Rhino info reports

Rhinoceroses Information Reports By Room 2.1 Students Term 1, 2013

Transcript of Rhino info reports

Page 1: Rhino info reports

RhinocerosesInformation Reports

By Room 2.1 StudentsTerm 1, 2013

Page 2: Rhino info reports

RhinosRhinos are found in Africa and Asia. They live on grasslands because they eat grass, leaves, shrubs, shoots, buds, trees and plants. However rhinos don’t like to be in the sun too much.

Interesting FactsThere are five types of rhinos: Black, White, Javan, Indian and Sumatran. The biggest species are the Black and White. Baby rhinos are called calves. Rhinos are being hunted for their horns. Rhinos’ horns are made out of nails. Their eyesight is terrible. Rhinos have lived on Earth for over 50 million years. Mud is healthy for their skin.

BehaviourRhinos rest at day and feed at night. Lions sometimes attach small Black Rhinos. Rhinos let people come close to them. When rhinos meet each other they tend to ignore each other.

Rhino Population LeftThere are 2400 Black Rhinos, and 20 000 White Rhinos. The most endangered is the Javan Rhino with only 100 left.

By Kyle

Page 3: Rhino info reports

RhinosAppearanceRhinos are herbivores which means they eat grass, leaves, plants and other herbs. The Black Rhinos have hooked lips and White Rhinos have square lips. The African Black and White Rhinos have two horns and Sumatran, Javan and Indian Rhinos have one horn. Black Rhinos have no hair on them other than their eyelids and tail. Rhinos have very thick skin like armour and they also have three toes on each hoof.

PopulationThere are around 20 000 rhinos left in the world. White rhinos are the most popular rhino since there are 20 000 left and 2 400 Black Rhinos. The Sumatran, Javan and Indian are the most endangered.

Interesting FactsRhinos have poor eyesight but very good sense of hearing. Rhinos use faeces to communicate to other rhinos. They like rolling and tumbling in mud to cool themselves down from the heat and just to have a lot of fun as well. Rhinos can weigh up to 3 500kg. Rhinos have been around for 50 million years. A Black Rhino’s horn can grow up to 1m long.

Helping RhinosThe solution was to cut the horns off of the rhinos to stop the poaching. It helped a little bit. They also kept them in National Parks so they didn’t get shot but people kept getting in and killing the rhinos for their horn. If we don’t help, we may never see a rhino ever again.

By Dallas

Page 4: Rhino info reports

RhinosThere are five different types of Rhinos: Black, White, Javan, Sumatran and Indian.

Interesting FactsThe rhinos skin is about 3cm thick which is like a suit of armour.Rhinos can stand 6 feet tall and also weigh up to 340 - 3 600kg.

HabitatThey are all endangered except the White is not endangered. Rhinos are found in Africa and Asia on grasslands.

DietRhinos are herbivores and they need to drink lots of water. Black rhinos love to eat bushes and leaves but the White Rhino like to graze on grass.

AppearanceBlack Rhinos have a hooked lip whereas the White Rhino has a square lip to graze on grass.Although rhinos have poor eyesight they have a great sense of smell and hearing.

Interesting FactsThe rhino’s name means nose.

By Hany

Page 5: Rhino info reports

Rhinos There are five types of rhinos such as: Indian, White, Black, Javan and Sumatran. THere are less than one hundred Javan rhinos in the world because the rhino is getting hunted for its horn.

BehaviourLions sometimes attack small black rhinos although they use their nose horn for defense. When rhinos meet each other they tend to ignore each other that’s why they live alone and to avoid hurting each other. They have extremely poor eye sight that’s why they charge at trees.AppearanceThe rhinoceros’s skin is very thick like armour since the skin is 3cm thick. A baby Black rhino is 50kg at birth. All the rhinos have 3 toes on each hoof. The Black Rhino has no hair. The Javan and Indian Rhinos have one horn and the African Black and White have two horns.

By Cooper W

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RhinosRhinos are herbivores. They eat trees, grass, and bushes. They are vegetarian. A rhino can stand 180 cm (6 foot) and can weigh up to 340-3 600kg. A rhino has very poor eyesight. The Black Rhino only has hair on its tail, eyelids and ears.

HabitatMost rhinos live in Asia, India and Africa. They range from savannas to subtropical regions to dense forests. Rhinos don’t like the sun. People cut down trees that rhinos rest under because they are poor and need money.

StatisticsThere are 2 400 Black Rhinos left in the wild. There are 20 000 White Rhinos left in the wild and these are the only non-endangered rhino species. The Javan species have fewer than 100. Sumatran 400 left in the wild. Indian more than 2 000. In 2012 there were 633 killed. A rhino can run 45km/hr over a short distance. In that year 971 calves were born and only 242 survived. In 2005, 60 rhinos were left.

Interesting FactsLittle birds go around on rhinos’ backs because they eat the parasites off their back and also warn them if danger is approaching. Their dung is used as a type of communication. The White Rhino’s cousin is the Black Rhino

By Cam

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RhinosSpeciesThere are five types of rhinos that live in Africa, southern Asia and India. The types of rhinos are: Indian, Sumatran, Black, White and Javan.

EndangeredRhinos are endangered as people are killing them for their horns. Their horns are worth a lot of money. People want to but them because they use the horns to look good on dagger handles and to make medicine.

StatisticsThere are only around 24 900 rhinos left in the world. The reason that there are not many rhinos left is because they are being poached.

AppearanceBlack Rhinos have a hooked lip to help them pull leaves off trees and into their mouths. White Rhinos have a squared lip. Rhinos have very poor eyesight but they do have a very good sense of smell.

Interesting factsRhino horns are made out of the same material as our nails and hair.

By Chloe

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RhinosThere are five different types of rhinos such as: White, Black, Javan and Sumatran.

AppearanceJavan rhinos and Indian both have one horn whereas African Black and White have two.Black Rhinos have hooked lips however White Rhinos have squared lips. Black Rhinos only have hair on their tail, eyelids and ears.All rhinos have extremely poor eyesight.

BehaviourRhinos rest in the day, at night they feed.

Scientific NamesJavan - Rhinoceros SoncibicusSumatran - Dicerorhinus SumatrensisIndian - Rhinoceros UnicornisBlack - Diceros BicornisWhite - Ceratherium Simum

PopulationJavan - 37-44Indian- 2 000Black - 5 000White - 20 000Sumatran - 130-190

Interesting FactsA group of rhinos is called a crash, babies are called calves.Rhinos have lived on Earth for 50 million years.Life SpanRhinos live to 35-40 years in the wild, in captivity up to 40 years.

By Daisy

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RhinosSpeciesThere are five different types of rhinos such as: Indian, Black, White, Javan and Sumatran. All rhinos are critically endangered because poachers kill the rhinos for their horns. Rhinos need their horns to protect their young and themselves.

HabitatRhinos live in three different places. The Javan and Sumatran Rhinos live in South-East Asia, the Black and White Rhinos are from Africa and the Indian Rhino is from India.

AppearanceAll species of rhino are herbivores. They eat foods such as grass, trees, and bushes. A Black Rhino has a hooked lip that works as a hand that helps them grab leaves off trees whereas the white rhino has a squared lip.

StatisticsThere are only approximately 24 000 rhinos left in the world. The reason is because horns are worth a lot of money and in some traditional cultures people use them for love potions or medicines.

Interesting FactsAlthough rhinos have very poor eyesight their hearing is excellent. Rhinos use funny ways to communicate, such as dung. Rhinos are also very docile animals and will only attack if they feel threatened or in danger.

By Dana

Page 10: Rhino info reports

RhinocerosesStatisticsOver the last few years scientists and possibly zoologists have been studying the five different breeds of rhinoceroses and the number of them. As a result they found out that the Javan is the most vulnerable, in fact there are less than forty left in the entire world. Following is the Sumatran with only less than four hundred left. However some wildlife reserves and zoos are giving homes to rhinoceroses thus helping to breed more and preventing poachers from their valuable horns. Despite this some rhinos aren’t so lucky and poachers are still after their horns, using them for Chinese and Vietnamese medicines and dagger/ weapon handles. Even though the potions and medicines have no healing powers or effects of any sort. Nevertheless they are still getting hunted and their numbers are decreasing at a rapid pace. Even the African Black, White and Indian are also endangered thus the Black rhino is facing extinction in the wild. Incidentally did you know that similar things are happening to elephants. Finally if we don’t act in the future there won’t be any more rhinos to enjoy and they will just end up like the thylacine.

AppearanceThe rhinoceros is the second largest land mammal after the elephant. They are herbivores, meaning their diet is made of: grass, parts of trees, bushes and other sorts of vegetation. It can grow up to 180cm tall - 6 foot, and can weigh from 340kg to 3600kg. It has little eyes which results in poor eyesight but they have an excellent sense of smell and hearing that makes up for that. The Black Rhino has a hooked lip which helps pull leafy branches into its mouth, just like a hand. Whereas the White Rhino has a square lip that means it can only eat grasses. Every Rhino - including the White, BLack, Javan, Sumatran, and Indian all have three toes on each foot/ hoof. The Asian Javan and Indian have one horn, whereas the African Black and White have two horns. Their skin can be as thick as 1.5 cm to 5 cm - its a bit like armour, even though its so thick it’s sensitive to sun burn and insect bites. Some interesting facts are the Black Rhino has no hair apart from the small amount on his tail, eyelids and ears. The White Rhino’s horn can grow up to 1.5m long. The average Black Rhino weighs about 50kg at birth.

Habitat/ FoodAll rhinos are found in either Asia or Africa. They live in grasslands, dense forests and deserts. Not only are their habitats good for shelter/ cover but for food as well. The rhinoceroses diet consists of grasses, parts of trees, branches, leaves and other plants and shrubs. They do not eat meat of any sort but can attack and possibly kill or severely hurt anyone who gets close to them or their calves. Sometimes rhinos may have to move because of drought and land development.

By Olivia O

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RhinosThere are five types of Rhinos the White, Black, Indian, Sumatran and Javan.

BehaviourRhinos are very territorial using dung urine and dung. Rhinos have poor eyesight however they have a great sense of smell and have very good hearing. When it’s hot rhinos cover themselves in mud to keep cool and also to keep insects away.

StatisticsAll types of rhinos are critically endangered except the White Rhino. The White Rhino has 11,330 left, the Black Rhino has around 3,610, the Indian Rhino has 2,500, the Sumatran has about 300 left and the Javan Rhino has fewer than 60 left and are only in Ujung Kulan National Park in Indonesia.

HabitatThe Indian, Javan and Sumatran are found in South and South East Asia. The Black and White Rhino are both found in Southern Africa.

AppearanceThe Indian and Javan have one horn whilst the White, Black and Sumatran have two horns. Rhinos have three toes on each hoof. Their skin is 3cm thick. They can weigh from 340 - 3600kg.

Interesting factsIn Zimbabwe and Namibia rhinos are systematically caught and de-horned so they don’t get poached.

Often birds will sit on rhinos to eat little parasites and tics off the rhinos. They also alert the rhino when there is danger. Some rhinos are put in national parks but despite this poachers still kill them.

By Dylan

Page 12: Rhino info reports

RhinosIntroductionThere are 5 different types of rhinoceroses: Javan, Indian, Sumatran, White and Black, which are critically endangered because many people are poaching them. Each year there are less and less rhinos because people kill them for their horns. Their horns are made of keratin which is what our fingernails and hair are made of.

DescriptionRhinos can grow up to 6 feet tall (182cm) when standing, and can weigh 3400kg to 3600kg. Rhinos have very poor eyesight but great hearing. Rhinos are very heavy. The White Rhino can weigh over 3500kg, for example as much as 50 average sized men.

Why?Rhinos such as Javan, Indian and Sumatran are critically endangered as a result of being poached for their horns. In 10-15 years Javan, Indian and Sumatran Rhinos may become extinct.

People around the world are concerned and are aiming to stop the world from poaching all the rhinoceroses. A teacher has sent five different soft toys to all different schools around the world. This is teaching children of all ages about the poaching of the Rhinoceroses and telling us to help stop the poaching.

Interesting factsRhinos can live 35 to 40 years in the wild. Mud is healthy for their skin. Mud cools them off and stops the sun getting to their skin. Birds eat parasites off the rhinos however when there is danger they screech. Rhinos are very docile meaning they are calm and will let people come up to them.By Millie

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RhinosThere are five types of rhinos: White, Black, Javan, Indian and Sumatran. Rhinos are hunter for their horns which make Chinese medicine and handles for daggers.

AppearanceRhinos have 3-5cm thick skin. Rhinos weigh around 3 000kg. White Rhinos, Black and Sumatran Rhinos have two horns however the Indian, and Javan have only one.

BehaviourRhinos cover themselves in mud to protect themselves from insects and the sun. Rhinos are very gentle creatures, thus their nose horns are used only as defense. Rhinos are usually alone to avoid hurting each other.

Interesting factsRhinos use dung to communicate with each other. The White Rhino is the second largest mammal after the elephant.

StatisticsBlack: 2 400White: 20 000Sumatran: 400Javan: <100Indian: > 2 000

By Ethan

Page 14: Rhino info reports

RhinosRhinos are endangered because they’re being poached by poachers for their horns. Chinese people think it’s a special love potion and ancient tribes use them as dagger handles. There are 5 types of rhinos such as Javan, Sumatran, White, Black and the Indian.

StatisticsThe White Rhino was endangered however they started a breeding program and now there are approximately 20 000 of them left. There are fewer than 100 Javan Rhinos left in the world. In 2012 971 calves were born although only 242 survived. The African Black Rhino is almost extinct.

Interesting FactsThe White Rhino is the second biggest land animal after the elephant. Their babies are called calves. Black Rhino’s horns can grow up to 1m long. Rhinos use dung to communicate.

HabitatRhinos are found in Africa and Asia. They don’t like the sun. Their habitats range from savannas to dense forests to sub-tropical regions. Their forests are being cut down for timber because most countries are poor.

BehaviourThey are territorial. They use urine and dung to mark their territory. They let people come near them. When rhinos meet each other they usually ignore each other.

By Cooper G

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RhinosDietRhinos are herbivores which means they only eat plants and fruit. A White Rhino will mostly eat grass. Black Rhinos will mostly eat bushes and leaves.

AppearanceRhinos have small eyes which means they have poor eye sight. But rhinos have very good sense of smell and hearing. A rhino’s skin is 3cm thick.

HabitatRhinos are found in South Africa and Asia. They don’t light sunlight, but they love the mud. They live along the savanna plains.

BehaviourA rhino will charge at trees. Rhinos will let people go near them. A male rhino will mark his territory.

ProblemRhinos are being hunted for their horns, because Chinese people think it’s a love potion. The horn is made from the same stuff as our finger nails.

Interesting FactsAll rhinos use dung to communicate with each other. The only rhino species that aren’t endangered is the White Rhino.

By Shawn

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RhinosIntroductionRhinos are critically endangered except for the White Rhino. There are five different types of rhinos such as the Sumatran, Javan, Black, White and the iNdian Rhinos.They live in a range of habitats from subtropical rainforests as well as savannas.

PopulationPeople hunt rhinos down and kill them for their horns, as a result their population is decreasing. Experts believe that rhinos are soon going to be extinct.

Rhinos have terribly poor eyesight despite their incredibly good hearing. Mud cools off their body, so the sun won’t irritate their skin.

HabitatsRhinos habitat have been destroyed because people use the trees for wood. People don’t notice some parts that they’re destroying is affecting nature and habitats.

FoodRhinos eat food such as leaves, twigs, shrubs, grasses, shoots, buds, trees and varieties of plants. Rhinos are herbivores. Rhinos need water otherwise they will get dehydrated and die.

Different cultures believe that horns bring good luck and they think it’s a special love potion.

By Olivia V

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RhinosIntroductionA rhinoceros is a big animal. The types of rhinos are the Javan, Indian, White, Black and the Sumatran.

HabitatRhinoceroses are found in Africa and Asia and range from savannas to dense forests and sub-tropical regions. Their habitats are being cut down for timber.

FoodRhinoceroses are herbivores. They eat leaves, twigs, shrubs, grasses, shoots, buds, trees, plants and drink water.

Types/ SpeciesThere are different types of rhinos. However most of the populations are dying down.

Other FactsRhinoceroses have very poor eyesight so they have a very good sense of hearing that they use instead. Rhinoceroses take mud-baths as a result it works just like sun screen.

By Amelie

Page 18: Rhino info reports

RhinosRhinos are herbivore which means they eat grass, trees and bushes. Rhinos can stand 6 feet tall and weigh from 750 to 8 000 pounds. Rhinos have really bad eyesight but have really good hearing. Black Rhinos have no hair on their body except for their ears, tail and eyelids. The Javan and Indian Rhinos only have one horn and the Sumatran, Black and White Rhino have two horns.

All the rhinos are found in Africa, India and Asia. Rhinos live in grasslands but try to stay away from the sun.

BehaviourRhinos mark their territory by using urine or dung. Lions sometimes attack small Black Rhinos. Rhinos live alone so they don’t hurt other rhinos.

Interesting FactsThey use dung to communicate to different animals. Baby rhinos are called calves. In the wild they can live up to 35 to 40 years. Rhinos have been on Earth for over 50 million years. The biggest species are the Black and White. Their horns can grow up to 1m long.

StatisticsThe population of all the different types are the Javan is fewer than 100, the Indian is about 2 000, the Sumatran is approximately 400, the Black 2 400 and the White is about 11 330. The only non-endangered rhino is the White Rhino.

By Nick

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RhinosAppearanceRhinos have 3cm thick armour-like skin. They have three toes on each foot. The Black Rhino only has hair on its tail, eyelids and ears.

Rhinos graze in groups on grass plains in Africa and Asia. They don’t like the sun.

DietRhinos are herbivore and only eat plants. They also eat leaves, twigs, shrubs, grasses, shoots, buds and trees.

ReproductionMale rhinos leave the babies and the females. Baby rhinos are called calves. When calves are born they weigh 50 kg.

Rhinos are all endangered as a result of poaching their horns for daggers and “medicine”. Rhinos are mammals and have good hearing.

By Braden

Page 20: Rhino info reports

RhinosBehaviourRhinos mark their territory and they use their urine and droppings to mark it. They have extremely poor eyesight however they have good hearing and smelling. They use their horns for defense. They charge at trees. They also roll in mud to keep pests off. When two rhinos meet they usually ignore each other but if they do mate they separate.Rhinos rest at day and feed at night. They also leave humans alone. Lions might attack baby black rhinos. They live alone to avoid hurting each other. The males mark their territory. They graze alone in grassy plains. The largest rhino weighs 2 tonnes.

AppearanceRhinos are herbivore. Their skin is 1.5cm thick and furthermore the Black Rhino has no hair. Rhinos are 150cm to the shoulder.

StatisticsBlack - 2 400White - 20 000Javan - <100Indian - 2 000Sumatran - 400

HabitatRhinos are found in Asian grasslands and they don’t like the sun. Their tropical homes are being cut down for timber.

FoodThey need lots of water to drink because it’s so hat where they live. They eat grass, bushes and leaves.

By Ryan

Page 21: Rhino info reports

RhinosIntroductionThere are 5 different types of rhinos. They are Black, White, Sumatran, Javan and iNdian. Rhinos are endangered. Rhino don’t like the sun.

AppearanceRhinos are herbivores which means they are vegetarian so they only eat plants, grass, trees and bushes. They can stand up to 2 metres therefore they weigh up to 340 kg to 3 600kg. Rhinos have little eyes so they have poor eyesight. However they can hear very well. African Black, White and the Sumatran rhinos have two horns in contrast the Indian and the Javan have one. Their skin can grow up to 3 cm thick. In addition they can grow up to 150cm in height to the shoulder. Black Rhinos can get up to 50kg at birth.

HabitatRhinos are found in Africa and Asia. Their habitats range from savannas to dense forests in tropical regions They are also found in grasslands of Africa and the jungles of India.

DietRhinos eat grass, plants, bushes, trees, twigs, shoots and shrubs. Rhinos need plenty of water to drink from the waterhole for their day. In the afternoon they graze on grassy field of Africa with their family.

StatisticsBlack Rhino- 2 400White Rhino - 20 000Sumatran Rhino - 400Javan Rhino - fewer than 100

By Animesh

Page 22: Rhino info reports

RhinocerosesInteresting FactsRhinos are mammals. There are five species of rhinos. Rhinos have lived on Earth for more than 50 million years. Scientists believe that if poaching goes on rhinos will become extinct. Rhinos are critically endangered. Mud is healthy for rhinos’ skin. They are hunted for their horns. Little birds eat ticks off rhino’s skin.

Statistics633 rhinos were killed in 2012 in addition to 333 killed in 2010. Rhinos can run 45 km/hr.

AppearanceRhinos eyesight is very poor however their hearing and sense of smell is really good. African White Rhino horns can grow up to 1.5m long. Black Rhinos have hair on their tail, eyelids and ears however they don’t have hair on their body.

BehaviourRhinos cover themselves in mud to protect them from insects and keep them cool in summer. Lions sometimes attack baby rhinos. Rhinos let people come close which is why poachers find it easy to kill them. Rhinos use their nose horn to defend themselves.

HabitatMost rhinos are found in Africa and Asia. Rhinos don’t like the sun. They are also found in India.

By Laiba

Page 23: Rhino info reports

RhinocerosesIntroductionThere are five different species of rhinos - Black, White, Indian, Javan and Sumatran. Javan are the most endangered and White and Black are the biggest species.

BehaviourRhinoceroses roll and play in mud because it’s fun but it’s also good for their skin. There are little birds that sit on the rhino’s back and they peck off parasites.

HabitatA group of rhinos are known as a crash.Most rhinoceroses live in Africa, in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.The White Rhino - squared lipped rhino - lives in South Africa.

AppearanceRhinoceroses have horns that grow on their noses. The horns are made from the same thing as our hair and nails - keratin.The Black Rhino’s horn can grow up to 1m long.They can grow up to 4.5 to 6 feet tall and can weigh over 3 500kg - as much as 50 average sized men.Their eyesight is terrible but their hearing and sense of smell is very good.Rhinos are large, heavy, grey animals and the White Rhino is the second largest mammal after the elephant.

StatisticsThe White Rhino has 20 000 in its species and then its cousin, the Black Rhino, has around 2 400.The African Black Rhino though, is now almost extinct in the wild.The Indian Rhinos have more than 2 000, Sumatran 400 and Javan fewer than 100.There were 333 killed in 2010 and 633 killed in 2012.In 2005 there were only 60 rhinos left!In 2012 971 calves were born yet 242 survived.

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FoodRhinos are vegetarian/ herbivores. They eat leaves, twigs, shrubs, grasses, shoots, buds, trees and in short, plants.Since they eat so much they need lots of water too.They graze on grassy plains. Although cousins, the White Rhino eats mostly grass, while the Black Rhino eat more bushes and leaves.

By Zoe