
MEREDITH COLLEGE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MAY 2006 Bachelor of Arts with a Concentration in Graphic Design COMPUTERS Mac OS X, Windows XP SOFTWARE Adobe Suite (Acrobat, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver), QuarkXPress, Microsoſt Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook) SKILLS Web design, Typography and Layout, Illustration, Photography, Four Color Process Printing ORGANIZATIONS American Institute of Graphic Design (AIGA) REFERENCES Available upon request. PHONE 919.455.4330 EMAIL [email protected] JULY 2010 – PRESENT CREATIVE SERVICE ASSOCIATE, PAPER SOURCE, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Assist customers with their design needs and artistic direction for custom orders. Lead workshops in creating custom invitations, book binding and more. Demonstrate consistent selling behaviors that inspire customers to purchase products through registration and selling of workshops and special events. JANUARY 2009 – PRESENT GRAPHIC DESIGNER, FREELANCE Work on a myriad of print and web projects for independent companies, non-profits and corporate clients Develop branding campaigns for independent clients from concept to completion. Print materials include multimedia packaging, posters, newsletters, annual reports, brochures, style guides and other marketing collateral. Web projects include web site design, animated web banners, HTML formaing, e-mailing, flyers, newsleers and more. JULY 2009 – SEPTEMBER 2009 GRAPHIC DESIGNER, MAYA ADVERTISING, WASHINGTON, DC In-house freelance graphic designer for a leading multicultural advertising agency. Developed weekly HTML templates for e-mail blasts. Created and implemented designs for booklets, style guides, and annual reports. Designed the style and layout for the Friendship Public Charter School (FPCS) system’s annual report. JUNE 2007 – JANUARY 2009 GRAPHIC DESIGNER, REDEYE DISTRIBUTION, CARRBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Designed for Redeye Distribution and its associated labels: Yep Roc Records and 11:30 Records. Designed and managed Redeye Distribution's New Release Book by leading the marketing team through gathering content and materials Maintained Redeye Distribution's web site daily by updating both content and design. Created animated web banners for Yep Roc artists to be displayed on their web site. Developed marketing campaigns, powerpoint layouts, and strategies for advertising. Designed weekly ads, CD packaging, flyers, invitations, booklets, inserts, postcards, posters, banners and more. MARCH 2006 – NOVEMBER 2006 EXHIBIT GRAPHICS ASSISTANT, N.C. MUSEUM OF ART (NCMA), RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Coordinated and designed the signage for the NCMA’s upcoming exhibitions. Designed and created labels, entry displays and way-finding signage for the Monet in Normandy, Revolution in Paint and Modern Photography exhibits. Design lead for the production and branding of the NCMA’s Annual Kids Show. Worked with design team to facilitate the readiness of galleries for scheduled exhibitions. JENNIFER RICHARDSON GRAPHIC DESIGN Resume


Graphic Design Resume

Transcript of Resume

Page 1: Resume

Meredith College raleigh, North CaroliNa

May 2006Bachelor of Arts with a

Concentration in Graphic Design

CoMPUterSMac OS X, Windows XP

SoFtWareAdobe Suite

(Acrobat, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop,

Dreamweaver), QuarkXPress,

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook)

SKillS Web design,

Typography and Layout,Illustration, Photography,

Four Color Process Printing

orgaNiZatioNSAmerican Institute of

Graphic Design (AIGA)

reFereNCeSAvailable upon request.


[email protected]

JUly 2010 – PreSeNtCreative ServiCe aSSoCiate, PaPer Source, alexaNdria, virgiNia❒ Assist customers with their design needs and artistic direction for custom orders.❒ Lead workshops in creating custom invitations, book binding and more.❒ Demonstrate consistent selling behaviors that inspire customers to purchase products through registration and selling of workshops and special events.

JaNUary 2009 – PreSeNtgraPhiC deSigNer, FreelaNCe ❒ Work on a myriad of print and web projects for independent companies, non-profits and corporate clients❒ Develop branding campaigns for independent clients from concept to completion.❒ Print materials include multimedia packaging, posters, newsletters, annual reports, brochures, style guides and other marketing collateral.❒ Web projects include web site design, animated web banners, HTML formatting, e-mailing, flyers, newsletters and more.

JUly 2009 – SePteMBer 2009graPhiC deSigNer, MaYa aDVerTISING, WaShiNgtoN, dC❒ In-house freelance graphic designer for a leading multicultural advertising agency. ❒ Developed weekly HTML templates for e-mail blasts.❒ Created and implemented designs for booklets, style guides, and annual reports.❒ Designed the style and layout for the Friendship Public Charter School (FPCS) system’s annual report.

JUNe 2007 – JaNUary 2009graPhiC deSigNer, reDeYe DISTrIBuTIoN, CarrBoro, North CaroliNa❒ Designed for Redeye Distribution and its associated labels: Yep Roc Records and 11:30 Records. ❒ Designed and managed Redeye Distribution's New Release Book by leading the marketing team through gathering content and materials❒ Maintained Redeye Distribution's web site daily by updating both content and design.❒ Created animated web banners for Yep Roc artists to be displayed on their web site.❒ Developed marketing campaigns, powerpoint layouts, and strategies for advertising.❒ Designed weekly ads, CD packaging, flyers, invitations, booklets, inserts, postcards, posters, banners and more.

MarCh 2006 – NoveMBer 2006exhiBit graPhiCS aSSiStaNt, N.c. MuSeuM oF arT (NcMa),raleigh, North CaroliNa❒ Coordinated and designed the signage for the NCMA’s upcoming exhibitions.❒ Designed and created labels, entry displays and way-finding signage for the Monet in Normandy, Revolution in Paint and Modern Photography exhibits. ❒ Design lead for the production and branding of the NCMA’s Annual Kids Show.❒ Worked with design team to facilitate the readiness of galleries for scheduled exhibitions.


graPhiC deSigN
