Retrain or Drain

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  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain


    Retin or Drin:

    The A.R.T. of EninEmployees

  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain


    Lets tlk bout indictors.We measure the health of our economy through unemployment rates and job

    numbers both of which continue to march toward rosier pre-recession levels.

    But what about the future health of your company? It rests on your employee

    retention rates and their productivity. As job opportunities abound and the

    economy picks up steam, how will you keep them from underperforming,

    pursuing new jobs and walking out the door?

    Employees are arguably every companys most valuable asset. So its no

    surprise that human capital creativity, innovation, customer service skills, or

    whatever it may be correlates directly to actual capital. Talent is expensive to

    attract, but even pricier to replace. Based on figures from the U.S. Bureau of

    Labor Statistics, thecost of replacing an employeeis $57,968. This figure is

    flanked by another retention statistic put out by theSociety of Human Resource

    Management a 10% reduction in employee turnover is worth more to the

    company than a 10% increase in sales.

    Its obvious that investing in employee engagement improves organizations

    bottom lines. When talented, engaged employees perform better, customers

    reap the rewards of a better product or service and overall experience. Happy

    customers=happy employees. The good news is, once you create an

    atmosphere where employee engagement exists, the talent will multiply.

    Satisfied, productive employees will refer cohorts, and talented candidates willseek out your organization because of your superior workplace culture.

    How do you know if your employees are engaged? An employee feedback

    program is necessary to measure your staffs satisfaction, productivity and

    overall engagement. If you do it right and your employees trust that their

    anonymity is protected, youll gain a firsthand look into what motivates them,

    what impedes their growth and how to make their experience a positive one.

    This is your chance to be a fly on the wall at the water cooler, in the break roomor at happy hour. Learn how to implement an employee feedback program that

    will help engage your employees today!

    -10%reduction in employee turnover

    +10%increase in sales

    is worth more to a company than

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    Listen to the voiceof your employees.It will make them feel valued and will ultimately

    make your organization more profitable. According to

    a recent study by AON Hewitt & Mercer,50% of

    employees characterize themselves as passively

    engaged or actively disengaged. Furthermore, one

    disengaged employee can drain $10,000 from your

    companys bottom line annually. Now multiply those

    figures over the size of your staff and youll start to

    realize why creating a workplace culture that fosters

    continuous feedback is essential. Unfortunately,

    these circumstances are not uncommon.A recentpoll by Gallupemphasized how disengaged

    employees act as a major drain nationally. The polling

    company estimates, as a whole, disengaged workers

    cost the U.S. a staggering $550 billion in economic

    activity each year.

    Productivity aside, without a proper feedback

    program in place, a staff with a perpetual case of the

    Mondays isnt your only problem. Disconnectiondoes not inspire loyalty.The Deloitte Talent Edge

    2020 reported that,on average, two out of every

    three disengaged employees are considering leaving

    their current jobs. And, as evidenced by the statistics

    above, their quest for greener pastures isnt cheap.

    The Drin

    Without a proper feedbck

    prorm in plce, stff with

    perpetual cse of the Mondys

    isnt your only problem.

    disengaged employees cost the US

    $550 Billionin economic activity each year

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    No matter what product or service your organization provides, every member

    of your staff affects the final result, which, in turn, affects your customers

    experiences. Even if your customer service team is the only department that

    directly interacts with your customers, they arent the only employees who

    will impact your brand. Think about it: An information technology departmentslow to alleviate glitches will hinder office productivity; a lack of innovation in

    research and development will spawn inferior products; and frontline sales

    representatives without energy will fall short of their quotas.

    Delivering an excellent customer experience pays off. When happy

    employees make customers happy, its reflected in revenues. According to a

    study by Aberdeen Group,a 14.4% year-over-year improvement in customer

    satisfaction amounted to an 87% customer retention rate and a 28.3%

    improvement in annual revenue. Conversely, a 7.5% year-over-year decline incustomer satisfaction resulted in a 20% customer retention rate and a loss of

    0.2% in annual revenue.

    In todays hyper-social marketplace, the wrath of a displeased customer can

    compound quickly. Sites like Facebook and Twitter provide an outlet for

    customers to vent to their vast networks of friends and family, while review

    forums like Yelp and allow anyone to become an insta-critic.

    If your customers feel slighted, the powerful tools at their disposal can do

    irreparable damage to your brand.

    The best way to protect your brand and ensure a valuable customer

    experience is to address the root problem: employee engagement. If

    employees feel neglected and undervalued at the office, customers will

    feel the effects. Remember, it all boils down to this:

    Your Customers

    will Thnk You

    When hppy employees

    mke customers hppy,

    its reflected in revenues

    Hppy employees = hppy customers

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees | 4

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    14.4%YoY improvement in

    customer satisfactio

    =87%customerretention rate

    &improvement inannual revenue


    7.5% YoY decline incustomer satisfactio

    =20%customerretention rate

    &loss in annualrevenue

  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain


    The A.R.T. of Employee

    Feedbck PrormsOk, so youre convinced that giving your employees a voice is a necessary step

    toward retaining them and empowering them to do great work. Now its time

    to find out how to engage them through an employee feedback program. But,

    be warned, implementing it is an A.R.T. Its all about Awareness, Relevancy

    and, most importantly, Trust. To accurately pinpoint key drivers affectingemployee engagement levels, your employees must feel a sense of anonymity

    and that their opinions matter. Although you might be eager to begin polling

    the collective mood around the office, doing it successfully requires foresight.

    Read on for the cornerstones of an effective employee feedback program.

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    AwrenessLaunching a successful employee survey depends on

    creating awareness on two levels. And theyre both

    equally important. The first phase of awareness has to

    come from the C-suite. Senior management needs to

    buy into the program. While some executives

    experience trepidation upon facing some potentially

    unsettling realities about their staff, establishing goals

    for the survey and tying them directly to goals for

    improving retention rates and productivity should quell

    their concerns. Not only does management need to sign

    off on the project, they should promote participation

    among the staff. When employees hear management

    touting the benefits of participating, theyll feel like their

    feedback has the power to affect actual change.Awareness begins with a top-down approach.

    In addition to getting general buy-in from senior

    leadership, an employee feedback program needs a

    champion. This person accepts responsibility for moving

    the program along. The champion dedicates time and

    resources into seeing the program through each stage

    from creation to insight-based action.

    The second level of awareness exists on the employee

    level. In order to garner the response rates you want,

    you have to spread the word. An email notification with

    a brief explanation and a link to the survey is an easy

    way to jump-start participation. After you send out the

    initial email, the right software should give you the

    autonomy to send out reminders to non-respondents

    based on an automated time schedule. However, dont

    rely solely on email reminders. Take advantage of staff

    meetings, intranet postings and the company

    newsletter to explain the impetus behind the surveys

    and why participation is important. Flyers in high traffic

    areas like kitchens, lobbies, elevators or even bathrooms

    also help to keep the survey top of mind.

    Timing is a critical piece of the awareness puzzle as well.

    You need to be mindful of your employees time

    constraints and workflow, specifically when it comes to

    establishing survey send times and deadlines. Typically,

    sending out surveys mid-week during the middle of the

    day drives up participation rates, but it could vary

    depending on when employees receive the highest

    volume of emails. If youre concerned the survey will getburied regardless of send time, set aside a specific

    company-wide time for everyone to complete it. Avoid

    sending the survey during major organizational

    milestones acquisitions, mergers, end of financial

    quarters and busy seasons eschew average satisfaction

    levels and dont leave employees with enough time to

    devote to completing the task.

    In ddition to ettin enerl buy-in

    from senior ledership, n employee

    feedbck prorm needs chmpion.

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees |

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    RelevncyYour employee survey will only provide actionable insights if you ask theright

    questions.If your questions are too generic, you can expect generic responses.

    And if your survey is irrelevant, employees may become aggravated answering

    questions that arent applicable to their role in the organization. Functional survey

    software should give you the capability to utilize a range of question formats that fit

    each question type. Depending on the kind of data you want to capture, youll need

    to use different formats like multiple choice questions for demographic information,

    the Likert scale for satisfaction levels and text boxes for open-ended questions.

    Dont forget to employ logic and direct respondents to skip to certain questions

    based on their responses. This ensures employees wont have to sift through

    questions only to check the box that reads N/A.

    A relevant survey is also a diverse survey. Your employees satisfaction levels are

    tied to more than a paycheck, and their day-to-day job functions arent mutually

    exclusive from the environment they carry them out in. Therefore, the best

    employee satisfaction surveys ask for emotional and functional feedback. Emotional

    questions about workplace culture, coworkers and professional development likely

    carry as much weight as functional questions about job responsibilities, salary and

    benefits. However, even though there are a seemingly infinite amount of questions

    you could ask employees, too many questions will overwhelm them. When surveys

    take too long to complete, people tend to fill them out haphazardly by the end or

    abandon them before completion. Avoid survey fatigue by setting specific goals for

    the survey. With a clear focus on the type of information you aim to gather, you will

    be able to contain the length of the survey. If you have numerous topics you wishto collect feedback on, create multiple shorter surveys and distribute them

    throughout the year instead of in one unmanageable, unfocused survey.

    The biggest return on investment comes from employee feedback programs that

    ask the right questions. Dont shy away from asking relevant questions because

    you might solicit negative responses its the negative feedback that will help you

    learn most about your employees wants and needs.

    The secret to extracting honesty from employees, even if its negative, dependson your ability to clear one last hurdle: trust.

    A relevnt survey

    is diverse survey

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees |
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    TrustIts time to build trust in your employees. Remember, asking employees to

    disclose their critiques and closely held opinions is a big deal. If they fear candor

    comes with repercussions, they will shy away from honesty. Diluted answers

    and faux praise is the equivalent of survey lip service it may feel good, but it

    wont help create lasting solutions. Surveys are for empowering employees, not

    for making them feel like a witch hunt is underway.

    The most effective way to establish trust is to ensure anonymity. When

    employees know their responses cant be tracked back to them, they feel more

    comfortable revealing the truth. Protect staff anonymity by using survey

    technology with the capability to give results without giving up identities.

    Additionally, be careful not to ask any unique identifiers. For example, if there

    is only one male on staff, its best to nix the gender question.

    Despite attempts to assert survey anonymity, employees may still remain

    skeptical of revealing their true feelings. In this case, its worth considering

    using a third party. Bringing in an outside group to help design the survey,

    manage the distribution list, send email reminders and run data analysis reports

    can ensure you are getting the most comprehensive results from your

    employee feedback program.

    Another way to build trust is to continuously collect employee feedback.

    Reoccurring surveys demonstrate your commitment to making changes and

    measuring how they affect the staff. Conducting only one obligatory employeesurvey a year wont be viewed as a serious attempt at understanding workplace

    satisfaction levels.

    Employee feedback programs rest on trust. Be up front, be transparent and

    let your staff know they can trust you.

    Set your survey up for success by treating it like an A.R.T. Once you have taken

    steps to raise awareness, ensure relevancy and build trust, you have laid the

    foundation for engaging your employees.

    Reoccurrin surveys

    demonstrte your

    commitment to

    mkin chnes nd

    mesurin how they

    ffect the stff.

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees |

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  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain



    Types &Dt


    Once employees finishthe survey, the mostimportnt prt isnlyzin the dt.Survey tools with online analysis and reporting features

    make this process less arduous. Your survey should

    contain at least four major types of questions for optima

    data analysis.

    The first question type necessary to the data analysis

    process is theLikert Scale.Usually these questions are

    formatted using the following five-point scale:

    1. Stronly disree

    2. Disree

    3. Neutrl

    4. Aree

    5. Stronly ree

    This scale will measure your employees level of

    agreement with various statements as well as the

    intensity of their feelings. For example, if your

    statement reads, I am happy with the companys time

    off policy, the Likert Scale will let you know how

    powerfully your employees agree or disagree. Analyzing

    these results involves adding the points and dividing the

    sum by the number of respondents to find the average

    satisfaction level.

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    The second type of question necessary to aid data analysis is an

    open-ended question.Asking open-ended questions gives respondents

    the chance to explain exactly why they way they feel the way they do.

    Their comments provide qualitative insights that a scale or multiple-choice

    question cant capture. In addition to reading through responses and

    mining them for compelling answers and reoccurring themes, advanced

    survey software can help you gain more value from large volumes of

    open-ended questions with text analysis features. Text analysis tools help

    structure the data by identifying word trends and separating positive and

    negative feedback.

    The next question measures yournet promoter score,commonly referred

    to as NPS. Similar to the customer loyalty metric, employee NPS works in

    much of the same way. Its used to calculate the staffs overall loyalty to

    the company. The score, typically based on a 0-10 scale, asks the following

    question, How likely are you to recommend working at Company X to a

    friend? You can calculate the score by subtracting the number of

    detractors (those who answer 0-6) from the number of promoters (those

    who answer 9-10). Remember to follow up this question by asking

    respondents why they chose the number they did. It will help you identify

    whats affecting loyalty levels around the office.

    Finally, to compare satisfaction levels across various segments of your

    staff, youll need to ask respondents demographic information like how

    long theyve worked for the company and what department they work in.With this information, you can compare results by segment using cross

    tabulation statistics. This measures the correlation between two metrics.

    For example, does your accounting department indicate its very satisfied

    with office hours, but your customer service department says its

    dissatisfied? Cross tabulating different attributes helps highlight disparities

    between specific employee groups. Look for reoccurring trends and focus

    on categories that show overwhelming consensus or dramatic differences

    between segments.

    Delving into survey data and analyzing results is a necessary step in the

    employee feedback process. Before you can take action, you must make

    sure youre working to adjust the right things. If you doubt whether or not

    you have the time and resources to undertake a comprehensive analysis,

    look into web survey software with a support team that will handle

    the reporting.

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees | 1

    Employee Net Promoter

    Score: How likely re yoto recommend workin

    Compny X to friend?
  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain


    Actin on Insihts

    A mjor pitfll when itcomes to fledlin employeefeedbck prorms is lckof follow-up.Data has a tendency to become inert thrown by the

    wayside because no plan was put in place to process it and

    no one owns the follow up. Employees will notice their

    feedback was not taken seriously, creating the opposite of

    the desired effect. Instead of engaging employees, a lack of

    follow through will further disengage them.

    Prevent launching an employee program thats potentially

    damaging to staff morale by resolving to do something with

    the results. Have a plan. Before the launch, decide who is

    going to take ownership of the program and start to draft

    goals. The first survey will provide solid insights to take

    action on. From there you can take steps to remedy the

    major impediments to employee satisfaction. While you

    wont be able to address every issue voiced by the staff

    members, acknowledging you heard them and taking small

    steps to fix some of the problems shows employees they

    matter. Be as transparent as possible. Make the survey

    results available to everyone in the office. This makes itclear youre not trying to hide a reoccurring theme in the

    data. Even if its an issue you cant change, addressing it

    and explaining why the organization cant change it, shows

    employees that their voice was heard.

    Once youve begun to make organizational

    adjustments, its important to continue to collect

    feedback from employees on a consistent basis.

    Use repetition as your yardstick for progress. Track

    how employee satisfaction levels evolve over time

    and tie your goals into retention rates and

    productivity levels. The most comprehensive

    employee feedback programs also compare insight

    from customer feedback programs. Over time, you

    should be able to monitor how trends in employee

    satisfaction and loyalty levels affect trends in

    customer data like loyalty, satisfaction and overall

    revenue. Its the best way to see your investment

    in employee engagement pay off.

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    Evolvin Relities

    The relity is, in todys knowlede-bsed economy, orniztions reconstntly competin to ttrct ndretin top tlent.Their ability to do so affects how well they perform in the marketplace. Tangible

    benefits like pay, vacation time and employee perks are often mirrored by

    companies across like industries. This means its the intangible benefits that

    make the difference. Whether your employees are motivated by growth

    prospects, recognition for a job well done, professional development

    opportunities or office culture quirks like dress code, you wont know until

    you ask for their feedback.

    Underestimating the true benefits of a great workplace is costly. It will cost

    your organization in lost resources and missed opportunities. Consider the

    latest Fortune 100 statistic in 2012, a fund of publicly traded companies in the

    Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list performed three times as well as

    all other companies on the S&P 500 stock index. Its simple: Happy employees

    work harder, look for ways to exceed expectations, treat customers better and

    ultimately make your organization more profitable.

    Remember, the voice of your employees is an invaluable tool, so start listening

    to them before someone else does!

    Retain or Drain: The A.R.T. of Engaging Employees | 12
  • 8/11/2019 Retrain or Drain

    13/13 | 866.318.4358

    Self-AssessmentHow does your employee engagement program stack up?

    Take ourEmployee Feedback Assessmentto evaluate your

    current efforts, and based on how youre doing well follow

    up with tips, best practices and strategies for improving

    future surveys at your organization.

    Tke Assessment

    Cvent is an industry leader in Enterprise Feedback Management and

    works with organizations around the globe to help them collect

    feedback from their various constituents i.e. customers, employees,

    partners, etc. With Cvent's web survey software, organizations can

    streamline the way they collect feedback and timely business

    intelligence. Professionals use Cvent's web survey software to

    measure employee satisfaction, enhance company culture, test

    markets, qualify leads, evaluate program effectiveness, and gauge

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    with survey management, data collection and the reporting tools

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