Rilevazione Strumentale Di Biofotoni Organizzati

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In tutta la letteratura riguardante le emissioni biofotoniche umane non risultano segnalazioni di fenomeni come questo, che implica emissione a fiotti di fotoni da una persona verso un’altra come tra i due soggetti della ricerca, Umberto Di Grazia e Florentina Zamfirescu Richeldi.Throughout the literature on human biophotonics emissions there aren't reports of phenomena like this, which involves emission streams of photons from one person to another like the one between the two research subjects, Umberto Di Grazia and Florentina Zamfirescu Richeldi."Unprecedented video and absolutely unique.It is the interaction between two psychic subjects, Umberto Di Grazia and Florentina Zamfirescu Richeldi at the research association IRC in Rome. In these images we see that these two subjects, in complete darkness, emit light quanta, just flashes of optical information... "Daniele Gullà

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