Respiration Practice Test

Respiration Practice Test 1. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information: High pH High HCO3 High BE Neutral pCO2 A. Respiratory alkalosis B. Respiratory acidosis C. Metabolic acidosis D. Metabolic alkalosis 2. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information: High pH Neutral HCO3 Neutral BE Low pCO2 A. Respiratory alkalosis B. Respiratory acidosis



Transcript of Respiration Practice Test

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Respiration Practice Test

1. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information:

High pH

High HCO3

High BE

Neutral pCO2

A. Respiratory alkalosis

B. Respiratory acidosis

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Metabolic alkalosis

2. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information:

High pH

Neutral HCO3

Neutral BE

Low pCO2

A. Respiratory alkalosis

B. Respiratory acidosis

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Metabolic alkalosis

3. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information:

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Low pH

Low HCO3

Low BE

Neutral pCO2

A. Respiratory alkalosis

B. Respiratory acidosis

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Metabolic alkalosis

4. Which of the following information corresponds with a negative TB test?

A. 0-4 mm induration at 48 hours

B. 0-5 mm induration at 48 hours

C. 0-6 mm induration at 48 hours

D. 0-7 mm induration at 48 hours

5. Which of the following is the most common type of lung cancer?

A. Large cell

B. Adenocarcinoma

C. Oat cell

D. Squamous cell

6. What cell type secrets surfactant?

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A. Plasma cell

B. Type I alveolar cell

C. Type II alveolar cell

D. Type III alveolar cell

7. Which of the following pulmonary term correlates with the definition: noted obstruction of the trachea or larynx.

A. Rhonchi

B. Stridor

C. Wheezes

D. Vesicular

8. Normal values for pCO2 are considered:

A. 20-40 mm Hg

B. 25-30 mm Hg

C. 30-40 mm Hg

D. 35-45 mm Hg

9. Normal values for HCO3 are considered:

A. 15-30 mEq/L

B. 20-35 mEq/L

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C. 22-26 mEq/L

D. 24-29 mEq/L

10. Pneumoncystis carinii infections are commonly treated with which of the following medications?

A. Pentamidine

B. Allopurinol

C. Iorazepam

D. Chlorpropamide

11. Which of the following is not generally caused by COPD?

A. Pneumonia

B. Right sided heart failure

C. Headaches

D. Cor pulmonale

12. Which of the following is not considered a COPD related disease?

A. Bronchiectasis

B. Bronchial asthma

C. Bronchitis

D. Bronchial hypotension

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13. Which of the following pulmonary term correlates with the definition: bronchospasm of the bronchial walls?

A. Wheezes

B. Rhonchi

C. Stridor

D. Pleural Rub

14. Which of the following is considered an expectorant?

A. Acetylcysteine

B. Guaifenesin

C. Theophylline

D. Epinephrine HCL

15. Which of the following is considered a bronchodilator?

A. Acetylcysteine

B. Guaifenesin

C. Theophylline

D. Epinephrine HCL

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16. Which of the following is considered a xanthine?

A. Acetylcysteine

B. Guaifenesin

C. Theophylline

D. Epinephrine HCL

17. Which of the following is considered a mucolytic?

A. Acetylcysteine

B. Guaifenesin

C. Theophylline

D. Epinephrine HCL

18. Which of the following matches the definition: The volume of air that can be inhaled following exhalation of tidal volume?

A. Expiratory reserve volume

B. Inspiratory capacity

C. Inspiratory reserve volume

D. Vital capacity

19. Which of the following matches the definition: The maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after taking the deepest breath possible?

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A. Expiratory reserve volume

B. Inspiratory capacity

C. Inspiratory reserve volume

D. Vital capacity

20. The respiratory center is located in the ____ and ______.

A. Midbrain and pons

B. Pons and Medulla oblongata

C. Midbrain and Medulla oblongata

D. Pons and Hypothalamus

Answer Key

1. D

2. A

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3. C

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. A

11. C

12. D

13. A

14. B

15. D

16. C

17. A

18. B

19. D

20. B

1. Broncho constriction during an asthmatic attack reflects:

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A. an increase in smooth muscle tone in the airways in the respiratory zone of the lung.

B. a decrease in the diameter of the conducting zone airways

C. a loss of alveolar sacs

D. a decrease in the resistance of the airways.

E. increased diffusion of respiratory gases

2. The compliance of the lung is:

A. decreased in a premature infant with inadequate secretion of surfactant

B. unaffected by lung volume

C. greatest at either lung volumes close to residual volume (RV) or total lung capacity (TLC).

D. decreased in emphysema because of the loss of lung tissue

E. lowest at lung volumes around FRC (functional residual capacity).

3. Which of the following comparisons is correct at mid-inspiration during exercise? (Patm = atmospheric pressure, Ppl = intrapleural pressure, PA = alveolar pressure and Pm = mouth pressure). Be sure all indicated relationships (>, <, =) are correct.

A. Patm = Ppl < PA < Pm

B. Patm > Ppl < PA = Pm

C. Patm < Ppl > PA < Pm

D. Patm > Ppl = PA < Pm

E. Patm > Ppl < PA < Pm

4. The conducting airways:

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A. contain skeletal muscle.

B. contain ciliated cells and mucus-secreting cells.

C. include the respiratory bronchioles

D. are lined with Type I cells that secrete surfactant.

E. help to sense the atmospheric oxygen concentration

5. The respiratory quotient (RQ):

A. refers to the amount of O2 produced during anaerobic metabolism.

B. with a diet of only carbohydrates would be 0.7

C. increases as the diet becomes higher in fat.

D. is calculated as the amount of CO2 produced divided by the amount of O2 consumed

E. is constant and unchanging

6. The instantaneous rate of diffusion of oxygen (the number of O2 molecules diffusing per second) from the lung into the blood is DECREASED by:

A. an increase in the surface area of the lung

B. an increase in the concentration gradient for oxygen.

C. a decrease in the thickness of the membrane.

D. the presence of hemoglobin in the red blood cell.

E. the presence of carbon monoxide (CO)

7. The alveolar pressure is:

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A. equal to atmospheric pressure whenever there is no flow

B. subatmospheric at rest

C. subatmospheric during expiration

D. equal and opposite to the pleural pressure

8. What is the correct sequence of events for inspiration to occur? 1. activation of inspiratory muscles 2. decrease in alveolar pressure 3. increase in lung volume 4. activation of DRG inspiratory neurons (premotor neurons in the brainstem) 5. increase in the size of the thoracic compartment 6. decrease in pleural pressure

A. 4, 1, 5, 6, 3, 2

B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

C. 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5

D. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4

9. The alveoli in the apex of the lung in the upright posture are relatively distended at FRC because:

A. the pleural pressure at the apex is about the same as the pressure at the base.

B. the accessory muscles are activated.

C. their compliance is relatively high.

D. the resistance to inspiratory airflow is less in the apex.

10. To generate high velocity expiratory flow during a cough, you would need to activate the:

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A. external intercostal muscles

B. diaphragm

C. accessory muscles

D. abdominal muscles

E. laryngeal muscles

11. The presence of surfactant:

A. increases the surface tension of the lung

B. depends on secretion by the alveolar Type I cells

C. encourages collapse of the small alveoli into larger ones

D. increases the lung compliance

E. occurs in the intrapleural space

12. In a person that was seated and at rest, a tight-fitting corset would be expected to decrease all of the following EXCEPT:

A. tidal volume

B. functional residual capacity

C. expiratory reserve volume

D. total lung capacity

E. inspiratory reserve volume

13. With a tidal volume of 700 mL, a dead space of 200 mL and a respiratory frequency of 20, the alveolar minute ventilation would be:

A. 14 Liters

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B. 10 Liters

C. 8 Liters

D. 6 Liters

E. 4 Liters

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Mixed venous blood is usually 75% saturated with oxygen

B. Increased hemoglobin concentrations increase the % Hb saturation

C. About 10 % of the oxygen is transported in a dissolved form

D. The arterial Po2 is usually greater than the alveolar Po2

E. The arterial Pco2 is usually 46 mm Hg

15. In patients with respiratory acidosis, you would expect:

A. them to be hyperventilating

B. their arterial Pco2 to be lower than normal

C. their hemoglobin-oxygen saturation curve to be shifted to the right

D. them to have more carbonic anhydrase

E. a decreased anatomic dead space

16. Most of the carbon dioxide produced by cells is transported in the blood as:

A. carboxyhemoglobin

B. carbaminohemoglobin

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C. HCO3-

D. dissolved CO2

E. carbonic anhydrase

17. A patient that has a spinal cord transection at the level of the first thoracic vertebrae (T1) would be able to breathe using their:

A. external intercostal muscles

B. accessory muscles and diaphragm

C. external and internal intercostal muscles

D. abdominal and external intercostals muscles

E. diaphragm and internal intercostal muscles

18. The basic respiratory rhythm is generated in the:

A. Medulla

B. Pons

C. Cerebellum

D. Cortex

E. Spinal cord

19. If I were to fly you to Denver (I’d be a really nice guy) and then immediately take you to an elevation of about 10,000 feet (maybe not such a nice guy!), I would expect your alveolar Po2 to be about 60 mm Hg and your ventilation to _____________(compared to that in Kentucky) and your arterial Pco2 to ___________ (compared to that in Kentucky).

A. increase , increase

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B. stay the same, increase

C. decrease , stay the same

D. increase , decrease

E. decrease , increase

20. A patient with respiratory complications which result in a decreased surface area in the lung apex might experience respiratory difficulty:

A. in the head-down position

B. in the upright position.

C. when the pulmonary arterial pressure decreases.

D. when “Zone 1” is increased

21. In a person with a thickened alveolar – capillary membrane, which of the following comparisons is TRUE?

A. Po2 = dead space Po2 > alveolar Po2 = arterial Po2 > venous Po2

B. atmospheric Po2 = dead space Po2 > alveolar Po2 = arterial Po2 < venous Po2

C. atmospheric Po2 > dead space Po2 > alveolar Po2 = arterial Po2 > venous Po2

D. atmospheric Po2 > dead space Po2 > alveolar Po2 > arterial Po2 > venous Po2