Research 2851

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Research to get Reality Truth

Transcript of Research 2851

RESEARCH definitionR=Recruitment &Relationship E=Education &Efficiency S= Science &Stimulation E=Evaluation&Environment A=Aim&Attitude R=Result C= Curiosity H=Horizon(Pan Pacific Science Congress U.S.A., 1961)

*Re= *Search= / *Research = / *Qualitative/Quantitative Research


Evolution for Searching Knowledge *1. By chance 2. By Trial Error *3. By Observation 4. By Tradition *5. By Authority 6. By Expert *7. By Personal Experience *8. Aristotle-Syllogistic Reasoning * -Logical Science Deductive Method =Major Premise: Man is mortal Minor Premise: Marut is a man Conclusion : Marut is mortal

Searching Knowledge (Cont) *9. Francis Bacon-Inductive Method= *10. Charles Darwin C19 * 1. Problem/Question 2. Hypothesis * 3. Data Collection/hypothesis test conclusion *1. Deductive Method *2+3 = Inductive Method Searching Knowledge (cont) *11. John DeweyA Method of Science * 1) Definition of Problem * 2) Hypotheses * 3) Data Collection/data analysis * 4) Conclusion data analysis * 5) Accept or Reject hypothesis Truth seeking circle *Natural Phenomena.Ignorance * *Reliable Knowledge * Man/Problem .Research/Education

*Thy shall know the truth and the truth shall make thy FREE Reliable Knowledge *1. Stable Knowledge Natural Sciences

*2.Unstable Knowledge- Social Sciences Research Objectives *1. Body of Knowledge * -Pure/Basic/ Academic/ Laboratory Research *2. Application * - Problem solving/Decision making * - Planning/ Developing * - Applied/Action/PAR/Field Research Components of the problem *1. Phenomena Concrete/Abstract *2. Scientific Concept Collection of theories *3. Curiosity Need to know the answer

Sources of the Problem*1. Researcher experiences *2. Reading *3. Research suggestions *4. Abstracts *5. Theory or Principles *6 .Research Institutions *7. Discussion with expert/specialists What is the problem? *P=C (E-A) *When: *P=Problem / C=Concern / E= Expectation

*A= Actual Problem in Community *1. Life Problems Physical /BMN * - Spiritual /believes, Attitudes *2. Environment Problems * Pollution /Destruction * Politic/Economic/Society Good Research Problem *1. Specify *2. Empirical testable/Variables can be measured *3. If relational or causal state relationship between two or morevariables *4. If causal, should be linked to certain theory

*5. Be relevant to the time

Good Research Problem (cont)*5. Be related to practical problem * -fill a research gap * -sharpen the definition of an important concept * - create or improve an instrument for gathering andanalyzing data * - permit generalization

Significance of Research in CD.ED. *1.Policy maker *2. Project

*3. Program *4. Decision making *5. Impact- Physical * -Social

Research Result*1. Descriptive (Whats) *2. Explanation (Why?) *3. Prediction *4. Control *5. Development *Ultimate Goal of Research: *1. To serve mankind 2. To solve problem of mankind

Advantages of the sampling*1. Reduced Cost *2. Greater Speed *3. Greater Scope *4. Greater Accuracy *Probability Sampling/Non-probability *Key informants *Sample/Sampling/Sampling Frame/Unit

What is Research Design? *Research Design is the plan, structure ,and strategy ofinvestigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance (Kerlinger, 1973:300) *To answer research questions as validity, objectivity, accurately, and economically as possible

*1. (out-line) *2. *3. *4. *5.

*7. *8.


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*2. *3. *4.


*1. *2. *3. *4. *5. *6. *7.

Natural Phenomena*Variable A/B/C/etc *Observable- participant/non participant/Direct

participant/Indirect *Measurement Nominal/Ordinal /Interval/Ratio

*Statistics-Descriptive/Inferential Stat. *Parametric /Nonparametric

Research Methodology*1. Research Topic *2. Literature Review *3. Conceptual framework *4. Research proposal *5. Data collection *6. Data analysis 7. Report writing *8. Dissemination of findings