Research into similar magazines and posters

Research into similar magazines and posters By Georgia Ioannou

Transcript of Research into similar magazines and posters

Page 1: Research into similar magazines and posters

Research into similar magazines and posters

By Georgia Ioannou

Page 2: Research into similar magazines and posters

Empire MagazineThe dark red used for the masthead ‘EMPIRE’ highlights the darkness of the film, as well as linking in with the horror genre, as red is associated with; danger, blood, fear and hell. The font is easy to recognise.

The main image is taken from the film ‘The Dark Knight’ itself. It is a very powerful image that entices the audience and potential readers in.

The word ‘Plus’ implies that there is more to come in the magazine, but the main focus is ‘The Dark Knight’ and everything else is just an extra.

The words ‘World Exclusive’ makes the film seem successful and EMPIRE have an exclusive about it, meaning it can’t be read anywhere else. This is also a good way of promoting the film.

The subtle use of the Jokers colours ‘purple’ and ‘green’ makes the issue stand out and is eye catching. The text looks it has been scribbled on and almost looks as if it’s meant to look vandalised.

Page 3: Research into similar magazines and posters

Fangoria Magazine The masthead ‘FANGORIA’ is red which goes with the genre of the magazine. The ‘F’ and ‘A’ are extended and point inwards, this links with the name of the magazine as it is made to look like fangs.

Information about other articles that will be in the issue. This gives the reader a teaser as to what is to come. Making them want to buy the magazine.

The main image is from the film ‘Black Swan’ Having the image cover the whole page highlights the fact the this issues main article is about that film.

Images of scenes from films that are being released are here to entice readers to buy the magazine and read on further. The pictures are on a film reel, which may attract the older audience who remember when films were shown this way in cinemas.

Page 4: Research into similar magazines and posters

Friday The 13th Film Poster

The main picture is an outline of the killer holding a knife, with part of the setting and what we can only assume to be the victims inside.

The font used for 'Friday The 13th' looks as if it has been scratched out. This could imply that the victims have a hard escape and are clinging on to everything they can in order not to get killed.

The film title ‘Friday The 13th’ is a date that is associated with bad luck. By this being the film title, you can automatically assume something bad is going to happen, and it is the horror genre.

The credits are in small print at the bottom of the page. These establish who is starring in the film as well as who wrote, produced and directed it.

The colours used are very dull. This reflects the mood of the fim. The only colour used is red for the blood dripping off the knife. This creates an impact and makes your attention get drawn in to it.

Page 5: Research into similar magazines and posters

The Last House On The Left Film Poster

The main image is an isolated house, surrounded by trees. This is a setting paradigm and is typical of the horror genre. There is a white glow surrounded the house which could imply that it is part of the psychological/supernatural sub genre.

The word ‘house’ in the film title has been made to stand out. This is done by it being red and having the effect that blood has been splattered over it. The fact that this is done on the word ‘house’ suggests that, that is where the incident/killing/ will happen.

The credits at the bottom of the page show the actors and production crew.

The colours used are very dark, therefore implying the mood of the film.