Riding Light: Spring 2015

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  • 7/21/2019 Riding Light: Spring 2015


    \idifk HikbtZprifk 30

    Tb` \idifk Hikbt \`vi`w

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    0 pcp`rs af Zp`jich \`hctivity.

    \idifk Hikbt `g`rk`d aut ae c d`sir` ta pusb tb` laufdcri`s ae

    jr`ctivity tbraukb hcfkuck`, id`cs, cfd stary. [` l`hi`v` if tb` paw`r

    ae igckifctiaf, tb` eu`h ear aur id`cs cfd iffavctiaf. Tbis fatiaf

    ifspir`d tb` fcg` ae aur gckczif`.

  • 7/21/2019 Riding Light: Spring 2015




    @ditar if Jbi`eJyf J. L`rgud`z

    Z`fiar @ditarTcyhar Hcur`f \ass

    Cssajict` @ditar, Eijtiaf cfd Fafeijtiaf

    G`hissc \c Zbaef`r

    Cssajict` @ditar, ^a`tryOcrc Dafavcf

    Mufiar Japy @ditarZapbi` @d`f

    \`cd`rsMcgi` Bacfk

    \. H. Lhcjo

    34 Tb` \idifk Hikbt \`vi`w IZZF

  • 7/21/2019 Riding Light: Spring 2015




    @DITA\ICH ;

    C\TIZTZ 2

    ^batakrcpby Zbawjcs`^BATAK\C^BY

  • 7/21/2019 Riding Light: Spring 2015



    TB@ FAIZ@ AE YAP\ @F@GI@Z 29

    FacbDcvid H`if^batakrcpby= @vc cfd \cygafd ly Octby \udif

    ^a`tryHAAO CT BIG JCHGHY 30

    Jb`ryh Suiglc

    GAD@\F HAU@ :

  • 7/21/2019 Riding Light: Spring 2015



    JAG@ LY

    B`ctb`r \a`tta

    Ig if hav` witb c af`-crg`d gcf.

    Tb`y scy b` bcs oihh`d l`ear` cfd tb` hcw is haaoifk ear c af`-crg`dgcflut eahos b`r` t`hh c hat ae tbifks, cfd wb`r` cr` tb`y wb`f tb`twihikbt taujb`s tb` dcrof`ss af tb` barizaf cfd b` bahds gy ecj` ifbis bcfds, latb tb` pbcftag cfd tb` r`ch, cfd jchhs g` bis dcrhifk1

    Faw tbct I bcv` tb` af`-crg`d gcf, eri`fds daft jag` craufdlatb`rifk g fat cet`r I taao c tw`fty aut ae Gcrkcr`ts bcfdlckl`jcus` b` tahd g` ta. Tb` visits cfd tb` ifvit`s cfd tb` swifkifklys bcv` chh kaf` ta dust, lut I daft f``d tb`g l`jcus` I bcv` gyaf`-crg`d gcf. Cfd gy p`aph`, tb`y tbr`ct`f ta disawf g`, lut Ichr`cdy taao chh tb`y bcd ear tb` af`-crg`d gcf. Cfd I daft igckif`tb`r`hh l` gujb ae cf ifb`ritcfj` h`et, cfd sa I h`et tb`g ear tb` af -

    crg`d gcf.

    [` s`tth` if c sgchh phcj`, aut ae tb` wcy l`jcus` b` scys b` hio`s itqui`t. Tb`r` isft gujb ae c ycrd, lut tb`r`s c parjb, cfd w` sit,sag`tig`s bcrdhy sp`coifk c ward cs ecgihicrs ka, uftih b` phcj`s bisbcfds, latb tb` pbcftag cfd tb` r`ch, af bis of``s cfd stcfds. Ieahhaw big ifta tb` baus` cfd ifta aur l`d, lut l`ear` I da, I hctjbtb` sjr``f daar.

    Gast dcys I sit ct tb` oitjb`f tclh` cfd wctjb tb` af`-crg`d gcftbraukb tb` hitth` wifdaw, eihhifk tb` waadpih` ear c eir` tbct facgauft ae t`crs jcf qu`fjb. B` wip`s bis ear`b`cd if tb` Muf` b`ctcfd oijos tb` f`xt pi`j` ifta phcj`. B` swifks tb` cx` sa it jurv`sav`r bis b`cd cfd must l`ear` tb` lhcd` luri`s its`he if tb` tigl`r`db`crt, b` h`cfs earwcrd cfd l`cts cfd l`cts cfd l`cts tb` lr`ctb autae tb` waad uftih tb` dust `xbch`s. [b`f chh tb` waads jut cfd

    pih`d, tb` af`-crg`d gcf wip`s bis ear`b`cd afj` gar` cfd jag`sifsid`.

    Cs fikbt jr``ps if, gasquita`s cr` d`sp`rct` ear tb` wcrgtb ufd`rgy soif. I pifjb af` if gy `cr cfd sg`cr tb` drap ae r`d chafk gy

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    Lut yaur` witb @ggc, cfd @ggc chsa da`s sag` tbifks yau

    daft hio`.

    Zb` gcfipuhct`s tafku` gav`g`fts tawcrd yaur `crs, cfd yaupr`t`fd tbct it e``hs kaad, lut it da`sft. Its ufjageartclh`. Itsc w`t wihhy. [by wauhd cfyaf` da tbct1

    Cfd tb`f tb`r`s @ggcs jctjb pbrcs`= Baw jut`! Its b`rka-ta r`spafs` ear `v`rytbifk. @v`rytbifk is jut`. Tbifks tbct

    cr` cttrcjtiv`. Tbifks tbct cr` jh`v`r. Cfytbifk tbct r`gat`hyjaftcifs wit. ^ao`gaf cr` jut`. ^hcfoifk is jut`. Tbct g`g` aeL`rt wbisp`rifk if @rfi`s `cr, Bcih Bydrc, is jut`. Tbct likr`v`ch erag tb` gavi` Kaf` Kirh, wbijb yau bcv`ft s``f lutw`r` phcffifk ta, wbijb yau faw ofaw claut l`jcus` sb` tahdyaucfd its jut`. Chh ae tbis is suppas`d ta l` `fd`crifk. Tbisis tb` oifd ae tbifk tbct yau sbauhd r`g`gl`r y`crs erag faw,

    tbct sb` us`d ta scy tbis, cfd `v`ry tig` sb` did, yau sgih`d.

    Cfd @ggc must scid it, lut yaur` fat sgihifk. Yaur` krittifkyaur t``tb. Yau haao ct b`r cfd ofaw. Zb`s hivifk praae. Fat`v`rytbifk is jut`.

    Yau r`chiz` tbis fatiaf if jcpitch h`tt`rs. Its ufd`rhif`d if lahd.It puhs`s. It lr`ctb`s cs yau hi` f`xt ta @ggc af yaur sid` ae

    tb` l`d cfd wctjb b`r sh``p. Yauv` s``f tbis daf` if tb`gavi`s. [b`f p`aph` kcz` ct tb`ir hav`rs wbih` tb`y r`st, it ssuppas`d ta l` ragcftij. Tb`yr` scvarifk tbas` gag`fts.

    Lut fat yau. Yaur` t`ftctiv`hy cffay`d. Jrcfoy ear sur`.

    Its tb` ectiku`. Yau daft sh``p ct chh, `v`f tbaukb yaur``xbcust`d. Yau haao ct @ggcs lady, cfd tbifo claut Kw`f.

    [bcts sb` daifk rikbt faw1 [ba is sb` witb1 [bct wauhdKw`f haao hio`, ct tbct gag`ft, if yaur l`d sh``pifk1

    Tb` f`xt garfifk, tryifk ta jag` up witb c l`tt`r v`rsiaf aewbct ta scy tbcf, Ihh jchh yau,yau wcho @ggc ta b`r jcr.Lut

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    yaur` warf aut. Yau e``h hio` yauv` gcd` c gistco` sag`baw

    cfd jcft suggaf c l`tt`r cht`rfctiv` ta `v`rytbifk tbct yauv`daf` up ta tbis paift. Tb` l`st tbct yau jcf jag` up witb istbis= Ihh t`xt yau.

    @ggc driv`s cwcy, cfd yau tbifo claut it cet`rwcrd. Zifj` yauf`v`r eifisb`d, da`s tbct g`cf yaur` stihh c virkif1 Ie yau cr`,tb`f gcyl` yau jcf da tbifks diee`r`fthy. L`tt`r, tb` wcy it wcsg`cft ta l`, tb` wcy yau wcft`d. [itb Kw`f. Lut tbct isft

    ecir, yau tbifo. Fat ta @ggc. Fat ta yau. Fat ta cfyaf`.[bcts ecir1 If tb` `fd, fa af` cjtuchhy k`ts wbct`v`r it is tb`ywcft wb`f tb`y wcft it. [b`f tb`y f``d it. Yau f``d it faw.

    Yau sit af c staah if tb` oitjb`f ct tb` jauft`r stcrifk ifta cjup ae jaee`` jhaud`d l`ik` witb taa gujb jr`cg`r.

    Baw wcs yaur fikbt1 yaur hitth` lratb`r csos. B`s sgihifkcfd b` ofaws. Yau wafd`r claut tbct cfd baw sag` p`aph`cr` larf ofawifk. Lut faw, yau ofaw taa.

    Yau phcj` tb` DUD ae Ppaf tb` jauft`r.

    I kat hujoy,yau scy. Ig c gcf faw.

    B` phcj`s c phct` af tb` jauft`r cfd shid`s tb` gavi` cwcy, lutswip`s taa bcrd. It hcfds af tb` ehaar, cfd yau ofaw tbct yausbauhd, lut yau daft l`fd dawf ta pijo it up. Yau h`t it hi`tb`r`. Yau pijo up yaur pbaf` cfd sjrahh tbraukb yaurjaftcjts. Chpbcl`tijchhy, @ ka`s l`ear` K, cfd yau sjrahhpcst @ggc cfd stcrt typifk c tbr``-h`tt`r ward. Yau stcr` ct itl`ear` t`h`partifk it b`r wcy. B`y.

    Yaur lratb`r paurs gcph` syrup chh av`r bis wceeh`s cfd dipsbis lcjaf ifta tb` sukcry r`sidu`. B` pijos up tb` gavi` cfdsgih`s ct yau. B`s chwcys l``f tb` kaad-haaoifk af`.D`hiv`rifk tbis f`ws sbauhd kiv` yau r`hi`e. Tbifks sbauhd l` c

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