

of the

wttl paradt totteHlikv-lekaM- Jrs

On Saturday, three groups of girls program kaa ktira. wiUvkHtke plant of tkt Van Doran! committee, witk Dr.Be- Laundry and the workings of a mod-1 Lawla, preildwt af

ill l d ill b f l l l kb g y g

fort entering the club room.one will era laundry will be carefully ex-ll i d lk l i d Thi ill bl h tThia will enable them to

for certain bodges. Backpea* a wall equipped cloak room plained.where be wlll.be relieved of coat and qualifyhat. Probably the flnt imprenion group will eonsiat of fifteen girla.gained upon reaching the quarten of The flnt group will start atthe Masonic Club Is one of comfort o'clock the second at 11, andand good cheer. Easy chairs, card


»ty of-r dingT.: ffif taE^^^^^11 r.^ftath^.o°w,nn5-kr" • J

r ! !" i_ w ! ! !? of »me of the nature atudy, which ia General ckairman. Ratoh BeeVei Wll-

of tkis group.


Carl Friedberg is coming to West-- .. . - - . Held Friday evening of this week tocoincided wtth that of the penon who p U y M o n t h e Muaicml Qub in thehad held up the Plainfleld pUce. | Roosevelt auditorium. His record ia

Th lk r f the pinin that triumph., for hla np-ubitohT h u debut

At e:l* o'clock tke police were,notlttd tkat tke Tydol station onNortk avenue had been beld up bya lone bandit and the descriptiongiven of tkt ear and its occupants

p p | RooThe m>lka are of the opinion that O B . o f M U

aftor tka Plainfleld "job" the bandit u t a t | o l | w i i

coming up through Garwood nad ap-1 Hi.'9O'», and is aa gnat as ever,prea. comment, give an idea

Ion reported is about fIf. i Star saya: "Carl Friedberg ia not apianist wbo relies for Ms imprejslona

at It.tables, an abundance of light both Lejrt Saturday afternoon during thafrom eeiling and atanding lamps, a «8tory Hour" held in the Public Li-large open fireplace with some blai- brary, Mn. Charles J. Sourbier gaveing logs, and plenty -* —•"terial, mark thismemben may be assured of good fel- £ r t " o f t h e G l r , g ^ e d u c , M o n .lowship and genial surrounding.. . ' „"„ 8o U r b | e r U | k w l o n ..The Stan."

doors In tke east end of A t t h # eg^imjo,, ot B e r taik, demon-when closed, mark off a » t n i t l o n , ot nnt Aid, bandaging and

knot-tying were given by Elisabeth. . . . . . - . Berry, Anna Adele Condit, Marionaa a siago

for antertainmtnte, by the use of amovable platform and removable

lege, as speaker ef tha evening1.Waatfleld is indeed fortunate

having tke opportunity ofsuck a flne speaker, wko will addressthe fatken and isubject fltting to such an occaaion.The ckurckea co-operating art tkaPresbyterian, Method 1 s t Baptist,Episcopal and Congregational. Tka

Cubberly and Mary Emily Sourbter.under tkt direction of Mrs. Arthur

footlights, aa a serving room for tkt Breanberg. captain of Troop S.kitchen, which immediately adjoins It . - _ „ _ . . . . . . . —. . - » . • • • •on the south and la fltted up witk a LIONS SHOW TICKETS

AM m W AVAILABLEReports relative to the progress of

the Minstnt Snow and Revue were

modern equipment for serving din-ner. In the club room, or light re-freshments in tke lodge room aboveby way of an elevator.

Approaching the upper floor fromthe entrance platform, the vWtor submitted by General Chairman C.finds, at the head of the marble stair- Wesley Collins, Preston W. Eld-way, a large vestibule with a groined ridge and E. R. Crow at the regularcelling, from whkh corridor, lead to dinner meeting of the Lion, club helda preparation room, lavatorial and Friday night iri the Elm Tret Inn,the lodge room itself. Tke latter is indicate that all committees are func-of generous site, with high ceiling, tioning in an efficient manner and

iftly tinted walls and side : state the work of rounding off tha produe-(Continue* en Paae I)

bridge in her home on Friday.John English of Bahway avenue,

ia confined to the Muktonbergpltal with scarlet fever.

impre»lon of baing a dreamer _

F. Randolph, B. M.Plerson, Dr. C. M. F. Egel, E. 8. jSnevily.

effect upon the audience. Hla teen-Prugh and R. 8. nique I. masterful and his tonei clear

and diatinct, yet tempered alwayawith a touch that seems to proceed


Yesterday another lot was sold on Carleton Road betweenGrove and Clifton Btrttto.* Three yean ago tklt section waa onlyshown en the Map witk a total of 41 large plots. Today 80 lot.ktvt keen told and t l dwellings erected. Only II lota with amountain view remain. No lot ha* a frontage of less than 61 ftar a dapth of 1B0 ft. Some lota among tha trees.

WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT ?$60. to $6S, ptr front foot




pfrom fingertip* with a soul."

The Cincinnati Time.-8Ur uya:yHe is a complete master of the re-

nources of the keyboard. He ia oneof the few great masten." And fromthe Berlin Hageblatt eome.<: "Fried-berg 1. an Individuality and on thatcount alone Is welcome; but in addi-tion, he is a flnt-splrited and distin-guished artist." Then the BrusselaL'Indepandence Beige says: "Hitname I. one to be written In letter.of gold, for it Is the name of a trulygreat artlat. Hla playing . . . .proved him a poet a. much BJ a plan-


tlon is progressing in a most satia-factory manner. The Senior Aux-iliary will aid in the disposition of thaticket., it waa said. The show wilt

I bo presented in the auditorium of thaOfficer* and Directory were elected Roo.-evelt Junior High school on the

at the annual meeting of the akare avenings of February 1B-16 and willkoldan of the Mutual Building * be given for the benefit of the Child-Loan Association held In iti offices. ren's Country Home,on Elm street on Monday night. The | Tickets are in' the hands of theannual atatement of the association Senior Auxiliary and the memben ofindicate, that another auccenful yearha. closed.

The officer, and directors who wereelected are:

Officer.: president, George W.

the Lioni club and may be exchangedat Doerrer's from February 11, on.

A life-site paper mache lion waaon exhibit aa the club memben en-tered the dining room of the Elm

Frutchey; flnt vice president, WII- Tree Inn. This waa awarded the lo-

ppraise enn be given no man."

And hen Is one from tkt HagutHet Vaderlnnd: "He possesses somany extraordinary planlatic qual-ities . . . . characteristic) wkick per-mit u* to recognise tklt man as wholl " A d h t kly

llam J. Kennedy; second vice prej-ident, Theoodre R. Harvey.

Directors: Samuel Armstrong, Oao.E. Hayes, Herbert C. Newell, CharlesE. Smith, William H. WeMonthree yean; John T. Haviland

cal club In the International Attend-ence content, which 10 now in pro-

one year.1st In his Interpretations. Higher Auditors: M. T. Townley, 0. M.prais enn be given no man" ' ~ * - - - -Affleck, J. S. Fisher.

Dr. William L. Patterson reportedfor I that the sixteenth consecutive 100for par cent meeting had been recorded

last week.Ray Torbu.h, a member of the

meeting, which waa directed by Pres-ident John C. Elliott.

Rev. Edward. Jamea Holden, for-mer pastor of the'Weetfltld BaptlttChurch, Is a patient In the Alexlan

• to r t WillaHHato

great." And what mon can at aum Iraaet R. Aekermaa tf tkk^DIa- B»othere Heapitel i l Elisabeth, where?!*££ lht.»r5f!STH l l toi l f^VtHet, a large number of tkt new te • • If1***!',""*""*"* • "?'•'••' °+"Bevlewlng all the planleU wko have | . | r m . | | st.mpea enveloate wart re- •«»"»II performed by Dr. A. O. Buckvisited Prague, during past at well ctlved by total pkUateikta In thk o f E»»«beth.at tkt preient aeaaon, kut ana seaav eeetlon. Tkaaa tauvanln wtrt Malted

Ralph Reeve; Wll-Presbyterian; Hoary

Baptijt; WtlUam Beattya,Matkodlat; Ckaritt M. Sekaefer, Epis-copal; Beta Ma SlgMa Fraternity,Everett Smith, presMeat / , , , .


Offlcen wan elected at tka an-nual organlaatlon Meeting af tktBoard of Directon of Tka WeetfleldTrust Company wkkk waji keld lathe bank on Monday night. Tko of-flcen elected were: president, Wil-liam M. Beard: flnt vice prisldiat.Robert A Fairbafam; s c ) d vi

: e prisRobert A. Fairbafam; stcte)dpresident, Robert W. Harden)tery and treasurer, Frederick J.Holmes; aaatatant secretary, JaMta B.Walsh; asoiatant trtaiurtr, Jokn M.Hull, Jr.

• • m m, • vna H M V aeciion. lIMee tBUVtnin Wtrt mtUtttlon eontti to " h i ^ a n t pttMively at WaaMngton, D. C , the ant day i«great oner-Cari Friedktrg.7' llsaut, Jaaaary II.

— Rook botto

Tke neatwlU be keM en

a hearing waa aet fee tkeTueeday, Janaaty H.

Afarm to Anna U

tveaiiaaet an fnae • •


Frank B. Meehtt, Bator,81 bulk

THRIFT WEiK, January 1 7 -

MM mmjhifkt SVMHW MM) hmm

mil kh life ml the grhtdtfmt"


I k WeitneH Tmt CaBMt?

Page 2: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

baker'scouia.t B I W %»BW^P

beaudftd thanwBI SMtjt m> Ika WmdMi B e * *School, Matins A

are eaaacted te *ataUElisabeth, lakwar

aM iiw• •Ml N

• i a , - i _ ^ ^ _ _ ^ jBkMamml ammtmaFBrsBBffvB B* Bw^kBm^e •^• • • • • •w sraawa*^

leriMl rwH* ie*f • « * • a* a• M I artMag earn. Hat al

. . . at a still tower price!$1350 tt.Sr^tk^aaB^raTyavia-'caK » - Baw t orie. were ad- XS^ST•arr toaaH *f n * lawa a a * *the nirrea M aalara w*rt. Ti» and*r-staerf tale we

trur t« of the AaMrican Coum aaliaaL

the Educatioa for'or loara bow to trim a hat•a fa tkaaa aabjicta.

Th* avvaaead cwwaaatioa foror lean bthe Tetr tkeiaride of her bead or decorate the

M W l l AU pro•veaiaaw at T o'clock, aad t h * bagiav

eveaia# at • : ! » o'clock. Tha cotmala ««sin*M Law will ale* b* affaraaat »:!» o'clock Friday a-raatofa. Th*

P M I M a * a * , tofcptaa. at Baas m Team fa-Kmibe •» ««ease the «Mt

. {Mas. Iks a * . M i a t * *A gt * $ B' I

r. it ahtar

i Md hb f«raj(a. batwMk liJM tlkja.•UaawatiacM'

marble. Theof (he ecster at mt mat •

grawa. H m llarlf fb* IMMMM*

or adaaf* laairta. whMi ant iwlag ta-

H»» brines allttriaa tniai the n l m "• ilwtea, I I la hum thla anurra alan thaiih»» dart** la* wtta or I'm* fnoa

k they BMfH* ilw t*mt atnu-tan

aad eel*•a It bee

aemtyat kit

t aa> flaw at Ika• • UMBBT M M M*J HMM M * M* «*a MfM

• j sat MaM wMk Iba aaKaataajakMtlt Hataf

d t * *» Ik

tkai iMMiiaa aflat la* •aliwriTM> nwal p"l»-pl •!»• la ftma aalar.

T M i fond »»«••> la MnwiM toby Ik* waria and rammti ••< the aaa.U a ratuH H la fnaml Him illrartlfipaaall* Ik* awatk of a atrmai fma

bth* latand tbaThtta alii M tk* « M M in ib* ladoaafvatara.—Watblaglaa Star.

ftr A—thliai TrailM*a aava ttfMa BMMttatd dlafuried

idaai «f tfcrlft Tkt dr t * «f Marib»m***. anted for bM BlcgarUI} •»r«.•Mold raanrt u aJanat gar B M M te

H la related thai a* rcprvaciiea a4*mai tut barlag III ftiar MIHIIC* laMa MM «bea Print-* tugtm trMtedhlai lar a n«irerenra Jaai brfore thebatlla at Wenlieliii. It k) »h» related(bal «bea the doke araa III at Bulh

taHMH aa fslag « i Hut to hi*l ta order I* at re alipence tot

a rkatr la mnj him• a i d M M * wrote uf Ik* duke'* mean

Mia. H* aild b* wnaM wa*rr Ibat laall at ala great caaipalgaa be *n»iwtar knnvn to I n * * kt* o»c bagaasv.-'-Tbrlfl Magaafa*.


g§wgj sja Ifajsi w vmamwam *»*•»»• • • » • • - * » ^ « » * » - • —•• • — ~ —

both an ornament aad a ae- feaaioB* were alto BOW opea to w eia the home but not i t for mm.matter*. Her varied esper-! While ma** education

in educational Acids aad ber iag oa a tremendoa. Kale, along awociatiom with college girl* tread toward individual attention aadand thiir problem, give* her a rich development waa alto keeping pace

of intereetiag fact* ta with K, The etTort of today i* eon-_ I cent rated oa the individual, to allow

She Recalled torn* of th* Ant law* aack to develop ki* or her own cape-


paaeed by the New England father* bilitiei to the highert degree.

The «nt. a period from 1SU t*IS75, wilt noted a* th* aga of beginnine. / real beginning is the nigh-er educationtaking funa.itleof

of •lowlyEach Khoel heU tk*

emale Inrtitntion or Fenaie

The aw of mMMa* la the cnrl*

at lie eata* ataatlailoaa. It I*a? wave bees a tree «n«l Mt* a * aard ie make the eraat at

( M a t , wkaa II thraak to its preset** a pantile


MaBaiMajj •m^B*w w9*

19m A. ibM Dr.lammma «ff tBa Sa-

•f th*

tha OHaaaat aa "A war* «*»i ami * * • (aak ateaU ha

Jlh .wWfar .WthegW.

•• mil. 1 aailaayaajathyaaVtt to rah, fern ^

ibiaVrmwptlMl1 k* heartily

Tie aajart af tke Girif*ref-

f t aa* the abjart ef maay t*uenttmag tha aM ltoreem*a aad the

•attaat OraW prl*at* af Brllala. aadmammmm mat laaammm BmaJIdblml mmikm — * - • - ' - •* aial •

part af aar. mndtra Chrhwlaa ctainmaAllMMfaf 90W# oC Its MaWUtlflM WCft•aaa «W I m M M happlaeat.•aMy aaa* aand rnrlaae a* l*a« at lik) aM baatatb oar freL-wttnln.

af •aahTaa*tka trat cbRirlc light «a* devm-

«aai by * lr Itampbrey Davy. Thai•aa l i t ream age. Later Tkomaa aKdteaa dcveluaad ika uKaiMbm-aMMaaawM lamp aad. from It, dlwovered•kat la kamra aa the Rdtma effect.

tialt* a aember of year* later Profeaaar rtcmtng, aa BngHthnmii, amatlllard the Kdl*«a elfed In delectingradio algnala. Hit detecfor ruhe wt»called th* riemlng valv*.

later hr. I M IvForeat dUrateredthat a third element—now called thegrid—awile a much more aendtlve rte-tertor of radio aignnla. Amund thUMMaarhaMe little lump tut been builitha modem broudciutlag ttructare.

lawaarMmsmmlpatiaBBBBaSaBBaml BBB^ta«B*aBVl«k*B * t , #

' " »' ' • • ! •" •g aBBBiaj»jgj H^iggBJHtvl l V I

•^*^^»-PB™Pl*f SB M m9MB«] amMMem • *

•:lfm* tl. mat SMMnVial amaat-

rMajrarWUnamll. Beard inat tha aitaation tajra,her* ban aarallad In

I taaa can ba tralaed by vol-'aa. U par firU an to

taagkt ead tralaed. Itr that a paid director ia• • . Tke* deserve tb*

aafaart af the people of Weet-, aaa a la a prlveleg* ta eoatrt->b»aaafraaltationwhicbhaif*r

aja.aatatt tin aoaad tralsla* of aar> • * - la wettw-whlle thlngi"

aCbeeU* A. Vkukowar aaya, "Tk.af aar «owa bata aa mack

to aaj*r th* traMaa ef ta* it*-aaa "B* Preaarad'- ai ale I a n . Let's

I t taeawy. Theyatkem a chaaea.SBBBBBBataalt BkgaBBa_W

Chart** B. Blagham aaya, "Th*aaajr QM Bcwat awvaawat fallows

ipam * f lha Be* Btaata * • t\aat\f,

Pm^a^PMamlar# T aT U a v l

fatt to produca re-wHOTV OaT aw

M a t aaaVfkValajBaaaj gJMUni

John L Uiirriwin. edilnr. and a cotlector of wiwden Imliaaa. aays:"Wooden Indliina are aot Indlxeiuiotta American eutl. At early u* th*reign of Jntnet I the wnmtea InillimW M a fimMlnr tight la RnislHtiil OIthe early wmiden latHna* la America.IB odd. cuiililllke riN-iitmnrni Hintonce Blood aunrd on Hnnnvt drvet.Bnatnn. i lmn from i r t j . Tlie pioneerantheatleafed a|i|ienniBc« of t rlsnr•tore IIHIW flitnre wat In I'll), «licnflirlaiopher fiemnth opened a tohn•hop la Ijinnmlrr. I'a. Ttila diiiirc

not an Inillnn. but a iMIrnte.ilype centtenma extending


Mr*. B. w»* ivlliim tier hushnnd nil»h"UI • fjnt-nil *IM< I mil iitlciiili'il flint•ftevawn. MMf> Ann. Hue live, nin a•llenl IIHUIIIII liilvrvtN'il HiHlllur AfuiM-ral tuuM he wry like » puny «|,«ihN'EbHL with Nil tlie ,|lwi|»«l..ti ofIhrarcra rnwl |H'n|ile iiml Mt tin "Amithe little |MilllH>nri>r* Ii-Mki'd MI nwifl,"lier imillipr wua «uyli.K Mnr* Ann•Iiml no li.imcr. I'trliiliiMNt; -•|-,|||ht-Hra.' 'null iH-iira.' wht rtltto'l tuabring me winter

when tliey permitted th* girl* to «ae | Mitt Woolley wt» a forceful andthe Khool facilities for two hovrt iBteretting speaker and the audienceeach d«y daring tb* eommer. H*r mcrt aepreciatlve.•abject waa then divided into three | Mrs. A. 0. Murray, pretident ofdittinrt era*. I tb* College Club and a former Jit.

Holyok* graduate, entertained Dr-WooDey.

A dinner party at the ShackamaxonCountry Club wai given in honor ofDr. WooUcy by tk* Board of Direc-tor* of th* College Ctab. Amongthose prctcnt were Mrs. A. Murray,president; Mn. William S. Bowcn,vke-pmident; Mn. T. Edward King,recording secretary; Mils Edith Pit-cher, corresponding secretary; Mr.>.E. O. Sowcrwine, treasurer; Mrs. J.B. Darlington, Mr*. C. S. Laird, Mr*.Pluraer Wheeler, Mn- K. 0 . Pienon,Mn. Herbert Fonyth, Mn. RobertMeikeljohn, Miat Antoinette CramerMn. Talbot M. Malcolm. Mrt. F. 1.Berber, Mn. Henrietta W. Roberta,Mr-. Harold Welch and Mr*. HenryM. Snevily.

The hosteue* for tke evening w*r*Mr*. H E. Bloonuburg, Mn. BarhariB. Gcrnert, Mr*. A. A. Gordon, MbsKathryn Bourn* and Mm. GadranBakewn.

Seminar r which word is oaite anti-quated f w tke modern appellation ofinstitutei. of learning for women.Public o»inion at this time wat notin sympjthjr witk the idea of educa-tion for woman and it waa a itrug-gl* for Ik* educator* of the day toestablitb

Fromtheir placet of learning,m i to 1915 remarkable

change! rere aotieed. Thla an* thaof txpamion and eiperimenta-

ion. College* for women wer* nowIn the Eatt. Vastar'wasnameroui

cclebratiig iu tenth birthday in JITSand Wellnley, Bryn Mawr and Mt.Hotyoke were organised in anccet-tlon. Tki t South and West were buiydeveloping; their college* for woawn-The puMlf had been edecated to tha

be offsred7-ee o'clockcourse at 8:1a o'clock.

OMcripthr* balmtiat of the cour*.ea may be taeand In BUaabath at tkaPublic Library, and taa Publle Srrvieeoffice.

Mail regiatraUona are now Swing-received by Professor W. H. Wood-

r, University EcUaaiM OBBCC,Ratgera Ualvenity, New Brunswick,New Jersey.

wMQmmWfPattiag thooghu in order, the ability to „ .sequence, is a faculty that aharpiy elevatesrice above all the rest of creatioa.

Thinlnng should be ordered aa one woald BaiM a Boase* ith plan, elevation, firm fowadatJon, straight t n a Uaeaand the best materials.

"As n man thinketh, so is he." Thovghta take otjtward taaaaa i surely as seeds become plants, each after Its kind.

All action has its origin ia oar thonghta. We caaaot thinkhaphazard, disonferiy thoughts aad live aa ordered, cflVcientltfe. *

How! *ldom is coaaidcration givea ea the aaiportaace of order.t> thinking. Our mental vntxum arc left to wander-here they will, off at this angle, then at that tangent,

'I?1 .-fol?l»rottnd fa « « > * " awawttaea rtmautg alto-i school, thpagh the effort is made to stock our mem-!$ with varied knowledge, the basic business of teach-onr minds to work logically and to concentrate on

Jfective thought is often neglected.Confronted by a mass of correspondence, many calls to make ;

or, prospects to interview-business, in short-if one has ilearned orderly thinking, he will concentrate on each ipioblem as it antes, selecting the important, rejecting theu.mnporunt, finally drawing his conclusions or present-inE his facts briefiy. clearly and judically. P

In lik<! situation, one who lets his mind digress, fails to J -tinguwh between vital facts and " * P


the same work-then it will be only half as weflaad ka will derm little satisfaction from doing i t

his thoughts in order, to exclude all distractions, aa-•We the thought materials needed-tbea t h ^ S a i - S""""i to • logical conclusion. ^ ^ awaagrn

(Cepyrlrtt HCO.C|

iateaaf llaaM*A gvntlv w»til aiHiilin miner Jua« *»

wilier |iui» mil a Itr*. mul tdrrr la n«Mill an bMrmi hirt ibnt ifiiih-rtiiit*lirlni* liirlli SMHI* fruit N.iililin |« M llilllet at unrl|« fruit. IMII WIIHH |ircwrvrd II la twnrt Mint iHiliiiiihlr n»re-|irm>l in imtiirntly hllirr. mil iiiivi'iiwith llwaiiaitl of'klntlmwa mill IIMMDII*>» ln» HW nf .linrll». It l».<t.HM« n,r•Hal. •mtUin* Nnd ••i>i'il>lt*. -h:«

RECEIVER'S SALEBy Ordar af Uamwl P. IMatatW. Kacaivai.


(between Scotch Plains and Palsted Avenues)


Will fa M a At

ABSOLUTE AUCTION] |Te> Ilia Hlgliaat WdiaWs, Frea aati Claar W Martgagc,

Sale Subject to Approval of Court of Chancery.


Sar a«aw HaM. Ckatia is aameea, Wtmt t 'aamt

MM. WM. t. GAR

Taaaa ttt«

wtaMT CtaWattmWtta% BaSMMMaml ilftfrnma alKMfamV amMkamW


T Hinici|>icU the spaed aad tiNneaa gnatwVf the eagjtf-

ness, and power of this ftmaaii car. Wiassmield ia aea-•hattenble safety glass. Scaniaf wheel n ats«K<efcd,unbreakable. A score ofbatawaxats cahanet the tpawiand spirit and stamina that Bsad* thia g n u ear cham-pion sis of the world.

E. J. JARVIS609 NORTH AVE. Twil3t2.Wc.3tad

TkWertfieU Leaderf2*00«YaB CEMTS A COPY

Eaah Iwellhig aadlatht Urga PlatDwellmga Ccaaaletodii 3 Uaalar

Send for Circular


top rtlWAHIC, N. J.

'Phones 6121-4121 Mitchell.


TMI CO-U aVt J t t t

Know the Coal That WorksBest in Your Heater and

Order It by NamePLYMOUTH

The Plymouth coal burns to a red ash,Is bright and shiny and breaks up intolumps rather than flat fractures aa dosome Anthracite coals. It is easily ig-nited, burns freely with draft and read-ily burns completely to ash. This coal iswell adapted to heaters having weakdraft, under-sized planta which must beforced and also any plant which hastight-fitting draft doors which allowcomplete control of draft.

WEST ENDWest End has many characteristka

similar to Plymouth in that it bunafreely and completely into ash and caabe used in almost any type of beatingplant having tight-fitting draft doors.It is different in that it burns to awhite ash, and that tha aah hat asomewhat higher fusion or meltingpoint.

HONEY BROOKHoney Brook coal is as hard as any Anthracite mined

and has a very low ash content. It is alow burning andgives oft* a very steady heat and is best adapted for use inover-sized heating plants where a quick heat ia not required.It is without doubt the moat economical coal on tha market.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PACIUTIEt1. Ta faeaieh tba eeal that week* keel tar yvar a—Hag glee*.a, Ta advita ywa wafaa af that* aaal* yea ahaaU atwar.a. T - ' — ^ i •"• i BTSHIB thai ihsalaa iad taataiarlaa un l i t

'PHONE 1492


Page 3: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

SBST* 1208

y who, wit* MawM 4 Donald Dtaoa

CMARtJM CUtRK. ^Te?> c<srk.

> si, M4 tte ptws.

a * * * * * to take

lac the W. & S.la. late a MM

ef St Mary*" enO*. "theyoesc laves, tat tree lets* wke(MM we MB,"

RMOkVBO: Ttol la* t»ll»*li>f •«*••« «ee ««e Meal year III* be andtas asm. •• hereby aaan>%ad. - » » - « , • - «

Sarples Revaaues

IceneM—Doae „

"c«ni aaa tatoW graw ia "OW1 Vir>ta- wMI* "Uw'i OU l«Mt

ttlM"BBBJ *BBBBBBB> V H — • • • " " F —-—»---. . .

I beIMW • • all »««• •!»»•»»•Ml it »• • NMW« *MM

» AUttagM*.wffl «*•»«• hi

It WM aU very dellgktfal

a. a. aaivB vorao

On Jan«anr 1 a wi i t l t of ttoAtktatlc CwuwU «M tola. Tto to*tottoD M w far tto Mh of tkkttiwai not eMiajaM tofor* CkrMaMtocMiM tto tktoU WON aot baaedMntll law. »ae« CkriatMW, a fow

!tietot> tavo too* NM, tat it WMI tardor to atU ttoai aftor tto

tod itaitoa. A

writ l i l iHii M; Stunts,M; Mtagw'B Bovad, •#-

( g U l emmtry *uw«,

li totmM tfct K M M * tto Wklte

wckattn »a4«T tM

d r P tkat work on tto*hro to diaeoatlaMC Aftor a Moftalk about tto attoatfuco aad wiftt

i at tto giBiM. tto iiHIag WM MVJoknod.

Htm AID M. t . LIMAAYTto Repi ladiaa pratraw in Woit-

*-" •—1-c- tolaf oatoftatalnaly o4-to to a taMdal

fir the competitivewin M employed; tlieeeeNof

MkatktU game wW be addedotker reMHIng leeres, and the

i having the swot point* will be-' 1 winner of tke Gymkhana-

„ f tAY "TOaCMrwABBBr* raaauABT »

rta are now on sale by tbe. . j for tko aanonl Senior play.

•lay "The Torek Bearer*" byKelly I* to bo produced oa

_ry • and ». It WM arat pro-I la itti la **"*2£Lmt*M tkat swatated at tkeVan-i Tkeatre. New York.

,ene deririag McketJ. n«y get Ini witk any Senior, wfco will Im-

jrtely and gladly provide tkkete.icketa will be reserved in tbe

Hall on Wedneeday, February_rtiag st 2 o'clock and on Tkura-

!• tka main kaU of the Seniori School.


(Complimentary tkkeU are to be

SCHOOLI Tka Honor Boll for the month of

imber, 1928, in Lincoln School• BB) follow*:

1 1 , Bolla Blanchard, William Cal-, Allan Cartter, Sandy Ca«|bell.

Jane CUpp, Audrey Jacob*,m* Hartley, Mary B. Lodge, phir-r Harden. Mildred Bine.., Margaret

Phylll* Livingston, ElmnorAnne Scott. :

* Aihton .EugencjBis-PbilaaMna CardilU, Guy Over-

, Louolla Gene Preckwinkte, per-M Wlesert.t f Dene Bartlett, Albert Dai ker.

Hand. Dorto Hotte, J(inetEleanor Mencke, Vtnce

_ v ^ - — , Billy flowerwlne. j| f - 2 , Betty Brown, David Clapp,

irge Froet, Janet Goodman, Wil-Hairy, Sue Holing*, Margaret

-Jge, Carolyn Loiee. Bea Trinuaer.fard, Joyce Clarke, Dori* Dayment,

rt Graf, Mary Elitabeth Hann,. n « McBlroy, Elale Bevorino.14th, Madelaine Batt. Dolore* Brant,L Decker, Marion Uckaa, Mabel

, Bemke to.t, Elsie Heuter,Tufts, Shirley Rankln, David

_W-JI, Janm Bush, Billy Dickaon,larkM BUwart, Jowpk Young.r i - l , Lynn Tlpeon, Virign a Brown,

Connell, Gladyi Drew, JohnLeak Groff, Jean Holcomb,

_ J I Luce, Yvonne PhUlipa, Ja*.tino, Margaret Skaub, Joe Tai-

FT-'t, Mildred Blount, Jean Ferrb,HlMiaelberger, Jamce Bricker,

, H « S M Engeaaer, Herbert Fordhani.[a- l , Margar Brotkerton, FloreneeIscLar, Bleaaor Boloff.[The aaMmbly program last Thirj-1 etarted with a duet by Juie

nley and Margaret Heald of thed grades. A group In the tl ird

rendered "The Ballon' Soi >."Belehard and Eleanor lo-

rn r~red a violin duet The letI thla enjoyable program WM a m ngrke ralry Crew" by a group of g rtt

the fourth grade.

[row ladle* take the hint n.t rewheeji the equipped tke hunts

I wHh two eyoa, two oar* and i le

for tto Higli Sttoal library,despite tto combined OMlaoghti ofmalignant germe and unaeaeonableweattor upon tto toalth of tto com-munity. About MM WM cleared, foruae in tto purehaee of books, accord-ing to Robert Olll, baaiaeM managerfor tkU oihibHIon.

Tto etudent body and all ottonwho benefit through tto w t of ttoHigh School library wiak meet grate,uflly to thank thoee wto ra earneetlyworked for tto eueceee of tto pro-gram. Many of tto •tadeata, ttom-telvea are to be eoagratulated fortheir enthuiUim aad Indurtry forthiaeecMloa.

ami . . . .UMI * fenalttaei n * Fermiu •

_> lee H««iiiv»lIntcrtxt * Coeie—current a/oInt. <Ta ABWM. »»». U»o.r Cea>l« of Material! ••hcpalri lo Ko«u. * aidawalkal'«raa»l T*l«pk<B* Calls _-.\uto Bui Tan • • • • • . •••• l,evo.. .jachles Taae* . . . .Uroas Hscelpt l»»rs

Amount to b* rauwe »y M«*e. •ulualaa State, Hall- " j . ' « „ , »road aae Caaal T»« MMM.H

I. Salaries ofFurnitureelectionsTowa Kmeasea, laeMlaa

MalnteBaace «f Tbwrof Accouats, f^aii '

t«fi,m.M(IMI*.M i Ieee.


Oeaeral Town KaH

Collector* OfficeMtAiMMor1! (Mtlca


loard ol Healta•oorloapliaU'Uiilng Nurec

Road Department

8*w«r MalnlenaiiceStreet Licntlna;•hade Treea—Ae Park Department

Tree*''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l

•Imp. Note*


• raf'Separinieiit * Bliaie(UBIC In Parks ..lomj Redemption

Mlnklna- - r

InlareA —Interest on (ten. Imp. MInterest on Taa Notee . . .Interest on Asset*. Bonds . .Interest »n Aeess*. Natea...>Payment of Kmerseney MoteContlnaaat~"~ " ie Bond Issue

lal Daylyterlan Cemetery

alety Appliance**av ment Oeneral Imp. Notes

atonementTi uat uelkAssessment

em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . « • . . . • • . • • • • . • . • , . • • * •uellclt•ent Remitted

Fee* 141.141471,110.14

STEINWAY"Hie Instrument of the Immortals"

HPHE STEINWAY PIANO is regard-* ed by the foremost musicians as

quite necessary to the proper interpreta-tion of music, as indispensable as the•core itself. The Steinway stands su-preme as the culminating achievementof art and industry.

C. A. Reid Piano Co.BMtawajr

m f p t raoKT at. WIMKfOBtb, V. J.

January Sales!SAVE!

SALE! Our Entira Stock of Wogttn's and

Winter Coats and Druseg.

Our Bntira Stock of Mra'g Overcoat*

S A L E ! tc*uUrl)r "•» *° H5-0*- N ° W

$20. $39.

Open Mock DfanMrwan taeladiaf s

S A L E ! Variety **•IfM.

Entire Stock of Pkystcal Culture Shose,

S A L E ! U r l y f"• *° I 1 B Tfcne Gnvfm

S A L E ! Our Entire Stock of Tots' «a« GJr|s'

ter Coats an«J Dresses, Mediiced

Boya* Suits »nd Overcoats. Ow latira Stack

S A L E ! Ulirlr up to M4M> nrM 0ro"P"$t. $13. $17.

i • •'





G*ae> M A N Fi



1 PLAINnkXO, N. J.


Page 4: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities



^ M wewtl

HaB^-'aBMBVaAIV AT iIVW d HgexWv Bjy

m» mw *

i * •





at tfc* r*« *• *••

vHiBv 0 •GaW IS e™sajl* gejP



Hrf 111 rim ht NN»MWcil •pilli—• hi Now Yerliaao!• Now

aw canting earloue eyes at the bodyas the Port e< New York Authority and,

Interstate BrMte and Tunnel Commissionthe fnactfeaa of the two eommJaafcma have

the place whore then to considerablefar patronage that may be entire-

Dnnger Uoa in the effort to takeh

day and with Ma laaegtiretiea theparty once Mr* tawna* entire eeatrel of theatate ainrfaletration. The now etate executiveoatora A* afire with every awuraneo of loyalMpporl fro* hie party and he U *****•ubotanUal majority of the paoplo of the state,

Thar* to awiy reason to expect that the • «Governor will nuiko an admiraMo executiveand he haa been quallted for the detiss of theafire by yoara of oxerience in the State Legis-latnro where bo haa been active at all times.It to gratifying to eoo that be expresses hto de-tormination to roduco the ttate expeniee andhe hM definite plans for the elimination of•onto of the extravagances that creep into themanagement of public Institutions.

Now Jersey haa been fortunate in having ncowpicuoua number of governor* of exceptionalqualHy nnd there have bean very few admini-atratioaa that wore weak and inefficient. Gov.amor Unona' Democratic predecoMon havebeen representatives of the bettor element inthat party and more than one among them waaan excellent Governor.

Governor Moore haa made himself respect-ed throughout the state and he returns to pri-vate life with the friendship of many of themembers of a legislature that opposed himpolitically throughout hto administration. Hehas been able to avoid much of the frictionthat hampered other Democratic executivesand hto attractive personality haa boon an aa-set that was valuable at all times during hisofficial career.

To the new Governor THE LEADER extendsits congratulations and pledges its loyal sup-port in his every effort to benefit New Jersey.

and traasfer power to otherthat may be organised for the

> of eaabUag a better pUy lor the poll-i to the asMMaeJatton of contracts and

i af afiees that carry good sal-

• to the nreaoat time there has been littlel of tho minair la wakh the project*

The hria*eT «Mi thetunnel.^ A ^ m -''Va> > i ' f , «'J*'( K?ef4> J- »


IP"<';iaf laws ngalaHag the appotntmonta to these

"{•fmmlmhm. When the* two commissionsL i ta l f i i i a l id H waa announced that they would

way theythat is the

ha kept ' ..•.;•••.'handled by theee commiMions

af lea aiaeh imporUnce to New York andJeraey to let them be made political

aad Governor Larson has made itthat he does aot intend to wreck well

aahlie projecta for the benefit of theIt is reasonably certain that Gov-

will stand just as firmly la fa-af the retention of the present eommuv-

", fe. tho devolopnMnt of the Port of New York; ; M l the Interstate Bridges and tunnels splen-'•' Hi engross has.been made and there to no ex-

' atthtotime.

Pkkkf A Cat*etLaw and custom decree that every Presi-

dent of the United States must select a cer-tain number of Department heads which com-prise hto cabinet and Mr. Hoover to beginningto discover that there are lots of hto politicalassociates who feel that he needs advice inmaking that selection. If Mr. Hoover's rec-ord to any definite indication of hto policy aathe President it to certain that the incomingExecutive feels he to amply able to determinehose bt waa* a MB •ffkUl family nnd he to

not likely to bo swayed by the possibility ofpolitical complications and criticism.

There have been Presidenta who were sadlyin need of the right kind of aastotanco in pick-lag the cabinet and some among them broughtdtowtor to themselves through mistakes thatwere rande in those selections. Mr. Hoover tonot going to make any mistakes of that sort forit to doubtful If any man in public life today tobettor informed about every man who mightbe considered cabinet material.

The incoming president to a keen observerof public affaira and little that transpires es-capes hto attention. He waa one of the quietstudents of American politics nnd he to capableof understanding: all of the political manipula-tion that goes on in the National capital.

The American people have no reason to wor-ry about President Hoover's cabinet for it iscertain that he to ging to have the very bestcabinet that to possible to assemble and therewill be no member of it who will be given hisoffice just because it might be good politicsto name him. Under the incoming presidentdepartment heads will work and they will haveno easy tasks.


• a s diHghssd to read yow sell-• » the issue of Jaaaary »,M "Ante Uaht Rvit Fwniats."Uatt tva

I a m drive* for ton yean andM test an I N have MM ii vary• M sad Iks* tf UM ecption tad ma,•AH* Us>t Menace ISCNMM" you

I SUB Wo been watt within the

•tract man should ha able to detectthia error whan Ma attention had beendirected to i t

Ufhta ahould ha properly foeuiedhy the concern that puti out the cartThere are some concern! that do thi.<—one in seven has been, my experi-ence. Ughta properly foseused donot offend the moat seniitive eyes.

I have felt for many yean thatif there waa anything 1 could do tohelp thia "light evil" of the road,that I would not have lived in vain.

' Aft erWan mart ha able to recall•Jass when, Minded by light, theyhaw hot marrow escapes. I could•ateast several where not only have• » Beetle to the car been in danger,bet people who were walking homebam been nearly itruck, though theytoi aay Idea they were.

nk»»h)Mt of this letter It to makeens saggestlon—and tell you whatI hove Warned about the adjustmentof Mghts, which will explain one r»a-ON for gtaro.

Tfce auggntlon U that pedeatrianib» requires by law to carry a tadMgM when uilng the road for walk-lag. Tlte notorijt la trainee to gweWar «e a red light sat certetaly thiawesU awe many lives, l b s talar.patten hi thia, s year aft la iI saw my cat «owa te on

bs| •to.tssassa. Thar3 a * know.who.


Sincerely,A DRIVER.

ABOITIOMALLOCAUThe twenty-nrat Annual Ball of

the Westfleld Fire Department willbe held Thunday evening, February21, in Fire Headquarters.

Hn, Alfred T. Zoeblah of 8t.Marki avenue, waa a member of the

it f Ncommitteewhich

of Now Jersey womenannual


(Communicated)Editor Leader:

The organization know aa theGrant School P.-T. A. Motion PictureCommittee has enlarged its scope andreceived into its membership a rep-resentative from each of the schoolsof the town. At the January 15 meet-ing it wan decided to change the nameto the WeHfleld P-T. A. Motion Pic-ture Committee, the members fromthe various schools being present.

Our work is progressing along thelines prescribed by the National Con-grera of Parents and Teachers andhas the direct approval of our StateChairman on Motion Pictures. Inreserving a section for the small chil-dren, who are allowed to attend un-accompanied, in greatert number.' onSaturday afternoom, there must not

Tha ear waa

Republican Club, held In tha Wal-dorf Astoria Saturday, afternoon.

The regular meeting of the UnionCounty Medical Society Amlllarywas hsld In the home of Mrs. P. DaBoise Bunting in UUaboth on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Halnes Lip-plaoatt of Camdea, past president ofthe State auslllary, waa the sseakar., rtfty aew hymn book*, the gtft ofMr. John Clark, have baaa roportedby the Madison Avsaua CtHpeT Mr.OarVs laterest In the chapeThaa pro-vioualy been shows ia a subataatialmanaer ttrengh doaatieM of pulpiteharn, WMea and a contribution ofmensy far the eemplrtion of tha

JBS =sss=?s=s



tor bright***

inquire at oarHardware Stor*for advice andingtractioM.

°A 1r1.Rbl?rJst Ta"ll pau . A aerirlceaDle oil pall

Int.A serviceable oil paint.

A satln-nnlsh Interior paint.

nlah itsin ror ail purposes.For Interior-wood and concrete t. wster-raslctlna; Moor varalak.Kor pruduclaa- a was Rnlsk.

aeT'aMes"rMeV. foV Mllns unslsktly cracks.

ovreoAMsa, •AsieaoAMM. v/ooawoaK. ami.A eervlceable oil pi

A aatln-ltnlsh Interior

TABijcs, iMccoaAnmi. w•M Bate* Kaaasel. ror the Hnest enasul Salsa, .rsamalalS. A complete line of beautiful enamel colors.

A w»ter-re»litlm varnish for Interior wo«d-rnlture.

rouasiMQ nAMos, rvHtRmiasb t n .Cleani and polishes In one operation.

AKD u mA ocmplaU line of beautiful enamel colors.


rial-Tea*. For hlah keat efllcUscy

lM awn who pa?nu his own oar.

or, VAaawnwa. . • . ..

i in-n oLa> r u n A«n>HaaHo.,'.<peee net-karm tke wood.

mmssr » t

gyja^SMs). A powerful Stock Dip and•fkkfla*. Odor of .he Southern pine.r l r aprar. A safe and reliable fly rep.

and Disinfectant.ine.repellent for livestock.

TUTTLE BROS.PHONE H92, WESTFiBLD.KJL"Sturdy matmiats fir sturdy comtntctimHARDWARE STORE

R P. RISTINE & CO.Mew TorkElisabeth, N. J.

Members New Tork * PhiladelphiaStock Oferbreek

Investment Securities

Reeldeat PartaarR. W. TUCKS*

Pkoae WeetSeM

Stock$ v Bond*

WE8TF1ELDBranch Maaager


487 North Avenue Office1 A. at

nf their attendance, alone or other-wise, but are acting with the bestintention! for their safety and wel-fare. The condition is one of longstanding and la not within our Juris-diction to prevent. Besides the pro-vision for special seating, two mem-bers of the committee will be at theSaturday matinee each" week to as-sM the management wlrji this partic-ular feature. Furthermore, our com-mittee has been 'aftowso" tome voicein the arrangement of tlje programa,to the end that the mo>e desirablepictures for children' may be shownon Friday and Saturday,

The management |> furnished byua with a monthly list of approved

pictures from the "Child's WelfareMagatine" and is willing to ttso thosepictures as far as po.sible. Whilethis procedure h interfered with bythe Block Booking System, there Ishope, for aome of our pictures arealready booked.

May we make this appeal to theparents of Weitfleld—to add thisduty to your many others in regardto your children and your commun-ity; to patronise the local motion pic-ture house when there la a good pic-ture, that the management and event-ually the producer, will realise thatgood, clean pictures are worth while,and will be inspired to make and showonly the bejt. Members of the com-mittee are: Mrs. C. R. Cummlngs,Mrs, Charles B. Blngham, Mrs. t. B.Atkins, Mrs. Paul Gilbert, Mrs. Wil-liam'H. On, Mrs. Q. B. Whelpley,Mrs. Burr A. Towl, Mm. William E.Plumer, Mr. 9. T. Hinman of Co-lumbua School, Mrs D. R. Watertlagof Lincoln School, Mrs. C. A, Hal-aart of McKlnloy School, Mrs. P. B.Ketcham of Koeeevelt School, Mrs.A. C. rttser of Washington fcfceot,

Mr... C. M. Pohlman of Holy Trinity.MRS. A. V. HAVENB,

January 15 Chairman


As the months &* tt is aPfMM*how the cMldrea try to MlMr ) • thefootsteps of their parents, doing whatthey have seen their H N B V do, let**•• a wood,***** * iwilar aVpeatto with thia



hyett YowWUck Do

Alwiyi Pay

b SeonritiesFbctMte and

per cent



:#s,aM-,_aaa^tTBJa _Ma! is priaWM


66 Eta SIVMI V W^ffalaV N. X

were completely surprised when theirguests walked in but in a little whileevery one was enjoying guaes andmusic and a moat pleasant eveningwas enjoyed.

The Woman's Guild of St. Paul'sChurch will meat in the Parish Houseon Tuesday afternoon at s o'clock.

Tha Mm h.rat In «'NMHM IS aahi tobave ho a sHuntrd «• the el«i|si oftha hill at (fUvhcf where anw amndetha Uty hall asd other pebMc hatta-


Invitations have been issued for adinner to be given in honor of for-mer Mayor William M. Beard, in thoEcho Lake Country Club on Feb-ruary 2. Originally the committeehad planned to hold the affair on Jan-uary 86 but other circumstances cameabout causing the postponement. Thocommittee eonaiats oft Roswell g.Nichols, chairman: Lloyd Thompson,Robert W. Harden, Samuel Arm-strong, Henry L. Boat and Aubrey B.Smith.


About forty friends of Mr. andMrs. >red rrey tendered them anaurprke party *t their Mart, 110rirst street Saturday night. Tho oc-casion waa the first aaalvvnery ofthe weddfng af the co«a)( and they

CareDeep nrMihlns la revoimnenrted as

a cure for thns* who net oV|irnis>4.When the lungs are pmiwrl* nilcil thebrain gets. Us full supply «f »*r•Miami tiliNM ami fiini'tlnna imifierty. Thai dispels the nVfiresseil feellns

Ceenagela KnglHnd the epm-lmen of the

•Mtal fmm which in* cnlnnye) nf theNairn Is maile Is annunll* inkra toOoMsmllha' hall to tie tested and as>

"" hy the Ooldsmltha' rnnipany.

ASI.fcKP IN JKSIIS—Mre. Biwife of Ihe late John Ph'lL, ,fell asleep, after havlns Iwen In fall-l.na* hosltn.for the jiaat Hftean years,

10 •»•_ ¥» «s«*.«

—Mr.. Balblna Weep,ohn PhUlp Wesp, Brhavlns been In fall-

i f Hfthe ii

Adolphe, Mount

l d

Jnnimry to, atyears mill U da.•laua-ltler. Mrs.\\ oodland avenue,Mho I* survived by . _ _Mjlen Murtha, ofAdoltth HolshRuer, c.Mfj. Amelia Kasper, o f l lnnd Mrs, Julia QrHrW 01itndHIM* sons. Kfank t .MnuntaInsMet J. I'hills' WeWest field, and l^uli R

uer,. 1.

it the home of hern HOII

survived by lour daughters, Mrs.Murtha, of Qrant;*! Bra.


Wfcoour Pictvcs?

ft would appreciate a«-j< pportunity to estimate onour needs in thia

Ve can offer you a type•f service that in aometeapecta is unique, aa wehave , been framing pic-tures, mirrors and paint-ings here on Front Street,Plalnfleld, for over sixtyyears and In addition toframing them, we under-stand their proper restor-ation if any is required.Glad to call and estimateif you wish.


117 WaetProat Sweet1, N. ».

etilM whit* thtaevgfltat f H t s M B*sVj|B*jlgaa»W»»I ^ B J t e S n j njn||SBSBBBBBJ

Page 5: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities


letoa.!'- Wtafta* Morris af M^K^^aBkh sf^^mmmm Q J ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ mmMuVnmmsM mm\ mmnsm


i ef tka lafffa ivam. wesmsa;is»s. — |MM***) aabjr fr**a Urn h t a jaaajl•aar. toafcsg two**, toeatanwUtm sraaief hW baMta*. whtoa wiB b. a**d • » .

[ •> a MMktag twam at kvter. a ariMv "• • - ArtkarM far a t ii Oak.

4*. JMNKW .M. A M

S^WM*-^-..*.KMMh b*4to to WaatftaM. wtttv***M «f M ( M af t i t Eaatera Mar, wk*^ H —mas* LiMi fcaMJa^u|MHi.ili| flmmmWW • • • • • » • a^Na^^BamWW Hi «a)W

T t a iM k k d to »WW • • • • • » • a^Na^^BamWW Hi «a)W**w T**ata. wiM k* aa kaad to wa»-

Offtasn af tk*BB • wwajejeiwes' we> wwav e e i m B • • n i i B

Ittaa whtoh ka* been ta dinat aharg*l e t tka encttoa of the new Tempto|*ra; Cot Leigh M. Pearaall, prem-Idaajti Walter L. BaaMU, secretary,laaa Ckarta* H. OrktHka. U M I I I I .I AMtotlag them ta tkeir task w*r«i vgr-l a a a a i s l ammmmmWmtftmmmm amf WammmW' usmmaV ammmmmmV*• V B W wmmwmmmiwwm w» -mmtmmm wax*** w^m^rm-

| latw*r* chairmen: MMtaf, atewafa' - ~ ' ground*, Herbert C. Naw:

Dt flMmca, WIBtoM H. DavtoattodtatItar*. Uaa D. Stitest club tart*, Ckarta* H. W**terk*rgi ergaa,

part, ami F. Barrto Qamtt ef raft*

•Ka ksUa a i t , • M ^ n ml kmmmmSUV H M f WWv • BJVSa ev SWa/

satta aad a taB* y U a a d cap aaagk*

dramad ta taagartae taffeta af vartad

velvet hats to Match.

•WeetaaMb* Uaisa Marto* Waste*, daagk.

tor *f Mr. aad Mr*. Gearga Waateajaf Mv Higktaad aveaae, aad MUtaaole wleYM#aT ©• n#WaWfcf W N 9 JMNFVMNXIFriday eveatag at tk* kern af tkabrid*'* parent*. Tk* cenwway ra*performed by the Bev. Dea IvaaFatek. patter of tk* First Congrega-tional Ckurek. Ninety ratativea amieVttammtal ffMftM WfaftHttLfl gmgj • • r i M i i• V W f j M *>Y^*M we/ ajan>SBjaysauj •aalW WWiV•*•<•>•

otker ptans ta New Jersey, NewYork, Paaaqrlvaata and•etts wen preesat to wltaess tka

•» ««•»•••"*»

•a. aftara* M M M tt fear day*- Bh* wa* kara

M V J * J _ « A BmafmlmHmmVa mmT s%SBfcsfl* smm^m^ _ _ _ i A — A T ama^amnmj^l^y aau* wjs«Bmg^|Br ameVVsTaaj pBj•^•WW^SF ^^*vej BBJ ^^B^BBJ pafm m ^ ^ B H^^^B B^BBBRWQP * ^p^_w^_« M ^B tfsmmmmmmmuft mmm^

[•p. ^B^^^AMnmrnnsHM ufmmi A ^ L ^ _ a _\ _ _ » _ _ * A^amgA A \ • •^^Pa^apsaja) eTwa f ^ a ^ VaMj^^B^saseavB} BJ BW^

kerne of kar•ftomooa at 2 a'ctatk, Bav.Smitk. rector af f t Faal'sCkurck, *flktattaff.

ta Rlmwaed

Mr*. AmU Loaiw r>ay, wiaW ttma* U Pray, 4M •.lijtfy aa

TkvrMay I* tka ka«a af kar *Mfk*tar, Mn. Howara Paiamr la Kackaj>t*rv.N.-Y.' ... -

_j architect of tka, JatktM af New York.


Over on* hundred aad flfty moth-i fathers aad teach*!* w*n area*at the meeting of the Washing-P.-T. A. held at the school last

A* It waa th* ealy avaataffof the year it wa* veryto have so many fatten

'Tk*~sM*ttag was opened ay Mrs.ITkck tb* president who watoaaiaatkaaraata and exptained briefly the aimsI the P.-T. A. and ***** et tka ra-te obtalaed. Mrs. Sourbler asked

tb* *Moctattoa'* eadoneaseat ofGiri Beoat Drive aM tka M M -

vetod to give to* dollar* to-Itkedrlm

k» '

I'tka'for eaek class It ,. rr. ..„,-.- ,.

s Miss BrHtea's ctaas had' woa'thewith aa attendance of <lw*atr-

r parent*. A nport of th* Motioai Committee was made by Mr.

aad Mn. Gilbert aid theythat everything possible wa*

; da** to car* for children whoto tka movies atoaa aad atoa

» provide better fllms.; Tbe Maate of tb* evening was fur-

I by two father member*. Mr.Darlington sang two delight-

tenor solos acompanied oa tbeby Mr. Harold Welch. Mr-then spoke of his desin to

_ th* beat educattaaal ipe*ken> WestAeld and hoped to obtain Mr.

Mrs. Martin Johnson for nextIt wa* voted to engage Mr.

William Finley for an afternoon lec-in April or May.

Tbe apeaker of th* evening waaIr. Henry Boat, vice president of the

ties Bank who gav* • very prae-and interesting talk on "Teach-

Your Child Hablta of Thrift."i said tkat tfcrift wa* tbe saendiaffmoney wi**ly and that children

be taught the advantage ofearly in life. He advocated

j each child his own bank bookI having him deposit hb own sav-i ta the bank. Mr. Host saggest-

I that each class coma to the bankI be shown through every depart-

to becom. familiar with thei of banking.

Refreshments ware served attar tkaj and an opportunity was giv-

to visit th* class rooms and seai work of the pupils there dMptay-

Mn. D. C. Peek waa the hostess' the evening, asstoted by Mrs. Doer-

Mra. Baldwin, Mrs. Hali, Mrs.Mrs. Cupltt, Mrs. Wood.

I n . Wbttaher, Mrs. Schoonmaker1 Mra. Prugh.


I Next 8a*day evening marks the re-rn of the monthly musical service*

the First Methodist Church. Oni recurring third Sunday of everyith, a musical service will be giv-

i at the evening service by the onar*with assisting soloists and in-

I Th* program for Sunday consists" > of th* compositions of Man-

as follows: quartette, "Hehatching Over Israel" j Contralto

"0 Ba*t ta tk* Lord"; Q*ar."Cast Thy Burden Upon tk*

"sTener ttit, "Ye People Bead•r Heart*"; Trip. "Lift Tain*

*; Baai Solo, "Draw Near O YeMl Motet, "Hear My Prayer."

Uii i OMifc*y ta lakraary "Tfc* «b*i

ef I M I " a eaatata ky tttiwill be give*. ' •


a* maid of honor,Beatrice Waten of Chester, wa* th*flower girl.

Tk* kridt won • gown of Ivorywhite satin with a veil of lac* andtulle and carried a shower bouqaetof white Kiltarney rose* and sttvla.The maid ot honor, wearing a gownof pal* green taffeta, carried a bou-quet of Brisrcllffs roses and stevla.The flower girl, dainty in pal* pi»k.carried a basket ot roses aad petal*.

Th* young couple left on Satur-day tor Bermuda, aad on tk*ir nturawill redd* ta Ptatanald.

Mr. Gimber la assistant managerof the New Jersey branch of th*Fidelity * DapaaJt Company ot Bal-timore, Md.

•f MM

Mrs. A. M. J**ay,oflrviagtoa,a j a V o s ^••wav^paajBBUjUBjgi . u j o v w / . *w7a^^a^H^B^Bj*mswwBj^ay „ * • # •

her daughter, Derothea Jeaay to R*b-

M.ss Jenny to connected with tb*real estate firm of E. 8. F. Randolph,ft Son of Ikto towa. She to aliaactive in tk* Buataesj * ProfamioaalWomen's club.

Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Green of Clarkstreet, announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Josephine, to JosephL. Cardoia, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.h. Cardoia of Ploreac* aveaae.

The engarement of Miss KatherineMcGinlay, dsnghter of Mr. and Mrs.Harold M. MeGinley of Central averDue, Clark Township, to James Fisher,son of Mr. and Mn. Walter Fisher ofJohn street, Clark Township, was an-nounced at a bridge party in tk* Me-Glnley home on Friday night

VMr. and Mn. Rudolph Miller of

210 Grove street, have announcedthe engagement of their daughter,Miss Elisabeth Miller, to Elmer Van-derbUt of 416 Center street, Gar-wood.

SUCCESSFUL TEARAnother successful year In the hta-

tory ot tka Mam* Building ft LoanAssociation waa reported at the an-nual meeting of th* stockholders, heldin the offices of tb* association aaWest Broad street last night. Thereports indicate that Mora than 1,*Mshare* wer* subscribed to last year.Men than $400,000 waa paid back toshareholden on maturity of *aara*and earnings. The .assets of theassociation a n tt,l&7,2S1.10. Therea n 26,880 shares subscribed to, rep-resenting a book value of more than91,000,000. Tbe rate of interest paidlate year was %.«%. In th* sixteenyean of tk* association'* activities,the interest rate baa never fallen be-low •% it wa* stated.

aawaattag to IS0.M0 at tost nifkt's


An evant of interest to young busi-aese .women within commuting dis-tance of New York City is the OpenHOMO Week to ha held by the NewYork League of Girls Clubs at theLesgue Houss, 832 Madison avenue,New York, from Saturday, January19 to Sunday, January 27, inclusive,in connection with the new generalmembership plan, which makes anyyoung woman in New York and sub-urban Naw Jersey, regardless of sector occupation, eligible for member-ship in the league, without jo.n.ngone of the twenty (lube which com-pose the league, a> has been cus-tomary in the past.

Hias Mabel W. Krau**, presidentof the league, in discussing tka newmembership plan states:

"We have decided to iaaugwatethis general membership la answerto the demands of hundreds of youngwomen who feel the need of rack aclub as the league, with moderate an-nual due.-, but who do not have thetint* to take on the responslkilUieiwhich membership In ona of the af-filiated individual clubs Involves, andwe have planned this open house weekwith • varied program of aocialeveite to show some of the activitieswkkh w« offer to oar memken." ;

(Sammd) f IgajgAAaAimmsksWsM 4MB MISBMBIJ 9 ^*mv« * ^^*aa^^^aaoaaw*raa ^ v ^a^^aBa*

t M to»,» to, « sjajmtor'-»*sBatsfassiaaaBl smaaaal earn aa. samsmimmmaa • » * •RV*>4T*IRPV TBBJBf BBJ f f ^ B f ^ B v v V v v f ,



The offken *ad director* a nbeading every effort to doable tkaissue of shares daring this year andto this aad kav* started another eon-test between two teams, each to con-sist of a captain and thirteen man.Donald M. Pearaall, who** team wonthe contest last year, will head on*of these teams, aad hie tr— —--<-•-of Col. Uigk M. Peanall, Henry L.Boat, E. B. Marry, Jr., Malcolm B.Duwher, E. 8. Howe, Charles Mac-Dougall, E. 8. Malmar, A. D. Tattle,Charles Clark, F. E. Egerton, CharleeR. Dunn and J. Ashley Brown.

Theodore B. Reynolds Is captainof the second team,, and is aided bythe following: C. P. Worth, F. C.Condit, W. H. Davies, Qrover Tra-nor, Clarence B. Smith, S. C. Ingalls,Howard C. Wick, Lloyd Thompson,Dr. L. H. Salvati, Robert 8. Snevily,Nelson Archibald and Charles H.Van Ooren. The agreement is thatthe losing team in the contest !• todine tk* entire Board of Directonat the close of the present year.

The officers and directors whowen elected were: President, Col.Leigh M. Peartallj First Vlce-Pre.i-dent, Charles MeDougall; SecondVice-President, A. D. Tuttle; direc-ton for three yean, S. C. Ingalls,Robert S. Snevily, Charles H. Van-Doren, Howard C. Wick, GroverTranor, E. H. Merry, Jr., Dr. h, H.Salvatl. Auditon for ona year, C.Edward Parker, Lawrence Crutten-den and C. C. Wheller.


The regular meeting of the Wom-an's Club was held in the Congrega-tional parish houaa on Monday after-noon January 14. The speaker wasDr. Alfred Martin, vice president ofthe Ethical Culture Society of NewYork. The subject of the lecturewaa "Walt Whitman Poet of Democ-racy." Dr. Martin illustrated hislecture by readings from both theproae and poetry of Whitman.

At the buslnssa meeting precedingthe lecture Mn. Sourbier made anappeal for the support of the drivefor |3,000 for the extension of thework of the Girl Scout J; Mn. Millerasked for contribution! of muilc tothe Circulating Public Library. Itwai announced that the next meetingof the Literature and Draaw Depart-ment would be held at the Baptistparsonage on Monday afternoon, Jan-uarq 21. Mr*. A. W. Taylor will tellof the work of the Theatre 0«IM atthe meeting.

It was *l*»M*ea*eod tkat tktalar meeting el Febetiprobably be kmd m tba.'Mdtteria*of th* Y, M. C. A* tkrfuMt*v*M*aV•ing plae* af H M Waawa'*

<Continu*d fnm Pag* 1)his office, represent a grand total of(97,671.

' HjGCOnMl* As Vi n M NBMRvfl U Hduring the past month «»41 had bee*collected in flnw la tka aoUea eattrt.Of thia amount, |M0 had been turn-ed in to the town and SMI had keenforwarded to tk* County Collector.Dr. F. A. Klack had beea paid $10for professional rervkea.

Chief of Police Joha C. BoMera**nported that duriag Deeaawar that*had keen IS accidaato nported. Itambulance calls, M arreate aad MM-awns and I4t calk aad coaiplalauiVaHAWammml mmm 'tamml ammmmimmBi

Tka COMMH vetod to hold it* aeit


Officers and directors wan electedat tbe organisation meeting of the.Union County Chapter of tk* Na-tional Better Homo Building Asso-ciation which WM held In th* RimTree Inn last night. The. officer J arepresident, Kaut C**Mrearg| ant vteapnsident, Herman AklfsMi s*coadvie* president, Walter T." Savoye;tnasunr. Charles Daval; all of Weet-Aeld and secretary, Blair Maa Qa*sa*of Naw York City.

The directon will autk* up a listof prospective members te whom wIMbe sent invitations to Joia tk* dus -ter. Only builder* will b* aatlttad tothe regalar m*aw«r«kta. bat e tkmaUtod with the trad*, such a* mate-rial axn, witt be entitled to associatemembershta. A charter will ka

•lag, January t$.


Joseph Kulmayer, vtollaiat, wiUgive a recital during tk* chapel per-iod at 10 o'clock on Friday morning,January 10, at the Senior HighSchool.

Mr. Kulmayer hi again having; avery successful year, both with hiepupils and his concert work. Amongth* coming engagements Mr. Kul-mayer Is to play at the BaptistChurch on January 20, th* naw Ma-•onie Temple January 27, MontclairHigh School January 20, and theRoosevelt Junior High School on Feb-ruary 8.

For his concert at the High SchoolMr. Kulmayer has chosen a very de-lightful and pleasing program. Hewill play such numbers as "Poeme,""Songs My Mother Taught Me," "In-iian Love Call," "Memories," 8ch«-oert's "Ave Maria," and othera.

The concert will be under the di-rection of Miss K. Elisabeth Ingallt,music supervisor, with Miss ElisabethYeager at the piano.

Parents and friends are cordiallyinvited to attend.

ships a n obtained.The movement to intended te *ilm-

inate the •ub-atandard typo of con-struction work tkat ha* been tavogue In parts of tka country. Mam-ben ot the chapter will b* known a*'certified home builders" sad aa auck

will present to purchajors ot theirhome • "purchase, loan and n-s*l*certificato" as a guarantee to tk* bay.er of the trinity of home building,namely, good design, good materialsand good workmanship. Tk* certif-icate will give full details aa to thetype of construction, thus eliminat-ing the "hidden mysteries" ot poorconstruction so often discovered aft-er the sale ia closed.

The orgsnlistlon of the local build-er* was brought about by H. 0. Ballof Chicago, general manager of theassociation, who outlined tk* work tothose present.

tktrafII will

CALLSON MONDAYThe Fire Department WM called

out shortly before 8:30 o'clock Mon-day morning to extinguish a chimneyAre at 227 Prospect street. Theblaie was quickly extinguished withno damage reported.

At 12:30 o'clock on Monday thefiremen went out on a general alarmto the home of Wesley M. Graff ofS23 Parkview avenue. An oil bur-ner In the house had run over. Nodamage resulted.

At 8:26 Monday night the firemenwere called to the home of PercyFoster of 1110 Bahway avenue wherethey extinguished a chimney Are. Adefective fireplace caused the lath-ing in the rear of same to becomeignited.


••The Trend of Business" waa thetopic on which C, M. Jaffa of tkaBrookmeyen Economic Servile g*v*a most iRtonjttag talk bafora Ik*msmnen af tka Botary Ctab ot W*at.field at tk* regalar laathaon awettafheld la the Urn Tr*e Ina yvstorday

hi tk* *kMM* of Ftlillirt Tfc->.a . . - ._ fA Hstsaaiei— ' ataVat BarnktmaSlamaae aamma tt

• i f f m* lUrTnTi fJMI Wmntmm wMt- L * * t l i i dl ml


day afteraooa aadta Hillside CMMtory Ptatatetd.

She waa b*m ta New Yorkhad resided for many yean ta W*aVlaid. MM UMrv!vodbyituw**uajh>ten, Mrs. Howard PataMt at fe****?tor, N. Y,. and Mra. Bartoa jttaaaaof Los Angelea. Cat., oa*:»e^,!lMar-'tin B. Stuteman of PtataMbJ:

and several gnndeklidna'viva her. . ..


League of Women Voten will holdtheir regular monthly meeting at thehome of their secretary, Mias EstherNichols, 45 Colonial avenue at threeo'clock.

The program which to In chargeof Mrs. J. R. Wright of Bt. Paul'sstreet, will center around a discussionof New Persey Legislative Programfor 1920. The speakers will be MissHsl.ey, Legislative Chairman of theState Board of Directon of theLeague of Women Voten and MissHill, the Legislative Chairman of the

League of Womenspeaker* a n wellld d h Ii

Morris CountyVoters. Both pversed in thia Aeld, and have an Inti-mate knowledge of the problems fac-ing the Legislature in this state for1029. The meeting ia open to everyInterested woman.

| OHTUAIUES! < Kiif =•-:,>!• v if •


•arvke* warekaM

lav. OMMM a•t WaatfaU,

Mn.UstaMrs. Lack Stoat Cantor.

wara MM M IM

- fit

W. Jaeahl as? M l Mesah Ita k*r IMM* « 1after a akart Bta*M af |

flk* waa kera ta L"_•TyeaneM. Ik* bmi MMi g\fttM far asvaral yam. ~ '

af tlMlatar

• M Wilcas, betkef•totor. Mrs. Mw^OMljaAi

*B/ BBJfJes VBIBJI iwTj RmaaWmvJ RBJiRlam# * * — - * * — — A gTf&ammmma ajT"V I VfHlVaaBBBJ MBBJ VRBJRrBBBJ BBBJ

Faaeral aawrteaa wfll ka. _dray's Fuaaral Ham* «a amtt'l

tfeto aftarsMea at I

Dkft. patter af tka I*BM

.. mi V

Mn. Bertha VanVectea, wOeorge P. VaaVeektoa. of f #street, died In her bo*je;!*a:'Friday'morning after a brtof Ulj*aavd,,„., ,

She waa bora ta Jersey <%r aas)wa* tk* dsughtor of the ls»Vr>o%*la-spector and Mrs. WUIiam Uagethat city. Sfe h d idd l W

LMMRTMIMoney treat tk* .

Musical Clak ef iWastftsU Iaapnpriated ta start • »JMculatlag library. Tbtotoa)(

Sfe had reaided la W a *

aad two amu, William R. VaaVaXltenofN*tl*yaadE.U«

Chicago, BL; oaa

listen also aarvive kar. linn i><>.\>r*a*ral aiiihiei ttata kaatlamlmi

day afteraaoa«t:4 o'clock wHk BevJamee A. Bmtkk, ractor of S t

C iiMMassM'ssmi ^m aWweassMd.

Th* aanaal Mother


Announcement has been made byHarry N. Taylor that the F. W. Wool-worth Company will open • store inWestAeld. A portion of the prop-erty owned by Mr. Taylor and Chaa.Dsr-h will be torn down and will bereplaced by a two story building ofgranite and terra cotta front. It isexpected that the building will beready by July 1. A twenty-one yearleaie has been signed by the Wool-worth Company. The leaat was ob-talned through » ? * m Baalty,Company of l i s t Orange. Tho We**-worth Company, will MMtr.a, por-ti f th S d fl 4f illi

Episcopal Chureh, aaacta'tWi ''Mi-meat waa mad* ta FWrvtewiChrtaatetyoa Moaday,


Mr*. Balbtna Wesp, sged'wfj wido'Wof Philip We.p, died in her bomelnMountainside on Thursday nightShe waa horn to Germany and aad

a resident of MouMUnaimV for87 yean, . ; l i u Y '!(•/','•

She Is survived by threaMrs. Adolph HolshauerCharles Casper, both o f

and Mn. Edward Mart** 'elfOrange and ona son, FrMkW.**»V •;' Funeral service) wen beld ta; theSpringfield Catholic Church^!, Mon-day morning and interment'mM'AUMin Fairview Cemetery, WestAeld. ;

Ooorge Davb Pee*George Davis Pope, whefbr ,.

yean was employed as clerk In'thestore of P. J. Windfeldt aid AltonC. Fitch, died in his home in CnaTford on Sunday, January t, after aweek's illness on pneumonia.

He was born in North PlainAeldand was the son of Christopher D.Pope, a vetenn of the CKfll War.He had resided in We4fleld fof manyyears and In Cranford for eight ytkrs.He is survived by hU wife, Mrs: MaryWaterson Pope, three sont, ClarenceF. Pope, Harry E. Pope snd HerbertW. Pope, all of Cranford' and' abrother, Frank Pope, of North Plain-field.

Funeral services wen held ta hi*late residence Wednesday and' wereconducted by Rev. Boyd Raymond(ireenwalt, pastor of St. Paul'a M. E.Church. Interment waa made In thePreabyterian Cemetery, North Plain-field.

Mrs. Fbebe A. (Ceeevr) WIHaePhebe A. Cooper, wife of J. 8. A.

Wlttke of Hillside avenue died Mon-day evening, January 14, after; ashort illness. Mrs. Wlttke was a well-known resident of WestAeld' Havinglived here fifty years. '

She waa born In 1886 In a houseon the old turnpike leading fromBrooklyn to Flat bush now known asFlatbush avenue the old homesteadbeing torn down to make Improve,-menta needed for Proapect Parti theproperty being included in the parkll_li._ • • • • < ' I ".' i.

Banaaet will beJansaryiniary 21, ta the asetal .l i n t M. E. Chunk aadar \pkes of tk* Youag WaMmV*]Mtosioaary Society. '

orth pany, l M M t rtion of the Seand flaw ia4fthe second Mar'for **Br*ge spaee.* | I P J a*#aVajBPaaaamvaj t wJV. v*maj *w*ajBjBBaj*JBjg B mygaa)

k* sublet ky'tlM *ew>p*ay, tt wa* MM.

- O w Caat-A-Warg Ada. Brtaff •*.

lially Invited taTicket* may be had fraa tka I

ban of tk* aociety or "Raymond ChaUtald,Harrison avenue, 'paeaa MMMfc


Night meeting Thursdayschool auditorium, wttkPhllbower, supervtorr af <field public KhooU, • • tka

Donald Maawall led tkaIn singing, with Leslie Upiano. A chorus ef *ekaai at•WAS M f W ( ( RV*VC%IMRB( SaMsr > mm*mn , ^

Charles W, Hpfatettor et W*aat*W, 'accpmpanled, at)ta* ptal "Robert MeCullum, ptoyed

aa»jal f 5 Sda* ataM kl-«m»-iik '

n , lThe of the

the Hamburger sandwkka*fee, prepared by WIUtaMand served by a committeeof Leslie Leet, chairman; Jaaabbacher, Fred Roeder, Oaoraa 'Henry Weber, Alfred Hecfcet,Oodby and Edward Mmaarttsi

Mr*. Watoli WM CiiJaWti "Stary Hajsjr

Mrs. Harold Welch wIMthe "Storj- Hour" ta tkabrary on Saturday afteMaaa MMhr


' * V



Her father Richard Coops*h*rT|—born In Nova SeotU and h*r

OHtr A., was' W a i


prepared an Interestingthe young folk*, wktok willthe reading of atays, tka tetttaff afaalmal stories aad other liiliiiiaasl

These Saturday afteraeaa *VfcMf/Houw" have becom* a ragatar f*x>t a n ta the many attivittoa *f tka B. -A, L ^ s _ . . J Ak. A . - ^ . _ u ^ ^ s U L u l l ^mm_( *..!btarytand theyoaag ****4* taak «•••'lMmksH*l ^Bmmsm AaaAI«mmmmmBmW ftA smAamtsi ammmi.

wWW^^Vflwml (•••VIv^RBJIVH I V VRJRfJ W P *

A. Whtk., by«Includ* two eon*,Mr

art* at

Page 6: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities


*lMttotarri Talllat

I I I • gam,I

II a * M to aat «f ibaNeAattaaa a M a to

lhaaaaaTha aatylag to thai _

aaly lura lha rtaa Ibreaber aaarr aad wlah far

afmar aa *«Va larkey1' waa

'"MMtoat at * • * " M Ibe • * * • •» af•aaaa a aalra -»e ba*a *mi* «• taeMwhmt* a* M L " Thto. «f <.ajrae. a>ftrra •» iba ,«lrWrb o k * * b' * * y toBala»w la thr l»e* f * * and wbtaa

i O l M e l Tea ptrferay a»l|t B _J i r -aal ber •»•• warned with laI S a V > t e a *aMy bare lawa la la

S ^ h l tare to tea air M cteat ber5tfg£j^^^«' ' . / i—^-•_•p. A^Ljaa aabliBBaWM ataiaa aVaaaJl **

yp | | : f l a rh «rt*et* 1iaMl-hy. IllI H B P I • • V M w T i linaawaVe -^sju|!|j_^_;_»__»•• —j^y- j lihMmm* alffaaff1 Mjaw*fc3iyifp?»k™WBBWs tWarinw™! irwnny •fifeVr •••••*•

^ ^ t a a ^ B m B B B m B m B * n BVUmBaaal Itwaumaa amftaTa*- M m a j h

^mavnt^ innnnm.'-' "iff" • • » • wiMilmi man 4. mtt^l $ | H H V y ^ P B J B B j w ~ Vw Sewm™ wmajaBBBj mmy BBJ BBBBBBBBI

9JMt totry N. rlgbl bere ea laa lawaHHr^ahait) her tyat aad. aiablnt| S W g \ - ? _ _ v . ' eV^-^a • • • _ * & _ InVBBBma tmm> araMa*aBBBB ^ aBBBm' dBBmanmw aaaBmaaB1 T*UBW wa aay a BHBJ . aj vamm^amaaaaMv-^waBlVrW IllVeWw •I^PaWrnl ^V*> • • f l l w

Ww laattoaia h> H n r

Ibaa* wrlnfa W H « « » Ibai ••»••» astartar" • • • evaluated by

IMtbartiei » T h a I T « *amber.' llaHbarl«a ifcirw—1 a tar-bar »>aMM tbal aaa an am* Ibal habad MH> mm ftwihar la bla full ami aawatt Ibal to bail la leva aavlM arVar* *» «»*»>h>. Till* nauNIbi* weealtrlbatMl • • Hie *>MArTt |a*ralalral•nVwta in bafrb rkh-ke rrMa eaga Iket4MaV have Hilrfce la ibna.

"Tarkey." tHNrvvt-r. *nt (•aurtaltnl arilh J<4i la |4iru«MIba HIM lotto* «|i(i«inHl In ISIT. In|Ki4 Ito HHUlaH of Tn^. N »„ aa«r-«4 Iht MkntlNc ntrmi friwn anlbNl Iba Hlmiar«|*: -W» IIMVIH la aay lha i«ilwir« • ( Juh'a lark«r.' HMMI I I iif ib» miaia l n'aa iwlteM aa J«*. Aail a* h muu «ntnt Hila lima at «ny ml * Tviiald•mrry M H lt» pailMii« «4 Ji*'a larkrrla ha aMiMl aa4 IIII INKH froai la talaaraj."—I'aihUaiter Mnantlna.

aaMk aactiaa I »«a iU> awaWa»< located a*


art B** a»#

| ^^^a* a1 ^a* p a* ^ai p BV B a a r v * w • v ar • apajai a^wwa .*- -

twaea Scotch Plaiaa a M Palatad a»a-auee, Woataald. Each dweBiag coa.taiat • raamt a M bath ta b v i t plat. ' • " ' J f T W l

Twa dwelling, are completed a M « I ? * * * * * * * •under coaetruetloa. Sale i t e f d t r - | « * ^ » « • * •


the *TaHtf*ta<"lfftaghtii" .of tha Maa'a Clab ef tha Preabrtori-aa Church to bo bald timerraw algalOaaa Daagiai* to rated at aat af tatforeawat adaeatora ta tbt tautUi

laaaer aaannm. m — - . —

|td by Uoel P. Krietettor, receiver.

Wbea a awn gete the idea that bedaeent coant for anythiBf. be doaaat.

M if W«tM4

a M her talk will be __ -to both father* « M _ ^ _

w .-m m^wr Kvoln B. Hartriaaa. feaaaVor ef tha Bartridga School ta Mala.t * M will atoo five a brief addrtaa.The amekal program will be faratoh-M by maaibcri of the Waatftald • rm-ahoay Orcheetra under tht dirocttMof taarlea H. Beyfried.


Tha following officer! of tht throe

Twa cotonlea af wmd elila, Juat It-ataltod la Hie timtbHi urn, have miwilled the kerfier ay llwlr canning.Tha «*>olfi ware dug ap a' U I » I »Held, •urrey, and the aeala laki-atotally te ibe menugerie. ttera eat*

aa awBajawl na a rerta/ngitlnt tatiinilHiiwry aarrtma«tf<l by a moat te pr»m* Ike ante' earttpa.Ned amralnii, however, ihe keener

faaaa iht Inam hiitiw twarmlng wltklha aatt. wlilrk kml nienf tba nlailit

the miiat ky Hie aM • * tnat-

I otherptoced ea eihibitioa atota paimaaja aad atatotajaa by B*.lag Ameriraa artiate araairM aartaftht araaeat year ami a ratter af thaarttotii aoaadi liht part af aHatafMw

Thar InclMa HStaaiatN a MacapaN"by Mas Weber; " C i t a l t t iaii»" h* Glaaa O. CaetahMt wha waaBlip" by Glaaa O-

tamyaari "laaid Eariiel, who__. . _ , Karfliak

tot fir t priaa at tha Cotaaraa; "•MB

with u.

Having dretniyed or rtra|itar»a theIbe k«*f*r nrwreettotl to

tbt aMMi. but ea pet. . . Jwhja hulliieri ibni IW pair pamnin nM In tht water.

Redemption fundTreasurer andU. 8. Treaaurer

Other aaaeta

Total |I,14I,HI.TI

uARnunniCapital atock paM la IISurplua fundUndivided prollla—net - - •Clrculatina notaa outatandlnr l t t , iDue to banka, includlna eer-

tlfl«i and caahiera' cnaokeoutatandlna*

Demand dcpoaitiTime depoaltaBllla payable and radlacounta

Total 11,111.141.11

atata af New Jeraer.Coanty e f Uatoa, aa:

.Lift" by A. B.of tba Society af la i ip ta laa t Art*

"Elevated Btatiea" by BtraardGuaiowi M B a M to tha VHmt i " apoetic Uadteapt by Eratat Ttoaa;"View from Brooklyn" a M "From

Taa IOIIOWIBB omcew. «• « » ~ » — • Brooklyn Hoighte" by George C.valnatetr i r e companiea connected Ault; a M "CoekJiht" aat of "Pap"artth the Weatfleld Fire Department Hart'a water colon.

I M I N t t * B ^ t o ^ w e ! r e ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Zoraeh't "Woman'e Head," wttb man.

art Helm i aeconj a.iiataat eblei an* UU~*A •• . - J fjnBeaa Panmaaa'aiei,iti.t» ginear, Henry Toanwaad: Track Co. «ST»i'''lii !«»•« »"»««•

" • ' » H I w N o - »• Captoln. Earl TowaatM: Brat " l w l | B M " " i * #

t i i iuT lieutenant. Walter Whalen; aacoMi.iii.n lieutenant, Harry Glaaaer; aacratary,

Fred Warden; treaaurtr, John Wha>Engine Company No, 1, fere-Charlaa Brehm; aaiiataat fore-

, George Warren; a tc tM aaitoc-ant foreman, Amoa Alton; foeratery,

«a William Howarth; treaaurer, Peter;Jl Koechlien. How Company Na. 1 ,!tt foreman, Leroy Hann; a n t amltttat

foraaun, Joaeph Haferbler; aecond•M aatiitant foreman, Walltee Dear;

>:it«:!f aacntary, G. H. Flood; treaaurer,.•M.M

Tha -pbrai »f ailrer." a t af wbMi•aM in Jaalm In kto art at a *

McreUry, G. H. FEdward C. Wlattr.

of trade to lhamaBwaaa amWrnaawawaa ffaaaa OMIBBBB maf tBaal aaatmBa• V J B T * ' I ^ I W V f n B IwaV V W O T OW V a i p WWJVSBTmnmfammaBBi m m A B maa BaTaWtal aaSawaaatlhaa aVaV m%lwHaaa**TaB aVeMaT BeVV | 1 W | B n v n V F l S • ¥ V

tag <%tim, t m af iwrajiiar hM«fla lha larartllea, and araa alwan

b af la lh»fr twUy bm-aa aa IbvfPf inratni «PI iwiy nvimfn pnj ifti1

Mnrlaary. It waa iba mawM wbJrh| i attttcea tba paja ml

fWMlf .MS Hitjr wft» r«4ttln*n1 In r « -

A : maaamVaal M S B mVaTaftaa mBBHamaat R M g g g V J t

wevWvaP^rlBr vaV V aaaja ^ IPvwnt

; ta «ot worthNB^wtofWa H

_ _ try It agamm. J M to arevo that H to

A M atralgiiiway the cloaca, wtobed and u r a H tht Hag

and tooked tatoof Mat eyea the

They betoagtd toahto af the

UMMv MM UW VVRM* Or KIMwba atot had a Jatly

mrim mHkmeliirj , " aatwered Arilat taaclly, -I 'm* Iba apple treta hin't my

a> ebaae naofkty boya awaytrtag them!"n ant wlerettcd la Ireea,-d. "but matdat j«o leavew mtiaenta and coma tar a

Tht value and IniiNirliiBfe flf the^^h^aa^aaka^ a I A B U K AaaaiBBlA&jl aaaM mmm* *g ^Bgau^*aa

•MRVTVailHIIwei CairrirM llfl ailHI ftiantY*ertaa made al the MINIM Witoiai id>aarvaliwy are an greui thai ime ranerarcHy aama even ike mom lm|n>riNnl«f tiiem In limited aitare, any! NnmreMagailne. Hale'a dltrovery nl IIHIKaetlr HeMa In ana ajinla. at well aa ihefact thai the aim Ilirir to a BMgnei.with l it BMKMtli- pole* cloae i« I npnlea nf mtmliin, and Unit aun a)*«]aart greHt mlnr ittirma »f ryrlunlr nalure, aeein to al»n<l out Mixing II I* nutneniua dlamv«rlet Hint huve lim>naiaito mardlng the ntilure of tulur

mptf up, ner eyei aflame,mnan<« and adventure,oa. bvrr.v!" hmgwl the

•a "JMM a ipln while tliebto Wife are looking over

gjg| I aaafai !*•^Ulawrt BMiBlk drmiiied ever an

1 at the turned Hlirupily away.VfMt BaarlMiilIng in Imve altnoai

t'hl ritve wlttl a rhuulTeurtI aiarkniMl tlmnliiK riHim Hie

MM her nig* uml imirllfli'tittiinap, taie ibtvenimrt. 8<iiiietliln« |>r«afedpwagty agMlnii her lint d m * . Shellaa her hHmh) auay frnm her fnre;B) wat the Ihutiih rluti. "The crueltg| htod of a Joke!" ihe wlilMlwrwi.

Tm fiihilnliptl ftir nmmni-e!I1 FntlMir TI IMI « RlHiini nfi vamt In IUT i',vc«. "I'll »h»w

;p«e an, yna nlil. liorrld rln«I I'll trypipl *at nerv, rliihl In tlie iHMiar—|a|hlag BIHH-I nf iilm.iiiii.' iiniidt' will• f b a a nutn npiwur. Unrlc la »wn.\ll|d Mark to In Hi« vlltiiue. N«rwl'apady Im ttw cruclnl (mi. "Tlilt'wlltad It. ihh IHIKHH amn r W* iwlatniIht ring with HIHHMI eyiw, wtohlait.

1 a irxiiitfin mill Imtkeil Hir)mit>aliMtluie allftii* rr>liin*d.

wha th i lM, n-llevwl. hut illMi|HMilntal Thm ereah. rreak. rrwik I

TerrtllMl atot WMlIrd, |wr M M diedIke Am**. IM«>wl» II norrteil ami

dta (M4 0> In Ihe vllliiiie IIM,VWU,V— " *"r 9k>nttnml. "I wiia iifriilil

. MbjM try out the rlnv

| | nmyaa i t * the rwull I"


tor .aad wat aanmh edied.4 a i k aUn Ik* AMMMM. Aaiwe ia anrr * i " riwnt in nrwi at Maathiltea' In Num.

nt Aarnn'tNum. I T * par

ny the laMri|illiia In Hebrewwhlrti to Uvaa In the tlevraih cha|Haraf I ^ V I I M N . with ike word* "Shekelafhwatt"

fVlMBW t t m\m fwailii a

mm to^^Jbm1 • heap ma' ._pah ajM*Mthm*."-Wartlii«tta) Mar.


a n B awa ^ e ^ J ^ ^ ^ r ^ B a a ^ aa

lar^pai'lmwaj "JJJJJJ"™1* ™jJ_™JBP mjBB y^mr BBBBW waw a^^^t — -* hw BMBI Baamaaar tamaa Wf aja aavar a^Hee^nB) ^

ba 01IPJC

• T ^ daaa aat ataaa that <t» Itawv


toaf today rathar thaa * o art af pat.

r, Mat tha » Mhyroi thara It


At tbt eveataf tarrtoa af tha firatBaptiat Charca aost Baadgy, Jaa-

Tha acquialtlon ef thawaaya tba muaeum'i anaoaneaawatin lino with tha policy af John Cot.ton Dana, tha director, to racogaiaa

) contemporary American art throughpurchaat and ertibttJot, "Tbt Now-ark Muaaum." Mid Mr. Oaaa. "datanot dealre to create tba Imprimlinamong ite patront and vijfton thatart to an activity which hat floartohMonly in period* other thaa oar awa-i t doei. definitely, want to pomadethem that art la ttill with aa ta oarown country and in our own time.

"The eyea of aur Aawncaa pah-lie, unfortunately, b a n beta turnedtoward tha art of other laada. Ththrpunea have bean tpta id wlda farthe purchaat and ta t faahlonaMe a Maaatnaivt laitaHttroa af tha antiqueand exotic and they hava openedhardly at all to bay tha art af meaaM woman who are .warktag haraaM now.

- I f art U to Boartoh la ear laM It


nary lortho'lfaa't M t t Ctoai aftat Bibto Behoal toraa»tttaat ttwpvograM vMHi Ic aVikgMttotf t# •# #slatereat to ait Mr. J. C. I h j * u i t .tht rafalar ptaatot af tha tJaja, to at>rangiag aptctal matfc aMl he win baaaai.tod by Mr. Joatpb fakkiygg. Ma.liniat aaa Mr. Eraaat Otto, <aUM. AiplnttM aWawjJ N f r K t lal wMMf SV*

af tha urantf aM wiB lawi • «kvCM Ian o« ttw g-bite*i •Vhrtot'g At-i T hto A " Th

C M Ian o« ttw g-bite*i Vhrtotg At-titttda Ttwatwa thto Aga." Tha fjam,ta thia mataajtt, hep* to ba aMa totnttU tha w i n i t ta tha MWfcar toatttaaaara.


— —I Tba lacal htajMli af ON) W. C T .V.wUI ib i im tht^ra. ajmBaaj ^naa*aamBgjamyam *aW#* v#fff^P

A a n ^ B M B w h a a N a M l i aaaat aft, BBBBwnwtamBBB* a l l

avaBBKar^gmuBmaveaim ^pm my BimBjBBjvaBBBBH am

ta the W. C. T. V. ban oa•traot thtoaftoraaaa at > o'ttocc.'Ipicill pPOflffwUI M l I N I _and aa iarltoiioa « oKaadod to aBwha art tataroatod ta


Matt ef

atpSTj'aad aara thai «aUMBMMl la fee. la Ibebnowledce aaa Belief.

WILLIAM f, , * • * * •


MeaUe Partag Ot DebtWhil la kiinwn ua Hie "I'liiim Fund.'

In which I I M I I I I , T M I I I mid l'Hllf..rnl.iwere all runivrnHl. win < IWI I )H I h>The HI IKIK Iuleriinllini4il court drililim nf imr.'. This i'iiiK'«>riinl IIHIIH>>»whlt'li hHd lw«n vliilnii-il hy Mexliii M*due her tmm funds di'lHmltml In f a l lfnrnlu. The itei'lnlnii | iM|(nl UfXlniin pti| I1.4JO.<I82.«7 in mimvy <a) ih»legnl vurrvney nl Mexli-o. and 'thailie Mexlt'im governtni'iil atmll |my •<>

the UII I I INI Siiilva <m rchriiHry % lt«Muml of every fiiltuwlng year ** Hie•nine dnie forever, an annual payatentuf |43,U«M»."

Oaa of Mw Taaftehool hml lH«iin uml ilie flret pmb

lema of ailjiiallim tlie rffwle nf HittunitiHtr't viimlhia were la tntor onihe iilH.vuriHiiHl.

U lM W tb«Hi||lit ihe hurt lirnrila fnrhlihleB wiinl IIMNI i w d * hy on*lltlle hoy a» ahe aiilil lixtfnHjr: "Whinwaa IHMI you milil. .Ilintiiyr1

ThMI «h» hnd evlili-mly not htwnnilntiittt-ii win nlivliiiia frnm thfeMrnnH rf|.ly: "No. Mine W , |WM«nl nianliiB. I never eiiaa. | a | .»•«>* IIIIIIIW Ihr "IVn t'iitiiitiiinihtii'iitHanil DIM of Ilium auya, "Iliuu ahull uol

Will P . . . ,Murjnrle hint u I>IH| nliv for (cur

HIM Hie iiivwra ml iiiiiMiiKliina. Kite hml»<| limited hot iiuilhv in , m , | u ( |

iNir'i hmiiv nnirh.s T I I D I M H I I I M H Invllwl lh« Mltlv nii'inl in «|H,rnl HitllftUI'lllloll Wllll l||.|, Hllll llltllMT cull"''•Him, ml " M i n i lli<. child nut |otluiiMise Hit, uiizltU'ii.

Mlirjnrlt! ii'illlrd, " l a . won't <k> Utill yiiu I* IIOIIV," .


( Outdoor '


WITHOUT CHARGEAl Wf rteeia Slrw.1. Wtaaea) Cea-M l t n > w ami Jamae Wreel, Ibaaab) a Mitala a r » allh mm tkatee awlha Wei three heaire • * ! a *HaMeharaa (S ceaw) Car eaeb baa*•HBWBVIW. ra HVHiMevae* H I laa^BeaHtuMiera la aaa afaeji laja aearefceaeTekara*-


BAMREHCER CUSTOMERS,the »««hlBH«« Teinilml Gaiaa*.Ita f/uhlnatMi 9imi. 39 cenia tmibm hn«ni er ItM and 3 renle tareach adilllleMl hour. The aw«nrantunl Vara«i>. M-U Bf«K«enlHan. IH rente fur Iktee haaia airbee «IMI I emie fmr n th IHWHIMMIhMIr,

Ta ttijay ih«M vatee •! iltn aaraaMw u H M the avItaM BMrklna areatun] am ill>naiilai< ill nn> If IhetenlM 4«l» tm Ike M M * .

i Blew Jersey a nFor Bamberger't (ever on Ihe alert to beprovides ways and aaeans by wbicli yon can we you*car for strapping, without wptrylng abont the park-ingproblen.

TAKE ADVANTAGE of tteawrpawkiaf services (along^ f l t l l « l l l vLwC OUMnf a-vwamaUMrV^OV BCafwTCaBSl o o • fffi% | M

maxininni me ont of yonr c a r . . . yes, collect extradividends on yonr rolling stock.

AND, REMEMBER, when yon find it impossible toshop in person, yon can alwayi telephone Bamberger'sfor no more than the cost of a local call by calling


Page 7: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

MONEYPipwHi< to Owr


iHllfro« January 1. I t *

Them k* stM thaw to



The Purity and Careful Preparation of Jeddo-Highland has made It the Standard by which•II other Lehlfh Anthracites have been meas-ured for the past seventy yean.Ita use assures easy and economical heat.Order Jeddo-Highland by Name and look forthe Certification Stamps on your delivery ticket.








WestfieW,N.J.Phone 1046-7

TIB ONLY PLACE in Wtatfleld where you can getyour piano rellnlahed and varnlahed dull Untoh or pol-

llahed. Any ahade of color*. Juat Ilk* yejart.ago, andthi only place you can have your old Grand Piano cue

[madeInto mo/ern or period ftyle. Any ****£*lyou want Call and tee for yourself some of the pianoa(going through their routine of reconatructlon.


Member of National Aaiociation of Piano Tunen.WIITFIILD AVI. Tai W«rtMi * • »



Dire* T* YenFrom

Wholesalers, Importer, and Manufacturen.

N. J.



Ladies' Oak afwatt held a shace aa

February I .WestaeM Lease Me. 1 « , I O. O.

rH wiN hasten Its eaVsrs at the awe*-aSaatt tea) BBBT. aaafJasat ftta EBBBBI l^Batasaafl BBBVBBBBVBRSB*

aa Msaday. Jsaaary I I .Mr. aad MTJ. Frank Tally ef Wash,

lagtoa street left ysatsrday far MhvasspsHs. Miaa.. where they wiU aaake

Mrs. William M. Starr of M lTrtatty pease eatortelaed her «veMaadred Clab at her

Ike Dane* Beelety of WestacUwill I m a M U at Ike bwae of DM.George Colo » t Academy ekea. eaTuesday aftoraeoa, January t l , fromt to • a. m.


The regular aaontbly awetiag afthe Ladles' AM Society af the Re-deemer Uthersa Church will be heldoa Thursday aftoraeea, Jaaaary IT,at I o'clock ia the chapcL

The Riker-Prasee Corporatloa efWcstSoM has received a charter fromthe State Department at Trenton.The concern hi to have aa authorisedcapital of IIS,***. William M. Boardwas the attorney.

A beneat performance wttl be giv-ea ia the new Rlelto Theatre oa Wed-neaday aad Thursday Jaauary 11-14by Atlas Chapter Ne. W, O. ft S.The ptctare will be Better Eaatoa hi"The Camera Maa" and May McAveya pa av aasaj uvSfwBjaav sanajusuB't

The Parish Work Departmeat efthe Woman's Association of the Pres-bytariaa Chracb will meet Thursday,January 17 at 10 a. at. ia the aewparish house. Luncheon will beserved at 1 p. m. Mothers with smallchildren who wish to attend this meet-ing may bring them aad leave themIn charge of Miss Marion McCarthybetween the hoars of one and three.It is hoped that many will avail them-selves of thU opportunity to attendthis splendid meetiag.



•abut. Syria

il" psedacts' mthe supervision ef Miaa DorothyPrancla of SIS Westaeld aveaus lathe vocational sehooU of Near EastRelief ia Syria wea the gold medalin the Industrial Exposition held re-cently in Beirut Mua Francij. whoreturned to Syria a shaft tune agoafter a trip to this country for thepurpose of learning the requirementsof ths American market aa appliedto oriental embroideries, directs theindustrial work of the association inBeirut and Aleppo and through hershop in Beirut disposes of the prod-ucts of a rug weaving school at Gha-air. In Beirut Miss FrancL. haa 469girls, at Aleppo ISO girls who sup-port besides themselves, 1.173 de-pendents. In the mala rug school atGhaiir 200 girl weavers average 2,-000 square yards of ruga a year. Asecond weaving establishment In Bei-rut i.< about to be opened. Improvedwools and apianlag have hosa iatra-duced into the shops, according toMisa Francis, and four of the bestrug men of the country have praisedthe technique of the young workers.

The work of Miaa Francis la fartof Near East Reliefs program of pre-paring the thousands of children whohsve been in itj institutions for self-support in trades for which there wthe most demand in the Nesr East-ern countries. Miss Prancla claimsthat the most important phase ofthe work of her organisation at taapresent time lies in the various prob-lems and among the thousands ofchildren out.ide of its institutionsrather than among those who risulain the orphanages. Among the 16,-000 children outplaced in Syria inthe last five years ths subsidiea formaintenance, medical care and aboveall economic adjustment In countrieswhich have not yet recovered fromthe effects of war, are of paramountimportance in order that the chil-dren nay not revert to the refugeeclass once more.

The yearly report of Near EastRelief, presented to the Board ofTrustee! at the annual meeting heldrecently in New York emphasises theneed for raiding between now andJune 30 a minimum sum of 92,000,-000 to complete ita child welfsre pro-gram. Failure during the past yearto secure the full underwriting faadsrequired, as outlined in the budget ayear ago, necessitated drastic reaa*>tions involving both disappointmentand suffering, aeeerdlag to the re-port, and It la feared that furtherforced liquidation would bring shoutwidespread distress.


L. ft BeyaeUs ef this town wasoaa of a greaa «C beats at the Wo*kaarayaa's daaee held hi the Macau*at Newark e* PMajr eteaiag.

WttMstMef Secjtb ana** hi reperted to be re-

Mr. aad Mrs. C P. Uw at PudWyaveaae w« have this week for aW-l W tt &

ef thewiator.

R. ft *Mtty ^A. D. TutWaad ft

N. J. Maeaa Mstt-rial A^eeiatiea at the Hotel Chehwa,Atlantic C«y.

Maa lily Weber ef Westteld haathe role of -Lcaore" la the musicaleosMdy "As We Wore" which will beliven by the Maseaie Club af Plain-SeM tomorrow aad Friday.

Dr. Paul Osary, formerly of West-SeM M now associated with Dr. Fred-eric J. Hughes aad Dr. Theami H.Leggctt. Jr., ia ths practice of med-lehw at 1*4) Park aveaae, PlalateM.

Srroi Randolph Homer haa return-ed to FhllUps, Aadovsr after spisding the holidays with his sweats,Mr. aad Mrs. ft O. Homer, MS High.

The meetiag of the Bluebird Chwaof the Presbyterian Charch whichwaa to have been bald tomororw eve-ning has been noetponed antil Thurs-day. January 14 aad wiU be held atthe Some of Mrs. MeDougal. Boule-vard tnd Clifton street.

The January meeting of the l it-erary and Social Circle of the PintMethodM Church, meeting the 14th,will be addressed by Mr. H. K. Hah-hit, one of the officials of Interna-tional House, who will speak on "TheMeaning of International Home"Mrs. Willard Bull will sing a groupof songs. Mrs. John O. Qage, 1«4Lincoln road is ths hostess for Jan-uary.


On Thursday evening Keaath Pel-ton was installed as regent of Fire-side Council, Royal Areaaew. Thefollowing were iastalled In the othervawtous staiWas aM « e deetlalesof the Council's welfare turned everto them by retiring regent TheedereHull.

Vice regent, Fred Budde; orator,Norman Pennon; ehaptaia, R. Shep-pard; guide, R. Tudor; warden, Rus-sell App; sentry, Oliver Ptersoa; col-lector, Burton Settle; secretary, Hen-ry Goettel; treasurer, John Du-shaaek.

Delegations were present from theCouncil! of West Hoboken, Rosslle,8outh Orange and Metuehen. Theo-dore Class very aptly presented re-tiring regent Hull with a past re-gent's jewel.

The following committees were ap-pointed by the new regent:

Organist, John Dushanek; Audit-ing Committee, Sidney A. Schaefer.chairman; George Keevil, Albert Ken-ney; Finance and Budget Commit-tee,' Joseph P. Wilson; MembershipCommittee, Horace Stulta, chainaanteam 1; George Keevil, chairmanteam 2; Attendance Committee, FredBudde chairman; Sidney A. Schaefer,Frank Sargent, Albert Kenney, Hor-ace Stulta; Orators Committee, Nor-man Pearson, chairman; Horace Hes-cock, Horace Stults, CharlestonSmith, R. Tudor, Edward Kenney,Albert Kenney, Sidney Schaefer.

After the meeting refreshmentswere served and a general social pe-riod followed.

sasselea) sa ass) eaav_ - - •W4fBWww "Jsw UBBBBW aaeanaw*

of tat •***»*• Valaf TW*waa thjyi hy Oyde Potla.iat aatsaasv M taa rataaarsasaltoe ef tattea) saaateleaHttoSk held hi the

street, Friday atght The "" _atprsvid taa reatrart aad Mr. PettaW the eaaiaaer la charge ef the ate.Ject

Mayer later C AMrlch of Craa-ferd read a Mter freea Ureaae C.DUks, a fattact waHsat af Craaford.aew Hviag la Chkage. to which thewriter stated that he had followedthe fersaatioa af the Jetat Meethtgwith latereat He aald la the letterthat be wiadsred If the residcatj efthe area reaMsed

of the sewer.A request for farther lafatatttlsa

oa the sewer and the paaslbllHIse afobtalaiag apace la h% waa receivedfreea Hania W. Hand, cbainaaa ofthe Sewer Committee of the Fan-wood Borough Council. The JeiatMeeting voted that authority eaealdhe given to Caatrmaa Bdward §. F.Raadolph and Mr. Petto to fartherdiscuss the nutter with the Faawoodauthorities.

Mr. Potta was of the opinion thatthe entry ef Panweed would be tor-practical, laaiaraeh aa that •srsaghlies wkhia aaotker water shed aadwould aeed a pumpiag station aad)could draia by gravity into the Plata-aold-DuaeUea sewer.

When asked aa to the date whoacontracts for the irat section af thesewer could be advertised. Mr. Pottastated that this could be done aboutMarch 1. The entry of Union intothe project would alter plans, be said.A po.<sible saving of 10% could bemade if the contracts were let Inearly spring, Mr. Potta said. Thecommittee voted to advise Union thatan immediate decision aa to Ita entrywould be appreciated as plans werebeing held up.

Chairman Randolph received a ris-ing vote of thanks by the representa-tives in recogaltioa of Ma etorta insecuring appoiatmenta for the effkes.Thij had been done at a considerablesaving on the original estimate.


Can driven by Howard N. Torbargof M7 Summit avenue aad M m CElliott ef Cha street were la eolU-stoa aear the Mterseetioa ef

l d C t la aear the Mterseetioa

place aad Ceatral aveaae, Tlmeralag. Torharg*s ear was

the accidentMrs. Torburg, who was riding In

the car, had two teeth knocked outand a cut oa her right knee. Bothcars were damaged.

Its easy for people to he friendly—the difficulty arises In getting theirovernmenta to tot them. g

-Art Service'Posters in color, BookletsIn black ft white or, color,Newipaper Ada that at-tract your attention. '

Layouts furnished.

Alvin F. Brckmann116 St. Paul Street. Phone 271

Wsitfleld. N. J.

n W t#wpkOMS M FeMtT SMrnM

WindfeUt CombinationMarket

far tho TakeV


Make Your WSmile!


deaf taaaa aTfatJlaVai atttafaaal Asam sasaa,"AT# V^Pfl' V I S * * W ^RTSfaaRBl» V f * v or"p*

sashS* ggsYsBk Sass) Afcsh aaw^^-A^Bf^Bka AJSIAR'ff*e WWw **gT *^RW v f PRWnMEajVV B n W

w PB? IRJT BjBBMnJs T B f t^HBBf

rtta R.


The Women'* Home Missionary |Society of the First M. E. Churchwill hold their January meeting inthe chapel tomorrow afternoon at 3o'clock. Mra. W. p. Steuernagel, thepresident, will preside.

Mm. Theodore Vans, the chairmanof the social department, will makeher report on the annual dinner andmite box opening which will be heldFebruary 21 at 8:30 p. m. The pres-ident will introduce a new plan ofmethods for the efficiency of all de-partment!. MM. A. H. Myers, secretary of temperance will bring someunusual temperance Ideas, and lawenforcement, Mrs. S. E. Harkrader,secretary of Religious Education andchairman of the Program Committee,promises a fine speaker for the an-nual dinner and good music.

The program for tomororw la asfollows: Devotion, Mn. S. E, Hark-raderi Review of Chapter S of theText Book, "What Next in Home Mis-dons," by Mrs. A. ft Overman! Mrs.Donald Pearsall will give some mu-sical selections. Owing to nest swathbeing ths mite box opening, Mrs.Elm Ferirs will read a stirring leaf-let "The Msddsboms Mitoses."

As this meeting Is in complimentto the Queen Esther Circle, seme ofthem will take part la the program.A eerdlal lavhattoa is extended to all

MteatMuTaV KM* He Tfw9 law •MM4tf)f aMsVNMpf


la«l*Meal « CISM.si rear taa» at at


Teftoher'M diploma fromMr. Milton C. Work,

•(•km* netaacM sara awtalasje.


The discriminating womanguards her beauty conaeten*tlously. Especially her hair.That's why ailii Knowles' per-mansnt wavea are so popular.Soft and natural, they insurea well groomed appearance aaytime orday, •

•4 ILM


Large « 1 J '.'HUSH ASPARAGUS T i n — «!*»

45e7 '

T, r


PHONE 366 180 QUIMBY IT.Pree Delivery TwUe Deily




ThU fa Use Way



Page 8: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

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in ilia nrinrnonn of ««l.

uf (IIIPIKIH nt IrniH nnrt

WB t-BNR M O M E Y - O n hon.. far-ruture without rcmnviil In •amr

frntn USA to tHOO, repujrabl* In ea«)tln«ta)Mm«int.« nt rtt#« preirrlhed hv"R f

III IIV'* fl

IM'I>III|M<IM, aiiuitli,, ivinif Hurt liKintr In.rVioi"" '" 'li H<"i(<1" Hoii". <.'niinly

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t M m n « nt rtt# preirrlhed hv"Rmn f-nw." Mo hnna«. All t ra i l *nrtlonM ronrtrlnntlnl: cnurtfnnn trmtmnnt iilw«y». AVrHn, mil or t«l«.phnn* lialnflalii 2B87, Boa Oii,

fI M Mwfli A**., ««w, Path A**.

PfatfilUI4( N. J.Ur#npi> Nn, 150, A-IR-tf

M M .itiim. th.y MM r.llabl..I.RADKB A 4 * * M I H I » -

Am*. a»c Hi |),ml iifinnii u p«<l Mull la I I * Inuirj iJvitiirfnM-ni «l a ••lMirh»«filly frlKxti. TlMI JliilMIB IMH't)**rvtlin* Um »i"fJ i>t ihf #lK»|,lH»filii 1•rUhlnu In Klvf P«|H-<-IIII•IM» imhlpn .if Mit> cliia

"Virtliiln Ami*. * i jim kn

"Sure." rriilirri VlrKtnla AH111MHI.V. "I kimw nil ntMHii 'Hilv* rluln nfi i floor in HO."

The in>lt ••> ilori'tl In irmii li|« iw» IIIHI H

IIIIHHIH, irny».ill* mull, mill ai :i ::M* UUH KIMM IMi.

"I in fiiu rHncmlwr."| nt

IIIHV III* Ml lift iiwrl In •vlin«»< 1 mi* M ymir in alltwt Ik* <

0. A. W. AM MOM

Page 9: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

ch*aw% « • * •» dafaS of pap a M •BBBr* tar


. *M.JH«w»la*JBa Tkw. tea, then to M eskMl to

• f • TUR «r tw*. Mr. V M

• • • 4

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«• * M 1 toy to *Mttorr !• Mi «rHW* «wa»

j t W to tht Aitttw I'm «f tMt

•( A»a»* N. ti Mr!»f W l

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taa awar. a M Ma. •aT annBamura* fatsn^asmal aadaatVMWjMnjr VBBMJTdl ESIW

"Maw Jaratyafar Itli,"

_ Mn. Wtniaai M. Katty afCtwhi toft WeotaoM for

L rarrto of Uwroae* a«a>toot FHdar asjkt to vto*Mn. L. B. Watonaan at


WtatfU M y toattat viator wMi Mr. aai


ttvodia «a Wwt-lapa*

IB. I . Metrto of W«at Dadtorlatftoa m aatwraty but for

Caka, whoN ako to to JotaI who W J bMit t h m for

IAU.T.- U t UM LBADBR a t e aat tat


7be Book Shop144 Eait Broad Street

An antiraly n«w Una «f tlta B U M * party•erviee Talllt* and PUca Cards are now to bahad at Tha Book Shop..

ICkartoa Ooocriek of Bairtooarotantoa raemtlr froai •

1 trip to Evr^po.

•ro MMraltaiagi of watob1 to rtfalad jroa. For t»o good

•iaeowly ————•*follow oar aivto*.

, tkan tothTttoa*! d a b atew


tko Mine of a 4to4 la th«Ki olRco, It boeoaM* known

0. MO* H«lak> L. Mat-addod to thofar boldlnfi onavmao, MonntoJiuMo, toof dt foot, adjotahw tM

•• i t of now bodnc« in thatAt tho eoaipMtlon of this

will bo a froataao of 141adjotaln* BW'i Cornor on

1 avoaao- dovotod uelathr*.IbaahM a, laela*i*o of tfco O'Don-


MILLINERYtot* forwmb $7.5$ to $18.59


WaotAaM, N. J.

Tat. 2072

Art Beauty Salon"A Buwly S*lm • / Culture and Distinciim"

Naw Yark aa




235 E. Broad StreetSteoad Floor,

F r a n . *





sr 2-*i•olid color Turkish tow.U. Allwanted colon, «»od quality, wallmade. Specially low priced onlrdurlnit thli January »»U. atockup for prucnt and fulur* UM.


22riow«r«d aad icurad wash Am-nady tmdcrwtar ertpat. In anunuaual anortnniit colora and'pattern*. Specially low pricedonly durli* this January


45*oadi•la* Itslf, nenMIUhed, lar#e•lac, all linen hush and damasktowels; many deaians to choosefrom. Special during this sale.


4?-*Fast colon, kloskot prints, manyunuaual «Mtam, toMtltM ran«*of colors. Tour shako of thesesard table covers at this lawprlea durln« this January Whit*Sal*.


5a? 1

Infor modern colorful usesRose, Blue, Oreen andBeautiful quality, unuaually wallmade, guaranteed 'ait colors,•pedal durlna this sale,


§4"Every one well made, ne»e atteal•Idea; sjood quality keavir »a-blaacnad mualln. aptclal at tkloprice while they last. •


15-Bacellent ejuoltty, wall•trip** as—il. la] a In* i^«at af aiaslw asui atvlaaSL BBM.•tally low artosjArlas; this Jaa*uary auo oalr. I

Stc W


21* H.This Is an unusual quality ofBnsjllah loncclolh. Specially pur-chaetd and specially low priceddurtnsj this January Bat, only.


Beautiful ssaertmesit of aattomasnd colora In these woolaaa cnal-lies. Specially low prices) onlyduring; this January Bale afWhit, floods and Linens.


Our onllrt alook ofdecorative iHtoaa, Meg.ular prMoa darlas tfetoMaay Imported Myles Intludsd.




Pratt W tk8IM 54x90 SHEETS—Regular $1.29 NOW81M 88x90 SHEETS—Regular 81.49 , NOWStM 68x90 SHEETS—Regular $1.69 .NOWM M 72X90 SHEETS—Regular $1.61Siia 72x99 SHEETS—Regular S1.79...Maa 81x90 SHEETS—Regular $1.6»81M 11x99 SHEETS—Regular $1.91SIM 90x99 SHEETS—Regular $1.96 ,81M 81x108 SHEETS—Regular $8.19M M 90X108 SHEETS—Regular $2.tt MOW

M M 4SXM CASES—Ragular 89eSIM 4SxU CASE* laguUr 48a.




Page 10: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

la tto P i * * UMary «i

Tto eaaaal «aaar -a* tto MoaV• « t o t o M a t t o i a t 1 - t o ^ i # - i i ^ t a l r U w t a . t o t t . * M f ^

— ^ ^ JB ™« ••» w o w WWWM aiaBO. • • •

aa aw.«. l>.A "Fattor i

Moro ttaa «M Wutntfeao aoooavar tto toat of ttb work, aaa ttW onrf «oat»lwklo ftoat of

of ItoaMVra-1.

ftto atato'a acthrhy. iadaajac Hi aaav•roaa aatrioUe oariaoa,

la N m M l w tto tfoMkattoa of WaKfiaUAiMto M i is a* pen* tto n h M , WUIaia-1 KaadRoa. am-to f CMoat of tto Bate Ckaator of Coa>

K K I wM toaay:-Wo of tto Sato Ctoator fool


aad ska to ha* aatuatogb« fawtMetAittat wo tova proeacod,

aalo aditonaia of road ar Mtt. fnak V.w« totoUlaromaw wklck wlU to of aaajiotiwkaMo «a)M tott at a rof

It h ia aa anuaaai a tost tooka kMaqr, tot ia rattor a aarrathro

of tto roaaace of KrwUtmft growtt oiaeo Hi Mttlowoat"

"Now Jorair will to avaOaUa aau>* of tto laiaw citiaa aa4 towatof tto Mate and awr to ka4 aaea


CML IO0OT WtittAttkouck * • ha* tfMt •<•*( imi iia Karop* ai foraicn cam.»oaAMt,tan* ia Vltma, taw* to feU 'two ia Kn»ten4 Vnac*,

dM . t i l M w n MCRTfTALWNMIQOO.it

Traaa I was tobt PrMar la taa BtBBBBBflFMi BBaaaftaaW ^ua—^aai BBVJ a t t a U L M B > ^ _ .

•ppjfcatioa to tto Btoto Ckaator ofPI « Ike Moa'o Ca* * * to MlMJ9 MB pMHk BMW o, at «0S Broad atraat, Mow-Aawrkaa atrMicato.

fIt A, at

UlA.ILm$m r. u.

WhUt ia loriia iko waa Caiaf of (toCcattml Earopaaa AIM BBOTO BCBULTflYork Eraaiag Foot, toia« tto i n twoawa to toM MMk • pooittoa fortto Aawrleaa Prt«. iwMaa eavar-

_H «f JajT wU to tto iac *aeb tapottoat aa^aaioatoM

tkV«oaMt» atst fcaaay tto JwoJU of HnfMy, tto Bavwi-Rtai to Vi l l

ftakwaaiMwa• wai aaa* aa



at Ma) I t a'clMk i m l M la MM

• • Mr. Mai

m *Mi » MM* MB

o< far* are• IMIMn

CMMIT* fCISNTISTl •»••»! t i l t A. M.* « • » - » A,«.


• • • • • ^ B B J B F ^VB^BW^aWBj^

COMMOATMNAL CMUKH1 m 9^m faamal •MBSBBAH ^^^k^m

__^ . at tto woa>safli AatrlatloB n— told la tho etoir

TW "Oawch MUfct" wrrict will

hamdlaUIr followlnt tkt• > * < M U M M wM k» a laMttaff of* taataHrtie Coraittot.

ClaV wUI n*«t in tbt


•aa PtMar algM.Tk» w m at OM I t oVlock wrr-

IM M ftnMter wM aMtmat to tMwtr

wV*rAt»VS BPIBCOPAL CNUBCNBBkaaa. afdBBfdBBTjB A . afdaTjaaaV. fAaaBBaat BlaaB

fita&Maaji., laliLsi.

ti t

•a tto aa Borolatioa. tto VioaaaH tot tioa. tto UtoiaaH BoralaMoa a Po-

ia a>Ma of ttot to datorawwd to to had aad tto World Baoaoaic Coa-aad to* af t tokad a tmil of foroaeo a Goaova, ito afeat tto

Itottor part of tto wiator of IBMTto Maa'a Bah Claa Wai k m iaan» of tto ovoaia* aarrko at S. | h i * froa Baaaa ttat Dtrotkr

Tkoy tn amealag a aroffMa fall TboojwMa tatoa tor took for ttoof aaai ttka» wfckk will to f otwd ronua loetaro. Sko wUI o»ak of

ttot aaja. Coaw aad T t o Now Baaria" wklek was aak-o»Jortt«aarfM«wkMwa1toaaaH> lktod ia a otrioo of aftklti laM roartka t aow aad aaitao. ky Hoary BoU aad Coaaaajr. ftvul

Tto T. P. 8. ft B. aaMiaf will to atoraatia* to Uatoa to aa aceowatto toM at T. Tto topk la a aoot of 8o*iat Baaia froa oat aa woUttaolr mi, »av "Barlaa; tto •OMI ia »ootod oa ktto cloodod awjoet

ViaKon aro

to,aMa W a » a ) »— etoka, lajiHaJU la toaaBBBB^BBBBVBV B B W B B B B B B B I ftBBBBB) BBBBB ' aBHBat B>*J* BBB^BBBBB

-tar Hi

t>a aatck w • damw Tto

Pmnpt aod Coaiiaow 8«nriet





Whaa Piela glaafallw




Send the ault to us and

we'll return tt spick and

span . . . ao much the

better for a good clean-


BUICKthat is Newest*

Style & Performance•plus the reliabilitythat makes BUICK

iteme«. *... ^


SaaMCan#122Sto0t9N g y .

AaWa C^MHaa^^f aaWaVtf aVaV dW

•mtjaf • • aW a W A * .4. C. Tfaw A*ya)ta« P

Aaa cat bayem ia tUa aMfaiAcwit aew Bntck.





For The FamilyIN our new funeral home we have

provided for the comfort and con-venience of the family and the clos-est friends. At one side of, andopening Into the funeral parlor ia abeautiful little room wherein thefamily may hear and observe all

without being seen by those withinthe parlor.

This arrangement offers advan-

arf d V ' r " °M ^' ^



with Uled bath;room aad bath;gwaga. Varyto school and statiea;flaad quietS1SS.OO. Bafaraatm


PavGaai Wati«M Law Ratas




y3t•MOW n


^•foWl fJffaVaVr » f / f l


\1\ L BROA0WaakflaU, H> J.


Page 11: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities


ef theaf real at - • m*


Iwaaifcy the

ef mm Matef a

U e t o *

etae? M « *MMJwto the


ttM a« ahetrtoal

ef m*

ef MM. al ..above a

tm* ml Bat Mm tfcar irow • * > ' _ . _> .—*.-rTt._ -Tr T J . I ^— aAotg—fB a^M ' * W " P™Wwfg: M e HWAb YWeWagT

*ewj BaTox vw AaMnaK ea gama; ^aA H W B J gawk ^ M M C ! RB^MM^WJ________ 4_ WWm WOTv mfj BJSW ff«W« BWWW MVW_P-way be, aai balm bto factory a

away If tkat I etfca

ef MM IaANtrlal Prep.H I M I e*eteaB-

to Mow

a far eattaa are ia tfce ooath;

thetowwt"Tke Mriai haptrtaat factor thattan tote the veto* of ladastrlal

aceparty toiay Is afHwiMltty. tVorttos frew wkiefc a product eaa

w l P A w i wj - S V M W M P W W H I WOTTJCS BWJVW

oa, or kave easy aeooio to,paved strooto er pavad arterial fctok-

"lafcer to tke third factor tkat

to tN i l tmffWVpfca M §MM aflMto tbt fttot M

I It to therefore,iktaw effcewta.

vawwe, Tke ewaar af a site to a to-betb raUraai fadmtos

famishof tfca

Uttml W m m a_B m m _MM_m_»_U__ -ft ml•~~~a~~eF * w v w w Opaai ^aaooaa w^a'BBaBBBvafaaja'Ba a v awj

woU topatot eat tkat tfce praasacall toof asrkv a t ato isalrahls Ihrtagbare week to do wHk attract He kva M M t e to U tltf

__giaml* Kyeto a city TWi

wfE)t_W* ^k^-mm—4^ ttV| frammWmmm wM mmlwmT* mm* mmmmm* ———————m e_njBmmt # J _ ________^^——P» M a j n a n n j ^ n a j nnaaBaBawsBBi B^BJ BBBBBjavvar" a V a oT^aSawisT EEJEJBEwm a>VJBTHy V H T J S W a *

iaaca eiaf IMfaaaja_MtpatlMBj atoea af eaa'Mew Jarasv Aeiakaai1 »••» - » • _ • E c M * at Wemeo t u T t . M. C. A-

* iv aae w§ #MRpi f f * it m nee

> 9 j f t h f t IfWmWmmft IWfwP*mmmmmk. MtMVX ___H_R| -_-f ______•

BMBwBf) wwWeTW MvaW •"- aaaBaj"

ffW-MaMMI MWtt jF f HMI MmNwTa

MJ taVMoW atW f J ^ V Vv Nawaw ai

«tottoa af tfca wiaairfalto tea iJ ( ^ ftW a llag. VtryatUei to) eapedi.

-___ ^__4 _*«_•> • * • •

ia« lttt^toetow^a^wjator aai tutitowkUkJUtkui ralhTf KuuT

_ j _ - * _ ! _ •_ _ _ _ _ - _ * —BSCMI mt> m t l a i a Aeowwwjj H I amWeay mfUammW aVaWWM • f fV

SM,a« kai tfcsi of tke

with a total af M M to. a l tkato itoty^to tta

maA ajka iff*

are aow bolag ptoa- ai*ai*w*d by away B.CM Coaaty

K BmmFmm^W i m m BW^BOJ_a>|f Bmffilft — - *

to^'totoTdt^r Tm ffi mi Jtomr1?to^"kt^12Sti S m m V ^ m ^MMmtilv. t T i i . M i a wsawor of tfca Caaaotl of Oat^aargave laciMtloa to it.MS


Oaa oftko

of tko

ef the

M, 1MI.to tt

OWtlteetSiimC fmfttVfWl 9t * " * • • * *waa the popMlar. Witfc very Hwltoi taaaetol re>•01 <Mf Coane. tsareos, tka Aadabea Society to or-

ag aaeaed oa Jaae dor to praseat tkla odacatloaal aai11S.TH raatotntleaa eatoitoialag toetare, kave beta cow-

to tts ant ate weetfce ef sparaMsa. atUsd to cfcarge a sawU adwU.ion toIa epito of tale heavy trawe, how - - -

ttpa> bor; .ad ky bringing to tke tktoi aa.proit to tfca owaor of UMstatlal. eoaaoeaeatly add to iadaa-

aai to tfct awaara of aijalaiag,trial property vataea. „ , , thi^ ifajeSeBB-e' OepartaMM for tickota kavefaraway wUoeT "Aai away other things each as was aHe ton»mpta7e^tTla^ eel»ed and a good attendaac. ia oa-aaag tfca thing, thai iaiaattv|aiaaietoal faeUitiae, tka faol «P|Jy ^.eoadttioJTTWdtmUM for tkto tkipatoi ky tka aactoty.fcave today to ko catiMcfal. g g ' g ^ * * * ' ? * rcBaHhm to a! sport wUI ao eoafct toiowe tfcs aoa. — ' -ace tfcree eetotaadlag faada- totality iaSaoacetho vatoo of iadas. .»r»etk>a of tho addHtoaal atao hole. -Patronise LEADER Advortlosn—

m. or taOraai M a i proporty. The layawa wtokt•. a a i w k a r , " | n g a r i a piece of property located•Aa i load that on a rattroad a a i r - • - • • -, . to boa

tfcosstkiagalwsWgfcvala»wlt«Btosito for a giant factory. Batao kmpoftoat are oath of tfceoojit i .nt If tfca city haa aot pet to a

i that tke abaeaee of aay oaa aswer. I t aaigfct ko used for a lum-• to aa indastrial toaattoa wUI ber yard but aot for a plant requlr-; r a a aa eatorariot. Ia the tog water.i body the heart aad bra iaaai jTba New C O B M I I I H I B for lajoslrioo

_ saeh are Indispensable irgaas. I "An Intease competition tslaU be-tfcs tadWidml dtpiliad af aay *»aea Awerkaa towas aa i cities for

[ e f t l t t * organs eartataly itoa. tbe prl«Uogo of hoaslag iadaatry.itaUoa, accoasiblUty M i to- Comsnultiea ao longer watt for atka koart, aad ante a a i awaafaetarar to eowa a a i took tkew

' oactossfal industrial loca- lover, bat abasan kawlato M a i elverJ tfct Indaatry deprived of aay! t«a«»od Mloamea to tho Btgnwaysthese etoweato Is ratoei at M i bywayj to seek oat iadastry and


IMN VU tlwt«v aofth «ai wmk, u4

| _ o-rkLgk altJa-





raa a«ui s» n n i i i

Tit Inliir

N U HUMUIrutra r«niM

MVRBBIBM a*> emoMi n i m ,




t>a)T ASMSTAirf o»



i a city wayi facilities, wfcick

I facflitiM for theM r M f f T e f U n d > N t a n > f o r k M v i M > *** bonvier

or both; bat

• " ^ l U i S f S ™ 1 ! ! ^ ! " "Bri»« th» r l»* t «adastry to afacilities tfcaa ether t o w n „ , , yw ^ . . ^ H ^^^^^

You bring it a permanent payroll

y y . r tlo baagalow in it Bat artoc tko

I e f delivery to tkoi oVwra on the *!JS*: OBOVO, t k t W

*•ow estots to alMoot e m y In-

_i or ko aaienol i .•Aid tke cost of distribotioa e l a


perwlt to Hat, tkat auks one Indus-try prosper oa a loeattoa where aa-othor iadastry would eoUaptt. Evsa- ~ ~ ^* that the

e«l.t ia aother ekmtats, having to

I — _ _ —m>aklklla&i

w l U l

atation to Mt plant aad the- - - - — - -,j jjg.

m B o t h t r


H eoltoaaw or abandons tho iacomct" location and «oo« obowktro. With it

closs toM eastern city a nwaafactarernfUMt flakAiSai nVaui a\ aafAnBWaMUUB

wkfcci ho dislribatta his prod-to bia dealers. Htoprodactoarae i oa the wtjtern coast a a i

the continent at aof forty cents ptr hundred

Rat the warehooM in tkacity to not accessible to tkeI when there goods a n an-

aad It costs this manufacturercoats per haadred poaaia

tkoM product} by track aeroaatown to the warehouse and back

to tbe frtifht station for de-wkea sold—over half the coat

_ j | tkew aeroso tks contineat.awaafaetarar C M M well afford

two or three thase tko valuepracaat alto of kls wankoaaa

lecattoa directly oa tfce railroad' to his goods as they

Wmwtmm aUmfl I m l i t t l mmmlsWrnowaaB'B'WWe BBfBwea a^apaear ^w^ ^ • ^ O ^ P ^ B ^ * ^ ^ *

tracking charges. Aai a

> tkat awaafactarer twe M

orcanisstlons go out Into the world

back ko BMto fcooas tho tho town hosure that yoar town baa ladustrtolpoMibilHios a a i that the right Indus-try cowes there.

" I f yoa kave land tkat you thinkhaa Indastrial asrl t aaawins Its qual-ities carefully. Remember tka thingsthatmahs for ladattrtol values. Youmay hear giant wheels kaw oa it*omt day. I t may be the one btttplace in tka world to manufacture

.carpet tacks."


Tht following committee has bssnnamed by tho thrss local nrs com-paaits to arranc* for tfct annual boll»»J>« " • " jltfctr on tho evening offjbniarjr I I « • on tho evening ofWasalagtoa'a Birthday, Pakraary IS.Harry atooatr has boon aawoi aaChairmaa aad Is twsistod ky tho fol-lowingi secretary, 0 . H. flood) trtaa.arar, WiUtow Howartkt l lMwal tel l .•», Charito Bmtlct, WaUaeo Haw,Pred Hakar. Waiter Wkaha, aadTony Aageto.



STORM 8ASH, by keeping the cold out and the heat in,' cut fuel

coats materially and soon pay for themselves. . . . They not only

reduce fuel costs, but through the absolute elimination of chilling

drafts, make homes healthier, cozier, and more comfortable.

Arrange now to have us take measurements and give you esti-

mate price to equip your home throughout.

C O A LOUR COAL will stand the closest inspection. We buy from nines .

that have the best equipment for preparing and cleaning theircoal so that our customers will get the best the market produces.

"LEfflGH & WILKES-BARRE"Tht But tttmd





DR. MALLASl t > a > 4 K »

Weev* P* CM • M



lOt! ROW STREETPLAWPlBmt, N. A < \ f

Notary PiMicL E. TAKTUM


ttte>WH. JL



Page 12: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

kit tea *e W«*

aw to tM Mrtaf M tahtag the .Mark* witk fee tallios to Us (red*.agkaaat of MeeTYaefc MMB?| Witk tM Jiaa tkat Md M M fol-

f j r ta t f • • " W W B a W aaVaPM I B WSBV lareJfaTBET w*WH* IVe*e l i f f U f O E ) ffffJOaTalI V aaamM. YaaS) HBMMB afJBBat MVBMMBTJ MWrnanaM-L t a W WOVABBMMBI BVBVBMBTM' MMTM) OOft

4* mensare ef tM New Y*rk- to pHa ep M eairtakl. neard to tM

i IMI i'latMi

ire.aM«eM* af Ma

»*<*•< t a i l *



r g ,Mwfc-eiod Milter,towed Ml rapid

algM, t M ef them ky tMd Milte Btk rfthM


MtweM KM peat*a* -Waf was riding away froM tMaaaL Tfca t h M ana A kaaat-Waafc

BMl ky Neat*. It kept tM crowd ta e*s-' to IMK a auMrte. Hodg* bad


TM water fawl ta CcM U M Parka* of tM aatts ta tM Uataa Ceaa.

*•» aaVmaaV BaMMM-*am aatejJM fta BMB AmUMT*V *"aa?*» eV|fMawa* aWfaVa » • BPjr • * • # * , -iagtM wisteria spite ef th* tottkat Jack Preat ka* atoatMd tM take

TM High K M - cage Jaam gaea ^ . ^^ mrtmt #f |M wttk thea HMtaMe * • Priday •<•** te en. ^ ^ #f tM takt wW***Wage that fast moving eetdt, wttk M W ta-,^-». ky tMfar aethr*-.^TmJ^Bt^LeMMUmUiMm TMr* « at aratMt IS MMM, tfa ta tM raaka. e ^ , , * „ „ , ifTMaBerd* aM BTM MM* was KkedulM to M

BtayodMtMRo •HK •ft,tat aaa«Mr organlMtioa I. eetog tM ~Janler Mkjk flcked thai1 avMlataM ._,_tM e m wUI M pkyad at HUMeV

will M played Mre

aack otfctr ia fwki, tkty aft aB •>-

TM returnInstead of away.

Witk tM defeat eftM erat OM ef tM

awf*et karaMay. Thaf tktir tapariar aiaa

< 4

M M , local reotera look forward tomore soirited fame*. TM team It-

aM etrengtfc BMM totaMtMrlahtafway.

TM cold weather we-

ft Haw, tM MMM aaere M rang 'pee** far aatr a mtaetc. iitt»aM»aa»taitB|liaiii6,*>cMdttfremtoaa«ttMMkaravkMaMeMBMtetMa tM Bold, M M M I M I


aaw tt •« It•Mt atraifW far tM aattf. Foar

« M M 4 far H aM tM Mil trkk-M krta t M gaal M tM few arrhraa'abaaat abaaNaaaaady at tM •oatt.

TM aaaa Satarfejr wHk tMMtlaaaaactodtoMatkrillar.

Ntw Tarktra wart M i lafauaM at tM way tM lacal

r. TM

tM tM aMtta aM ao aeakt wiU M oatfor Moa4 latwfer aiffct. TM ttaai

Ij aaa! M J Mta ptoylugK i

ha* a seal Md M M Mated ky h> a enappy OM Mf WeMNaV CBBBIB- 4a? MMM) aMBMaVJMMtf aWJaMaMMafkll at-kHB U R

Otah «M thswwa frees Id* paay lataec H* vWt MreMr*. Caatala Laa it

r!™ l l

tolartaaratorr to tM

win* aJtMagk tMyitotaMto

Ma shown good Improvement rem»la In tM air for loeg part***, tawith continued prartiee ses.'toas aM a < M t case* seem te alwaya return-er* estakliahinga form wkick should Q M af t M Park CoMattaNM em-put tktus at tM M M ta maay of tM joyes* recently ohatrved tM targaatgames yet to M played. TM nest I V M atoyed aloft for aMat ten Mm-home i«tM for t M leeal Bra wfll M utos, eircliat tM parkon next Tuesday afternoon and will i n f golf eoarse aavetalbe with Princeton. then following n uisteiaed tight over

4ffll ANNUAL MAWSOW S " " ^ *U y | | M at AaaMaaVaaff JWCWBlIjT OR UNI MtffaWt Ol WOa H B r i S H o ifaTVaWaBPVsWV V/itlVMlt M i l * Off MBB-MML A

^B» an*«e__toa_a BMMMWaV aanaYBHea^aaBV " • • » • " " » " • • * *wwe™«™ ^*w» •ma^mvspwse; we»

POULTNT SHOW_____ when proMbly M C M J * of tack ox

The fortietk eoaMcaUv. annual * " * • «» tM ab- M became a *

i.totMr wv — W W f a i MW*HV BHW

, eat Otark wMabta to~a? to a**ap* tM Ka. 1


u ka


.... SeMftlanlNo. I

.".:... ClarkUOM—wemMM: MiMar t . Hedge

>4, U a 3; Bidgoweod: Vogt I , 8e-Mattaal S, Clark • .


Referee, Ratok R. Halleek, Plain.

thla .Twenty-nine ef the moat prominent '

Judge* ef tM eoantry, from am* •**•tote* and Canada, will place tMaward* on poultry, turkeys, Matam*aM water fowl. Nine Judge* from

different states Mv* Man assign-ed to Mndle the numerous varieties .of pigeona entered under tM rules *f°•f TM American Fieton Club and t k *

r for tM Garden

» * » » pUaei ta ttay. " " V « t M amrfaet of

v i frujjayviaa* *JII w m i H I IUV I »m • laawM . a_L • — —

•f TM American Fieeon Club and t k * " * • •competing aot o»ly for tM Garden It I* well worth t M time elregular aM special ariaes but also eltisen wM ta tatoreetM ta wUfor the many special prise* offered to vkrit BcM Lake Park aM esek . a l d h - . . . . A l - ^ . l - • — - • * - aasHai U M U aaaka-ftle- -* ' - - » * - - * _ ^ ,ior i w iffMny •pocuu pniva owvnra w *«»•• « • • MMMky afton aatlond pta«oa ayactatty wild birds, partly•atociattona. Ut t year tM naMker taato kappy aai

e af anywiM Ufa



•ssnrhtlnn*aM qaaltty of tM'plgeou enteredat tM Garten W M deetarM to M

Jteat aver hi ought tegetker atMM til

la tMk?

avavaw an a j a a a n it M M M H e t a M t

—* Tare M M tt-14.

wmm "JPf aa«eaMBjBBW W I M MMBM

bMair^ejatatok TMTrta-a\ 1—4 — s_ •>_<__•_ » -e> BVBJ I V * • WaVawE) tMaWlVV

itoaieMefaMaieieB B _ M W B_MMBV M B B I I B M B W B V I B M MWBammaj MnaarBBJa flB^P^MnBrwaBja waamj

tk* thtod<s»iert«ri«a r----*~ areeesr* am certainly real fei

_ • _ • ! >B_M- B-MBI MB_kMM • _ _ . « _ *._ ™ " • • • • • " • •rTjMWIITff alOCK •i T T ^ " • • • • • • • * • BMJMMM ajBBM BjBttjfM| l ^ l ^ #•••_»— taaVt*dk_ - * - - - * J # M anaMwktaSManlBB-abBrfi e-—-I " *— . _. ••MW4T p n C f M OaVHUBONfl l O r W — y

*aaMmjaiMB aaamaj %VtTW*n| WWrV aWnK _ * •__ _d? 4a . . a^ a . _WL._ .J _._..1 i i-.

r us.

t t M aTTananttfaat Mfraer kaMjHuffMdV t_aBMIBal# Bit eBaMflaVMI M aRmaaV M M MavW

one tiase ta M M show. Tkia year tM Ma*y ihtaaa bdleved 10 M ins I S Mentry ta not autte MI targe ta t M ere aot to aew. dteutM a htoietaagtaMtotol kat ta Many ctaMa* t M •»•»»» jeM Ma jaat Made a1 fep*t.

to"iweeM4*rCl1 V^iMlBem**MM was levei«ed M earlf MMeikat 'SBMaajtt Jr. High defeated BeaM. ^ T ^ ZMl*a<Malll? M T I U I m T r ^ n t th*ttM jMaM-iiTiliij

W ara^aaW. Monday ky 1B-I4. ^ | | H H of taal ytar. BMM M M * * • taveaiM M early M UeVMl aa.

S S f t r g H ^.-S-ZS"^ HSHSSTSSTM'atereM tkTkalcateM t M T * ' eMfewkaao^MdtoltaM toeMta> *Sg- ! * j?**^A 1 - • *»* • * ! * * • »•

__ ~ • . MaflflftanM aMflBMBBi AtJIal ftgB dhBUh iaanPa AakaffaVi 'VMMkj . *««•• ^^•VJ V^^WJBJ 1^^999941^*4) VRarevB I B B M H B _ K B M _ M 4 M _ I ' KaMti BmattaBmaM a—ilff r " 1 * " B»"BJ"»wee t i n a j f • • • wewaj I P I M M B O W W ^ ^ M 'lMa_B M M BamV- aVa__ aMekM aB__ta^a4ta___HmMBajBBMra) ^M^Mvamaj - a^^V ^9w9*eVEI HMaeT aitt anMaBawa*B_dl aaVmtlafteaai ^attaam 'eaAftaeMa-eaM *BMVa B^^V Vvtvl'lvMB ^ a e a w M OjVSP^^nepEj

faTfta- at Oea-M- M M H I taa-h ana-aaM. - * • - • - - - mww • • • • • • H I OOllaWa* IMV pi|fJOfl a_ | M * « , aaiaWai raaiia-a am. «*JMMS* • L___•»••» * VVBBBI BBRJ V H M H a"MVB M WMaf_laWMl mBm iiJirt-Jatlar M « _ | #S*M* * - *M " • • • • • • •ffl|V1flB' IVEIrflTI * • llfdaTi 41 H I MAt——. a S ^ j » at J - - . — • * al A —L ^ H A B ^ l^kvJBBMBTal emMM e^Ma V J M I n l W aTwJBU A B B M C l ^ r B V ^ aU^a. S ^ al«aWka\ - _ Ha ' • _ A. « . > .—___ ^

—•••-.>--- - * - - - • « • - * • ) w-irey amyai*

oat M tola eM Meaaey sank • faalshot tMt W M tM B M S ,

are certainly real faaelemMbnot hope to Mil Mtefc-

_. _ _ aM breMIng eteek at t Mw _ ~ — " _ - " - " feney price* oktainod for auwy varl-Z ? ? J!2?- 2£ ttta* of thorouehbrefl noultr> Mir


COB, rf. .. .Gratory.lf.Green, If. .

Jr. Htak




ktoroney, rf. .Oenogldl. rf. .Oerity, If.Taylor, If.Kelly, c.

Coffey, rg.Pntbetto, rg.Carney, Ig. ...*«Mt. If.NcGraph, Ig.



ToUb I I

y.if...iy. kj.


ula tint ti*iret til auuHi lu«««<lniWM

af «]iH«|iay, a rnack •Mn«t«liM t*.tand mmm loacliucaa of wrlilM M-M h - n w e a»»-ptlc aatawiw «ad n »M N M I darhia ikit Man. Uia

«M tarM Mate fa correct a* te• * • * * " « . •»•«• tM part avMtjaI B M aptlepti* atate ta taosrrert ta


In a closely contested basketballgame the league-Madlng Congrega-tlonslltta met defeat at the hands ofthe strong Methodist aggretatlonThe MOM wa* 18-12. TM good pl*y-Ing of Wright, tM high scorer of thegame and Captain Paulln was a bigfactor In the defeat of the CongregTtlonal team.

Captain Wltht and K*llogg playedbest for tM lojing team. All leaguegames are called off during tM weekpf January 21, due to ewmlnattoMin the achoola. TM line-up 1

Congregational! Pcrteta. rf.j __val, lf,| Waltaek, e.t Wight, Oapt.,rg.; Kellogg, Ig.

ta, IM Paalla, OMt. Martin, *.; Wil-son, rg.:


****?** i f iJ'* '1 ' ** '* ' taker, to tM

ta ITU: safXy ra*nra ta I i t t t a .•^,(peaker la MM 1 a dlvlna MM In KHM.a aartaroM ta tmt white tM chln-w—— that a Mmhno amafemenl

M a phonntrar

kaya aM water fowl.BecauTe' of tM InereaaM nrterest

m tM eemmerelal aid* of t M PoultryIndustry during t M recent years.many of t M tar* and more beauti-ful varieties of the standard M Mfowl have become almost extinct. Toencourage tM breMIng and showingof the** fast disappearing MM* ofchickens, tM management of t MGarden Show thla year announcedtM reduction by h*1< of tM entryfee* in Hambnves, LakeavoMers,Naked-Necks. Csmpmer, Sumatra*,Ermlnettej, Buttercups. Red capsand Phoenix. I t I* gratifying to ob-serve from tM mereatod entriea taalmost every an* of the**, how t Mbreeders of these oldthne favorite*have responded to the opportunity toexhibit and thus show the publictheir beauty aM other favorable qual-ities, ror example, where there wereno Sumatra* exhibited at .11 a coupleof yean ago, there are sixty-six en-tered this time. Ther are one ofthe most beautiful, all black fowl,wer bred and the ladle* will lookupon them covetously for Mt odorn-menta.

Record of performance WOTIC inpoultry Is being carried on In a num-ber of states, offlcUl Mate recogni-tion belnt tIven to pullets which lay200 or more egga In their lint yearon the owner's premise* or In of-ficially conducted egg Itylng con-tests. For the ilrat time In the his-tory of Garden Poultry Shows themanagement Is this year offering•wards and priiea In four clasaea.-- R. O. P. bird*. They are to MJudged both by the Standard ef Per-fection, th* tome nt the poultry Inthe exhibition classes, and also bytheir Record of Performance a* lay-ers, supplied and certified to bv theowner*. For tM first time at HMI-.on Rqmr. Garden then the publicwill Mve an opportunity to ate *om*of th* wlnnen of tM state and na-tional egg laylnt contest* throughouttM country,

TM second ItMIng ntw featureintroduced this year will be the jud<-Ing contoeu aM athlbttea of tMIrpoultry for member* of t M 4-MCM*.composed of boys aM gtrlafrom tM rural districts of tM UnitedState. a M Csn.de, California Ma»*nt an entry, there I* * M tee frwaCaMda and ale. from Connecticut,Dataware. MtaMeata, New Yen

CereHM aad two I h a Vlr-


AtM t»w • U H * I <«•>•*• a dlsvu*>(<i*j

wus nruuglil up *IHHII . neiaMMr wkutnid mwii la a wreefc. l l bM aM awnI M aelghmiri hitH. kM M fuaM «at•Mr M w«aid have to pay lar M « I Mbtacar Hied.

Vila *laW* * •* ) aml'lMlaSmSl * I 1 I • • *a PnBT WWMMny Mpama vMabwaaaaaaanBs^ a> aa aaami

H n O - h aa> at tM aar

CMrMIe, "aM'a at Maaer

Locd d»*J* Whs n m G M M W

TM W<ttaantwtaafthe

aneraeea ta a• a repsato waa MMMBV T M a n



toB'l law.la tM

Waa*.f | W9OT*

ap *avan aatata to Irvkkt-Mlf tM lrvMjt*a

a rally wkkk to •far ~

wttk W*ata*M heMtat a eKght toad.

M wttk atwa patote eai thrte


T1AMW00TAToooinT n u n i

TM totyear wlB MMM at aUF Park Trap* ea Baaday i

TM aMat will atart «to .§,,new:tr*afcy aM It la


pp were tka

Irvkigtoa.TM Ha* apt:


0Daalap.f.Weinar. f.Back, c, .

MdBtr. g.


_ '. f.Britten, f.Ingram, f.Wakfc._e.Carkerry, t . •HareoaBM, fGruwoM, f.


Total. I tKef are* Wlhr*tmaa. Beatk Bida-





iMBtT «M«tf|| |« ak«l MR

Select your ahadea fromour atock pf aunfatt, durableexcellent quality materiale.

_ _^^ ™"^B~ .BBJBJBBBJI. __ . . „ . . _ . , , ^ -

M la tMIr Int vicMry af tke aN»-aaa witk'a l i t u r n m i !••!• n

™ - weje» •»• a iaW amaaiarwa ' V W F aWIH^P** ? " . • • * • •»»• " I *** - At tM «M•« tka Mlf trrtntton Ud M , but tMWNtflaM aatat CUM back wtth arally wfclek paaMd tkem akead.


Bckw* fXroemer, f.Xolopkoua, f.Lilian, e.Preek. cUrlan. s .Patterson, g.




TM rale* I f tMtar to tMaata force kat year,,!

•atvane* of tM raletMcfcaagmgofamaa

tMt a imay not for •during t M yeai'a eMaaatWaa far Itropky.

TM date* of tMaa Iaa follow*: Jaaaary M , MarchMay I f . Septomker I I , aM WMr IT. T M team wtontaf t M teat nnmfcer of tkeae Bve aMat* *•v •^nwiv^B pvinHwivira vwHenwpt M tropky. .

Anotkar ianovatioa tkat wM-inaagaratod tkia year witk tM i•Met ia tkat t M kigk M M of <teaj* win M matekM ia a Uevent f or t M kigh gaa prtaa.

All tM gaa ctaM ta tkia \are Invited to aaM a

men wM wiA to

AHat • « • a'elock.

I aM ready to 1One

Tka trap, are new apatattag ato t M pakllc aa Wi

Partkar Infermation may M^w *'*—MWBMJMJWBTJWM^B^J ^B/arMnv BjBBBJ 4WJBMH

ttoa OepnrteMnt of tM Ualoa CMty


QwtHttle •toMfraiatMli• of ractHMa _

until M M Imatinathre' reparter fMM of tkem.


AND MECHANICS•«» Taala Tkie M M M * at a Plmwal af 10% "

Oa Oar BBBMIW. Law Caatl






M Iha atowaftk af tfca


"Hi HUM TA ui•a

• I.

Page 13: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

/ .

Wtt the Fhfs n l Fltyeftl

Btwt WeJTcaeere"

-n* i+ir *t the Monies"






_V hare kouses aid moral! glee*, tka M I productionsefaUyon. Wke knawe what

lklk may lika o? -*—•will coax tha

h kaf tkat wary ash. tke par-T H U tl kaek-figltheatre goer? Hope is the, ._ . .

hone of arSaW-hofo. and articient cash to keep your showM a t eaakto keep your k wlone enough for tka public to atMa*nibble at H. Cash My al» be adetriment Many a poor aredaetlMwoold dia a BaturaTdeafli If en*wtra aot available to keep It geta*Tkm we might all ka tka happier-for surely more puts kaa kaaa trot-Ud ant tkia season than ever to*fora? Yat wa hop* ont

« «

'—a new coated? ky Jes.rorkes—comes to the Royale directfrom the wilds of Flatbueh wherethe audiences at Werba's received Itflatteringly. It la a light, ckeery,amusing little comedy of a younggold-digger wke marries her oilsugar daddy. He, poor old dear,nearly.collapses in his frantic effortsto keep up with her furious youth.At last, in desperation, ha hatches acanny plan to get rid of her cheaplyaad without parting too generouslyof his "sugar.*' He Imports a beau-tiful young man, supplies propinquityin large doses, and behold the naturalresult with all hands pleased. It'*good fun—lots of laughable situa-tions—much merriment—and any-thing but highbrow! Dorothy Hall.John Cumberland and Hale Hamil-ton head tha cast including CoraWitherspoon, Verree Teasdale andEdward Leltel. Rosalie Stewart lathe producer.

Haw—•"Oypsy""Gypsy," Maxwell Anderson's nsw

play, also comss to Broadway viaBrooklyn. It Is the story of a mod-ern girl wko ha.< a real gypsy spiritander bar more worldly personality.Tke gM it admirably playe* by Clal-borne roster, that attractive littlesouthern star with her dainty graceand ingratiating charm. Others inthe cast are Louis Calhern, MaryToang, Lester Vail, Wallace rord andRath nndlay. George Cakor staged


*t a n * I

M "Greenwich Village roUies" kaafinally torn away from Ha Ckieagoanchor. Tab gay review is now play-Ing at tke Shubert Theatre, Newark,with mere stars than tke electrics cankoM. Tke cast includes Or. Rock-well. Blossom Seeley, Evelyn U v ,Carlos and Valeria, Beany VioletJans and Whalen, Laura, Lie, HelenGUIIgsn. Eddie Skubert, WalterArmTnT Jennie Beach, Babe reatoa,

Glrla. A combined staging aad danc-ing chorus forms one of the largestyet assembled for tour. In addition,there are eleven art models, whose

ing ckotas ...yet assembledthere are ekitalcam-powder coaU are thesartorial diaatey. WKk Ha

J ^ O V k h VilHaVillage M-

taiaa, Jeweled eotttaga, brUHanc tea.* a, swarm of lovely femininity

• Is arach for the selective eye

the pure wake variety, but then"•Hher are tke tablcaa* la "Green-wich Village Follies" of a kind tomake the censor applaud.

Or. Rockwell of vaudeville fameflU into revue as easily as thoughmade for the purpose. He Is thebackground of several skits, as wellas having a spot all to himself.

Directly following his New Yorkseason at tke 49th Street Theatre,and endorsed by New York, Chicago,Philadelphia and Boston, WfflmmHodge. America's inimitable star, Isnow at the Broad street Theatre,Newark, in his greatest laughing sue-cos* "Straicht Thru the Door."

While "Straight Thru the Door"differs from Mr. Hodge's usual of-ferings in that this vehicle may betermed a smart mystery comedy, yetall of the quaint humor and goodfun that have characterised the star'spa t successes are still an Integralpart of the piece, though the mysteryelement is a vital and serious partof the play-

Mr. Hodge with his customary orig-inality has aet the scene of his mys-tery not in the sombre library of aFifth avenue mansion, where trapdoors and creaking bookshelves op-erate obviously to the distraction ofthe audianee, but in the unfinishedroom of. a house being built on acountry estate.

In place of soft-footed butlers roll-Ing tea wagone over heavy carpets,we have the mason, the carpenter,and the painter, with their imple-ments of torture, actually buildingthe house on the stage. And here,with doors nnd cssemente wide openon a summer's day a crime oceanthat brings In its trail all the bafflingelement) and complications of themoat orthodox mystery talk.

Mr. Hodge in the role of "GeneThomas" a famous actor, playa anImportant Part In the detection of thecriminal, but In t u n Is beset with•rotor difficulties when he tries tostraighten out the love entangle-ments that Involve the solution ofthe mvstery.

Prominent In Mr. Hodge's supportwl!l *f tail* *"£. •wnpany that sup-ported William Hodge on Broadwav' ' '1iur Margaret Mullen, Edith

t, WiShayne7Wafter~Fennor. WitiianTCut-len, Morjorie Lytell. Ann Roth, Ar-thur Donaldson. Maurice Barrett,John Rdwards, William da Rasa, Ls-land Chandler, AhKntt Adam'. JackC. Connelly, Jack Cheatham, CharlesDouglas and Virginia Wallace.

a new thaw. "Burlem*. Be-

•f rt7f^SSTl.vS. 2

lory e T the stays aasTwas far aamy

CwB ftwPBwtrdt!' ** •***••*• _ ^M^^aVnaBaV J Basses. dBBslasavftml BBBBMBBBMBB. BBBSI

U | ^ taVamfBmM BBBBW tarn* • a » * j a f a a a B B * | * Mfjf»W ^•r"J"""""» •BBJBBir* MBBJ •SBJBBBBajaBjB) I | B W

the fhft tea filma state and pro-

Lsgeave maw Man age. The amiMommas te Bring to tke astern nbrilliant array of military sseaos andpieturlaatloBS of latrigai la a royal

' Court boass, revolutions aadlife, of wandering .gyn-en

Iddie J. Lambert

AUeen Magle, Warner (Hand,aad Canael Myers are seen In tha

, that "union*the aew wash's

. _ program with'bat coasaaysinging act celled "The Fashion PlateCap and Saaeer." Others on thasame Mil will ke Oorotky Henry, wttkJack Stafford and Compeer In "ADance Vkatasr" tha tares Otaatos,America's only double perch aett

Uwlor, that red-hee/gal; andman aad Co-Ed* ia "A Collo-OsTeriag" res Movietone News.

„ HWIw COflMfljr M i s OweWef VCMS Willke shown m conjunction with "Dream

* * •

Thinking pictares, vaudsWUea lat-est koadlina imsatioa will be the out-standing greater KeHk-Albee vaude-ville atSractloa at tke RIti Theatre.Eliubetk, far tomorrow, Friday ana*Saturday. Thinking pictures are pic-tares that will coaverse with you, It

U it ltares that will coaverse with youanswera year quesUoas, it play» aaypiece of music you suggest. Think-ing pictures will do aaytklng you

t it to d O tk p r r awant it to do. On the same programwill he Lew White and company withFlorence Branson and Walter Mor-risson in a comedy skit, "Stopping ntthe Rita." RatalFord will aing spe-cial songs and do comedy work. TonyBell an3 Buster Albert will he seenIn a comedy act. "The Two ItalianDiplomats" and the Coavey Twinsaad Lsssilsg Johnny la "BHa of Thlaand That" On the screen is n spark-ling, dramatic, aad amaslng story,Rea la Roeaae>.at«dactk.7 T"'

tkat It w n dlek UtarioamyRitic, dashing, impstuoas, ahrays smit-ing, La Roeque has In this comedy arole which will vastly Increase hisvogue with pictures fan*.

Ksith-Albee aatt shew will be offer-ed with William B. rriedlander*Dancing Husbands. Tke book m byWill tTough. the dances staged byRay Midgely. It is a new muledcomedy with thirty artists, all ofthem singers, dancers and funsters.The screen attraction will be "The

Ktatat BIlMthilkn John Gilbert ia "Tke Masks of tkeDevil" opens a four day engagementat the Regent Theatre on Sunday.The Gilbert of "The Masks of theDevil" Is in part the Gilbert of hisgreatest love romance, "Flesh andthe Devil," but he has given charac-terisation a verve and vitality whichwill make It live long. The pictureia eitremely note-worthy for two oth-er reasone, first it serves to introduceto the screen Eva von/Berne, fllm-land's newest rcreen discovery. Miss

mystery jron Berne was discovered only re-- cently in Vienna by Norms Shearer

and she plays a leading role in hervery flrst motion picture. She willgo a long way.

"The Masks of the Devil" alsossrves as the vehicle for TheodoreRobert's return to the scrsen. The"grand old man of the movies" afteran absence of two and a half yearsdue to illne.s, returns to give an ad-mirable portrayal as the elderly friendof John Gilbert. This picture hasbeen produced with synchronised mu-sic and sound and you will hearwhst you see. Coming to the Re-gent beginning Thursday will beCorinne Griffith In "The Outcast"shown with synchronised music andsound.

« * « .

All those who are interested inhiih courage, the bravery of unsel-fish and unheeding youth, the splen-dour of youthful sacriflce and beau-ty of human comradeship should goto »e "Wings" at the Rlalto Theatrethis week. It is a film setting forthth« work of the young knights ofthe clouds in the war. But It Is farmore than a film. It is an epic offesrle.-s young manhood, a paean oftribute to the airmen "whoiTwingsare folded forever"—as a beautifulphrase of dedication says,—and it isslso an amaslng example of what canbe achieved In the air. It Is no com-bination of trickery and models, buta rsslism visualisation of real peo-ple riding the cloadj and triumphingover the dawn.

rich with the n^OeJwl"lties*that lie

and kumea s

whs have ae

a j k « e*jj « fe |Mfe




waai aiaww

y S d ftthmw te marry kU aep^w.eM^Wi^w-0 W i M S 'e"M"aTaj alRBTBTcmV Cam*** B W I


•Iplll.lV ) .(>^

llaavea tareagk tka adveataras m

a gangster. Hew tka gaag.ter la•avad aad turned from Wa patsaHf ri I to l i n d to


a gangster. Hew tka•avad aad turned from Wa patsaHaf crime Into a pases loving and tow-aMdiag dttaen, tkreagfc tka efforts aftke detaethre In order tkat tha gMBButeaM B T H A V BBBBmtaB^HABW aVCrflal BBBWBBBBBV-

f thla program aad hi a colorof Ufa aad Borrow along Bro

iwar. It reveals a play wkkla n nlavana pre*eata the sunshine nnd shad-ows hi the lives of the pHyers. Theaction ranges from idylHe live pas-sages to tease gripping momentawherein the monster within over-comes the man nnd tarns him intoa savage beast It is the story of ahuman being, wko flnds kla roal andkspplnesB when it Is too late to an-Joy either.

w w •Mew Cranfsedl

Today and Tkursday nsark tka lastskowings of tke great air spectacle"Wings** at the New Cranford Thea-tre. Clara Bow, Buddy Rogers, Rich-ard Arlen nnd Gary Cooper are allIn the cast whkh numbers hundreds.Some thrills that have never beforebeen aimed are contained In tbl*great picture of the war. It is a lovestory tuned to the roaring of theplanes. No picture lover nnd eventhose who are not fane, should letthis picture pass without being seen.The short subjects oa tinsThe shert suare alee tae.

F i d '

programre ale tae.Friday's and Saturday's program

offers a double feature bill. J. p.






Veek Jaa. at—<AMB••


4s Nils Aether


«.«— I — 4 —


(rorawrly tflnanl

— Tfcla W««h —

wmaouiumwWi KAY MAD

PAIL.T MATIWBBB—ladles l i e

notaim vmiBWAv m a t












MATINEE 2:30 EVENING 7 and t P. M.
















D. w. oRirrrnra


BBNMRT HAVHIHAII MUlianL*waBBBrnjajej BjBnjnnnBjnBBjannnBBA g j





1'* * '

Page 14: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities


j j j - Ut*m*mt. Mr->*•"'

m *simm*is* wzi&e t**r mu

; mum*, im* jnair nr* *«•*•>

PVBLIC SERVIGEJ iw«* tfc. 1MM*- * . U HK


K Vnm, mSi, IWie-imo *»«**«! »t * >mi, i^uumt U*a, it., Hurry lima-

&t*ci jw -yaamm: :Me, ****** Au^it, Mr. W. <. « tMr'. KkUwrtjr 4UMi Mr. * « . , « - .

r>««»t«-»: will I *

jy«fc*mmt> mm Um-Jf J

: ffc*l

m it* tfee t*lm <tl tiek«w ?_ It ___

# mm M> —4 Mrimmkm- 4k* .bwmtiim it, mn*. -TUt fui tUfor rw», ^

Anthracite Coal it ia SERVICED commodity

CHAS. KURTZMAN1 4 * Ea* Front fit, Flpinlfeklp N.X

SACRIFICINGFine Sfodlg of Kurtzman FURS

1 . 1 . - . " l i • " • - . ! J ' . J i i ' H i . 1 - . 'I I" . , ,1 ! . .J . . .' . _ 1.11. ' 1 , '..1 1 | j .


RegardlessOf Lou, Profit or Wholeiale Value!




an Bxpert win callat year home andchew ye« how to useit

If you are not eotirely satisfied with dieh-rating re»u3ts from the Anthracite .you areROW using, you need no longer be incon-venienced. Your Anthracite Coal Merchantis now prepared to give, and willingly willgive, practical assistance.

Anthracite Coal i» COMFORT,and your dealer has a Service Man whose solsduty it is to see that you get it

This Service Man has nothing to ssIL Hegives. He comes into your cellar, inspectsyour heating system and tells you how tocorrect any serious troubles. He knowsAnthracite, and he knows furnace operation.He has been trained in domestic heating bythe Anthracite Mine Owners. The MineOwners have established Anthracite CoalService in principal centers with a large staffof combustion engineers to aid you in gettingsatisfaction.

Ask your dealer to sand an Expert toyour home this week.

Burn Anthracite^-' Safe,sfllfitn

torn •Amhracita has

for manj . it is nataral thai

Hs ftittHbutMs an pread «i IB*•fwtact and aasJorn that It ha

t«fiv«tlMaf which it to <

fa ta l Sarvica tt —••aarta it tharttora a aiacata affattaff Aathracit* Mia* Ovmai

to half yv* gat thaaf haat Irasa tbit, tha

laf all fails.



.— JwfawWIlL*. _ > • • » • » f iss

Page 15: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

wy'^^ .S&Msi


tTMMrs. & & KELLEt, be.

jom A.•Anma.

GML ICOUTIi TROOP II- - - - - - M j gni

j to Mr. KeaaotkM. Bora-, Head Gardener, in • recent gar-

Ulk at The Now York Be.•leal Garden, by atamte exchMteaFthe wont of wmter'e bleats aad

year by Mis* Mary T. Cockroft ofSengatuek, Conn. They were largeplants when they came to the Gar-den, and have grown vlgoroasly since.•The lowers are orchid purple incolor with yellow lip.

in the Orchid HOUM at Comcrvatoryi admission of tbo best of Old gel, Range *. on tho out aid* of tho Gar-

May have unlimited wealth of,den, north of tho Allorton avenued rih f ll t The lady'a ilippen areM and riches of greenery all

ir. Christmas is the poorest see-i of the year for flowering plantsluuettm, primrose and cyclamen

a limited supply) and a flower

entrance. The lady'a slippers arestill full of flowers, some of whichhave been open for two weeks orlonger. Many kind} of orchid flow-ers will last on the plant for fully a

aeea very few cut flowers in!month. Among the interesting formsi home at that time. In neat, ar-1 are the Coleogynes. on which thoc, graceful conservatory or house pink throated white flowen are borne

with plants, our people during the dormant season, when the•till in the age of n couple of

i palms and a fern or two.uburban gardeners may dig up

plants are simply groups of greenaerial bulbs.

Downs of the curious little orchidsof their hardy camationa and are also blossoming. All have flow-r put them in a bos for Mdoor era of strange shapes and markings.

ranee or herbaceous apireas (As- Each la adapted to pollination by a•> may be thrown into braeaand .different kind of insect, and their un-n into the cellar until early Jan- usual forms and structures carefully• or even planted directly in pots'provide that the flowers be fertilised

fall and be made to flower by pollen from other flowers, nothi llilate in winter. Mig-

snapdragon, African daisy,, scabious, larkspur, salpiglossls,

aemesla and Swan River

[garden which may be grown fromfor small conservatories, whosei and edges may be covered with

carpets of creeping nettle oror pellionla and whose

y p ,from their own. Back cross pollina-tion ,as it is called, produces morevigorous teed and seedlings than ifeach flower were fertilised by ita ownpollen. Adaptation has gone so farin most of the orchids that they can-not set seed to their own pollen. Onestrange group, the Catatetums, hastwo trigger-like antennae in eachfl I h h d hflower. If these are touched, the

on; whose pillars and uollen masses, each with a sticky bate.are hung with creeping fleas, are thrown forcibly ont of the flow-may be clothed with searlet

rtiume or pink bomarea. Mod-listle dry cactus plantations mayi carpeted with the beautiful Hoc-I elegana; introduced from Mexico>the late Dr. J. N. Rose.

[Old florist's plants such as stevlahleh may be sown and grown in

garden and then brought iri-a), swalnsona nnd enpatorlumare

plants for the beginners. Oth-i may grow in cool houses, cinera-s and calceolarias; and on becom-[ more expert take up warm house

bbjects and orchids.

Jam rfedThe Japanese are among the worlds

clever artists and dwarfed treesone of their favorite subjects,two principal trees are to be seen

The New York Botanical Garden,which the Japanese practice this

rt, according to Mr. Edmund H.Hilling of the Garden staff. Thesere the buck and the white pine ofspan. The former l.< a hard pineuch as our red and pitch pine, andhe latter is an oriental brother ofur common 10ft white pine. It ismerally regarded as almost impos-

ibis to graft a 10ft and a hard pinelogether. But that ie juit what the•apanese do with their two treea u«-

ng the hard one as stock. The re-ulting plant is necessarily feeble,rot under good care produces theirotesque plants so commonly asso-lated with Japanese gardens.

Their black pine, moreover, figuresmore than any other tree in their de-igns. It Is usually portrayed as aHat topped tree with a leaning trunk,leveral such large trees stand on

both sides of the east path leadingfrom the "crossroad in front of themuseum to the, big greenhouse. Andabove them near the top of the slopeto the east of the path are two ofthe white.pines.

Several dwarf trees of the Jap-anese white pine are located on theeastern side of the main drive thruthe Garden at a point southeast ofand nearly opposite the museum. Andfarther south along the tame roadthe bushy bouquet shaped evergreen)are Japanese Umbrella pines.

yer, and will stick tightly to the backof the insect visitor, there to be car-ried to. another flower. Two of theseCatasetwn; are now flowering in theOrchid House. Their blooms aremore curious than beautiful, being

shaped like serpent's heads with wideopen mouths, dull purplish brown andyellow In color; bat like meet of thoorchids, their strange habits makethem Interesting. Indeed, tbs or-chids as a group have not generallyeither handsome or showy flowen.The imposing florists' type of orchidsare the exceptions rather than therule in the orchid family, most ofthe members of which have small aadineouspleuoua flowers.

A few of the large orchids—Lae-lias, Cattleyas. Lady's Slippers, Co.elogynes and Dendroblnmt are be-ginning to bloom. The big displayof orchids Is due to come next month,but some of the most Interest, likethe giant Laellas, are now in bloom.


Alfred E. Smith, former governorof New York 8Ute and defeated pres-idential candidate will make his flrstpublic address since his retirementover a coast-to-coast network of ra-dio stations associated with the Na-tional Broadcasting Company tonightFormer Governor Smith will apeakfrom 8:30 to 9 o'clock, Eastern Stan-dard Time.

The program is sponsored by th*Democratic National Committee. Thetopic to be discussed has not benannounced but Is said to be "of in-terest to all parties and to all sec-tions of the United States."

The Democratic standard bearerwill speak from the New York etu-dios of the National BroadcastingCompany at 711 Fifth avenue.

A UTTLE lank.JwHom flassss) aMaaAlW t M

• » yea tto eggem»er ea AeTmS

'VmSttflSfifim hiMardieaaeTOmAgeflfteaVymw

••sgauiThatfa what C M. Schacfler of

Uaara, Va, did. Hie W wake h

iventsiaviiig interruptions which eattup pronts^end brings plenty ofeggs during the 'good price* season."

Paul Whhe of Horseheads. N. Y..ye that with B-B. Ms «M birde

netted him a yearly ptoflt of fllasa.Order Bull-Brand from

sTsmw fa*

td mta lit, sn«ii «/ lat

etat — la*I marines! andI ttyUwektvtI TlltOttd,

tlOUS'T Cl:1sand pocksttare brushedon! beforecleaKinf. Thebngfmcsi i sshrunk o*f ofIrauser k»ees.Tkey "hang"right. Andthey krej>Ikeir crease.

Tailor-like smartness* restoredby skilful shape-moulding

T H U B ' I a difference in dry-cleaning—Jut as then U a «ff«NBea te MB"* thief you buy-from baiter to wtomobiloi. The ^aalhy of the O M l

Keller dV^UaniBf ii provtrMaL We ka»e tho Mwert, M t t cat ty ontag equjpment that can be boaghl Our work beglM w h e n o t h m IAnd we press by Yaletern atape-aeraMlaf matbowv-tho B U M u « Melothlnf Mwnfactarera-«n Indlvidtm! n"'M for Oath port of a n t t .

• i •

1./8H pevo ba poy for Origanal Kattar

Direct Weatfleld 'Phont SS44



—Patronise Leader Advertisers—they are reliaMe.

laOrchids are usually valued for

their beauty and delicacy, but tomeof these new In bloom at The NewYork Botanlfal Oarden are truly•mala, grewlag en etalk* ever flvefeet Mgb and with ten to flfteea large" ~ These at*



that All America is AcclaimingTh* New Oakland All-Ameffcan Sis la w e -aring the praise of all America. It is enjoying;the admiration caused by ita new beauty.And thooe familiar with Its mechanicaleniality marvel at such fine car feature* as anaccurately balanced "line of drive** . . .dynamically balanced, counter-weightedcrankshaft . . . exclusive patented rubbercushioned engine mounting . . . dlrt-and-waather>proof internal-expanding four-wheel brakes . . . Small wonder that a ear a*wonderfully constructed . . . so brilliantlyatyled . . . should be winning America'a

i HI** <• $1311, / . . . I., / t turf , pUu *NMfirIpriM. Hump—mml rr»r/mud* tumnh



A M W\ \ 1 I R l ( • \ N S I X


— when indoubt,call adoctor

Much is being* said and written these daysabout Influenza.

BE SANE. Be level-headed. Don't fear the Flu.The mental state known as FEAR often is as dang-erous as the disease germs. Very few colds everdevelop into anything more serious—although NOCOLD SHOULD BE NEGLECTED. And when indoubt. CALL A DOCTOR.

A void Self-Medication !We invite you to bring your prescriptions to

JARVIS', where you can be certain that the wishesof your doctor will be conscientiously fulfilled.

EDWARD R. JARVIS, Inc.Pr—cripthm* Canfully Compounded

64 Elm Street x Phone 1384

Page 16: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

iMi n _bare bt>

myrtleaf Italy which

AvfwMara u the aaTeat of a po»-"" - * from Helemm U 8aa

hi ta* near (Man and thatI be carried ea taa trip. Ha*

v . lay af ta* readera afM w a t ewe ea this1 i n aaw aeuuaa af Me apeetauaeaBaTiai Stataa catalaga* patbah.d by# • Saatt Stamp * Gate Co.. made


•tea* «C UM hwakabl* lit-

assA^^a* _ * ^ - ^ m - —**a • J

••!•• ifTin npcvirwIf. V.. which vat auda a eta*

ftN A l t B t l tM a * If. V,, which waa auda a atapm C A. a t t«, AlUny-Batalo roate,aaWgaratad Jaaaary T, baar a largeavwamr eaUbet aimHsr ta that aaadtm a*. Jfn.i i « k a --- • • —- I H

aw aaaWBvra. vfw>, aavaw Mas*1 * • • *wnrawag vaanaa.

; laajinHaw'a ISIS Cbaitty aat ap-Mafia kat maata, wMb partralt offpaaiM Marle-AeMaMa, af Svo val-SBBj * * • •*>• •••». S.SS am* O.t«,~ f |M MS. I.SS f lat MS , 1.S0

•Sit tha art will taanfan beat ».S.M ana I.SS, total af

V* lam b»M ibMmUM Me of the

"*r ta Matt ta Fr.t.SSMl Wr.lMJImi alat t

It It «I

M, atr maU ew>.._ Jaw* that panA, a t It. betweaa New (Mean*

XML MW9 M B M M BwUjll*f^M #^#ai4aBaVa*a1 s n 4 t k at •*•••—

far aw aa atr matt 4

yAa tafanaal dbreaajMa «btl»efStt&USTS'S&S

. >»browa-r*4 MMI Ma*. !«• *Mat aaiMack. Sfc m a p «U Mack <tataltode RriiMli •« «Ur« aai black. Mebrown u < Hack, l l s kt*«»-n4 aaiMack <Naao AlfarM FtMira aa Bat-alha Do* AUIeiroe): atMack, Sic grera aadand black (Joaaa da Oouveia).

We would advia* UM begiaaer nottioa to shadesto p»f too «u«b a

—taer* ar* pUntr of HnigMammrii U t i U t I d l ivarietici to eoUect ariUMat f f

in awh luxuriM a* daTanacai of tint.It ii often a difkult matur in taa

of ataaipi arintod in violat, pur-pie, lilac or kindred eolori to iajrwhataw the dilTeNaeta ara artoalljfdue to variation! in tha ibade of thepriatimr ink or are due to fadiiw,a* licht wiU plair atram* trieki withaome color* and purple* and violateMem More lenattire tkan other*. Thecolor question preiente manjr dUTicul-tie* evea to advanced eoUetora, there-fore the novice will do well to »t*erclear of It. It will be quite *oonmoagb to worry about thadea when

he ia well vened in way* philaUJlc.* • •

Th» nr»t U*»e* of the new pr*can-celled envelopea are now beinj aeendaily in the mail*, coming from: Al-ma, Ark., Oakland and Santa Ana,Cat., Hartford, Conn., Atlanta, Ga.

acU ia the Eha Tree laa on Tara*aar abjbt A .pecial eoauaittee. eaa»aoMd of I. B. Johnaloae. «W»Herbert B. Welch and ' • • » " / • * • *wm* aaawd by President H. L .Beefc-or, to confer with the Union CountyPark CoBM»i»:-ion in an aadeawr toindue* them to develop a tract antaa a part of the county *yat*«- T»e•pot, which in the mind* of the *•-alton would auk* an ideal park, Ulocated near the We.tncld-Carwoodand Cranford lines. It i* eaid thatreaident* of that locality are in favor>f this development

Preaident Becker named tho fol-lowinf (tondinf commltteea of thaBoard for the enduing year:

Multiple ti»tinf: C. B. Smith, Jr..Cl P i d i h e W W

Ellin, Haven, Marion and a t Mary's,Kane., Eaaton, Md., Boston, Ittch-burg aad Northampton, Mass., Ar-mada, Negeaae* aad Owoaaa, Mich.,Mlnneapolii, Mian., Kanaa* City, Mo.,Colambua, Omaha, Rushvill* andSchaytrr. Nebr., Bast Orange, N. i.,Nawbtrgh, New York City and Wat-kins Glen, N. Y., Winston-Salem, N.

Valley City, N. D., Cincinnati andlado, O. (blue), Albany, Ong.,

hincannon, Philadelphia and BedLloa, Pa., Charleaton and Spartan-bare, & C, Belliagbam, Spokane andTacoma, Wash., BarUngtoa and Ken-oaha, Wb. It hi intareiting to not*that the very nul l place* are quit*aa aeUve in***** c l t < M -

their ate a*'art

chairman; Clay Friedrich*. W. W.French, H. C. Woodruff, R. A. Bvan*.R. O. Lip ton.

House Committee: C. B. Smith,Sr., chairman; Charles P»val, V- F.Wagner, 1. A. Battiato, T. J. Grit-fin, P. C. Foster, N. Partoa.

Finance Committee: H 0 rb e r tWelch, chairman; H. C. McVoy, BertOldford, George Millar, John F- Dor-vail.

Membership Committee: HaroldCordon, chairman; K. Cederberg,William Herthel, V. Vincentaen, Jas.Bquier, G. H. Blley, Jr.

Civic and Legislature Committee:

he>t^a^Mytral Bailroad lines took P£was broaght oat that the Board ia Mfavor of tbia proposal. No actionwas made aad farther inquiry will bemade, it wa* etated.

The Board member* wen theguesta of the new omcera at a splen-did duck dinaer, prepared and aervedby the managemeat of the Elm TreeInn. Preaident Becker, in behalf ofhe Board, presented Past PtesidentClarence B. Smith with a large basket

ot flowers.

Oarwood-Weataeld, Oaf



• • S I T •••a) • • mwm CBJal|w*'t w*>aw

There are time site* '•»•"• M r

latraady MM Ml-

arj.w~ltod.Nc* », «*•*" °' ***** "** to

John Elliott, chairman; K. Johanaon,H Ahlfeld, H. B. Smith.

Appraisal Committee: H. C. Mc-Voy, chairman; John C. Elliott, Her-bert Welch, George H. Riley, H. Ahl-feld.

Arbitration Committee: E. 8. F.Randolph, chairman; R. Dawaon, H.L. Russell, Willia mConner.

Publicity Committee: William B.Elliott, Jr., chairman; W. J. Lee, W-Savoy*, Orover Traynor, J. Hendar-•on, Donald Gordon.

entertainment Committee: P. T.Wagner, ehavmaa; William EUiott,Jr., John Bab, Cbarlea Daval, J. P.

Kent, A. Randolph,<PY'

"The Symphony" was the subject>f Wednesday's meeting at the M«-lical Club. The hostess of the aft-•rnoon was Mrs. Scarff and the gueet

artiats Mn. Jackson, vlolinUt, ofScarsdale; Mrs. Miller, Mr*. Moffatand Mr?. Stiles of the WestAeld Wom-an's Club and Mr. Warren Mayo,cellist.

An instructive paper in apprecia-tion of "The Symphony" was roadby lira. Cutler. Selections fromHaydn'a 3rd Symphony and Bee-thoven's Symphony No. 1 for twopianos were rendered by Mn. Mil-ler, Mn. MolTat, Mr*. Towl aad Mrs.Stiles. The Larghetto movement afBethoven's 2nd Symphony and theMinuetto and Presto from Hayda's2nd Symphony for two violins, celloaad piano were played by Mr*. Mayo,Mrs. SeariT, Mrs. Jackson and Mr.Mayo.


and colora hive been aaaa.


4 IATAIU8 AJfTICs?ATEDf r o . •;..; . ' . - ^ — ; . . . . . . „..

M ae-' According to preliminary eetimatesfnai Jaaa- made by owkial* tba net taxable val-

vtaf Olever, nation In Union Couaty may climbalar OaaeraL ta M«S.*M,M« far tba coming year.

jThie estimate la baaed on a numbermay be of the tarn duplicate* of several mu-

«ay; thm nieipaHtie* bad been received.WaatasM estimated total reach**

SN,TSl,SSt or an increaae of 91,.SM.ao* over laat year. Soanait and

) anwaaa,;8t, 1M , - — -~tmmmt«m«mrm year.

> Ah) Matt ta Miami, Ha." Only |BS,aot raia» ia reported by•tat aanataa eatebet ap- Moaatalaaida; due to the acquisition

•a) « l h t lattan from M a . ^ W " ' ^ t h V y ; i o n C o U B t y

a, aatad Jaaaary I. The P a r k Commisaion, which i.< exempt1 ta Maaaaa, "AtnttT. ttam taxation. New Providence re-

r^ . Uaart," UM tba Ip red P»*e •« tacreaa. of $80,000, whilew) ate t m r . Backatanped at the raia* in Eliiabeth ratablea are, ffai, Jtaaary t, • p. m., eov- expected to reach ftfteen million.a W tbea* parU In about 48 The net ratable* in the county to-" ~ * they left the Bahama*, taled f43,092,186 in 1928 and it I*

> bfawa la ncalpt of a rag- the hope of officiate that at least atar which cam* from Naa- thirty-five million increase will beI tot light bat only a 3p Tealixed this year.


MEN!Don't Let

Your Dollarsget Aww From You So Easily.You Will Save Money At Our


Suits—Overcoats25% °FF


"A Hrttrr Shop For Men



Educational CommHtee: John C.Illott, chariman; Herbert Welch, B.Hdford, H. V. Travaanea.Survey Committee: Herbert Welch,

hairman; Alfred Welch, William B.lliott, Jr., Harold Gordon,. I. B.ohnstone, N. Perruci.

Railroad Committee: Alfred H.

wood.Mr. an

Mr. aad Mrs.property ia Dudleyfrom Lawreace a»aaaa,

Mr. aad Mn. Oejr I* < * « • • «•Mr. aad Mr*. Eawafw P. Kaaaa*,property in Boulevard. M faat fromWaite place, WeetSeht

Mr. and Mr... Otis Wright to WesaBuildins Company, IneH aroaartf toHaxel avenue, 81* featroad, a* vacktcd in 19JS,

Mr. and Mra. Stepbaa Cto Ehmling Holding Catjaaajr. bM%.loU 34-37 aad SB, Mock S, naa afbuilding lot* aitttnto ia OaUaaa be-tween Cranford and WastOaM, WaaVfield.

Mr. and Mra. William H. WaMaato Evan* * Floyd, Inc., property taCentral avenue, SO feat fron laadsnow or formerly of Leigh M. PearaaJl,WestAeld.

Peter J. Windfaldt to Hill*. Mo-tor Car Conaany,Ice itatlon located at S0» North

ue, waat, WaiMaM, pjaathly raatal.Mr. and Mrj. Jotaph Wolntraub to

Arthur B. Bale, 1 tract at tha cornerif Walberg and Girard avenuee, 1traet in Pranklyn avenue, adjoininglot I B , aaw nap of part of WeotneldPark, and 1 tract ia Grant avenue,adjoining tot U-A, near nap of partof Weatfleld Park, WeaMUM.

Samuel H. Tool, sheriff, to Fidel-ity Mortgage Finance Company, prop-erty in Park place, ISO feet fronNorth Washington atraet, Westfleld.


Aft Vantaa* laBaliisia"** ItafVaV *VBJJBJ |B>BJ


Plenty Parking Space.H. Wiedenhaupt, Prop.


Here is a challenge that rings with fulfillment. Its bid is toall who would own the best, and no car is excepted.

In Fast Getaway—against the champions of any price class.In Speed—anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour.In Endurance—60 miles an hour all day long is beingproved by thousands. In Hill-climbing—give it the hardesttask you know. In Size and Roominess—match with bigcars of large passenger capacity. In Appearance and Smart-ness-compare it with the costly cars, in which high priceis paid for just those things. In Economy-against smalllight cars, whose chief appeal is economical operation,and which do not contend for performance distinction.

These are but a few of the 76 advanced fea-tures which a million Super-Six owners aresppraisiiiB in Essex the Challenger. Comeexamine and drive it. It will not only winyour endorsement, but challenge yourownership interest against any value thatmotordom may offer.




t»wa tm•M


t Hcar the radio program of the "Hudson.^ < W « " .very Friday evening

Standard Eqiilpmem lnriadeoi 4 hydraulic sheetnfaorlMTs-«{ectrtcgai aiwlrtl gmair-wdtalar




gfTHUTgf ANDI M f l U VMt



! • • EAST aW tT. TsL



Another W«MIC O#


t farS farS farS far

.4 far $1.00




a. 29c— 25c* 33c













Page 17: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities


MMMMMMMMMI few A s f-taakaaaJte AfjMaMlaw




« i W i IMMI MM «Mt>• «Mk. tf tlM wtor to

MM to tint n ThMrf tlM

i mar. to a IMT eafi tka

•f ft*

U UM MM* f MwtakM hi tkk, fM> wttk MMV!

IB\ •• BB wSMMfl flwajfi BawMM, B^M^MtBMMB 4 M ' I I H ^ H M M ^ ^ aMAMMtaMMBMMj«


Of tM)


i •!" poab M wktek MOMIUUMItoMMI

• f«WMM-


Buy a Smart New LampWith Your Christmas Check

OOK ova* the ham- ' * • * . m • ^ m • • ^ r

vice Moraa. If you have in•aid MMMthiM orWnaland ModtnMDC you wiufind k hoc, aa vdfaa iampiwhich doady (blow amc

Anjr hwp you «hxt at ar\iMfc Service fttnc may beputchMed on the put payacnt plan—a MMH tundown and the bahnct inMonthly payaentt.

OrWOutstanding Cheviolet

«£ Chenolet Hittoqr

represents -4 yean of Developmentand over a Million miles of Testing:


•PMMt «ff|(Mt MM


•Marwa) aV rkat k iratV



• " • M J M I IMI Mar vaMdAMMMB a\ BftaaaajlMMwl MA^.^^^MBBM^.BJffJB; BJ BBBBBBBJIBJII N M V B J B F





ttfir. .'MS



You Wm Welcome This New Beauty Parlor Now Ready To Serve You At flainfieldPtlFECT SANITATION HairCuttmf COHVEWENT TO ALL

HairTut in fIha ait af haaaty(MilafaahftiarJMt

af Iha

A fl gJia-. af tat atadla that aa afar af flOaai

a p * « « n y $« j , . j . U aay aatoaa wha wM Matftttl•f ute Wa-inf




With the Introduction of the New StudioIs That of a Men's Shop

Thoroughly Equipped and Mo$t Sanitary ThroughoutEXPERT TONSORIAL ARTISTS NO UNNECESSARY WAITING


For Ladi** For Men

Page 18: LEADrka Caaa Committee be eontiauad I givtn powor to coMpal obedience iti mandatea.; tka alaction tows ikoald be entirely. Tkat economy should prevail and countka and munktpalities

JWwf.flNJtiatt to Ihw Jeney oa

gaadf . itwae

dfyeTaM_ to laUlr. aTa

•i i fcy ta-aB-V Clab laaJawaat.

fraei ! • U I t year* e« egtM B B W wafflM B M B V

>. Mr. C. T. Farrow.

BL Bwjfc geaool.

Bert*ajett Mat Tsoaday m r i « ,

el ft. St. tofW- aad dadJeatlea eveata farU- tkhaja wkkfc all wwrtm wOl eajeylea- ai W M M tke koildbar eeaae. Ia

•IIall ekartar heyi

V«hM«]r »•—BMTHi T. (LeatoI M p. ••)

Tfcanday SI—M. M. M. Oak a w t -a. Coafragafioaal

lag. t-M p. BL. CtagroeatlnaalCfcarcki Mr W. B. Petto*, tpialtr.

iMkrtV WUaVaat «a. Oaata.( A ^ ^ #BBWW»BJOJ-#©1 VWa T l Q M V *

Mr. W. E.Patot; 1:41 batkotball ia gym Saoday Scbool Baikttkall Laagoe, T i l lp. BL, Blgfc gebooL

Satarday t—Swim aad Biko, Jaa-ior Bigk gckool Boy to PUatald«Y." <L*avt new T * kaOdlag atg:4>a.BL) Bring laaek aad kilw la-to tko noentaiat aad rttera aboat4:30 p. m. Bib*, Oraauaar Sckoolaoya. (Laavo BOW «Y" kaOdiag at

a. M.) Briag hnwk aad re-ten akoat *M p. m.

Monday 4—Bl-Y Coaacil Meotiag,



PaalV. Me

Matt*• Ufa•r taiiii,

toaa la-1»U aad received

_ law dagro* at Harvard ia M I *Bt atartod at tkt very bottom of tatcoiiatr*** war tat auekiat aad rootto tko raak of lieatoaaat

• HMMaawl


which bo kold wfcta ke > oat of

B«W T kaildiac. I'M p. m.

Tttra ••<• r. II. *\mrwrtm. adtarat-fag pcfauaal •itrk. mU:

-It pmtmtmm kw»lrN aawty M-tha krMa r * ant tbm> a anil •>•n-alcr avar IkMa. mmc WM*W frt aunit la tkaak MM awat w<«w tall•••••Ma, H r»B «lak to Ml ta« amtlca, tka Inal way to in takt *ark M-II* waaralHy aad pat a traari faH at•rattr la ika kMiilc'a awatk."


It—MhiaU Mm

Tajam «K WOdcata, Gaatofa. Monaftot. Mieaawaa -WkitAkoat OaaiMiatT"



«MbfcpkMBjiagto kaUapig

** the eftWr. A lanja geaday acboo) kVabiltall Ltagat,•d the leaajafettea 7:11. Bigb gelr. Laraaa la Tree- aa


anathaj to gat clakalekael Boy* " f kaUdinf,

aat «:M a. m. „ .

tko aorrke '-a !»!»• At thirty-foe*ke wat appoiatod dcaa of IadiaaaUaiveraUy Law School. beeoaOagtbtroky tbo jroaagaot iaeewbaat ofmck aa oflet ia Bay accredited i a * * itntion of Ha typt ta tkt Uaitod ttatoi.

OB Friday, Merck a. CoaMaadarMcNutt wUI rWt Candta. wktro adiBBtr will bo givta ia kit koaor kyTkolra Pott, No. 47, at tigfct o'clockin the oveaiag. Saturday, March t ,a* will bo oBttrtoinod at TroatoBat a leacbaoB givaa at aooa by Bkia*OUpkaat Poat, No. M. aad hi the

I « D nouOAra-.fi*>, ant A. m. aad •»ary bWf

aiag ke will bt tke go** of tke New-ark Legioaaalrea.

A coanaittot atketod to anaagetb* dttail* for Coauaaadtr McNatfaviiit coBjiata of Williaai Millar, peatcoataMndtr of Tboira Paat, No. 4T,CMBdoa; g. U.lie Tattoriall, peateoauaaadtr of EOriat OUpkaat Peat,No. »». Trtatoa; aad Bkkard Bart-•homo, OtpaitBMBt Jadgt AdvocatoNtwark. Hut eoauaittoe win reportat a aMttiag to ka kold ia tat rooawof EUciM OUpkaat Paat. No. M , Trea-toa, OB Battrday ai~

^alM aV» -* *-M- M


l*ft1IAfH AMD tlHTllObw Doatawj* to GOOD.Our Deatiotry la Palate**.

Our Prkaa aro MODEftATEaad wkhia roach of tka ardJavary waso oaraor.


tBflUofl -» •bat 'aatM A • AAi WMBJa M a V w"tfJe TXaffJ • ) era • • * •

ef Tho

CdBddence or Plt|iariim?U that woWe look

tho nature of ourW H I vehicle for

•XMtala art upreetion, and

pp— — — i . • » • J BwvlvaF

haa no place Int par workroom. Our CUB-

art never oaawar*I or trraa. with the

i of the

eae ef our advtrUw

"Proflcient barbers not

ff grade barber* can'tbe (dc) lilgfc . n w w dlalaiiaaj. In our ahopayou are not fcaramJ andtUgmi and pwawAai byuninvited coaxing and OK-horting to accept unwant-ed attention."

—From aa advtrtteemtnt of apratanUoDj nwtroaollttn bar-b«rin> MtablWiMant, In TktNow York Tnoaa of Dae. I I ,

I Tot wo « u i to ho goa>" ' • II It iaat, woU


Di LomrdoV Hair Studio"Art and Hygiene"





announcing The Bi*ewPONT1AC BIG SIX


•••745CIDAT a new type of law

aaotorlnglnanry la a»allable. I tembeaeea Mg ear etyte. ItpewrMeahlgear riding comfort. It embodloe bigear ajajallty In nnaeoM parta. I t laoffered by a brand new autaanhllathe New Kntlac Mg Sla.

Franhly, the New Pontlae Mg Miwae dealgned to appeal to a certaingroup. Thla group) la made up ofpeople who are bejilnnlng to BJMNW » Bup in the world. Many of them wW ad«a

MMI make the Aral aten « • In the ableiiallty of their cars. The New Pan* ,

eaat Plahe* eentriheito to tho big en*Ito

)Har«aanJeheahea arc of tha


offere them tbo Nanry fet w



wheel typw.

' It fw*aala Mg ear Berformanceere* to the aolnt af eWlouUig btgavaaaV B^Bfeaaaraaav aV.flajl ftataa) daaBaa A*a^B^h^lVwaV ^Pwf'er Wawwl BNf C l r VaPpWie




u. J.



O«ly afew highHghuta ita cot-«l«iha*ehe««anenUonr<l. juat

. imll ly w a »MCIT i:«rwi * warn n v w wwm*Jar Mg Sli waa dealgned foe thank

It caenea to them entirely new to— - — Stunning now badtos by


IttaaaliwIlhthaaaMadpawarofa target UheadeMglne and the adwed

l d by a dynaml.oaUMtcr* weighted

enough to prove that the Pontiac RigMa la entirely new and capable atMMwttog proffreeolve Americans' do.nand. But lite mmmtin$ thing a boutIt ia that it gliwa »o much big r.rluMury, ttylm mnd ptrfaemnnt* *tpHcwa nhich come «rifhln i

Prte— Pit MM! M|>. / , • .*. lacMMy, pluaO»l,t»nd*m>tim* dnlliaMd|«Waat-tfcoy lamti kaawllwg ator—j. C



f(a* aMllatli ol mMmmm r«tt




MSICeU* Tatoe Day er Najhl


m kxatta trptirMu-f lJ j an AWwMBBBMMB. P I . «•« ,

tteaai Ctaden f er i



*»warli,,r ^ ,. * ' *»warlii »i '" S n y " a n i 1 Saturday*! 7:A.M.. and evet-j- hour until li



ivies ron muJfrrfct D, Lu- burnt

yorJ « ittlrtulij M M U a> ««rryi'»ff pcrtict to tht traiftft. aMatt*'"•«». »'«r«»,*, or |a aMIltit o»o/fc»r ***nlu Titty m, Utd I*pKtt.ttt oiumf, or loar*.ffcowt Emtnom *m, lab M.

Ud yea feraat tortT Wett aaVl