Reviewer Principles of Learning and Teaching

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  • 7/21/2019 Reviewer Principles of Learning and Teaching


    BanduraSocial Learning Theory - emphasizes modeling or observationallearning as a powerful source of development and behaviormodification.

    BrunerTheory of "Discovery Learning" onstructivist. hildren solveproblems using prior e!amples reflection activities.Believed that the education and instruction of children shouldinclude four separate features.

    #$hildren should be encouraged to e!plore and learn about theirworld and teachers should see% out how to foster that curiosity.

    &$'nformation should be easily accessible and comprehensibleso teachers should research the most effective way to present

    new information.

    ($The order or se)uence should be logical and orderly so thatchildren can follow along with the development of an idea or wayof thin%ing.

    *$+ method of reward should be installed so that children can beencouraged and feel that their participation and responses aregood. ,erbal praise is an e!trinsic reward while the childs pridein figuring out the concept is an intrinsic reward.

    Dewey"Learning Through !perience" /ro0ect based free activitycooperative learning teach students how to thin% for themselvessocial success hands-on activities 1nited States pragmaticphilosopher who advocated progressive education 2#345-#54&$

    /iagetSwiss psychologist remembered for his studies of cognitivedevelopment in children 2#356-#537$ sensorimotor- 7-& yearscoordinating visual sensations with motors%illspreoperational- &-8 years able to internally represent images in

    own mind. 9:;T

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    =etacognition"Thin%ing about thin%ing" or the ability to evaluate a cognitivetas% to determine how best to accomplish it and then to monitorand ad0ust ones performance on that tas%.

    Schema+ concept or framewor% that organizes and interpretsinformation.

    Transfer learning theoryTransfer of learning-- connection or application of learnedmaterial to future s%ill or %nowledge ac)uisition. transferringones %nowledge and s%ills from one problem solving situation toanother.'f teachers structure their lessons in ways that allow the transferof information it pushes students to thin% it more broadly bysynthesizing@ using old ideas to create new ones creatinggeneralizations ma%ing predictions and drawing conclusions.


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    Learning Style+ mode of learning an individuals preferred or best manner2s$in which to thin% process information and demonstratelearning.

    +mericans Eith Disabilities +ct/assed by ongress in #55# this act banned discriminationagainst the disabled in employment and mandated easy access toall public and commericial buildings.

    'ndividuals Eith Disabilities ducation +ct2'D+$ ensures rights of nondiscriminatory treatment in allaspect of disabled individuals lives fair and appropriateeducation appropriate evaluation individualized educationprogram least restrictive environment parent and studentparticipation in decision ma%ing procedural safeguards.

    Section 47*

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    Self-DeterminationThe ability of a government to determine their own course oftheir own free will.


    The process of e!plaining ones own behavior and the behavior ofothers.

    !trinsic =otivation+ desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards orthreats of punishment.

    'ntrinsic =otivation+ desire to perform a behavior for its own sa%e.

    ognitive DissonanceThe theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when twoof our thoughts are inconsistent. Gor e!ample when ourawareness of our attitudes and our actions clash we can reducethe resulting dissonance by changing our attitudes.


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    Standards-Based ducationThe use of e!plicit outcomes of what students should %now andbe able to do which are outlined in standards to developinstruction and assessments.

    Standards and Gramewor%s+ curriculum framewor% is an organized plan or set of standardsor learning outcomes that defines the content to be learned interms of clear definable standards of what the student should%now and be able to do. +cademic standards are the benchmar%sof )uality and e!cellence in education such as the rigor ofcurricula and the difficulty of e!aminations.

    ognitivism+ theory of learning. The idea is that learning is a consciousrational process. /eople learn by ma%ing models maps and

    framewor%s in their mind. H is the opposite of behaviorism.'nformation /rocessingThe methods by which we ta%e in analyze store and retrievematerial.

    =appingDiagramming main ideas and connections between them.

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    an be either positive or negative intended to reduce theoccurrence of a behavior.

    Scope and Se)uenceScope is what you are covering and se)uence is when you are

    covering it.+ffective Domain?nown as the "feeling" domain and is divided into categories thatspecify the degree of a persons depth of emotional response totas%s it includes feelings emotions interests attitudes andappreciations.

    /sychomotor DomainThe domain involved in the learning of a new procedure or s%illoften called the doing domain.

    ognitive DomainThe "thin%ing" domain includes si! intellectual abilities andthin%ing processes beginning with %nowing comprehending andapplying to analysis synthesis and evaluation.

    :bservable BehaviorBehaviors for ob0ectives must be able to be seen or heard soteachers can measure and assess how well an ob0ective andAor atas% has been accomplished.

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    reative Thin%ingThe ability to thin% in novel and unusual ways and to come upwith uni)ue solutions to problems.


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    encourage all pupil response8. 9uide students during practice3. :ffer students during practice.5. /rovide /ractice for independent wor% and monitor students.#7. ontinue /ractice until students are ready to use new info

    independently and confidently.Drill and /ractice:ffer students practice in the form of a variety of e!ercises. Thestudents receive immediate feedbac% on their answers. Typically'ndividualized practice and thus not appropriate for group orcollaborative wor%.

    Demonstration+ visual presentation showing how something wor%s.

    loze /roceduresGill in the blan% production. an e!ercise test or assessmentconsisting of a portion of te!t with certain words removed 2clozete!t$ where the participant is as%ed to replace the missingwords. loze tests re)uire the ability to understand conte!t andvocabulary in order to identify the correct words or type of wordsthat belong in the deleted passages of a te!t. This e!ercise iscommonly administered for the assessment of native and secondlanguage learning and instruction.The word cloze is derived from closure in 9estalt theory.

    oncept =apping/rovides a visual framewor% for organizing conceptualinformation in the process of defining a word or concept. Theframewor% contains the category properties and e!amples ofthe word or concept.

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    Distance Learning/rocess of delivering educational or instructional programs tolocations away from a classroom or site.

    Brainstormingoming up with as many solutions to a problem as possible in ashort period of time with no censoring of ideas.

    ooperative Learning 9roupsooperative learning refers to a set of instructional techni)ues inwhich students wor% together in small groups to complete anassignment or pro0ect. Students are assigned individual rolessuch as that of a facilitator recorder or time-%eeper and aregiven the opportunity to share their %nowledge of the topic.

    Synthesizing=a%e your connections pull it all together and create somethingnew from it all.

    'nferringThe process of ma%ing an inference an interpretation based onobservations and prior %nowledge.

    =odelingTerm coined by Bandura on how we learn by imitating research - children will spontaneously imitate the behavior ofa model without any obvious reinforcement.

    Developing Self-

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    Students are in small groups more attention fromteacher. This can be done in a number of ways but the mostcommon are a$ one small group at a time while the rest of theclass does wor% independently b$ all students are in a smallgroup and teacher moves between groups.

    /airAShare+ cooperative grouping strategy. 't involves placing two studentstogether to discuss ideas about a topic. Then after some time haspassed the teacher as%s the students to share with the wholeclass what they discussed in their groups.

    'ndependent LearningLearners re)uire %nowledge soley on through their own efforts.1ses in)uiry and critical thin%ing.

    ooperative Learning+pproach to instruction in which students wor% with a smallgroup of peers to achieve a common goal and help one anotherlearn. 2=ore instructor structured with a specific answer orsolution.$

    ollaborative LearningStudents learning together drawing on one anothers %nowledgeand s%ills. 2:pen ended )uestions without specific answers.$

    eterogeneous 9rouping+n educational practice in which students of diverse abilities areplaced within the same instructional groups.

    omogeneous 9rouping+n educational practice in which students of similar abilities areplaced within the same instructional groups. This practiceusually serves as a barrier to the integration of children withdisabilities.

    =ulti-+ge 9roupingThe mi!ing or integration of student of different ages in oneclassroom or learning setting.

    Short Term =emory+ctivated memory that holds a few items briefly such as theseven digits of a phone number while dialing before theinformation is stored or forgotten.

    Long Term =emoryThe relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory

    system. 'ncludes %nowledge s%ills and e!periences.Teachable =omentsThe spontaneous indirect teaching that occurs when teachersrespond to students )uestions or when students otherwisedemonstrate the need to %now something. 1nplannedopportunities for learning. points in time perhaps associatedwith critical periods when a child is highly motivated and betterable to ac)uire a particular s%ill.

    Thin%AEait Time

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    Length of time a teacher pauses after either as%ing a )uestion orhearing a students comment before saying something.

    +ctive Listeningmpathetic listening in which the listener echoes restates and

    clarifies. + feature of

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    frustration and other feelings openly. :ther cultures try to %eeptheir emotions hidden e!hibiting or sharing only the "rational"or factual aspects of the situation.

    ffective Listening Strategies

    #. +ttending to the Spea%er&.

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    ontinuums+ graphic organizer can be used to help students learn %eyvocabulary or concepts. /rovides an opportunity for students toactivate and develop prior %nowledge of the feeling words that

    will be discussed.Self-+ssessment+n evaluation of your strengths and be used in a group wor% to assist students in raising theirawareness about the )uality of their contributions to the grouppart of any writing assignment to summarize strengths andwea%nesses they see in their writing.

    /eer-+ssessment+ssessment by students of their classmates products orperformances usually done informally and during a classsession.

    +chievement Tests+ test designed to assess what a person has learned.

    +ptitude Tests+ test designed to predict a persons future performanceaptitude is the capacity to learn.

    +bility TestsTests used to assess the s%ills an individual already possesses+lso called performance tests.


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    + conversion of the students raw score on a common scale to anumerical scale to compare to other students. 2Eeighted Score$

    Standard Deviation+ computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean

    score.olistic ScoringScore is given on the paper as a whole. +ssessors balancestrengths and wea%nesses among the various criteria to arrive atan overall assessment of success or effectiveness of a paper.

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    Ehen is a teacher liableMTort law is based on the legal premise that individuals are liablefor the conse)uences of their own conduct 2or lac%of conduct$ when such actions result in in0ury to others. 'n a

    schoolAclassroom setting tort law is the most commonarea of the law that sub0ects teachers to personal liability.'n most education-related civil lawsuits there are twomain categories of tort liability relevant to the professionaleducatorJ'ntentional and negligent Torts.'nappropriate touching physical discipline sharing privateinformation 2test scores$ slander threatening isolatingaccidents due to negligence tying down or taping are allsituations in which a teacher would be held liable.