RHoK 2 Chicago - Open data project-1

Open Data Project Achieving Social Good Through Efficient Use Of Open Data Sources

Transcript of RHoK 2 Chicago - Open data project-1

Open Data Project

Achieving Social GoodThrough Efficient UseOf Open Data Sources

Steps Toward Success

• Identify a problem• Look for open data sources• Apply open data toward resolving


Problem Statement

Disaster response workers lack convenient access to recent aerial imagery

Critical Uses of Near Real Time Imagery

• Identify pre-event conditions• Identify extent of impacts• Develop “birds-eye” strategies

We know that imagery data exists, but lack convenient access in the field

Refining the Problem:


1. Identify Open Data Sources

2. Create An Interface

NASAA Treasure Trove of

Open Data

MODIS Rapid Response System



Daily images of the Earth in near real time. This imagery is available within hours of being collected.


Lacks A Convenient Field Usable Interface


Data is only available in the form of single, gigantic (90M) files which are split by region.

We set up a "tile server" and imported key files into this server.

We then use the Open Layers platform to display this data in a user-friendly manner which can be scrolled through, zoomed, etc.



We Now Have A Convenient User Interface

Which Accesses Near Real Time Earth Imagery.


Matthew Rocklin

Miftachut Ekasetya

Michael Miranda

Chris Lubinski

Ji Lucas

Thomas G. Besore, Esq.

Special Thanks To ......