Research of posters and Comparisons

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research



Transcript of Research of posters and Comparisons

Page 1: Research of posters and Comparisons

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Research of posters and Comparisons


Case Study: A Place To Love Dogs

Purpose: The purpose behind this poster is to stop and put a ban on animal cruelty. To raise awareness of this problem and by doing so to bring about local, national and even global change if possible. To change peoples attitudes towards it by giving them the accurate information about the subject.Aims: The aims are to stop abusing animals but also to donate for these dogs that are being abused so that it changes dogs animal welfare but there are so many other charities that cover all sorts of animals and if one animal becomes protected then it will become the same for all animals.

Creative Media Production 2012

Page 3: Research of posters and Comparisons


Techniques and Impact:

By using this photo of a dog which your eyes are immediately taken to and then you read next to the photo which are combined which then tells you a dog or any animal cant tell you their in pain so we should do it and at the bottom of the poster contains the details for donation.

The image doesn’t contain a lot but less is more in this case. The image of the dog is clear and very striking whereas the background is more blurry to add more effect to image. The eye of the dog is glistening and you are able to make out a person from within the eye of the dog but normally when a human eye goes like its usually because tears are coming through and would show that the animal is in pain but that’s the point behind this cause that animals or dogs in this case cant tell us so we have to stop it for them. The name and information of the company small at the bottom because people would walk past with a second look if they new it was just charitable and say they don’t have the money to help.Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: A Place To Love Dogs

Page 4: Research of posters and Comparisons


Case Study: RSPCA

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is bring about global change to the welfare of animals and being funded by the RSPCA. But also to bring awareness to everyone willing to listen and hopefully to those who inflict pain on animals and to change their attitudes. To campaign against animal cruelty but by doing so giving correct information.Aims: The aims of this poster and many the same are to bring around the safety and welfare of all animals great or small and to show that none should be subjected to cruelty or pain and by showing people that they’re no different to us they shouldn’t be abused just like no human would want to be either. Creative Media Production 2012

Page 5: Research of posters and Comparisons


Techniques and Impact: The techniques used within this poster are to use a picture of a dog to draw in a reader or viewers attention as to the fact it looks ‘cute’ but then next to it use the words ‘We share 90% of our genes’ which shows that just because they’re not a human we are so close to being exactly the same. The background to this image is white but fades to grey from one side to another but matches with the colour of the dog they have used. But there is no different colour throughout the poster as even the RSPCA logo and small print next to it are not contrasting colours and the colours are dull which bring sadness to the poster. The dog also appears as though its upset which to some is upsetting to see and by using this techniques might encourage people to donate but as they don’t have ‘Please Donate’ on the top people are more likely to read it and then realise and makes it harder to walk away from than just seeing the words donate and so would just say they don’t have any money and keep on walking without a second thought.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: RSPCA

Page 6: Research of posters and Comparisons


Case Study: Child Abuse

Purpose: The aim of this poster is to bring awareness to the fact child abuse is really and is happening daily but that it can be stopped. Its to campaign and hopefully change local, national and even global change to prevent child abuse from happening anywhere as it shouldn’t be happening at all. Aims: The aims from this poster are to try and eradicate child abuse from all homes all over the world. And by using imagery such as injured children they hope it will get the point across which it should as no child can prevent it themselves so adults need to step in and help.

Creative Media Production 2012

Page 7: Research of posters and Comparisons


Techniques and Impact: The techniques used within this poster are to use dark background as with every bit of colour used is a massive contrast which makes it stand out like the name of the organisation that this poster is made by and so the name stands out and also all the other information that has been printed on the poster all stands out to grab the viewers attention but what should grab the attention most is the arm laid across the full poster of an extremely small chilled that has been grabbed to say the least and been left with serious bruising on their arm.They don’t ask for donations on the poster but after seeing this poster you’d be interested to view the charities work maybe find out more about what they do and donate which is what is need and what they want hence why they use horrific imagery that any normal person would find disturbing.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Child Abuse

Page 8: Research of posters and Comparisons


Case Study: NHS

Purpose: The purpose behind this poster is to change the minds within local areas but then also national, and global change. Its to change the attitudes of those women who smoke whilst pregnant just to be able to prolong their child's life if they didn’t. But also the awareness if people aren’t aware of the affects of what they are doing when smoking and do so by providing accurate information.Aims: The aim of this poster is to inform pregnant women or women who smoke that want to have children of the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant as it can cause a lot of problems for the baby during pregnancy and once born. Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques and Impact: The techniques used when designing and making this poster were using black and shadowing everything as it makes everything seem bad and dark and with the grey background behind the figure in the image and then with this you can see the smoke leaving the belly button which is because of the mother smoking and is saying when you smoke so does your baby to try put people off. The white text goes in contrast with the black of the shadow from the pregnant women.The words also say ‘Every cigarette harms your baby’ in caps lock and with this instantly you should know its doing damage and with this want to go to the NHS to find out more information and with this could then go further to assist help with quitting if you felt it necessary. And that’s the whole point of this poster and by using minimal colours but the most colourful part of the whole poster would be the NHS logo which is just blue and which and is small in the middle to not notice straight away.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NHS

Page 10: Research of posters and Comparisons


Case Study

Creative Media Production 2012

Compare and Contrast: These are two very different types of posters but are both trying to achieve the same thing of receiving donations but both take very different approaches to do it, The dog appeal uses the idea of using people emotions for the cute factor on how the dog is adorable and don’t want to hurt it whereas with the child abuse poster they have used horrific imagery by putting a picture of a child’s arm that has been injured.

The amount of text and presentation of text is varied as well as with the dog poster the text is in a formal font but isn’t all that much to read so you could read it quickly but then in the child abuse poster they have text scattered but is still easy enough to ready but both are meaningful and describe the terror of things they are appealing against.

The dog poster hides the fact its appealing for donations and funds until you reach the bottom of the poster where it has the details of the organisations so that people don’t just walk straight past the poster saying that they don’t have money to give whereas the poster for child abuse has decided to put it straight at top making it more obvious and so you know what its about before you read anymore.

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Compare and Contrast :These two different posters are appealing for different things, the NHS poster is there showing to give women the correct information and help them to quick smoking and enlighten them upon what they are doing to their baby, whereas the RSPCA poster is to ask for charitable funding towards to the welfare of all animals but doesn’t show that its asking for that until you reach the bottom of the poster as then it becomes a lot harder to walk away from.

Both posters have stuck to using one type of colour, with the NHS its a lot more dark and scary looking as its black shadowing of a women with a dark grey background and then having black smoke leaving from the belly of the pregnant women there meaning to scare pregnant women into quitting as what they smoke so does their unborn child. Whereas the RSPCA is made up purely of different shades of white as that’s the colour of the dog that is in the photo, with some text to inform you that we share 90% of our genes with dogs and so why should they be treated any differently to how we are. Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study