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    Rhododendron ferrugineum

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Plantae(unranked): Angiosperms

    (unranked): Eudicots

    (unranked): Asterids

    Order: Ericales

    Family: Ericaceae

    Subfamily: Ericoideae

    Genus: Rhododendron

    L. Sp. Pl. i 392 (1753)[1]

    Type species

    Rhododendron ferrugineum








    - Former subgenera -




    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Rhododendron(from Ancient Greek rhdon"rose" and

    dndron"tree")[3][4]is a genus of 1,024 species of woody plants in theheath family (Ericaceae), either evergreen or deciduous, and foundmainly in Asia. Most species have showy flowers. Azaleas make up twosubgenera ofRhododendron. They are distinguished from "true"rhododendrons by having only five anthers per flower.

    1 Description

    2 Taxonomy

    2.1 Early history

    2.2 Modern era

    2.3 Phylogenetic analyses

    2.4 Subdivision

    2.4.1 Subgenera

    2.4.2 Sections and subsections

    2.4.3 Species

    3 Distribution and habitat

    4 Ecology

    4.1 Invasive species

    4.2 Insects

    4.3 Diseases

    5 Cultivation

    5.1 Commercial growing

    5.2 Horticultural divisions

    5.3 Planting and care

    5.4 Hybrids

    6 Uses

    6.1 Pharmacology

    6.2 Toxicology

    7 Culture

    7.1 Symbolism

    7.2 Literature

    7.3 Culinary

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    Tsutsusi7.4 Labrador tea

    8 See also

    9 References

    10 Bibliography

    10.1 Books and book chapters

    10.2 Articles

    10.3 Subdivisions

    10.3.1 Azaleas

    10.3.2 Tsutsusi

    10.3.3 Vireya

    10.3.4 Separate genera

    11 External links

    11.1 Databases

    11.2 Flora11.3 Rhododendron societies

    11.4 Botanical gardens

    Rhododendronis a genus characterised by shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing

    to 10100 cm (3.939.4 in) tall, and the largest,R. protistum var. giganteum, reported to 30 m (98 ft) tall.[5][6]

    The leaves are spirally arranged; leaf size can range from 12 cm (0.390.79 in) to over 50 cm (20 in),exceptionally 100 cm (39 in) inR. sinogrande. They may be either evergreen or deciduous. In some species, theundersides of the leaves are covered with scales (lepidote) or hairs (indumentum). Some of the best knownspecies are noted for their many clusters of large flowers. There are alpine species with small flowers and smallleaves, and tropical species such as section Vireyathat often grow as epiphytes. Species in this genus may be

    part of the heath complex in oak-heath forests in eastern North America.[7][8]They have frequently beendivided based on the presence or absence of scales on the abaxial (lower) leaf surface (lepidote or elepidote).These scales, unique to subgenusRhododendron, are modified hairs consisting of a polygonal scale attached by

    a stalk.[2]

    Rhododendronare characterised by having inflorescences with scarious (dry) perulae, a chromosome number ofx=13, fruit that has a septicidal capsule, an ovary that is superior (or nearly so), stamens that have no

    appendages, and agglutinate (clumped) pollen.[9]

    TheRhododendrongenus is the largest of the genera in the Ericaceae family, with 1,024 species,[10]thoughestimates vary from 850-1000 depending on the authority used, (Fayaz 2012) and is morphologically diverse.

    Consequently the taxonomy has been historically complex.[9]

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    Rhododendron wardiivar.puralbum

    Rhododendron in Japan

    A garden with tall Rhododendrons in

    Lynnwood, Washington

    Rhododendron forest in Nepal

    Early history

    Although Rhododendrons had been known since the description ofRhododendron hirsutumby Charles de l'cluse (Clusius) in the sixteenthcentury, and were known to classical writers (Magor 1990), and referredto as Chamaerhododendron(low-growing rose tree), the genus was first

    formally described by Linnaeus in his Species Plantarum in 1753. [1][11]

    He listed five species underRhododendron(Rhododendron ferrugineum(type species),R. dauricum,R. hirsutum,R. chamaecistus(nowRhodothamnus chamaecistus(L.) Rchb.) andR. maximum). At that time

    he considered the then known six species ofAzalea[12]that he haddescribed earlier in 1735 in his Systema Naturae as a separate genus.[13][14]

    Linnaeus' six species of Azalea wereAzalea indica,A. pontica,A. lutea,A. viscosa,A. lapponicaandA. procumbens(now Kalmia procumbens),which he distinguished fromRhododendronby having five stamens, asopposed to ten. As new species of what are now consideredRhododendronwere discovered, if they seemed to differ significantlyfrom the type species they were assigned to separate genera. ForinstanceRhodoraforRhododendron canadense(Linnaeus 1763), Vireya

    (Blume 1826)[15]andHymenanthesforRhododendron metternichhii,now R. degronianum (1826). Meanwhile other botanists such as

    Salisbury (1796)[16]and Tate (1831)[17]began to question the distinctionbetweenAzaleaandRhododendron, and finally in 1836,Azaleawas

    incorporated intoRhododendron(Don 1834)[18]and the genus dividedinto eight sections. Of these Tsutsutsi(Tsutsusi), Pentanthera,

    Pogonanthum, PonticumandRhodoraare still used, the other sectionsbeingLepipherum,Booram, and Chamaecistus. This structure largelysurvived till recently (2004), following which the development ofmolecular phylogeny led to major re-examinations of traditional

    morphological classifications,[13][14]although other authors such as

    Candolle (1838), who described six sections,[19]used slightly differentnumeration.

    As more species became available in the nineteenth century a betterunderstanding of the characteristics necessary for the major divisions.Chief amongst these were Maximovicz'sRhododendreae Asiae Orientali

    (1870)[20]and Planchon. Maximovicz used flower bud position and its

    relationship with leaf buds to create eight Sections.[21]Bentham and

    Hooker (1876) used a similar scheme, but called the divisions Series. [22]

    It was not until 1893 that Koehne appreciated the significance of scalingand hence the separation of lepidote and elepidote species. The largenumber of species that were available by the early twentieth centuryprompted a new approach when Balfour introduced the concept of

    grouping species into series, in The Species of Rhododendron(1930), referred to as the Balfourian system.[23]

    That system continued up to modern times in Davidian's four volume The Rhododendron Species

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    Table 1.: Taxonomic changes within genusRhododendron

    (Goetsch 2005)

    Chamberlain (1996) Goetsch

    Genus Subgenus Section Species Subgenus Section








    PentantheraHymenanthes Pentanethra


    R.vaseyi Azaleastrum Sciadorhodion

    Azaleastrum Choniastrum Choniastrum

    Subsequent research has supported the revision by Goetsch, although has largely concentrated on furtherdefining the phylogeny within the subdivisions.(Craven 2008) In 2011 the two species ofDiplarchewere alsoadded toRhododendron, incertae sedis.(Craven 2011) Similar findings were reported independently the

    following year by Brown et al.[9]


    This genus has been progressively subdivided into a hierarchy of subgenus, section, subsection, and species.


    Terminology from the Sleumer (1949) system is frequently found in older literature, with five subgenera and isas follows;

    SubgenusLepidorrhodiumKoehne: Lepidotes. 3 sections

    SubgenusEurhododendronMaxim.: Elipidotes.

    Subgenus PseudanthodendronSleumer: Deciduous azaleas. 3 sections

    SubgenusAnthodendronRehder & Wilson: Evergreen azaleas. 3 sections

    SubgenusAzaleastrumPlanch.: 4 sections

    In the later traditional classification, attributed to Chamberlain (1996), and as used by horticulturalists and the

    American Rhododendron Society,[39]Rhododendronhas eight subgenera based on morphology, namely thepresence of scales (lepidote), deciduousness of leaves, and the floral and vegetative branching patterns, after

    Sleumer (1980).[9][2][27]These consist of four large and four small subgenera. The first two subgenera(RhododendronandHymenanthes) represent the species commonly considered as 'Rhododendrons'. The nexttwo smaller subgenera (Pentantheraand Tsutsusi) represent the 'Azaleas'. The remaining four subgenera contain

    very few species.[40]The largest of these is subgenusRhododendron, containing nearly half of all knownspecies and all of the lepidote species.

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    SubgenusRhododendronL.: Small leaf or lepidotes (scales on the underside of the leaves). 3 sections,

    462 species, type species:Rhododendron ferrugineum.

    SubgenusHymenanthes(Blume) K.Koch: Large leaf or elepidotes (without scales). 1 section, 224

    species, typeRhododendron degronianum.

    Subgenus Pentanthera(G. Don) Pojarkova: Deciduous azaleas. 4 sections, 23 species, type

    Rhododendron luteum.

    Subgenus Tsutsusi(Sweet) Pojarkova: Evergreen azaleas. 2 sections, 80 species, typeRhododendron


    SubgenusAzaleastrumPlanch.: 2 sections, 16 species, typeRhododendron ovatum.

    Subgenus CandidastrumFranch. : 1 species,Rhododendron albiflorum.

    SubgenusMumeazalea(Sleumer) W.R. Philipson & M.N. Philipson: 1 species,Rhododendron


    Subgenus Therorhodion(Maxim.) A. Gray: 2 species (Rhododendron camtschaticum,Rhododendron


    For a comparison of the Sleumer and Chamberlain systems, see Goetsch et al. (2005) Table 1.[2]

    This division was based on a number of what were thought to be key morphological characteristics. Theseincluded the position of the inflorescence buds (terminal or lateral), whether lepidote or elepidote,deciduousness of leaves, and whether new foliage was derived from axils from previous year's shoots or thelowest scaly leaves (Table 2.).

    Table 2.: Morphological classification ofRhododendron

    (Chamberlain 1996)[35]

    Inflorescence buds Leaf scales Leaf shoots Leaves Subgenus Section


    Present Rhododendron


    Previous year

    Evergreen Hymenanthes

    Deciduous Pentanthera




    Lowest leaves Pentanthera Sciadorhodion



    Evergreen Azaleastrum





    Following the cladistic analysis of Goetsch et al.(2005)[2]this scheme was simplified, based on the discoveryof three major clades (A,B,C) as follows.

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    Clade A

    SubgenusRhododendronL.: Small leaf or lepidotes (scales on the underside of the leaves). 3 sections,

    about 400 species, type species:Rhododendron ferrugineum.

    Subgenus ChoniastrumFranch. : 11 species

    Clade B

    SubgenusHymenanthes(Blume) K.Koch: Large leaf or elepidotes (without scales), including deciduous

    azaleas. 2 sections, about 140-225 species, typeRhododendron degronianum.

    Clade C

    SubgenusAzaleastrumPlanch.: Evergreen azaleas. 3 sections, about 120 species, type Rhododendron


    Sister taxon

    Subgenus Therorhodion(Maxim.) A. Gray: 2 species (Rhododendron camtschaticum,Rhododendron


    Sections and subsections

    The larger subgenera are further subdivided into sections and subsections[40]Some subgenera contain only asingle section, and some sections only a single subsection. Shown here is the traditional classification, withspecies number after Chamberlain (1996), but this scheme is undergoing constant revision. Revisions by

    Goetsch et al.(2005)[2]

    and by Craven et al. (2008)[41]

    shown in (parenthetical italics). Older ranks such asSeries (groups of species) are no longer used but may be found in the literature, but the American

    Rhododendron Society still uses a similar device, called Alliances[39]

    SubgenusRhododendronL. (3 sections, 462 species: increased to five sections in 2008)

    (Discovereya (Sleumer) Argent , raised from Vireya)

    PogonathumAitch. & Hemsl. (13 species; Himalaya and adjacent mountains)

    (Pseudovireya (C.B.Clarke) Argent, raised from Vireya)

    RhododendronL. (149 species in 25 subsections; temperate to subarctic Northern Hemisphere)

    Vireya(Blume) Copel.f. (300 species in 2 subsections; tropical southeast Asia, Australasia. At one

    time considered separate subgenus[42])

    SubgenusHymenanthes(Blume) K.Koch (1 section, 224 species) (Increased to two sections)

    PonticumG. Don (24 subsections)

    (Pentanthera (G. Don) Pojarkova (2 subsections)new section, moved from subgenus Pentanthera)

    Subgenus Pentanthera(G. Don) Pojarkova (4 sections, 23 species) (Discontinued)

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    Pentanthera(G. Don) Pojarkova (2 subsections) (Moved to subgenus Hymenanthes)

    Rhodora(L.) G. Don (2 species; Rhododendron canadense, Rhododendron vaseyi) (Discontinued,


    SciadorhodionRehder & Wilson (4 species) (Moved to subgenus Azaleastrum)

    ViscidulaMatsum. & Nakai (1 species; Rhododendron nipponicum) (Discontinued, added to

    section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum)

    Subgenus Tsutsusi(Sweet) Pojarkova (2 sections, 80 species) (Discontinued, reduced to section and

    moved to subgenus Azaleastrum)

    BrachycalyxSweet (3 alliances, 15 species)

    Tsutsusi(Sweet) Pojarkova (65 species)

    SubgenusAzaleastrumPlanch. (2 sections, 16 species) (Increased to three sections)

    AzaleastrumPlanch. (5 species)

    (ChoniastrumFranch. (11 species) (Raised to subgenus))

    (Sciadorhodion Rehder & Wilson (4 species) (Moved from subgenus Pentanthera))

    (Tsutsusi (Sweet) Pojarkova (reduced from subgenus))

    Subgenus CandidastrumFranch. (1 species:Rhododendron albiflorum) (Discontinued, moved to section

    Sciadorhodion, subgenus Azaleastrum)

    SubgenusMumeazalea(Sleumer) W.R. Philipson & M.N. Philipson (1 species:Rhododendron

    semibarbatum) (Discontinued, moved to section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum)

    Subgenus TherorhodionA. Gray (2 species)

    (* Subgenus Choniastrum Franch. (11 species))


    Species of the genusRhododendronare widely distributed between latitudes 80N and 20S and are consideredAlpine native plants from North America to Europe, Russia, and Asia, and from Greenland to Queensland,

    Australia and the Solomon Islands.[9]The centres of diversification are in the Himalayas and Malaysia,[37]withthe greatest species diversity in the Sino-Himalayan region, Southwest China and northern Burma, fromUttarakhand, Nepal and Sikkim to northwestern Yunnan and western Sichuan and southeastern Tibet, and with

    other significant areas of diversity in the mountains of Korea, Japan and Taiwan. More than 90% ofRhododendronsensuChamberlain belong to the Asian subgeneraRhododendron,Hymenanthesand sectionTsutsusi. Of the first two of these, the species are predominantly found in the area of the Himalayas and

    Southwest China (Sino-Himalayan Region).[2]

    The 300 Tropical species within the Vereyasection of subgenusRhododendronoccupy the Malay archipelagofrom their presumed Southeast Asian origin to Northern Australia, with 55 known species in Borneo and 164 inNew Guinea. The species in New Guinea are native to subalpine moist grasslands at around 3,000 metres above

    sea level in the Central Highlands.[42]SubgeneraRhododendronandHymenanthes, together with sectionPentanetheraof subgenus Pentanetheraare also represented to a lesser degree in the Mountainous areas of

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    Rhododendron fallacinum

    photographed in situon

    Mount Kinabalu, Borneo

    Rhododendron-Park Bremen,Germany

    North America and Western Eurasia. Subgenus Tsutsusiis found in the maritimeregions of East Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, East China), but not in North

    America or Eurasia.[2][21]

    Invasive species

    Some species (e.g.Rhododendron ponticumin Ireland [43]and the UnitedKingdom) are invasive as introduced plants, spreading in woodland areasreplacing the natural understory.R. ponticumis difficult to eradicate, as its rootscan make new shoots.


    A number of insects either target rhododendrons or will opportunistically attackthem. Rhododendron borers and various weevils are major pests of

    rhododendrons, and many caterpillars will preferentially devour them.

    Rhododendronspecies are used as food plants by the larvae of some members of the order Lepidoptera(butterflies and moths) (See List of Lepidoptera that feed on rhododendrons).


    Major diseases include Phytophthoraroot rot, stem and twig fungal dieback; Ohio State University Extension

    provides information on maintaining health of rhododendrons.[44]Rhododendrons can easily be suffocated byother plants.

    Both species and hybrid rhododendrons (including azaleas) are usedextensively as ornamental plants in landscaping in many parts of theworld, including both temperate and subtemperate regions,(Craven2008) while many species and cultivars are grown commercially for thenursery trade. Rhododendrons are often valued in landscaping for their

    structure, size, flowers, and the fact that many of them are evergreen. [45]

    Azaleas are frequently used around foundations and occasionally as

    hedges, and many larger-leafed rhododendrons lend themselves well tomore informal plantings and woodland gardens, or as specimen plants.In some areas, larger rhododendrons can be pruned to encourage moretree-like form, with some species such asR. arboreumandR. falconerieventually growing to 1015 m or more


    Commercial growing

    Rhododendrons are grown commercially in many areas for sale, and are occasionally collected in the wild, apractice now rare in most areas. Larger commercial growers often ship long distances; in the United States,

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    most of them are located on the west coast (Oregon, Washington state and California). Large-scale commercialgrowing often selects for different characteristics than hobbyist growers might want, such as resistance to rootrot when overwatered, ability to be forced into budding early, ease of rooting or other propagation, and

    saleability.[46]In the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, rhododendron flowers have been used for some time tomake popular fruit and flower wines. The industry is promoted by the state government with tax benefits,

    looking to promote this industry as a full-fledged subclass of its economy.[47]

    Horticultural divisions

    Horticulturally, rhododendrons may be divided into the following groups:-[48]

    Evergreen rhododendrons: the main default category

    Vireya (Malesian) rhododendrons: epiphytic tender shrubs[49]

    Azaleas (section of generally small-sized, small-leaved and small-flowered shrubs):

    Deciduous hybrid azaleas:[50]

    Ghent (Gandavense) hybrids - Belgian raised[51]

    Knap Hill-Exbury hybrids - English raised[52]

    Mollis hybrids - Dutch & Belgian raised[53]

    New Zealand Ilam hybrids - derived from Knap Hill/Exbury hybrids

    Occidentale hybrids - English raised

    Rustica hybrids - sweet-scented, double-flowered

    Evergreen hybrid azaleas:

    Gable hybrids - raised by Joseph B. Gable in Pennsylvania, USA [54]

    Glenn Dale hybrids - USA raised complex hybrids

    Indian (Indica) hybrids - mostly of Belgian origin

    Kaempferi hybrids - Dutch raised

    Kurume hybrids - Japanese raised

    Kyushu hybrids - very hardy Japanese azaleas (to -30 C)

    Oldhamii hybrids - dwarf hybrids raised at Exbury, England

    Satsuki hybrids - Japanese raised, originally for bonsai

    Shammarello hybrids - raised in Northern Ohio, USA[55]

    Vuyk (Vuykiana) hybrids - raised in the Netherlands


    Azaleodendrons - semi-evergreen hybrids between deciduous azaleas and rhododendrons

    Planting and care

    Like other ericaceous plants, most rhododendrons prefer acid soils with a pH of roughly 4.5-5.5; some tropicalVireyas and a few other rhododendron species grow as epiphytes and require a planting mix similar to orchids.Rhododendrons have fibrous roots and prefer well-drained soils high in organic material. In areas with poorlydrained or alkaline soils, rhododendrons are often grown in raised beds using media such as composted pine

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    Nova Zembla Rhododendrons

    growing in a nursery in New Jersey.

    bark.[57]Mulching and careful watering are important, especially beforethe plant is established.

    A new calcium-tolerant stock of rhododendrons (trademarked as'Inkarho') has been exhibited at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show inLondon (2011). Individual hybrids of rhododendrons have been graftedon to a rootstock on a single rhododendron plant that was found growingin a chalk quarry. The rootstock is able to grow in calcium-rich soil up to

    a pH of 7.5.[58][59]


    Rhododendrons are extensively hybridized in cultivation, and natural hybrids often occur in areas where speciesranges overlap. There are over 28,000 cultivars of Rhododendron in the International Rhododendron Registry(http://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/RHS-Publications/Plant-registers/Rhododendron) held by the Royal HorticulturalSociety. Most have been bred for their flowers, but a few are of garden interest because of ornamental leaves

    and some for ornamental bark or stems. Some hybrids have fragrant flowers[60]such as the Loderi hybrids,

    created by crossingR. fortuneiandR. griffithianum.[61]

    Other examples include the PJM hybrids, formed froma cross betweenRhododendron carolinianumandRhododendron dauricum, and named after Peter J. Mezitt of

    Weston Nurseries, Massachusetts.[62]


    Rhododendronspecies have long been used in traditional medicine.[63]Animal studies and in vitroresearch hasidentified possible anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities which may be due to the antioxidant

    effects of flavonoids or other phenolic compounds and saponins the plant contains. [64][65][66]Xiong et al.have

    found that the root of the plant is able to reduce the activity of NF-B in rats.[67]


    Some species of rhododendron are poisonous to grazing animals because of a toxin called grayanotoxin in theirpollen and nectar. People have been known to become ill from eating honey made by bees feeding onrhododendron and azalea flowers. Xenophon described the odd behaviour of Greek soldiers after havingconsumed honey in a village surrounded byRhododendron ponticumduring the march of the Ten Thousand in401 BC. Pompey's soldiers reportedly suffered lethal casualties following the consumption of honey made fromRhododendrondeliberately left behind by Pontic forces in 67 BC during the Third Mithridatic War. Later, it was

    recognized that honey resulting from these plants has a slightly hallucinogenic and laxative effect. [68]Thesuspect rhododendrons areRhododendron ponticumandRhododendron luteum(formerlyAzalea pontica), bothfound in northern Asia Minor.A brief documented video of this occurring in the modern day involves a group ofmen in Nepal foraging for this affected honey can be found here: http://eupterrafoundation.com/hallucinogenic-

    honey. Eleven similar cases have been documented in Istanbul, Turkey during the 1980s.[69]Rhododendron isextremely toxic to horses, with some animals dying within a few hours of ingesting the plant, although mosthorses tend to avoid it if they have access to good forage. The effects of R. ponticumwas mentioned in the 2009

    film Sherlock Holmes as a proposed way to arrange a fake execution. [70]It was also mentioned in the third

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    episode of Season 2 of BBC's Sherlock (TV series), and has been speculated to have been a part of Sherlock'sfake death scheme.


    Rhododendron arboreum(lali guransh) is the national flower of Nepal.R. ponticumis the state flower ofIndian-administered Kashmir and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.Rhododendron niveumis the state tree ofSikkim in India. Rhododendron is also the state tree of the state of Uttarakhand, India. Pink Rhododendron(Rhododendron campanulatum) is the State Flower of Himachal Pradesh, India.

    Rhododendron maximum, the most widespread rhododendron of the Appalachian Mountains, is the state flowerof West Virginia, and is in the Flag of West Virginia. Rhododendron macrophyllum, a widespread rhododendronof the Pacific Northwest, is the state flower of Washington.


    In Joyce's Ulysses, rhododendrons play an important role in Leopold and Molly's early courtship: Mollyremembers them in her soliloquy - "the sun shines for you he said the day we were lying among therhododendrons on Howth head in the grey tweed suit and his straw hat the day I got him to propose to me".Jasper Fforde a British author, also uses rhododendron as a motif throughout many of his published books. See

    Thursday Next series,[71]and Shades of Grey.[72]Amongst the Zomi tribes in India and Myanmar,"Rhododendrons" called "Ngeisok" is used in a poetic manner to signify a lady.


    The rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal, where the flower is considered edible and enjoyed for itssour taste. The pickled flower can last for months and the flower juice is also marketed. The flower, fresh ordried, is added to fish curry in the belief that it will soften the bones. The juice of rhododendron flower is usedto make a squash called burans (named after the flower) in the hilly regions of Uttarakhand. It is admired for itsdistinctive flavor and color.

    Labrador tea

    Labrador tea is an herbal tea (not a true tea) made from three closely related species:

    Rhododendron tomentosum(Northern Labrador tea, previouslyLedum palustre),

    Rhododendron groenlandicum, (Bog Labrador tea, previouslyLedum groenlandicumorLedum latifolium)and

    Rhododendron neoglandulosum, (Western Labrador tea, or trapper's tea, previouslyLedum glandulosum).

    List of Award of Garden Merit rhododendrons

    List of Rhododendron diseases

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    List of Rhododendron species

    ^abLinnaeus, C. (1753).



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    Loretta A.; Eckert, Andrew J.;

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    molecular systematics ofRhododendron(Ericaceae): a

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    gene sequences"



    /00000003/art00012). Systematic

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    ^Harper, Douglas.




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    0057:entry=de/ndron). Liddell,

    Henry George; Scott, Robert;A

    GreekEnglish Lexiconat the

    Perseus Project




    /tp_bigtree.htm), Big Tree







    Rhododendron protistum var.giganteum


    ^The Natural Communities of

    Virginia Classification of

    Ecological Community Groups

    (Version 2.5), Virginia

    Department of Conservation and

    Recreation, 2012






    ^Schafale, M. P. and A. S.

    Weakley. 1990. Classification of

    the natural communities ofNorth Carolina: third

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