Review. The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called ______.

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  • Slide 1

Review Slide 2 The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called ______. Slide 3 heredity Slide 4 The different forms of a trait that a gene may have are called _____. Slide 5 alleles Slide 6 The study of how traits are inherited is the science of _____. Slide 7 genetics Slide 8 In a Punnet square, the letters stand for ______. A. dominant alleles B. recessive alleles C. both a and b D. neither a nor b Slide 9 CC Slide 10 The genetic makeup of an organism is called its _____. Slide 11 genotype Slide 12 The way an organism looks and behaves as a result of its genetic makeup is called its _____. Slide 13 phenotype Slide 14 In a Punnett square, a capital letter (T) stands for a _____ allele. Slide 15 dominant Slide 16 The combination Tt represents a _____ genotype. A. heterozygous B. homozygous C. purebred D. recessive Slide 17 AA Slide 18 Experiments with four oclock flowers produced examples of _____ dominance. Slide 19 incomplete Slide 20 Blood type is an example of ______. A. multiple alleles B. a pair of genes C. polygenic inheritance D. sex-linked genes Slide 21 AA Slide 22 Color blindness is an example of _____. A. a sex-linked disorder B. incomplete dominance C. a genetic disorder D. polygenic inheritance Slide 23 AA Slide 24 Genetic engineering has already helped people by _____. A. altering pedigrees B. curing Downs syndrome C. eliminating infant deaths D. producing medicine Slide 25 DD Slide 26 Through recombinant DNA, scientist have been able to _____. A. cure color blindness B. create new breeds of dogs C. alter viruses D. improve tomatoes Slide 27 DD Slide 28 Who is known as the father of genetics? Slide 29 Gregor Mendel Slide 30 Organisms that receive different alleles from each parent are called _____. Slide 31 hybrids Slide 32 What term describes an organism with two alleles that are the same? Slide 33 homozygous Slide 34 What term describes an organism with two different alleles for a trait? Slide 35 heterozygous Slide 36 What term describes a group of gene pairs acting together to produce a trait? Slide 37 polygenic inheritance Slide 38 Errors occurring in the DNA when it is copied inside a cell are called _____. Slide 39 mutations Slide 40 The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called _____. Slide 41 heredity Slide 42 The different forms of a trait that a gene may have are called _____. Slide 43 alleles Slide 44 In a Punnett square, the letters stand for ______ and _____ alleles. Slide 45 dominant, recessive Slide 46 The genetic makeup of an organism is called its _____. Slide 47 genotype Slide 48 The way an organism looks and behaves as a result of its genetic makeup is called its _____. Slide 49 phenotype Slide 50 passing of traits from one generation to another Vocabulary Slide 51 heredity Slide 52 inserting DNA into bacteria Slide 53 recombinant DNA Slide 54 study of inheritance Slide 55 genetics Slide 56 an allele inherited on a sex chromosome Slide 57 sex-linked gene Slide 58 a trait that is hidden Slide 59 recessive Slide 60 the chance that an event will take place Slide 61 probability Slide 62 genetic makeup of an organism Slide 63 genotype Slide 64 a normal allele is placed into a virus Slide 65 gene therapy Slide 66 physical appearance resulting from genotype Slide 67 phenotype Slide 68 both alleles are express in offspring Slide 69 incomplete dominance Slide 70 more than one set of genes controls a trait Slide 71 polygenic inheritance Slide 72 Genetic engineering is the practice of changing the arrangement of DNA through biological and chemical methods. True/False Slide 73 True Slide 74 In gene therapy a normal allele is placed in a virus, which delivers the allele when it infects its target cell. Slide 75 True Slide 76 An allele inherited on a sex chromosome is called a sex-linked disorder. Slide 77 False, sex- linked gene Slide 78 Environmental influences cannot have an impact on phenotype. Slide 79 False, can Slide 80 Environmental influences can be internal or external. Slide 81 True Slide 82 Gregor Mendel was the first experimenter to trace one trait through several generations. Slide 83 True Slide 84 Mendel called plants that had received different alleles for a trait from each parent genes. Slide 85 False, hybrids Slide 86 A given alleles effect is dominant or recessive. Slide 87 True Slide 88 An organism with two alleles that are the same is called heterozygous. Slide 89 False, homozygous Multiple Answers Slide 90 An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is called homozygous. Slide 91 False, heterozygous Slide 92 A trait produced by a combination of many genes is called polygenic. Slide 93 True Slide 94 Create a Punnet Square where the father is homozygous dominate for cleft chin and mother is homozygous recessive for no cleft chin. Multi point question Slide 95 What are the genotypes and phenotypes for their offspring? Slide 96 Create a Punnet Square where the father is heterozygous for dominate dimples and the mother is heterozygous for dominate dimples. Slide 97 What are the genotypes and phenotypes for their offspring?