Rexroth-Open Core Engineering

PI 000/00  TT .MM.JJJJ Rexroth Introduces Open Core Engineering Innovative approach to software engineering opens up ore possi!i"ities for OEMs to create custo functions #ith the Open Core Interface OEMs can deve"op app"ication progras with Java as native apps and integrate sartphones sea"ess"$ into the autoation process. Bosch Rexroth is introducing an innovative approach to connect PLC and IT automation that it calls Open Core Engineering, the platform gives developers a greater degree of freedom in software engineering OE!s can "exi#l$ access the control core of the s$stem solutions Indra!otion !LC and IndraLogic %LC from applications #ased on high&level languages This allows them to reali'e customi'ed solutions independentl$ and more easil$, and at a lower cost than #efore Open Core Engineering !rings the re%uireents fro previous"$ separated engineering wor"ds together in one integrated so"ution. &t its center are software too"s and function too"'its that !ui"d entire"$ on open standards and techno"ogies. The new Open Core Interface enhances the software engineering ( which unti" now has !een focused on P)C autoation ( ena!"ing it to wor' with app"ications !ased on high*"eve" "anguages. #ith nuerous function "i!raries which are adapted to di+erent deve"opent e nvironents it is now possi!"e to have functions direct"$ access the contro" core. ,osch Rexroth Corporation- Corporate Counications 00 outh )a'es 1rive- Char"otte- 2C 34356- www.!oschrexroth* Contact for Journalists: Bosch Rexroth Corporation Susan Strauss 2315 City Line Road Bethlehem, ! 1"#1$ %elephone &'1#( ')*+"352 ax &'1#( ')*+"2'' susan-strauss./oschrexroth+us-com 7odfre$ Pu!"ic Re"ations  T odd cott 0 2orth Christian treet )ancaster- P& 5803  T e"ephone 955: 6;6*646 <ax 955: 6;6*06 tscott=godfre$.co 60004 3/3/306 <or Iediate >se Press Re"ease  

Transcript of Rexroth-Open Core Engineering

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Rexroth Introduces Open Core Engineering

Innovative approach to software engineering opens up orepossi!i"ities for OEMs to create custo functions

#ith the Open Core Interface OEMs can deve"op app"ication progras with Java as native

apps and integrate sartphones sea"ess"$ into the autoation process.

Bosch Rexroth is introducing an innovative approach to

connect PLC and IT automation that it calls Open Core

Engineering, the platform gives developers a greater

degree of freedom in software engineering OE!s can

"exi#l$ access the control core of the s$stem solutions

Indra!otion !LC and IndraLogic %LC from applications

#ased on high&level languages This allows them to

reali'e customi'ed solutions independentl$ and more

easil$, and at a lower cost than #efore

Open Core Engineering !rings the re%uireents fro previous"$

separated engineering wor"ds together in one integrated so"ution.

&t its center are software too"s and function too"'its that !ui"d

entire"$ on open standards and techno"ogies. The new Open Core

Interface enhances the software engineering ( which unti" now has

!een focused on P)C autoation ( ena!"ing it to wor' with

app"ications !ased on high*"eve" "anguages. #ith nuerous function

"i!raries which are adapted to di+erent deve"opent environents

it is now possi!"e to have functions direct"$ access the contro" core.

,osch Rexroth Corporation- Corporate Counications

00 outh )a'es 1rive- Char"otte- 2C 34356- www.!oschrexroth*

Contact for Journalists:

Bosch Rexroth Corporation

Susan Strauss

2315 City Line Road

Bethlehem, ! 1"#1$

%elephone &'1#( ')*+"352

ax &'1#( ')*+"2''


7odfre$ Pu!"ic Re"ations

 Todd cott

0 2orth Christian treet

)ancaster- P& 5803

 Te"ephone 955: 6;6*646

<ax 955: 6;6*06




<or Iediate


Press Re"ease 

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Open Core Engineering co!ines these new degrees of freedo in

software engineering with engineering ecienc$ fro proFect

p"anning to ongoing operations- which is what the ar'et had !een

deanding. The Indra#or's software integrates a"" too"s as we"" as

RexrothHs industr$ and techno"og$*speci@c 'now*how in the for of

function too"'its in an integrated engineering fraewor'. The 7&T

97eneric &pp"ication Tep"ate: software too"'it- for instance-

autoatica""$ generates the executa!"e achine progra !ased on

the deve"operHs instructions- there!$ "a$ing the foundation for the

deve"opent of odu"ar achine software. &nother exap"e is the

<"exPro@"e software too"'it. It sip"i@es the execution of cop"ex

achine functions !$ autoatica""$ adFusting a"" drive oveents

to changed paraeters in the production process.

& variet$ of industr$ and techno"og$*speci@c software too"'its speed

up the engineering as OEMs receive a"read$ pre*ade !asic

functions. ,ased on open standards such as sercos- OPC*>& or

P)Copen- Open Core Engineering a"so provides certaint$ for the

future and protects the investents of achiner$ anufacturers

and operators.

<or additiona" inforation- p"ease contact info=!oschrexroth*

Bosch Rexroth AG is one of the world’s leading specialists in the

eld of drive and control technologies. Under the Rexroth brand

name, the company spplies more than !"",""" cstomers with

tailored soltions for driving, controlling, and moving. Bosch

Rexroth is a partner for #obile Applications, #achinery Applications

and $ngineering, %actory Atomation and Renewable $nergies. &he

company provides cstomi'ed soltions tailored to the needs and

specications of each individal mar(et. As &he )rive * +ontrol

+ompany, Bosch Rexroth develops, prodces, and sells components

and systems in over " contries. As part of the Bosch Grop,

Bosch Rexroth and its -,"" associates generated approximately

/. billion eros 01.2 billion3 in revene in 4"55.

&o learn more, please visit

&he Bosch Grop is a leading global spplier of technology andservices. 7n the areas of atomotive technology, energy andbilding technology, indstrial technology, consmer goods, more

than -"",""" associates generated sales of !5.! billion eros0185.8 billion3 in 4"55. &he Bosch Grop comprises Robert Bosch

,osch Rexroth Corporation- Corporate Counications

00 outh )a'es 1rive- Char"otte- 2C 34356- www.!oschrexroth*

Contact for Journalists:

Bosch Rexroth Corporation

Susan Strauss

2315 City Line Road

Bethlehem, ! 1"#1$

%elephone &'1#( ')*+"352

ax &'1#( ')*+"2''


7odfre$ Pu!"ic Re"ations

 Todd cott

0 2orth Christian treet

)ancaster- P& 5803

 Te"ephone 955: 6;6*646

<ax 955: 6;6*06




<or Iediate


Press Re"ease 

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Gmb9 and roghly -!" sbsidiaries and regional companies insome /" contries. 7f its sales and service partners are inclded,then Bosch is represented in roghly 5!" contries. &his worldwide

development, manfactring, and sales networ( is the fondationfor frther growth. $ach year, Bosch spends arond .4 billion eros01!. billion3 for research and development, and applies for over,5"" patents worldwide. &he Bosch Grop’s prodcts and servicesare designed to improve :ality of life throgh soltions that areinnovative and benecial, as well as fascinating. 7n this way, thecompany o;ers technology worldwide that is <7nvented for life.=

 Additional information is available online at www.! andwww.!osch*

7n the U.>., +anada and #exico, the Bosch Grop manfactres andmar(ets atomotive original e:ipment and aftermar(et prodcts,indstrial drives and control technology, power tools, secrity andcommnication systems, pac(aging technology, thermotechnology,hosehold appliances, solar energy, healthcare telemedicine andsoftware soltions. 9aving established a regional presence in 52"/,Bosch employs over 44,!"" associates in more than 5"" locations,with sales of 12. billion in scal year 4"55. %or more information,visit,  and

,osch Rexroth Corporation- Corporate Counications

00 outh )a'es 1rive- Char"otte- 2C 34356- www.!oschrexroth*

Contact for Journalists:

Bosch Rexroth Corporation

Susan Strauss

2315 City Line Road

Bethlehem, ! 1"#1$

%elephone &'1#( ')*+"352

ax &'1#( ')*+"2''


7odfre$ Pu!"ic Re"ations

 Todd cott

0 2orth Christian treet

)ancaster- P& 5803

 Te"ephone 955: 6;6*646

<ax 955: 6;6*06




<or Iediate


Press Re"ease