(Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with...


Transcript of (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with...

Page 1: (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with food additives "The ALCAT Test has helped in a multitude of chronic cases where other
Page 2: (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with food additives "The ALCAT Test has helped in a multitude of chronic cases where other

When Brigadier GeneralRebecca" Becky" Halstead(Retired U.S. Army General

Officer) entered a room, she was usedto listening, making decisions, andtaking charge.

It would be great if she could listen, make a decision,take charge, and just give the order for chiropractic careto be extended here and abroad for all military personneland their families - but we know it isn't quite that easy.

As a spokesperson for the Foundation for ChiropracticProgress (www.yes2chiropractic.org), a not-for-profitorganization dedicated to increasing public awareness ofthe benefits of chiropracric, Halstead knows "this is an

sweet spot of chiropractic care. However, chiropractic careis not available at most military treatment facilities, and itis not available in the combat zone where it is needed most.Our military has some of the best and brightest medicaldoctors well schooled and educated in dispensing drugs tohelp mask the pain, both physical and emotional.

"In my opinion, however, we need the talent ofchiropractors well schooled and educated in dealing withmusculoskeletal ailments and physical related stress toprevent, reduce, or even eliminate these types of ailments,rather than mask the problems."

Halstead emphasizes she is not in any way wantingfewer physicians at military facilities here and abroad. Sheis promoting, however, the need for chiropractic care tocomplement the care provided by medical doctors.

"A holistic approach to wellness is not a new conceptto the military. We have trained on the principles of

A comprehensive chiropractic wellness programapproaches preventative and restora'tive healing of

the body with the same focus and comprehension thatthe military uses to fine ...tune its wartime warriors.

effort that will take all of us working together and I amwilling to help lead the effort."

As she appears before audiences, she communicates herpassion about her highly positive experience withchiropractic care over a' protracted period of time and herwholehearted support for extending chiropractic care atall military facilities - to include all VeteransAdministration hospitals in the United States and abroad,

Not only is she making a difference, she is alsomotivating and inspiring chiropractors and consumersalike to make a difference. "My passion and motivation inlife has been to make a difference for others," she says.

"In a war zone, the average soldier and marine on theground is carrying between 70 to 125 pounds of arms andequipment," Halstead says. "In addition to foot patrols inaustere conditions, they also are often sitting or lying incramped quarters in a military vehicle or in a securityposition on a base perimeter.

"When they do sleep, it is generally not restful sleep orfor many hours. This physical stress places a lot of strain onthe musculoskeletal structure of a combat warrior's body,not to mention the emotional stress of living day-in andday-out with the possibility of intense and deadly battle.

"Treating this kind of physical and emotional stress is the

physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual fitness for a verylong time. Like many things in life, though, we often fallshort on practicing this sense of balance.

"We need our medical doctors, but we needchiropractic care, too. Our military men and women, andtheir families, have earned and richly deserve chiropracticcare be available to them to support our principles offitness, wellness, and readiness."

Kent S. Greenawalt, president of the Foundation forChiropractic Progress and CEO and president of FootLevelers Inc., agrees. "General Halstead's career is anexample of outstanding, excellent service to our nation.Those in the military, who serve all of us, protecting oursecurity and our liberty, also deserve availability ofoutstanding, excellent chiropractic care. Anything less isbeing less than grateful for their sacrifices."

Halstead's service"I grew up in upstate New York, about four hours from

the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. I had not beenexposed to the Academy or the army while growing up. In1976, my mom read in the newspaper about theAcademies opening their doors to women, and shethought the description of the women they were seeking

Page 3: (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with food additives "The ALCAT Test has helped in a multitude of chronic cases where other

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- good high school grades, athleticability, and a moral approach to life- sounded just like me. I refer to mymom as the Renaissance womanbecause not many moms werepushing their daughters in thedirection of the military in thosedays," says Halstead.

Receiving a Congressionalappointment, she entered theAcademy in 1977 - the second yearwomen were admitted. She excelleddespite the fact only half of thewomen to join her class graduated.When she was selected as "Plebe ofthe Regiment" her first year, a storyin Stars & Stripes noted she looked ather certificate and it read, "he, him,and his .... "

Halstead graduated from WestP6int in 1981 as a Second Lieutenantin the U.S. Army Ordnance Corpswith a Bachelor of Science inEngineering. She later earned a Masterof Science in National ResourceStrategy (Advanced Manufacturing)from the Industrial College of theArmed Forces, National DefenseUniversity, and a Master of Science inAdvanced Military Studies (VisionaryLeadership) from the Army Commandand General Staff College.

In 2004, numerous residents fromher hometown traveled to Germanyto attend the ceremony of herreceiving the Brigadier General star- making history as the first femaleWest Point graduate to be promotedto General Officer.

Although she never planned on acareer to lead her to the upper ranks,she succeeded in doing so - butsuccess came at great cost and person<sacrifice, especially with her health.

For a number of years, Halsteadhas suffered from fibromyalgiasyndrome - a disorder classified bychronic widespread pain and aheightened and painful response tophysical pressure and exertion.

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Halstead served 27 years in the U.S. Army, retiringin 2008. She served in Europe as the DeputyCommanding General (Chief Operating Officer) forthe 21st Theater Support Command. She was ChiefAdvisor to the Combatant Commander (Four StarGeneral) responsible for military training in LatinAmerica, coordinating directly with high-levelorganizations including the Office of the Secretary ofDefense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of State,u.s. Congress, u.S. Ambassadors, and equivalentforeign military and civilian organizations.

Prior to Halstead's combat duty in Iraq, she served inUzbekistan and Afghanistan for a short period of timein 2001 and 2002. She was a Colonel and commandedthe 10th Mountain Division Support Command duringthat time. Just after Sept. 11, she deployed toUzbekistan to facilitate the movement of the 10thMountain Division to Afghanistan. She later joined the10th Mountain Division in March of 2002 inAfghanistan to help develop the logistics plans forfuture operations.

From 2005-2006, one of the most traumatic anddeadly periods of the war in Iraq, General Halsteadwas the highest ranking female commander in Iraq.

At that time, she commanded the 3rd CorpsSupport Command, and was responsible forcoordination and distribution of all logistics (supplies,

fuel, ammunition, ground vehicle maintenance,water, food, etc.) for the Army units in Iraq(supporting more than 250,000 men and women).

Her command had more than 200 units, and shewas responsible for leading more than 20,000 soldiersand 5,000 civilians. She also was responsible for thebase defense of fi'(e military bases, including Balad,Iraq - which was home to more than 30,000 militarymembers and civilians supporting the war effort.

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Page 5: (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with food additives "The ALCAT Test has helped in a multitude of chronic cases where other

"Part of my health challenges weremy own fault because I put a lot ofpressure on myself to excel, and Iconvinced myself that slowing downwas a sign of weakness," explainsHalstead.

"At the same time, the military'shigh pace of operations and pressure,especially during a time of war, alsoplaced a tremendous amount ofpressure on me. All of our men andwomen are feeling this pressure. Weare trained to be warriors so weconvince ourselves that any sign ofweakness, physical or mental, makesus less of a warrior.

"We have to reverse this mentalityand encourage our men and womento have the courage to share theirstories, deal with their healthchallenges, and give them the toolsfor becoming stronger withoutfeeling shame or weak.

"The most important resource inour military is the human resource!We must practice preventativemeasures with our people just like wedo with our equipment. We mustmaintain and sustain our people, andwhen worn out or broken, fix them,and this can only be done byproviding all measures of care tothem."

"Being a runner - and I startedrunning cross country in high school- and given the physical rigors ofmilitary life, I often availed myself ofchiropractic treatments," saidHalstead. "But, it was after a fewyears of suffering from fibromyalgiathat I really awakened to the fullmeasure of chiropractic care."

Looking forwardHalstead had resigned herself to

living the rest of her life in pain and

discomfort.'The medical physicians' treatment

for fibromyalgia was to put me onmedicines that masked the pain.When I read the label of theprescription, it included antide-pressants. Anyone who knows meknows I am not a depressed person. I

Itold the doctor I was not depressedand asked him why he placed me onan antidepressant. His response was,'You will be (depressed).' And he wassomewhat right, because as I tookmore and more pain medicine, Ibecame very discouraged."

Then, Halstead was introduced toCarol Ann Malizia, DC, of Oakland,N.J. Malizia is a current boardmember of the Foundation forChiropractic Progress.

"Dr: Malizia changed my wholeoutlook on dealing with my chronicailment. She prescribed a

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ACA helps in legislationMusculoskeletal problems are the number one

diagnosis for all U.S. troops treated at a Veteran'sAdministration Hospital since 2002 who have beendeployed in Afghanistan and Iraqi, according to theVeterans Health Administration (VHA).

Some 49.2 percent of those troops, on a cumulativebasis, have been diagnosed with musculoskeletalproblems, according to a report issued in January bythe VHA Office of Public Health and EnvironmentalHazards.

Given that fact, it is sort of incongruous that theDepartment of Defense and Congress have beendragging their collective feet in deploying doctors ofchiropractic at VA hospital facilities and military baseshere and abroad.

But that might all change soon.As part of next fiscal year's National Defense

Authorization Act (HR 2647), the U.S. House ofRepresentatives has approved a directive that ordersthe Pentagon to make chiropractic care a standardbenefit for all active duty military personnel. Passedby the full House on June 25, the bill containslanguage allowing for chiropractic demonstrationprojects at overseas military locations and specifiesthat chiropractic care at U.S. military facilities beperformed only by a doctor of chiropractic.

The Senate has not included similar language in itsversion of the National Defense Authorization Act.But, according to American Chiropractic Association

comprehensive ch'iropractlC)we\\nessregimen that today permits me to havemany days without pain and most dayswithout taking any medicines."

Malizia's treatment for Halsteadincluded hands-on musculoskeletaladjustments, as well as introducing herto natural nutritional supplements, aprescribed nutritional diet,acupuncture and massage therapy, andcontinuing her exercise program.

"I like to draw parallels," saidHalstead. 'The military is veryfocused on training and wellness, andhas comprehensive programs forphysical, mental, emotional, andspiritual fitness.

"The parallel I want to draw here

Secretary of the Army nominee and current U.S. Representative JohnMcHugh (center, R-NY) discusses chiropractic care in the military withACA consultant Rick Miller (left) and ACA Government Relations VicePresident John Falardeau (right). McHugh, former ranking member ofthe House Armed Services Committee and a staunch supporter of ACA,was a chief advocate of chiropractic care in the military during histime in the House and will be counted on to continue that supportshould his nomination be confirmed by the Senate.

(ACA) Vice President of Government Relations JohnFalardeau, U.S. Sena,tor Ben Nelson (D-NE), Chairmanof the Subcommittee on Personnel Armed Services,has been approached to try and interject similarlanguage when the Senate and House reconcile theirbills in a conference committee.

Of the 264 U.S. military facilities worldwide, todate there is a doctor of chiropractic at 49 of thosebases. Beginning this fall, 11 additional militaryhospitals and clinics will provide access to chiropracticservices for active duty military members, includingfacilities in Germany and Okinawa.

'is that doctors ot Ch\roPT'dtllt wh.opractice, teach, and encourage theholistic approach to wellness(musculoskeletal adjustments,nutrition, exercise, naturalsupplements, etc.) are the ones Ibelieve do the most for their patients.A comprehensive chiropracticwellness program approachespreventative and restorative healingof the body with the same focus andcomprehension that the military usesto fine-tune its wartime warriors.

"But in the military, like manyorganizations, we do not alwayspractice what we preach," accordingto Halstead.

"In a war-time situation like Iraq

'dl\\l h\'gh.'d1\\'S\'d1\, w~ 1\\)\ \)1\\1 \a.\\ \\)provide our warriors with proper carefor their musculoskeletal structure,but we fail miserably in enforcingproper nutritional diets.

"Yes, our dining facilities have theproper food and in abundance. But,with a desire to boost people's morale,we have made available for them aplethora of fast foods and desserts. Icall it comfort food because our menand women feel like they are gettinga taste of home, but with the inabilityto exercise the way we do in garrison,the result overall is unhealthy.

"I seemed to survive on toastedcheese sandwiches and mashedpotatoes, even though I had other

Page 7: (Retired U.S. Army General...• The ALCAT Test is 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate with food additives "The ALCAT Test has helped in a multitude of chronic cases where other

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choices, because they were convenient and did not upsetmy system. Not exactly the diet my chiropractor Dr. CareAnn Malizia has now recommended to me," says Halstea<

Today, she is executive director for leader developmenfor The Praevius Group (www.praeviusgroup.com). aconsultancy focused on "the innovative fusion ofleadership development and technology." Asked what thactually means, Halstead says "Leaders have to learn tothink differently and leverage technology to find the bessolutions."

She goes on to say how "the U.S. Army is excellent irtraining us how to become competent leaders of charawWhen I give workshops on leadership, I always begin bysaying that to be a leader you must first be able leadyourself and serve others - which requires determinatiodiscipline, humility, and selflessness. Being in a leadershiposition does not make you a leader. You have to earn t1:-respect and title of leader."

The FoundatiOn for Chiropractic Progress is banking I

this same leadership ability of Halstead to foster greaterunderstanding and awareness of the documented benefitchiropractic care can bring to patients - both in militalservice and in society in general.

"When the Foundation asked me to be a spokespersorI welcomed the opportunity," said Halstead. "I saw it as ,personal obligation to share with others how chiropracti,care has helped me, and made a difference in my life. Iequate it to sharing my testimony of faith, because if Ibelieve in it, and it works for me, I desire to share it widothers so it can work for them.

"I also welcomed the opportunity to further serve mycountry by pushing the envelope and being a voice toopen chiropractic care to all military men and women,and their families.

"I applaud all who support the efforts of the Foundatiefor Chiropractic Progress because the Foundation has thtmomentum to influence change and make chiropracticcare available. I also applaud the innovative doctors ofchiropractic who have offered their services at discount t

our military men and women as a way of saying 'thank y<for your service to our nation.'" ~

Stanford Erickson is the editorial director for Chiropractic

Economics. He can be reached at 904-567-1555 or

[email protected].

CA- Those who wish to make a tax-deductible). contribution to The Foundation for ChiropracticProgress will receive an 18-inch by 24-inch poster ofGeneral Rebecca Halstead. You can go to www.f4cp.com tmake a contribution pledge. .