Resources for Vets,Felons & Single Mothers

Resources For Vets,Felons & Single Mothers I know a lot of disadvantaged people and felons are hurting. Its impossible to find housing. Impossible to find jobs that pay enough to live on. Do not feel bad or less of a person . Trust me many people have it worse off than you do in other countries that are very poor. I am going to share a few links that will help you find employment start your own business and other cool stuff. 2 nd Chances For Felons visit their Face Book page also there is a lot of resources for jobs. Write Blogs And Make Money Click The Banner If your looking for a job in Alaska here you go. Icicle Seafood wtoApply Go to your local Work Force Center and ask about the W.I.A program I know a lot of felons and disadvantaged people have drug charges and they are banned from the Pell Grant . This forces millions back into prisons primarily black people I hope this changes. Rehabilitated people deserve a chance to gain a skill. If you live in a big city you can always do start your own business removing car dents and fixing windshields you can market to car lots and local make a web site. A Air Suction Dent Puller is affordable this looks like the most affordable one I could find Firstinfo Tools Co., Ltd. Taiwang Tools Air Suction Dent Puller Item No :A1501 and has cool courses . I was able to take a course through Purdue University and was Certified in Search Engine Optimization I would of never attended that school if it was not for Ed2go. Do not look at careers where felons are banned unless you have your rights restored just don't want to see people spend years doing something for nothing. So be smart and check to see if you get a degree or skill in something make sure you can use that skill since felons are denied many occupational license.


Free resources for those in need ,

Transcript of Resources for Vets,Felons & Single Mothers

Page 1: Resources for Vets,Felons & Single Mothers

Resources For Vets,Felons & Single Mothers

I know a lot of disadvantaged people and felons are hurting. Its impossible to find housing. Impossible to find jobs that pay enough to live on. Do not feel bad or less of a person . Trust me many people have it worse off than you do in other countries that are very poor. I am going to share a few links that will help you find employment start your own business and other cool stuff.

2nd Chances For Felons visit their Face Book page also there is a lot of resources for jobs.

Write Blogs And Make Money Click The Banner

If your looking for a job in Alaska here you go.

Icicle Seafood

Go to your local Work Force Center and ask about the W.I.A program I know a lot of felons and disadvantaged people have drug charges and they are banned from the Pell Grant . This forces millions back into prisons primarily black people I hope this changes. Rehabilitated people deserve a chance to gain a skill.

If you live in a big city you can always do start your own business removing car dents and fixing windshields you can market to car lots and local make a web site. A Air Suction Dent Puller is affordable this looks like the most affordable one I could find Firstinfo Tools Co., Ltd.Taiwang Tools Air Suction Dent Puller Item No :A1501 and has cool courses . I was able to take a course through Purdue University and was Certified in Search Engine Optimization I would of never attended that school if it was not for Ed2go. Do not look at careers where felons are banned unless you have your rights restored just don't want to see people spend years doing something for nothing. So be smart and check to see if you get a degree or skill in something make sure you can use that skill since felons are denied many occupational license.

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It will be imperative to have more than one skill. Do not go to a truck driving school thinking you may get a job many companies will not hire you after 10 years if you have been to prison since the DAC and insurance companies are working over time to ban felons from this trade. What ever skill you get you can always use or possible use later . If you have a Cdl license the only people that may give a felon a chance is or the IBEW (The International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers) .

The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades is another place to look at for training and jobs I believe one is located in every state in America. Unions jobs provide financial security and provide a career and not just a career a future for your kids and parents when they get older.

The New York School Of Photography has inexpensive course that are under $1,000 you could doweddings and parties and other types of events.

The Project Management Professional Book is a good thing to get you can take buy the book used somewhere read and study it then visit a Prometric Center one is in every state and normally their centers are at schools testing fees are low .And you could earn your PMP designation.

Hoot Suite offers a course I took it and canceled the subscription after I got my certificate since I wasnt't really interested in Social Media its only like 20 bucks I believe. They give you a logo saying your a Certified Social Media Specialist. has some other tools to that my help you excel in that field. I found Only to be pretty cool also if you have a product or site to market . Can't hurt to learn about about links wheels or to become a Social Media Strategist . A Social Media Strategist can make a lot of money from what I have seen online. If your record isn't to dirty you may have a chance in that field. Scroll down and click on the U.S map logo you can take a Paralegal Course the University of Georgia and other places for a low price beats spending year. West Law and Lexis Nexis and used for doing legal researching you may be able to find free certificate courses and become a Legal Researcher for a firm

Check Out PadMapper .com is a great place to do searches for places that are affordable. If you happen to be a felon or have a record do not waste to much time searching for apartments many places operate under a policy called the Crime Free Housing Initiative and even insurance companies make it where apartment managers ban felons from housing. Even though minorities are a Protected Class HUD will state felons are not a Protected Class. If you have a housing discrimination complaint it will be best if you visit the EEOC web site and take it to the highest levels you can every complaint make other realize that people are hurting and maybe laws may change. If you are a felon obtaining a place under HUD is virtually impossible . Goes to show you Fair Housing does not exist . But you can find housing out their check out Pad Mapper and other sites rental ,mobile homes and many people are desperate for a room mate.

Get on SSI if you have been out of work for years have a history of being in Special Ed class etc. If you have a mental illness and a back problem like Degenerative Disc Disease or other spinal condition apply note that if you are taking medication and it is helping and you can work you will have to fight forever .It takes some people 5 years and all you may get is like $400 bucks a month some get over $600 you do not always get the max or the same like another person might . If you health is really bad

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make sure that you mention to the people at the SSI office that your interested the the Presumptive Disability Program the book below is affordable this letter knows here stuff if your serous about getting your benefits fast you gotta read this book.Social Security Disability Your 9 Step Action Plan By: Loretta Crosby

Child Support sends many men into prison with wages declining its virtually impossible for many men to live on half of their wages women also suffer from imprisonment but not as much as men. Child Support is serious of you do not pay it you can be jailed and will be on the local paper as a dead beat. I have known men that have killed themselves over child support I watched a man shot himself over it in front of police and his wife years ago. ANCPR Family Winning Strategies Handbook is a great tool for people seeking to help them stay out of jail when it comes to child support payments its packed with info . Its not free its like $19 bucks but its worth it .

If your broke and live near a river or pond you could always make one of these contraptions and fish with no rods learn about Chumming with this method. Every dollar helps. After all food and gas is going up and only the middle class and rich can afford to eat healthy meals.

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There are Online Bartender Schools you could always become a Personal Bartender just do not drink all the booze . If you suffer from alcoholism do waste your time . I knew a guy that did Weddings and parties and made extra money by mentioning bands to couples seeking his services. He just had about 20 big bottles and booth some places have them already he charged a per hour fee and a fee per drink with a minimum normal he would take a deposit and allow cash for things that exceeded over the fee which was mentioned in his contract.

Check your states Unclaimed Money site its free . I was able to get over $400 bucks from a old employer that had with held the first week pay check many employers do this and many x- employees forget all about a check or two from years ago . I got over $600.00 bucks from this site in a year . Both checks came one after another after about 9 months . Was able to buy myself a New Lenovo Laptop and buy a few things .Check it out yourself .

If you have no drug convictions you can file a FASA online and enroll at a local college or vocational school. At one time a check was mailed or given to you after a week or so but since many people just enrolled got their books a a fat check every semester now you have to stay in class for like 2 months before you get your check that is given to help you its free money . If your a vet sometimes there are more perks in it for you . Now one guy that got a moveable tool box with well and was 3 times wider than me and almost as tool he got it for free must of cost about 2 grand wouldn't even fit in his truck. It was one of the one a Marine Mechanic would use. I know it is extremely racist to ban millions of black man from school after all the majority of middle and lower class students in all colleges in America have to use the FASA also called the Pell Grant to go to school but things are just the way that they are maybe one day it will change. I really hope it does for the sake of security and future. Does not pay will but if your unemployed and have no cash something is better they even have benefits . I was kinda shocked may not last long once the word gets out. But they have online work that any person could do .The pay is not so great I have to be honest . But its something.

Also affiliate programs its a hard field a search engine like Google and Yahoo etc, do not list them so you would have to put them on blogs and make blog after blog and learn to stuff like Google adwords etc. Its time consuming I have known people that have had hundreds of blogs and have never made a penny .I have made less than 20 bucks in my life online its good stuff if your bored and have money to burn and have great software like Senuke etc and a lot of time on your hands. I'm trying 1800banners . I got tired of making blog after blog so I am just going to market the banners from the affiliate sites and micro-blog every blue moon . I am interested in not paying for ad views maybe impressions since it cheaper .Here is the site just click the banner to check it out .

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Start A Cleaning Business I started with a bucket and cleaning supplied from the Dollar General .Window Cleaner ,toilet bowl scrubber ,gloves ,rags ,a broom and oh a vacuum cleaner that was it . Business cards are inexpensive .You may want to get a Tax Id number make sure to call the IRS and get one its free and then go to your city hall and or call the court house to see where you need to go to pay for a business license to save money on your license use a DBA .Some girls I used to know never registered they had bought had a customized magnetic sticker made with their number . The past out cards went to newspaper stand bought a paper and stuck a card in every paper in every machine around time sometimes they got lucky . And they normally charged a low price like $65 bucks which is fair . If you have a truck or trailer hitch you could always start a lawn care and cleaning business with your girl friend one person cuts the lawn and another cleans the house . I knew a guy years ago that did good at that .

Donation sites like Chipin are all over Cyber beg for cash .Tell someone your problem maybe somebody may help .

If your own food stamps or Medicade you are eligible for a Free Cell Phone

If you need Child Car Seat check with United Way or check into Infant Car Seats Baby Love 1-800-395-2229

Working moms can check out Project Working Mom men can check it out also .They provide Full Scholarships for people seeking a degree.

Grants my be found on sites like , many may give out loans also .

Women can get a $10,000 loan for a business

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is operating in 50 states if you need some funds for your electricity bill they may help.

Need New Clothes for Women – or

Free Pre-School The Head Start Program helps to make Pre-School free get more information at is a great site to get a free education improve your typing speed and much much more there are also courses in Microsoft Office you can't work in a office without knowing how to use it pretty much no where its vital .

I hope some of this information helps some one and that one day we all have peace .

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