Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014 - Ms. McFarland's...

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014 Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Take Out: - HW! - notes! - writing utensil Today: Intro: Nazi Germany Homework: Finish Worksheet! The Rise of Nazi Germany

Transcript of Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014 - Ms. McFarland's...

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Take Out:

- HW!

- notes!

- writing utensil


Intro: Nazi Germany

Homework: Finish Worksheet!

The Rise of Nazi Germany

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Quick Refresher...

What do we know about Germany in the 1910s and 1920s?

Quick Refresher...

1914 - 1918: lost in WWI

1919: Treaty of Versailles

- ...


1924: Dawes Plan

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

The 1920s:

1924 - 1928: Golden Years of Germany

- help from Dawes Plan

- Weimar Republic successful

- people recovering from WWI

The 1920s:

1924 - 1928: Golden Years of Germany

- help from Dawes Plan

- Weimar Republic successful

- people recovering from WWI

all changes with the Great Depression

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

National Socialist German Worker's Party

= Nazism

- will become Germany's

brand of Fascism

- a small, radical group of the party will take over all of Germany

Adolf Hitler: will become dictator of Germany

Background Info:

- born in Austria

- failed art student

- lived in poverty in Vienna

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Adolf Hitler: will become dictator of Germany

Background Info:

- born in Austria

- failed art student

- lived in poverty in Vienna

- WWI gave him meaning & purpose

- was destroyed when Germany lost

November, 1923: Beer Hall Putsch

- Hitler & others try to copy Mussolini's March on Rome

- try to take over Germany from Munich

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

November, 1923: Beer Hall Putsch

- Hitler put on trial

-> guilty!

- jail for 9 months

- wrote Mein Kampf

- "my struggle"

After prison, Hitler has made a name for himself in the Nazi party.

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Hitler's Goals for Germany

1. bring back German greatness

Hitler's Goals for Germany

1. bring back German greatness

2. create a Volksgemeinschaft

- "community of people"

- racist ideas about "Aryan" race and

what a German community should be

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Hitler's Goals for Germany

1. bring back German greatness

2. create a Volksgemeinschaft

- "community of people"

3. lebensraum = living space

- conquer parts of Europe

Late 1920s & Early 1930s

- Nazi Party grows in power & strength

- and - Hitler becomes their leader

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

Late 1920s & Early 1930s

- Nazi Party grows in power & strength

- Joseph Goebbels

- Minister of


Late 1920s & Early 1930s

- Nazi Party grows in power & strength

- Heinrich Himmler

- Head of Nazi SS

- paramilitary unit

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

The Great Depression will hit Germany particularly hard, and many will be willing to

look at new ways of doing things.

Hitler, a new leader, will promise opportunity and greatness for the German people.

Parliamentary Elections - Reichstag

1928: 2.8%

1930: 18.3%

1932: 38%

% of votes WON by Nazi party

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

1932: Presidential Election


President Paul von Hindenburg

1932: Hitler loses

Presidential election

to von Hindenburg

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

President Paul von Hindenburg

1932: Hitler loses

Presidential election

to von Hindenburg

- VH hated Hitler

President Paul von Hindenburg

1932: Hitler loses

Presidential election

to von Hindenburg

1933: von Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor

Rise of Nazi Germany May 27, 2014

President Paul von Hindenburg

1932: Hitler loses

Presidential election

to von Hindenburg

1933: von Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor

- now legally part of government