Ridgewood Y Summer Fall 14 Program Guide




Transcript of Ridgewood Y Summer Fall 14 Program Guide

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ExplorE EngagE ExpEriEncEridgEwood YMcaSuMMEr / Fall 2014MEMbErShip & prograM brochurE Ridgewood YMCA69-02 64th StReetRidgewood, NY 11385

P 212-912-2180 YMCANYC.oRg/Ridgewood fACebook.CoM/RidgewoodY

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whY wE’rE hErEFor nurturing the potential of every child and teen YouTh we believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what dEVElopMEnT they can achieve. that’s why, through the YMCA, millions of youth today are cultivating the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.

For improving our community’s health and well-being hEalThY In neighborhoods across the five boroughs, the YMCA is a leading voice on health liVing and well-being. the Y brings families closer together, encourages good health and fosters connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests. As a result, nearly 400,000 youth, adults and families are receiving the support, guidance and resources needed to achieve greater health and well-being for their spirit, mind and body.

For giving back and providing support to our neighbors Social the YMCA has been listening and responding to New York City’s most critical social rESponSibiliTY needs for 160 years. whether developing skills or emotional well-being through education and training, welcoming and connecting diverse demographic populations through global services, or preventing chronic disease and building healthier communities through collaborations with policy makers, the Y fosters the care and respect all people need and deserve.

we’re here for good. it’s been the signature phrase of New York City’s YMCA since early 2008, and it describes the Y’s commitment to building the foundations of—and strengthening—our communities, through nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving community health and well-being and providing opportunities to give back and support neighbors.

we’re here for you and your family. we’re here for the community. we’re here for good.

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MeMbershipY members receive full access to the facility’s fitness Center, gym, Locker rooms, and wi-fi in the building; priority registration for classes and programs; discounts on classes and programs rates; and six guest passes each year to share with friends. the option for a Queens-wide membership allows you to use any of the other four YMCAs in the borough – Long island City, Jamaica, flushing and Cross island – each of which offers quality facilities, programs, and a swimming pool.

Youth Membership Benefits Youth ages 5-11 years old & family Memberships are encouraged to participate in our free youth group fitness.

Teen Membership Benefits teens ages12 and up are able to use the Cardio Rooms, Strength training Center, and encouraged to participate in over 40 teen friendly group fitness classes seven days per week.

Child WatCh do you need someone to look after your child (ages 6 months - 7 years) while you work out? we’re here for you! You may bring your child (for a maximum of two hours per day) to the Ridgewood YMCA Child watch Program. kids will enjoy creative play in a fun, safe environment with responsible and experienced Ridgewood YMCA staff members.

this is a free service available to members only. Please make a reservation one hour prior to Child watch to secure your spot. walk-ins are welcome if space is available. to make a reservation please call 212-912-2180.

Volunteer opportunities when you volunteer at the Y, you take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood. As a program volunteer, board member or Annual Campaign fund raiser, you can make a difference for our Y and the community as a whole. to learn more, please contact Lakeisha harris, x4810 or [email protected].

Job opportunitiesVisit ymcanyc.org/careers for open positions in our staff family at the Ridgewood YMCA or at one of more than 100 sites throughout the five boroughs and at our New York YMCA Camp upstate.

gET EngagEdWe know firsthand how difficult it can be to find balance in life. That’s why we’re here with you every day, making sure that you, your family, and our community have the resources and support needed to learn, grow and thrive.

With a focus on developing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and giving back and supporting our neighbors, your participation will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but in your community too. Here are some of the ways you can get involved.

MoNTHlY FeeSMembership Types Ridgewood Y Queens-wide City-wide Joiner’s Fee

Youth (up to 11)* $130/year n/a n/a n/a

Teen (12 - 17) $217/year n/a n/a n/a

Student** $36/month $54 $78 $75 / $125 / $125

Adult (18 - 64) $45/month $67 $97 $75 / $125 / $125

Senior (65+) $36/month $54 $78 $75 / $125 / $125

Family I (1 Adults & kids)***

$56/month $95 $114 $75 / $125 / $125

Family II (2 Adults & kids)****

$82/month $120 $172 $75 / $125 / $125

*Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult when using the facility

**Any age, full time, 12+ credits, must bring copy of transcript

***1 Adult and kids under 18 years, living in the same household

****2 Adults and kids under 18 years, living in the same household

whY wE’rE hErE

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You may know the Y for our pools, classes, gyms, basketball courts or summer camps, but in New York City the Y is so much more. We also offer transformative programs in teen leadership, afterschool learning, work readiness, cultural assimilation and international exchange for young New Yorkers.

All of it free or at low cost for those who need it most.

That’s where you come in. Help us make the city stronger as we reach people of all ages and all backgrounds in every borough. When you volunteer or give, you’re building a stronger New York City.

With your help we can do so much more.

The Y. So Much More™

Please give today. ymcanyc.org/give

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ridgEwood Y inForMaTionSTaFF liSTing

LaKeisha Harris Executive Director X4810, [email protected]

La-Vena Francis Membership & Healthy Lifestyles Director X4804, [email protected]

Cortnie McGinnis Youth and Family Director X4812, [email protected]

Megan Straka Early Childhood Director X4805, [email protected]

Dmitri Tartsokov Head Engineer X4815, [email protected]

hourS oF opEraTionMonday - Friday: 6:00 am - 10:00 pmSaturday -Sunday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Teen HoursMonday - Friday: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pmSaturday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

holidaY hourS

independence day Friday, July 4 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

labor day Monday, September 1 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Christmas eve Wednesday, December 24 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Christmas day Thursday, December 25 Closed

New Year’s eve Wednesday, December 31 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

New Year’s day Thursday, January 1 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

On these holidays, group exercise classes, child watch, early childhood programs and youth programs, will not be available.

2014 SuMMEr/FallSESSion & rEgiSTraTion daTES

SPRiNg RegiSTRATioN dATeSMembers: April 13, 2014Non-Members: April 20, 2014

SeSSioN 3 dATeSApril 28, 2014 - June 22, 2014

BReAk: June 23, 2014 - June 29, 2014

SuMMeR RegiSTRATioN dATeSMembers: June 15, 2014Non-Members: June 22, 2014

SeSSioN 4 dATeSJune 30, 2014 - August 24, 2014

BReAk: August 25, 2014 - September 1, 2014

Fall i rEgiSTraTion daTESMember: August 17, 2014Non-Member: August 24, 2014

SeSSioN 5 dATeS:September 2, 2014 - october 26, 2014

Fall ii rEgiSTraTion daTESMember: october 12, 2014Non-Member: october 19, 2014

SeSSioN 6 dATeS:october 27, 2014 - december 21, 2014Contact us: Phone: (212) 912-2180 | Email: [email protected]

Web: ymcanyc.org/ridgewood | facebook.com/RidgewoodY

conTEnTSAdult ProgrAms ................................................................. 6

AquAtiC ProgrAms ............................................................. 9

FAmily ProgrAms .............................................................. 10

sPeCiAl events CAlendAr .................................................11

eArly Childhood ProgrAms ........................................... 12

youth ProgrAms .............................................................. 14

teen ProgrAms ................................................................. 16

membershiP inFormAtion ...............................................20

ymCA oF greAter ny loCAtions ......................bACk Cover

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diScoVEringwEllnESSadulT/oldEr adulT wEllnESS prograMShow do you define wellness? Whatever your goals, the y is ready to support you on your journey toward improved health. schedules are available at member services. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE STARTING AN EXERCISE PROGRAM.

FiTnESS oriEnTaTionNew to the Y? We offer a complimentary fitness orientation with one of our staff for all new members as an introduction to our cardiovascular and strength training equipment. Appointments can be scheduled at Member Services.

Y pErSonal FiTnESS prograMif you’ve been thinking about exercising but don’t know where to begin, the Y Personal fitness Program is for you. it’s designed for those new to exercising or those who haven’t exercised for some time and want instruction, support, and motivation. the Y Personal fitness Program will help you develop and maintain a physically active lifestyle to meet your own personal needs and goals. the 12 week program includes four sessions with a Y Personal fitness Coach. Please sign up for Y Personal fitness at Member Services. this program is fRee for all YMCA members.

pErSonal TrainingLooking for a new challenge or need some additional motivation? A certified YMCA Personal Trainer can be just what you need. Our trainers will evaluate your health history and lifestyle to design a program that will specifically meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. See next page for Personal training options.

For MorE inForMaTion on adulT wEllnESS prograMS conTacT:

La-Vena Francis at ext 4804 or [email protected]

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SMall group pErSonal TrainingFor 3-6 friends with similar fitness abilities, small group training offers a higher level of training than you find in most exercise classes with individualized attention without sacrificing the camaraderie you find in group workouts.

# sessions - 60 min memberssingle session $25 / per personPackage of 5 sessions $120 / per personPackage of 10 sessions $230 / per personPackage of 20 session $440 / per person

SEMi-priVaTE pErSonal TrainingYou and your friend can share the cost and reap the benefits of semiprivate training. enjoy the motivation and camaraderie while achieving major results.

# sessions - 60 min memberssingle session $38 / per personPackage of 5 sessions $180 / per personPackage of 10 sessions $340 / per personPackage of 20 session $640 / per person

pErSonal onE-on-onE Training & MaSSagE ThErapY pErSonal onE-on-onE Training our trainers will evaluate your health history and lifestyle to design a program that will specifically meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

MaSSagE ThErapY enjoy a therapeutic massage at the Ridgewood YMCA. our clinically trained and licensed staff are available to enhance your workouts, increase your flexibility, release your tension, help relieve pain and promote healing.

# sessions - 30 min members non-memberssingle session $45 $60

# sessions - 60 min members non-memberssingle session $55 $70Package of 5 sessions $275 $325Package of 10 sessions $535 $640Package of 20 session $960 $1,200

personal Training, Semi-private and Massage Therapy cancellations and policies: A client may cancel directly with the trainer/therapist without penalty by giving 24 hours notice. if notice is not given within a 24-hour period, the client will be charged for the session. All sessions are valid for one year from date of purchase. only YMCA personnel are permitted to conduct personal training/massage therapy sessions within the facility.

TaKE conTrolrEducE Your diabETES riSK and gain ToolS For hEalThY liVing Through ThE YMca’S diabETES prEVEnTion prograM. if you are at high risk for type 2 diabetes, this program can help you adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles that will help you reduce your chances of developing diabetes. abouT ThE prograM in a classroom setting, a trained lifestyle coach will help facilitate a small group of participants in learning about healthier eating, physical activity and other behavior changes over the course of 16 one-hour sessions. After the initial 16 core sessions, participants meet monthly for added support to help them maintain their progress.

prograM goalS: • Reduce body weight by 7%• Increase physical activity to 150 minutes per week

who can parTicipaTE? in order to qualify for the program, you must be at least 18 years old, overweight (bMi > 25) and at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes or have been diagnosed with prediabetes† by a healthcare provider.

The national price for the program is $429.00 per person. check with your health insurance provider to see if the cost is covered. Financial assistance is also available. For any additional information please call Judy Ouziel at 212-912-2524. †individuals who have already been diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes do not qualify for this program.

For more information contact Judy Ouziel at 212-912-2524 or email [email protected]

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acTiVE oldEr adulTS (aoa)

SilverSneakers® Classic- Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.

YogaStretch® - Will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and a final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity.

Zumba Gold® - Using the Zumba® formula this class modifies the moves and pace to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. This class incorporates Latin music, such as salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton. Come experience this exhilarating and easy-to-follow class.


bosu® Cardio - Challenge your coordi-nation and functional strength like never before with BOSU ball training. BOSU will provide a complete workout—total body strength, cardio and balance training—like you have never experienced before. Cardio Kickboxing -This high energy class blends athletic drills with martial arts to create an intense cardiovascular workout.

Dance Aerobics - A rhythmic choreographed aerobic workout that provides a challenging and fun workout.

^Step - A great cardio workout of all fitness levels. Using an aerobic setop with or without risers, class members step up and down to the music giving a complete upper and lower body workout.

^Spinning® - A great cardio workout of simulated road bike riding to energizing music, appropriate for all fitness levels. You can adjust your workout to match your personal level. The instructors will lead you on a ride designed to improve your fitness on a variety of levels.

^Zumba® - Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music, utilizing dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effec-tive fitness program. The routines feature aerobic interval training with a combina-tion of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body.


^Belly Dancing – A dance movement class that focuses on the core muscles, emphasizing muscular isolations. Dance to Middle Eastern rhythms while learning traditional movements and combinations.

Hip Hop - A cardiovascular workout using urban upbeat Hip Hop music. This class teaches step by step movements with fun choreography, so you can get your feet moving and your heart pumping.

Masala Bhangra® - A high energy non-stop cardio dance program that burns calories, provides overall toning, and builds stamina by combining dynamic bhangra steps with dramatic Bollywood moves. Its easy-to-follow format makes it fun for everyone to enjoy!

Soca AFRO-bics® - A high intensity dance fitness class fused with African dance, African music, West Indian dance, & Soca music! Along with the dance com-ponent, the class also contains drills and some kickboxing to further enhance that full body workout! It’s a fun way to dance, lose weight, & tone all in one class!

cardio STrEngTh

Boot Camp - An efficient circuit training workout that challenges your entire body, utilizing calisthenics such as pushups, jumping jacks, crunches and other body weight exercises.

Cardio Sculpt– This class combines hi-low aerobics and strength training moves utilizing different equipment to increase your heart rate and get your muscles toned.

H.I.I.T: A total body workout consisting of high intensity interval training. Cardio, Strength, and Ab intervals will be thrown in and mixed up each week to keep your body on it’s toes. Each muscle group is worked to fatigue using a circuit format that incor-porates cardiovascular segments to keep the heart rate elevated.

^Kettle Bells - This is a total body work-out that blends highly effective techniques for improving muscular endurance, total body coordinated movements and cardio-vascular conditioning. Each movement and progression is taught with an emphasis on safety, highlighting essential body align-ment. Take your body to the next level with Kettlebell training!

Punk Rope® - A high energy, fun fitness class, combining rope jumping with a wide variety of creative conditioning drills. Beginners are welcome and ropes are provided.

Tabata Spin® - Tabata Spin classes are intense so come ready to sweat! The primary focus of Tabata is short, intense bouts of exercise. Tabata Spin combines intense Spinning and Strength training to confuse the muscles and help you break through plateaus and boost your energy. Come see if Tabata Spin is for you and take your fitness to the next level!

Total Body Conditioning - A full body workout designed to strengthen and tone the upper and lower body using an assort-ment of fitness equipment.

FlExibiliTY | balancE | corE

^Core Training - This class focuses on abdominal, back and core muscle training and stabilization to improve the body’s overall functional strength.

Mat Pilates - Based on original Pilates techniques, this class is designed to restoremuscular balance, improve posture, helps prevent injury and build strength and flexibility. All levels welcome.

Mind & bodY

Yoga – A yoga class that integrates postures, breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation to stretch, strengthen, and condition. All classes taught as Vinyasa style. All levels are welcome.

Power Yoga – Certain to get you hot under the collar by bringing you out in a healthy sweat, you’ll find Power Yoga is good for weight loss, flexibility, circulation and strength, and because you spend time focusing on your posture and breathing, it can help you unwind and relax too. injury and build strength and flexibility.

adulT group ExErciSEAll Adult Exercise Classes are FREE for YMCA members! Participants must be 18 to participate. Complete schedules are available at Member Services.

^Teen Friendly – Children over the age of 14 with parental consent or participation.

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FrEE SwiM, lap SwiM, & FaMilY SwiMYour Queens-wide or City-wide membership will allow you to swim at any eligible YMCA during its scheduled lap swim and family swim times. Contact your favorite aquatic branch for full details and schedule.

SwiM lESSonSYour Ridgewood YMCA membership entitles you to swimming lessons at member rates at any other YMCAs in New York City. YMCA aquatics are about water safety, skill development and fun for everyone: we have an aquatic program for every skill level and interest. our programs are about more than just techniques and skills; they are about building friendships, developing self-esteem and creating positive experiences that last a lifetime. lessons are available for all ages! contact your favorite aquatic YMca for schedules and fees.

nEarEST aQuaTic YMcaS See full list of YMCAs on back cover

norTh brooKlYn YMca 570 Jamaica Ave, Brooklyn long iSland ciTY YMca 32-23 Queens Boulevard, Queens

MaKE a SplaSh YMca aQuaTic prograMS

parEnT & child claSSES agES 6 - 36 MonThS our Parent and Child classes help everyone to get comfort-able in the water.

prESchool aQuaTicSAges 3 - 5 yeARsour Preschool Aquatics classes teach the basic swim skills and water safety.

School agEd aQuaTicSagES 6 - 12 YEarSour School aged Aquatics classes teach swim skills, safety and confidence.

TEEn aQuaTicS Ages 13 - 17 yeARsSwim classes just for teens - learn swim skills, water safety and gain confidence.

adulT aQuaTicS agES 18 and upit’s never to late to learn to swim. A lifetime skill, swim-ming is fun and good to know. Classes are based on levels and start out with those individuals who have a fear of the water.

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The Ridgewood YMCA creates meaningful experiences for every member of your family. Enjoy lower rates on all youth programs, activities, and access to free special events with a family membership. Family fun for everyone!

FaMilY prograMS

plaY TogEThErChIld WAtCh | Ages 6 MOnths - 7 yeARsdo you need someone to look after your child while you work out? we’re here for you! You may bring your child (for a maximum of two hours per day) to the Ridgewood YMCA Child watch Program. kids will enjoy creative play in a fun, safe environment with responsible Ridgewood YMCA staff members. See Member Services for complete schedule. Please make a reservation one hour prior to Child watch to secure your spot. walk-ins are welcome if space is available. to make a reservation please call 212-912-2180.

Members: Free | non-Members: Sorry, members only

FaMilY claSSES | all agESfamily classes are open to family members of all ages. to ensure the best experience, both parent and child need to be active participants. Some family members may thrive in different classes, so be sure to try them all to find the best match for your family!

FAMILY RECREATIONAL BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL open court time for adults and youth to play together. Members: Free | non-Members: $70

FrEE FaMilY Fun SundaYS | all agESwe invite you and your family to join us once a month for a fRee fun family event! this is a great way to spend quality time with your family, stay active, healthy, and enjoy all that the Ridgewood Y has to offer. Light refreshments provided, raffles for prizes, and special presentations. Upcoming dates: June 22, July 27, August 24, and September 21.

Members: Free | non-Members: Free

FaMilY FuSion | agES 8 & up A cardiovascular, strength training and toning program for the whole family. this class is a combined exercise and social experience for kids and their parents including running, jumping rope, hand-held weights, and playing games that involve physical activity. family fusion class focuses on exercise and making physical fitness a regular part of your lifestyle. Members: Free | non-Members: $96

Y KidS zonE | agES 8 - 11 YEarS our game-room is a fun and safe place for your kids to stay while you workout in the facility. our staff will keep your kids engaged in board-games and other recreational activities with their peers. See Member Services for complete schedule.

Members: Family Members only | non-Members: n/a

FaMilY craFTErS | agES 8 - 12 YEarS designed for kids ages 8-12 and their parents, kids learn about the different forms of arts & crafts and work on artistic projects they can take home. Please see Member Services for complete schedule and details.

Members: Free | non-Members: $96/session

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FaThEr’S daY brEaKFaST Social

Saturday, June 14 9:00 - 11:30 am

Join brothers, sons, friends, and loved one as we celebrate fathers at our social breakfast gathering. enjoy a wonderful morning with wonderful people!

MEMbEr apprEciaTion daY

Saturday, June 21 12:00 -2:00 pm

Join us as we celebrate and recognize our members commitment to the YMCA. for more information, contact La-Vena francis, Membership and healthy Lifestyles director at [email protected].

FaMilY MoViE TriVia nighT!

Friday, July 18 6:30 - 9:00 pm

All ages are invited to a fun evening full of laughs and quality time with friends and family. Participants will have the opportunity to will cool YMCA prizes by answering trivia questions pertaining to a classic movie favorite!

TEEn cEnTEr hawaiian luau

Saturday, august 9 8:00 - 11:00 pm

All teens are invited to our summer hawaiian Luau where you can meet new friends, register for other programs, and win cool Y swag!

3-daY boo FESTiVal

october 2014

keep an eye out for more details regarding our 3 day boo festival. Activities include: halloween costume party for children and adults, dog costume contest and parade, and themed movie night.

MarK YourcalEndarS!

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EarlY lEarning

ToddlEr claSSES

arT & plaY | 2 - 4 YEarS our Art and Play class covers six basic art areas: collage, painting, clay, drawing, print-making, and construction. the children experience the art materials at their own pace. our instructors use materials that are satisfying to the eye and stimulating to the touch. the instructor’s philosophy is that it is the process, not the finished product that is important when tapping into the child’s creative spirit. in this class, we have fun with art for 45 minutes and then finish up the hour with lively stories, singing or dancing!

Members: $110 – 1x week $121 - 2x week $144 – 3x week non-Members: $149 – 1x week $163 - 2x week $190 – 3x week

biTTY SoccEr & biTTY baSKETball | 3 - 4 YEarS Children have fun and learn the fundamentals of sports in a structured setting. Class consists of structured Soccer/basketball activities. Children will build confidence, develop teamwork and learn social skills and the basics of sports in a positive and fun environment! for more information please contact Cortnie Mcginnis at [email protected].

Members: $60 – 1x week non-Members: $76 – 1x week

iMaginaTion ThEaTrE | 3 - 4 YEarS This a great first theatre experience using stories as the basis for imaginative play. Participants will work with a different story each week to explore characters, settings, and plot. this class is a wonderful way for children to learn to express their emotions and interact with their peers. Join us on Saturday mornings!

Members: $60 – 1x week non-Members: $76 – 1x week

lET’S gET rEadY | 2 - 3 YEarS Your child is growing bigger and it may be time to expand their little universe. this 75-minute class is designed to enhance and explore your child’s curiosity, as well as develop intellectual, emotional and social skills. family areas, role playing, art, music activities, and manipulative objects provide a challenging environment for your child. the goal of this class is to develop independence and ease first time separation.

Members: $88 – 1x a week $110 – 2x a week $135 – 3x a week non-Members: $119 – 1x a week $149 – 2x a week $182 – 3x a week

on our waY | 3 - 4 YEarS Children will explore their independence and learn to socialize with their peers in the fun-filled class through exploration, role playing, arts and crafts, and circle time. the objective of the class is for us to help your child learn the necessary skills to succeed in a school setting.

Members: $110 – 2x week $ 135 – 3x week non-Members: $149 – 2x week $182 – 3x week

ThE hElEn M. MarShall EarlY childhood EducaTion cEnTErThe Ridgewood YMCA creates meaningful experiences for your youngest family members. See Member Services for complete schedules.

For MorE inForMaTion on EarlY lEarning prograMS conTacT: Megan Straka at x4850 or [email protected]

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rEadY, SET, SciEncE | 3-4 YEarS this class will provide hands-on exploration of the wonders of science. experiments, fascinating discoveries and real learning await your youngster.

Members: $110 – 3x week non-Members: $149 – 3x week

prESchool prograMS

MY liTTlE acadEMY | 2.9 - 4 YEarS we offer the Creative Curriculum, a teaching method which helps teachers organize their rooms into interest areas filled with enriched activities through hands on learning in science, literacy, language, social studies, math, sports, and the arts, such as dance and music. Children are taught by highly qualified, certified teachers and personnel.

through programs like My Little Academy , we nurture kids’ sense of self-confidence and introduce them to positive, fun activities that build education, social, and interpersonal skills. Also your child can participate in our clubhouse program. Clubhouse is a structured program including activities such as science, music and movement, sports, arts and crafts, enrichment activities, and fun hands on projects.

full day 9:00 am - 3:00 pm half day 9:00 am - 11:30 am or 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

AM Clubhouse: 7:30 am - 9:00 am PM Clubhouse: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

***Clubhouse hours FREE with sign up.

Members: non-Members: 5 Full Days $845/mo. $890/mo.3 Full Days $510/mo. $565/mo.5 ½ Days $470/mo. $490/mo.3 ½ Days $365/mo. $415/mo.

A $50 non-refundable registration fee will hold a place for your child in the program. This fee will be applied to the first month’s bill.

upK: uniVErSal prE-KindErgarTEn | 4 YEarS the Ridgewood YMCA offers NYC’s free Universal Pre-Kindergarten, a quality program five days a week!

we offer two sessions: AM: 9:00 am - 11:30 am PM: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

each of our 2.5 hour sessions has openings for 18 children. Children are taught by highly qualified certified teachers and teacher’s assistants. the curriculum places a high priority on creating an environment in the classroom that encourage children to experiment, explore, and pursue their own interests. this program runs with the NYC doe school calendar from September to June. Children must be 4 years old by december of the current school year, in order to participate. Limited space available.

EarlY childcarE caMp | 3 - 4.5 yeARs the Ridgewood YMCA early Childhood Center presents MLA SUMMER! This fun-filled preschool is the best of both worlds - summer fun mixed with preschool discovery and learning! Children will discover, learn, and grow from a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, instructional play, and theme-based lessons. All this summer fun is planned and led by our certified and trained teachers.

parTiES enjoy your next party or function right here at the Ridgewood YMCA! Choose from several rooms and party packages. tables and chairs provided. our staff team would love to help host your next event. we specialize in Sports Parties, birthday Parties, dance Parties, Arts and Crafts Parties, toddler Parties, and much more!

Just ask Member Services for more information on parties and space rentals or reach out to Cortnie Mcginnis, x4812 or [email protected].

wheN: Mondays - Sundays tiMeS: Varies LoCAtioNS: gymnasium, studio, and classrooms PRiCe: Member and non-member pricing available depending upon party chosen

cElEbraTE Your SpEcial daY!

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growing STrong

suMMeR dAy CAMp | 4.6-17 yeARs get a jump start on planning your child’s 2013 summer adventure. through programs like day camp, we nurture your child’s sense of self confidence and introduce them to positive and fun experiences. See Member Services for our day camp guide, which includes program details and prices.

SlEEpawaY caMpour New York YMCA Camp in upstate huguenot isn’t the only Y outside Ridgewood, but it’s the one that you want when you want your child to make friends and memories for a lifetime. Visit newyorkymcacamp.org to learn more.

y AFteRsChOOl ACAdeMy At ps 305over 120 kids spend 3:00 - 6:00 pm of every school day with our caring and supporting staff. Y After School is geared to further enriching kids’ academic development, engaging them in healthy physical activity and fostering positive social interactions. Students participate in homework help, Y academies, and activities that promote healthy lifestyles.

dancE | agES 2-13 YEarSour dance classes here at Ridgewood allow your child to progress from one level to the next! Children have the option of participating in special YMCA showcases and presentations.

ages 2-4 years creative Movement Ages 5-7 years pre-Ballet ages 8-10 years beginner ballet ages 11-13 years intermediate ballet

Saturdays 9:00 -1:00 pm Members: $62 - 1x week non-Members: $84 - 1x week

FIt KIds | Ages 5-12 yeARsRun, jump, catch, dance and have fun! this class is about moving, staying healthy and having fun! free for members! Registration required.

tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm Saturdays 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Members: FrEE - 1x week non-Members: $50 - 1x week

KIds CRAFts | Ages 5-12 yeARsJoin us for fun arts and crafts every week! kids have a great time painting, drawing, and being creative with art.

wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Members: $50 - 1x week non-Members: $74 - 1x week

The Ridgewood YMCA provides after school, day and weekend programming for children ages 4 to 12 years. We offer a host of programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body through intellectual, social and recreational activities. The Ridgewood YMCA is a safe haven for all youth.

YouTh prograMS

For MorE inForMaTion on YouTh prograMS conTacT: Cortnie McGinnis at x4812 or [email protected]

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yOuth & Adult pRIvAte MusIC lessOns | Ages 5+ guitar and violin lessons for all ages! Learn a new instrument this season.

Members: $163 - 8 lessons non-Members: $220 - 8 lessons

YouTh SporTS

BAsKetBAll | Ages 5-12 yeARsLearn and master the basics of passing, dribbling, and shooting. Practice your offense and defense in fun scrimmages as well. thursdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5 - 8 years 5:00 - 6:00 pm 9 - 12 years Members: $62 - 1x week non-Members: $84 - 1x week

KARAte | Ages 5-12 yeARsLearn basic punches, strikes, blocks and kicks while gaining focus, strength and coordination. karate at the Y is all about teamwork, respect and patience - not combat or self-defense. Parents can choose one or two days for this class. Summer schedules vary, please see Member Services for updated karate days and times. fridays 6:00 - 7:00 pm 5 - 8 years 7:00 - 8:00 pm 9 - 12 years tuesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm 4 - 7 years 7:00 - 8:00 pm 8 - 12 years Members: $62 - 1x week $107 - 2x week non-Members: $84 - 1x week $144 - 2x week

sOCCeR | Ages 5-12 yeARsget the ball rolling and improve your skills through engaging warm-ups, activities and games, all while having fun! tuesdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm 5 - 8 Years 5:00 - 6:00 pm 9 - 12 Years Members: $56 - 1x week Non-Members: $76 - 1x week

zuMba® KIds | Ages 7-11 yeARs The Zumba® Kids program is the ultimate dance-fitness party for young Zumba fans ages 7-11, where they can play it loud and rock with friends! Age-appropriate music and moves get kids movin’ to the beat. it’s all about feeling fearless on the dance floor, reinforcing the idea that it’s okay to just be yourself and dance like no one’s watching! Kids will enjoy fitness each week while being introduced to choreographed basic dance steps (cumbia, hip hop, merengue, salsa, and more) in a fun way with music they will love. Registration required.

Saturdays 11:00 - 11:45 am Members: FrEE - 1x week non-Members: Sorry members only

zuMba® KidS Jr. | agES 4 - 6 YEarS Zumba® kids Jr. classes are a dance party for lil’ feet where pint-sized party animals get silly, dream big, and begin their journey to a healthy future. kids can let loose and be themselves – little bundles of natural energy that move to age-appropriate music while they interact with other kids. Registration required.

Saturdays 12:00 - 12:45 pm Members: FrEE - 1x week non-Members: Sorry members only

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EMErging lEadErScounSElor-in-Training prograM (ciT) Ages 15 - 18 yeARsour C.i.t. program, housed at grover Cleveland high School, is a 10 week internship/job readiness program to help teens develop their workforce readiness skills. Participants receive a stipend when they complete the programs’ required hours.

Monday - Saturdays Meets at PS 305

Members: Free | non-Members: Free

TEEn rEcrEaTional baSKETball | agES 12 - 18 YEarSJoin in pick up games with peers.

weekdays 3:00 - 5:00 pm weekends & holidays 1:00 - 6:00 pm

Members: Free | non-Members: Sorry, members only

teen spORts COndItIOnIng | Ages 12 - 17 yeARstrain like an athlete with boxing, basketball and football conditioning drills. high intensity workout for those looking to take their workout to a whole new le

fridays 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Members: Free | non-Members: Sorry, members only

TEEn wEllnESS | agES 12 - 18 YEarSKeep active and moving with a workout in the fitness center. Teens must complete an orientation before using the fitness center.

weekdays 3:00 - 6:00 pm weekends & holidays 1:00 - 6:00 pm

Members: Free | non-Members: Sorry, members only

TEEn cEnTEr | agES 12 - 18 YEarSteen Center is a drop in program that is open to all teens ages 12-17. teens choose from a variety of programs that include, playing in our game Corner (wii, board games, air hockey, Ping Pong and foosball), Crafty teens (art, sculpt, paint, draw and design), weight training and Cardio workouts, teen dance, girls basketball, boys basketball and Co-ed Volley ball. teen Center is every Saturday evening. Please see Member Services for complete schedule and details.

Members: Free | non-Members: Free

TEEn cEnTEr aT groVEr clEVEland high School teen Center at grover Cleveland high School is designed to further enrich teens’ academic development, engaging them in healthy physical activity and fostering positive social interactions. 100 teens participate in home work help, leadership, college & job readiness workshops, dance, art. Participants’ attend teen led empowerment groups - all which support healthy lifestyles for the mind, body and soul. on fridays, teens take part in fitness fridays between 4:00 - 6:00 pm. teens use Ridgewood YMCA’s fitness center to participate in cardio and weight training work out sessions as a group.

teen CheFs & CO | Ages 12 - 17 yeARs designed for teens ages 12-17, teens learn about nutrition and the culinary arts. they learn how to make a variety of different snacks and meals while spending quality time with their peers. Please see Member Services for complete schedule and details.

TEEn prograMS

For MorE inForMaTion on TEEn prograMS conTacT: Cortnie McGinnis at x4812 or [email protected]

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inTErnaTional SErVicES GROWING OUR FUTURE GLOBAL LEADERSthe YMCA offers life-changing cultural exchange programs for young people globally. working within the YMCA network – with our local, national and international partners – we bring people together through our vari-ous programs: Y global TEEnS, Y global lEadErS, Y-To-Y parTnErShipS, un rElaTionS, and VolunTEEr prograMS.

Since 1911, our programs have been working to build global citizens by enhancing mutual understanding, fostering the exchange of ideas, and bringing people together for peace.

For more information contact dio gica at 212-875-4336 or [email protected]


SMarT. STrong.FaST.

onlinE rEgiSTraTion is

Just like You!Take a look at our website and get acquainted with our onlinE rEgiSTraTion! by logging on to our website you will be able to find all we offer by a click of a button.


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iT’S abouT ThE wholE pErSonhEalTh & wEll-bEing For cancEr SurViVorS

the Y and LiVeSTrong joined together to create LiVeSTrong at the YMCA, a physical activity and well-being program designed to help adult cancer survivors achieve their holistic health goals. the research-based program offers people affected by cancer a safe, supportive environment to participate in physical and social activities focused on strengthening the whole person.

Participants work with Y staff trained in supportive cancer care to achieve their goals, such as building muscle mass and strength; increasing flexibility and endurance; and improving confidence and self-esteem. In addition to physical benefits, LIVESTrong at the YMCA focuses on the emotional well-being of survivors and their families by providing a supportive community where people impacted by cancer can connect during treatment and beyond.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Judy Ouziel at 212-912-2524 or email [email protected]


YMca nEw aMEricanS wElcoME cEnTErS our multilingual resource and referral centers provide immigrant families with a wide array of instructional, vocational, recreational, family support, and social services including:

• English as a Second Language• Cultural Orientation• Citizenship Preparation• Job Readiness• Computer Literacy• Adult Literacy• GED Preparation

rEgiSTraTion/prE-TESTing & claSS SchEdulE

plEaSE ViSiT ThE wEbSiTE ForwinTEr/Spring cYclE

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caliFornia pizza 71-03 80th Street

rudY’S paSTrY 905 Seneca Avenue

FaJiTa SunriSE 59-29 Myrtle Avenue

norMa’S caFé 59-02 Catalpa Avenue

ThE aVEnuE bar & grill 71-22 Myrtle Avenue

boSna ExprESS 791 fairview Avenue

SupEr pollo 865 woodward Avenue

bElgioioSo chEESE co 60-16 gates Avenue

ROOM 55 75-01 88th Street

SouThErn gracE caTErErS 116-46 204th Street

bElla lEna 64-02 fresh Pond Road

barE burgEr 33-21 31st Avenue

aVon 67-20 fresh Pond Road

anTica TraTToria 68-10 fresh Pond Road

brooKlYn brEwErY 79 N 11th Street

King wah 64-17 fresh Pond Road

MarTin luThEr high School 60-02 Maspeth Avenue

proMoloux epromoloux.com

QuEEnS winES and liQuorS 59-03 71st Avenue

handbag MadaME thehandbagmadame.com

capiTol onE banK 67-09 fresh Pond Road

grand FloriST 65-37 grand Avenue

Mil-ruE pharMacY 66-87 fresh Pond Road

poliSh SlaVic crEdiT union 140 greenpoint Avenue

ridgEwood SaVingS banK 71-02 forest Avenue

STop and Shop 875 woodward Avenue

local buSinESS parTnErShipS

Be a part of the impact. Join your neighboring local businesses in supporting the Y today. To find out more information about how your business can be a part of the community please contact LaKeisha Harris at 212 912-2180 or [email protected].

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Joining ThE cauSEMEMbErShip inForMaTion

MissionThe YMCA of Greater New York is a community service organization that promotes positive values through programs that build spirit, mind and body, welcoming all people with a focus on youth.

POLICY OF NON-DISCRIMINATIONYMCA membership is available to all persons regardless of race, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or financial circumstances. The YMCA welcomes families and persons of all ages, income levels, and physical conditions with an emphasis on responsibility and self-improvement.

MEMBERSHIP GUARANTEEMembership in the YMCA is fully guaranteed. Members who are not completely satisfied with their YMCA mem-bership are entitled to a refund of any unused portion of their membership.

MeMbership Cards MeMbership Card The Branch membership card

must be presented and scanned in order to gain access into a YMCA facility.

PROGRAM CARDS Program members will be issued a card granting them YMCA access for their program. This card must be presented and scanned for access into the YMCA facility and/or a specific program.

lost Cards Please let us know if your card is lost or stolen. There is a fee to issue a replacement card.

MeMbership CanCellationCancellation of membership requires a fifteen (15) day written notice prior to the monthly draft date.

MEMBERSHIP TRANSFERMembership and program privileges are not transferable from one person to another.

MeMbership holdsMembers may put their membership on hold for 1 - 3 months during any calendar year. A monthly hold fee of $10 will be charged and all membership privileges will be suspended while your membership is on hold.

PAYMENT OPTIONS & INFORMATION• Membership dues must be up-to-date in order to use


• Rates and schedules are subject to change.

• Membership may be paid in full by cash, personal checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards.

• Monthly payments are payable by credit card or bank draft only (excluding Discover). There is no cash option for monthly payments.

• If a check or an automatic back draft is returned for insufficient funds a service fee of $15.00 will be added to the payment amount.

GUEST AND DAY PASSESAll YMCA members are given 6 complimentary guest passes per year to help introduce the Y to friends and associates. Branch members are welcome to visit other YMCA locations within NYC 10 times per year at no charge. Day passes are available to purchase.

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CaMera poliCyFor the privacy and security of all—especially our kids and teens—we do not allow any photo or video recording without permission from the Executive Director.

LOCKER ROOMS & LOCKERS• Lockers are available for daily use. Please bring your

own lock and secure your belongings when using the facility.

• Our family-friendly locker room is a good alternative for parents who wish to accompany their child that is over the age of five and of the opposite gender.

yMCa “aWay” poliCyAWAY (Always Welcome at the YMCA) As a YMCA member, you have access to YMCAs across the country and around the world. You must present a valid YMCA ID to be eligible to use AWAY privileges. Call ahead to check on individual branch policies.

MEMbErShip inForMaTion


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ExErciSingcourTESY 1. get oriented. Not sure how to use the equipment or what you should be doing? orientations are free for all members!

2. Just ask. we’re here to help!

3. if there’s a problem with any of the equipment or the facility, please let a staff person know. if there’s an incident or accident, contact a uniformed staff person immediately.

4. be safe. wear appropriate clothing and footwear. (open-toed shoes, over-restrictive or street clothes are not allowed.) have a spotter help you with free weights. warm up before and cool down after exercise. Make sure you’ve had enough to eat and drink before exercising to prevent dizziness or lightheadedness. if you are experiencing dizziness, pain or unusual discomfort at any time, stop the exercise and ask staff for help.

5. help us keep the Y clean. wipe off equipment after each use. Return all equipment when finished with it. Take your personal items with you. Remove the plates from lifting bars when you’re done. don’t bring food, open containers or coffee cups into the center.

6. give others a turn. the equipment is here for everyone to use. Please respect the 30-minute time limit on cardio equipment if others are waiting, and follow any posted sign-up procedures.

7. Storing your stuff. daily lockers are reserved for your personal items while you are in the Y. items may be left overnight only in rented lockers. Please speak with a Member Service Representative for more information on monthly locker rentals.

8. Youth are welcome after completing an orientation and submitting a signed parental consent form (ages 12-17).

9. get personal. Personal trainers are available. Ask a staff person for more information.

10. hang it up. for your safety and in consideration for others, please refrain from cell phone use while in the fitness facilities.

while you’re improving your life, help others grow strong too. we ask you to follow the Y code of conduct and exhibit the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility while you’re here.

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at the YMca , creating a safe and welcoming environment is a team effort. we askeveryone—staff, members and guests—to follow our code of conduct, which is basedon our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.

Speaking in respectful tones; refraining from the use of vulgar or derogatory language; and dressing appropriately.

Resolving conflicts in a respectful, honest and caring manner; never resorting to physical contact or threatening gestures.

Respecting others by refraining from intimate behavior in public; abstaining from contact of a sexual nature.

Respecting the property of others; never engaging in theft or destruction.

Creating a safe, caring environment; never carrying illegal firearms or devices.

Participating in programs to build a healthy spirit, mind and body; never engaging in the use, sale, dispensing or possession of illegal drugs or narcotics, or the unsanctioned use of alcohol on YMCA premises.

Adherence to the YMCA Code of Conduct and regulations is essential.

Cooperation among staff, members and

guests is an important part of making

our YMCA welcoming to all. Suspension

or termination of membership or

employment with the YMCA may result

from violating this Code of Conduct.









the YMCA of greater New York is a community service organization which promotes positive values through programs that build spirit, mind and body, welcoming all people, with a focus on youth.

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RIDGEWOOD YMCA69-02 64th StreetRidgewood, NY 11385

P 212-912-2180E [email protected] ymcanyc.org/ridgewood

locaTionSManhaTTan branchESchinatown YMca273 boweryNew York, NY 10002212.912.2460

harlem YMca180 west 135th StreetNew York, NY 10030212.912.2100

Mcburney YMca125 west 14th StreetNew York, NY 10011212.912.2300

Vanderbilt YMca224 east 47th StreetNew York, NY 10017212.912.2500

west Side YMca5 west 63rd StreetNew York, NY 10023212.875.4100

bronx branchbronx YMca2 Castle hill Avenuebronx, NY 10473718.792.9736

brooKlYn branchESbedford-Stuyvesant YMca1121 bedford Avenuebrooklyn, NY 11216718.789.1497

coney island YMca2980 west 29th Streetbrooklyn, NY 11224718-215-6900

dodge YMca225 Atlantic Avenuebrooklyn, NY 11201718.625.3136

Flatbush YMca1401 flatbush Avenuebrooklyn, NY 11201718.469.8100

greenpoint YMca99 Meserole AvenueNew York, NY 11222718.389.3700

north brooklyn YMca570 Jamaica Avenuebrooklyn, NY 11208718.277.1600

prospect park YMca357 Ninth StreetNew York, NY 11215718.768.7100

park Slope armory YMca361 15th Streetbrooklyn, NY 11215212.912.2580

QuEEnS branchEScross island YMca238-10 hillside Avenuebellerose, NY 11426718.479.0505

Flushing YMca138-46 Northern blvd.flushing, NY 11354718.961.6880

Jamaica YMca89-25 Parsons blvd.New York, NY 11423718.739.6600

long island city YMca32-23 Queens blvd.Long island City, NY 11101718.392.7932

ridgewood YMca69-02 64th StreetRidgewood, NY 11385212.912.2180

rockaways YMcabeach 73rd Street &Rockaway beach blvdQueens, NY 11692ymcanyc.org/rockaways

STaTEn iSland branchESbroadway center YMca651 broadwayStaten island, NY 10310718.981.4933

South Shore center YMca3939 Richmond AvenueStaten island, NY 10312718.227.3200

YMca counseling Service/South Shore center3911 Richmond AvenueStaten island, NY 10312718.948.3232

YMca counseling Service/north Shore center285 Vanderbilt AvenueStaten island, NY 10304718.981.4382

huguEnoT, nYnew York YMca campbig Pond Roadhuguenot, NY 12746845.858.2200

aSSociaTion oFFicE5 west 63rd StreetNew York, NY 10023212.630.9600