Right to education act (rte act) 2009


Transcript of Right to education act (rte act) 2009

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The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education,

Act, 2009





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Art 21-A inserted in Fundamental Rights as per 86th Constitutional Amendmnet:

The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine.

Consequential legislation::

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

Presidential assent received on 26th August, 2009.

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Right of Children


To free and compulsory admission, attendance and completion of EE.

Free: no child liable to pay any fee/expense preventing her from pursuing and completing EE.

Compulsion: on the state; parental duty to send children to school.

Not enrolled/dropout children be admitted to age appropriate class.

No child shall be failed or expelled upto class 8

Bars corporal punishment mental harassment.

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Qualification for appointment of teachers to be laid down by academic authority authorised by Central Government.

Academic responsibilities of teachers laid down Prohibits deployment of teachers for non-

education purpose, except for: Decennial census Disaster relief Elections to Parliament, State Legislatures, Local


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Norms and standards specified for all schools Infrastructure and related facilities Pupil Teacher Ratios – for each school School days; working hours for teachers Facilities

Community participation in schools ensured through SMC comprising elected reps, teachers and parents ¾ members from among parents of children

in the school; 50% women Proportionate representation to weaker and

deprived sections SMC to plan, manage and monitor – in

collaboration with the local authority

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All aided schools to provide free education to at least 25% children.

Special category schools and unaided schools to admit in Class I at least 25% children, belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group, from the neighbourhood, and provide free and compulsory elementary education.

No capitation fees No screening for admission No school without recognition.

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Curriculum and evaluation procedure laid down by prescribed academic authority should:

Conform to constitutional values Make child free from fear, trauma and anxiety Be child centred, child friendly; provide for

learning through activities Medium of instruction – child mother tongue

to the extent possible Provide for comprehensive and continuous

evaluation No Board examinations till completion of


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Duties: Central Government


Develop a national curriculum framework Develop and enforce standards of training of teachers Lay down minimum qualification for appointment of

teachers Prepare estimate of capital and recurring expenditure

Provide to States as GIA of revenues such percentage of expenditure as determined in consultation with State Governments

Request President to make reference to Finance Commission to examine need for additional resources to be provided to State Governments.

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Duties: Appropriate Government, Local Authority


Ensure free and compulsory education Establish schools in neighbourhood within 3 years Children belonging to weaker sections and

disadvantaged groups not to be discriminated against

Infrastructure, school building, teaching staff, learning equipment

Special training for previously not enrolled or drop out children to enable them to be at par with others

Monitoring of admission, attendance, completion of EE

Timely prescription of curriculum, courses of study, teachers’ training

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Protection of Right


Decentralised grievance redressal mechanism NCPCR/SCPCR assigned additional functions

Examine and review safeguards for rights under this Act, recommend measures for effective implementation

Inquire into complaints relating to child’s right to free and compulsory education

Powers assigned under Section 14 and 24 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Right Act

Where SCPCR not constituted, appropriate Government may constitute an Authority

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Next Steps:


Initiate action under delegated legislation; review existing state legislations on compulsory education and legislations on organisation and management of private schools.

Identify mechanisms for school and habitation mapping in order to define ‘neighbourhood’ , and ensure universal access

Notify plan for automatic progression from primary to upper primary; designate schools and feeder school

Identify schools that do not conform to norms and standards prescribed in schedule.

Review content and curriculum in line with Section 29.

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Next Steps:


Undertake redeployment of teachers to ensure PTR in all schools.

Review Cadre and Recruitment Rules for Teacher appointment

Untrained teachers should not be appointed in future,

Notify that teachers shall not be deployed for non-academic work,.

Notify that teachers shall not give private tuitions.

Ensure no-detention/no expulsion policy; ban corporal punishments.

No Board exams till completion of EE,

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Next Steps


Set up SMCs - Enforce management and supervision of schools with community support

Notify all panchayats, municipalities as local authority

Where SCPCRs are not constituted, constitute authority to perform functions in clause 31(1)

Ascertain which schools are under obligation to provide free seats for land/ Prescribe manner in which per-child expenditure will be reimbursed to other schools

Prescribe mechanism for private schools to obtain certificate of recognition

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Parameters for Costing


Establishing schools in the neighbourhood Upgrading all EGS / AIE into regular

schools Opening schools in unserved areas

Providing additional classrooms and facilities One classroom per teacher; office/store,

Head Teacher room Adequate drinking water Separate toilet facility for girls and boys Barrier free access.

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Parameters for Costing


Provision of adequate teachers Primary level

Enrolment upto : 2 teachers 60-90 : 3 teachers 90-120 : 4 teachers 120-150 : 5 teachers 150-200 : 5 teachers +

Headmaster > 200 : PTR not to exceed 40 +

Headmaster Upper Primary level

PTR 35:1, 1 teacher per class (Science & math, Social Studies, Language teacher)

Enrolment > 100 – One Head Teacher; Instructor for Art, Health and Physical Education and Work Education.

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Parameters for Costing


Mainstreaming out-of-school children Child entitlements:

textbooks/workbooks/stationary, uniforms Teacher Learning Equipment; library grant Teacher development

Pre-service training of existing untrained teachers

Pre-service training of new teachers to be appointed based on attrition rate

In-service training Inclusive education: Management Cost to include