Restructures - HR and employment law in education conference 2015, Tom Wallace

Restructures Tom Wallace - HR Consultant Tips on improving efficiency and effectiveness of your staffing structure and balancing the books #BJHR15 HR and employment conference for school leaders 2015

Transcript of Restructures - HR and employment law in education conference 2015, Tom Wallace

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Tom Wallace - HR Consultant

Tips on improving efficiency and effectiveness of your

staffing structure and balancing the books


HR and employment conference for

school leaders 2015

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• identifying the need for a restructure

• avoiding redundancies/reducing the number of redundancies

• a step by step guide to a restructure

• top tips and pitfalls to avoid

• questions.

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Tough times ahead

Statement from the Schools’ Minister, Lord Nash:

“Education in schools has operated in a relatively benign

financial climate for a long time. But a new generation of

school leaders is going to have to emerge to cut their cloth to

drive efficiencies. This is one of the biggest challenges facing

the school system: schools will increasingly have to do more

with the same money.”

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The need for a restructure

- Rising costs and shrinking budgets:

1. Reduction in funding

2. Increase in employer contribution to the TPS and LGPS

3. The abolition of the NI defined benefit contracting out –

April 2016

4. Top heavy staffing structures.

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The need for a restructure

- Staffing structure/Drive for improvement:

1. Change to National Curriculum/Code of Practice – e.g. SEN

2. Clearer lines of accountability – crucial for PRP and in

removing any barriers for improvement.

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Avoiding/minimising redundancies

• ending fixed term contracts

• all vacancies being carefully considered and only filled if it

could be proved that to not do so would be to the detriment

of students

• expense reduction analysts

• reviewing/renegotiating supplier contracts – ICT etc.

• changing hours/FT to TTO.

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• contractual notice periods

‐ teachers – October, February and May

‐ support staff – no specified dates.

• if restructure involves teachers must work back from the

above notice dates and ensure dismissal meetings happen in


• don’t forget half term – often lose a working week at the

end of October, February and May.

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Action Date

Trade union officials notified w/c 5 January 2015

Formal collective consultation meeting 12 January 2015

Announcements to staff w/c 12 January 2015

Individual consultation meetings w/c 19 January 2015

Consultation ends 27 February 2015

Selection process begins 9 March 2015

Outcome of selection process communicated 17 April 2015

Formal dismissal meetings w/c 5 May 2015

Appeals (if applicable) June 2015

Outcome of appeals (if applicable) June 2015

Termination date 31 August 2015

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Top tip


• don’t forget relevant notice for dismissal hearings –

normally five working days – can be up to ten

• where possible don’t give exact dates – week

commencing is a safer option.

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The business case

• this is the document which summarises the case for the

restructure and who and how staff are affected

• must go to unions

• staff also receive a copy

• begin drafting once timings have been internally agreed and

before mentioning restructure to unions.

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The business case

• Contents:

‐ introduction, background and rationale for changes

‐ proposal and numbers and type of staff affected

‐ consultation

‐ avoiding redundancy

‐ selection criteria – interview or scoring matrix

‐ voluntary redundancy

‐ timescales

‐ redundancy payments

‐ support for displaced staff.

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The business case

Introduction, background and rationale for changes:

• why is there a need for the restructure (Financial/Structural/Drive

for Improvement).

• include financial information (not full budgets) but sufficient


This means that compared to the 2014/15 academic year the school is facing

a total challenge through reduced income and increased expenditure of

£302k in 2015/16 plus a further £88k in 2016/17.

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The business case

Proposal and numbers and type of staff affected

Direct Match - If the new job description is considered very similar to the old

job then it will be deemed to be a direct match. As a result the post will not be

opened up for applications.

Ring-fencing - Ring-fencing will apply where the essential requirements of the

new and old job do not match but where there are some similarities in terms of

area of expertise, job content and grade. Such posts will be reserved for re-

deployees within eligible groups without wider advertisement. These posts will

be held to constitute suitable alternative employment. The selection methods

will establish whether a re-deployee is suitable for the vacancy/new post. There

will be no guarantee of an appointment.

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The business case

Proposal and numbers and type of staff affected

Job Title Numbers Proposal New Job Title / New

Contractual Hours

Current Staff Posts at Risk

School Business


1 0 Direct Match Full time Scale PO 7

Points 50-53

Finance Officer 2 1 At risk – ring

fenced change

to hours

Term time only plus 5


SO1 Points 29-31

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The business case

Proposal and numbers and type of staff affected continued:

• justification for each staff area/position:

e.g.: There is no longer the need for the same number of finance

officers. This is because of the improved efficiencies and

benefits of PS Financials – the new accounting system which has the

ability to e-mail receipts, invoices and statements as PDF files

and an improved bank reconciliation process and more efficient


• need to demonstrate either a reduced or diminished need for the


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Top tip

• staff want to know how they are affected and what their

options are - ensure this is as clear as possible

• consider ‘bumping’ – if employee is unsuccessful in post they

are ring-fenced for can they go for another post that has

been ring-fenced for a separate employee group

• strongly advise against this.

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• timing – statutory or policy

• one-to-one meetings with staff, school and union rep

• have redundancy figures ready

• staff can raise very genuine points/proposals during

consultation which may alter the new structure.

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Selection criteria

How will you select for the new posts:

• interview

• scoring matrix.

Consider number of roles, internal capacity - Interviewing is the

preferred option but may not be practical with large


Declaration of interest form if staff can apply for more than

one role.

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Selection criteria – scoring matrix

Example scoring criteria:

Total score available = 100 points


• student progress (40 points)

• quality of teaching (30 points)

• behaviour management (10 points)

• subject and key stage experience (10 points)

• contribution to whole school life (10 points).

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Selection criteria – scoring matrix

Example scoring criteria:

Support staff

• job skills

• job knowledge

• experience

• efficiency.

Achievement Points Points


Unsatisfactory 2

Satisfactory 4

Good 6

Excellent 8

Total =

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Top tip

Consider how to keep the best staff – design interview/scoring

around this.

Best practice is to have a panel of three scorers.

Never use attendance unless two employees have scored the

same, it can then be used as a deciding factor (must exclude

maternity, paternity, disability related absences).

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Voluntary redundancy

• during any restructure Voluntary Redundancies (VR) should

be offered as this will reduce the number of compulsory


• must state they will be accepted on an individual and case

by case basis ensuring the needs of the school and pupils are


• can incentivise by paying in lieu of notice.

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Top tip

• ask for VR ‘declaration of interest forms’ to be completed

during the consultation period

• number of accepted VR requests will impact on other areas –

may improve chances of current staff/result in them being

direct matches

• this will allow you the chance to meet with these staff to

update them – without having to extend the consultation

period and timeframe.

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Redundancy payments

• statutory or enhanced – check policy and previous


• ensure calculations have been run for all at risk staff

• support staff in the LGPS who are over 55 and under 60 are

entitled to have their pension ‘topped’ up – big additional


• ensure continuous service is correct.

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Support for displaced staff

• suitable alternative roles in other academies if trust

• paid time off for interviews

• support with interview tips/c.v.

• be aware some staff (in particular support staff) may not

have applied for a job in a number of years.

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The Modification Order

• staff either receive redundancy pay and lose continuous

service or keep continuous service and pay bac redundancy


• if staff are made redundant with effect from 31 August they

cannot start a new job in a school (or body covered by the

Modification Order) until 1 September, unless they pay pack

their redundancy pay

• there are ways around this!

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Next steps?

• business case has been finalised – send to unions for

comments – 1-2 weeks for comments

• invite unions to staff announcement

• consider timing of announcement to staff and how they are


• if staff are not direct matches and no ring-fenced positions –

consider telling them first, rather than in a large meeting.

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• HR1 Form – must be completed if 20 or more staff are at risk

– if you miss their notice periods you cannot make any


• academies – Check your Funding Agreement (normally Clause

65) – may be a clause that the EFA will fund some of the

redundancy costs

• review policy – does it need amending before any


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Questions for the audience

1 Are you planning a restructure this

academic year?

2 And, if so, how well equipped do you

feel to manage this?

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Talk to us…

Tom Wallace | 020 7871 8513

[email protected]

Please note

The information contained in these notes is based on the position at October

2015. It does, of course, only represent a summary of the subject matter

covered and is not intended to be a substitute for detailed advice. If you

would like to discuss any of the matters covered in further detail, our team

would be happy to do so.

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