Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the...

Resilience Respect Excellence Pride What do our Parents think of our school? The Parent Opinion Survey seeks parent opinion on measures of school climate, student engagement and effective teaching practice known to influence student engagement and student outcomes. It is implemented annually, completed online and completely confidential. A couple of weeks ago we included the Student and Staff Survey results in our Newsletter. We were thrilled as they were outstanding. This week we’ve included Parents Survey results. You will notice that our results are higher than the State in all areas and also higher than other schools in our Network (Schools in Sunraysia). Ali Cupper’s Visit Ali Cupper visited us last Friday. She chatted to the children about their “vision” for our school and our community. This visit was to launch her education initiative Destination 22, which is all about asking students what they want for their school and their broader community by the end of her parliamentary term in 2022. I was so very proud of the children, they had insightful ideas and spoke to Ali in a respectful but strong manner. eSmart Day - Friday November 1st Mildura West will be having an eSmart morning to encourage and teach the responsible use of digital technologies. All classes will be promoting the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technology in and outside of school. Each year level will be exploring and learning how to be responsible digital citizens through a series of lessons throughout the morning. Don’t forget to ask your children what they learnt about on November 1st! Some of our topics include: Digital Footprint Private and Personal Information Media Balance Responsibility When Online Screen Out the Mean (cyber bullying) Be Smart About Sharing Online The Power of Words Self Image and Identity

Transcript of Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the...

Page 1: Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the year. Everyone is welcome: walkers, bikes, trikes, scooters and even prams. The bus

Resilience Respect Excellence Pride

What do our Parents think of our school? The Parent Opinion Survey seeks parent opinion on measures of school climate, student engagement and effective teaching practice known to influence student engagement and student outcomes. It is implemented annually, completed online and completely confidential. A couple of weeks ago we included the Student and Staff Survey results in our Newsletter. We were thrilled as they were outstanding. This week we’ve included Parents Survey results. You will notice that our results are higher than the State in all areas and also higher than other schools in our Network (Schools in Sunraysia).

Ali Cupper’s Visit Ali Cupper visited us last Friday. She chatted to the children about their “vision” for our school and our community. This visit was to launch her education initiative Destination 22, which is all about asking students what they want for their school and their broader community by the end of her parliamentary term in 2022. I was so very proud of the children, they had insightful ideas and spoke to Ali in a respectful but strong manner.

eSmart Day - Friday November 1st Mildura West will be having an eSmart morning to encourage and teach the responsible use of digital technologies. All classes will be promoting the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technology in and outside of school. Each year level will be exploring and learning how to be responsible digital citizens through a series of lessons throughout the morning. Don’t forget to ask your children what they learnt about on November 1st! Some of our topics include:

Digital Footprint

Private and Personal Information

Media Balance

Responsibility When Online

Screen Out the Mean (cyber bullying)

Be Smart About Sharing Online

The Power of Words

Self Image and Identity

Page 2: Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the year. Everyone is welcome: walkers, bikes, trikes, scooters and even prams. The bus

Prep Activity Day

On Monday, the Preps had their Activity Day/Tea. It was a fantastic, fun filled day with lots of laughs. First, we visited Inflatable World, followed by Jaycee Park for lunch and then the Splash Park. Finally it was back to school for more games and tea.

To celebrate the end of Walk to School month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the year. Everyone is welcome: walkers, bikes, trikes, scooters and even prams. The bus will leave from the car park at Mansell Reserve at 8:25am. We will travel along Ontario Avenue, then turn into Ninth Street and make our way to school. Mr Hall will be accompanying the walking school bus. Any parents wanting to walk with us are most welcome.


The Deadly choices program will be running over 8 weeks in Term 4 every Monday afternoon with all Koori students in grade 4, 5 and 6. Nathan Yates from MDAS is the facilitator of this Amazing program; with Annie Villiva (wellbeing officer) and Tim Donaldson (ES) co facilitating. Leadership, Chronic Disease, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Healthy relationships and the importance of health checks and links to the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical service are some of the topics covered in this program. The students in the program have loved hearing about their culture, they are sharing things about their Mob, and they have also been practicing a Welcome/Acknowledgment to country with no assistance. We are all very proud of the Koori kids in the program.

Annie Villiva (Wellbeing Officer)

Page 3: Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the year. Everyone is welcome: walkers, bikes, trikes, scooters and even prams. The bus

IB Corner

As an IB candidate school, Mildura West are on a journey of

creating International Mindedness within our school community. We are developing this through our Unit of Inquiries and

throughout the school day with picture storybooks, video clips and so on.

What is International Mindedness? It is a view of the world in which people see themselves connected to the global community and assuming a sense of responsibility towards its members. It is developing an awareness of others, especially being open minded about the diverse cultures and beliefs of people. Through the Learner Profile attributes, an internationally-minded student, can develop as a competent communicator, willing to share their opinions. Is open-minded and knowledgeable about the world and other cultures. Demonstrates being a caring and principled thinker, among other important things. Here are some ideas from our students on how they can consider their world: How the world works Unit of Inquiry – We could change to using solar energy which is clean instead of using coal. If people don’t change what they do soon, our world will start to die. We are learning about this so we can change things now! Chris (5K) and Angus (5C) Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry - I know it is important to tell people if they drop rubbish to pick it up because the animals could eat it. Rubbish pollutes the air and the water which means we can’t swim or breathe. Logging is also bad because the animals need their homes. Tom 4B Sharing the Planet Unit – Earlier in the year we learnt about Sharing the Planet and being water wise. I know that we shouldn’t use too much water because we won’t have enough for our future. I now take shorter showers. Tayla 2D

Student Club - Woodwork – Grade 1 We had a lucky grade 1 group begin woodwork last week. Here are their final products. They were safe risk takers using hammers, screw drivers and glue guns. Next week another group of grade 3/4s will begin their projects.

Octavia said, “I liked when we got to do the hot gun gluing. I am happy with my work and I have put it on display at home.”

Isabella said, “My Mum would never let me do this at home. I did hit my finger but it was fun!”

Page 4: Resilience Respect Excellence Pride...month, tomorrow we will have our fifth Walking Bus for the year. Everyone is welcome: walkers, bikes, trikes, scooters and even prams. The bus

31st October 2019 Important Dates

1st November

Whole school assembly

5th November

Melbourne Cup – No School

8th November

Prep 2020 Orientation (9.30am – 1.00pm)

15th November

Whole school assembly

Maths competition presentations

Prep 2020 Orientation (9.30am – 1.00pm)

22nd November

Prep 2020 Orientation (9.30am – 1.00pm)

10th & 11th December

Gr 6 Transition day to secondary school

18th December

MWPS mini school concert (7.50 – 9.00am)

20th December Last day Term 4 - Early dismissal 1.30pm

Notes Home Eldest Child

Canteen Menu

Parent Opinion Survey

Mildura West Primary School Ninth Street MILDURA Vic 3500

Ph: 03 5023 1336 Fax: 03 5021 3501 [email protected].

Grade 3 students 2020


Monday 4th November (3.30 - 4.00pm) in the Library

Monday 4th November (5.30 - 6.00pm) in the Library

Wednesday 6th November (3.30 - 4.00pm) in the Library

Wednesday 6th November (5.30 - 6.00pm) in the Library

This is an opportunity to find out about our iPad program that starts in Grade 3. Students are not able to participate in our 2020 iPad program unless their parents/carers have attended an information session or unless they have an older sibling already in the 1 to 1 iPad program. These sessions are vital for both the school and parents, to ensure the successful continuation of our ICT program. An individual note has been sent home with all grade 2 students.

West Star Class West Star Reason

Prep B Aaliyah Ellis Evans

For being a risk taker in Reading and trying her best!

Prep P Noah Aarons For being knowledgeable and sharing his ideas for our Unit of Inquiry

Prep S Ruby McClure For being an inquirer by asking and answering questions in our Unit of inquiry

1C Lara Martin For being a risk taker and taking risks with her writing.

1G Isabella Pardon For improving communication of her thinking to the class this term.

1/2C Adrianna Etherington

For sharing her thinking clearly in all areas of learning!

1/2P Ruby Venville For sharing her knowledge during our Light and Sound Unit of Inquiry

2D Sebastian Mullane For being knowledgeable in Maths while learning Fractions.

2L Khloe Partington For improving her resilience and having a positive attitude towards learning.

3H Alessa Bates and Isla Surgey

For being a thinker during reading and creating an excellent response to a text

3L Gabriel Foste For being a thinker in Reading and trying his best in all areas of learning!

3/4A Tomas Ngo For being a thinker in Reading! 4B Zakari King For showing an appreciation for the value of different cultures

and communities. . 4P Charlize Byrne For showing persistence and determination with her writing.

5C Daniel Wild For improving his approach to learning, using thinking and research skills to work in a group.

5K Maddi Micale For being a thinker when completing her maths

6C Chevelle Trinne For being a thinker in Maths and having a positive attitude towards her learning.

6M Austin Gehret For being extremely knowledgeable in many areas and sharing his expertise with his peers.

P.E Will Pratt For always being principled and treating others fairly every PE lesson!

Art Xavier Scott For being so knowledgeable about ‘How The World Works’ and sharing with his classmates.

Digital Technologies

Abigail Fletcher For being a thinker and inquirer when programming circuits in Digital Technologies.

RREP Evah Byrne For being kind and caring to everyone in the Friendship Zone.

Brekky Club Harry Robertson For being committed to helping at the breakfast club every week with a caring attitude.

Canteen News

New Canteen Menu – starts next week

The canteen is open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Please have all orders into the canteen by 9.00am