Reservoir Geo Mechanics

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  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Reservoir Geomechanics

    Stefan Hergarten

    Institut fur Geo- und UmweltnaturwissenschaftenAlbert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Processes and Interactions in Reservoirs

    Components of a Reservoir Model

    Hydrocarbon reservoirs Geothermal reservoirstwo/three-phase ow single-phase owFluid ow

    (oil/gas/water) (water)Heat transport no yes

    Deformation optional optional

    Parameters and Variables

    Which of the parameters and variables in the list below belong to the

    processes uid ow, heat transport, and deformation? Which are (input)parameters, and which are (output) variables?

    Displacement, heat capacity, heat ux density, permeability, porosity,pressure, shear modulus, strain, stress, temperature, thermal conductivity,velocity, viscosity, Youngs modulus

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    Processes and Interactions in Reservoirs

    Parameters and Variables

    Parameters Variables

    Fluid ow porosity pressure

    permeabilty velocity (ow rate)


    Heat transport thermal conductivity temperature

    heat capacity heat ux density

    velocity (ow rate)Deformation Youngs modulus displacement

    shear modulus strain

    pressure stress

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    Darcys Law

    Empirically found by Henry Darcy (1856)Describes the average ow through a porous medium on macroscopicscalesCan be theoretically derived from the Navier-Stokes equations (which

    describe the small-scale ow in pore space) under some simplicationsSimplest form (without gravity):

    v = k

    p l

    wherev = ow rate (volume per time) per cross section areak = hydraulic permeability = dynamic viscosity of the uid

    p l = pressure drop per length

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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    The Hydraulic Permeability

    Units:SI unit: m2

    Widely used unit: Darcy (D)1 D = 9.869 10 13 m2 10 12 m2 = 1 m2

    k = 1 D results in a ow rate of 1 cms at a pressure drop of 1 atmcm in

    water at 20

    C ( = 10 3

    Pas).Permeability of oil reservoirs should be at least about 0.1 D.Unconsolidated sand: k 5 D

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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    Example: Hydraulic Permeability of a Tubular Medium

    Hagen-Poiseuille law for an individual pipe:

    q = r 4

    8 p l

    Total ow per cross section area through a cubic block of length l with nparallel pipes:

    v = nq

    l 2 =

    nl 2

    r 4

    8 p l

    = r 2

    8 p l

    with the porosity = n

    r 2

    l 2

    k = r 2

    8 =

    d 2


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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    Darcys Law in Three-Dimensional Space

    Without gravity:

    v ( x ) = k p ( x )


    p ( x ) = grad p ( x ) =

    x 1 p ( x )

    x 2

    p ( x )

    x 3p ( x )

    is the gradient of the pressure eld.

    Including gravity:

    v ( x ) = k

    p ( x ) + g 001

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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    Hydraulic Head (piezometric head, hydraulic potential)

    Dene h( x ) in such a way that

    h( x ) = p ( x )g


    v ( x ) = gk

    h( x )

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  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    The Water Balance v ( x ) is the mass ux (mass per time and cross section area).

    div( v ( x )) = x 1

    (v 1( x )) + x 2

    (v 2( x )) + x 3

    (v 3( x ))

    is the (negative) change of water mass per time and bulk volume (rockand pore space) due to

    changes in uid saturation in pore space,changes in uid density (compression), andcompression of the matrix.

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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    The Water BalanceCompressibility of water: 5 10 10 Pa 1

    Compressibility of most rocks is even smaller.

    div( v ( x )) = 0

    in case of completely saturated pore spaceand moderate changes in temperature, salinity, etc.

    This is not true for the gas component in hydrocarbon reservoirs.

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    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    The Water Balance

    If sources or sinks are present:

    div( v ( x )) = s ( x )

    wheres = source term (supplied uid volume per total volume and time)

    Differential equation for pressure or hydraulic head:

    divk p ( x ) = s ( x ) or div


    h( x ) = s ( x )

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Fluid Flow in Porous Media

    Pressure Field around a Point-Like (line, area) Injection

    3D (point source)p (r ) =

    4 k

    i 1r + const

    where r = distance from the injection point, i = injection rate [ m3

    s ]

    2D (line source in 3D space)

    p (r ) = 2 k

    i lnr + const

    where i = injection rate per length [ m2

    s ]

    1D (area source in 3D space)

    p (r ) = k

    i r + const

    where i = injection rate per area [ ms ]

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Heat Transport

    The Heat Equation (conduction, advection, production)

    c t

    T ( x , t ) = d iv( T ( x , t ) cT ( x , t ) v ) + Q

    where = density [ kgm3 ]

    c = specic heat capacity [ Jkg K ]

    = thermal conductivity [ Wm K

    ] v = velocity [ms ]

    Q = heat production rate [ Wm3 ]

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Heat Transport

    Typical Values of c

    Water: c = 4180 Jkg KRocks: c = 8001000 Jkg K

    Typical Values of Material [ Wm K ] Rocks [

    Wm K ]

    diamond 2300 granite 2.8iron 80 basalt 2

    quartz 1.4 dolomite 2.5sand 0.6 limestone 2.5

    expanded polystyrene 0.033 sandstone 2.5water 0.6 shale 2

    air 0.026 widely used value 2.5

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Heat Transport

    The Heat Equation for a Porous Medium

    (m c m + f c f ) t

    T ( x , t ) = div (( m + f )T ( x , t )

    f c f T ( x , t ) v ) + Q


    f , c f , f = parameters of the uidm , c m , m = parameters of the dry matrix (not the solid!)

    v = ow rate (Darcy velocity)

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    The Stress Tensor

    Stress = force per areaUnit: Pa = Nm2

    Force is a vector.At each point, the force acting on (hypothetic) surfaces of arbitraryorientations can be considered. The orientation can be characterizedby a normal unit vector n (perpendicular to the surface, | n | = 1).

    9 degrees of freedom at each point

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    The Stress TensorCauchys stress theorem: State of stress at each point can be

    characterized by a 3 3 matrix, the stress tensor

    =11 12 1321 22 2331 32 33

    so that n is the force per area acting on a surface with orientation n.

    Symmetry: is symmetric: T

    = , ij = ji

    Only 6 independent stress components at each point


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    Stress and Strain

    Normal Stresses, Shear Stresses, Principal Stresses, and Mean Stress

    Normal stresses: The component of n parallel to n (i. e., perpendicular tothe surface) is called normal stress on the surface dened by n.

    Shear stresses: The absolute value of the component of n perpendicularto n (i. e., parallel to the surface) is called shear stress on the surface

    dened by n.Principal stresses: Due to the symmetry of , there are always 3

    perpendicular directions where n is parallel to n (i. e., where no shearstresses occur):

    n(i ) = i n(i )

    with real numbers i . The values 1, 2, and 3 are called principalstresses, the vectors n(i ) dene the principal stress directions.

    Mean stress: =

    11 + 22 + 33

    3 =

    1 + 2 + 3


    S d S i

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    Stress and Strain

    The Navier-Cauchy Equations


    t 2 u ( x , t ) = div( x , t )

    x 111 +

    x 2

    12 + x 3


    x 1 21 + x 2 22 + x 3 23

    x 131 +

    x 2

    32 + x 3


    + F


    = density u ( x , t ) = displacement of the point x

    F = body force per volume (e. g., gravity)

    S d S i

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    The Navier-Cauchy Equations

    The Navier-Cauchy equations reect Newtons law and relate theforce acting on a small volume to its acceleration.The acceleration term is only important in uids and for thepropagation of seismic waves in solids.Steady-state equation:

    div( x , t ) + F = 0

    St d St i

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    Displacement Gradient Tensor and Strain Tensor

    Describe the state of deformation and are not directly related to forces.Displacement gradient tensor (arguments x and t omitted):

    u =

    x 1

    u 1

    x 2u 1

    x 3

    u 1

    x 1u 2

    x 2

    u 2

    x 3u 2

    x 1

    u 3

    x 2u 3

    x 3

    u 3

    Removes the translational component of u and contains rotation anddeformation.

    St d St i

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    Displacement Gradient Tensor and Strain Tensor

    Strain tensor (arguments x and t omitted):

    = 12 u + u T + u T u

    Removes the rotational component of u and contains onlydeformation, i. e., changes in the distances between points.

    Linear approximation for small deformations:

    = 12 u + u


    In components:

    ij = 12

    x j

    u i + x i

    u j

    Stress and Strain

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Stress and Strain

    Normal Strain, Shear Strain, Principal Strains, and Volumetric Strain

    Basically the same as for the stress tensorNormal strain: The component of n parallel to n is called normal strain in

    direction of n.Shear strain: The absolute value of the component of n perpendicular to

    n is called shear strain in direction of n.Principal strains: Due to the symmetry of , there are always 3

    perpendicular directions where n is parallel to n:

    n(i ) = i n(i )

    with real numbers i . 1, 2, and 3 are called principal strains.Volumetric strain = relative change in volume:

    V = 11

    + 22

    + 33

    = 1 +

    2 +


    Stress and Strain

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    Stress and Strain

    The Signs of Stress and Strain

    Physics and engineering: As dened here

    positive normal/principal/mean stress = tensile stressnegative normal/principal/mean stress = compressive stress

    positive normal/principal/volumetric strain = expansionnegative normal/principal/volumetric strain = compression

    Geology: Just opposite

    positive normal/principal/mean stress = compressive stressnegative normal/principal/mean stress = tensile stress

    positive normal/principal/volumetric strain = compression

    negative normal/principal/volumetric strain = expansion

    Elastic Behavior

  • 8/10/2019 Reservoir Geo Mechanics


    Elastic Behavior

    Hookes Law

    Linear relationship between stress and strainHookes law for an isotropic elastic medium:

    = V 1 + 2


    1 = identity matrix

    , = Lame parameters of the medium

    Elastic Behavior

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    Elastic Behavior

    Hookes Law

    Hookes law for an isotropic elastic medium written the other wayround:

    = 1


    2( + 23 )


    = 1

    E ((1 + ) 3 1 )


    E = (3 + 2 )2( + )

    = Youngs modulus

    = 2( + )

    = Poissons ratio


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    Basic Ideas

    If remains constant, a positive pore uid pressure p causes an isotropicexpansion of the porous medium:

    = 12

    2( + 23 ) 1

    p 3H


    H is some kind of bulk modulus with respect to the uid pressure.

    Written the other way round:

    p 1 = V 1 + 2


    = K

    H = Biots coupling parameter

    K = + 23 = bulk modulus of the porous medium


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    The Concept of Effective Stress

    p 1 = V 1 + 2

    and p together cause the same deformation as the so-called effectivestress

    eff = p 1

    would cause without uid pressure.

    It is often assumed that rock failure etc. depends on eff instead of .