Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review … · change in a particular...

Requirements Engineering Journal manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Richard Torkar · Tony Gorschek · Robert Feldt · Uzair Akbar Raja · Kashif Kamran Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review and industry case study R. Torkar, T. Gorschek and R. Feldt School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, PO Box 520, S-372 25 Ronneby, Sweden Tel.: +46-457-385809 Fax: +46-457-27125 E-mail: {rto|tgo|rfd} *title page

Transcript of Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review … · change in a particular...

Page 1: Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review … · change in a particular requirement. – Requirements traceability helps in test case verifica-tion, e.g. which

Requirements Engineering Journal manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)

Richard Torkar · Tony Gorschek · Robert Feldt ·Uzair Akbar Raja · Kashif Kamran

Requirements traceability state-of-the-art:A systematic review and industry case study

R. Torkar, T. Gorschek and R. Feldt

School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology,

PO Box 520, S-372 25 Ronneby, Sweden

Tel.: +46-457-385809

Fax: +46-457-27125

E-mail: {rto|tgo|rfd}

*title page

Page 2: Requirements traceability state-of-the-art: A systematic review … · change in a particular requirement. – Requirements traceability helps in test case verifica-tion, e.g. which

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Requirements Engineering Journal manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)


Requirements traceability state-of-the-art:A systematic review and industry case study

Abstract Requirements traceability enables software en-gineers to trace a requirement from its emergence to itsfulfillment. In this paper we examine requirements tra-ceability definitions, challenges, tools and techniques, bythe use of a systematic review performing an exhaustivesearch through the years 1997–2007. We present a num-ber of common definitions, challenges, available tools andtechniques (presenting empirical evidence when found),while complementing the results and analysis with a staticvalidation in industry through a series of interviews.

Keywords Requirements engineering · Requirementstraceability · Systematic review · Case study

1 Introduction

According to (Sommerville and Sawyer 1997) requirem-ents engineering involves activities for discovering, doc-umenting and maintaining a set of requirements for asystem. Requirements engineering (RE) activities are of-ten divided into five categories: Requirement elicitation,requirement analysis, requirement specification, require-ment validation and requirements management.

Requirements management assists in maintaining arequirement’s evolution throughout a development project.According to (Sommerville and Sawyer 1997), requirem-ents management is concerned with all processes involvedin changing system requirements and (Gorschek 2006;Gorschek and Wohlin 2005) conclude that documenta-tion, change management and traceability are the keyactivities of requirements management (RM), which ispart of RE. One of the main tasks of RM is to assure req-uirements traceability (RT) from start throughout theartifact’s lifetime. Traceability is also recommended asa necessary activity by e.g. IEEE Std. 830–1998 (IEEESociety 1998) and CMMI (CMMI 2008).

(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) define requirements tra-ceability (RT) as “the ability to describe and follow the


life of a requirement in both forwards and backwards di-rection (i.e. from its origins, through its development andspecification to its, subsequent deployment and use, andthrough periods of on-going refinement and iteration inany of these phases).”

The definition of RT by (Gotel and Finkelstein 1997)is considered to be a comprehensive definition and iscited by several researchers and the same definition isalso quoted at the Software Engineering Institute’s web-site (SEI 2008).

According to (Gotel and Finkelstein 1994) there aretwo aspects of RT: Pre- and post-RS traceability. Pre-RStraceability is concerned with those aspects of a require-ment’s life from the point before it is included in thesoftware requirements specification (SRS) (Aurum andWohlin 2005). In pre-RS traceability, requirements arerelated to their origin and other requirements. The originof requirements includes stakeholders, business rules orprevious documents. Post-RS traceability, on the otherhand, is concerned with those aspects of a requirement’slife from the point after it is included in the SRS (Aurumand Wohlin 2005). Post-RS traceability ensures that allrequirements are fulfilled. In post-RS traceability, req-uirements are often related to test cases that ensure thatsoftware items satisfy the requirements.

Beside these two aspects of RT others have classifiedtraceability into the following four types (Sommervilleand Kotonya 1998):

– Backward-from traceability: Links requirements totheir sources which are in e.g. other documents.

– Forward-from traceability: Links requirements to thedesign and implementation components.

– Backward-to traceability: Links design and implemen-tation components back to the requirements.

– Forward-to traceability: Links other documents torelevant requirements, e.g. operation manuals describ-ing the system functionality.

Initially RT was mostly used in the development ofsafety critical systems only. Nowadays RT has been provento be beneficial in most types of development:

*ManuscriptClick here to view linked References

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– Requirements traceability helps to identify the sourceof the requirement whether issued by a person or doc-ument or group of persons (Ramesh 1998).

– Requirements traceability helps in performing impactanalysis (Abran et al. 2004), which traces to whatother component(s) might be affected in response tochange in a particular requirement.

– Requirements traceability helps in test case verifica-tion, e.g. which test cases verify a certain requirement(Ramesh 1998).

– Requirements traceability assists in tracking the over-all progress of the project, e.g. one can measure howmany requirements are implemented, how many arestill in the design phase and how many are completed.

– Requirements are many times interdependent on eachother and on other artifacts (Carlshamre et al. 2001).Requirements traceability helps in tracing this rela-tionship.This paper aims to establish the state-of-the-art of

requirements traceability as well as to identify the mainchallenges reported by research and industry. In order toachieve this a systematic review was performed coveringthe years 1997–2007. As a second step two case studieswere performed to validate and complement the reviewfindings.

1.1 Research questions

Two research questions will be answered through a se-ries of questions connected to the review and its reviewprotocol:RQ 1 What is requirements traceability based on the state-

of-the-art in research and standards?

The research on requirements traceability will be car-ried out mainly by the use of a systematic review (Kitchen-ham 2004). The focus of this systematic review will beon requirements traceability from 1997–2007. This willhelp in identifying, clarifying and understanding requir-ements traceability in general and requirements traceab-ility tools and techniques in particular.RQ 2 What are the main factors reported by academia

and industry as hindering (proper) implementation of

requirements traceability?

Some of the factors, for instance lack of coordinationbetween people, failure to follow standards, requirementstraceability costs, may obstruct the implementation ofrequirements traceability policies; however contributionsfrom researchers will hopefully clarify to what extent,and why, this happens. Interviews will be conducted inindustry to find out if there are any impeding factorswhich are not reported in literature.

1.2 Research methodology

A mixed approach using both quantitative and qualita-tive research methodologies was adopted for this study.

Through the systematic review, very much a quantitativemethod, requirements traceability is mapped as an areathrough a number of definitions and a number of issuesregarding requirements traceability are presented. Eventhough the quantitative results were significant, therewas still a need to complement the results with accompa-nying semi-structured interviews (Seaman 1999) carriedout in industry.

2 Systematic review

A systematic literature review provides a mechanism forevaluating, identifying and interpreting all available re-search relevant to a particular research question, topicarea or phenomenon of interest (Kitchenham 2004). In-dividual studies contributing to the systematic revieware known as primary studies while a systematic reviewis a secondary study.

A systematic review compromises three main phases:Planning the review, executing the review and report-ing the review. In the planning phase the need for thesystematic literature review is identified and a reviewprotocol is developed. This review protocol serves asa comprehensive search guide throughout the system-atic literature review. Executing the literature reviewinvolves identification of research, primary studies se-lection, study quality assessment, data extraction andmonitoring, and data synthesis. The phase of reportingthe systematic literature review is a single stage phase.

The stages involved in a systematic literature reviewseem to be sequential but actually they may involve anumber of iterations (Kitchenham 2004). For example,many activities in the review protocol like search terms,inclusion and exclusion criteria for primary studies, arerevised while the review is in progress.

The objective of this systematic review is to summa-rize the work done in RT during the years 1997–2007.

2.1 Development of review protocol

The purpose of the study described in this review pro-tocol is to review the current status of research in req-uirements traceability from 01 Jan., 1997 to 30 Sept.,2007.

Systematic review questions The following questions (di-rectly or indirectly connected to Research Questions 1and 2) will be answered during the systematic review:

Q1. What is requirements traceability based on state-of-the-art research?

Q2. What are the challenges when implementing requir-ements traceability and how does research addressthese challenges?

Q3. Which are the various requirements traceability toolsaccording to research literature?

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Q4. What requirements traceability techniques are cov-ered in research literature?

Search strategy The search process was executed throughonline search using search terms and resources to besearched. The following search terms were used to ex-tract primary studies:

1. Requirements Traceability2. Requirements Traceability Technique3. Traceability4. Requirements Tracing5. 1 AND Challenges6. 1 AND Problems7. 1 AND Issues8. 1 AND Success Stories9. 2 AND Challenges

10. 2 AND Problems11. 2 AND Issues12. 2 AND Success Stories13. 1 AND Experience Reports14. 1 AND Process Improvement15. 1 AND Impact16. 1 AND Experiences17. 1 AND Lessons Learned18. 1 AND Good Practices19. 1 AND Standards20. 1 AND Return on Investment21. 1 AND ROI

The following online resources were used during thesystematic review:

– IEEE Xplorer– ACM Digital Library– Springer Link– Inspec– Compendex

In addition to the online search a number of con-ference proceedings and journals were manually investi-gated, starting from January 1997 to September 2007, toreduce the risk of excluding an important article by mis-stake. The top-6 journals and top-3 proceedings showingup in the pilot searches are to be found in the first col-umn in Table 1 and will be further elaborated on laterin this section.

Study selection criteria and procedures

– Study Inclusion Criteria. The articles on RT pub-lished between 01 Jan., 1997 and 30 Sept., 2007 wereincluded. The following questions were used to helpjudge the suitability:1. Is the article available in full-text?2. Is it a peer-reviewed article?3. Does it contain a case study, experiment, survey,

experience report, comparative evaluation and/oraction research?

4. Does it report success, issues and/or failures orany type of experience concerning RT?

5. Is it based on research done in the RT area?6. Does it contain definitions on RT?7. Does it introduce new and important claims re-

garding RT and supporting these claims with somesort of evidence?

8. Does it identify problems and/or challenges inRT?

9. Does it provide some sort of solution, roadmap orframework related to traceability problems?

10. Does it evaluate or compare two or more RT tech-niques?

– Study Exclusion Criteria.– If the answer is ‘no’ to question 1 or 2, the study

is excluded immediately.– At lest of the questions 3–10 must be answered


Study selection process The study selection process wasbased on the title, abstract and conclusion of the researchpaper. If it satisfied the inclusion criteria the completeresearch paper was read.

Study quality assessment and procedures The selectedarticles were then evaluated based on the following cri-teria:

1. Introduction. Does the introduction provide an over-view of RT?

2. Method. Was the research methodology clearly de-fined in the research paper?

3. Results. Were the study results presented in a clearmanner? Do the results help to solve an RT problem?What types of validity threats were defined for theresults?

4. Analysis. How was data analyzed? What type of anal-ysis techniques were used? If the article scontained aframework, then has it been validated in an industrialsetting?

5. Discussion and/or conclusion. Were negative findingsproperly reported? Were there any limits or restric-tions imposed on the conclusions claims?

Data extraction strategy In order to obtain the informa-tion from each primary study the following data extrac-tion form was used:

1. General information regarding research paper(a) Article title(b) Author(s) name(s)(c) Journal, conference proceeding(d) Search terms used to retrieve research article(e) Retrieval database of research article(f) Date of publication

2. Specific information regarding research paper(a) Study environment

i. Industry

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Table 1 Articles on requirements traceability in selected journals and proceedings (the rightmost column). The secondcolumn lists the total number of articles found during the time span (1997–2007).

Journal Articles Articles (RT)IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) 751 4ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM) 139 1Springer Requirements Engineering Journal 144 2Springer Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 48 2Springer Software and Systems Modeling 106 1Springer Annals of Software Engineering 150 2

Conference ProceedingACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 1,272 3IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE) 357 12IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering 120 2

Total 3,087 29

ii. Academia(b) Research methodology

i. Action researchii. Experimentiii. Case studyiv. Survey

(c) Subjectsi. Professionalsii. Studentsiii. Number of subjectsiv. Subject selection

(d) Requirements traeabilityi. Definition of RTii. Challenges with RTiii. Problems with RTiv. Solutions to RT problems

A. Model or framework for RTB. Requirements traceability toolsC. Number of RT techniques used in model

and/or frameworkD. Name(s) of RT technique(s) used in model

and/or frameworkE. Evidence regarding validation of proposed

model and/or frameworkv. Requirements traceability techniques

A. Evaluation of RT techniquesB. Comparison of RT techniques

(e) Validity threatsi. Conclusionii. Constructiii. Internaliv. External

Synthesis of extracted data In a systematic review, datasynthesis is done by collecting and summarizing the re-sults of the included primary studies. The studies in-cluded in a systematic review are different from eachother based on their methodology and outcomes. Thesetypes of studies are known as heterogeneous. Due to theheterogeneous nature of the data a qualitative synthesiswas used. The qualitative synthesis was done by readingand analyzing the research articles.

2.2 Evaluating the review protocol

The review protocol is a critical element of the system-atic review and therefore an agreed validation processshould be carried out in order to evaluate the protocol.(Kitchenham 2004) recommends conducting one or morepilot searches to identify the potential primary studiesusing search terms and search resources which are de-fined in the review protocol. The review protocol waspeer-reviewed by three senior researchers which all hadprevious experience in conducting systematic literaturereviews.

2.3 Execution of review

The selection of primary studies is a two-stage process. Inthe first stage the title, abstract and conclusion of a pa-per is studied and irrelevant papers are rejected. In thesecond stage the selected research papers are reviewedbased on the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined inthe review protocol to obtain a final list of primary stud-ies. In this systematic literature more than 3, 087 arti-cles were scanned and initially 75 articles were selected.Then, after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria 52articles were finally selected for a complete review (Ta-ble 2). The rejected articles are listed in (Torkar et al.2008b).

The search was carried out in two steps. During thefirst step the selected electronic resources were exploredonline using the search terms defined in the review pro-tocol. Research papers related to RT were downloadedand their details were recorded. In the second step the se-lected conference proceedings and journals were searchedmanually year by year (Table 1). Research papers relatedto RT were first searched in the records. If they were notfound in the records they were then downloaded.

Only three research papers (Hayes et al. 2007; Ji-rapanthong and Zisman 2007; Shin et al. 2005) werefound by manually exploring the sources listed in Ta-ble 1. These papers were downloaded and their detailsrecorded. Concerning the distribution of research pa-pers in relation to our selected journals and proceedings

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Table 2 Primary studies as found by the systematic review.

Ref. Title(Ahn and Chong 2006) A Feature-Oriented Requirements Tracing Method: A Study of Cost-Benefit Analysis(Antoniol et al. 2002) Recovering Traceability Links Between Code and Documentation(Arkley and Riddle 2005) Overcoming the Traceability Benefit Problem(Bashir and Qadir 2006) Traceability Techniques: A Critical Study(Blaauboer et al. 2007) Deciding to Adopt Requirements Traceability in Practice(Bouquet et al. 2005) Requirements Traceability in Automated Test Generation Application to Smart Card Software Vali-

dation(Bubl and Balser 2005) Tracing Cross-Cutting Requirements via Context-Based Constraints(Cleland-Huang et al. 2002a) Supporting Event-Based Traceability through High-Level Recognition of Change Events(Cleland-Huang et al. 2002b) Automating Speculative Queries through Event-based Requirements Traceability(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a) Event-Based Traceability for Managing Evolutionary Change(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003b) Automating Performance-Related Impact Analysis through Event-Based Traceability(Cleland-Huang et al. 2004) A Heterogeneous Solution for Improving the Return on Investment of Requirements Traceability(Cleland-Huang 2005) Toward Improved Traceability of Non-Functional Requirements(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a) Goal-Centric Traceability for Managing Non-Functional Requirements(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b) Utilizing Supporting Evidence to Improve Dynamic Requirements Traceability(Cleland-Huang et al. 2007) Best Practices for Automated Traceability(de Lucia et al. 2007) Recovering Traceability Links in Software Artifact Management Systems using Information Retrieval

Methods(Dekhtyar et al. 2006) Advancing Candidate Link Generation for Requirements Tracing: The Study of Methods(Dick 2005) Design Traceability(Egyed and Grunbacher 2002) Automating Requirements Traceability: Beyond the Record & Replay Paradigm(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) Extended Requirements Traceability: Results of an Industrial Case Study(Gotel and Morris 2006) Crafting the Requirements Record With the Informed Use of Media(Gross and Yu 2001) From non-functional requirements to design through patterns(Han 2001) TRAM: A Tool for Requirements and Architecture Management(Hayes et al. 2003) Improving Requirements Tracing via Information Retrieval(Hayes et al. 2005) Improving After-the-Fact Tracing and Mapping: Supporting Software Quality Predictions(Hayes et al. 2007) REquirements TRacing On target (RETRO): Improving Software Maintenance through Traceability

Recovery(Heindl and Biffl 2005) A Case Study on Value-based Requirements Tracing(Jarke 1998) Requirements Tracing(Jirapanthong and Zisman 2007) XTraQue: Traceability for Product Line Systems(Kececi et al. 2006) Modeling Functional Requirements to Support Traceability Analysis(Kelleher 2005) A Reusable Traceability Framework using Patterns(Lormans and van Deursen 2005) Reconstructing Requirements Coverage Views from Design and Test Using Traceability Recovery via

LSI(Marcus et al. 2005) Recovery of Traceability Links between Software Documentation and Source Code(Naslavsky et al. 2005) Using Scenarios to Support Traceability(Noll and Ribeiro 2007) Enhancing Traceability Using Ontologies(Ozkaya and Akin 2007) Tool Support for Computer-Aided requirements traceability in Architectural Design: The Case of De-

signTrack(Pohl et al. 1997) Towards Method-Driven Trace Capture(do Prado Leite and Breitman 2003) Experiences Using Scenarios to Enhance Traceability(Ramesh 1998) Factors Influencing Requirements Traceability Practice(Ramesh et al. 1997) Requirements Traceability: Theory and Practice(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) Toward Reference Models for Requirements Traceability(Ravichandar et al. 2007) Pre-Requirement Specification Traceability: Bridging the Complexity Gap through Capabilities(Rochimah et al. 2007) An Evaluation of Traceability Approaches to Support Software Evolution(Salem 2006) Improving Software Quality through Requirements Traceability Models(Sherba and Anderson 2003) A Framework for Managing Traceability Relationships between Requirements and Architectures(Shin et al. 2005) Scenario Advisor Tool for Requirements Engineering(Spanoudakis et al. 2004) Rule-based Generation of Requirements Traceability Relations(Streitferdt 2001) Traceability for System Families(Tvete 1999) Introducing Efficient Requirements Management(Verhanneman et al. 2005) Requirements Traceability to Support Evolution of Access Control(Yadla et al. 2005) Tracing Requirements to Defect Reports: An Application of Information Retrieval Techniques

please see Table 1 (obviously, all papers in the rightmostcolumn are included in Table 2).

Fig. 1 represents the yearly distribution of the pri-mary studies during the period 1997–2007. It is evidentfrom the figure that the number of publications on RTpeaked in the year 2005. One of the reasons for this in-crease in research publications (which can already beseen before 2005) is the International Workshop on Tra-ceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering heldin 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2007 (TEFSE’07 is not partof this search since the publications had not been pub-lished electronically when the study was executed). At

this workshop only research papers related to traceabil-ity were presented and later published electronically.

3 Results from and analysis of the systematicreview

3.1 Definitions of requirements traceability (Question 1)

In (Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) RT is defined as, “theability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, inboth a forward and backward direction (i.e. from its ori-gin, through its development and specification, to its sub-

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Fig. 1 Year-wise distribution of primary studies on requir-ements traceability during 1997–2007.

sequent deployment and use, and through periods of on-going refinement and iteration in any of these phases).”This definition is further used by e.g. (Bashir and Qadir2006; Bouquet et al. 2005; Bubl and Balser 2005; Dick2005; Egyed and Grunbacher 2002; Heindl and Biffl 2005;Jarke 1998; do Prado Leite and Breitman 2003; Rameshand Jarke 2001; Ramesh et al. 1997; Ravichandar et al.2007; Rochimah et al. 2007; Verhanneman et al. 2005).The definition seems to be more precise and comprehen-sive compared to other definitions reported in literature.It describes both pre- and post-RS traceability.

The IEEE Std. 830–1998 defines traceability as, “asoftware requirements specification is traceable if (i) theorigin of each of its requirements is clear and if (ii) itfacilitates the referencing of each requirement in futuredevelopment or enhancement documentation” (IEEE So-ciety 1998). This definition covers both pre-RS traceab-ility and post-RS traceability.

The U.S. Department of Defense Standard 2167A(Dept. of Defence, US 1988) defines traceability as, “thatthe document in question is in agreement with a pre-decessor document to which it has a hierarchical rela-tionship.” Additionally, traceability has five elements,according to DOD-STD-2167A:

– The document in question contains or implements allapplicable stipulations of the predecessor document,

– A given term, acronym, or abbreviation means thesame thing in all documents,

– A given item or concept is referred to by the samename or description in the documents,

– All material in the successor document has its basisin the predecessor document, that is, no untraceablematerial has been introduced, and

– The two documents do not contradict one another.

This definition provides a solid base for researchersto understand and interpret RT, however, the definitiondoes not make a clear distinction between pre- and post-RS raceability.

Table 4 Scope of different definitions as found in the pri-mary studies.

Definition Scope of definitionGotel & Finkelstein Pre- and post-RS traceabilityIEEE Std. 830–1998 Pre- and post-RS traceabilityDOD-STD-2167A Pre- and post-RS traceabilityHamilton & Beeby Pre- and post-RS traceabilityRamesh & Jarke Post-RS TraceabilityEdward & Howell Post-RS traceabilitySpanoudakis Post-RS TraceabilityMurray Post-RS TraceabilityRamesh Post-RS Traceability

Edwards and Howell define RT as, “a technique usedto provide a relationship between the requirements, thedesign and the final implementation of the system.” Thisdefinition reflects the traces from requirement to otherartifacts, which means that it focuses on post-RS trace-ability, but on the other hand ignores pre-RS traceability(Edwards and Howell 1991).

In (Bailin et al. 1997), the authors define traceabilityas providing an “essential assistance in understandingthe relationship that exists within and across softwarerequirements, design and implementation.” This defini-tion is similar to the previous definition by Edwards andHowell, i.e. it focuses only on post-RS traceability.

Hamilton and Beeby define traceability as, “the abil-ity to discover the history of every feature of a system sothat the changes in the requirements can be identified.”This definition covers both pre- and post-RS traceability(Hamilton and Beeby 1991).

In (Ramesh and Jarke 2001) and (Spanoudakis et al.2004) the authors once again focus on post-RS traceabil-ity only. The latter, define traceability as “the ability torelate requirements specifications with other artifact cre-ated in the development life-cycle of a software system.”The former, define traceability as a “property of a systemdescription technique that allows changes in one of thethree system descriptions—requirements, specifications,and implementation—to be traced to the correspondingportions of the other descriptions.”

3.1.1 Analysis of definitions

The primary studies containing definitions on RT gath-ered by the systematic review are presented in Table 3. Inorder to perform an analysis of RT definitions we add twoparameters ‘scope of definition’ as a column in Table 4.The column ‘scope of definition’ provides the aspect oftraceability i.e. pre-RS traceability and/or post-RS tra-ceability.

Hence, the conclusion drawn from Table 4 is that RTis fully defined when both aspects of pre- and post-RStraceability are covered, and that the definitions fromGotel and Finkelstein, Hamilton and Beeby, DOD-STD-2167A and IEEE Std. 830–1998 accomplish this.

It is evident from Table 3 that Gotel and Finkelstein’sdefinition of RT is dominant (more than 80% of the pri-

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Table 3 Primary studies defining or using requirements traceability definitions.

Ref. Definition used(Arkley and Riddle 2005) Arkley & Riddle(Bashir and Qadir 2006) Spanoudakis, Murray, Ramesh, Gotel & Finkelstein and IEEE Std. 830–1998(Bouquet et al. 2005) Gotel & Finkelstein(Bubl and Balser 2005) Gotel & Finkelstein(Cleland-Huang et al. 2002a) Gotel & Finkelstein(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003b) IEEE Std. 830–1998(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a) Gotel & Finkelstein(Cleland-Huang et al. 2007) Gotel & Finkelstein(Dick 2005) Gotel & Finkelstein(Egyed and Grunbacher 2002) Gotel & Finkelstein(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) Gotel & Finkelstein(Heindl and Biffl 2005) Gotel & Finkelstein(Jarke 1998) Gotel & Finkelstein(Kececi et al. 2006) DOD-STD-2167A and IEEE Std. 830–1998(do Prado Leite and Breitman 2003) Gotel & Finkelstein(Ramesh et al. 1997) IEEE Std. 830–1998 and Gotel & Finkelstein(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) Gotel & Finkelstein, Edward & Howell and Hamilton & Beeby(Ravichandar et al. 2007) Gotel & Finkelstein(Rochimah et al. 2007) Gotel & Finkelstein(Spanoudakis et al. 2004) Ramesh & Jarke(Verhanneman et al. 2005) Gotel & Finkelstein

mary studies, which defined requirements traceability,used this definition).

3.2 Challenges in requirements traceability (Question 2)

In this subsection challenges in requirements traceabilitywill be covered (as found in the primary studies). Anytechniques or tools discussed will be covered in subse-quent subsections.

In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a), the authors discussthe results of a survey conducted by Gotel and Finkel-stein in 1994 (Gotel and Finkelstein 1994). Various trace-ability problems were identified in this survey, such as in-formal development methods, insufficient resources, timeand cost for traceability, lack of coordination betweenpeople which were responsible for different traceable ar-tifacts, lack of training in RT practices, imbalance be-tween benefits obtained and efforts spent for implement-ing traceability practices, and failure to follow standards.Cleland-Huang et al. comment that all of these issues areintensified by the challenges of today’s distributed de-velopment environment. In order to solve some of thesechallenges they propose a traceability technique calledevent-based traceability (EBT). This technique createslinks between software artifacts after a change request isexecuted, and, according to the authors, alleviates thecoordination efforts required for maintaining softwareartifacts. Cleland-Huang et al. also recommends othertechniques, e.g. information retrieval (IR), when work-ing with automated RT.

In (Gotel and Morris 2006), the authors describe tra-ceability problems such as, requirements changed by users,and availability of less contextual information in decisionmaking. Gotel and Morris suggests a new dimension inthe field of RT and media to solve these problems. Theypropose a theoretical framework which helps to select theappropriate media for recording requirements-related in-formation.

In (Arkley and Riddle 2005), the authors claim thatvarious project managers and team members perceivethat RT does not offer immediate benefit to the develop-ment process; therefore RT is kept at low priority. Theypropose a new technique, traceable development contract(TDC), to overcome traceability problems. (TDC is usedto control the interaction of development teams and todocument traceability relationships.)

In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b), the authors claimthat manual construction and maintenance of a traceab-ility matrix proves to be costly for various reasons and,hence, it is a common perception that traceability is notfeasible from a financial point of view. In order to solvethis problem, dynamic retrieval methods are used to au-tomate the generation of traceability links.

In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2004), the authors presentthe problem of link maintenance, i.e. the lack of coor-dination between team members results in a failure inmaintaining links between artifacts. Most of the timedevelopers believe that traceability costs more than itdelivers. However, Cleland-Huang et al. point at the factthat excessive usage of traceability can also lead to confu-sion and they then present a combination of traceabilitytechniques in a framework named traceability for com-plex systems (TraCS). They argue that TraCS helps toimplement RT practices in a cost effective manner andbring significant value to an organization.

(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) report the results of anempirical study related to the problems of RT. Theyidentify a set of problematic questions such as, ‘Whoidentifies or discoveres a requirement and how?’ ‘Whowas responsible for the requirement to start with, andwho is currently responsible?’ ‘Who will take care ofchange(s) in requirements?’ ‘What will be the effect onthe project in terms of knowledge loss, if some indi-vidual or the whole group leave the company?’ Goteland Finkelstein then propose a model using contributionstructures to solve these issues. Contribution structures

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reflect the network of people who participate in produc-ing artifacts in requirement engineering. This model ex-tends the artifact-based traceability with traceability ofpeople involved in requirements engineering. This modelis then successfully implemented in a company as a casestudy (Gotel and Finkelstein 1997). The employees ofthe company commented that the proposed model iden-tified the relevant people to rectify the specific problemsregarding changes in requirements. The model has suc-cessfully been used in decision-making concerning staffturnover issues.

In (Blaauboer et al. 2007), the authors investigatehow practicioners (project managers) decide on whenand how to adopt RT. They use a literature review com-bined with Howard’s theory of classical decision making(Howard and Matheson 1984) to identify relevant factorsfor making a decision with respect to traceability. Theythen validate the factors in a large case study. The mainconclusions they reach is that “There is little incentiveto use traceability when most of the benefits are out-side the project” and that there is a lack of awareness.In addition, they claim that one major obstacle is, “theway software development projects [are] contracted andorganized.”

In (Tvete 1999), the author presents experiences froma project related to requirements management improve-ment (specifically RT). Initially the problems related torequirements management were identified in the informa-tion transfer from contract to specification phase as wellas inadequate impact analysis of requirement changes.In this regard three requirements management tools, i.e.DOORS, RTM and RequisitePro were evaluated and, ul-timately, DOORS was recommended for solving traceab-ility issues. (Requirements traceability tools are furthercovered in Section 3.3)

In (Ramesh 1998), the author identifies environmen-tal, organizational and technical factors influencing theimplementation of RT. The environmental factors in-clude inability to use available technologies for RT, suchas reluctance to manually construct a requirements tra-ceability matrix (RTM) by the employees. Organizationalfactors include compliance with standards strictly de-manding RT like CMMI level 3. Technical factors includead-hoc practices and staff employed in organizations.Ramesh proposes tools support, training, and changein system development policies to overcome these chal-lenges.

In (Heindl and Biffl 2005), the authors identify costsassociated with traceability as a factor that obstructs itsimplementation. The traceability costs significantly in-creases if a company uses RT tools. The reason for thisincrease in cost is that existing traceability techniquesdo not differentiate between high and low value requir-ements (the high value requirements are those that aremore important as compared to other requirements andvice versa). The authors propose a method called value-based requirements tracing (VBRT) to solve this cost-

related issue of RT. The VBRT approach identifies highvalue requirements based on parameters like: Number ofartifacts, number of traces (links between software ar-tifacts), and number of requirements. They successfullyimplement this approach in an industrial case study.

In (Cleland-Huang 2005; Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a),the authors identify that organizations fail to trace non-functional requirements (NFRs) like performance, secu-rity and usability. This is, according to the authors, dueto the fact that NFRs have a global impact on the soft-ware system and extensive network of interdependen-cies and trade-offs exist between them. In order to over-come these NFR-related traceability issues an approachcalled goal-centric traceability (GCT) is proposed. Anindustry-based experiment was conducted to verify thistechnique. The experimental results indicate that thisapproach is successful in managing traceability in NFR.

In (Ravichandar et al. 2007), the authors identifyone major problem when tracing requirements back totheir sources. The system validation testing is performedagainst requirements; therefore, there should be a tech-nique to trace requirements back to their sources. Theauthors propose a technique for pre-RS traceability.

3.2.1 Analysis of challenges in requirements traceability

Over time various researchers have reported differentchallenges regarding implementing requirements trace-ability practices. Among these challenges some can bereferred to as commonplace, e.g. cost, time, effort, andteam coordination. In order tackle these challenges, var-ious solutions have been proposed such as new trace-ability techniques, frameworks, models, and various au-tomated traceability tools. The challenges related to RTand their solutions can be classified into three main typeson the basis of the primary studies in the review:

– Challenges addressed by academia (Table 5).– Challenges addressed by academia/industry and ver-

ified in industry (Table 6).– Unsolved issues. Issues which are still unsolved in in-

dustry and academia.

The solutions proposed might not be generic, i.e. suit-able for all types of companies, however, some generalconclusions can be drawn. First, understanding the chal-lenges that might arise when realizing and working withtraceability can be seen as a pre-requisite. Second, thecost and value distribution of RT seems to be off, namelymany of the benefits associated with RT span over andbeyond any single project, while large parts of the costsassociated with establishing and maintaining RT are puton the project. This could hamper the motivation of aproject to work with RT as the benefit is not seen imme-diately. This could be an underlying factor that enhancesmany of the other challenges identified.

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Table 5 Primary studies reporting challenges related to requirements traceability addressed by academia.

Ref. Issue(s) Proposed solution (not verified in industry)(Arkley and Riddle 2005) Requirement traceability does not offer immediate benefit

to development process.Traceable development contract.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a) Informal development methods, Insufficient resources,Time and cost for traceability, Lack of coordination be-tween people, Failure to follow standards.

Event-based traceability.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2004) Lack of coordination between team members. Developersthink that traceability costs more then it delivers. Exces-sive use of traceability generate more links which are noteasy to manage.

Traceability for Complex Systems (TraCS)Framework.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b) Manual construction of an RTM is costly. Solved by the use of IR methods.(Gotel and Morris 2006) Requirements change by user. Less appropriate informa-

tion is available for making decision with requirements.Media recording framework.

(Ravichandar et al. 2007) Problems associated with tracing back to their sources. Pre-RS requirements traceability technique.

Table 6 Primary studies reporting challenges related to requirements traceability addressed by industry.

Ref. Issue(s) Proposed solution (verified in industry)(Blaauboer et al. 2007) Adopting RT Increase awareness and adapt organizations to in-

clude RT.(Cleland-Huang 2005) Failure to trace non-functional requirements e.g. security,

performance and usability.Goal centric traceability evaluated by an experi-ment.

(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) Some problematic questions are identified as challenges:Who identifies a requirement and how? Who was responsi-ble for the requirement to start with and who is currentlyresponsible? Who is responsible for change(s) in requir-ements? What will be the effect on the project in termsof knowledge loss if key employers are quit?

Framework of contribution structure.

(Heindl and Biffl 2005) Cost related to RT. VBRT tested through a case study.(Ramesh 1998) Organizational, environmental and technical factors. Best practices given.(Tvete 1999) Requirements management challenges in industry

projects e.g. inadequate impact analysis and lack ofinformation transfer.

Requirements management tools like DOORSand RequisitePro.

3.3 Requirements traceability tools (Question 3)

This subsection will cover the requirements traceabilitytools found in the primary studies. Any traceability tech-niques discussed in this subsection will be covered in thefollowing subsection.

RETRO Requirements tracing on-target (RETRO) isan RT tool facilitating the automatic generation of req-uirements traceability matrices (RTM). RETRO uses in-formation retrieval (IR) methods and has a GUI front-end (Hayes et al. 2005, 2007; Yadla et al. 2005).

Hayes et al. (Hayes et al. 2007) conducted a casestudy with thirty graduate-level students in a requirem-ents engineering course. The subjects in this case studywere divided into two groups. One group was tracing req-uirements manually using a RTM, while the other groupwas using RETRO. Students who had previous expe-rience of traceability were placed in the former group.Both groups had to trace twenty-two requirements tofifty-two design elements. The results of the case studyrevealed that the students using RETRO produced themost accurate result.

Rational RequisitePro Rational RequisitePro is a requir-ements management tool developed by IBM. It providessupport to save SRS documents and, link requirementsto use-case diagrams and test cases. When change torequirements occur Rational RequisitePro identifies thecorresponding software artifacts that are affected.

It is currently in use in industry and by researchers,e.g. (Cleland-Huang et al. 2002a,b, 2003a, 2004, 2007;Hayes et al. 2003, 2005) have all identified it as a requir-ements management tool, which also supports traceabil-ity.

DOORS DOORS, is a requirements management tooldeveloped by Telelogic (now IBM). It is used to capture,link, trace, analyze, and manage changes to the requir-ements. It provides ways to create and traverse links be-tween requirements (for example a link can be createdby a drag and drop operation). DOORS is also helpfulin change management; it immediately flags the changesthat could impact other requirements. In addition to allthis DOORS also support dynamic report generation.

From 1997 to 2007 several researchers have reportedusing DOORS as an automated requirements manage-ment tool. DOORS has been covered implicitly or ex-plicitly by several researchers (Arkley and Riddle 2005;Cleland-Huang et al. 2007, 2003a, 2002a,b, 2004; Hayeset al. 2003, 2005; Ramesh and Jarke 2001; Tvete 1999).

DesignTrack According to (Ozkaya and Akin 2007), De-signTrack is a prototype tool supporting RT. It providestraceability between requirements and architectural de-sign. DesignTrack helps organizations by providing anintegrated environment for requirements modeling andspecification. An architect can use this tool to manageissues of design requirements and other design tasks.

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The primary goals of DesignTrack is to: (i) Provide anintegrated environment for designers to manage requir-ements information along with exploration. (ii) Facilitatethe designers to reuse previous requirement information.(iii) Permit designers to track changes as they go throughrequirements specifications or from explorative tasks.

TRAM TRAM, or tool for requirements and architec-tural management, is a tool for managing system ar-chitecture, system requirements and the traceability be-tween them. This tool is based on an information modelidentifying the relationship between requirements engi-neering and architectural design.

According to (Han 2001), TRAM has been used incase studies indicating positive results, however, thesepositive results are not explicitly discussed.

Scenario Advisor Tool In software engineering, scenarioscan be used to model system functionality. Scenarios actas mediators between requirements engineers and soft-ware artifacts like specifications and design documents.The scenario advisor tool provides traceability supportbetween scenario models and requirements. It also facili-tates in generating new scenarios and scenario variations(Shin et al. 2005).

In (Shin et al. 2005), an empirical study is reportedwhere the authors try to determine the usefulness of thescenario advisor tool in scenario-based traceability. Anexperiment was conducted with two groups. One groupused the scenario advisor tool, while another did not usetool support. The subjects of the group without toolsupport were eight postgraduate students and two re-searchers. In the group using the scenario advisor toolthe subjects were nine postgraduate students and oneresearcher. The members of both groups had no previ-ous experience in traceability using scenarios. The resultsof this experiment indicated that the scenario advisortool helped users to write scenarios without any domainknowledge, i.e. users can write better scenarios and cantrace requirements to scenario models. In the debriefinginterviews some users reported that the tool could beimproved if it provided a scenario template or a step-by-step procedure to write good scenarios.

Other traceability tools The RT tools listed in Table 7were not sufficiently described by the contributions foundin the systematic review. Neither detailed informationregarding how they worked nor any empirical evidencerelated to them was reported by literature.

3.3.1 Analysis concerning requirements traceability tools

Requirements traceability tools help in maintaining tra-ceability by e.g. automatically generating links betweenvarious software artifacts and requirements. DOORS andRational RequisitePro are widely used requirements man-agement tools which also provide traceability support.

Table 7 Primary studies reporting on traceability tools lack-ing empirical evidence or sufficient description. The tool (sec-ond column) was introduced in the article(s) found in the firstcolumn.

Reference Tool(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a;Ramesh and Jarke 2001)


(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a) CRADLE(Hayes et al. 2003, 2005; Rameshand Jarke 2001)


(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) Marconi RTM(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) RTS(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) Rtrace(Ramesh and Jarke 2001) Teamwork/RQT

Tools like DesignTrack and TRAM provide traceabil-ity between requirements and architecture. On the otherhand Scenario Advisor Tool provides traceability sup-port between requirements and scenarios and RETRO isa ‘pure’ traceability tool facilitating automatic genera-tion of RTM.

The results of the systematic review reveal that allof the above traceability tools except DesignTrack havebeen evaluated empirically. Furthermore, it seems thatrequirements management tools are widely used insteadof tools focusing exclusively on traceability support. Ta-ble 8 provides a comparison of the RT tools found in thesystematic review (containing a sufficent description orproviding empirical evidence).

Based on the results of the systematic review, the RTtools can be classified into three categories:

First, requirements management tools providing tra-ceability support. This category includes tools that aredeveloped to facilitate requirements management activi-ties in general. Traceability is a part of the requirementsmanagement process and, hence, these tools also sup-port traceability. This category includes tools like Ra-tional RequisitePro, DOORS, DesignTrack and the Sce-nario Advisor Tool.

Second, requirements traceability tools. This cate-gory includes tools that are used exclusively for man-aging RT, e.g. tools like RETRO and TRAM.

Third, other requirements management and traceab-ility tools. This category includes those tools that areonly reported casually by the systematic review articles,i.e. the articles gathered by the systematic review donot describe details regarding the tool nor empirical ev-idence regarding their use. This category includes toolsas listed in Table 7. It is worth noticing that eight out ofa total of thirteen tools covered in the review were lack-ing any actual validation, either in industry or in a labenvironment (Gorschek et al. 2006). We are not able topositively draw the conclusion that no validation existsas it could be covered publication not included in thisreview. Although the fact that more than 60% of thetools found have no validation in the associated publica-tions might be an indication of inadequate validation, inwhich case the usability and usefulness of the tools havenot be tested.

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Table 8 Comparison of found requirements traceability tools sufficently described or providing empirical evidence.

Ref. Tool Description Type Empirical evidence(Arkley and Riddle 2005;Cleland-Huang et al. 2007,2003a, 2002a, 2004) (Dekht-yar et al. 2006; Hayes et al.2003; Ramesh and Jarke2001; Tvete 1999)

DOORS It is used to capture,link, trace, and managechanges to requirements.

Requirements manage-ment tool that supportstraceability.

Currently used in indus-try.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2007,2003a, 2002a,b) (Cleland-Huang et al. 2004; Dekhtyaret al. 2006; Hayes et al. 2003)

Rational RequisitePro Provides support to linkrequirements to use-casediagrams, test cases andsave SRS in its database.

Requirements manage-ment tool providingtraceability support.

Currently used in indus-try.

(Han 2001) TRAM Managing system archi-tecture and system req-uirements.

It supports traceabilitybetween them.

Case studies

(Hayes et al. 2005, 2007;Yadla et al. 2005)

RETRO Facilitate automaticgeneration of RTM.

Traceability tool. Case study (Hayes et al.2007).

(Ozkaya and Akin 2007) DesignTrack Traceability betweenrequirements and archi-tectural design.

Requirements manage-ment tool supportingRT.

No Empirical Evidence,however sufficiently de-scribed.

(Shin et al. 2005) Scenario Advisor Tool Traceability betweenscenario models andrequirements.

Helps in writing scenar-ios but supports trace-ability.


3.4 Requirements traceability techniques

This subsection covers the requirements traceability tech-niques found in the primary studies of the systematicreview.

Value-based requirements tracing Many existing tracingapproaches make no distinction between requirementsthat are very valuable to trace and requirements that areless valuable to trace. This increases the efforts relatedto RT and therefore seems more costly to implement inpractice (Heindl and Biffl 2005). The tracing value de-pends on several parameters like stakeholder importance,risk or volatility of requirement and the necessary trac-ing cost. The value-based requirements tracing (VBRT)technique takes these parameters into consideration.

Ramesh (Ramesh 1998) identify two types of trace-ability users namely low-end and high-end traceabilityusers. The low-end traceability users capture traceabil-ity information uniformly for all requirements, therefore,in many cases, they also treat traceability as expensive.On the other hand high-end traceability users recognizethat all requirements are not equal with respect to theircriticality or significance. Therefore, they maintain tra-ceability for critical project requirements to keep costunder control but still achieve some traceability bene-fits.

The goal of VBRT is to identify traces or traceabilitylinks based on prioritized requirements. The identifica-tion of traces early in the project life-cycle is easier thanin the later stages. VBRT reduces the traceability effortsfor the prioritized requirements according to (Heindl andBiffl 2005). The VBRT process consists of five steps asdescribed below (Heindl and Biffl 2005) and illustratedin Fig. 2.

During the requirements definition the project man-ager or requirements engineer analyzes the software req-uirements specification to identify atomic (single irre-

Fig. 2 Overview of the value-based requirements traceabil-ity process. The dashed arrows indicate an explicit or implicitconnection between the activities. The actor ‘Project man-ager’ can be substituted in some cases by e.g. a requirementsengineer.

ducible) requirements. A unique identifier is assigned toeach requirement by the requirements engineer. The re-sult of the requirements definition step is a set of requir-ements and their IDs.

In the requirements prioritization phase all stake-holders assess the requirements based on three param-eters, i.e. the value, the risk and the effort of each re-quirement. The result of this phase is an ordered list ofprioritized requirements based on the three priority lev-els.

The packaging of requirements is optional and allowsa group of architects to identify clusters of requirements.These clusters of requirements help to develop and refinean architecture from a given set of requirements.

During the linking of artifacts the team identifies tra-ceability links between requirements and artifacts. Im-portant requirements are traced in more detail than other

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requirements. These important requirements can be iden-tified from the list of prioritized requirements based onthree levels developed in the requirements prioritizationstep. A traceability plan is the by-product of this phase.

Finally, during the evaluation phase, a project man-ager can use traces for various purpose such as to esti-mate the impact of a change.

Heindl and Biffl (Heindl and Biffl 2005) conducted acase study using VBRT at Siemens, Austria. The project‘Public Transport on Demand’ consisted of 46 requir-ements that were selected to compare full tracing andVBRT.

The results of the case study was:

1. Focusing on the most important requirements reducedefforts as compared to tracing all requirement. Thehigh effort spent in requirements tracing is the factordue to which projects do not implement traceability.The effort can be reduced using VBRT, which took35% less effort compared to full tracing.

2. It is easier to capture traceability information in ear-lier phases of the software development life-cycle ascompared to capturing traceability in later stages.(For example if no traceability information is main-tained during the project.)

3. The prioritization step of VBRT identifies the most‘valuable’ requirements that are needed to be tracedin more detail.

Feature-oriented requirements tracebility Artifacts, likesoftware requirements specification, design documents,source code and test cases, are produced during softwaredevelopment. When a change request (CR) occurs at anystage during the software development life-cycle, it mightbe difficult to discover the software artifacts affected bythe CR. Additionally, it may be difficult for softwareengineers to construct and manage traceability links ingeneral. The approach of the feature-oriented requirem-ents tracing (FORT) technique aims at reducing the dif-ficulty in managing traceability links by identifying themthrough prioritized requirements and by constantly con-sidering cost and efforts (Ahn and Chong 2006).

In order to understand the concept of FORT someterms need to be introduced as given below (Ahn andChong 2006):

– Features are the key characteristics of the product.These features can be classified on the basis of ca-pabilities, domain technologies, implementation tech-nologies and operating environments.

– The process of identifying features and then organiz-ing them in a model called a feature model.

– The user visible characteristics that can be identi-fied as operations, nonfunctional characteristics anddistinct services.

– The domain technologies represent the way of imple-menting a service or an operation.

Table 9 Priority levels and classification of artifacts.

Level Granularity Classification of artifacts1 Low Components2 Medium Class3 High Methods

– Generic functions or techniques that are used to im-plement domain functions, services, and operationsare called implementation techniques.

– The environments in which the applications are inuse are called operating environments.

– There are three types of relationships in feature mod-eling. The ‘composed-of relationship’ is used whenthere is a whole-part relationship between a featureand its sub-features. In ‘generalization/specializationrelationship’ features are the generalizations of sub-features. Where as ‘implemented-by relationship’ isused when one feature is necessary to implement theother feature.

The FORT process then consists of five phases (Ahnand Chong 2006):

First, requirements definition which in its turn con-sists of three activities: Analyzing requirements specifi-cation, identifying atomic requirements and assigning anidentifier to each requirement. The aim of the requirem-ents definition phase is to normalize user requirementsto map them to various artifacts. In order to achievethis the requirements specification is analyzed and at-omic requirements are identified. A unique identifier isthen associated with each requirement. The result of thisphase is a list of requirements with identifiers.

Next, feature modeling which consists of three ac-tivities: Identifying categories and features, organizingfeature diagrams and assigning requirements related tofeatures. According to (Ahn and Chong 2006), featurediagrams are developed by identifying the categories inthe target system and features in each category. At thisstage relationships between features are also taken intoconsideration. Finally all requirements are assigned toeach feature. The result of this phase is a feature dia-gram and a list of features.

Third, is feature prioritization, which consists of twoactivities: Estimating values of requirements and order-ing a list of features. In the feature prioritization phasestakeholders estimate the requirements based on value,risk and effort for each requirement. Next, the featuresare prioritized. (FORT provides a scale for feature priori-tization as shown in the Table 9 (Ahn and Chong 2006).)

Fourth, there is the requirements linking phase. Thisphase consists of three activities assigning artifacts torelated feature, breaking down implementation elementsin different levels and establishing RT links. In requir-ements linking, RT links are generated and all artifactsare assigned to the related features. Then, implemen-tation items are broken down by granularity levels andtraceability links are established. These traceability linksare actually the relationships among requirements, fea-

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Table 10 Results of case study on car rental system. No. oftraceability links (TL) corresponds to TL = l∗m∗n, where lis the number of components, m is the number of classes andn is the number of methods. Efforts of generating traceabilitylinks (ETL) is ETL = l[∗m, [∗n]]/TR ∗ 100.

Granularity TL ETLLow 9 4Medium 49 28High 152 100

Table 11 Comparison between value-based and feature-oriented requirements traceability.

Criteria VBRT FORTWell-defined process Partial support SupportsValue-added tracing Supports SupportsFeature modeling No support SupportsVariability consideration No support SupportsEfforts reduction High HighTool support Yes NoEmpirical evidence Case study Case Study

tures and artifacts. Similarly important requirements aretraced in more detail compared to less important requir-ements. This phase results in a list of traceability links.

Finally, we have the traceability links evaluation phasethat consists of two activities: Actual usage of traceab-ility links in during development and refinement of tra-ceability links. In short, traceability links are used forconflict analysis, change impact analysis and consistencychecking in during development. Based on this evalua-tion, the traceability links can be changed, removed oradded.

The authors in (Ahn and Chong 2006) provide em-prirical evidence related to FORT. Feature-oriented req-uirements tracing was applied in a case study to a carrental system containing 9 components, 49 classes and152 methods. The results of this case study are seen inTable 10.

The case study’s result indicate that FORT reducesefforts for generating traceability links with 24–72% (Ahnand Chong 2006).

In short, FORT provides variability information bythe use of feature modeling. This variability is helpful toestimate the impact of requirements change. FORT alsoreduces the efforts to create traceability links by prior-itizing the features and, additionally, provides a tightrelationship between requirements and artifacts by thehelp of an intermediate catalyst.

We have made a table between value-based and feature-oriented requirements tracing so as to clearly see the dif-ferences, Table 11 (Ahn and Chong 2006), since the twotechniques are fairly similar to each other at first glance.

Pre-RS requirements traceability In pre-RS tracing, req-uirements are traced back to their source. These sourcesare basically the user needs that, in most cases, corre-sponds to unstructured information. Requirements en-gineers use interviews, questionnaires or prototyping togather user needs during the process of requirements

elicitation. These needs are then documented as req-uirements in an SRS. Traceability between requirementsand their sources is one of the biggest challenges facedby the research community according to (Ravichandaret al. 2007). In system validation the system is validatedagainst the requirements and in the case of a test failingit might be necessary to trace a requirement back to itssources.

The approach of pre-RS traceability, as explained in(Ravichandar et al. 2007), is based on capabilities engi-neering. Capabilities engineering is a process for develop-ing change-tolerant systems by using functional abstrac-tions known as capabilities.

The capabilities engineering process is based on threephases:

First, the problem space that represents the concep-tual region which is associated with the problem domain(Ravichandar et al. 2007). There are two important en-tities in the problem space: Needs and directives. Theneeds represent the user’s view of the system. The needsspecify what is desired of the system from user’s perspec-tive, expressed in the language of the problem domain.Directives are the detailed characteristics of the systemor requirements with context information. There are twopurposes of directives in the problem space. The first is tocapture domain information and the second to facilitateprogress from problem space to transition space. In theproblem domain needs are decomposed into directives.Decomposition is achieved with the help of functional de-composition (FD) graphs and is a directed acyclic graphrepresented as G = (V,E), where V is the vertex and Eis the edge. The FD graph’s root represents the overallmission of the system and edges represent the directives.The internal nodes between root and leaves are the func-tional abstractions. The FD graph provides traceabilitylinks between needs and directives.

Second, we have the transition space which, accord-ing to (Ravichandar et al. 2007), is defined as a col-lective aggregation of the system view, capabilities andproblem domain. The two main entities in the transi-tion space are initial and optimized capabilities. For-mulation and optimization are two capabilities engineer-ing activities in transition space. The initial capabilitiesare the functional abstractions with high cohesion andlow coupling whereas the optimized capabilities are theconstraints of technology feasibility and implementationschedules. The formulation activity identifies initial ca-pabilities from all possible abstractions present in the FDgraph. These initial capabilities show high cohesion andlow coupling. Cohesion represents the togetherness of el-ements within the entity and coupling is the interdepen-dences between elements. The aim of the optimizationactivity is to identify the set which best accommodatesthe constraints of schedule and technology. The initialcapabilities are the input for optimization activities.

Finally, there is the solution space that representsthe technical area relevant to the system being devel-

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oped. The important entity in the solution space is therequirement. In the solution space a requirement repre-sents users’ expectations from the system and is subjectto quality constraints, e.g. testability, verifiability, accu-racy, and un-ambiguity (Ravichandar et al. 2007). Theinput to the solution space is the optimized set of capa-bilities with their directives that are then transformedinto requirements. In capabilities engineering based pre-RS traceability, only directives associated with the ca-pabilities chosen for development are transformed intorequirements. The relevance value can be used to deter-mine critical requirements while transforming directivesto requirements and represents the importance of a di-rective in achieving the objective of its parent node. Forinstance, a directive with relevance 1 is mission criticaland therefore the requirements associated with this di-rective are also mission critical.

Table 12 provides a summary of the pre-RS traceab-ility process using the capabilities engineering approach.In (Ravichandar et al. 2007) the authors do not provideany empirical evidence regarding the success of this ap-proach, however they claim that this approach is veryuseful in RT.

Event-based traceability The event-based traceability ap-proach (EBT) was proposed by Cleland-Huang et al. in(Cleland-Huang et al. 2002b, 2003a). The main reasonfor developing EBT was to provide maintenance of tra-ceability relationships. Cleland-Huang et al. define tra-ceability relationships as publisher-subscriber relation-ship. In this relationship, dependent objects, i.e. arti-facts, have to subscribe to their respective requirementson which they are dependent. Whenever a requirementchange occurs, an event message is published, which isthen notified to all dependent objects.

According to (Cleland-Huang et al. 2002a), there arethree main components which participate in the wholeprocess, requirements manager, event server and sub-scriber manager. The requirements manager managesthe requirements and publishes the event messages tothe event server, whenever a change request occurs. Theevent server is responsible for three main activities: (i)It handles subscriptions from dependent objects. (ii) Itis responsible for listening to event messages receivedfrom the requirements manager. (iii) It publishes or for-wards event messages to the relevant subscribers. Thesubscriber manager is responsible for listening to theevent server and for receiving and managing the eventnotifications.

Event-based traceability handles functional requir-ements and non-functional requirements, and it providesa solution to the traceability update problem. Addition-ally, it can be used in combination with requirementsmanagement tools like DOORS and Rational Requisite-Pro according to (Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a).

Information retrieval The information retrieval (Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a; Hayes et al. 2003; Cleland-Huanget al. 2005b) approach (IR) is used to automate the gen-eration of traceability links. Commonly used IR methodsinclude: Vector space model (VSM), different probabilis-tic models and latent semantic indexing (LSI) (Marcuset al. 2005). Information retrieval methods are based onsimilarity comparison and probabilistic values of two ar-tifacts.

According to (Rochimah et al. 2007) IR methods in-clude three general steps: (i) Pre-processing. (ii) Analyz-ing, indexing, creating its representation and archiving.(iii) Analyzing incoming artifacts using some ranking al-gorithms.

Whenever a pair of artifacts reach a specific rank, itis considered as a candidate link that must be reportedto the analyst for a final decision, i.e. the analyst differ-entiates between true and false links. IR methods signifi-cantly reduce the effort required for creating traceabilitylinks between artifacts but, on the other hand, it stillrequires significant efforts by the analyst.

IR methods like VSM and LSI are used in the RT toolRETRO (de Lucia et al. 2007; Hayes et al. 2005). Re-search on IR methods has focused on tracing functionalrequirements, however there is one exception where theauthors in (Cleland-Huang 2005) used IR methods ingoal-centric traceability for tracing non-functional req-uirements (this is covered later in this section).

Rule-based approach The basic purpose of the rule-based(RB) approach is to automatically generate traceabilitylinks using rules (Spanoudakis et al. 2004). There aretwo traceability rules, i.e. requirement-to-object-modeltraceability (RTOM) rule and inter-requirements trace-ability (IREQ) rule.

These rules are used for three specific documents:Requirements statement document (RSD), use case doc-uments (UCD), and the analysis object model (AOM).RSD and UCD are traced to an AOM by using RTOMrules. IREQ rules are used for tracing between RSD andUCD. The RB approach presents all of the documentsand both of the rules in an XML-based format. TheRB approach consists of four steps: Grammatical tag-ging of the artifacts, converting the tagged artifacts intoXML representations, generating traceability relationsbetween artifacts, and generating traceability relationsbetween different parts of the artifacts.

Feature-model based approach The feature-model based(FB) approach is described in (Riebisch and Hubner 2005).In feature modeling, requirements are described as over-views and models as a variability of the product line. Afeature model consists of graphs along with nodes andedges, while nodes are the features and edges are thefeatures relations. Each feature represents a property ofthe product from a customer’s point of view. There are

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Table 12 Pre-RS traceability using the capabilities engineering (CE) approach.

CE phase Entities CE activity Input ViewProblem space Needs, directives Decomposition User needs UserTransition space Initial and optimized ca-


FD graph System

Solution space Finalized capabilities(requirements)

Transformation Optimized capabilities System

three types of features: Functional features, interface fea-tures, and parameter features. Feature relations can beclassified into three categories: Hierarchical relations; inthis case most important feature is placed at a high po-sition in the hierarchy. Refinement relations, which areused to define the relations of generalization, specializa-tion and aggregation. Exclude relations, which define theconstraints between variable features which can influencethe sequence of the decision of the product.

Scenario-based approach According to the proposal by(Cleland-Huang 2005; Rochimah et al. 2007) scenariosare used to model system functionality and to gener-ate functional test cases. Scenario-based test cases cre-ate a mapping between requirements and other artifactslike design and code. The traceability is established bymapping scenarios with the design elements. Scenariosare created to trace only the interesting cases thereforethey might not provide complete coverage. However, sce-narios are frequently used by several architectural as-sessment methods like the architectural trade-off assess-ment method and the software architecture assessmentmethod.

Process centered engineering environments In (Pohl et al.1997), the authors describe a traceability technique, i.e.process centered engineering environment (PCEE). Thetechnique is used for tracing non-functional requirem-ents. A PCEE is composed of three domains: Modeling,enactment and performance. Processes and traceabilitytasks are defined in modeling domain. The software en-gineering process and related traceability tasks are con-trolled by the enactment domain. These software engi-neering and traceability tasks are implemented in theperformance domain.

The process centered engineering environments canbe used to trace both functional and non-functional req-uirements (Cleland-Huang 2005; Pohl et al. 1997). Non-functional requirements can be traced by connecting themwith architectural assessment methods in the enactmentdomain.

Design patterns In (Gross and Yu 2001), the authorspropose a technique using design patterns for tracingnon-functional requirements. The technique was utilizedby (Cleland-Huang 2005) in a model to depict traceabil-ity links between a softgoal interdependency graph andunderlying object-oriented design. This model is basedon the application of pattern detection algorithms within

a subset of high-level explicitly traced classes. The tech-nique supports traceability of any non-functional require-ment that can be implemented as a design pattern.

Traceability matrices Traceability matrices are often usedin industry to define relationships between requirementsand other artifacts (Cleland-Huang 2005), e.g. designmodules, code modules and test cases. By using traceab-ility matrices the links, between requirements and otherartifacts, are often manually created. Traceability ma-trices suffer from scalability and maintenance problemsaccording to (Cleland-Huang 2005).

Keywords and ontology In (Cleland-Huang 2005), a tech-nique is described named ‘keywords and ontology’, whichis based on language extended lexicon (Cysneiros and doPrado Leite 2004).

Keywords and ontology provides traceability supportbetween UML diagrams and non-functional requirementsmodelled in the form of goal tree. Keyword representingboth domain and non-functional requirements, are em-bedded in a goal tree and UML diagrams. This approachrequires maintenance and systematic use of keywordsthroughout the evolution of system; therefore there isno need to maintain a central traceability matrix.

Aspect weaving Aspect oriented programming (AOP) es-tablishes traceability between aspects (lower level NFR)and code. According to (Cleland-Huang 2005) in AOPsuitable concerns are modelled as aspects. In these as-pects dispersed functionality is encapsulated into a sin-gle entity. This single entity is woven into the code withthe help of a special complier based on the set of aspectweaving rules.

Concerns can be categorized as functional and non-functional (Cleland-Huang 2005). The non-functional con-cerns include high level NFR such as maintainability,performance and security. Non-functional concerns areless concrete to be implemented as aspects. Functionalconcerns are more concrete concerns because their be-havior is easily definable and they can be expressed interms of aspect weaving rules. The functional concernsinclude requirements like e.g. logging and authentication.

Goal-centric traceability The traceability of NFRs (non-functional requirements) is difficult. This is due to thefact that extensive interdependencies and trade-offs ex-ist between them. In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a), the

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authors propose a technique called goal-centric traceab-ility (GCT) to trace non-functional requirements. Thistechnique has been successfully evaluated in a case studyon a real world project.

In GCT a softgoal interdependency graph (SIG) isused to model NFRs as goals and operationalizations(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a). The SIG is a frameworkwhich helps developers to model NFR during softwaredevelopment. In a SIG goals are the NFRs to be satisfied,whereas operationalizations are development, design orimplementation techniques that help in satisfying NFRs(Chung et al. 1999).

GCT has four distinct phases (Cleland-Huang et al.2005a): Goal modeling, impact detection, goal analysisand decision making. These phases are briefly explainedbelow.

Goal modeling occurs during elicitation, specificationand architectural design of the system. Goal modeling issub-divided into two phases, developing a SIG and main-taining SIGs. When developing a SIG, the non-functionalgoals are modelled as softgoals, which are decomposedinto operationalizations and then negotiated and agreedwith the stakeholders. During the maintainance phase aSIG is maintained throughout the life of software systemto accommodate the impact of change. Traceability linksare established as functional model of the system and setof potentially impacted SIG elements. One representa-tion of the functional model can be UML diagrams. Thefunctional change is usually implemented at code levelor design level.

The ability to understand the impact of change inUML models help developers to evaluate the impact ofchange before implementing it in the code.

The third phase, the goal analysis, is sub-divided intotwo sub-phases. During contribution re-analysis the im-pact of change is propagated throughout the SIG to eval-uate its effects on system wide goals. While, according to(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a), during goal re-evaluationeach operationalization is examined to determine howthe proposed change influences the satisfaction of its par-ent goal. Any parent goal that no longer satisfied is alsore-evaluated to determine how it impacts its own parent.This process is continued until all potential goals havebeen re-evaluated. The output of this phase is an impactanalysis report that identifies all goals that are eitherpositively or negatively affected by the proposed change.

Finally, the decision making phase is sub-divided intotwo sub-phases: Decision and impact evaluation. Duringthe decision sub-phase stakeholders examine the impactreport to decide whether to proceed with the proposedchange or not. In the impact evaluation sub-phase stake-holders evaluate the impact of the proposed change uponNFR goals and identify risk mitigation strategies.

Concerning empirical evidence, the authors in (Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a) report on an experimental evaluationof GCT in the ‘Ice Breaker System’. The system managesde-icing services to prevent ice formation on roads. This

system receives information from weather stations androad servers. This system consists of 180 functional req-uirements and nine NFR related to accuracy, availability,safety, usability, security, extensibility, completeness andcost.

The results of the case study reveal that GCT pro-vides support to developers to manage the impact offunctional changes on non-functional requirements. Theuse of a probabilistic retrieval algorithm reduces tracingefforts in link retrieval. The probabilistic retrieval algo-rithm dynamically retrieves traceability links for NFRs.

3.4.1 Analysis of requirements traceability techniques

On the basis of extracted information we classify RTtechniques on the rationale of requirements type (func-tional, non-functional or both) and traceability aspects.

Value-based and feature-oriented requirements trace-ability techniques are used to trace functional requirem-ents. Whereas keywords and ontology, design pattern,and goal-centric traceability techniques provides trace-ability for non-functional requirements.

The techniques which provide traceability for bothfunctional and non-functional requirement are pre-RSrequirements traceability, event-based traceability, infor-mation retrieval, traceability matrices, process centeredengineering environment, aspect weaving, and scenario-,hypertext- and rule-based approaches.

Among all these traceability techniques only pre-RSrequirements traceability technique emphasis on pre-RStraceability aspects, the rest of the techniques focus onpost-RS traceability aspects. The results of this discus-sion are summarized in Table 13.

It is obvious from Table 13 that 15 techniques wereidentified in the systematic review, however it is interest-ing to note that almost three out of four lack empiricalevidence.

Similarly it can be observed from Table 13 that sometechniques are discussed in more than one paper. In Fig.3 one can see how often a technique has been ‘published’,which might indicate how mature a techniques is.

Among the techniques shown in Fig. 3 only informa-tion retrieval and goal-centric traceability have empiri-cal evidence; whereas techniques like event-based, rule-based and scenario-based traceability have no empiricalevidence reported in literature. To be blunt, event-basedtraceability is discussed in nine articles and but has noreported empirical evidence, i.e. experiment, survey orcase study, that is reported in the articles.

In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a), ‘M-Net’, a web basedconferencing system with 300 requirements and an initialset of 250 links, is analyzed. The example was used toillustrate the concept of event-based traceability. Unfor-tunately, this example only demonstrated the feasibil-ity of event-based traceability to solve synchronizationproblems related to the updating artifacts and resolvingtraceability links. (The authors claim that a long-term

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Table 13 Summary of comparision between different traceability techniques. (F and NF, in the fourth column from left,stands for functional and non-functional, respectively.)

Ref. Technique Aspect Type of req. Empirical evidence(Ahn and Chong 2006) Feature-oriented requirement tracing Post-RS F Case study(Cleland-Huang et al. 2004; Cleland-Huang2005; Rochimah et al. 2007) (Cleland-Huanget al. 2003b, 2002a; Salem 2006) (Hayes et al.2003; Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a, 2002b)

Event-based traceability Post-RS F & NF None

(Cleland-Huang 2005) Matrices Post-RS F & NF None(Cleland-Huang 2005) Keywords & ontology Post-RS NF None(Cleland-Huang 2005) Aspect weaving Post-RS F & NF None(Cleland-Huang 2005; Cleland-Huang et al.2005a)

Goal-centric Post-RS NF Experiment

(Cleland-Huang 2005; Rochimah et al. 2007) Scenario-based Post-RS F & NF None(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a; Cleland-Huang2005; Rochimah et al. 2007) (de Lucia et al. 2007;Dekhtyar et al. 2006; Hayes et al. 2003) (Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b; Antoniol et al. 2002)

Information retrieval Post-RS F & NF Case study

(Gross and Yu 2001) Design patterns Post-RS NF None(Heindl and Biffl 2005) Value-based requirements traceability Post-RS F Case study(Ravichandar et al. 2007) Pre-RS requirement tracing Pre-RS F & NF None(Rochimah et al. 2007) Hypertext-based Post-RS F & NF None(Rochimah et al. 2007) Feature-model based Post-RS F & NF None(Rochimah et al. 2007; Spanoudakis et al. 2004) Rule-based Post-RS F & NF None(Pohl et al. 1997) Process centered engineering environment Post-RS F & NF None













Information retrieval




Fig. 3 Descriptive statistics showing the number of timesa technique has been ‘published’ according to the primarystudies.

empirical study of event-based traceability is currentlyunder way.)

In (Cleland-Huang et al. 2004) the authors describe aframework known as TraCS. It uses event-based traceab-ility to trace performance related requirements, howeverthere is no empirical evidence connected to TraCS.

The conclusions drawn from examining the empiri-cal evidence of RT are reported in Table 14. These con-clusions could be of interest while selecting a particulartechnique for providing solutions in academia or indus-try or when developing a framework for requirementstraceability.

Based on the systematic review results, the traceab-ility techniques can be divided into two types:

1. Techniques facilitating pre-RS traceability. This typeincludes those traceability techniques which help todescribe the life of requirements when they are notincluded in the requirements specification. There is

only one technique in this category, i.e. pre-RS req-uirements traceability (see Section 3.4).

2. Techniques facilitating post-RS traceability. This typeincludes those techniques which help to trace the lifeof requirements when they are included in the requir-ements specification and forward. These techniquescan be further divided into three types based on thesystematic review’s results (see Table 8).(a) Techniques focusing on tracing functional requir-

ements, i.e. VBRT and FORT.(b) Techniques focusing on tracing non-functional req-

uirements, i.e. design patterns, keywords and on-tology, and goal-centric traceability.

(c) Techniques favouring traceability of both func-tional and non-functional requirements. The tech-niques included in this category are EBT, IR,hypertext-, featuremodel- and scenario-based ap-proach, process centric environment, matrices andaspect weaving.

4 Answers to questions connected to thesystematic review

In this section the questions presented in the reviewprotocol (see Section 2.1) are addressed. By answeringthese questions the two research questions will also beanswered.

Question 1. What is requirements traceability basedon state-of-the-art research and standards?

The definition of RT based on state-of-the-art re-search and standards is discussed in Section 3.1. It is ob-vious from the systematic review results that Gotel andFinkelstein, Hamilton and Beeby, and IEEE Std. 830–1998 provide comprehensive and state-of-the art defini-tions of RT, and that the definition of Gotel and Finkel-stein is most widely used in literature. Hence according

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Table 14 Conclusions drawn from the empirical evidence on traceability techniques.

Ref. Technique Conclusions(Ahn and Chong 2006) Feature-oriented requirements

tracing (FORT)1. FORT provides variability information based of featuremodeling which is useful to estimate requirements change.2. FORT reduces efforts by being based on feature prior-itization.

(Cleland-Huang 2005; Cleland-Huang et al.2005a)

Goal-centric traceability (GCT) 1. GCT facilitates to manage impact of functional changeupon the non-functional requirements. 2. GCT helps tomanage critical system qualities such as safety, security,reliability, usability and performance.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005a; Cleland-Huang2005; Rochimah et al. 2007) (de Lucia et al.2007; Dekhtyar et al. 2006; Hayes et al. 2003)(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b; Antoniol et al.2002)

Information retrieval (IR) 1. It is very hard to maintain links in constantly evolvingsystems. (IR methods facilitate dynamic link generation.)2. The results of a case study indicate that “IR provides apracticable solution to the problem of semi-automaticallyrecovering traceability links between code and documen-tation.”

(Heindl and Biffl 2005) Value-based requirements trac-ing (VBRT)

1. The traceability efforts are reduced by focusing on mostimportant requirements as compared to full tracing. 2. Itis easier to capture traceability related information in ear-lier phases of software development lifecycle.3. The prior-itization step of VBRT identifies important requirementsto be traced in more detail than others. 4. In VBRT im-portant requirements are identified based on parametersstakeholder value, requirements risk/volatility and trac-ing costs. 5. Tracing requirements into code at methodlevel provides more useful and detailed information thantracing into class level.

to Gotel and Finkelstein’s view, RT is the ability to fol-low and describe the life of requirements both in forwardand backward direction throughout the development, de-ployment and refinement cycle.

Question 2. Which are the challenges when imple-menting requirements traceability and how does researchaddress these challenges?

The challenges when implementing RT (and possiblesolutions) are discussed in Section 3.2.

We have classified these challenges into three cate-gories: (i) Challenges addressed by academia (Table 5).(ii) Challenges addressed by industry (Table 6). (iii) Chal-lenges addressed by neither academia nor industry (asdescribed in 3.2.1). The general challenges of cost andvalue of RT, i.e. the projects have the costs, but bothpre- and post-project phases benefit from well realizedand maintained RT, may be central.

Question 3. Which are the various requirements tra-ceability tools according to research literature?

The RT tools identified by the systematic review arediscussed in Section 3.3. The authors have categorizedRT tools into three categories as shown in Fig. 4. Thesecategories are requirements management tools provid-ing traceability support, RT tools and other requirem-ents management/traceability tools. The lack of empiri-cal evaluation (validation) of the tools might be a seriousindicator.

Question 4. What requirements traceability tech-niques are reported in research literature?

The RT techniques reported in the primary studiesare dicussed in Section 3.4. We have grouped traceab-ility according to two aspects of RT as shown in Fig.5. One interesting finding, which is noticeable throughthis categorization, is the fact that there is very littleresearch done in the area of pre-RS traceability. In ad-

Fig. 4 Requirements traceability tools as found by this sys-tematic review.

Fig. 5 Requirements traceability techniques found by thesystematic review.

dition it should be noticed that eleven out of fifteen RTtechniques lack empirical validation either through lab-validation in academia (e.g. experiments), or through in-dustry case studies or pilots.

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5 Interviews conducted in industry

In order to determine RT challenges in industry, inter-views were conducted with two software developmentcompanies. These interviews are summarized below. Thequestionnaire used and the response to the questions canbe found at (Torkar et al. 2008a).

5.1 Company A

5.1.1 Introduction

Company A is based in Sweden and a world-leadingtelecommunication company (the interviewee were se-lected from one of the company’s divisions). Company Aprovides telecommunications equipment and other tele-com related services in 140 countries. More than 1,000networks use Company A’s products and 40% of all mo-bile calls are made through systems provided by Com-pany A. Company A is one of few telecom companies thatoffer end-to-end solutions for all major mobile commu-nication standards. The company is ISO 9000 certified.

5.1.2 Interviewee

The authors’ first interviewee was person x. She is work-ing as a discipline driver for a whole product unit. She isalso responsible for the implementation of RT practices.Person x has been working at Company A for the lastten years and she has specifically worked with RT forthe last five years. The authors’ second interviewee wasperson y. Person y is working as a requirements man-ager and responsible for overall requirement engineeringactivities. Person y has been working at Company A forthe last nine years and focused on RT for the last 1.5years.

5.1.3 Traceability practices

Persons x any y believe that RT is an important anduseful activity within requirements management. Thereare thirty people working in requirements engineeringand 3–5 people are dedicated to RT practices. Accord-ing to the interviewees traceability is beneficial for thecompany due to several reasons.

One of the major benefits is customer satisfaction.Customer can check and follow the product developmentprogress according to their requirement. Requirementstraceability provides a guarantee for requirements en-gineers and product managers that every requirementis implemented. Requirements traceability helps to en-sure impact analysis and derivation analysis. Requirem-ents traceability facilitates impact analysis. Whenever achange request is initiated at any stage we can trace therequirements or design artifacts or test cases that can be

affected. Similarly in coverage analysis RT ensures im-plementation of all requirements. Interviewees also men-tioned that normally there are 200 change requests perproject.

5.1.4 Tool support for traceability

According to x and y, Company A use an automatedrequirements management tool named MARS which isdeveloped by IBM specifically for Company A. Thereis a specific module in MARS which is responsible fortraceability. Company A also uses another tool named‘Focal Point’ for storing the elicited requirements. Af-ter entering the requirements into Focal Point the MainRequirement Specification (MRS) is generated from it.After generating the MRS, it is entered into MARS.

By using MARS, requirements are stored in a centralrepository. Each requirement has a number of attributesand a unique identifier, i.e. ID, slogan and description.Traceability of requirements is obtained by using MARSand Focal Point as both tools are synchronized. Requir-ements traceability matrices are generated to cater forRT. These matrices are used to constantly be up-to-dateregarding the status of a requirement and whether therequirement is implemented or not. MARS also facili-tates change management. Change requests are initiatedbased on the requirements stored in MARS. A changecontrol board analyzes the change request and decidesto accept or reject it. In case of acceptance, changes aremade permanent in MARS (versioning is also handled).

5.1.5 Factors influencing requirements traceability

According to the interviewees traceability is very well im-plemented in MARS. Despite this, there are a few issuese.g. the manual decomposition of master requirementsspecification into detailed requirements for RT. Further-more the maintenance cost of MARS is also very high,therefore Company A is thinking about using anothertool in the future.

5.2 Company B

5.2.1 Introduction

Company B develops both bespoke and market-drivenproducts for its customers. This company is involved indeveloping application suites and frameworks for mobilephones based on the Symbian operating system. Com-pany B is neither ISO9000 nor CMMI certified.

In Company B the requirements engineering activ-ities are monitored by a department named SoftwareDevelopment Organization (SDO). The responsibility ofSDO is to capture, clarify, process and trace requirem-ents to testing and implementation. There are thirty peo-ple working in the SDO; out of which thirteen peoplework with capturing requirements.

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5.2.2 Interviewee

Interviewee z has been working as a software quality en-gineer in Company B for the last two years. The currentjob responsibilities of person z include process develop-ment, requirements matrix measurement and controllingthe development projects.

Although person z is not directly working with req-uirements engineering but as a software quality engineer,he has knowledge of requirements engineering activitiesin Company B.

5.2.3 Traceability practices

In Company B the high level requirements are knownas Market Requirement Specification (MRS). They aredecomposed into Product REQuirements (PREQs). ThePREQs are further decomposed into a Feature Specifica-tion (FS), which is specified at a low level. Traceabilityis maintained by establishing connection between everyMRS, PREQ and FS; and vice versa.

There is no traceability in design and source code. Intesting, each FS is connected to at least one test casewhich must have passed. The traceability is only main-tained within the requirements and testing phases.

5.2.4 Tool support for traceability

Company B is using two different tools for managing req-uirements and test cases. These tools are RequirementsManagement System (RMS) and Test Management Sys-tem (TMS). The RMS is used to manage requirementslike MRS, PREQ and FS. It also provides traceabilitysupport but only against the requirements part. TMS isused to manage and store test cases.

There is no link between the RMS and the TMS.The traceability against FS, to test cases, is maintainedmanually with the help of a Requirements TraceabilityMatrix (RTM). The RTM is maintained in MS Excel.

5.2.5 Benefits of implementing traceability

In Company B, requirements are decomposed into Mar-ket Requirements Specification (MRS) which is furtherdecomposed into PREQ and then to FS. Traceabilityprovides a higher level of details for the software engi-neers and helps in identifying the source of the FS. Sim-ilarly traceability from MRS to test cases ensures thatthe feature is ‘complete’.

Traceability helps in impact analysis. In CompanyB impact analysis is done in several ways. If it is doneearly in the development life-cycle during PREQ phase;usually by the product manager. The product managershould have sufficient competency to declare that thischange will affect the product in one way or another.But during development, impact analysis is done by theteam responsible for managing the component affectedby the change.

5.2.6 Factors influencing requirements traceability

Company B has good traceability support between fea-ture specifications, product requirement specifications andfunctional specification according to person z But atthe moment it is very difficult to determine requirem-ents completion in a project. The requirement comple-tion means that the FS has been developed and verifiedfor specific project. There is no direct link between RMSand TMS. The FS that is verified for a particular projectis then maintained manually using MS Excel. Therefore,tool support is one factor affecting RT.

Company B is not maintaining traceability betweenrequirements to design and code phase. The traceabilityis maintained only between requirements and test cases.Therefore it is very difficult to identify the componentsthat are affected by change requests in design and devel-opment phase. There are normally 5–8 change requestsfor every twenty features.

5.3 Analysis of interviews

The results of the case studies are interesting in the sensethat Company A and Company B are fairly differentwith regards to traceability policies. The analysis of theinterview reveals that they can be placed into two differ-ent categories (Ramesh 1998), i.e. high-end and low-endtraceability users.

For requirements management, Company A is usinga formal tool, MARS, which also provides traceabilitysupport. MARS was tailored by IBM for Company A.On the other hand Company B lacks formal methodsfor traceability. Company B uses automated tools forrequirements management (RMS) and test case man-agement (TMS). Although the automated traceabilityis only maintained in RMS. There is no traceability indesign and code. Furthermore, to establish traceabilitylinks between RMS and TMS, traceability matrices aremanually maintained using MS excel.

Company B uses static methods like traceability ma-trices that are not updated automatically as the sys-tem evolves. Therefore, manual traceability matrices losemost of their usefulness after creation (low-end traceab-ility users often exhibit this aspect). Whereas, high-endtraceability users recognize the need for maintaining tra-ceability, which helps in reflecting the current status ofthe system and generate traceability documentation atany point in the development life-cycle. This practice isexercised by Company A and not by Company B.

As stated by (Ramesh 1998), low-end traceabilityusers view traceability as a mandate from the customer,while high-end traceability users consider traceability asan important component of the overall quality engineer-ing process. In Company A traceability is an integral partof the quality assurance process. Similarly there are ap-proximately 200 change request per project in Company

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A and, hence, they rely on traceability to identify theaffected software artifacts due to change request. On theother hand, their automated requirements managementtool (MARS) also provides richer traceability support.

In short, Company B implements traceability to en-sure that two conditions are fulfilled. First, that highlevel requirements known as MRS are decomposed intolow level requirements called Feature Specifications. Sec-ond, to guarantee that a feature is complete. In the prac-tices followed by Company B, a feature is said to becomplete when there is a traceable link between MRSand test cases. Albeit these conditions are not enoughby themselves, we can conclude that Company A has afairly well defined traceability processes. In the futureCompany A is planning to shift to another requirementsmanagement tool (Rational RequisitePro), a tool whichis briefly discussed in Section 3.3. One question is if anew tool will solve the problems with high maintenanceidentified as a major challenge for Company A?

In Company B traceability practices are not fully im-plemented. Although they are using tools for managingrequirements (RMS) and tools for managing test cases(TMS), these tools provide traceability only for requir-ements and test cases, i.e. there is no traceability supportbetween RMS and TMS. Similarly no traceability infor-mation is maintained for traceability between the designand development phase.

High-end traceability users like Company A view tra-ceability as one of the core requirements engineering prac-tice. They believe that traceability delivers more than itcosts. They can develop traceability tools in-house orpurchase them. On the other hand, low-end traceabilityusers like Company B, while acknowledging the impor-tance of traceability, treat traceability more as an expen-sive overhead.

In the systematic review the authors identified thechallenges related to traceability (reported in Tables 5and 6). The views of Companies A and B are summarizedin Table 15 connected to the challenges identified by thesystematic review.

Table 15 contains some very interesting results. Forinstance both companies believe that traceability deliv-ers more than it costs. But in case of Company B there isno traceability in design and code phase and, in addition,Company B uses manual RT for maintaining traceabilitylinks.

The challenges related to RT mapped to both thesystematic review and the case studies can be seen inTable 16.

It is evident from Table 16 that some of the challengesidentified by the systematic review also hold in practice.

6 Threats to validity

An analysis of validity threats enhance the accuracy ofa research design by identifying factors which can affect

the results. In this section four different kinds of valid-ity threats and their implications are discussed (Wohlinet al. 2000).

6.1 Conclusion validity

One of the main purposes of a review protocol in a sys-tematic review is to eliminate researcher bias (Kitchen-ham 2004). The review protocol (see Section 2.1) wasreviewed by two independent researchers having experi-ence in conducting systematic reviews. In addition, therelevance of search terms and search resources definedin the review protocol was ensured by conducting pilotsearches.

The questionnaires used for the interviews in indus-try were validated to rectify poor questions and flow inthe layout of questionnaire. The heterogeneity of sub-jects is another threat to conclusion validity (Wohlinet al. 2000). Heterogeneity of subjects means that thesubjects belong to varied group with respect to back-ground, education and experience. While homogeneityof subjects means that the subjects belong to the samegroup based on education, background and experience.In our case, person x worked as a discipline driver inthe process area of RT for five years whereas person yworked as a requirements manager and had experience1.5 years of experience in RT. Person z had been workingas a software quality engineer for two years. In short, thesubjects of our interviews would be hard to categorize asheterogeneous or homogeneous.

6.2 Construct validity

Evaluation apprehension is the main threat to constructvalidity. According to (Wohlin et al. 2000), evaluationapprehension means that humans have the tendency tolook better when they are evaluated. On the other handsome people are afraid of being evaluated. In order toeliminate this threat the interviewees in both companieswere ensured that they and their companies would beanonymous.

Mono-operation bias is another threat to constructvalidity. Mono-operation bias means that there is a singleindependent variable, case, subject or treatment in a re-search study (Wohlin et al. 2000). We have decreased thisthreat by conducting interviews at two software compa-nies. In Company A we interviewed two requirementsengineers and in Company B we interviewed one qualityengineer.

6.3 Internal validity

In our case, the interviews were recorded and it is a com-mon observation that people may not feel comfortable ifthe interview is audio taped. In order to eliminate this

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Table 15 Views of Company A and B concerning challenges identified in the systematic review.

Ref. Issues identified in systematic review View of Company A and B(Arkley and Riddle 2005;Blaauboer et al. 2007)

Requirement traceability does not offer immediatebenefit to development process.

Both companies disagree with it. Requirements tra-ceability offers benefits for both the companies.

(Blaauboer et al. 2007; Cleland-Huang et al. 2004)

Lack of coordination between team members, de-velopers think that traceability costs more then itdelivers, excessive use of traceability generate morelinks that are not easy to manage.

Both companies believe that traceability deliversmore than it cost. Both companies do not considerlack of coordination between team members and gen-eration of traceability links as factors affecting trace-ability.

(Blaauboer et al. 2007; Ramesh1998)

Organizational, environmental and technical fac-tors.

These factors are observed in both companies. Basedon these factors Company A is classified as being a‘high-end traceability user’ and Company B is classi-fied as ‘low-end traceability user’

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2003a) Informal development methods, insufficient re-sources, time and cost for traceability, lack of coor-dination between people, failure to follow standards.

Among these challenges the cost for traceability is asignificant factor for both companies.

(Cleland-Huang 2005) Failure to trace non-functional requirements (NFR)like security, performance and usability.

These factors are important for both companies. TheNFRs like security, performance and usability are ofinterest to Company B as they are developing appli-cations for mobile phones. However Company B lackssupport for traceability of NFR.

(Cleland-Huang et al. 2005b) Manual construction of requirements traceabilitymatrix (RTM) is costly.

Manual construction of RTM is costly for CompanyA, therefore they are focusing on using automatedtools. Manual construction of RTM is cheap for Com-pany B, therefore they are using MS Excel sheets formanual construction of RTM.

(Gotel and Finkelstein 1997) Some problematic questions are identified as chal-lenges e.g. who identify a requirement and how, whowas responsible for the requirement to begin with,who is currently responsible, who will take care ofchange(s) in requirements, what will be the effecton project in terms of knowledge loss, if some indi-vidual or the whole group leave from company?

These challenges are not important for both compa-nies. Company A is using the MARS tool and Com-pany B is using RMS that takes care of these chal-lenges.

(Gotel and Morris 2006) Requirements change by user, less appropriate in-formation is available for making decision with req-uirements.

Requirements change by user is always there but bothcompanies have maintained enough information tomake decision about requirements.

(Heindl and Biffl 2005) Cost and effort related to RT. Cost related to RT is important issue for both com-panies.

(Ravichandar et al. 2007) Problems associated with tracing back to theirsources.

This issue is resolved in Company A by using theMARS tool. This problem is important but unsolvedin the case of Company B.

(Tvete 1999) Requirements management challenges in industryprojects like e.g. inadequate impact analysis, lackof information transfer.

Both companies have resolved these challenges by req-uirements management tools like MARS and RMS.

Table 16 Most important challenges/issues deduced from the systematic review and from interviews in industry. In thethird column SR is short for systematic review and I is short for interview conducted in industry.

Problem/issue Motiviation SourceCost and efforts related to RT. Cost and efforts are the major factors due to which companies do not

use traceability.SR & I

How much traceability is enough? This question is still unanswered and research community is working tosolve this issue.


Change requests or requirements change. If a company is not following traceability practices then it is very diffi-cult to manage change requests.


Failure to trace non-functional requirements. There are number of interdependencies and trade-offs between non-functional requirements. Therefore NFR are important with respect totraceability.


Tracing requirements back to their sources. Tracing requirements back to their sources helps to identify origin ofrequirements. This issue is one of the key factors responsible for defec-tive RT.


Traceability support between all phases of a software de-velopment life-cycle.

Traceability should be maintained between all the artefacts producedduring the software development and maintenance. In e.g. Company Bthere is a lack of traceability support design and code phase.


potential threat to internal validity the interviewees wereassured that the recordings would only be used by us.

The internal validity threat related to the systematicreview is mainly the publication bias. Publication biasrefers to the fact that positive results are more likely tobe published than the negative facts (Kitchenham 2004).In order to eliminate this threat the selected conferencesand proceedings mentioned in Table 1 were manually

searched. Similarly the ‘study quality assessment andprocedures’, as mentioned in the review protocol, de-creased the factor of publication bias according to ouropinion.

Selection of subjects from a population also affectsinternal validity (Wohlin et al. 2000). In our case weinterviewed people working in the process area of requir-ements engineering. However, one of our subjects (person

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z) did not work directly with RT. Nevertheless, personz had adequate educational background, experience andknowledge about the practices related to RT and requir-ements engineering carried out in Company B.

6.4 External validity

One of the threats to external validity is the interactionof selection and treatment (Wohlin et al. 2000). Thisoccurs when wrong subjects are taken from the popu-lation and, hence, the results cannot be generalized tothe whole population. In our case the subjects of our in-terviews are people working in the process area of RT.On the other hand, we acknowledge, that there still isa threat that validation results may not be generalizedto companies related to other software engineering do-mains.

7 Conclusions

This paper presented a systematic review on requirem-ents traceability (RT). The systematic review augmentedand to parts validated in industry through two case stud-ies.

The first thing evaluated by the systematic reviewwas to ascertain the most commonly used definition ofRT. Gotel and Finkelstein’s, “the ability to describe andfollow the life of a requirement in both forwards andbackwards direction (i.e. from its origins, through its de-velopment and specification to its, subsequent deploy-ment and use, and through periods of on-going refine-ment and iteration in any of these phases)” was themost commonly used definition (about 80%). The mainmotivation for this investigation was to ascertain whatcommon understanding researchers working on RT used.This maps to both the challenges identified, and the tech-niques and methods developed to address them. An in-teresting observation is that cost is often used as a mainmotivation for not implementing adequate traceabilitypolicies, and maintaining traceability. Large parts of thecosts of maintaining traceability rests on the project,and while the benefits are felt by projects, they are alsospread to both pre- and post-project activities. Giventhis, project motivation may be less than optimal, pos-sibly influencing or enhancing other issues such as coor-dination, roles and responsibilities, and the use of tech-niques. This could be further aggravated by the difficultyin deciding which requirements to trace carefully (e.g.critical or volatile requirements). As an example can bementioned results form the case study, both Company Aand B recognize the benefits of RT, and offer the viewthat the benefits outweigh the costs, although this mightnot be directly evident by the individual project. Requir-ements traceability, over time, as a product evolves overreleases, can be critical for maintaining traceability be-tween requirements implemented in a certain release and

associated test cases. A defect appearing at a customersite not running the latest version can thus be traced,and the correct test cases can be employed after de-fect removal. This is especially common in market-drivenproduct development of software intensive systems withlong lifetimes, sometimes spanning over decades.

Looking at both the techniques/methods and toolsdeveloped to address the challenges additional observa-tions can be made. First, most techniques and tools werenot validated empirically. Even the ones covered in sev-eral publications lacked validation, the papers focusedon extensions and new application, not evaluation. Thismight be a result of not catching the validation pub-lications in the review, although we consider the sheeramount to be an indicator of overall validation being ab-sent in many cases. The implications from a academicperspective is that we build on non-validated techniquesas we refine and extend, and from a industrial perspec-tive, with no empirical evidence it is hard to gauge theusability and usefulness beyond the illustrations offeredin the publications.

Among all traceability techniques only the pre-RStechnique emphasizes pre-RS traceability aspects, therest of the techniques focus on post-RS traceability as-pects. This is contrary to Gotel and Finkelstein’s defi-nition where post-RS is only one aspect. This might bean indication of that development project are the focus,and not what happens before or after a project. The pos-sible implications of this is evident as the benefits of RTis only partly associated with the project. This is espe-cially true looking at product development going beyondthe ‘one shot’ bespoke development projects.

The realization that RT reaches over the project per-spective and into the product life-cycle perspective mightbe an important realization for both industry and resear-chers. It will enable techniques that offer a complete RTsolution, which might include, and take inspiration from,the good-examples presented through this systematic re-view, and extending them to cover a life-cycle perspec-tive. These new techniques would also give industry thepossibility to see RT as something more than a projectproblem as the cost and effort can be spread over thepre-RT (e.g. product management), in project, and thepost-project (next release or maintenance) perspectives.


This work was partly funded by the Knowledge Foun-dation, Sweden (under a research grant for the BESQproject).


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