rJ THE BUTLER CITIZEN.A. E. GABLE, V Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto,...

VOL-XXVIII D. E. JACKSON. £O3 S. Main St. -- Butler, Pa. K very body I)eligbt«d. Who are in \u25a0 d of Seasonable Woods. Having bougL large Stock of Fall nod Winter O-odd, and owing to bad wrtuher and worse roads, they have not I een going oat as fast as they ougLt to We have CUT PRICES AWAY DOWN, as we must on account of scarcity of room cloee them out to make room for Spring Goods. If you want a Cloak, Jacket or Shawl NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Or if jxu want Blankets, Comforts Underwear. Ladies'or Gents', Flan- nels, Contcn Flamel or anything in tbs> line. COME NOW - before the Stock is broken, but DON'T FORGET ' to examine oor large stock of Dress Goods, which are included in this CUT, Alio Fancy and Dress Plosbep, Black Sniab and Groa Grain Silks, all Marked Down. Full Again. We mean our wall paper de- paitment. lull and overflowing with our immense.and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven't loom lor Ijalf our goods, jihtil a t.u lelieve us of some of them. We have the cbokeft selec- tion of patterns in every grade from Hrown Blanks at 10 <&§ to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near Postotfice, Butler, Pa. Rare Bargains, Extraordinary Bargains are offer- ed here in j, UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS. MUFFLERS, Every thing in furnishings for ladies, children biid men. Compare our prices with what you have tan. p h s' B f? fee J OO can't fave uioney by dealing with us. . John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333 GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE FOR REMOVAL AT H THE RACKET STORE, 148 H. Main St. Butler, Pa, GO TO REBUS'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. BUTLER COUNTY" Mutual fire insurance Co. OfficftCor, Main & Cunningham Sts. >3. C. ROESSING, PuKsiDtjrr. H C. HEJNEMAN, SECKHTAR-* DIRECTORS: («. C. Hi;. «sinir, Henderson Oliver, J. 1. I'llrvis, .1aineH Stephenson, A. Trout man, H. 0. Heiuenimi, Altr."l Wick, Woltzel. Dr. W. Irvlii, Dr ltl.-kenbach, J. . Iturkhart, I). T. Norris. ji T i 3 3 ') i } Aeen't JBTT'TII.IKIR , . ASiiVKiSim .'PROFESSIONAL CARDS V. McALPINE, Dentist, is now permanently located at 120 South Main Street' Butler. Pa . in rooms formerly decoupled by Dr. fValdron. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, IST E. Wayne St ~ office hours. 10 to 12 M. and I to 3 P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , PmSICIAR AND SCBOKOX. Offlce and residence at 224 Graham Street, Butler, Pa. L. BLACK, PHYSIC! AH AND SVRGEON. New Troutman Bnfldfng, Butler, Pa. Dr. A. A. Kelty, Office at Rose Point, Lawrence county. Pa. K. S. LEAKE, M. D. J. E. MASH, M. D. Specialties: Specialties: Cynan-ology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and fery. Tliroat. ! DRS. LEAKE& MANN, Butler, Pa. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PUTMCI AM AMD STKuEON, Office at No. 45. S. Main street, oyer Frank £ Co's l)i UK Store. Butler. Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. 22 Eaht Jcflrrson St., Butler, Pa. W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. S. W.Corner Main acd North Stß.. Butler, Pa. J. J. DONALDSON; Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted tn tlie latest Im- proved plan. Gold Filling a specialty. Office?- over Brnaurs Clothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut- ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Filling*, and Painless Ex- traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered, one* «\u25a0 tfcflersoa Street, oar doer Bait of Lowrj ilouie, lip Stain. Ofllee open dally, except Wednesdays ani Thucidays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. N. B.? The only Dentist la Butler nsiiif k tht bent makes of teeth. J. W. MILLER, Architect, C. E. and Surveyor. Contractor, Carpenter nnd Bnilder. Maps, plans, specifications and esti- mates; all kinds of architectural and en- gineering work. Xo charge for drawing if 1 contract the work. Consult your l>et>t in- terest*; .plan before yon build. Informa- tion cheerfully given. A share of public patronage is solicited. P. 0. Box 1007. Office S. W. of Court House, Butler, Pa. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER AXD SURVEYOR, Office near Diavo>'d, Bctlsb, Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attomey-at-Law. Office -Between Tcstoffice and Diamond, But- ler, Pa. . A.T.SCOTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office at No. 8, Soulli I.itrcotid. Butler, l'a. A.M. CHRISTLEY, ATTORNEY AT LA . Office second floe r, Anilerson Bl' It, Main St., near Court House, Butler. Fa. J. W* HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OlEcf on second floor of the Huselton bloolr. Diamond, Biitlcr.J'ib, Room No. x. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Odlce In Room No. 1, second floor of Huselton Block, entrance on Diamond, u i *' IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. 17, East Jeffer- son St.. Butler. Pa.; W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and ite&l Estate Agent. Of ".rSjEWflf X. z. Mitchell's office on north side of Dfimond, Butler, Pa. ? H. H. GOUCHER. Office on second floor of Anderson buUfllttg, near Court House, Butler, Pa. , ; 'j.V. BRITTAIN. Attyat L-W?Odlde at 3. E. dor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, fa. NfcWTON BLACK. Butle^pLaw-Omc South aide'of Diamond A. E. GABLE, V Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Cauada. Dr t Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and mokes ridgling, castration and horse den- tistry a specialty. Castration per- formed without clams, and all ottier surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Lirery, 132 West Jefferson Street, Bntler, Pa. SAW MILLS Paleat Yarlalile Friction and Belt Feed. Steam- Engines, Hay Presses, Shingle Mills. &c- Portable Grist Mills, send lor Illus. Threnlilntr Machine*. Ac. Catalogue. A. U. KAKOI IIAI; CO., Yorlt, Pa. L S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't IT EAST JKFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. laOJERTISERS lon advertising s?* when in Chicago, v..» f,nd it on . t LORD & THOMAS. GREAT GIVE M SALE. J We have in stock a large line of Long Wraps and Jackets. We have assorted them into lots. Lot 1 running up to S 6 " 2 " " " 10 (( Q ll (( li 1 O « 1 " « « 15 5 " " " 18 u 6 >< i t «t 25 Now to get them out of the way, w < ofl'er to each buyer of our goods (at the lowest prices evti known) the following extra- ordinary inducements: PARTIES 1S UYIISCZ $lO worth of goods will have their choice cf one wrap, Lotl 15 " " " " " 2 jg it .! I. tl It 3 20 " " " " " 4 22 " " " " " 5 25 " " '? " " 6 FREE OF CHAROE, As we say we have a big lineof those wraps, and want to run them off quick. And we guarantee all our goods marked in plain figures at less than you can buy them elsewhere. Come in and get first choice. RITTER RALSTON. Regarding Fine Clothes. As a new comer requesting a share of the pat- ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, it befits me to make a few statements. 1 make a specialty of the higher grades of work; I keep in stock tfie finest quality of goods; 1 recognize the fact that a good fitting suit from my house is it's best advertisement, while a misfit con- demns the cutter and tailor. I shall endeavor to send out the best fitting clothes to be found. I do all my own cutting. o?o The prices will be as low as can be made com- patible with the quality of goods I shall adhere to. A full line of the latest and most sty lish goods in stock. Call and see me before placing any orders. GEO, HABERNIGG, SR.. MERCHANT TAILOR, 202 S. Main St., Don't Read This Unless Yon Want To! We feel confident it will pay you. ? * Now that the Holidays are over we are busy u'ettinu' ready for Sprino; trade. Jo Cj J I C We want all persons to know where to . . . . 1 buy goods at right prices. This is the place. We sell goods as cheap as any person in the United States, if not cheap- er. We RETAIL FURNITURE AT W HOLE- SALE PRICES. We give you first-class goods; what more o .J ~ can we do. We also do just as we ad- vertise. We will sell you a Good Oak Bed Room Suit for sl9 and a fine Pol- ished Oak Bed Room Suit tor #25. You can't buy it elsewhere under #35. Any- thing: you want in the Furniture line you O a- t will find at our store at low juices. Come and see us whether you want to buy or not. We want to show you our goods. v O Campbell & Templeton, OLD TROUTMAN STAND. ' BUTLER, PA EVERT WATERPROOF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP rsrot; to fitolit! TO THE MARK tO f BEARS THIS MARK. #FLLULOID MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERINC. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. Some lives like 3 MORSE.^HOES Hie more e brighter!" Busy wives who use SAPOLIO never seem to grow old.Try & c&ke-- A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted from badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles which seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of his wife's devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect when he finds her careless in these particulars. Many a home owes a largo part cf its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to SAPOLIO. Wfiroccrs often substitute cheaper for UPoi.io, to make a better proitt. Mnd back such articles, and Insist ou bavins Just what you ordered."** lU'TLKR, I'A.. KR IDA V. M ARCII <5. 1 Ht>l. COURTSHIP OR MARRIAGE? Marriage Is an ordered garden. Courtship, a tangled wood; 11.image is the sober summer, Court<'lip. «prin;, In wayward mood; Uarrlago is a ii- ??;>. still river, Courtship, a br.srht laagiitng stream; Marriage Is a dear pos-wsslon. Courtship, a perploxln? dream; Which of these, my wif.\ shall bo Crowned as best by thee tad me? Marriage Is the blno day's beauty, Courtship, the capricious morn; Mama#o is the sweet rose cathered. Courtship, bud still fenced with thnrn; Marriage is the pearl In setting. Courtship Is the dangerous dive; Marriage, the full comb of honey. Courtship. th-» aew-buzzicg hive; Which of these, dear wife, shall bo First preferred by thee and me? O. the tangled wood was lovely, When wo found it inour play. Parting curiously the branches White with masses of the May, Eagerly the paths exploring Leading to wo know not where. Save that million flowers edged them. And that bird songs, litthe air. Thrushes' joy Philomela's Still more exquisite despair. How we wandered! ?Now our wihi wood Has become a garden plot, Something missed of that strange sweotr.es*, In the method of our lot. Ordered walks, and forma! borders For the wood-paths strange ahd wild. Rose superb, and stately lily. Where the careless wood flowers smiled, ?Summer, gravj and sob.-r matron. For young spring, the ca.-er child; Which, O which preTerreJ shall be. Twelve-years' wifo, b/ th. and me? Nay. the gardon has its glory, Str.Tely flower and fruit mature; An 1 the wildwooa had its dearness, Stranga delight-, aa 1 wonders pure; And the summer has fu'.ii'.iment. If the spring has promise store; And the river is the deeper. If the young brook laugheth more; And the real Joy abld.-th. When the teasing dreams are o'er. And the broa t, blue 'i-v7 ha*. glories. If the morn was wildly fair; And the gathered rose is safer, If the bads more piquant were; And the piarl la rare and precloua. If the dive was fall of glee; And we would not change r.'jr honey For the flower-quejt of the boe; ?Sweet Is Courtship; swret is Marriage; Crown them, darling, equally! ?J. R. V. rnori, ia Leisure Hours. CROOKED PEOPLE. Some of Them Whom I Have Met and Overcome. Swindling Uy Wrong Footing-*?Fiahin; for Money by an Ingenious 15oy?Other Thieveries?A Somnambulist Who Stole IIU Own Money. I happened into the office of a large factory one day to see a friend, and dur- ing the call I met the proprietor and asked him how business was. "I'm about discouraged," he replied, "lie* you seem to be very busy filling orders." "So I am, but for some reason I can't make any money. It seems as if the more we did the less profit we made." On the desk before hfm was a bill ho had marked "O. K." It was for stuff purchased?lumber, paint and oil. Without meaning to do so I glanced at the items, aud footed up the column of figures. It stood as follows: Dr. to 6 ketrs paint, at il>.> each tlO W 10 gals. oil. at 03 centj per gallon D S) Lumber from NeTs 18 00 HSulinff same 1 7-1 Hoop Iron 3 S:J Paint brushe3 4 20 Total *53 25 The bill was in the handwriting of the man who acted as book-keeper, sashier and buyer for the factory, and was six bills put together to save separ- ate O. K.'s. Does the reader see any thing wrong with the figures? I did at i glance. The total should have been forty-four dollars and eighty-five cents instead of fifty-three dollars and twen- ty-five cents. "Where is your book-keeper" this afternoon?" I asked. "He's out." "Well, find me all the bills you can." He brought me half a dozen from the hook, and we discovered that each one had been falsified in adding up the fig- ures. Next day the man was sent away mi an errand aud an expert brought in io overhaul his books, and in half a day aver four thousand dollars in small em- bezzlements could be tooted up. He had taken the simplest way to rob his ?inployer, and one which is always practiced with the most success. A similar discovery was brought ibout in a still more singular manner. [ was riding along the highway when I noticed a folded paper which had evi- dently fallen from some one's pocket. When I had alighted and picked it up, I found it to be the weekly pay-roll of >f a brick and tile yank The owner of the yard, while a very successful busi- ness man, was a poor scholar, and lie emploj-ed a young man to keep his books-and handle more or less cash. The pay roll stood as follows: Adams 113 00'Fiek ia 00 Arms 11 £ ' (Jorman 9 20 Uenson 10 HO Hanson 8 C5 barter 10 tfs ; Davis 10 80l Total 1112 68 Bvarts 12 ISI The laborers were working at piece work, and each one's credit differed from another's. I ran the column of figures up and found an error. I tried it igain. aud was satisfied that the true total was enly S9:?.SB. I took the paper to the brick man, learned who had made out the roll and within an hour had got hold of evidence to prove thak in one year his young man had defraud- !d him of SS9O by means of false foot- ing's- For several years I was detailed on a branch of detective work known as 'mysterious thefts," and many of them lid really have a mysterious appear- ince at the outset. One of my very irst cases was that of loss of money in i retail store. A girl eighteen years of ige acted as cashier, and she had an of- ice in tho rear of the store. This office ivas railed in to a height cf seven or :iglit feet, aud had two cash windows. The cashier occupied it exclusively, and t had come about on several occasions hat her cash wouldn't balance the tips >n the hook. She would be short $2, $5, (10 or S2O, and there must be something wrong somewhere. As she had to make he shortage good she could not be sus- >ected, and, indeed, it was on her do- mand that I was sent for to investigate the case. I took hold, thinking it would be a tough one, but luck aided nie to speedily solve the mystery. Nooue on the floor of the store could take the Dionoy, as no one was admitted to the office, and the bills were stacked up on the counter next to tiie wall, a clear twelve feet from either of the cash win- dows. where some heavy box had smashed a board. lie owned right up, and the mystery was a mystery no longer. He had never taken but one bill at a time, and that always when the cashier was eating. M"n have always been obliged to trust other men, and they always will be. and when an employer has once sat- isfied himself that a certain employe is all right it is the hardest kind of work to convince liim that there is any- thing wrong. This loyalty is all right in one sense, but it has shielded many criminals. Were every employe to be continually under espionage or suspi- cion it would be a «ad sta f e of affairs. The senior partner of an old dry-goods liouse once called me to his office to re- port a leakage wMoll the house had vainly endeavored to stop. The short- age was not in the cash, but in the stock. Men had been set to watch for shoplifters, but none of that:class had been spotted. All employes had been watched, but no one had been caught taking goods away. Most of the sales- men had been with the house for years, and the door-walker longest of all. Suspicion pointed to no one, and yet it was certain that a leak existed. Aided bv my usual luck 1 was only three or four days in discovering it. The store had a fine, high-class trade, and many articles were sent on approv- al. In lounging about I saw articles brought back and handed to the floor- walker to be returned to the cilice as "returned." It occurred to me that there might be two sides to this system, and it wasn't two hours before a lady came in and said to him: "I came to pay SiO for the cloak s -nt up on Tuesday on approval." He took her name nnd money and went back to the office and reported the cloak as returned, ami pocketed the money. I got three cases on him be- fore making my report, and when I did report to the senior partner he flew out and declared that it looked like a put- up job to earn my money. It was easy enough to satisfy him, however, as I had kept the addresses of the different buyers. A call at eack address brought forth the declaration that the goods had been paid for, but we waited for a fourth case and then caught the man in a box. lie was wound up so tightly that he made a full confession and begged for mercy. He had taken over $6,000 in this way, and had been playing the game for years, and was the last man in the store who would, have been suspected. John Oilman, insurance ag'cnt in a city of 25,000 inhabitants, had a mystery which he called me in to solve. He had an office on the ground floor of a build- ing at the corner of Main and Walnut streets, but fronting ou Main and run- ning back gn Walnut. On Walnut, ad- joining him was a tobacco store. His safe stood in a recess at the back of the store, and this recess was just two feet wider than the safe. It was wainscoted up to the height of the safe. Now, Oilman had been missing money right along for two or three months, and the mystery was that it had been in each infctance taken out of his safe. He alone knew the combination, and in every case it bad been opened in the regular way. I found it hard to credit his statements. No one had broken into the office: no one, as far as he could see, had touched the safe, and yet he was sure the money had been taken. For instance, he liad placed s'2oo in it at night, and next morning S3O was missing. Out of SIOO S!5 had been taken. Out of a package of S3OO drawn from the bank and carefully recounted $35 had been taken. To make sure that the fault was not his he had kept a memorandum. He had, for instance, written down "§-50 counted over three times. There are 10 S2O bills and 10 $5 bills." That money had been put into the safe at night, and next morn- ing it was short S2O. Oilman had no occasion to rob himself, nor was he a somnambulist, and it puzzled me not a little how to go to work. I asked him to lock and unlock the safe in my presence. It was a combination of four letters, and as he worked it he called out to himself: "J-a-n-e, Jane." This was the name of his wife. With that as a starter I began to in- vestigate the tobacco store. I found that the clerk, who was a young man of twenty, slept there nights. I "got a chance to look at the wall opposite Gil- man's safe, and I found it wainscoted up as on the other side, and right here was the book-keeper's desk. Every- thing appeared regular, but that night I remained in the office after the agent went home. The office was dark, and I took a seat within three feet of the safe. At about eleven o'clock I heard a slight noise in the recess, and next monioilt a part of the wainscoting was lifted out, some one crawled through from the to- bacco store, and presently the intruder sat down before the safe, opened the slide of a dark lantern just a bit, and opened the door as quickly as Oilman could have done it. lie took out a roll of bills containing 5230, counted them over, and then returned all but S2O When he had closed the door 1 heard him say: ".I-a-n-e, Jane." I then nabbed him, and he proved to be the clerk in the tobacco store He had played a pretty sharp game. There was a loose knot in one of the boards, and one even- ing in moving a box he had jarred this out. He had applied mucilage to the knot, and was restoring it to place when he heard Oilman locking the safe, and also heard hiin pronouuee the com bination. This gave him an idea Pro- curing a fine saw he cut a panel out of the wainscot large enough to enable him to crawl through, and after that he made two or three raids per week. His scheme to take only a small portion of any sum he found was a good one, but luck and accident helped me to get the best of him. THE WORD "NEVER." It* Origin and the Manner *<r its Abuse In Oar I.an^ua^e. Few words in our language are more frequently taken ia vain than the em- phatic adverb "never." It is-of pure Saxon origin, and, like most of its verbal kin. is forcible and comprehen- sive. Followed out through all its legitimate meanings and applications, a more potential word is scarcely to bo found in our grand old mother tongue. Yet, in all our vocabulary, there is not one more shamefully nbused It Is played with at pitch-and 'toss by the un- stable, the frivolous, the false "I will never forgive rffirn?never, never, never!" says the deceived and outraged wife; and yet, perhaps, before a week is over the offending husband is pardoned, and the implacable wife is as wax in the wrong-doer's hands "Never shall a drop of any thing in- toxicating pass my lips cries the helpless wild-eyed vk-tirn of de- bauch, as his nerves shake and quiver under the maddening lash wired and knotted by his own hands. Ah, could wc but believe him! IJut, unfortunately, experience teaches us that "case recants vows made in pain," and that no vows are more valueless than those of the Inebriate. There is scarcely an old man in the land who has not heard, either in his'own family or in the family of some friend, the torturo-born "never" of the drunkard. It is sometimes kept; it might always be kept if men would but assert their manhood. The dignity and strength of moral manhood once triumphantly asserted, each succeeding triumph will becoino easier, until at last temptation will lose its power, and with absolute determina- tion to do right will expire the last remnant of the inclination to do wrong We have seen such victories?hope to see more of them. They are possible to all who err. ?X. Y. Ledger. BANK DEPOSITS. Tho UoueflU Derived from Having a Sav- ing* Account. A State that can show a ll arge per- centage of savings bank deposits cer- tainly possesses a population that is characterized by thrift and economy The importance of inculcating the habit of saving can not be too often im- pressed, not only on account of its bene- ficial effect upon the individual, tho family and the municipality, but upon the State as well. The man who begins to deposit in a savings bank or to save a little and invest it in some other way has an incentive toward economy, in- dustry aud sobriety that can not help making him a better citizen in every way. lie then begins to feel a sense of responsibility that a-.-ts as a balance wheel, and a tlesire to increase his sav- ings leads him to seek to increase his earnings by the exercise of his intelli- gence, thus keeping him from falling into the ruts and living along upon a dead level. It is also true that the greater part of the fortunes of to-day had their basis in small earnings, cent by cent, dol- lar by dollar, at the start, the habits thus formed being the main factors in bring- ing about the later prosperity Of course, every man can not expect to be- come a millionaire, but every man ought to be able, in this land of steady habits, to lay up a little money, year by year, giving him something to fall back upon in adversity and supplying an in- centive toward a life of usefulness.? New Haven Register Queer I.otany sit the Hub. There is a man in our town who is not wondrous wise, although he makes heroic efforts to keep up appearances. He lias recently acquired wealth and has lately added a well-stocked conser- vatory to his establishment. This he was not long sinee exhibiting to a party of visiting friends' with pride. "What is that?" asked a lady pointing to a cer- tain plant. Mr. I', was non-plussed for a moment, but. quickly recovering, he answered with much gravity: "That, madam, is an exceedingly rare specimen of the 'Encyclopa'dia liritUmnica. 1 " ? lJoston Record. THE DEFEAT OF A CRITIC. Ooldsby?You can go on ahead, Clara. I'llbe hanged if I'll walk in the com- pany of a hat like tUat. Another mysterious case was that of a retail druggist. He was a single man and slept* in his store, and he alone had the handling 1 of the cash. He had been robbed repeatedly, and always at night, and he had puzzled over the matter un- til he was heartsick. The money was always taken from his safe, the same as in the Oilman case, but hero it %vas surrounded by solid brick walls 1 looked the ground over thoroughly and failed to strike a olew Then I asked him to state his financial condition Lie was in debt eight hundred dollars, but doing an excellent business, meeting his payments as they cams duo. Not only that, but for the robbery he would soon have had money to marry and set up housekeeping Then ! asked him to let me sit up in the store all night, and before midnight I had solved the mystery. Ue got up in his sleep, took fifteen dollars out of the safe, and deposited it In a jar on the top shelf. The jar, upon investiga tion, turned up every dollar he had lost. He had, in his mind, figured on saving so much a week to get married on. It was exactly this sum he had stolen every time and laid away, and yet no argument could have convinced him that he was a somnambulist. ?N. Y.Sun. __________ ?J it-.t What lie Needed. "I tell you," said one Congressman to another, "the situation in that district is something to raise your hair when you contemplate it." "I think," said the listener, as he took off his hat, and disclosed a bald head, "that I'll go out and take a look at it." ?Washington .-Post. A Illtihy rroceeJinj;. "So you love Diana I'hayre! Have you ever given her a hint of it?" "Well, I tried to break the ice the Other day, but I'tn afraid I ehosc an in- opportune iii iment." "When was it?" "When I was out skating with her." ?Life. I entered the store at half-past eleven o'elock in the forenoon. At twelve half of the employes went out to dinner, and three or four others lunched from their baskets. Among the latter was the cashier. She sat on a stool facing the front of the store with her back to the money, and kept up a con- versation with a girl seated just out» side the railing. She had been seated thus about ton minutes when I saw a string' slowly descend from the floor above her head. It came down along- side the wall, and the little black hall at the end of it rested for a moment on the top bill of the pile of bank-notes. Then it was drawn up, and away went a bill with it, and was drawn through a hole above. The cashier neither saw nor heard. The few employes" of the store were busy, and the festoons of dross goods, handkerchiefs, etc., from pillar to pillar, obstructed their vision. I weat softly upstairs and found a stock boy eating his dinner just over the office. 1 stood him up and found a 510 bill in his vost pocket, with it fresh spot of pitch on it, and his fish- line was concealed under u bos near by. There was a hole in the floor Mrs. CJoldsby ( as the shower showers) ?Won't von reconsider. Edwin?? Judge. IN THIS AND OTHSR LANDS. OVER 400,000 negroes are annually en- slaved in Africa. WITHIN the last decade 5,245,530 for- eigners have come to our shores. ONE of the latest crazes in St. Louis is that of riding upon the electric ears to cure rheumatism. ALTOOETHEU, Englishmen buy be- tween*eleven and twelve hundred mil- lions of foreign eggs a year. A TOURMALINE ledge, recently discov- ered on a farm near Auburn. Me., is said to have already yielded 57.500 worth of gems. JL*ST above Vienna, on the Danube, is the convent and school of Melk, which has just celebrated its 1000 th anniversa- ry IT is said that from St. Malo alono the mistletoe annually shipped to En- gland is equal in volume to half the houses of the town. THE Commercial Travelers' Society of France, fountled ten years ago. ha 57,500 mcinl)crs. The I*resident is M lJris- son, member of the Chamber of Depu- ties. Ox account of their lightness and im- permeability, compared with wood, large tin packing cases are now fre- quently used in the shipment of light manufactures to South America. IN Oermany they are making coffee from linseNl meal roasted to a dark color and mixed "with some glutinous substances before passing through ma- chines which form it in the shape of beans. A BlCLGluugun manufacturer says it is a mystery to hiui what becomes of all the guns made. They are not per- ishable or easily destroyed, yet year after year the gTeat manufacturers have increased their works until the number of guns and pistols that are made each year is something enormous, and the trade instead of decreasing is continually growing. r/ / . rJ - Z THE BUTLER CITIZEN. MODERN LOVE SCENE. It Kiitl*,of (oarH*. In n Triumphant Vic- tory for ??Her." He (with dignified composure)?lF7«y are you so disagreeable, Helen? She (artlessly surprised)?DfaMfrw able? Am I? lie (as before) ?Always?to me. She (carelessly)?lndeed? Hut, luck- ily it is a grievance you are not obliged to bear. He (resignedly)? You certainly ttetn any thin? but kind and polite. She?Thank yon, very much. He (restlessly)? Oh. I don't know that it is your fault. Of course people spoil you; they flatter your vanity. She?Am 1 vain, too? He (warming to the subject)? Are you? How eoultl yon be otherwise iu the frivolous, worldlylife you live?the poor little round of dancing and dress- ing?you have no rhoire but to he vain and worldly She (smiling slightly)? Dear me! He (throwing prudence to the winds) Yes?jest?that is right. Yoa are toe "YES?JEST ?THAT'S RieUT. 1 " selfish, too cruel, to care whom yon hurt. Go on, Helen. She (suddenly serious) ?But if I hurt you so, why doyou seek this pain? Why did you come up to-night, for instance? He (impetuously)?l came because ? Helen, you well know why?because 1 can't stay away! And I love you so. (Pleadingly) Dearest, I am willing to wait?but, give me hope?just a little. She (opening her eyes on him) ?Hope of what? He (desperately) That yon will sometime be my wife. She (thoughtfully)? Disagreeable, im- polite, unkind- vain, worldly, selfish and crueL (With tenderness) You poor boy. is that the sort of woman you would like to marry? Do you mean it, Arthur? He (clutching her hand) ?Yes, oh, yes! May I hope, Helen? She ?I am afraid, dear, I could never live up, that is, down, to your ideal, but if you like to take me, hampered with virtues you don't dream of, perhaps I can acquire, by degrees, the faults you love me for. lie (rapturously)?Oh! Helen, dear, you are quite bad enough?l mean lam quite good enough?l mean? She (consolingly)?l know you do, dearest. I knew it from the first.?Mad- eline S. Bridges, in Life. A ling with I.effal Instincts. A Boston lawyer who resides in tho suburbs is the owner of a dog that certaiuly possesses the instincts of an attorney. The other day he saw an- other dog carrying off a tempting-look- ing bone. A second dog followed at a short distance. The lawyer's dog quick- ly conceived a plan of action worthy of an eminent legal mind, lie immediate- ly brought action against the dog with the bone. The third dog at once quickened his pace and lost no time in instituting supplementary proceedings in his own behalf. This assistance proved equivalent to a decree for the plaintiff, for the lawyer's dog left the third dog to bear the brunt of the litigation, and, seizing the bone, fled to his own kennel, where possession was truly nine points of the law. ?lioston Traveler. Put to the Trst. Briggs?Didn't I hear something about your going to be married a year or so ago? Griggs?O. yes. My fiancee and I thought it would be a good thing to give our love a final test; so she went abroad for a year. She returned the other day. Briggs?And was her lore as fresh ever? Griggs?He was fresh cnouglu She married him in Ix>ndon. ?West Shore. HOUSE DECORATIONS. CP. "A neat boarder for a dining-room." Life All Hope Abandon. Poet (meekly) I should like to leave this little poem for your inspection. 1 suppose a good many poems arc left here. Editor (gruffly)? Yes, and so are the fellows who want us to buy them. ? Life. An Inexhaustible Supply. Mrs. Browu-I heard to-day that Mr. Van Gabbler owns a gas well, but I don't Itelieve it. Mr. Brown ?You would be quite prepared to believe it if you had ever heard his wife talk.?Munsey's Weekly* \n<l Therefore to Bo Toltl. Amy You shouldn't tell such thinga ah.nit people. I.aura- Why not? Charlotte gavb mo t in- most positive assurance that it was i vwrflt--Judge. A California Chora* In 1828. General Vallejo's readiness of apt an- scdotc was always remarkable. Pattl jnce dined with him, and asked the old loldier if he enjoyed the first opera he ?ver heard. ??Why. no," said Vallejo. "And yet I jonfess 1 shall never forget it." This reply aroused Patti's curiosity, *nd she demanded when and where the i ;vent took place. "In 18-8, on the site of the Palace llo- | tel, San Francisco." "Indeed! And who was the prima ionna so long ago as that?" "Well, I can't say." was the smiling answer, "but there were at least five hundred coyotes in the chorus." ?Contr nrv. Coolness 11»«? 1 Mrs. Hicks?Who was the most im pudent man you ever knew? Mrs.Dix?Well. 1 always thought pret- ty well of a fellow who used to drink my milk on the front step every morning aud ring the l»ell for a napkin.?Mun- sey's Weekly ?A doctor was asked what he would do fir>t in the case of a man who was i blown up by gunpowder "I should wait until liuca:np down." he replied >;_ L uv \jtii Many Hindi Fir.,t Flat ?1 wouljl murder Second Flat for smoking that villainous pipe were it not that he sing» so exquisitely Third Flat- I could assassinate See- oud Flat for singing ail the time?bat ! I'd like to own that pipe he smokes.? j Munsey's Weekly. NO. 18 TUBERCULAR BACILU. Picture* UlaHtratinf th« Nature and !>?( cation of the Microbes It is well know n that infections dia-' ?ases such as consumption add cholera, have a parasitic origin, and that each jnc of them has its characteristic micro- organism. In ISTS Dr. Ko-jli published his "Untersuchung ucber die Aetiologie FV 1. S»ct!"n through tubercle* of the limps, show tng two large cells with numerous bacilli The specimen having been colored, the bacilli appear as dark dashe*. Magnified nine hundred times. der Wumlinfeetionskrankheiten,*' which embodies) the results of his investiga- tions in this field of research and formad the basis of future study, tho re- sult of which was the discovery of the bacillus of tuberculosis. The course followed by Dr. Koch has been so fully explained that it seems unnecessary to treat the subject again in detail, but we publish to-day two excellent cuts, for which we are indebted to the Illustrate Zeitung, showing the bacilli alone and as they arc found in the tubercles. Dr. Koch's methods, which have been so strikingly confirmed by bis work, lw,i Fig. 3.?Tubercular bacilli, magnified two thousand times. At tbe left, bacilli free from spores. At the right. baeilH with colorless places which are supposed to be spores. have opened new fields tn the science of bacteriology, and the results of his work have been felt in every depart- ment of medicine. PROGRESS IN SCIENCE. A new material called "lactite" has recently appeared in England as a sub- stitute for bone or celluloid. Casein is the principal constituent. A telephone line about five miles long has been established in Iceland, and is regarded as a preat curiosity, being the first ever established on the island. It has been determined that as far as the danger to ship's compasses from magnetic leakage from the dynamo is concerned, it is equally the same whether the ship is double or single wired. The National powder-mill at St. Medard-en-.lalle, in Prance, has recent- ly been lighted by incandescent lamps, and it is believed to be the first mill of its class on the continent to use electric lighting. Exantples have been found in this country of kyanized timber which was in a good state of preservation after twenty-eight years' exposure, but it sel- dom lasts a very long time when used for railway sleepers. It is stated that in a recent gale the anemometers on tbe top of the Eiffel Tower registered 680 miles per hour. M. Mascart says that had this velocity occurred at the level of the city every chimney would have been leveled to the ground. Prof. Thurston says: "The assump- tion seems fair that the locomotive en- gine will have been superseded when we double our speeds, and that we must find ways to utilize the weights of the cars themselves for the adhesion and to make each carry its own motion." While sinking a mine shaft recently at Mysore the workmen broke into an old shaft, du£ perhaps a thousand years or more ago. and in which were found implements of various kinds that bore unmistakable evidence, of the former workmen being Chinese. An electrical railway fog signaling apparatus being experimented with In England has given great satisfaction. By means of a metal rail at some dis- tance from the ordinary signals, a slid- ing contact on the locomotive completes an electric circuit and works the signal indicators. Ordinary accumulators or storage bat- teries for electrical work are not very portable, owing to the liquids they con- tain. In consequence of this trouble it has been proposed to add a little so- dium silicate to the cell, which has the effect of turning a sulphuric acid solu- tion into n jolly. Manufacture of Rubber Stamps* A rubber stamp requires very little of the g"um, yet the Journal of Useful In- vention states that one firm in New York buys one thousand pounds an- nually. There arc, says that journal, rubber stamp concerns every where, and the consumption must be very large. Very good rubber is used, and few man- ufacturers suit the stamp maker. A firm surface is necessary, and to obtain this the compounding must be exact for the purpose. Then the beat for vulcan- izing is a matter of importance. Steam heat is considered best, for dry heat is apt to scorch and spoil the stamp. Great care is used, so that the rubber will not get too hard or glazed, which ia fatal to good work. The best manu- facturers use machines which are the molds and vulcanizcrs combined. Every thing has to be true, and littl« vibration in the platens is permitted. A thermometer attached to the ma- chine determines the right heat. Small establishments axe not so particular, and poor work is the result. The slower the vulcanization the greater the flexibility. Some makers rush mat- ters, curing the rubber in six minutes. Such stamps will become as hard as an electrotype in a month, when they ar« useless. A T.K.VDING PART. tU'i -:' ?mr~? ?! C . vi PikESiqi Tommy?Say, Tubby, wanter join our theatricals? Tubby (delighted)? You bet 1 do. Tommy- All right; come round to the bam to-night. We're goin' to play "A Moonlight Crime," an' we want you t' stick your head up over a fence. Tubby?What for? Tommy?Th' moon. ?Judge. A Sensible Sug(fMtiOD. Uc What ran I do to convince you that my love for you is entirely disin- terested? She ?Keep away from the house and gtve better men a chance.?Once % W«ek.

Transcript of rJ THE BUTLER CITIZEN.A. E. GABLE, V Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto,...

Page 1: rJ THE BUTLER CITIZEN.A. E. GABLE, V Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Cauada. Drt Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and mokes ridgling,


D. E. JACKSON.£O3 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa.

Kvery body I)eligbt«d.Who are in \u25a0 d of Seasonable

Woods.Having bougL large Stock of

Fall nod Winter O-odd, and owing to

bad wrtuher and worse roads, theyhave not I een going oat as fast asthey ougLt to

We have

CUT PRICES AWAY DOWN,as we must on account of scarcity ofroom cloee them out to make roomfor Spring Goods.

If you want a Cloak, Jacket or



Or if jxu want Blankets, ComfortsUnderwear. Ladies'or Gents', Flan-nels, Contcn Flamel or anything intbs> line.


before the Stock is broken, but


to examine oor large stock of DressGoods, which are included in this

CUT,Alio Fancy and Dress Plosbep,

Black Sniab and Groa Grain Silks,all Marked Down.

Full Again.We mean our wall paper de-

paitment. lull and overflowingwith our immense.and choicestock of paper hangings. Youmust help us out, we haven'tloom lor Ijalf our goods, jihtila t.u lelieve us of some of them.

We have the cbokeft selec-tion of patterns in every gradefrom Hrown Blanks at 10 <&§

to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1per double bolt.

Examine our Stock.

J. H. Douglass,Near Postotfice, Butler, Pa.

Rare Bargains,Extraordinary Bargains are offer-

ed here in j,



MUFFLERS,Every thing in furnishings for ladies,children biid men.

Compare our prices with what youhave tan. p hs' B f? fee J OO

can't fave uioney by dealing withus. .

John M. Arthurs.333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333





148 H. Main St.

Butler, Pa,


REBUS'SFORPure Drugs,Paints, Oils, Glass,Fine Toilet Articles,Patent Medicines,And all otherArticlesKept in aFirst ClassDrug Store.

BUTLER COUNTY"Mutual fire insurance Co.

OfficftCor, Main & Cunningham Sts.

>3. C. ROESSING, PuKsiDtjrr.


DIRECTORS:(«. C. Hi;. «sinir, Henderson Oliver,J. 1. I'llrvis, .1aineH Stephenson,A. Trout man, H. 0. Heiuenimi,Altr."l Wick, Woltzel.Dr. W. Irvlii, Dr ltl.-kenbach,J. . Iturkhart, I). T. Norris.

jiT i 3 3 ') i } Aeen'tJBTT'TII.IKIR , .





is now permanently located at 120 South Main

Street' Butler. Pa . inrooms formerly decoupled

by Dr. fValdron.

Dr. N. M. HOOVER,IST E. Wayne St ~ office hours. 10 to 12 M. and

I to 3 P. M.


PmSICIAR AND SCBOKOX.Offlce and residence at 224 Graham Street,

Butler, Pa.


New Troutman Bnfldfng, Butler, Pa.

Dr. A. A. Kelty,Office at Rose Point, Lawrence county. Pa.

K. S. LEAKE, M. D. J. E. MASH, M. D.Specialties: Specialties:

Cynan-ology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose andfery. Tliroat.

! DRS. LEAKE& MANN,Butler, Pa.



Office at No. 45. S. Main street, oyer Frank £Co's l)i UK Store. Butler. Pa,


Physician and Surgeon.

No. 22 Eaht Jcflrrson St., Butler, Pa.


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.S. W.Corner Main acd North Stß.. Butler, Pa.

J. J. DONALDSON; Dentist.Butler, Penn'a.

Artificial Teeth Inserted tn tlie latest Im-proved plan. Gold Fillinga specialty. Office?-over Brnaurs Clothing Store.



Allwork pertaining to the profession execut-ed inthe neatest manner.

Specialties Gold Filling*, and Painless Ex-traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered,

one* «\u25a0 tfcflersoa Street, oar doer Bait of Lowrjilouie, lip Stain.

Ofllee open dally, except Wednesdays aniThucidays. Communications by mail receiveprompt attention.

N. B.? The only Dentist la Butler nsiiifk thtbent makes of teeth.

J. W. MILLER,Architect, C. E. and Surveyor.

Contractor, Carpenter nnd Bnilder.Maps, plans, specifications and esti-

mates; all kinds of architectural and en-gineering work. Xo charge for drawing if1 contract the work. Consult your l>et>t in-terest*; .plan before yon build. Informa-tion cheerfully given. A share of publicpatronage is solicited.P. 0. Box 1007. Office S. W. of Court

House, Butler, Pa.


Office near Diavo>'d, Bctlsb, Pa.

J. M. PAINTER,Attomey-at-Law.

Office -Between Tcstoffice and Diamond, But-ler, Pa.


Office at No. 8, Soulli I.itrcotid. Butler, l'a.


Office second floe r, Anilerson Bl' It,Main St.,near Court House, Butler. Fa.


OlEcf on second floor of the Huselton bloolr.Diamond, Biitlcr.J'ib, Room No. x.


Odlce In Room No. 1, second floor of HuseltonBlock, entrance on Diamond,

u i *'

IRA McJUNKIN.Attorney at Law, Office at No. 17, East Jeffer-son St.. Butler. Pa.;

W. C. FINDLEY,Attorney at Law and ite&l Estate Agent. Of

".rSjEWflfX. z. Mitchell's office on north sideof Dfimond, Butler, Pa. ?

H. H. GOUCHER.Office on second floor ofAnderson buUfllttg, near Court House, Butler,Pa. ,

; 'j.V. BRITTAIN.Attyat L-W?Odlde at 3. E. dor. Main St, andDiamond, Butler, fa.


Butle^pLaw-Omc o» South aide'of Diamond

A. E. GABLE,V Surgeon.

Graduate of the Ontario VeterinaryCollege, Toronto, Cauada.

Dr t Gable treats all diseases of thedomesticated animals, and mokesridgling, castration and horse den-tistry a specialty. Castration per-formed without clams, and all ottiersurgical operations performed in themost scientific manner.

Calls to any part of the countrypromptly responded to.

Office and Infirmary in Crawford'sLirery, 132 West Jefferson Street,Bntler, Pa.

SAW MILLSPaleat Yarlalile Friction and Belt Feed.

Steam- Engines, Hay Presses,Shingle Mills. &c-

Portable Grist Mills,send lor Illus. Threnlilntr Machine*. Ac.

Catalogue. A. U. KAKOI IIAI; CO., Yorlt,Pa.

L S. McJUNKIN,Insurance and Real Estate Ag't



laOJERTISERSlon advertising s?* when in Chicago, v..» f,nd it on



We have in stock a large line of Long Wraps and Jackets.We have assorted them into lots.

Lot 1 running up to S 6" 2 " " "

10(( Q ll (( li 1 O

« 1 " « « 155 " " " 18

u 6 >< it «t 25

Now to get them out of the way, w < ofl'er to each buyer ofour goods (at the lowest prices evti known) the following extra-ordinary inducements:

PARTIES 1S UYIISCZ$lO worth of goods will have their choice cf one wrap, Lotl

15 " " " " " 2jg it .! I. tl It 320

" " " " "

422 " " " " " 525

" " '? " "


FREE OF CHAROE,As we say we have a big lineof those wraps, and want to runthem off quick. And we guarantee all our goods marked inplain figures at less than you can buy them elsewhere. Comein and get first choice.

RITTER RALSTON.Regarding Fine Clothes.

As a new comer requesting a share of the pat-ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, itbefits me to make a few statements. 1 make aspecialty of the higher grades of work; I keepin stock tfie finest quality of goods; 1 recognizethe fact that a good fitting suit from my houseis it's best advertisement, while a misfit con-demns the cutter and tailor. I shall endeavorto send out the best fitting clothes to be found.I do all my own cutting.


The prices will be as low as can be made com-patible with the quality of goods I shall adhereto. A full line of the latest and most sty lishgoods in stock. Call and see me before placingany orders.


202 S. Main St.,

Don't Read This Unless YonWant To!

We feel confident it will pay you.?


Now that the Holidays are over we arebusy u'ettinu' ready for Sprino; trade.

Jo Cj J I C

We want all persons to know where to. . . . 1

buy goods at right prices. This is theplace. We sell goods as cheap as any

person in the United States, if not cheap-er. We


We give you first-class goods; what moreo .J ~

can we do. We also do just as we ad-vertise. We will sell you a Good OakBed Room Suit for sl9 and a fine Pol-ished Oak Bed Room Suit tor #25. Youcan't buy it elsewhere under #35. Any-thing: you want in the Furniture line you

O a- t

will find at our store at low juices. Comeand see us whether you want to buy ornot. We want to show you our goods.

v O

Campbell & Templeton,OLD TROUTMAN STAND.




BE UP rsrot; to fitolit!TO




Some lives like 3

MORSE.^HOESHie more e brighter!"Busy wives who use SAPOLIOnever seem to grow old.Try &c&ke--

A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted frombadly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles whichseemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of hiswife's devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglectwhen he finds her careless in these particulars. Many a home owesa largo part cf its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness toSAPOLIO.

Wfiroccrs often substitute cheaper for UPoi.io, to make abetter proitt. Mnd back such articles, and Insist ou bavins Just whatyou ordered."**

lU'TLKR, I'A.. KR IDA V. M ARCII <5. 1 Ht>l.


Marriage Is an ordered garden.Courtship, a tangled wood;

11.image is the sober summer,Court<'lip. «prin;, Inwayward mood;

Uarrlago is a ii- ??;>. still river,Courtship, a br.srht laagiitng stream;

Marriage Is a dear pos-wsslon.Courtship, a perploxln? dream;

Which of these, my wif.\ shall boCrowned as best by thee tad me?

Marriage Is the blno day's beauty,Courtship, the capricious morn;

Mama#o is the sweet rose cathered.Courtship, bud still fenced with thnrn;

Marriage is the pearl Insetting.Courtship Is the dangerous dive;

Marriage, the full comb of honey.Courtship. th-» aew-buzzicg hive;

Which of these, dear wife, shall boFirst preferred by thee and me?

O. the tangled wood was lovely,When wo found it inour play.

Parting curiously the branchesWhite with masses of the May,

Eagerly the paths exploringLeading to wo know not where.

Save that millionflowers edged them.And that bird songs, litthe air.

Thrushes' joy Philomela'sStill more exquisite despair.

How we wandered! ?Now our wihi woodHas become a garden plot,

Something missed of that strange sweotr.es*,

In the method of our lot.Ordered walks, and forma! borders

For the wood-paths strange ahd wild.Rose superb, and stately lily.

Where the careless wood flowers smiled,?Summer, gravj and sob.-r matron.

For young spring, the ca.-er child;Which, O which preTerreJ shall be.Twelve-years' wifo, b/ th. and me?

Nay. the gardon has its glory,Str.Tely flower and fruit mature;

An 1 the wildwooa had its dearness,Stranga delight-, aa 1 wonders pure;

And the summer has fu'.ii'.iment.Ifthe spring has promise store;

And the river is the deeper.If the young brook laugheth more;

And the real Joy abld.-th.When the teasing dreams are o'er.

And the broa t, blue 'i-v7 ha*. glories.If the morn was wildly fair;

And the gathered rose is safer,If the bads more piquant were;

And the piarl larare and precloua.If the dive was fall of glee;

And we would not change r.'jr honeyFor the flower-quejt of the boe;

?Sweet Is Courtship; swret is Marriage;Crown them, darling, equally!

?J. R. V. rnori, ia Leisure Hours.


Some of Them Whom I Have Metand Overcome.

Swindling Uy Wrong Footing-*?Fiahin; forMoney by an Ingenious 15oy?Other

Thieveries?A Somnambulist WhoStole IIU Own Money.

I happened into the office of a largefactory one day to see a friend, and dur-ing the call I met the proprietor andasked him how business was.

"I'm about discouraged," he replied,"lie*you seem to be very busy filling

orders.""So I am, but for some reason I can't

make any money. It seems as if themore we did the less profit we made."

On the desk before hfm was a bill hohad marked "O. K." It was for stuffpurchased?lumber, paint and oil.Without meaning to do so I glanced atthe items, aud footed up the column of

figures. It stood as follows:Dr. to

6 ketrs paint, at il>.> each tlO W10 gals. oil. at 03 centj per gallon D S)

Lumber from NeTs 18 00HSulinff same 1 7-1Hoop Iron 3 S:JPaint brushe3 4 20

Total *53 25

The bill was in the handwriting ofthe man who acted as book-keeper,sashier and buyer for the factory, andwas six bills put together to save separ-ate O. K.'s. Does the reader see anything wrong with the figures? I did atiglance. The total should have beenforty-four dollars and eighty-five centsinstead of fifty-three dollars and twen-ty-five cents.

"Where is your book-keeper" thisafternoon?" I asked.

"He's out.""Well, find me all the bills you can."He brought me half a dozen from the

hook, and we discovered that each onehad been falsified in adding up the fig-ures. Next day the man was sent awaymi an errand aud an expert brought inio overhaul his books, and in half a dayaver four thousand dollars in small em-bezzlements could be tooted up. Hehad taken the simplest way to rob his?inployer, and one which is alwayspracticed with the most success.

A similar discovery was broughtibout in a still more singular manner.[ was riding along the highway when Inoticed a folded paper which had evi-dently fallen from some one's pocket.When Ihad alighted and picked it up,I found it to be the weekly pay-roll of>f a brick and tile yank The owner ofthe yard, while a very successful busi-ness man, was a poor scholar, and lieemploj-ed a young man to keep hisbooks-and handle more or less cash.The pay roll stood as follows:Adams 113 00'Fiek ia 00Arms 11 £ ' (Jorman 9 20Uenson 10 HO Hanson 8 C5barter 10 tfs ;Davis 10 80l Total 1112 68Bvarts 12 ISI

The laborers were working at piecework, and each one's credit differedfrom another's. I ran the column offigures up and found an error. I tried itigain. aud was satisfied that the truetotal was enly S9:?.SB. I took the paperto the brick man, learned who hadmade out the roll and within an hourhad got hold of evidence to prove thakin one year his young man had defraud-!d him of SS9O by means of false foot-ing's-

For several years I was detailed on abranch of detective work known as'mysterious thefts," and many of themlid really have a mysterious appear-ince at the outset. One of my veryirst cases was that of loss of money iniretail store. A girl eighteen years ofige acted as cashier, and she had an of-ice in tho rear of the store. This officeivas railed in to a height cf seven or:iglitfeet, aud had two cash windows.The cashier occupied it exclusively, andt had come about on several occasionshat her cash wouldn't balance the tips>n the hook. She would be short $2, $5,(10 or S2O, and there must be somethingwrong somewhere. As she had to makehe shortage good she could not be sus->ected, and, indeed, it was on her do-mand that I was sent for to investigatethe case. I took hold, thinking it wouldbe a tough one, but luck aided nie tospeedily solve the mystery. Nooue on

the floor of the store could take theDionoy, as no one was admitted to theoffice, and the bills were stacked upon the counter next to tiie wall, a cleartwelve feet from either of the cash win-dows.

where some heavy box had smashed aboard. lie owned right up, and themystery was a mystery no longer. Hehad never taken but one bill at a time,and that always when the cashier waseating.

M"n have always been obliged totrust other men, and they always willbe. and when an employer has once sat-isfied himself that a certain employeis all right it is the hardest kind ofwork to convince liim that there is any-thing wrong. This loyalty is all rightin one sense, but it has shielded manycriminals. Were every employe to becontinually under espionage or suspi-cion it would be a «ad sta fe of affairs.The senior partner of an old dry-goodsliouse once called me to his office to re-port a leakage wMoll the house hadvainly endeavored to stop. The short-age was not in the cash, but in thestock. Men had been set to watch forshoplifters, but none of that:class hadbeen spotted. All employes had beenwatched, but no one had been caughttaking goods away. Most of the sales-men had been with the house foryears, and the door-walker longest ofall. Suspicion pointed to no one, andyet it was certain that a leak existed.Aided bv my usual luck 1 was only threeor four days in discovering it.

The store had a fine, high-class trade,and many articles were sent on approv-al. In lounging about I saw articlesbrought back and handed to the floor-walker to be returned to the cilice as"returned." It occurred to me thatthere might be two sides to this system,and it wasn't two hours before a ladycame in and said to him:

"I came to pay SiO for the cloak s -ntup on Tuesday on approval."

He took her name nnd money andwent back to the office and reportedthe cloak as returned, ami pocketed themoney. I got three cases on him be-fore making my report, and when I didreport to the senior partner he flew outand declared that it looked like a put-up job to earn my money. Itwas easyenough to satisfy him, however, as Ihad kept the addresses of the differentbuyers. A call at eack address broughtforth the declaration that the goods hadbeen paid for, but we waited for afourth case and then caught the man ina box. lie was wound up so tightlythat he made a full confession andbegged for mercy. He had taken over$6,000 in this way, and had been playingthe game for years, and was the lastman in the store who would, have beensuspected.

John Oilman, insurance ag'cnt in acityof 25,000 inhabitants, had a mysterywhich he called me in to solve. He hadan office on the ground floor of a build-ing at the corner of Main and Walnutstreets, but fronting ou Main and run-ning back gn Walnut. On Walnut, ad-joininghim was a tobacco store. Hissafe stood in a recess at the back of thestore, and this recess was just two feetwider than the safe. It was wainscotedup to the height of the safe. Now,Oilman had been missing money rightalong for two or three months, and themystery was that it had been in eachinfctance taken out of his safe. Healone knew the combination, and inevery case it bad been opened in theregular way. I found it hard to credithis statements. No one had brokeninto the office: no one, as far as hecould see, had touched the safe, and yethe was sure the money had been taken.

For instance, he liad placed s'2oo in itat night, and next morning S3O wasmissing. Out of SIOO S!5 had beentaken. Out of a package of S3OO drawnfrom the bank and carefully recounted$35 had been taken. To make sure thatthe fault was not his he had kept amemorandum. He had, for instance,written down "§-50 counted over threetimes. There are 10 S2O bills and 10$5 bills." That money had been putinto the safe at night, and next morn-ing it was short S2O. Oilman had nooccasion to rob himself, nor was he asomnambulist, and it puzzled me not a

little how to go to work.I asked him to lock and unlock the safein my presence. Itwas a combinationof four letters, and as he worked it hecalled out to himself: "J-a-n-e, Jane."This was the name of his wife.

With that as a starter I began to in-vestigate the tobacco store. I foundthat the clerk, who was a young man oftwenty, slept there nights. I "got a

chance to look at the wall opposite Gil-man's safe, and I found it wainscotedup as on the other side, and right herewas the book-keeper's desk. Every-thing appeared regular, but that nightIremained in the office after the agentwent home. The office was dark, and I

took a seat within three feet of the safe.At about eleven o'clock I heard a slightnoise in the recess, and next monioilt apart of the wainscoting was lifted out,

some one crawled through from the to-

bacco store, and presently the intrudersat down before the safe, opened theslide of a dark lantern just a bit, andopened the door as quickly as Oilmancould have done it. lie took out a rollof bills containing 5230, counted themover, and then returned all but S2OWhen he had closed the door 1 heardhim say: ".I-a-n-e, Jane." I then nabbedhim, and he proved to be the clerk in

the tobacco store He had played apretty sharp game. There was a looseknot in one of the boards, and one even-ing in moving a box he had jarred thisout. He had applied mucilage to theknot, and was restoring it to placewhen he heard Oilman locking the safe,

and also heard hiin pronouuee the com

bination. This gave him an idea Pro-

curing a fine saw he cut a panel out of

the wainscot large enough to enablehim to crawl through, and after that hemade two or three raids per week. Hisscheme to take only a small portion ofany sum he found was a good one, butluck and accident helped me to get thebest of him.

THE WORD "NEVER."It* Origin and the Manner *<r its Abuse

In Oar I.an^ua^e.Few words in our language are more

frequently taken ia vain than the em-phatic adverb "never." It is-of pureSaxon origin, and, like most of itsverbal kin. is forcible and comprehen-sive. Followed out through all itslegitimate meanings and applications, amore potential word is scarcely to bofound in our grand old mother tongue.Yet, in all our vocabulary, there is notone more shamefully nbused It Isplayed with at pitch-and 'toss by the un-stable, the frivolous, the false

"I will never forgive rffirn?never,never, never!" says the deceived andoutraged wife; and yet, perhaps, beforea week is over the offending husband ispardoned, and the implacable wife is aswax in the wrong-doer's hands

"Never shall a drop of any thing in-toxicating pass my lips criesthe helpless wild-eyed vk-tirn of de-bauch, as his nerves shake and quiverunder the maddening lash wired andknotted by his own hands.

Ah, could wc but believe him! IJut,unfortunately, experience teaches usthat "case recants vows made in pain,"and that no vows are more valuelessthan those of the Inebriate. There isscarcely an old man in the land whohas not heard, either in his'own familyor in the family of some friend, thetorturo-born "never" of the drunkard.It is sometimes kept; it might alwaysbe kept if men would but assert theirmanhood.

The dignity and strength of moralmanhood once triumphantly asserted,each succeeding triumph will becoinoeasier, until at last temptation will loseits power, and with absolute determina-tion to do right will expire the lastremnant of the inclination to do wrongWe have seen such victories?hope tosee more of them. They are possibleto all who err. ?X. Y. Ledger.


Tho UoueflU Derived from Having a Sav-ing* Account.

A State that can show a llarge per-centage of savings bank deposits cer-tainly possesses a population that ischaracterized by thrift and economyThe importance of inculcating the habitof saving can not be too often im-pressed, not only on account of its bene-ficial effect upon the individual, thofamily and the municipality, but uponthe State as well. The man who beginsto deposit in a savings bank or to savea little and invest it in some other wayhas an incentive toward economy, in-dustry aud sobriety that can not helpmaking him a better citizen in everyway. lie then begins to feel a sense ofresponsibility that a-.-ts as a balancewheel, and a tlesire to increase his sav-ings leads him to seek to increase hisearnings by the exercise of his intelli-gence, thus keeping him from fallinginto the ruts and living along upon adead level. It is also true that the greaterpart of the fortunes of to-day had theirbasis in small earnings, cent by cent, dol-lar by dollar, at the start, the habits thusformed being the main factors in bring-ing about the later prosperity Ofcourse, every man can not expect to be-come a millionaire, but every manought to be able, in this land of steadyhabits, to lay up a little money, year byyear, giving him something to fall backupon in adversity and supplying an in-centive toward a life of usefulness.?New Haven Register

Queer I.otany sit the Hub.

There is a man in our town who is notwondrous wise, although he makesheroic efforts to keep up appearances.He lias recently acquired wealth andhas lately added a well-stocked conser-vatory to his establishment. This hewas not long sinee exhibiting to a party

of visiting friends' with pride. "Whatis that?" asked a lady pointing to a cer-

tain plant. Mr. I', was non-plussed fora moment, but. quickly recovering, heanswered with much gravity: "That,madam, is an exceedingly rare specimenof the 'Encyclopa'dia liritUmnica. 1 "?

lJoston Record.


Ooldsby?You can go on ahead, Clara.I'llbe hanged if I'll walk in the com-

pany of a hat like tUat.

Another mysterious case was that ofa retail druggist. He was a single man

and slept* in his store, and he alone hadthe handling 1 of the cash. He had been

robbed repeatedly, and always at night,and he had puzzled over the matter un-

til he was heartsick. The money wasalways taken from his safe, the sameas in the Oilman case, but hero it %vas

surrounded by solid brick walls 1looked the ground over thoroughly andfailed to strike a olew Then I askedhim to state his financial condition Liewas in debt eight hundred dollars, butdoing an excellent business, meetinghis payments as they cams duo.

Not only that, but for the robbery hewould soon have had money to marryand set up housekeeping Then !

asked him to let me sit up in the store

all night, and before midnight I hadsolved the mystery. Ue got up in hissleep, took fifteen dollars out of thesafe, and deposited it In a jar on thetop shelf. The jar, upon investigation, turned up every dollar he hadlost. He had, in his mind, figured onsaving so much a week to get marriedon. It was exactly this sum he hadstolen every time and laid away, andyet no argument could have convincedhim that he was a somnambulist. ?N.Y.Sun.


?J it-.t What lie Needed.

"I tell you," said one Congressman toanother, "the situation in that districtis something to raise your hair whenyou contemplate it."

"I think," said the listener, as he tookoff his hat, and disclosed a bald head,

"that I'll go out and take a look at it."?Washington .-Post.

A Illtihy rroceeJinj;.

"So you love Diana I'hayre! Haveyou ever given her a hint of it?"

"Well, I tried to break the ice theOther day, but I'tn afraid I ehosc an in-opportune iiiiment."

"When was it?""When I was out skating with her."


I entered the store at half-past eleveno'elock in the forenoon. At twelve halfof the employes went out to dinner,and three or four others lunched fromtheir baskets. Among the latter was

the cashier. She sat on a stool facing

the front of the store with herback to the money, and kept up a con-

versation with a girl seated just out»side the railing. She had been seatedthus about ton minutes when I saw astring' slowly descend from the floorabove her head. It came down along-side the wall, and the little black hallat the end of it rested for a moment onthe top bill of the pile of bank-notes.Then it was drawn up, and away wenta bill with it, and was drawn througha hole above. The cashier neither saw

nor heard. The few employes" of thestore were busy, and the festoons ofdross goods, handkerchiefs, etc., frompillar to pillar, obstructed their vision.I weat softly upstairs and found a

stock boy eating his dinner just overthe office. 1 stood him up and founda 510 bill in his vost pocket, with it

fresh spot of pitch on it, and his fish-line was concealed under u bos nearby. There was a hole in the floor

Mrs. CJoldsby ( as the shower showers)?Won't von reconsider. Edwin?? Judge.


OVER 400,000 negroes are annually en-

slaved in Africa.WITHINthe last decade 5,245,530 for-

eigners have come to our shores.ONE of the latest crazes in St. Louis is

that ofriding upon the electric ears to

cure rheumatism.ALTOOETHEU, Englishmen buy be-

tween*eleven and twelve hundred mil-lions of foreign eggs a year.

A TOURMALINE ledge, recently discov-ered on a farm near Auburn. Me., issaid to have already yielded 57.500 worthof gems.

JL*ST above Vienna, on the Danube, is

the convent and school of Melk, whichhas just celebrated its 1000th anniversa-ry

IT is said that from St. Malo alonothe mistletoe annually shipped to En-gland is equal in volume to half thehouses of the town.

THE Commercial Travelers' Society ofFrance, fountled ten years ago. ha 57,500mcinl)crs. The I*resident is M lJris-son, member of the Chamber of Depu-ties.

Ox account of their lightness and im-permeability, compared with wood,

large tin packing cases are now fre-quently used in the shipment of lightmanufactures to South America.

IN Oermany they are making coffeefrom linseNl meal roasted to a darkcolor and mixed "with some glutinoussubstances before passing through ma-

chines which form it in the shape ofbeans.

A BlCLGluugun manufacturer says itis a mystery to hiui what becomes ofall the guns made. They are not per-ishable or easily destroyed, yet yearafter year the gTeat manufacturershave increased their works until the

number of guns and pistols that are

made each year is something enormous,and the trade instead of decreasing is

continually growing.

r/ / .

rJ - Z


It Kiitl*,of (oarH*. In n Triumphant Vic-tory for ??Her."

He (with dignified composure)?lF7«yare you so disagreeable, Helen?

She (artlessly surprised)?DfaMfrwable? Am I?

lie (as before) ?Always?to me.She (carelessly)?lndeed? Hut, luck-

ily it is a grievance you are not obligedto bear.

He (resignedly)? You certainly ttetn

any thin? but kind and polite.She?Thank yon, very much.He (restlessly)? Oh. I don't know that

it is your fault. Of course people spoilyou; they flatter your vanity.

She?Am 1 vain, too?He (warming to the subject)? Are

you? How eoultl yon be otherwise iuthe frivolous, worldlylife you live?thepoor little round of dancing and dress-ing?you have no rhoire but to he vainand worldly

She (smiling slightly)? Dear me!He (throwing prudence to the winds)Yes?jest?that is right. Yoa are toe


selfish, too cruel, to care whom yonhurt. Go on, Helen.

She (suddenly serious) ?But if I hurtyou so, why doyou seek this pain? Whydid you come up to-night, for instance?

He (impetuously)?l came because ?

Helen, you well know why?because 1can't stay away! And I love you so.(Pleadingly) Dearest, I am willingtowait?but, give me hope?just a little.

She (opening her eyes on him) ?Hopeof what?

He (desperately) That yon willsometime be my wife.

She (thoughtfully)? Disagreeable, im-polite, unkind- vain, worldly, selfishand crueL (With tenderness) Youpoor boy. is that the sort of woman youwould like to marry? Do you mean it,Arthur?

He (clutching her hand) ?Yes, oh,yes! May I hope, Helen?

She ?I am afraid, dear, I could never

live up, that is, down, to your ideal, but

if you like to take me, hampered withvirtues you don't dream of, perhaps Ican acquire, by degrees, the faults youlove me for.

lie (rapturously)?Oh! Helen, dear,you are quite bad enough?l mean lamquite good enough?l mean?

She (consolingly)?l know you do,

dearest. I knew it from the first.?Mad-eline S. Bridges, in Life.

A ling with I.effal Instincts.

A Boston lawyer who resides in thosuburbs is the owner of a dog thatcertaiuly possesses the instincts of anattorney. The other day he saw an-

other dog carrying off a tempting-look-ing bone. A second dog followed at ashort distance. The lawyer's dog quick-ly conceived a plan of action worthy ofan eminent legal mind, lie immediate-ly brought action against the dog withthe bone. The third dog at oncequickened his pace and lost no time ininstituting supplementary proceedingsin his own behalf. This assistanceproved equivalent to a decree for theplaintiff, for the lawyer's dog left thethird dog to bear the brunt of thelitigation, and, seizing the bone, fled to

his own kennel, where possession was

truly nine points of the law. ?lioston

Traveler.Put to the Trst.

Briggs?Didn't I hear something aboutyour going to be married a year or so

ago?Griggs?O. yes. My fiancee and I

thought it would be a good thing to giveour love a final test; so she went abroadfor a year. She returned the other day.

Briggs?And was her lore as fresh a«

ever?Griggs?He was fresh cnouglu She

married him in Ix>ndon. ?West Shore.



"A neat boarder for a dining-room."Life

All Hope Abandon.

Poet (meekly) I should like to leavethis little poem for your inspection. 1

suppose a good many poems arc lefthere.

Editor (gruffly)? Yes, and so are thefellows who want us to buy them. ?


An Inexhaustible Supply.

Mrs. Browu-I heard to-day that Mr.Van Gabbler owns a gas well, but Idon't Itelieve it.

Mr. Brown ?You would be quiteprepared to believe it if you had ever

heard his wife talk.?Munsey's Weekly*

\n<l Therefore to Bo Toltl.

Amy You shouldn't tell such thinga

ah.nit people.I.aura- Why not? Charlotte gavb mo

t in- most positive assurance that it was

i vwrflt--Judge.

A California Chora* In 1828.

General Vallejo's readiness of apt an-

scdotc was always remarkable. Pattljnce dined with him, and asked the oldloldier if he enjoyed the first opera he?ver heard.

??Why. no," said Vallejo. "And yet Ijonfess 1 shall never forget it."

This reply aroused Patti's curiosity,*nd she demanded when and where the

i ;vent took place."In 18-8, on the site of the Palace llo-

| tel, San Francisco.""Indeed! And who was the prima

ionna so long ago as that?""Well, I can't say." was the smiling

answer, "but there were at least five

hundred coyotes in the chorus." ?Contrnrv.

Coolness 11»«? 1

Mrs. Hicks?Who was the most impudent man you ever knew?

Mrs.Dix?Well. 1 always thought pret-

ty well of a fellow who used to drink mymilk on the front step every morning

aud ring the l»ell for a napkin.?Mun-sey's Weekly

?A doctor was asked what he woulddo fir>t in the case of a man who was

i blown up by gunpowder "I shouldwait until liuca:np down." he replied

>;_ L uv \jtii Many Hindi

Fir.,t Flat ?1 wouljl murder SecondFlat for smoking that villainous pipewere it not that he sing» so exquisitely

Third Flat- I could assassinate See-oud Flat for singing ail the time?bat

! I'd like to own that pipe he smokes.?j Munsey's Weekly.

NO. 18


Picture* UlaHtratinf th« Nature and !>?(

cation of the Microbes

It is well know n that infections dia-'?ases such as consumption add cholera,have a parasitic origin, and that eachjnc of them has its characteristic micro-

organism. In ISTS Dr. Ko-jli publishedhis "Untersuchung ucber die Aetiologie

FV 1. S»ct!"n through tubercle* of thelimps, show tng two large cells with numerousbacilli The specimen having been colored, thebacilli appear as dark dashe*. Magnified ninehundred times.

der Wumlinfeetionskrankheiten,*' whichembodies) the results of his investiga-tions in this field of research andformad the basis of future study, tho re-sult of which was the discovery of thebacillus of tuberculosis. The course

followed by Dr. Koch has been so fullyexplained that it seems unnecessary totreat the subject again in detail, but wepublish to-day two excellent cuts, forwhich we are indebted to the IllustrateZeitung, showing the bacilli alone andas they arc found in the tubercles.

Dr. Koch's methods, which have beenso strikingly confirmed by bis work,

lw,iFig. 3.?Tubercular bacilli, magnified two

thousand times. At tbe left, bacilli free fromspores. At the right. baeilH with colorlessplaces which are supposed to be spores.

have opened new fields tn the science ofbacteriology, and the results of hiswork have been felt in every depart-ment of medicine.


A new material called "lactite" hasrecently appeared in England as a sub-

stitute for bone or celluloid. Casein isthe principal constituent.

A telephone line about fivemiles longhas been established in Iceland, and isregarded as a preat curiosity, being thefirst ever established on the island.

It has been determined that as far asthe danger to ship's compasses frommagnetic leakage from the dynamo isconcerned, it is equally the samewhether the ship is double or singlewired.

The National powder-mill at St.Medard-en-.lalle, in Prance, has recent-lybeen lighted by incandescent lamps,and it is believed to be the first mill ofits class on the continent to use electriclighting.

Exantples have been found in thiscountry of kyanized timber which was

in a good state of preservation aftertwenty-eight years' exposure, but it sel-dom lasts a very long time when usedfor railway sleepers.

It is stated that in a recent gale theanemometers on tbe top of the EiffelTower registered 680 miles per hour. M.Mascart says that had this velocityoccurred at the level of the city everychimney would have been leveled to theground.

Prof. Thurston says: "The assump-tion seems fair that the locomotive en-gine will have been superseded whenwe double our speeds, and that we mustfind ways to utilize the weights of thecars themselves for the adhesion and to

make each carry its own motion."While sinking a mine shaft recently

at Mysore the workmen broke into an

old shaft, du£ perhaps a thousand yearsor more ago. and in which were foundimplements of various kinds that boreunmistakable evidence, of the formerworkmen being Chinese.

An electrical railway fog signalingapparatus being experimented with InEngland has given great satisfaction.By means of a metal rail at some dis-tance from the ordinary signals, a slid-ing contact on the locomotive completesan electric circuit and works the signalindicators.

Ordinary accumulators or storage bat-teries for electrical work are not veryportable, owing to the liquids they con-

tain. In consequence of this troubleit has been proposed to add a little so-dium silicate to the cell, which has theeffect of turning a sulphuric acid solu-tion into n jolly.

Manufacture of Rubber Stamps*

A rubber stamp requires very little ofthe g"um, yet the Journal of Useful In-vention states that one firm in NewYork buys one thousand pounds an-nually. There arc, says that journal,rubber stamp concerns every where, andthe consumption must be very large.Very good rubber is used, and few man-ufacturers suit the stamp maker. Afirm surface is necessary, and to obtainthis the compounding must be exact forthe purpose. Then the beat for vulcan-izing is a matter of importance. Steam

heat is considered best, for dry heat isapt to scorch and spoil the stamp.Great care is used, so that the rubberwill not get too hard or glazed, which iafatal to good work. The best manu-

facturers use machines which are themolds and vulcanizcrs combined.Every thing has to be true, and littl«vibration in the platens is permitted.A thermometer attached to the ma-

chine determines the right heat. Smallestablishments axe not so particular,and poor work is the result. Theslower the vulcanization the greaterthe flexibility. Some makers rush mat-ters, curing the rubber in six minutes.Such stamps will become as hard as anelectrotype in a month, when they ar«

useless.A T.K.VDING PART.

tU'i -:'?mr~? ?!

C . vi PikESiqi

Tommy?Say, Tubby, wanter joinour theatricals?

Tubby (delighted)? You bet 1 do.Tommy- All right; come round to the

bam to-night. We're goin' to play "A

Moonlight Crime," an' we want you t'stick your head up over a fence.

Tubby?What for?Tommy?Th' moon. ?Judge.

A Sensible Sug(fMtiOD.

Uc What ran I do to convince youthat my love for you is entirely disin-terested?

She ?Keep away from the house andgtve better men a chance.?Once %
